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改革开放以来,我市的中等卫生职业教育发展较快,培养了一批中等卫生技术人才,为全市乃至全省卫生事业的发展,做出了较大的贡献.随着社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立,卫生人才市场发生了很大的变化,中等卫生职业教育,出现了许多新情况和新问题,研究其对策,乃是事关21世纪医学教育发展方向的大问题,也是中等卫生职业教育向何处去的大问题.  相似文献   

探索教学方法,提高教学质量,是教育界一直在研究课题,药理学科的教师常常就激发和培养学生学习药理的兴趣和提高药理教学质量进行反复的探索和努力。职业教育教学担负着专业基础和专业技术的双重教学任务,探讨学生的药理学习方法和教师的教学方法,有很大的现实意义,它关系到药理教学质量的提高,而且涉及到专业知识能否更全面的掌握,因此,对职业学校学生的药理兴趣进行探讨、研究是十分必要的。  相似文献   

近日,卫生部发布《加强卫生职业教育的指导意见》(以下简称《意见》)。 《意见》提出,“十一五”期间,进一步建立和完善适应社会主义市场经济体制、与卫生事业发展需要紧密结合、职业院校自丰发展自我约束、有中国特色的卫生职业教育体制;形成专业种类齐全、层次结构合理、社会广泛参与、质量效益提高、职业特色明显的卫生职业教育体系。卫生职业教育规模进一步扩大,年招生数稳步增长,办学层次和水平显著提高。  相似文献   

目的探索利用超声刀行复发性结节性甲状腺肿手术中解剖并保护喉返神经,避免其损伤导致术后声嘶及呼吸困难等并发症发生。方法总结对比利用超声刀行复发性结节性甲状腺肿手术82例中解剖并保护喉返神经和未解剖喉返神经术后并发症的情况,评估两者预防喉返神经损伤的手术效果。结果82例复发性结节性甲状腺肿手术中,解剖喉返神经有60例,出现术后声嘶1例,考虑电热伤引起,1周后声嘶恢复正常。未解剖喉返神经22例,其中出现声嘶并发症3例,出现声嘶的2例术后6个月内声嘶恢复正常,1例出现声嘶及呼吸困难,在住院期间需要气管切开,1周后拔管后呼吸困难缓解,术口愈合出院,半年后仍有声嘶,较出院时改善。手术中解剖并保护喉返神经与未解剖喉返神经出现的术后并发症相比有显著差异。结论利用超声刀行复发性结节性甲状腺肿手术中解剖并保护喉返神经,避免其损伤导致术后声嘶及呼吸困难等并发症发生是可行的。  相似文献   

目的:探讨复发性结节性甲状腺肿术中如何预防喉返神经的损伤。经2013年11月至2016年4月于我院就诊的52例复发性结节性甲状腺肿患者,其中对38例患者在术中进行喉返神经的解剖保护,14例患者在术中因第一次手术致解剖未能辨别未进行喉返神经保护。结果行喉返神经解剖术后无1例发生喉返神经损伤,未行喉返神经解剖的术后有2例出现喉返神经损伤,经总结后,得出结论复发性结节性甲状腺肿术中解剖和保护喉返神经能够有效地预防术后喉返神经的损伤。  相似文献   

神经外科临床带教方法的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
神经外科专业性强,涉及的神经解剖、神经生理、病理等内容广泛,临床病例复杂多样,学生很难掌握,神经外科的课堂讲授内容较多而授课时间相对较少,采用传统教学手段难以完成。我们通过探讨现在流行的PBL教学法,多媒体教学法和病例讨论教学法的优缺点,扬长避短,寻求出针对不同层面的学生,能够有效提高教学质量的最佳方法。  相似文献   

目的对甲状腺手术过程当中引起喉返神经损伤的原因进行深入的分析,并提出相应的预防措施,提高甲状腺手术治疗。方法收集2003年9月-2011年11月在我院进行甲状腺肿瘤手术的1065病患为研究资料,根据手术方式分为两组,其中手术过程当中解剖喉返神经的有426例病患为解剖喉返神经组,没有解剖喉返神经的有639例病患为未解剖喉返神经组,分析两组病患引起喉返神经损伤的原因及预防措施。结果在甲状腺肿瘤手术的1065列病患当中,发生喉返神经损伤的病患24例,占所有病患的2.25%(24/1065),其中未解剖喉返神经组病患的损伤率为2.34%(15/639);解剖喉返神经组病患的损伤率为2.11%(9/426)。出现暂时性损伤病患有22例,出现永久性损伤病患有2例。结论在治疗方式上,未解剖喉返神经组与解剖喉返神经组在损失率对比上没有明显的统计学差异,可根据病患的具体情况选择进行相应的手术方式是避免喉返神经损伤的关键因素。  相似文献   

