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脊髓型多发性硬化的诊断(附22例报告)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 探讨脊髓型多发性硬化 (MS)的临床和影像学特点及其诊断意义。方法 对 2 2例脊髓型 MS的临床特点和磁共振 (MRI)结果进行回顾性分析。结果 脊髓型 MS,占同期 MS住院患者的 1 1 .8%。女性比例较高 ,多见于中年发病 ,常以急性或亚急性起病 ,表现为复发 -缓解或慢性进展病程 ,最常累及中高位颈髓和中段胸髓 ,大多复发仍局限于原发部位。MRI特点为髓内散在的长 T1、长 T2斑块状病灶 ,其长度一般小于 2个椎体的长度 ,位于脊髓的后外侧 ,面积小于脊髓横截面的 1 /2。应用糖皮质激素试验性治疗对诊断 ,尤其是对首次发病时脊髓出现可疑脱髓鞘病灶者诊断有一定帮助。结论 诊断脊髓型 MS主要依据其临床表现 ,MRI为最敏感的检查方法 ,激素试验性治疗有时是必要的。  相似文献   

目的 探讨多发性硬化(MS)的临床及MRJ特征,提高对多发性硬化的认识及诊断水平.方法 对20例颅脑MS患者临床资料、病灶部位、形态、MR信号及强化特点、胼胝体改变进行回顾性分析评价.结果 MS以青、中年女性稍多见,急性、亚急性起病,多以视觉障碍或肢体感觉、运动障碍为首发症状.视觉诱发电位大多数异常.MRJ检查18例发现病灶,敏感性90%(18/20).病灶以双侧侧脑室旁、额叶皮层及皮层下、半卵圆中心多发.病灶大、小不等,多数为圆形、卵圆形."直角脱髓鞘征"及"白质变脏征"是两个较为典型的征象.T1WI上表现为等、低信号,T2WI及Flair序列上表现为高信号,Flair序列显示病灶更清晰.增强扫描病灶可呈结节状强化、环状强化、弧形强化或无强化.结论 MS的临床及MRI表现具有一定特征.MRI有助于脑部MS的诊断及鉴别诊断,是诊断MS最敏感的成像方法.  相似文献   

目的 探讨多发性硬化(MS)的临床特点。方法 综合分析35例MS患者的一般临床资料、病变部位、重要辅助检查及治疗转归。结果 MS多见于青壮年女性,病程多缓解与复发、上呼吸道感染、劳累紧张为其主要诱因,脑脊液显示免疫活性增高,视神经、脊髓受累多见,电生理、免疫学及影像学检查有助诊断,糖皮质激素治疗有效。结论 根据临床特点、综合神经电生理、脑脊液免疫学及影像学检查能明显提高临床确诊率。  相似文献   

多发性硬化临床与磁共振研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨多发性硬化(MS)的MRI表坎特点及与临床表现的相关性,以及MRI对MS的诊断价值。方法:对44例临床确诊的MS进行头部和/或脊髓MRI横断面,矢状面和冠状面扫描。结果:MS临床表现主要为视力减退,感觉障碍.肢体瘫痪,共济失调等。MRI表现为异常信号呈T1和/或等T1及长T2改变且分布广泛。病变分布以大脑皮质下白质、脑室周围、丘脑、胼胝体、脑干、小脑、颈胸段脊髓等明显、脑室旁椭圆形病灶与矢状位垂直及发现胼胝体脱髓鞘病灶为本病较具特征性的改变。MRI尚可发现无症状病变。结论:MRI不仅有助于MS诊断.尚能动态观察MS病情进展及评估疗效。  相似文献   

多发性硬化38例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨多发性硬化(MS)临床特点及诊断治疗。方法对38例MS惠者的临床表现、辅助检查及预后等资料,结合文献进行回顾分析。结果MS患者青壮年女性多见,病前常有诱因,病灶分布散在多发,病程中多有复发缓解,激素治疗可缓解症状。MR及诱发电位联合有助于早期明确诊断。结论MS临床无特异性诊断指标,MR及诱发电位联合可提高诊断率。  相似文献   

多发性硬化66例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨多发性化(MS)的临床特点。方法 综合分析66例多发性硬化患者的一般临床资料,病变部位,重要辅助检查及治疗转归。结果 MS多见于青壮年女性,起病较急,病程多缓解复发,上呼吸道感染及其主要诱因这一脊、视神经受累多见,电生理,免疫学及影像学检查有助诊断,糖皮质激素治疗有效。结论 根据临床特点,综合神经电生理、脑脊液免疫学及影像学检查能大大提高临床确诊率,其中磁共振成像意义较大。  相似文献   

