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Esophageal speech is the first choice for vocal rehabilitation in laryngectomized patients. However, shunt speech is a needed alternative for patients who cannot succeed at esophageal speech. Many kinds of voice prostheses, with good results, have been reported. Provox was selected for 15 laryngectomized patients who were treated in our department. Voice rehabilitation was successful in 13 patients. However, removal of the prosthesis was required in one patient because of stomal stenosis. Voice rehabilitation was not successful in one patient who exhibited esophageal stenosis. The rate of voice rehabilitation was not influenced by the extent of surgery, the dose of radiation, etc.. The maximum phonation time was more than 10 minutes in the 13 patients who succeeded at shunt speech. Prosthetic rehabilitation was requested by two patients who had been successful at esophageal speech. These results suggest that prosthetic voice rehabilitation may be indicated for a wide range of conditions.  相似文献   

From January 2000 to December 2008, we conducted voice rehabilitation using the Provox2 voice prosthesis total-laryngectomy subjects. Of these, 36 attained restoration of 90.0%. Mean maximum phonation time (MPT) was 14.5s, ranging from MPT was not influenced by age, radiotherapy use, primary tumor site, or reconstructive surgery use. Voice prosthesis replacement averaged 25 weeks (5.8 months), ranging from 9 to 74 weeks. Complications occurred in 16 caces (40.0%), mainly granulation tissue formation and prosthesis-site infection, also aspiration pneumonia, prosthesis-site salivary leakage, inability to replace the prosthesis, tracheomalacia, bodies in the trachea. Management rather than medical problems included cost, frequent hospital visits, and lack of motivation to use a prosthesis. The Provox2 voice prosthesis speech provides a higher rate of speech restoration, longer phonatory better intelligibility. Management problems, however, require that we work to understand subjects' living environments and family situations better for evaluating Provox2 voice prosthesis indication more effectively.  相似文献   

Vocal rehabilitation in laryngectomized patients can be attained by surgical (tracheoesophageal speech) or conservative methods (oesophageal speech or artificial larynx). We prospectively studied voice restoration in 37 patients who underwent total laryngectomy in the period from February 1991 to February 1993. The patients were given the opportunity to assess both non-shunt oesophageal speech and shunt oesophageal speech using the Provox voice prosthesis. The Provox low resistance, self-retaining voice prosthesis is a biflanged device made of silicon rubber. A primary tracheoesophageal puncture was made in 28 patients, while a secondary puncture was performed in another nine patients. The results were assessed according to criteria established at the ‘Third International Congress on Voice Prosthesis’ in Groningen (1988). Functional tracheoesophageal speech after primary puncture was achieved in 95% of patients 12 months after puncture, while oesophageal voice was acquired by 55%. Only minor surgical and prosthesis-related complications were encountered during this follow-up period in 29% of the patients. The device lifetime varied from 3 months to at least 2 years (mean 5.4 months).  相似文献   

为解决无喉者发音问题,从1993年3月~1996年11月,利用自行研制的双瓣式喉发音钮及安装器为全喉切除术后患者应用97例,其中男84例,女13例,年龄35岁~78岁。全喉切除术后Ⅰ期安装20例,Ⅱ期安装77例,效果满意,患者均能清晰说话,语言流利,地方语言特色明显。部分患者能唱歌,随访观察:在发音钮有效使用时间(1~2年)内,配戴满2年者68例,发音有效率100%,误咽率为零。该发音钮具有安装、更换方便,使用时间长,术后不用鼻饲等优点,为无喉者发音提供了又一有效途径。  相似文献   

