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口颌系统的健美是口腔医学的最高追求。对于口腔医学工作者来说,将美学的一般原理和规律应用到医疗实践、科研和教学中,通过生理—心理效应来解决口腔医学中的一系列美学问题,对提高临床操作技艺和医疗质量,完善口腔医学学科体系,具有深远的意义。鉴于目前社会人群文化素质的不断提高和求新求异的审美趋向,使口腔医学的服务对象不只限于患病的人,而有越来越多的要求改善自我形象美的  相似文献   

目的通过改革临床实践技能考核模式,提高口腔医学实践教学质量。方法在口腔实践考核中引入客观结构化临床考试模式,通过分析比较,调查问卷等考察这一模式的应用效果。结果客观结构化临床考试模式能够被学生接受和适应,可以客观全面地考察学生实践能力,有助于实践教学质量的提高。结论客观结构化临床考试是一种良好的口腔医学实践考核模式,值得在口腔实践教学中推广应用。  相似文献   

口腔医学实验教学是口腔医学教育的重要形式,是联系口腔医学理论知识和临床实践操作的桥梁。加强口腔医学实验教学,可以调动学生的学习积极性、增强学生的动手能力,培养学生规范的临床操作技能,为高标准完成临床实际操作打下坚实基础。  相似文献   

本文初步探讨了美术对口腔医学审美实践的如下积极意义:美术造型原理的学习和实践有利于提高医生的审美能力及重塑患者容貌美的能力;美术训练对口腔医学审美实践中提高医生把握容貌形态及空间感的能力具有积极作用;美术的物体色彩把握训练对提高口腔医学审美实践能力有积极的作用;美术欣赏和实践利于口腔医生陶冶情操、愉悦身心。  相似文献   

目的 :探索口腔医学生社区口腔卫生服务能力的培养方法。方法 :以同济大学2010级、2011级口腔医学本科生为研究对象,将研究性教学模式引入口腔医学生的口腔预防医学教学中。通过开学初学生自主择题开兴趣小组方式,由教师引导其围绕议题自主寻找答案讨论并撰写科普小论文的方式,开展《口腔预防医学》的教学。以提高医学生社区口腔卫生服务能力为中心,将研究型教学模式的多种教学方式整合进行教学改革。结果:该研究性教学方式提高了教学质量及学生的综合能力,增强了学生的口腔疾病预防观念和口腔保健意识。结论:研究性学习教学模式有利于口腔医学生社区口腔卫生服务能力的培养。  相似文献   

刘尧  陈旭  程丹 《口腔医学研究》2012,28(4):376-378
目的:培养口腔医学专业学生的临床思维能力,提高其医患沟通技能,同时解决临床教学资源不足的矛盾,探索儿童口腔医学课间实习教学新模式。方法:在中国医科大学口腔医学专业本科生儿童口腔医学课间实习课程中引入学生标准化病人(Standardized Patient,SP)教学模式,进行教学改革及应用探索。研究分2组,即标准化病人教学组(SP组)与传统讲授教学组(讲授组)。采用问卷调查和试卷考试的方式进行教学效果评估,应用SPSS12.0软件,进行统计学分析。结果:实验组,即标准化病人教学组学生在学习兴趣,医患沟通及临床诊疗能力等方面的评估结果优于对照组,即传统教学组(P〈0.01),2组学生在试卷考核中基础知识类试题的成绩在统计学上无显著性差别,病例分析类试题的成绩标准化病人教学组高于传统教学组,有高度显著性差异(P〈0.01)。结论:将学生标准化病人教学模式引入儿童口腔医学课间实习课程中,提高了教学质量及学生实践能力,为临床前实习教学模式改革提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   

引导式教学法在口腔实践教学中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
口腔医学是一门实践性很强的科学,而口腔医学临床实习中却一直延续着"师傅带徒弟"式的教学方法,通过近年来的教学实践证明这种教学模式已越来越难以适应现代社会的发展需要.临床实习是理论知识与临床实践联系的桥梁,是培养学生逐步建立科学的的临床思维方法、提高分析问题和解决问题能力的重要教学阶段.  相似文献   

目的探讨实践操作过程评估系统在口腔医学实验教学及考核中的应用与发展。方法考察实践操作过程评估系统在口腔医学实验教学及考核中的应用,并通过调查问卷了解师生使用系统后的心得和感想,以探讨其对教学质量的影响。结果实践操作过程评估系统可以真实模拟临床操作,即时指导操作过程,客观评价操作结果,提高学生临床前期的实践操作技能,并可用于实验考核中,客观考核学生实践能力,达到良好教学效果。结论实践操作过程评估系统能够提高口腔医学实验教学质量,值得在口腔医学教学中推广应用。  相似文献   

