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The aim of this study was to determine the serum concentrations of reactive oxygen species (ROS) during the different phases of the estrous cycle in the bitch, in order to establish their physiological values. 56 healthy mixed-breed bitches were enrolled at this purpose and divided into 4 groups, standing on the different phases of the estrus cycle. Blood samples were collected in all groups and serum ROS concentrations were determined. Proestral concentrations were statistically higher than anestral ones, and statistically lower than those found in estrus (p<0.001). The highest concentrations of ROS were detected at estrus, that is, in the peri-ovulatory period. This sharp increase in ROS concentrations is related to the acute inflammatory process underlying ovulation and to the increase in immune and metabolic activities, cytological changes and myometrial contractility promoted by the high levels of estrogens. In diestrus, the mean concentration of ROS decreases. This reduction did not show any statistically significant difference with the mean value observed in proestrus. In this phase, in fact, the high concentrations of progesterone, exerting an antioxidant and immunodepressive effect, justify the lower mean concentration of ROS detected. In anestrus, the lowest concentrations of ROS were observed, for the reduced metabolic and endocrine activity occurring in this phase of the estrous cycle. In conclusion our results establish the physiologic levels of ROS during the estrous cycle in the bitch and reflect the endocrine morphologic and metabolic changes occurring during it.  相似文献   

Once considered simply as the main source of ATP, mitochondria are now implicated in the control of many additional aspects of cell physiology, such as calcium signaling, and pathology, as in injury incurred on ischemia and subsequent reperfusion (I/R). Mitochondrial respiration is ordinarily accompanied by low-level ROS production, but they can respond to elevated ROS concentrations by increasing their own ROS production, a phenomenon termed ROS-induced ROS release (RIRR). Two modes of RIRR have been described. In the first mode of RIRR, enhanced ROS leads to mitochondrial depolarization via activation of the MPTP, yielding a short-lived burst of ROS originating from the mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC). The second mode of RIRR is MPTP independent but is regulated by the mitochondrial benzodiazepine receptor (mBzR). Increased ROS in the mitochondrion triggers opening of the inner mitochondrial membrane anion channel (IMAC), resulting in a brief increase in ETC-derived ROS. Both modes of RIRR have been shown to transmit localized mitochondrial perturbations throughout the cardiac cell in the form of oscillations or waves but are kinetically distinct and may involve different ROS that serve as second messengers. In this review, we discuss the mechanisms of these different modes of RIRR.  相似文献   

目的:研究SeO2对急性早幼粒细胞白血病细胞株NB4、红白血病细胞K562、急性粒细胞白血病细胞株HL-60的增生、凋亡、活性氧(ROS)及Ca2+水平等的影响。 方法: 采用不同浓度SeO2(3-30 μmol/L)分别处理3种白血病细胞,用流式细胞术测定细胞凋亡率、细胞中ROS和Ca2+的水平。 结果: 10和30 μmol/L SeO2能抑制3种细胞增生,30 μmol/L SeO2作用48 h能使54.0%的NB4细胞、46.5%的K562细胞和49.6%的HL-60细胞发生凋亡。同时下调细胞内ROS和Ca2+水平。NB4和HL-60细胞中ROS阳性细胞比例随SeO2浓度增加而减少,K562中只有30 μmol/L SeO2才能使ROS出现明显下降。10、30 μmol/L SeO2能使NB4和HL-60细胞内Ca2+水平逐步下降。K562中只有30 μmol/L SeO2才能使细胞内Ca2+水平出现明显下降。 结论: SeO2对3种白血病细胞均有诱导凋亡作用,在凋亡过程中涉及细胞内ROS及Ca2+水平下降。  相似文献   

Chemicals of environmental concern are known to alter the immune system. Recent data indicate that some contaminants possess proinflammatory properties by activating neutrophils, an area of research that is still poorly investigated. We have previously documented that toxaphene activates human neutrophils to produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) and accelerates apoptosis by a yet unknown mechanism. In this study, we found that toxaphene induces another neutrophil function, chemotaxis. Furthermore, we found that toxaphene induces both chemotaxis and apoptosis via a ROS-dependent mechanism, since these responses were blocked by the addition of catalase to the culture. In addition, toxaphene was found to induce the degradation of the cytoskeletal proteins gelsolin, paxillin, and vimentin during apoptosis, and this was reversed by the addition of z-VAD-FMK (caspase inhibitor) or catalase, demonstrating the importance of caspases and ROS in this process. In contrast to toxaphene, we found that beryllium does not induce superoxide production, and, this correlates with its inability to induce chemotaxis and apoptosis. We conclude that toxaphene induces chemotaxis and apoptosis via ROS and that caspases and ROS are involved in the degradation of cytoskeletal proteins.  相似文献   

