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目的:对2012年版《国家基本药物目录》的抗菌药物目录进行分析。方法:通过对2012年版和2009年版《国家基本药物目录》、《WHO基本药物目录》中的抗菌药物目录及30个省市抗菌药物分级目录比较,分析2012年版《国家基本药物目录》的抗菌药物目录特点、不足及其对医疗机构和制药企业产生的影响。结果:2012年版《国家基本药物目录》的抗菌药物目录在2009年版基础上,增加了品种和剂型,并对某些品种的化学成分和规格作了严格限制。但新增品种、剂型和规格仍欠合理,医疗机构对抗菌药物的分级也与《国家基本药物目录》对抗菌药物的分级存在差异,一些制药企业的抗菌药物产品与《国家基本药物目录》的规定不完全一致。结论《:国家基本药物目录》的抗菌药物品种、剂型和规格的合理性有待提高,医疗机构的抗菌药物分级目录需要调整,一些制药企业抗菌药物产品的销售困难增加。  相似文献   

提高基本药物可获得性的策略研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
提高基本药物的可获得性,能够有效降低药品支出在医疗支出中的比重,从而降低医疗支出。本文分析了基本药物政策方面和流通链中生产、流通和使用环节中基本药物可获得性的障碍及表现,并针对基本药物可获得性不高的现状,提出了提高我国基本药物可获得性的建议。  相似文献   

许寅  张永信 《上海医药》2012,33(3):12-17
目的:着重20国基本药物目录中抗菌药比较,以全面理解我国基本药物的重要价值和用药水准.方法:检索WHO官方网站、各国卫生部和药物监管部门官方网站,收集各国的基本药物目录.通过自制数据表格,比较20国经济水平、健康投入和产出情况以及目录的时效性,着重比较抗菌药品种的种类、数量和具体药物.结果:人均GDP、人均卫生费用和卫生费用占GDP比例均以澳大利亚最高(46 710 I$,4 242 I$,11.0%).而阿富汗、巴基斯坦和印度尼西亚分别位列最低,人均GDP为330 I$,人均卫生费用63 I$和卫生费用占GDP的2.4%.WHO目录含抗菌药29个,中国含21个,20国的中位数为29个.目录中含最少抗菌药的国家是马来西亚(11个),最多的是叙利亚,涵盖最多的是青霉素类品种(14个)、头孢菌素类品种(第一代至四代头孢菌素)、大环内酯类品种(7个)和氨基糖苷类品种(6个).结论:由于各国经济、细菌耐药情况和医疗卫生服务水平不同,各国收录的抗菌药品种数量差异较大,但具体品种差异较小.我们可借鉴澳大利亚、印度、加纳等国的经验,优化基本药物的遴选机制和标准治疗指南,使国家基本药物目录更趋完善.  相似文献   

目的比较国家基本药物目录2012版与2009版的异同,为临床用药提供参考。方法采用描述性分析方法,比较国家基本药物目录2012版与2009版在药物分类、剂型、数量及品种方面的差异。结果国家基本药物目录2012版较2009版增加190种药物,其中中成药增补103种,主要是内科用药增补63种与民族药21种;西药增补87种,主要是抗微生物药增补22种,镇痛、解热、抗炎、抗风湿、抗痛风药增补9种,消化系统用药增补12种及专科用药(含中成药)增补37种。国家基本药物目录2012版与2009版剂型增加2种,为滴剂和含片。结论虽然2012版目录比2009版增加了190种药物,与第一批浙江省基层医疗卫生机构增补药物目录(150种)重合41种,但是和现在的用药习惯还有很大的差距。因此,全面实施2012版目录还需要地方政府配套政策的支持。  相似文献   

分析2009版基本药物目录实施中存在的问题,为更好推行刚出台的2012修订版基本药物目录,各地应根据实际制定科学合理、符合本地医疗需要的基本药物目录,加强监督管理、制订考评细则和完善考评机制,保障人人享受到基本医疗服务。  相似文献   

Reports have consistently shown that non-specialist drug workers (whose working role is not specifically concentrated on dealing with drug-related issues) are reluctant to work with drug users. A number of explanations have been offered to account for this unwillingness including attitudinal factors, occupational constraints and a lack of motivation to learn about drug-related issues. Previously, it has been shown that training affects commitment to working with substance misusers, although failure to attract particular professional groups (e.g. general practitioners) into training courses has also been reported. No previous research has examined the views of trainers about training primary health care and health-related workers. This study of a (non-probability) sample of UK drug trainers (n = 145) assessed training activity for different health care workers, and trainers' differential perceptions of training needs and methods. GPs were the group least likely to become trained about drug issues. Training in attitudes towards drug using individuals was perceived to be more important than either skills or knowledge training for GPs, practice nurses, other nurses and probation officers. Experiential training methods were perceived to be more important than a didactic approach for training all health groups except GPs for whom lecture type instruction was believed to be equally appropriate. Seventy-nine percent of subjects reported providing training across drugs in alcohol or drugs, alcohol and tobacco. Most trainers who stated that certain professions required independent training believed that GPs should be trained separately from other groups.  相似文献   

汤春红 《上海医药》2012,33(16):15-18
上海市卫生局组织部分全科医师赴英培训,学员们实地感受和了解了英国的初级卫生保健制度和家庭医生服务,总结国外的成功经验和做法,并结合本地社区卫生服务的实际情况,为上海市家庭医生制服务模式的建立和发展提出自己的建议和看法。  相似文献   