面对当今社会经济的快速发展及日趋激烈的竞争,口腔医学教学改革势在必行.围绕培养德、智、体、美全面发展的口腔医学复合型、创新型人才,必须在课程设置、教学方法、教学手段、培养模式等方面进行改革和创新,将教学中心由以教师为主转向以学生为主,全面提高学生的科研能力、英语能力和临床技能.  相似文献   

目的针对境外学生的特点,探讨口腔医学临床实习教学模式,提高实习质量。方法让学生认识口腔医学学习的重要性、实用性,教学中将理论与临床实践紧密结合,从而深化学生的积极性与学习兴趣。结果通过多年的临床教学实践,有效地让境外学生克服了松散的习性,保证了临床实习质量,提高学生的综合素质,为世界各地输送合格的口腔医学人才。结论通过加强认识口腔医学的重要性、横向比较和展望美好未来的教学方法,能有效地提高境外学生的积极性与主动性。  相似文献   

数字化技术在口腔临床和科研中的应用日益广泛,但目前国内针对口腔数字化技术的本科和研究生教学尚未普及,毕业后教育的需求较大。北京大学口腔医学院在既往多年口腔数字化技术教学的实践基础上,初步探索了一套理论教学和实践教学相结合的三阶段渐进式口腔数字化技术进修教学模式,并结合个性化的进修培养方案,实现以临床和科研为导向的高水平口腔数字化软、硬件应用能力骨干人才培养。该进修培养模式在一定程度上弥补了国内口腔数字化技术进修教育领域的空白,是我国口腔数字化技术专业人才多元化培养的有益探索,有助于推动我国口腔数字化技术临床应用和科研的发展。  相似文献   

国内PBL教学很少用于实践课。本文调查了荷兰内梅亨大学教授在我院口腔专业技能训练中开展PBL教学的效果。绝大部分学生对PBL在实践技能教学中的应用给予了积极评价,认为该授课模式可以激发学习兴趣,提高实践技能,比传统授课方法学到更多的知识。但要适用于所有的学生还需从课程的科学设置方面不断地完善,而学生的基础、能力和个性特点等各方面更应当充分考虑,以达到学生学习收益的最大化。  相似文献   

All Australian dental schools have introduced problem-based learning (PBL) approaches to their programmes over the past decade, although the nature of the innovations has varied from school to school. Before one can ask whether PBL is better than the conventional style of education, one needs to consider three key issues. Firstly, we need to agree on what is meant by the term PBL; secondly, we need to decide what "better" means when comparing educational approaches; and thirdly, we must look carefully at how PBL is implemented in given situations. It is argued that PBL fulfils, at least in theory, some important principles relating to the development of new knowledge. It also represents a change in focus from teachers and teaching in conventional programmes to learners and learning. Generally, students enjoy PBL programmes more than conventional programmes and feel they are more nurturing. There is also some evidence of an improvement in clinical and diagnostic reasoning ability associated with PBL curricula. The main negative points raised about PBL are the costs involved and mixed reports of insufficient grounding of students in the basic sciences. Financial restraints will probably preclude the introduction of pure or fully integrated PBL programmes in Australian dental schools. However, our research and experience, as well as other published literature, indicate that well-planned hybrid PBL programmes, with matching methods of assessment, can foster development of the types of knowledge, skills and attributes that oral health professionals will need in the future.  相似文献   

目的 :通过以问题为基础的教学(PBL),探讨研究生课程教学中存在的问题和课程教学改革的思路,为构建口腔医学研究生课程教学模式奠定基础。方法:浙江中医药大学2012、2013、2014共3个年级的18名研究生纳入研究,在《口腔临床学》的教学中,将研究生随机分为传统教学组和PBL教学组。通过对研究生的PBL满意度调查,并比较2组课程测试成绩,评价教学改革的效果。结果:研究生对PBL教学效果的总体评价的满意度为88.9%。比较两组课程测试成绩,PBL组成绩明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:基于PBL的课程教学改革,可以提高研究生的自主学习能力,满足口腔医学研究生课程教学的要求。  相似文献   

目的有关口腔材料学的PBL教学模式目前在国内尚处于探索阶段,本文比较PBL教学和传统教学这两种教学模式在口腔材料学中的教学效果,旨在提高口腔材料学的教学水平。方法选择口腔材料学教材中的"复合树脂"章节为授课内容,一组按PBL教学模式授课,另一组按传统教学模式同班授课,通过口腔材料学考试成绩和调查问卷两项指标对教学效果进行评价,在理论教学中开展两种教学模式的对比分析。结果与传统教学模式相比,接受PBL教学的学生在复合树脂章节的考试成绩明显得到提高(P<0.01)。在意见调查中,80%以上的受试学生认为PBL教学模式在能力培养上优于传统教学模式。结论PBL教学模式在口腔材料学教学中不仅可行,而且可能更有助于学生对口腔材料知识的理解和掌握。  相似文献   

