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High precision in vivo entrance and exit dose measurements have been performed with p-type diodes on patients during 8 MV X-ray irradiation of the pelvis, to investigate the accuracy of dose calculations in this region. Based on phantom measurements the accuracy of the p-type diode measuring system itself, i.e. the agreement with ionisation chamber dose measurements, was shown to be better than 0.7% while the reproducibility in the dose determination was 1.1%, 1.5% and 1.6% (1 S.D.) at the entrance point, isocentre and exit point, respectively, for the wedged lateral fields. Patient movement and the uncertainty in the diode position increased these values to 1.7%, 1.5% and 3.1% (1 S.D.) for dose determinations on patients. From the entrance and exit in vivo dose values the dose actually delivered to the isocentre was determined. For the anterior-posterior beams a good correspondence for most patients was observed at the entrance and exit point and at the isocentre between the in vivo and calculated dose values. For the wedged lateral beams a systematic deviation of about 3% was observed. In addition to the in vivo dose measurements phantom dose measurements have been performed to quantify the accuracy of the dose calculation algorithms including the computation of the number of monitor units. These measurements also served to quantify the effects of the actual patient on the dose delivery. The measurements showed that accurate calculation of the dose requires a separation of the head and phantom scatter contribution of the output of the treatment machine. The dependence of the wedge factor on field size, depth and source-skin-distance has also to be considered for accurate dose calculations. The effect of the patient on the dose calculation is mainly related to the actual electron densities of fat and bone structures compared to water: neglecting these densities in the dose computation could yield deviations up to 8.5% for the exit point in wedged beams. Based on these results, improvements in the dose calculation algorithms and monitor unit calculation including the use of the actual electron densities will be implemented in the treatment planning procedure.  相似文献   

The 3-dimensional (3-D) dose distribution as calculated in clinical practice for tangential breast treatment was verified by means of in vivo dosimetry. Clinical practice in our institution implies the use of 8 MV X-ray beams, a 2-D treatment planning system, collimator rotation and a limited set of patient data for dose calculations. By positioning diodes at the central beam axes as well as in the periphery of the breast the magnitude of the dose values at the isocentre and in points situated in the high-dose regions behind the lung could be assessed. The position of the diodes was verified by means of an on-line portal imaging device. The reproducibility of these in vivo dose measurements was better than 2% (1 SD). Our study showed that on the average the dose delivery at the isocentre is 2% less and at the points behind the lung, 5.7% higher with respect to the calculated dose values. Detailed analysis of these in vivo dosimetry results, based on dose measurements performed with a breast shaped phantom, yielded the magnitudes of the errors in the predicted dose due to several limitations in the dose calculation algorithms and dose calculation procedure. These limitations are each introducing an error of several percent but are compensating each other for the dose calculation at the isocentre. We concluded that the dose distribution in a patient for our treatment technique and dose calculation procedure can be predicted with a 2-D treatment planning system in an acceptable way. A more accurate prediction of the dose distribution can be performed but requires an estimation of the lack of scatter due to missing tissue, the change in the dose distribution due to oblique incident beams and the incorporation of the actual output of the treatment machine in the assessment of the number of monitor units.  相似文献   

The increased interest during recent years in the use of small megavoltage photon beams in advanced radiotherapy techniques has led to the development of dosimetry recommendations by different national and international organizations. Their requirement of data suitable for the different clinical options available, regarding treatment units and dosimetry equipment, has generated a considerable amount of research by the scientific community during the last decade. The multiple publications in the field have led not only to the availability of new invaluable data, but have also contributed substantially to an improved understanding of the physics of their dosimetry. This work provides an overview of the most important aspects that govern the physics of small megavoltage photon beam dosimetry.