双瓣式发音钮全喉切除术后发音重建   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为解决无喉者发音问题,从1993年3月 ̄1996年11月,利用自行研制的双瓣式喉发音钮及安装器为全喉切除术后患者应用97例,其中男84例,女13例,年龄35岁 ̄78岁,全喉切除术后1期安装20例,Ⅱ期安装77例,效果满意,患者均能清晰说话,语言流利,地方语言特色明显,部分患者能唱歌,随防观察:在发音钮有效使用时间(1 ̄2年)内,配戴满2年者68例,发音有效率100%,误咽率为零。该发音钮具有安装,  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyze the effectiveness of the Provox2 voice prosthesis for voice rehabilitation following total laryngectomy. METHODS: From September 2000 to December 2004, the Provox2 voice prosthesis was used for voice rehabilitation in 32 patients following total laryngectomy. The quality of speech with the Provox2 voice prosthesis was analyzed using the HRS rating scale, the maximum phonation time (MPT), incidence of complications and the in situ lifetime. The rate of speech restoration was further analyzed in 129 patients with total laryngectomy from 1996 to 2004. RESULT: Twenty-nine of 32 patients were able to restore speech using the Provox2 voice prosthesis, a speech restoration rate of 90.6%. The maximum phonation time (MPT) was measured in 18 patients using the Provox2 voice prosthesis. The mean MPT was 15.1 s, with a range of 8-28 s. MPT was not influenced by age, concurrent radiotherapy treatment, the location of the primary tumor or use of reconstructive surgery. The average lifetime of the Provox2 in patients with laryngeal carcinoma (12 patients) and hypopharyngeal carcinoma (17 patients) was 27.2 and 16.6 weeks, respectively, which was significantly different (P=0.024, non-parametric Mann-Whitney's U-test). The rate of speech restoration by the use of esophageal speech, and insertion of an artificial larynx was 62.7% for laryngeal carcinoma (59 cases) and 38.6% for hypopharyngeal carcinoma (70 cases), which was also significantly different (P<0.01, chi-square test). CONCLUSION: Provox2 voice prosthesis speech was very useful due to the higher rate of speech restoration, longer phonatory time, and better intelligibility. It was also thought that voice prosthesis speech was useful in conjunction with esophageal speech and an artificial larynx depending on the patient's condition or wishes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the anatomy, as well as the probability of restoring voice (study of the methods of vocal recovery) with the Newvox voice prosthesis. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This study relates to 225 patients having undergone a total laryngectomy and a Newvox voice prosthesis (one or more prosthesis) between April 1979 and November 2003. All the cases were followed up for 2 years. During evolution the complications were noted. All the valves removed were sent for microbiological analysis, including culture. The Statistical Analysis were carried out on the cohort of patients defined as having benefited from one or more voice prostheses after undergoing total laryngectomy. The lifespan of the implants has been described by the median duration (corresponding to the duration above which 50% of the implants lasted) the first quartile (corresponding to the duration above which 75% of the implants lasted) and the third quartile (corresponding to the duration above which 25% of the implants lasted). RESULTS: No infection by candida albicans was found. Complete removal of the Newvox voice prosthesis for local problems was necessary only in 20 cases (8.9% of the cases). The general lifespan (on 225 patients) of the 1st implant corresponded to a median of 252 days (8.4 months) with a first quartile of 452 days (1.2 year). The statistical analysis of the lifespan of the Newvox voice prosthesis made it possible to study the impact of radiotherapy on the quality of the results. The time to onset of satisfactory phonation was studied: The general median (time above which includes 50% of the patients) was three weeks. After two weeks, 25% of the patients obtain a satisfactory voice. CONCLUSION: On the whole, out of 185 documented cases, a satisfactory voice was obtained in 84% of patients, either by the voice prosthesis or by oesophageal voice. The absence of infection by candida albicans of the Newvox voice prosthesis is one of the factors which probably account for it being so well tolerated and having a significantly longer lifespan compared with other prostheses.  相似文献   

Tisch M  Lorenz KJ  Störrle E  Maier H 《HNO》2003,51(6):467-472
BACKGROUND: Our study included 52 patients who received follow-up care after laryngectomy; a Provox I prosthesis was used for voice rehabilitation. METHODS: The EORTC Quality of Life Questionnaire was used to assess the postoperative quality of life of these patients with voice prostheses. RESULTS: Of the patients, 36.1% complained of a lack of energy, and 22% experienced sadness suggesting a reactive depression. Of the 55.6% of patients who expressed satisfaction with managing their disease, more than two-thirds were afraid of a potential deterioration of their health. More than 90% of the patients received extensive support from family and friends. As many as 52.8% expressed themselves satisfied with their current life, which is perhaps attributable to the successful rehabilitation of their voice. Eating problems, i.e., varying degrees of dysphagia as a result of treatment, were experienced by 47.3% of the patients. CONCLUSIONS: After the laryngectomy, 11% continue to smoke and 46% regularly consume alcohol. For this reason, rehabilitation measures should place more emphasis on patient education and on programs designed to help patients stop smoking and drinking alcohol.  相似文献   

Prosthetic rehabilitation of voice after total laryngectomy has gained wide acceptance in the last 10 years. Several reliable voice prostheses have been developed and used successfully. Priorities for further development of the methods and instruments for prosthetic voice rehabilitation have led to the design of a low-resistance, self-retaining voice prosthesis (Provox) and an adapted replacement method. The results obtained in 79 patients are described. In vivo airflow resistance ranged from 1.0 to 3.8 kPa (mean = 1.9 kPa). Speech quality was good in 91% of the patients. The self-retaining properties of the prosthesis appeared to be satisfactory. The average device-life was more than 5 months. Replacement of the prosthesis with a new disposable guide wire was done quickly as an outpatient procedure. Maintenance of the prosthesis by the patient was simple. The new low-resistance, self-retaining Provox voice prosthesis and the modified replacement method appeared to further improve the results of prosthetic voice rehabilitation after total laryngectomy.  相似文献   

CONCLUSION: The new Provox NID non-indwelling voice prosthesis investigated in this study provides a good option for laryngectomized patients using non-indwelling voice prostheses and can potentially improve safety and increase patients' satisfaction with their voice and speech. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the feasibility of and patient satisfaction with the Provox NID non-indwelling voice prosthesis. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Pre- and post-study questionnaires were used to evaluate the patients' former voice prosthesis and the Provox NID voice prosthesis. In addition, measurements of pull-out force, maximum phonation time and loudness were made for both voice prostheses. In vitro measurements of airflow characteristics were also made. Following a 6-week trial, all patients provided feedback on the new voice prosthesis and the results were used to further improve the Provox NID. This final version of the new voice prosthesis was subsequently trialled and evaluated by 10 patients 6 months later. RESULTS: Overall results showed that patient satisfaction with the Provox NID non-indwelling voice prosthesis was favourable. The pull-out force for the new prosthesis was significantly higher than that for the formerly used prosthesis and its aerodynamic characteristics were better.  相似文献   