Aim. To explore barriers to, and incentives for, clients on methadone-maintenance treatment (MMT) in Auckland, New Zealand to transfer from secondary care to general practitioner (GP) care. Design. Surveys (with free text response sections) of MMT secondary care staff, stabilised clinic clients, authorised GPs and GP patients. Results. High response rates from secondary care staff (77%) and GPs (74%). Barriers to stable clients' transfer included financial cost and attitudes of secondary care staff and clients. Incentives for patient transfer included confidentiality, a holistic approach to their care, continuity of care, increased patient control, convenience and avoidance of contact with other opioid-dependent people. Distrust in the quality of care provided by authorised GPs was a major barrier for some secondary care staff and their clients, despite prerequisite training for authorisation. In contrast, patients rated primary better than secondary care with none stating a likelihood to return to the secondary service within 6 months. Conclusions. Progression from secondary to primary care should be incorporated in MMT planning from the outset, with secondary services staff reassured about the quality of primary care. An integrated transition period and exploration of funding options to assist transfer from largely publicly funded secondary to largely privately funded primary care are also recommended. [Sheridan J, Goodyear-Smith F, Butler R, Wheeler A, Gohns A. Barriers to, and incentives for, the transfer of opioid-dependent people on methadone maintenance treatment from secondary care to primary health care. Drug Alcohol Rev 2008;27:178-184]  相似文献   

基层医疗机构的中成药品种数和临床使用日益增长,合理用药问题日趋突出,但目前缺少适用于基层医疗机构中成药处方合理性评价的技术规范和指导。针对这一亟须解决的问题,北京市卫计委基层医疗机构处方点评工作组中成药学组会同北京市10余家二、三级医院的一线临床中药师,在前期工作和现有认识基础上,编写了本共识。本共识的编写遵循中华医学会、中华中医药学会关于指南编写的建议,参考国内外权威、常用的Delphi专家咨询法和GRADE证据评价系统,采取最新的共识报告形式完成。最终形成的共识涉及点评工作的组织管理、适应证和遴选药品点评、用法用量和疗程点评、联合用药点评4部分共27条"陈述",为基层医疗机构的中成药处方点评提供技术参考和学术指导。  相似文献   

文小静 《中国新药杂志》2012,(14):1583-1586
WHO的最新版基本药物目录在抗病毒药物部分调入了奥赛米韦,在心血管疾病药物部分将阿替洛尔替换为比索洛尔;提出了合理用药的下一步战略;WHO明确指出基本药物的调入申请应包含所有发表和未发表的证据。我国应借鉴WHO的经验,完善我国基本药物目录、基本药物的合理使用及基本药物的调入申请的评价。  相似文献   

目的:探讨建立高效率、低成本的应急药品储备和供应的新型管理模式。方法:比较我国应急药品、基本药物及医疗保险药品的储备和供应管理特点,分析三者嵌合的衔接方式。结果:274种应急药品,占国家基本药物品种的比例为21.54%,基本医疗保险药品品种的比例为8.42%;应急药品的储备和供应能嵌合入国家基本药物和基本医疗保险药品现行的模式中,主要通过共用中标的药品生产企业或经营企业来实现。国家通过事先与这些中标的医药企业签订合同,来储备、供应和配送应急药品,促进应急药品储备和供应的广覆盖和多元化。结论:应急药品应优先被列入基本药物及基本医疗保险药品的储备和供应目录,国家应采取措施,促进有效嵌合模式的实现。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify possible obstacles to carrying out competent early identification and brief intervention (EIBI) of heavy drinkers in primary health care. Qualitative focus group discussion method study applying the deductive framework approach. Six focus groups involving 18 general practitioners and 19 nurses were recruited from primary health care of the City of Tampere, Finland. Possible obstacles are: (1) confusion regarding the content of early-phase heavy drinking, (2) lack of self-efficacy among primary health care professionals, (3) sense of lacking time needed for carrying out brief intervention, (4) not having simple guidelines for brief intervention, (5) sense of difficulty in identifying of early-phase heavy drinkers, and (6) uncertainty about the justification for initiating discussion on alcohol issues with patients. The main actions to be taken to promote brief intervention are to educate professionals about the content of early-phase heavy drinking and to produce directing, but not excessively demanding guidelines for carrying out EIBI. Probably successful personal experiences carrying out EIBI can improve professionals' self-efficacy and give to them final justification for discussion alcohol issues with their patients.  相似文献   


This study was conducted to determine the psychometric properties of a measure of social support, the Community Assessment Inventory (CAI), and to examine the role of social support in recovery. The CAI and the Addiction Severity Index (ASI) were administered to 196 opioid-dependent adults in (n = 135) or out of (n = 61) methadone treatment in Baltimore, Maryland, between 2004 and 2006. Baseline CAI scale scores indicated a generally high level of internal consistency (α scores). Pearson correlations showed that the scales were stable and had good discriminant validity with the ASI composite scores. One-way analysis of variance indicated that in-treatment participants reported significantly more support at baseline than out-of-treatment participants. This study's findings indicate the CAI may be a useful measure of social support and that such support is an important factor in treatment entry.  相似文献   

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