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Genotypic diversity in a collection of 98 isolates of Candida albicans was assessed by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis. Four of the 10 enzyme loci studied were polymorphic. The electrophoretic patterns observed were compatible with those expected for a diploid organism. The 98 isolates were assigned to 14 electrophoretic types, each of which was represented by from 1 to 21 isolates. Samples from various clinical sites of seven bone marrow transplant patients treated in the same unit within a 13-month period were obtained repeatedly. Three patients were found to be colonized with more than one strain. In one patient, flucytosine-resistant strains were isolated after systemic antifungal treatment was started. These isolates had electrophoretic types different from those of the strains that colonized the patient before treatment. There was no evidence that cross-infection between these patients occurred in the hospital. The population structure of C. albicans is discussed in regard to the multilocus genotype data.  相似文献   

Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis and in vitro susceptibility testing with a broth microdilution method were used to analyze Candida albicans strain diversity in four AIDS patients with recurrent oropharyngeal candidiasis who successively developed clinical resistance to fluconazole (FCZ) and itraconazole (ITZ). One to ten colonies per sample were randomly chosen from oral washings collected before the initial FCZ treatment and just before every other antifungal treatment; a total of 98 isolates were analyzed. Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis analysis revealed 14 different electrophoretic types (ETs). Statistical analysis of genetic distances showed that C. albicans isolates clustered into five subpopulations (I to V). In each subpopulation, isolates are closely related, and genetic distances between subpopulations I to IV are short. In contrast, subpopulation V, which contained isolates typed as ET8 and ET14, is strongly divergent from the others; these isolates may represent atypical C. albicans isolates. Only one patient was infected with a single strain during the course of azole therapy; for the three remaining patients, variants of the same strain and different strains were concurrently isolated. Clinical FCZ resistance was clearly correlated with in vitro data for three patients. Moreover, MICs of ITZ increased during FCZ therapy, and MICs of ITZ which were > or = 1.56 micrograms/ml were found when clinical ITZ resistance occurred; isolates from subpopulation V showed the highest MICs of ITZ. Because of the emergence of clinical ITZ resistance after clinical FCZ resistance, the feasibility of long-term azole therapy for mucosal candidiasis in AIDS patients is questioned.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotide fingerprinting of genomic DNA from oral isolates of four different Candida species other than C. albicans and atypical chlamydospore-positive isolates from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive individuals and AIDS patients was investigated as a means for differentiating between isolates within individual species. Oligonucleotides composed of simple repetitive sequence motifs, including (GACA)4, (GATA)4, (GGAT)4, (GTG)5, and (GT)8, all yielded fingerprints suitable for strain segregation of 8 C. tropicalis isolates, 12 Torulopsis (Candida) glabrata isolates, 8 atypical Candida isolates, and, except for (GATA)4, 2 C. krusei probe in turn and so generate several distinct DNA fingerprints of the same DNA sample. However, none of the probes yielded fingerprints suitable for strain segregation with three C. parapsilosis isolates. The (GATA)4 probe was also used to detect restriction fragment length polymorphisms among a genetically closely related group of atypical Candida isolates on primary isolation from an additional HIV-infected patient. These chlamydospore-positive atypical Candida isolates were sucrose positive, were of C. albicans serotype A, hybridized weakly with the C. albicans-specific mid-repeat sequence probe 27A, and yielded fingerprint profiles by random polymorphic DNA analysis that were distinct from those derived from C. albicans isolates. The C. stellatoidea ex-type strain NCPF 3108 was indistinguishable from the atypical Candida isolates in all these tests and also yielded an identical carbohydrate and nitrogen source assimilation profile by using the ID 32C yeast identification system.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity among epidemiologically unrelated strains of the human pathogenic fungus Scedosporium apiospermum or its teleomorph, Pseudallescheria boydii, from different areas in Europe, was investigated by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE) and random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Fourteen enzyme activities were analysed by starch gel electrophoresis, corresponding to 27 polymorphic loci and 43 iso-enzymes. Among the enzymes studied, propionate esterase, carboxyl esterase, superoxide dismutase, carbonate dehydratase and malate dehydrogenase were the most polymorphic, allowing the classification of the strains into 6-11 groups each. Combination of the data obtained for the different enzyme activities studied allowed differentiation of the strains. Similarly, a high polymorphism was also revealed by each of the 20 RAPD primers tested, but no single primer was able to differentiate all the strains. The most efficient primers were GC70, UBC-701 and UBC-703, which revealed 17 distinct genotypes each, and combination of the results obtained with this three-primer set allowed complete discrimination of the strains. The dendrograms obtained from MLEE or RAPD by the unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic average cluster analysis did not reveal any clustering according to the geographic origin of the strains or their pathogenicity.  相似文献   