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Conformal radiotherapy requires accurate knowledge of the actual dose delivered to a patient. The impact of routine in vivo dosimetry, including its special requirements, clinical findings and resources, has been analysed for three conformal treatment techniques to evaluate its usefulness in daily clinical practice. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Based on pilot studies, routine in vivo dosimetry quality control (QC) protocols were implemented in the clinic. Entrance and exit diode dose measurements have been performed during two treatment sessions for 378 patients having prostate, bladder and parotid gland tumours. Dose calculations were performed with a CT-based three-dimensional treatment planning system. In our QC-protocol we applied action levels of 2.5% for the prostate and bladder tumour group and 4.0% for the parotid gland patients. When the difference between the measured dose at the dose specification point and the prescribed dose exceeded the action level the deviation was investigated and the number of monitor units (MUs) adjusted. Since an accurate dose measurement was necessary, some properties of the on-line high-precision diode measurement system and the long-term change in sensitivity of the diodes were investigated in detail. RESULTS: The sensitivity of all diodes decreased by approximately 7% after receiving an integrated dose of 10 kGy, for 4 and 8 MV beams. For 34 (9%) patients the difference between the measured and calculated dose was larger than the action level. Systematic errors in the use of a new software release of the monitor unit calculation program, limitations of the dose calculation algorithms, errors in the planning procedure and instability in the performance of the accelerator have been detected. CONCLUSIONS: Accurate in vivo dosimetry, using a diode measurement system, is a powerful tool to trace dosimetric errors during conformal radiotherapy in the range of 2.5-10%, provided that the system is carefully calibrated. The implementation of an intensive in vivo dosimetry programme requires additional staff for measurements and evaluation. The patient measurements add only a few minutes to the total treatment time per patient and guarantee an accurate dose delivery, which is a prerequisite for conformal radiotherapy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: To check the dose delivered to patients during intraoperative electron beam radiation therapy (IOERT) for early breast cancer and also to define appropriate action levels. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between December 2000 and June 2001, 54 patients affected by early-stage breast cancer underwent exclusive IOERT to the tumour bed using a Novac7 mobile linac, after quadrantectomy. Electron beams (5, 7, 9 MeV) at high dose per pulse values (0.02-0.09 Gy/pulse) were used. The prescribed single dose was 21 Gy at the depth of 90% isodose (14-22 mm). In 35 cases, in vivo dosimetry was performed. The entrance dose was derived from the surface dose measured with thin and calibrated MD-55-2 radiochromic films, wrapped in sterile envelopes. Films were analysed 24-72 h after the irradiation using a charge-coupled-device imaging system. Field disturbance caused by the film envelope was negligible. RESULTS: The mean deviation between measured and expected doses was 1.8%, with one SD equal to 4.7%. Deviations larger than 7% were found in 23% of cases, never consecutively, not correlated with beam energy or field size and with no evidence of linac daily output variation or serious malfunctioning or human mistake. The estimated overall uncertainty of dose measurement was about 4%. In vivo dosimetry appeared both reliable and feasible. Two action levels, for unexplained observed deviations larger than 7 and 10%, were preliminary defined. CONCLUSIONS: Satisfactory agreement between measured and expected doses was found. The implementation of in vivo dosimetry in IOERT is suggested, particularly for patients enrolled in a clinical trial.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Underdosage in the human larynx may be the true factor behind the decrease in local control rates. PATIENTS AND METHODS: To evaluate underdosage with Monte Carlo a CT-based geometrical model of the patient's neck (mathematical neck) was created. Dose was calculated for a pair of 6 Me V parallel-opposed photon beams modulated with 15 degree steel wedges. RESULTS: At least 5% of volume of 3.5 cm(3) hypothetical tumor near the air wall of the larynx receives less than 86% of the maximum tumor dose. The same volume received less than 91% of the maximum tumor dose when the mathematical neck had no air cavities. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude the significant underdosage at the air-tissue interface in the larynx occurs in traditional radiotherapy treatments, especially in the glottic part of the larynx.  相似文献   