The first voice prosthesis was described in 1972 by Mozolewski. Eight years later Blom and Singer constructed the first commercial prosthesis. In 1988 another prosthesis was presented as Provox system prosthesis. The aim of the study was to describe the technique of tracheoesophageal puncture (TEP) and to present two years results of the technique performed in 21 patients. Primary TEP with immediate implantation of the Provox 2 prosthesis was applied in 16 (76%) patients. In five patients (24%) secondary TEP was performed. All the patient with primary TEP had cricopharyngeal myotomy. In 7 patients the vocal prosthesis was exchanged. In five because of leakage through the valve and in two patients the vocal prosthesis was extruded. Leakage around the prosthesis occurred in two patients with secondary TEP. The mean device-related lifetime was 216 days and ranged from 30 to 540 days. In non-radiated patients the lifetime of the prosthesis was 255 days and in patients after radiotherapy the lifetime was 150 days. In all the patients the prosthetic voice was more similar to normal voice than in patients with esophageal speech. The implantation of the voice prosthesis is a simple method of restoring of a good quality voice enabling communication.  相似文献   

Groningen prosthesis for voice rehabilitation after laryngectomy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Singer and Blom's endoscopic technique, using a single valved silicone prosthesis, constituted a dramatic advance in speech rehabilitation following total laryngectomy. Since 1980, we have developed a silicone biflanged prosthesis that overcomes some of the inconveniences of previous prostheses. Insertion via the mouth and the oesophagus, or as a primary procedure during total laryngectomy is easily done with the use of specially developed instruments. The success rate in 36 patients in which the voice button was inserted at the time of total laryngectomy was 86.2%.  相似文献   

A new prosthesis for voice rehabilitation after laryngectomy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Since the first laryngectomy, several surgical and prosthetic techniques have been developed in order to restore voice. Problems encountered with these techniques include: Leakage through the tracheoesophageal fistula, spontaneous closure of the fistula, dislodgement of the prosthesis, and the use of adhesives for fixation. We now introduce a new silicone voice prosthesis that overcomes these problems. The prosthesis is easily inserted as a one-stage procedure during total laryngectomy. Successful acquisition of voice was achieved in 30 of 33 patients, irrespective of preoperative or postoperative radiotherapy. Average device life proved to be approximately 100 days. The high rate of success with minimal morbidity merits further investigation of this one-stage voice rehabilitation technique.  相似文献   

Salivary leakage can be a major symptom of valve failure or incorrect positioning of indwelling voice rehabilitation valves in a tracheo-oesophageal fistula. Usually, removal of the valve for a short time leads to shrinking of the fistula or a simple valve replacement procedure resolves the problem. If the fistula, however, does not close spontaneously, symptoms persist and the fistula may have to be closed surgically. In a retrospective study, data of 103 patients who underwent laryngectomy and primary voice rehabilitation between 1989 and 1998 with either the Provox or the Eska-Herrmann prosthesis were compared with regard to surgical fistula closure requirement. A total of 55 patients underwent laryngectomy and primary voice rehabilitation with the Eska-Herrmann and 48 with the Provox prosthesis. Initial tumour treatment also included post-operative radiotherapy for all patients in the study. In total, surgical fistula closure had to be performed in three patients, all of whom had been treated with the Provox prosthesis. The time span between initial voice rehabilitation and surgical closure of the fistula was 5 months, 21 months and 24 months in all three patients respectively. None of the fistulas developed in relation to recurring tumour disease. The Provox prosthesis seem to have a higher risk of developing fistulas necessitating surgical intervention, even years after initial tumour therapy, than the Eska-Herrman prosthesis. These complications may be due to the larger tracheo-oesophageal fistula necessary to fit the larger diameter of the Provox prosthesis. Received: 19 December 2000 / Accepted: 10 April 2001  相似文献   

The authors have presented the application and usage the alloplastic vocal prosthesis Provox 2 to serve for rehabilitation speech after total laryngectomy. Surgical technique of implantation of vocal prosthesis was discussed. The authors estimated in 6 patients following parameters of speech; fundamental frequency, maximum phonation time of vowel "a", maximum intensity and degree of dysphonia. In all 6 cases post-operative course was uncomplicated. Above mentioned parameters of voice were measured in order to comparison quality of oesophageal speech to tracheo - oesophageal speech. The authors assessed speech at 6 patients with voice prosthesis and 6 with good oesophageal speakers as a control group. The results of our investigations showed, that quality of tracheo - esophageal speech obtained with usage vocal prosthesis Provox 2 is more like normal speech than oesophageal speech. Social efficiency and quality of tracheo - oesophageal voice is better than oesophageal voice.  相似文献   

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