Candida albicans strains were isolated from the oral cavities of 62 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients at different stages of HIV infection. Only patients with persistent generalized lymphadenopathy-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)-related complex or full-blown AIDS showed typical clinical symptoms for oral candidiasis. In general, the microbiological recovery of Candida strains from the oral cavity increased with more advanced stages of HIV infection. The antifungal activity of ketoconazole, itraconazole, nystatin, amphotericin B, and flucytosine against all 62 strains was evaluated by means of a photometer-read broth microdilution method for determination of the 30% inhibitory concentrations of the drugs. The 95% ranges of 30% inhibitory concentrations were as follows: less than or equal to 0.063 to 32 micrograms/ml for ketoconazole, less than or equal to 0.063 to 8 micrograms/ml for itraconazole, 0.5 to 4 micrograms/ml for nystatin, less than or equal to 0.063 to 4 micrograms/ml for amphotericin B, and less than or equal to 0.063 to 8 micrograms/ml for flucytosine. Two strains were resistant to flucytosine, one was resistant to ketoconazole, and three were resistant to itraconazole. Isolates from patients with full-blown AIDS showed significantly less susceptibility to itraconazole, amphotericin B, and flucytosine. Strains were biotyped by using the API 20C carbohydrate assimilation system. The major biotype accounted for 63.9% of the isolates. At repeated evaluation, a change in biotype pattern was seen in 27.3%.  相似文献   

During a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study testing the efficacy of itraconazole for prophylaxis of systemic and mucosal fungal infections in patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome, 298 patients were enrolled with 295 evaluable. Of those, 46 patients were considered prophylaxis failures because of recurrent oral or esophageal candidiasis. Oropharyngeal fungal cultures were taken at the time of suspected thrush or Candida esophagitis, but not at baseline. All of the Candida spp. isolates were cultured on CHROMagar Candida medium then identified using API 20 AUX strips. Antifungal susceptibility testing was performed following the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards M-27A guidelines. Sequential isolates were genotyped using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA. Polymerase chain reaction fingerprints were generated using two repetitive sequence primers, (GGA)7 and (GACA)4. The study group consisted of 23 patients, nine from the itraconazole arm and 14 from the placebo arm, who were prophylaxis failures and had more than two C. albicans isolates. Five of 23 had isolates showing a > or =4-fold reduction in susceptibility; four of these patients were in the itraconazole prophylaxis arm and one was in the placebo arm. Three of the five had yeast isolations showing changes in banding patterns over time. Such changes may indicate genetic changes in the same strain that could be linked to acquired resistance to itraconazole, or acquisition of a new strain, or emergence of a previously minor component of the original population.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of 47 clinical and reference strains of Candida glabrata from several geographical origins and diverse clinical disorders, with different antifungal susceptibilities, as well as their genetic relationships were studied through multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE) and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) techniques. The genetic diversity estimated for 11 MLEE loci measured as average heterozygosity (h) was 0.055. A high level of genetic relatedness among isolates was established by cluster analysis. Forty-nine RAPD markers were analyzed, and the average genetic diversity among isolates, estimated by Shannon's index (Ho), was 0.372. The PhiST values estimated through an analysis of molecular variance to assess genetic differentiation among isolates revealed no genetic differentiation among them. Our results revealed very low genetic diversity among isolates, a lack of differentiation, and no association with their geographic origin and the clinical characteristics.  相似文献   

Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis, multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE), and Southern blot hybridization with moderately repetitive DNA probes have emerged as effective fingerprinting methods for the infectious fungus Candida albicans. The three methods have been compared for their capacities to identify identical or highly related isolates, to cluster weakly related isolates, to discriminate between unrelated isolates, and to assess microevolution within a strain. By computing similarity coefficients between 29 isolates from three cities within the continental United States, strong concordance of the results is demonstrated for RAPD analysis, MLEE, and Southern blot hybridization with the moderately repetitive probe Ca3, and weaker concordance of the results is demonstrated for these three fingerprinting methods and Southern blot hybridization with the moderately repetitive probe CARE2. All methods were also demonstrated to be able to resolve microevolution within a strain, with the Ca3 probe exhibiting the greatest resolving power. The strong correlations demonstrated between polymorphic markers assessed by the four independent fingerprinting methods and the nonrandom association between loci demonstrated by RAPD analysis and MLEE provide evidence for strong linkage disequilibrium and a clonal population structure for C. albicans. In addition, a synapomorphic allele, Pep-3A, was found to be present in all members of one of the three clusters discriminated by RAPD analysis, MLEE, and Ca3 fingerprinting, supporting the concordance of the clustering capacities of the three methods, the robustness of the clusters, and the clonal nature of the clusters.  相似文献   

Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE) were compared in this study of 65 Enterococcus faecalis isolates recovered over a 20-year period from diverse geographic sources. Clonal relationships recognized by PFGE were also recognized by MLEE; however, MLEE recognized as greater number of isolates as belonging to clonal groups than did PFGE. Both techniques were reproducible and discriminatory, but MLEE more readily recognized relationships among large numbers of isolates. MLEE confirmed the previously reported clonal spread of beta-lactamase-producing E. faecalis to six hospitals in five states. MLEE provided a useful population framework of the E. faecalis isolates in this sample, while PFGE was able to differentiate among isolates within some MLEE clonal groups.  相似文献   

Southern hybridization with the complex probe Ca3 is a well established tool for molecular subtyping of Candida albicans. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) is a DNA sequence-based subtyping method recently applied to C. albicans and shown to have a high degree of intraspecies discriminatory power. However, its utility for studying the molecular epidemiology of sequential isolates from recurrent disease has not been established. We compared Ca3 Southern hybridization and MLST using seven housekeeping genes (CaAAT1a, CaACC1, CaADP1, CaPMI, CaSYA1, CaVPS13, CaZWF1b) for their ability to discriminate among 37 C. albicans isolates from recurrent cases of oropharyngeal candidiasis (OPC) in ten HIV-positive patients from India and the US. Among the 37 isolates, MLST identified 23 distinct genotypes (index of diversity = 97%); Ca3 Southern hybridization identified 21 distinct genotypes (index of diversity = 95%). Both methods clustered isolates into seven genetically-related groups and, with one exception, isolates that were indistinguishable by MLST were indistinguishable or highly related by Ca3 Southern hybridization. These results demonstrate that MLST performs equally well or better compared to Ca3 Southern hybridization for defining genetic-relatedness of sequential C. albicans isolates from recurrent cases of OPC in HIV-positive patients.  相似文献   

Twenty-one chlamydospore-forming and germ tube-positive Candida albicans clinical isolates from 15 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive and 3 HIV-negative patients were examined by two different genetic methods. Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis and hybridization with the C. albicans-specific Ca3 probe showed that such isolates can be split into two genetically distinct groups that can be clearly distinguished. One group mainly contained strains with atypical sugar assimilation patterns and could be distinguished from the other group by the absence of intracellular beta-glucosidase activity. All 13 strains belonging to this group were isolated from the oral cavities of asymptomatic HIV-positive drug users and may be less pathogenic than the eight strains from the other group isolated either from HIV-positive patients with oropharyngeal candidiasis or from HIV-negative patients with invasive candidiasis.  相似文献   

To examine the question of strain specificity in oropharyngeal candidiasis associated with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, oral samples were collected from 1,196 HIV-positive black South Africans visiting three clinics and 249 Candida albicans isolates were selected for DNA fingerprinting with the complex DNA fingerprinting probe Ca3. A total of 66 C. albicans isolates from healthy black South Africans and 46 from healthy white South Africans were also DNA fingerprinted as controls. Using DENDRON software, a cluster analysis was performed and the identified groups were compared to a test set of isolates from the United States in which three genetic groups (I, II, and III) were previously identified by a variety of genetic fingerprinting methods. All of the characterized South African collections (three from HIV-positive black persons, two from healthy black persons, and one from healthy white persons) included group I, II, and III isolates. In addition, all South African collections included a fourth group (group SA) completely absent in the U.S. collection. The proportion of group SA isolates in HIV-positive and healthy black South Africans was 53% in both cases. The proportion in healthy white South Africans was 33%. In a comparison of HIV-positive patients with and without oropharyngeal symptoms of infection, the same proportions of group I, II, III, and SA isolates were obtained, indicating no shift to a particular group on infection. However, by virtue of its predominance as a commensal and in infections, group SA must be considered the most successful in South Africa. Why group SA isolates represent 53 and 33% of colonizing strains in black and white South Africans and are absent in the U.S. collection represents an interesting epidemiological question.  相似文献   