Serum amyloid A (SAA) levels are elevated highly in acute phase response and elevated slightly and persistently in chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes. Given that fibroblasts exert profound effects on progression of inflammatory chronic diseases, the aim of this study was to investigate the response of fibroblasts to SAA. A dose-dependent increase in O(2) (-) levels was observed by treatment of fibroblasts with SAA (r = 0·99 and P ≤ 0·001). In addition, the expression of p47-phox was up-regulated by SAA (P < 0·001) and diphenyliodonium (DPI), a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase inhibitor, reduced the release of O(2) (-) by 50%. Also, SAA raised fibroblast proliferation (P < 0·001) and this effect was completely abolished by the addition of anti-oxidants (P < 0·001). These findings support the notion that, in chronic inflammatory sites, SAA activated fibroblast proliferation and ROS production.  相似文献   

Neutrophils are completely differentiated cells that die in tissues a few days after they migrate from the vascular compartment as a consequence of a rigouous apoptotic program. Many of the mediators produced during an inflammatory response delay neutrophil apoptosis allowing a more efficient removal of microorganisms but also favoring the tissue damage by reactive oxygen species (ROS) and lysosomal proteins released by neutrophils. Glucocorticoids delay the apoptosis of neutrophils but the mechanisms are not completely understood. To investigate the inhibition of glucocorticoids on neutrophil apoptosis we have used the glucose/glucose oxidase (G/GO) system as a constant source of hydrogen peroxide. When neutrophils are incubated in the presence of the G/GO system, a significant acceleration of their apoptotic response is observed. Preincubation with 10–6 M, 10–7 M, 10–8 M or 10–9 M of dexamethasone, negatively modulated the spontaneous and G/GO induced apoptosis of neutrophils. Then the G/GO system is a useful model to simulate the oxidative stress of neutrophils, and that the effect of DXM on neutrophil apoptosis depends, at least in part, on blocking the proapoptotic effect of ROS.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been identified as signaling molecules in various pathways regulating both cell survival and cell death. Autophagy, a self-digestion process that degrades intracellular structures in response to stress, such as nutrient starvation, is also involved in both cell survival and cell death. Alterations in both ROS and autophagy regulation contribute to cancer initiation and progression, and both are targets for developing therapies to induce cell death selectively in cancer cells. Many stimuli that induce ROS generation also induce autophagy, including nutrient starvation, mitochondrial toxins, hypoxia, and oxidative stress. Some of these stimuli are under clinical investigation as cancer treatments, such as 2-methoxyestrodial and arsenic trioxide. Recently, it was demonstrated that ROS can induce autophagy through several distinct mechanisms involving Atg4, catalase, and the mitochondrial electron transport chain (mETC). This leads to both cell-survival and cell-death responses and could be selective toward cancer cells. In this review, we give an overview of the roles ROS and autophagy play in cell survival and cell death, and their importance to cancer. Furthermore, we describe how autophagy is mediated by ROS and the implications of this regulation to cancer treatments.  相似文献   

In this present paper the age-induced effect on reactive oxidizing species generated by oxygen (ROS) and nitrogen (RNS) was studied using human phagocyting granulocytes. The ROS and RNS were quantified, respectively, in a chemiluminescence assay and by the measurement of nitrite production. The age-induced reactive oxidizing species generation was studied in healthy subjects ranging from 20 to 80 years old, divided into six age groups: group I, 20-29 years old; group II, 30-39 years old; group III, 40-49 years old; group IV, 50-59 years old; group V, 60-69 years old; and group VI, 70-80 years old. Our results demonstrate a parallelism between generation of the ROS and RNS induced by the age. A significant increase of ROS production was observed from 40 years old (age groups III, IV, V and VI while for RNS this increase was observed only from 50 years old (groups IV, V and VI). These data suggest an increase of oxidizing species generation (ROS/RNS) related to age. The increased generation of ROS (40-49 years old) was induced before the increasing of RNS (50-59 years old) and it may have consequences on inflammation and host defences.  相似文献   