报告 11例脊髓型多发性硬化 (MS) ,占同期多发性硬化住院病人 18.6 %。其临床表现为脊髓损害的症状和体征 ,病程中有缓解与复发 ,或呈慢性进展。颈段脊髓 2例 ,胸段脊髓 9例 ,均作了磁共振扫描 (MRI) ,其特点是 :脊髓内病灶的间断分布与其长轴走行一致的椭圆形或条索状病灶 ,病灶呈偏心分布。本资料及文献报道有一些 MS患者以脊髓受损为首发部位 ,并在较长时间内表现为脊髓受损的临床病征 ,MRI的使用对早期脊髓型 MS诊断有很大价值 ,但脊髓型 MS是独立疾病 ,还是 MS病程中脊髓受损的表现之一 ,在研究中应引起重视  相似文献   

目的总结分析脊髓型多发性硬化的MRI表现。方法搜集经临床证实的脊髓型多发性硬化11例,均行MRI检查,对其临床及MRI资料进行回顾性分析。结果脊髓型多发性硬化的特征性MRI表现为,11例患者的病灶以颈髓多见,病变脊髓在T1WI像为低或等信号,T2WI像为高信号,病灶位于脊髓两侧和后部,病灶活动期呈斑片状或边缘强化,应用糖皮质激素试验性治疗对脊髓出现的可疑脱髓鞘病灶者有一定的帮助。结论脊髓型多发性硬化有其特征性MRI表现,MRI有助于脊髓型多发性硬化的诊断,是目前诊断脊髓型多发性硬化最敏感的影像学方法 。  相似文献   

脊髓型多发性硬化一附11例临床分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报告11例脊髓型多发性硬化(MS),占同期多发性硬化住院病人18.6%。其临床表现为脊髓损害的症状和体征。病程中有缓解与复发,或呈慢性进展。颈段脊髓2例,胸段脊髓9例,均作了磁共振扫描(MRI),其特点是:脊髓内症灶的间断分布与其长轴走行一致的椭圆形或条索状病灶,病灶呈偏心分布。本资料及文献报道有一些MS患者以脊髓受损为首发部位,并在较长时间内表现为脊髓损损的临床病征,MRI的使用对早期脊髓型MS诊断有很大价值,但脊髓型MS是独立疾病,还是MS病程中脊脶受损的表现之一,在研究中应引起重视。  相似文献   

多发性硬化226例临床分析   总被引:49,自引:2,他引:47  
目的 总结国人多发性硬化 ( MS)的临床、影像及病理学特点。方法 从临床、影像学及组织病理学等多方面对 MS病例进行回顾性分析。结果  2 2 6例 MS病例中 ,临床确诊 1 96例 ,实验室支持确诊 1 6例 ,临床或实验室可能 1 4例 ;男性 85例 ,女性 1 41例 ;发病年龄 4岁至 67岁 ,平均 3 2 .46岁 ,<1 5岁的早发型病例占 9.3 % ;3 0 .1 %病例病前有诱发因素 ,其中 77.9%与感染有关 ;首发症状以感觉异常、肢体无力及视力减退最为多见 ;88.1 %病例呈急性或亚急性起病 ,复发 -缓解型占 49.1 % ;病变部位中脊髓 1 5 1例 ,脑干 74例 ,小脑 2 4例 ,大脑半球 95例 ,视神经 98例 ;66.8%病例出现脊髓受累 ,5 0 .4%病例曾出现过尿便障碍 ,其中视神经脊髓炎占2 9.2 %。结论 国内 MS的发病年龄较西方国家早 ,起病急 ,病程短 ,视神经及脊髓易受侵犯 ,小脑、脑干较少受累 ,临床表现中以视神经受损及尿便障碍较为突出 ,致残率较高。诱发电位及 MRI检查有助于发现亚临床病变。急性、亚急性期应用激素疗效显著。  相似文献   

In patients with clinically isolated spinal disease, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides a non-invasive method of detecting surgically treatable causes and is also useful in detecting asymptomatic brain lesions where the cord syndrome is due to multiple sclerosis (MS). We report the findings of spinal and brain MRI in 28 patients with spinal cord disorder due to MS. It was possible to detect intrinsic plaques reliably in the majority of patients (60.7%) with clinical findings of spinal cord MS. The results of MRI are compared with the clinical status and with cerebrospinal fluid findings and evoked potentials.  相似文献   