Fifty Borellia burgdorferi strains isolated from humans and ticks in Europe and the United States were analyzed by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis. Eleven genetic loci were characterized on the basis of the electrophoretic mobilities of their products. Ten loci were polymorphic. The average number of alleles per locus was 5.9, with a mean genetic diversity of 0.673 among electrophoretic types (ETs). The strains were grouped into 35 ETs constituting three main divisions (I, II, and III) separated at a genetic distance greater than 0.75. Divisions I, II, and III contained 13, 6, and 16 ETs, respectively. These findings, together with previous data from DNA hybridization and restriction enzyme analysis of rRNA genes, suggest that divisions I, II, and III may represent three distinct genomic species. All three divisions contained human clinical ETs. However, in division I, which includes the ET of the type strain of B. burgdorferi, the human pathogenic ETs constituted a single clone. The ETs of division I were from west-central Europe and the United States, whereas divisions II and III contained ETs from west-central and northern Europe but not from the United States. Finally, our data show that the genetic structure of B. burgdorferi populations is clonal.  相似文献   

The genotypes of 63 isolates of Aspergillus fumigatus obtained from three hospitals in different geographical areas and of eight culture collection strains were determined by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis. Twelve of the 17 enzymatic loci studied were polymorphic, giving rise to 48 different electrophoretic types. The existence of fixed multilocus genotypes, significant heterozygote deficits and excesses at the different loci, and linkage disequilibria within subpopulations strongly suggests a clonal reproduction mode for A. fumigatus. Numerical analysis of the comparison and disposition of the different electrophoretic types demonstrates a significant genetic differentiation between the three sampling sites. However, no correlation could be found between geographical distances and genetic differentiation. On account of the multiple discriminatory markers, multilocus enzyme electrophoresis typing seems to be a very powerful tool for epidemiological and reproductive mode studies of A. fumigatus.  相似文献   

Candida albicans strain delineation by karyotyping. NotI restriction pattern analysis, hybridization with specific probe 27A, and PCR fingerprinting with the phage M13 core sequence were performed with 30 isolates from the oral cavities of 30 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients and 8 reference strains. Within the panel of clinical isolates, 20 were geographically related, although 10 isolates were susceptible to fluconazole and 10 isolates were resistant to fluconazole. The remaining isolates used in this study were fluconazole resistant and geographically unrelated. A composite DNA type was defined for each of the strains as the combination of types obtained by the four molecular methods. By this procedure, a great diversity of DNA types was found among isolates from the oropharynges of HIV-infected individuals with oral candidiasis. This diversity was not reduced when isolates were evaluated on the basis of whether they came from the same geographical locale and whether they were fluconazole resistant. These data refute the idea of a clonal origin for fluconazole-resistant strains among HIV-positive patients. Karyotyping was the least discriminatory method, yielding 19 DNA types among the 38 strains analyzed. Conversely, hybridization with the 27A probe showed a unique DNA pattern for each of the strains examined in this study. Our results demonstrate that at least two different molecular methods are needed for Candida albicans typing and that there is a great deal of strain variation within the species, irrespective of place of origin or antifungal resistance patterns.  相似文献   

Isolates of Mycobacterium avium serotypes 4 and 8 originating from patients with AIDS in New York City, Los Angeles, or San Francisco were further characterized by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis. Reference strains used to produce typing antisera were also examined. Thirty-one electrophoretic types (ETs) were found among 58 isolates of serotype 4, while 10 ETs were identified among 21 isolates of serotype 8. One major ET was found within each serotype, and these two ETs were closely related, separated by a genetic distance of only 0.05. Six ETs were found in more than one city. In four cases, isolates of serotypes 4 and 8 shared the same ET. Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis in combination with serotyping should be helpful in locating the specific infection sources of these commonly isolated opportunistic pathogens.  相似文献   

