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Heart failure is currently one of the most common and most cost-intensive of the chronic diseases The main cause of chronic heart failure (CHF) is the abnormalities of both cardiac contractile performance and myocardial energy metabolism. Elevated levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been proposed to contribute to both of them. Xanthine oxidoreductase (XO) is a major source of ROS in the cardiovascular system. XO inhibitors (XOIs) have been the cornerstone of the clinical management of gout and conditions associated with hyperuricemia for several decades.  相似文献   

Lung cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers and the leading cause of cancer mortality in the world. It is of great importance to study mutation of gene related to lung cancer. Mutations in cellular ras gene have been strongly implicated in various stages of mammalian tumorigenesis. In human tumors, the point mutations which have been identified have largely been localized to codon 12,13 or 61 of three ras genes : H-ras, K-ras and N-ras.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium is a protozoan parasite belonging to the phylum Apicomplexa that causes self-limiting diarrhea in immunocompetent individuals, and it may also cause chronic and life-threatening diarrhea in those that are immunocompromised[1]. The two main routes of Cryptosporidium transmission are via water and food. At least 30 Cryptosporidium species have been confirmed, including C. andersoni, with more than 70 genotypes of undefined species.  相似文献   

Mr President, distinguished professors, guests, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for the honour you have accorded me in making me an Honorary Professor of your College.I am deeply grateful to have been accorded this high honour. I have been working in China since 1998 and have been able to observe first hand, China proceeding down a path of e- conomic reform. As it proceeds down the path of reform, it is interesting to again recall the words attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte“China is a slee…  相似文献   

Ethnobotanical record derived from the interaction between the Meru people and their wild plants reveals a high degree of dependency on medicinal and non-medicinal uses of these plants. The dependency is punctuated by the availability of various plant species growing in the region which humans have interacted with for generations. Indeed environment favourable for equatorial forests where temperatures favour growth of various species of plants help to make this region a pharmacy in waiting. Five hundred and sixty seven plant specimens collected in three districts of the greater Meru region have been reported to be used to heal a wide range of diseases and also fulfil other non-medicinal needs as they provide food, fuel and materials among others. Data collected through structured interviews from respondents in the region reveal significant factors that play major roles in the lives of the people thus influencing their social and cultural behaviour.  相似文献   

The in Vivo and in Vitro Model System for lmplantation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although the mechanism of implantation has been described in a number of species, the human implantation process has not been studied in depth, It is difficult to obtain the earliest human specimens for studying the mechanism of implantation and antiimplantation, Therefore, it is neeessary, to establish the in vivoand in vitro appropriate animal model system for investigating implantation.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, there has been a flurry of research on adjuvants for vaccines, and several novel adjuvants are now licensed products or in late stage clinical development. The success of adjuvants in enhancing the immune response to antigens has led many researchers to re-focus their vaccine development programs. Although several vaccine candidates have been tested against leishmaniasis, there is yet no effective vaccine against this parasitic disease. Recent research has documented that efforts to develop effective Leishmania vaccine have been limited due to lack of an appropriate adjuvant. In view of this, this review paper outlines some of the adjuvants that have been used in Leishmania vaccine candidates and cites a few of the responses obtained from these studies. The aim of the present review is to consolidate these findings to facilitate the application of these adjuvants in general and experimental vaccinology.  相似文献   

Planarians can be used as invertebrate bioassays to evaluate the role of neurotransmitters on regenerating cells.The influence of the nervous system is crucial to regenerate a normal complete animal.The neurotrophic action of the nervous system has been attributed to the major neurohormones present throughout the animal kingdom.The same type of transmitters found in mammals have been extensively found in many invertebrates,including planarians,but their tole in regeneration is unclear.Neurotransmitters and drugs which act on neurohumoral transmission have been used to determine the role of each neurohormone on regenerating planarians.Biochemical and pharmacological mechanisms of neurohormones on regenerative planarians are reviewed,as is their putative role on regeneration.Correlation with the roles of neurotransmitters in the central nervous system of higher organisms are also addressed.  相似文献   

It is a well-known fact that the esophagus of parasitic nematodes (Looss, 18tj6; Jaegerskioeld, 1894, 1897; Martim, 1916) and of free-living nematodes (de Man, 1886) is provided wich glands. Although tbey evidently play a very important r61e in the feeding of the worms, these glands have been carefully studied only in a small number of species. In Ascaris lumbricoides, where the arrangement and structure of tbese glands have been described in detail by Hsu (1029), we find a dorsal gland extending nearly the whole length of the esophagus and tw。 subventral glands which occupy only the posterior portion of the subventral sectors. The dorsal gland opens in the lumen of the es。 phagus near the anterior end, whereas the openings of the subventral glands are found in the posterior part of the esophageallumen. These three glands show a varying degree of development in different species of nematodes. In some only the dorsal gland is present; in other species the subventral glands exist as described for Ascaris lumbri- coides, but are ruuch shorter than the dorsal gland. In the genus Physalol~era they seem to be of equal length, at any rate the:''r openings are at about the same level in the anterior part of the esophagus. In Physaloldera, it is observable macroscopically as a characteristic of the whole family Physalopteridae that the esophagus is divided into an anterior muscular and a posterior glandular portion. Such a division is frequently met with in most representatives of the Spiruroidea and in mar,y of the Filarim:dea. Among the Ascaroidea  相似文献   

目的:观察加拿大一枝黄花与中药一枝黄花对小鼠的解热镇痛抗炎作用的影响。方法:用热板法测定小鼠的痛觉反应时间,二甲苯耳肿胀法。结果:加拿大一枝黄花与中药一枝黄花具有解热镇痛抗炎作用。结论:加拿大一枝黄花的解热镇痛作用相较于中药一枝黄花的作用相当,加拿大一枝黄花的抗炎作用相较于一枝黄花的作用要强。  相似文献   

