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Hanna Colm 《Psychiatry》2013,76(4):339-344
This study examines the long-term psychiatric consequences, pain interference in daily activities, work loss, and functional impairment associated with 9/11-related loss among low-income, minority primary care patients in New York City. A systematic sample of 929 adult patients completed a survey that included a sociodemographic questionnaire, the PTSD Checklist, the PRIME-MD Patient Health Questionnaire, and the Medical Outcomes Study Short Form-12 (SF-12).

Approximately one-quarter of the sample reported knowing someone who was killed in the attacks of 9/11, and these patients were sociodemographically similar to the rest of the sample. Compared to patients who had not experienced 9/11-related loss, patients who experienced loss were roughly twice as likely (OR = 1.97, 95%; CI = 1.40, 2.77) to screen positive for at least one mental disorder, including major depressive disorder (MDD; 29.2%), generalized anxiety disorder (GAD; 19.4%), and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD; 17.1%). After controlling for pre-9/11 trauma, 9/11-related loss was significantly related to extreme pain interference, work loss, and functional impairment. The results suggest that disaster-related mental health care in this clinical population should emphasize evidence-based treatments for mood and anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

IQ: R.I.P     
In the early decades of this century, "IQ," as score and concept, not only satisfied psychology's need for metrical respectability, but it caught the public's fancy and rapidly became a household word. Reified in many popular tests, it has withstood onslaughts from factor analysis, from concerned social scientists, from judicial fiat, and from scientific knowledge about mental abilities, brain functions, and neuropathology. In neuropsychological practice its use--and that of any scores representing sums or averages of disparate data obtained from tests of brain functions and mental abilities--can obscure specific facets of a subject's neuropsychological status or misrepresent it generally. This 70-year-old concept has outlived its usefulness. Neuropsychology needs to seek more appropriate alternatives to the IQ for describing and conceptualizing mental functioning.  相似文献   

Decompressive craniotomy is a neurosurical technique known since the origin of neurosurgery, but its use as a routine started at the end of the 19th century. In last decades, the use of decompressive craniotomy decreased, mainly because of poor results obtained and the advances in medical treatment of refractory intracranial hypertension in the Intensive Care Units. Nevertheless, in recent years there has been a renewed interest with the use of this surgical techique in young patients with head injuries and severe intracranial hypertensio'n, but no surgical mass lesion, as well as in patients with ischemic stroke causing life threatening mass effect. The authors present a series of four young patients with head injuries and "malignant" intracranial hypertension on whom wide craniotomies were performed with an excellent outcome. The literature is reviewed.  相似文献   

It was argued that researchers and clinicians are not able to make judgments between most categories of the original Medical Research Council (MRC) scale and that a modified short version would reach higher agreement levels. We aimed to assess the inter-rater reliability for both the original and the Rasch-modified MRC scoring criteria of Manual Muscle Strength tests (MMSt) in patients with neuromuscular diseases. Two MRC scoring criteria were used to score muscle strength using MMSt in 40 muscle groups of the upper and lower limbs in patients with neuromuscular disorders. Three investigators performed the evaluations; the order of the MMSt and the use of the scales were performed according to the preferences of the investigators. The agreement coefficient (Gwet's AC2) was used to compute the reliability. Sixty patients (mean age of 39.3 years ± 15.2) with neuromuscular diseases were included. The mean AC2 for the muscle groups of the upper limbs ranged from 0.82 to 0.96 using the modified MRC scale and from 0.86 to 0.96 using the original MRC scale. The AC2 for the lower limb muscle groups ranged from 0.80 to 0.91 (modified MRC scale) and from 0.87 to 0.93 (original MRC scale). These values might be interpreted as “almost perfect agreement” with no significant differences between the scales. The results indicate that both MRC scoring criteria have significant reliability among trained observers. Moreover, the Rasch-modified MRC scale is as reliable as the original MRC scale and can be used in future clinical studies.  相似文献   

Normal adult volunteer subjects ranging in age from 18 to 90 years participated in a study in which analogous auditory and visual paradigms, with infrequently occurring target and non-target events, were used to elicit event-related potentials (ERPs) with a prominent P3 component. Of the 135 subjects participating, 66 completed both auditory and visual paradigms. The amplitude and latency of P3 were analyzed using average ERPs, single trials (adaptive filter) and principal components analysis (PCA). Age regressions were calculated using measures derived from average ERPs and single trials. Single trial measures were better than average ERP measures in demonstrating age-related changes in P3 latency. There was a significant increase in P3 latency with age of 1-1.5 msec/year. The range of normal P3 latency for a given age (1 S.E. of the regression = 40 msec for the visual target stimuli) was much larger than obtained by other investigators. The visual paradigm produced higher P3 latency/age correlations than the auditory paradigm (visual target r = 0.52, non-target r = 0.42; auditory target r = 0.32, non-target r = 0.33). Within individuals, the amplitude and latency of P3 generated by auditory and visual stimuli were highly correlated, though the visual paradigm produced larger and later P3s than the auditory paradigm. There is an apparent change in the scalp topography of P3 with age. In young adults, P3s to target stimuli have a markedly parietal distribution. The distribution of P3 becomes more uniformly distributed from Pz to Fz with age. This may be due to changes in overlapping components such as the slow wave (SW) rather than to changes in the amplitude of P3 per se.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural localization of substance P-like immunoreactivity (SPLI) in lamina I (marginal zone) and lamina II0 (outer substantia gelatinosa) of the dorsal horn of the macaque monkey was examined by the indirect antibody peroxidase-antiperoxidase method. SPLI was found in small unmyelinated and finely myelinated axons and a variety of terminal types. The majority of SPLI terminals contained a few to many large granular vesicles (mean diameter 90 nm) in addition to a population of small clear round vesicles. A very few terminals contained mainly small round vesicles. SPLI terminals were presynaptic in axosomatic, axodendritic and axospinous contacts forming, in all but the axosomatic junctions, asymmetrical synapses. Some axosomatic junctions were symmetrical. SPLI terminals also formed the center of glomeruli with unlabeled dendrites and dendritic spines; some of the unlabeled dendrites contained a few small scattered vesicles and large dense-core vesicles. In more complex formations 2 to 4 SPLI terminals were associated with one another and linked by desmosomal contacts. The individual terminals in the complexes or ‘congregate terminals’ were simple large granular vesicle containing terminals (LGV), LGV-central terminals of associated glomeruli, or terminals containing mainly small round vesicles. In the apical region of lamina I an unlabeled terminal was found occasionally in contact with an SPLI terminal, which in turn synapsed onto a dendrite. These contacts have some synaptic characteristics and the SPLI terminal was possibly postsynaptic. Most of the types of SPLI terminals resemble closely terminal types shown to be of primary afferent origin. These terminals which make direct contact with dorsal horn dendrites may be the morphological substrate for postsynaptic excitation of dorsal horn neurons by substance P. The contacts of unlabeled terminals with SPLI terminals may represent a morphological substrate by which other neurochemical substances such as enkephalin or serotonin may modulate the substance P effects on dorsal horn neuronal activity.  相似文献   

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