Relocatable frame for stereotactic external beam radiotherapy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A non-invasive head fixation system is described which is accurately relocatable and enables the transfer of stereotactic positions between a variety of radiodiagnostic images and therapeutic procedures. The system can be simply and repeatedly applied for planning stereotactic radiation therapy from one or more diagnostic images and for repeated treatment with a conventional linear accelerator. In addition, the long-term effects of therapy can be objectively monitored by relocating the frame and repeating images in an identical way, months or years later.  相似文献   

放疗已经成为宫颈癌的主要治疗手段之一,近年来在体外精确放疗技术治疗期间,器官运动、摆位误差、解剖学变化等因素可能导致实际接受剂量与初始计划不一致,从而造成靶区剂量不足及危及器官受照剂量过多。自适应放疗( ART)可根据治疗过程中所得到的位置、体积、剂量等参数的反馈信息,利用图像引导及个体化建模等方法对后续治疗计划进行相应的优化和调整,从而在提高局部控制率的同时降低放疗不良反应的发生率。  相似文献   

Recent developments in external beam radiotherapy, both in technical advances and in clinical approaches, have prompted renewed discussions on the potential influence of dose-rate on radio-response in certain treatment scenarios. We consider the multiple factors that influence the dose-rate effect, e.g. radical recombination, the kinetics of sublethal damage repair for tumors and normal tissues, the difference in α/β ratio for early and late reacting tissues, and perform a comprehensive literature review. Based on radiobiological considerations and the linear-quadratic (LQ) model we estimate the influence of overall treatment time on radio-response for specific clinical situations. As the influence of dose-rate applies to both the tumor and normal tissues, in oligo-fractionated treatment using large doses per fraction, the influence of delivery prolongation is likely important, with late reacting normal tissues being generally more sensitive to the dose-rate effect than tumors and early reacting tissues. In conventional fractionated treatment using 1.8-2 Gy per fraction and treatment times of 2-10 min, the influence of dose-rate is relatively small. Lastly, the dose-rate effect in external beam radiotherapy is governed by the overall beam-on-time, not by the average linac dose-rate, nor by the instantaneous dose-rate within individual linac pulses which could be as high as 3 × 106 MU/min.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the potential advantages of using strong magnetic fields to increase tumor dose and to decrease normal tissue dose in radiation therapy. Strong magnetic fields are capable of altering the trajectories of charged particles. A magnetic field applied perpendicularly to the X‐ray beam forces the secondary electrons and positrons to spiral and produces a dose peak. The same magnetic field also prevents the electrons and positrons from traveling downstream and produces a lower dose region distal to the dose peak. The locations of these high‐ and low‐dose regions are potentially adjustable to enhance the dose to the target volume and decrease the dose to normal tissues. We studied this effect using the Monte Carlo simulation technique. The EGS4 code was used to simulate the effect produced by a coil magnet currently under construction. The coil magnet is designed to support up to 350 A operating current and 15 T peak field on windings. Dose calculations in a water phantom show that the transverse magnetic field produces significant dose effects along the beam direction of radiation therapy X‐rays. Depending on the beam orientation, the radiation dose at different depths along the beam can be increased or reduced. This dose effect varies with photon energy, field size, magnetic field strength, and relative magnet/beam geometry. The off‐axis beam profiles also show considerable skewness under the influence of the magnetic field. The magnetic field‐induced dose shift may result in high dose regions outside the geometrical boundary of the initial radiation beam. We have demonstrated that current or near‐term magnet technology is capable of producing significant dose enhancement and reduction in radiation therapy photon beams. This technology should be further developed to improve our ability to deliver higher doses to the tumor and lower doses to normal tissues in radiation therapy. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate the use of metal oxide silicon field effect transistors (MOSFETs) as in vivo dosimetry detectors during electron beams at high dose-per-pulse intraoperative radiotherapy. METHODS AND MATERIALS: The MOSFET system response in terms of reproducibility, energy, dose rate and temperature dependence, dose-linearity from 1 to 25 Gy, angular response, and dose perturbation was analyzed in the 6-9-MeV electron beam energy range produced by an intraoperative radiotherapy-dedicated mobile accelerator. We compared these with the 6- and 9-MeV electron beams produced by a conventional accelerator. MOSFETs were also used in clinical dosimetry. RESULTS: In experimental conditions, the overall uncertainty of the MOSFET response was within 3.5% (+/-SD). The investigated electron energies and the dose rate did not significantly influence the MOSFET calibration factors. The dose perturbation was negligible. In vivo dosimetry results were in accordance with the predicted values within +/-5%. A discordance occurred either for an incorrect position of the dosimeter on the patient or when a great difference existed between the clinical and calibration setup, particularly when performing exit dose measurements. CONCLUSION: Metal oxide silicon field effect transistors are suitable for in vivo dosimetry during intraoperative radiotherapy because their overall uncertainty is comparable to the accuracy required in target dose delivery.