目的 对加拿大一枝黄花和一枝黄花进行鉴别,从而控制一枝黄花的药材质量。方法 采用显微鉴定技术对两种样品的叶片进行显微制片并对比观察。结果 一枝黄花和加拿大一枝黄花在叶缘非腺毛的细胞构成数目和叶片下表皮非腺毛的类型方面存在明显差异,一枝黄花叶缘非腺毛常为3~7个细胞,而加拿大一枝黄花叶缘非腺毛多由2~4个细胞构成,加拿大一枝黄花的下表皮具有非鼠尾状的普通非腺毛,而一枝黄花则无。结论 一枝黄花和加拿大一枝黄花在叶片上的显微差异可以作为一枝黄花药材鉴别的参考依据。  相似文献   

本文叙述了一枝黄花洗面奶的制作原理,配方,操作方法和产品的性能。  相似文献   

本文介绍了以一枝黄花作添加剂的沐浴剂的制作原理、配方、工艺过程和产品的性能。  相似文献   

本实验采用一枝黄花作为化妆品中的天然添加剂,配以维生素E和尿囊素来制取具有保护、止痒、营养皮肤效用的天然化妆品膏霜。本文叙述了制作原理,配方,操作方法和产品的性能。  相似文献   

目的 社鼠是东洋界种,不仅一直被认为是农林业有害动物.而且被怀疑为滇西北鼠疫疫源地的鼠疫、恙虫病和流行性出血热(汉坦病毒)等病原体的储存宿主.为了了解洱海周边地带社鼠体表寄生虫的多样性,我们研究了89只社鼠体表寄生虫的群落组成.方法 选取云南洱海周边的不同地理方位作为野外抽样调查地点,用鼠笼加食饵诱捕小兽并检获其体表寄生虫.体表寄生虫在显微镜下鉴定寄生虫的种类.用染虫率和虫指数反映体表寄生虫的流行和密度状况,用统计分析中的非参数检验(Non.parametric Mann.Whitney U)分析雌雄小兽宿主间寄生虫数量差异.用Spearman相关分析(Spearman correlation analysis)体表寄生虫数量与宿主身体参数的关系.结果 捕获89只社鼠.其中70只社鼠侵染体表寄生虫,总侵染率为79%.采集到体表寄生虫51种,包括31种恙螨、13种革螨、4种蚤及3种吸虱.攸氏无前恙螨为优势恙螨种,占恙螨总数的66.23%;土尔克厉螨为优势革螨种,占革螨总数的38.48%;绒鼠怪蚤为优势蚤种,占蚤总数的42.86%;太平洋甲胁虱为优势吸虱种,占吸虱总数的80.07%.这51种体表寄生虫中,有11种被证明是人类疾病的主要媒介.U检验表明,体表寄生虫、恙螨、吸虱、蚤类和革螨的个体数量和物种数在雌雄宿主体表间的差异无统计学意义.spearman相关分析表明,体表寄生虫、恙螨、吸虱、蚤类和革螨的个体数量与宿主身体参数(体重)之间无相关性.结论 社鼠的体表寄生虫群落结构复杂,物种多样性高,其中有11种曾经报道与人类疾病有关.社鼠主要的体表寄生虫为吸虱、蚤类、革螨和恙螨,社鼠很可能成为鼠疫、流行性出血热和灌丛斑疹伤寒等病原体的贮存宿主.  相似文献   

目的:调查吉林省吸血虻的种类分布。方法:采用人帐诱、动物诱和网捕法采获虻,收集相关文献。结果:吉林省的吸血虻已知有5属68种类,其中斑虻属12种,麻虻属7种,瘤虻属23种,黄虻属9种,虻属17种。记述了吉林省已知虻种的县市区分布。结论:为吉林省虻科昆虫的区系分布提供了依据。  相似文献   

The results of a survey of dermatophyte infection in New-foundland for the period 1962 to 1968 are presented. A steady annual rise in the number of specimen submissions is noted, with positive findings in an average of 21.7%. The contribution by source of specimens is recorded, and species distribution indicates that Microsporum canis has behaved in epidemic form whereas other species appear endemic. Trichophyton rubrum infection shows a steady annual increase. No cases of favus have been noted. The distribution of species by anatomical site is indicated.  相似文献   

本文报道了在南京中山陵一带采集并经鉴定的28种多孔菌科真菌,其中8种是药用真菌,10种为江苏新分布种。文中还讨论了中山陵及灵谷寺一带适宜大型真菌生长发育的生态环境。  相似文献   

To document ethnobotanical informations of useful woody plant species in the region of Kotli, Azad Kashmir.MethodsAn ethnobotanical survey was conducted in Kotli. Data were collected by interview and semi structured questionnaire from selected local informants and traditional practitioners as well as by field assessment.ResultsThe present study documented the etnobotanical uses of 33 woody plant species. Most of the species have been used for dual purpose. Only 5 species are used for one purpose. Study revealed all species have medicinal value, among which 21 were used as fuel wood species, 16 as fodder species, 4 as timber wood species, 12 as edible fruit species, 6 as fence or hedge plant, 7 as ornamental species and 12 species had other uses.ConclusionsMedicinal plants are still widely used for health care by locals of Kotli. Some species of woodlands seem to be vulnerable to overcollection and deforestation. As the young generation is diverted toward allelopathic medicines, ethnobotanical knowledges of important medicinal plants are restricted to the old people only. It is suggested to close the forest of district Kotli for next two to three decades for the conservation of plant biodiversity.  相似文献   

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