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We observed an arterial ring communicating the superior and inferior gluteal arteries in the left half of the pelvis of an 88-year-old male. Although many previous studies have shown variations in the internal iliac artery, there has been no literature describing the fenestration. Therapeutic embolization is commonly performed for intractable bleeding in pelvic region. Surgeons should be aware of the arterial ring formation because of possible danger in the intravascular treatments. In patients with similar arterial rings, embolization of the anterior trunk of the internal iliac artery could be insufficient when blood runs through the circle of the arterial ring.  相似文献   

解剖一男尸时,发现其右侧睾丸动脉与其右侧输精管动脉变异。右侧未见起自腹主动脉的睾丸动脉;右侧睾丸动脉与输尿管动脉以钝角共干,直接起自髂内动脉,该睾丸动  相似文献   

Purpose  The aim of this study was to evaluate the popliteal artery branching patterns and related measurements. Methods  A cadaveric study in forty lower limbs was performed to improve the understanding of anatomy of the popliteal artery and its main branches. Results  Normal branching of the popliteal artery was present in 36 specimens (90%). High origin of the anterior tibial artery was seen in two specimens (5%). The bifurcation was at the level of proximal border of popliteus, but the posterior tibial artery originated directly from the popliteal artery in one specimen (2.5%). Trifurcation pattern with no trunk was observed in one specimen (2.5%). Conclusions  We believe that a review of the anatomic characteristics of the popliteal artery and its branches will be beneficial for the surgical approaches and the choice of suitable arterial graft sites. This study was presented at 9th Congress of European Association of Clinical Anatomy in Prague, 5–8 September 2007.  相似文献   

The internal iliac artery supplies the pelvic organs, as well as the osseous and muscular components of pelvic walls. The goal of our study is a statistical analysis of the internal iliac artery and its branches compared to the data recorded in the literature. A total of 100 internal iliac arteries were dissected, 60 arteries from male and 40 from female individuals. The results point out differences in length and caliber between males and females. Comparative analysis of our data with similar studies shows differences in the length of the internal iliac artery in Romanian patients compared to English and Japanese people. In conclusion, our results suggest a vascular variability in different ethnic groups.  相似文献   

On the basis of 200 angiographic studies of atherosclerotic patients affected by aorto-iliac lesions, the authors have investigated the anastomotic collateral systems of the internal iliac artery. After defining the different anastomotic systems of the internal iliac artery, they attempt to assess the functional importance of each anastomotic system in relation to the level of aorto-iliac obstruction. The different anastomotic systems involved are studied in terms of the different types of obliteration of the main arterial axis, and clinical tolerance is assessed for each case. This study emphasizes the important role of the internal iliac artery in the compensatory circulation to the lower limbs, over and above its role as an artery supplying the pelvis. The authors consider that this justifies attaching great importance to revascularization of the internal iliac arteries during reconstructive aorto-femoral procedures.  相似文献   

目的 观察CT和MRI获取颈内动脉-眼动脉(ICA-OA)区域常见病变的影像特征,分析病变与ICA-OA的关系,为临床进一步治疗提供帮助.方法 回顾性收集我院2011年6月—2013年12月确诊的194例与ICA-OA区域相关的常见病变患者的影像资料,采用数字影像工作站对病变进行分析.采用五分区法进行研究,即以ICA-OA为轴,将周围分为眶区、鞍区、颞区、鼻窦区和眶颅交界区5个分区,对各区病变相关数据进行统计并分析病变与ICA-OA的关系.结果 194例患者影像资料分析结果显示,ICA-OA区域病变发生率大于5%的常见病变有垂体瘤73例(37.63%)、动脉瘤21例(10.82%)、脑膜瘤18例(9.28%)、Rathke囊肿15例(7.73%)、海绵状血管瘤13例(6.70%)、视神经胶质瘤10例(5.15%)和颅咽管瘤10例(5.15%),分析病变对ICA-OA产生影响的情况显示,ICA-OA动脉瘤最容易对ICA-OA造成影响.结论 ICA-OA周围结构复杂,常见病变种类较多,通过CT和MRI可以很好地显示病变及其与ICA-OA的关系,为临床诊治提供可靠资料.  相似文献   