目的:探讨PBL结合SP教学模式在口腔颌面外科住院医师规范化培训中的应用效果及其可行性。方法:我科室于2011年开始采用PBL结合SP教学模式对45名住院医师进行规范化培训,在教学过程中,充分结合两种教学方法的优点,并根据口腔颌面外科的特点进行重新编排,将PBL及SP教学模式分别应用于门诊及病房的规范化培训中,培养和锻炼住院医生的临床操作能力及诊断水平。结果:95%的住院医师在培训结束后都能熟练进行口腔颌面外科的基本操作,并对典型的常见疾病能够做出正确的诊断。结论:PBL结合SP教学模式在口腔颌面外科住院医师规范化培训中的应用切实可行,收到了良好的培训效果。  相似文献   

The anatomical sciences form one of the major building blocks of the basic medical sciences in the professional training of dentists. This paper defines the courses and classifies the formats of teaching for each course within the anatomical sciences curriculum. Information was gathered from the Internet, specifically the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) website links to U.S. and Canadian dental schools and their online catalogues or bulletins as well as online course syllabi. The results demonstrate the distribution of schools in the United States and Canada teaching anatomical sciences in the following categories: stand-alone, sequential, and multifaceted courses for gross anatomy; stand-alone and integrated courses for histology; stand-alone, integrated, incorporated, and no course for neuroanatomy; and stand-alone, incorporated, and no course in embryology. This paper concludes with the proposition that a survey of the usage of anatomical knowledge in use in a typical dental general practice needs to be conducted. The results of such a survey need to be evaluated with the intention of determining what should be taught in a dental clinical anatomical sciences curriculum.  相似文献   

There is a need to explore approaches in faculty development that will foster change in actual teaching practices. The literature suggests that there should be more deliberate use of theory in faculty development research. This study addressed this gap in the literature by exploring social learning theory in the context of communities of practice and applying this theory to a dental hygiene faculty development program. The purpose of the study was to determine if participation in a community of practice helped dental hygiene clinical instructors implement new teaching strategies by providing ongoing support for their learning. In addition, the study explored whether the level of participation in the community changed over time. A retrospective self-assessment questionnaire consisting of four open-ended questions was administered to a group of clinical dental hygiene instructors at the end of the 2010 academic year. The narrative data were analyzed thematically using qualitative methodology. The results indicated that participation in the community of practice helped clinical instructors make effective changes in their teaching practices by optimizing social learning opportunities. The responses also revealed that instructors became more comfortable participating in discussions as they identified with other members of this unique community.  相似文献   

This cross-sectional study investigated performances of two consecutive cohorts of second year dental students on completion of a conventional didactic course and two succeeding cohorts of second year dental students on a recently introduced problem-based learning (PBL) course at The University of Liverpool School of Dentistry. A 40 part true/false questionnaire tested recall of factual knowledge in anatomy, biochemistry, oral biology and physiology. The results showed no significant difference in the total scores when negatively marked between the conventional and PBL course groups but higher total scores in the PBL groups when positively marked. Performances in anatomy, oral biology and physiology did not differ between the groups when negatively marked but the scores of the conventional course groups in biochemistry were significantly lower than the others. With positive marking biochemistry scores were not significantly different but all other subjects were significantly higher in the PBL course groups. The PBL course groups offered fewer blank responses than the conventional course groups but the ratio of correct to incorrect responses, for both definite and intelligent guess responses, were similar in these groups. The compositional profile of the study groups was similar with respect to educational background but the PBL course groups included more females and more older students. The results of this study show that the overall knowledge recall in the basic sciences by dental students on PBL or conventional didactic courses does not differ and may be helpful to those considering the introduction of PBL into the curriculum.  相似文献   

The Society of Dental Education, Chinese Stomatological Association has formulated the Standards of Clinical Practice for Chinese Undergraduate Students Majoring in Stomatology, on the basis of extensively soliciting the views of experts in various fields. The aim of this standard is to guide clinical teaching and improve teaching quality in schools of stomatology in China. The standards include eight parts: the standard of clinical practice for oral and maxillofacial surgery, for cariology and endodontics, for periodontics, for the oral mucosa diseases, for preventive dentistry, for pedodontology, for prosthodontics and for oral imageology. Each part includes introduction to subjects, the clinical practice time period, the purpose and requirements of practice, the disease types of practice and items of clinical operation, the index of the lowest workload of practice and the major methods of assessment. These standards are not only the basic requirements and guiding principles for clinical teaching, but also the major criteria for assessing the clinical teaching quality of stomatological colleges/schools of China.  相似文献   

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