Purpose: To study molecular profiles of oral Candida tropicalis isolates from five different geographic locales to determine the molecular diversity, clonality and evolutionary trends of this opportunistic pathogen. Methods: A total of 36 strains from five countries (China, Canada, Scotland, Japan and Tanzania) were genotyped by PCR fingerprinting with 11 separate primers. Of these, primers RSG9, RSG8, T3B and RSD12 generated complex fingerprinting patterns. Results: Three significantly dissimilar profiles were derived from the primer T3B and particularly focused on tDNA suggested the prevalence of genetic subtypes within the species. Comparison of tDNA and rDNA (RSD12) fingerprints of C. tropicalis suggested that rDNA is much more heterogeneous than the relatively distinct tDNA. Further analysis of similarity coefficient (SAB) of gel profiles derived from computer-generated dendrograms indicated some degree of similarity in isolates from five-disparate geographic locales as well as the presence of unique isotypes in each region. Conclusions: This study demonstrates the evolutionary divergence of distinct genetic subgroups within Candida tropicalis.  相似文献   

A variety of innate defense factors in saliva such as lysozyme and lactoferrin contribute to mucosal protection and modulate Candida populations in the oral cavity. It is also known that in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals significant variations in the concentrations of lysozyme and lactoferrin in saliva occur during disease progression. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the in vitro susceptibility to human lactoferrin and hen egg white lysozyme of genotypically similar oral Candida albicans isolates obtained from six HIV-infected ethnic Chinese during sequential visits over a 12-month period. The similarity of the genotypes (50 in total) was evaluated using a randomly amplified polymorphic DNA assay. A blastospore viability assay was performed to evaluate the sensitivity of the organisms to lysozyme and lactoferrin. Exposure to physiological concentrations of either lysozyme (30 microg/ml) or lactoferrin (20 microg/ml) caused a rapid loss of viability among all isolates to a varying extent. None of the sequential C. albicans isolates demonstrated significant differences in sensitivity to either protein from one visit to the next; similar results were noted when the different genotypes from the same individual were compared. On Spearman correlation analysis of two genotypes that were sequentially isolated from a single patient, a significant negative correlation between lysozyme (r = -0.88; P < 0.02) (but not lactoferrin) resistance and the duration of HIV disease was seen. These results imply that a minority of C. albicans isolates that persist intraorally in individuals with HIV disease develop progressive resistance to innate salivary antifungal defenses such as lysozyme, possibly as an adaptive response. However, the vast majority of the Candida isolates appear to succumb to these nonspecific host immune mediators abundantly present in the oral environment.  相似文献   

Including type strains, mitochondrial cytochrome b genes of 32 strains of Candida albicans and 6 strains of Candida stellatoidea, presently treated as a synonym for C. albicans, were partially sequenced. Analysis of 396-bp nucleotide sequences of the strains under investigation divided C. albicans isolates into three types: type I, type II, and type III; however, strains of C. stellatoidea represented distinct type IV isolates. Deduced amino acid sequences of type I, type II, and type III were identical and differed from that of type IV by one amino acid. Genotypes (rDNA type) of the test strains were also checked. Cytochrome b typing did not correlate with genotyping, and different genotypes occurred for one cytochrome b type. This study shows that cytochrome b gene sequences are useful for analyzing the genetic relatedness of C. albicans isolates and effective for differentiating C. stellatoidea from C. albicans.  相似文献   

Isolates of Candida albicans from the oral cavities of subjects at different stages of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection or uninfected controls were examined for (i) production of aspartic proteinase(s), a putative virulence-associated factor(s); (ii) the presence in the fungal genome of two major genes (SAP1 and SAP2) of the aspartic proteinase family; and (iii) experimental pathogenicity in a murine model of systemic infection. It was found that the fungal isolates from symptomatic patients secreted, on average, up to eightfold more proteinase than the isolates from uninfected or HIV-infected but asymptomatic subjects. This differential property was stably expressed by the strains even after years of maintenance in stock cultures. Moreover, representative high-proteinase isolates were significantly more pathogenic for mice than low-proteinase isolates of C. albicans. The characters high proteinase and increased virulence were not associated with a single molecular type or category identifiable through DNA fingerprinting or pulsed-field electrophoretic karyotype, and both SAP1 and SAP2 genes were present in both categories of isolates, on the same respective chromosomes. In conclusion, our data suggest that during HIV infection more-virulent strains or biotypes of C. albicans which are identifiable by direct analysis of virulence determinants are selected. It also appears that the biotype switch to increased aspartic proteinase and virulence properties occurs before the HIV-infected subject enters the symptomatic stage and overt AIDS.  相似文献   

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