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The prostate is known to translate and rotate under influence of rectal filling changes and many studies have addressed the magnitude of these motions. However, prostate shape variations also have been reported. For image-guided radiotherapy, it is essential to know the relative magnitude of translations, rotations, and shape variation so that the most appropriate correction strategy can be chosen. However, no quantitative analysis of shape variation has been performed. It is, therefore, the purpose of this article to develop a method to determine shape variation of complex organs and apply it to determine shape variation during external beam radiotherapy of a GTV (gross tumor volume) consisting of prostate and seminal vesicles. METHODS AND MATERIALS: For this study, the data of 19 patients with prostate cancer were used. Each patient received a planning computed tomography (CT) scan and 8-12 (11 on average) repeat CT scans that were made during the course of conformal radiotherapy. One observer delineated the GTV in all scans, and volume variations were measured. After matching the GTVs for each patient for translation and rotation, a coverage probability matrix was constructed and the 50% isosurface was taken to determine the average GTV surface. Perpendicular distances between the average GTV and the individual GTVs were calculated for each point of the average GTV, and their variation was expressed in terms of local standard deviation (SD). The local SDs of the shape variation of all 19 patients were mapped onto a reference case by matching and morphing of the individual average GTVs. Repeated delineation of the GTV was done for 6 patients to determine intraobserver variation. Finally, the measured shape variation was corrected for intraobserver variation to estimate the "real" shape variation. RESULTS: No significant variations in GTV volume were observed. The measured shape variation (including delineation variation) was largest at the tip of the vesicles (SD = 2.0 mm), smallest at the left and right side of the prostate (SD = 1.0 mm), and average elsewhere (SD = 1.5 mm). At the left, right, and cranial sides of the prostate, the intraobserver variation was of the same order of magnitude as the measured shape variation; elsewhere it was smaller. However, the accuracy of the estimated SD for intraobserver variation was about half of the accuracy of the estimated SD for the measured shape variation, giving an overall uncertainty of maximum 0.6 mm SD in the estimate of the "real" shape variation. The "real" shape variation was small at the left, right, and cranial side of the prostate (SD <0.5 mm) and between 0.5 mm and 1.6 mm elsewhere. CONCLUSIONS: We developed a method to quantify shape variation of organs with a complex shape and applied it to a GTV consisting of prostate and seminal vesicles. Deformation of prostate and seminal vesicles during the course of radiotherapy is small (relative to organ motion). Therefore, it is a valid approximation in image-guided radiotherapy of prostate cancer, in first order, to correct only for setup errors and organ motion. Prostate and seminal vesicles deformation can be considered as a second-order effect.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to estimate the radiation dose to laterally transposed ovaries from external beam radiotherapy for cervical cancer. Dose measurements were performed in a modified humanoid phantom using a 6 MV photon beam. The dependence of the ovarian dose upon the field size, the distance from the primary irradiation field and the presence of wedges or gonadal shielding was determined. For a tumor dose of 45 Gy, ovarian dose was 0.88-8.51 Gy depending on the field size employed and the location of the transposed ovary in respect to the treatment field. Positioning of 7 cm thick shielding reduced the dose to ovary by less than 19%. The use of wedges increased the ovarian dose by a factor up to 1.5. Accurate radiographic localization of the ovaries allows the use of the presented dosimetric results to obtain a reasonable prediction of the ovarian dose.  相似文献   

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