Harmful free-radicals, such as superoxide anion (a reactive oxygen species: ROS) are produced during aerobic respiration in all tissues because of only partial reduction of some oxygen molecules in mitochondria: this is due to one-electron reduction of each atom of oxygen, instead of four-electron reduction per molecule of oxygen to form water. Similarly, in liver, and many other tissues such as lung and brain, an electron transfer chain from NADPH to water occurs (with insertion of one oxygen atom into xenobiotic substrates) that uses cytochromes P450 (EC as the electron acceptor. Here, futile recycling of electrons, in the absence of substrate produces the superoxide anion (*O2')--see above. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive sulfur species (RSS) may act in unison to damage biomolecules. For example, damage to biomolecules can occur by attack on phospholipid membranes, and also the targeting of DNA results in mutagenicity and associated carcinogenicity-related mutagenic damage. Free radical injury to low density lipoprotein (LDL) has been identified in the causation of atherosclerosis implicated in arterial disease, which can lead to heart attack and strokes.  相似文献   

Carvacrol (5-isopropyl-2-methylphenol) is the major component of Plectranthus amboinicus. Several studies have shown that carvacrol has antibacterial, antifungal and insecticidal effects, but the mechanisms that govern these processes are unclear. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) play a major role in host defence eradication of microorganisms. In this study, we provide evidence that carvacrol has priming effects on ROS production in C6 glioma cells. By viability assay, carvacrol was not cytotoxic to C6 cells at levels below 300 µM. We pretreated C6 cells with or without carvacrol and stimulated them with LPS/TPA, after which the C6 cells produced more ROS in TPA/LPS with carvacrol than in LPS/TPA alone. Thus, carvacrol has priming effects on ROS production during stimulation by bacterial cell wall components. Our research provides a possible mechanism that underlies the antimicrobial effects of carvacrol.  相似文献   

The neurotoxicity of aluminum (Al) − the most abundant metal element on earth − has been known for years. However, the mechanism of Al-induced neurodegeneration and its relationship to Alzheimer's disease are still controversial. In particular, in vivo functional data are lacking. In a Drosophila model with chronic dietary Al overloading, general neurodegeneration and several behavioral changes were observed. Al-induced neurodegeneration is independent of β-amyloid or tau-associated toxicity, suggesting they act in different molecular pathways. Interestingly, Drosophila frataxin (dfh), which causes Friedreich's ataxia if mutated in humans, displayed an interacting effect with Al, suggesting Friedreich's ataxia patients might be more susceptible to Al toxicity. Al-treated flies accumulated large amount of iron and reactive oxygen species (ROS), and exhibited elevated SOD2 activity. Genetic and pharmacological efforts to reduce ROS or chelate excess Fe significantly mitigated Al toxicity. Our results indicate that Al toxicity is mediated through ROS production and iron accumulation and suggest a remedial route to reduce toxicity due to Al exposure.  相似文献   

目的探讨周期性张应变诱导体外培养的膝关节骨关节炎(osteoarthritis,OA)患者软骨细胞发生凋亡过程中的活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS)的作用机制。方法对受力组软骨细胞施加频率0.5 Hz、强度20%延伸率的周期性张应变。对照组细胞的培养条件与受力组细胞一致,但不受力。N-乙酰半胱氨酸(NAC)和丁胱亚磺酰亚胺(BSO)干预组的软骨细胞在受力前分别使用NAC和BSO进行预处理。流式细胞术检测细胞凋亡率,DCFH-DA为荧光探针检测细胞内ROS含量,分光光度法检测软骨细胞内caspase-9活性变化。结果 0.5 Hz、20%延伸率的周期性张应变可以刺激软骨细胞内ROS、caspase-9活性及细胞凋亡率显著升高(P<0.05)。使用NAC和BSO抑制及升高细胞内ROS含量后,可以明显抑制及促进周期性张应变诱导的软骨细胞的caspase-9活性及细胞凋亡率(P<0.05)。结论周期性张应变通过促进ROS生成,进而激活caspase-9介导膝关节OA患者软骨细胞发生凋亡。抑制ROS的生成可以减轻周期性张应变导致的软骨细胞凋亡。  相似文献   

In a diabetic milieu high levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) are induced. This contributes to the vascular complications of diabetes. Recent studies have shown that ROS formation is exacerbated in diabetic monocytes and macrophages due to a glycolytic metabolic shift. Macrophages are important players in the progression of diabetes and promote inflammation through the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and proteases. Because ROS is an important mediator for the activation of pro-inflammatory signaling pathways, obesity and hyperglycemia-induced ROS production may favor induction of M1-like pro-inflammatory macrophages during diabetes onset and progression. ROS induces MAPK, STAT1, STAT6 and NFκB signaling, and interferes with macrophage differentiation via epigenetic (re)programming. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the impact of ROS on macrophage phenotype and function is needed in order to improve treatment of diabetes and its vascular complications. In the current comprehensive review, we dissect the role of ROS in macrophage polarization, and analyze how ROS production links metabolism and inflammation in diabetes and its complications. Finally, we discuss the contribution of ROS to the crosstalk between macrophages and endothelial cells in diabetic complications.  相似文献   