史爱武 《卫生软科学》2011,25(7):487-488
随着市场化就业体制的建立和完善,卫生职业教育毕业生面临着人生中极为重要的角色转换和就业挑战,就业竞争压力普遍加大。全面加强毕业生的就业促进工作,有效地提高就业率、就业水平和就业质量是深化卫生职业教育改革,已成为推进卫生职业教育可持续发展的重要内容。  相似文献   

神经导航将术中实时解剖与神经影像有机结合,手术有效、安全。将神经导航应用于临床教学有助于培养三维解剖思维,加深脑功能区、纤维束认知及保护观念,提高手术教学水平,对年轻医生专科知识和临床手术水平提高大有裨益,值得有条件的教学医院临床推广。  相似文献   

改变传统解剖实验室管理方式,使解剖教研室服务于数学、临床和社会,并在服务过程中提高教师的专业素质从而提高教学质量,充分体现高职学院的办学特点和宗旨。  相似文献   

本文通过分析继续教育医学统计学授课存在的问题,提出在继续教育医学统计学授课中采用PBL教学模式和统计软件辅助教学。结合信息化时代医学统计学的课程特点和PBL教学模式特征,对继续教育医学统计学PBL教学模式的实施方法及统计软件辅助教学的关键点进行探讨。通过PBL教学模式和统计软件的应用提高医学统计学教学效果,有助实现继续教育终身学习的目的 。  相似文献   

This profile of Stephen Abrahamson, Ph.D., Sc.D., is the first of six profiles to appear as part of the Exemplar project focused of six retired medical educators who transformed the field of medical education. The exemplars, all graduate degree recipients in education were interviewed by six senior present-day medical educators using a common protocol designed to elicit career chronology and the significant contributions of educationists to medical education of Dr. Abrahamson's profile was based on an in-depth two-day interview, examination of a comprehensive list of his publications, the history of the Society of the Directors of Research in Medical Education, and unsolicited conversations with several of his colleagues. Dr. Abrahamson began his career teaching high school, later receiving a masters and doctorate degrees, in preparation for a career as a teacher-educator. Through collaboration with Dr. George Miller, Dr. Abrahamson began his career as an educationist in medicine - one who studies the education process and prepares others to become teachers - by teaching medical school faculty about the science of education. Dr. Abrahamson's career was devoted to applying his evidence-based education approach to the newly emerging profession of medical education. An examination of his career shows that he made four vital contributions to medical education - defining the educationist role, serving as a teaching/mentor/network builder/friend to medical educators, curriculum change agent and innovator at USC, and demonstrating and articulating the value of offices of medical education and research in medical education. More broadly, Dr. Abrahamson identified three major contributions made by educationists to the field of medical education: the application of education principles to instructional/assessment innovations (e.g., programmed patients), an evidence-based approach to assessing education, and faculty development/teacher training. Based on his half-century of experience in medical education, Dr. Abrahamson outlined seven lessons for success as an educationist in medicine. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

重视发展医学模拟教学 提高临床教学质量   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
临床教学是医学人才培养的关键环节,如何提高临床教学质量是当前医学教育面临的重要课题.医学模拟教学的拓展是临床教学的发展趋势,发展医学模拟教学是临床教学的客观要求,提高临床教学质量必须重视发展医学模拟教学.因此,必须高度重视发展医学模拟教学,促进临床教学质量不断提高.  相似文献   