The internal iliac arteries (IIA), and especially the distal segment, course very deep in the pelvis and are generally difficult to access surgically. The recent development of simple and reliable methods to investigate proximal ischemia of the lower extremities has led to discovery of more candidates for elective revascularization of the IAA. The classic approaches to the IAA, i.e., the transperitoneal and homolateral retroperitoneal routs have certain disadvantages. We present a new crossed retroperitoneal approach to the IAA and the results of such method in six cadavers. In all six cases, the entire IAA could be exposed without any particular problems. This novel approach to the IAA seems to be both simple and reproducible.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to determine the origins of the parietal and visceral branches of the internal iliac artery of the llama and to match those with the known types and classifications in the human being and domestic animals. The internal iliac artery divides at the level of the third sacral vertebra into the caudal gluteal and internal pudendal arteries corresponding to an intermediate long iliac type. It gives off the following collateral branches: umbilical, cranial gluteal, obturator and iliolumbar arteries. The intrapelvic visceral branches, vaginal or prostatic arteries, arise from the internal pudendal artery as occurs in carnivores. This is an important difference in relation to the distribution in characteristic long iliac and artiodactyla types. The origins of the parietal and visceral branches of internal iliac artery in the llama have characteristics in common with the domestic cat, which belongs to the carnivores. In relation to the Adachi classification, the internal iliac artery of the llama will be included in the IVa type. We believe that this study is a contribution of a new aspect in teaching and research in comparative anatomy.  相似文献   

The origins of the inferior epigastric and obturator arteries and the relationship between these arteries have been determined macroscopically in examinations of 706 body-halves of Japanese subjects. Three very rare inferior epigastric arteries were found to arise from the obturator artery leaving the internal iliac artery. The intimate relationship between these arteries has been documented by the obturator artery arising from the inferior epigastric artery and the anastomosis between them. It is generally interpreted that such anomalies occur as remnant or partial disappearance of the connection between the pubic branches of the inferior epigastric and obturator arteries. The inferior epigastric artery arising from the obturator artery is also thought to be a similar anomaly. Since the obturator artery from the inferior epigastric artery represents one form of extreme anomaly, and the inferior epigastric artery from the obturator artery represents another form, it would seem that these two forms of extreme anomaly should occur at similar frequencies. However, in our research, the incidence of the former was 10.5% while that of the latter was a very low 0.4%. During normal development, the inferior epigastric artery is established at an earlier stage than the obturator artery as a channel for blood supply. We suppose that the difference of blood flow resulting from this time lag is one of the reasons why the inferior epigastric artery from the obturator artery is very rare in comparison to the obturator artery from the inferior epigastric artery.  相似文献   

Cervical carotid artery dissections (CCAD) are common in young adults with a mean age of 44 years and may account for as many as 20% of strokes in patients younger than 30 years. Trauma and primary diseases of the arterial wall such as fibromuscular dysplasia are the main predisposing factors. Some CCAD cases are diagnosed solely on clinical history and physical examination, and even imaging tools such as helical/multi-slice computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sometimes are not sufficient to reach a diagnosis. We describe the case of an 18-year-old male who presented to our emergency department due to loss of consciousness 18 hours after a car accident. Previously he had been in no acute distress, with fluent speech, and able to follow 3-step commands. Helical CT showed a hypodense lesion in the left-middle cerebral artery territory, as well as hyperdensity of the M1 segment of the middle cerebral artery. Cerebral angiography depicted the left carotid artery dissection in the C1 segment. Physicians should consider this entity in "asymptomatic" patients during their first hours after head injury, among patients who later develop focal neurological symptoms and clinical deficits. Clinical suspicion followed by radiological findings allows early neurovascular treatment, trying to save viable brain tissue in the first hours post injury.  相似文献   

Arterial endofibrosis is a rare disease usually affecting the external iliac artery in highly trained athletes. We report a case of bilateral external iliac endofibrosis in a 44-year-old cyclist. Microscopic examination of the resection specimen showed an isolated thickening of the arterial intima, and confirmed the diagnosis of this entity of unknown etiology.  相似文献   

据《中国人体质调查续集》一书,髂内静脉的类型:1支型为(74.50±4.32),2支型为(24.51±4.26)%,3支型为(0.98±0.98)%,而1支型的髂内静脉均注入同侧髂总静脉。作者在解剖1具老年男性尸体时发现其右髂总静脉缺如、右髂内静脉注入左髂总静脉、右髂外静脉注入下腔静脉变异,现报道如下:该例标本右侧髂内静脉的收集范围正常,其由属支形成后伴髂内动脉和髂总动脉行向内上方,在骶骨岬的前方注入左髂总静脉,其长5.56cm,注入处压扁外径1.18cm;而右髂外静脉由股静脉延续后伴髂外动脉和髂总动脉行向内上方,在第5腰椎下缘与左髂总静脉相互汇合形成下腔静…  相似文献   

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