Hydrogen peroxide in the presence of short wavelength UV light was able to induce alterations in native DNA fragments of 300 bp (ROS-DNA), thereby rendering it immunogenic in experimental animals. The specificity of induced antibodies was investigated by direct binding and competition ELISA. Inhibition studies revealed nearly 89% inhibition in the antibody binding by the immunogen and recognition of native B-, A- and allied conformations presented by various synthetic polynucleotides. Gel retardation assay reiterated the formation of immune complexes between induced antibodies and native and ROS-DNA fragments. It was observed that naturally occurring anti-DNA autoantibodies from systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) sera recognize ROS-DNA. The comparison of the specificities of anti-DNA autoantibodies from 10 SLE patients showed a 20-50-fold preference for ROS-DNA over native DNA. These results demonstrate that anti-DNA antibodies can be induced by ROS-DNA, and that some of the autoimmune DNA binding antibodies found in SLE may result from response to reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   

The function of the kinase Btk in neutrophil activation is largely unexplored. Here we found that Btk-deficient neutrophils had more production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) after engagement of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) or receptors for tumor-necrosis factor (TNF), which was associated with more apoptosis and was reversed by transduction of recombinant Btk. Btk-deficient neutrophils in the resting state showed hyperphosphorylation and activation of phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase (PI(3)K) and protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) and were in a 'primed' state with plasma membrane-associated GTPase Rac2. In the absence of Btk, the adaptor Mal was associated with PI(3)K and PTKs at the plasma membrane, whereas in control resting neutrophils, Btk interacted with and confined Mal in the cytoplasm. Our data identify Btk as a critical gatekeeper of neutrophil responses.  相似文献   



Impact of ROS in development of hyperalgesia has recently motivated scientists to focus on ROS as novel target of anti-hyperalgesic interventions. However, role of ROS in molecular signaling of hyperalgesia is still poorly understood. The present study is aimed to analyze the effect of dietary antioxidant resveratrol on antioxidant defense system, ROS level and TNFR1–ERK signaling pathway during early and late phase of inflammatory hyperalgesia.

Methods and materials

Hyperalgesia was assessed by paw withdrawal latency test in complete Freund’s adjuvant-induced hyperalgesic rats. Activities of antioxidant enzymes were measured by in-gel assays, ROS level was measured by DCFH2DA, and expression of pERK, ERK and TNFR1 was estimated by Western blotting.


Anti-hyperalgesic effect of resveratrol was observed by paw withdrawal latency test. ROS level was increased in paw skin as well as spinal cord during early phase which was further increased in paw skin, but remained constant in spinal cord up to late phase. Resveratrol differentially regulated the activities of SOD, catalase and GPx in paw skin as well as spinal cord of hyperalgesic rats in both phases. Activities were normalized back showing anti-hyperalgesic effect of resveratrol. Upregulated ERK signaling was modulated by resveratrol, whereas TNFR1 level remained unchanged.


Overall results suggest that resveratrol alleviates inflammatory hyperalgesia by downregulation of ERK activation, modulation of ROS and differential regulation of antioxidant enzymes during early and late phases.

We analyzed the mechanism of UVB-induced cell death using the Jurkat T cell line. Apoptosis was assessed by measuring phosphatidylserine (PS) externalization, caspase activity, the decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential (Delta Psi m), nucleosomal DNA fragmentation, and morphological changes such as chromatin condensation. The mitochondrio-nuclear translocation of apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) was evaluated by confocal laser microscopy. The cell death pattern of UVB-irradiated cells was similar to the Fas-induced cell death pattern. However, zVAD-fmk inhibited the nucleosomal fragmentation of DNA but not the externalization of PS, decrease in Delta Psi m, or mitochondrio-nuclear translocation of AIF. N-acetyl L-cysteine significantly inhibited the translocation of AIF induced by UVB. These results suggested that caspase-dependent and -independent pathways were involved in UVB-induced cell death in Jurkat cells, and the mitochondrio-nuclear translocation of AIF was associated with the latter pathway. In addition, reactive oxygen species generated by UVB might be involved in inducing the mitochondrio-nuclear translocation of AIF.  相似文献   

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