Medical Education 2010: 44 : 856–863 Context Along with economic growth and social reforms, the emerging market economies (EMEs) are undergoing restructuring of their health care systems. There is now an increased focus on disease prevention and primary care, along with a patient‐centred approach to health care delivery. However, these changes need to be complemented by alterations in the health care education system. Methods A review of the published literature, limited to the last 10 years, was conducted to include recent updates on medical and nursing education. This was done by systematically searching appropriate databases using keywords. This review covers only the common issues related to education and training in EMEs. Results Issues identified included: the mismatch between the health needs of the population and education curricula; outdated curricula and teaching methods; growing numbers of medical schools; the quality of education, and inadequate career guidance for students to help them make decisions about choosing a health profession as a career and, later, about choosing a field of specialisation. Conclusions The literature provides evidence of innovative approaches adopted in several EMEs, which include: outcome‐based education; community‐oriented medical education; problem‐based learning; initiatives to improve quality, and initiatives to resolve the shortage of skilled educators for medical and nursing schools. The health care systems in EMEs are undergoing changes imposed by economic, political and social transition. Reforms in health systems will need to be complemented by educational reforms. Education systems require to be updated through needs‐based comprehensive curriculum design and innovative teaching methods. The challenges imposed by the growth in the number of public and private institutions and the need for a standardised accreditation system for quality assurance demand attention. The profiles of both family medicine and community health care will need to be raised and their status enhanced to attract high‐calibre students to these specialties.  相似文献   

Arthur S. Elstein, Ph.D. has said that he has been motivated to address two research questions throughout this career: How do physicians make decisions? and How can we help them make better ones? He has addressed these questions using the tools of a psychologist but the results of his research in medical cognition, medical reasoning, and judgement have had a lasting impact on medical education and how future physicians are prepared. Further, through teaching and mentoring, he has produced a second generation of medical education researchers and leaders; and perhaps most importantly, through his role modeling of skepticism and scholarship, he has taught what a professional educator must do to succeed in medical education. His distinguished thirty-eight year career was primarily at the Office of Medical Education Research and Development at Michigan State University's College of Human Medicine (1968-1994) and, after his retirement there, in the Department of Medical Education and the School of Public Health at the University of Illinois at Chicago. During his career he authored or edited four books, wrote 22 book chapters, published 99 articles, and made more than 900 presentations. He received many prestigious awards. This article gives an overview of Elstein's career and accomplishments and his perspectives on significant innovations in medical education, the role of professional medical educators, the major lessons he has learned during his career.  相似文献   

当前我国公共卫生教育面临着诸多的机遇与挑战。徐州医科大学在公共卫生人才培养中始终围绕“立德树人,德育为先”的办学宗旨与教学理念,不断优化实践教学方案,持续推进独具预防医学专业特色的社会实践活动探索,稳步增强大学生科研能力提升,培养了一批批综合素质高、实践能力强和科研意识新的公共卫生人才,为满足我国卫生事业的发展、实现和促进人民的健康做出应有贡献。  相似文献   

邹毅  沈江 《现代预防医学》2012,39(9):2218-2219
医学生是一个特殊的大学生群体,由于受到社会竞争加剧、专业课程繁重、就业形势严峻、内心情感丰富和经济困难等多重问题的困扰,当代医学生的心理健康问题日益突出。对医学生进行心理健康教育既可以提高医学生心理健康水平和职业素质,又有助于协助搞好学生管理工作。本文通过对医学生心理健康问题的原因分析,结合医学专业特性,提出了医学生心理健康教育的策略,以此来提高医学生的心理健康水平。  相似文献   

临床实习教育是临床医学专业人才培养的重要教学阶段,其水平的高低、质量的好坏直接影响医学教育质量和医学人才的培养质量,而临床教学医院的管理方法是指导临床实习教育的重要部分。本文探讨规范实习生教学管理,提高临床教学质量的措施和途径。从健全教学管理机制、规范教学管理程序和改革教学方法,调动教学双方的积极性两方面,就临床教学医院如何保障和提高实习教学质量进行了初步的探索和实践。  相似文献   

提高学生临床综合素质培养是七年制临床医学教育的重点。在儿科学的临床实习教学过程中,加强学生医学人文学教育,提高医一患交流技巧与沟通能力;运用启发引导式教育,培养学生循证医学思维,激发学生的科研兴趣,早期实行临床科研训练。通过上述措施,切实的提高七年制医学生的临床综合能力和儿科临床教学质量,实现七年制高等医学教育培养目标。  相似文献   

军队院校任职教育,目的是为部队培养适应军事发展的实用型专业性人才.改进教学方法,提高教学质量是作为教育者始终研究的方向.本文针对教研室近两年来在军事医学任职教育上的改革创新进行探讨,采用立体化教学法,提高课堂效率,保证教学质量.  相似文献   

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