This study was performed to achieve a better definition of the nature of the disability in multiple sclerosis (MS). Axial spinal cord magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at C5 was obtained in 15 patients with benign MS, 17 patients with secondary progressive MS and 10 healthy controls. Patients with secondary progressive MS had smaller spinal cord cross-sectional area (P = 0.01) and transverse diameter (P = 0.006) than patients with benign MS. The degree of disability was inversely correlated with both the cross-sectional area (r = –0.6,P = 0.0018) and transverse diameter (r = –0.5,P = 0.0032) of the cord. Spinal cord atrophy was found in 7 (41%) patients with secondary progressive MS and in 2 (13%) with benign MS. These findings suggest that destructive pathology within MS lesions might play a relevant role in the development of disability in MS.  相似文献   

目的分析多发性硬化脊髓受累患者临床表现及MRI影像学特点,并探讨其临床诊断意义。方法回顾分析2006年1月-2009年12月住院治疗的46例多发性硬化脊髓受累患者的临床资料及影像学表现。结果起病形式以急性(58.70%,27/46)或亚急性(34.78%,16/46)为主,临床主要表现为肢体瘫痪(95.65%,44/46)、感觉障碍(84.78%,39/46)和尿潴留(67.39%,31/46)。MRI受累部位以颈髓最常见(45.65%21/46),其次为胸髓(28.26%,13/46),呈脊髓内单一或散在多发长T1、长T2斑片状异常信号影,病灶长度一般不超过2个椎体节段(84.78%,39/46),个别患者(15.22%,7/46)病灶长度超过2个椎体节段;增强扫描可有不同程度强化(78.26%,36/46)。结论多发性硬化脊髓受累患者临床表现复杂多样,MRI脊髓受累可呈现单一或散在多发病灶,病灶长度较少超过2个椎体节段,但病灶节段延长不能排除多发性硬化。MRI是诊断多发性硬化脊髓受累最敏感和最特异的影像学检查方法。  相似文献   

目的分析多发性硬化脊髓受累患者临床表现及MRI影像学特点,并探讨其临床诊断意义。方法回顾分析2006年1月-2009年12月住院治疗的46例多发性硬化脊髓受累患者的临床资料及影像学表现。结果起病形式以急性(58.70%,27/46)或亚急性(34.78%,16/46)为主,临床主要表现为肢体瘫痪(95.65%,44/46)、感觉障碍(84.78%,39/46)和尿潴留(67.39%,31/46)。MRI受累部位以颈髓最常见(45.65%,21/46),其次为胸髓(28.26%,13/46),呈脊髓内单一或散在多发长T。、长T:斑片状异常信号影,病灶长度一般不超过2个椎体节段(84.78%,39/46),个别患者(15.22%,7/46)病灶长度超过2个椎体节段;增强扫描可有不同程度强化(78.26%,36/46)。结论多发性硬化脊髓受累患者临床表现复杂多样,MRI脊髓受累可呈现单一或散在多发病灶,病灶长度较少超过2个椎体节段,但病灶节段延长不能排除多发性硬化。MRI是诊断多发性硬化脊髓受累最敏感和最特异的影像学检查方法。  相似文献   

Autonomic dysfunction has rarely been studied in patients suffering from multiple sclerosis (MS). Some hypotheses have concerned the pathophysiology, especially with regard to a possible spinal cord origin. However, there have been no previous studies on autonomic dysfunction in MS and spinal cord lesions. This study assessed the frequency of autonomic dysfunction (AD) in MS and the correlation to spinal cord magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings. We prospectively studied 75 MS patients (25 with relapsing-remitting forms, 25 with secondary progressive forms and 25 with primary progressive forms). We performed sympathetic skin response, R-R interval variability and orthostatic hypotension testing. Spinal cord MRI was performed to detect demyelinating lesions (sagittal and axial plane) or spinal cord atrophy. Clinical and laboratory evidence of AD was found in 84 % and 56 % of MS patients, respectively. The correlation of the latter with disability was evaluated using the Extended Disability Status Scale. AD was more frequent in primary progressive MS than in the other two forms. AD was correlated with spinal cord cross-sectional area reduction but not with spinal cord hyperintensities. This study confirms that the frequency of AD in MS, especially in primary progressive forms, has until now been underestimated. Furthermore, AD appears to be more closely related to axonal loss, as demonstrated by spinal cord atrophy, than to demyelinating lesions. Received: 20 March 2000, Received in revised form: 13 October 2000, Accepted: 29 October 2000  相似文献   

Recent reports have suggested that fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) is a technique superior to conventional (CSE) or fast spin echo (FSE) T2-weighted sequences in detecting intrinsic lesions both in the brain and spinal cord. We report our experience of an inversion recovery prepared FSE, which we refer to as fast FLAIR, in a comparative study of ten patients with clinically definite multiple sclerosis (MS) who underwent cervical cord and brain imaging with both FSE and fast FLAIR. The results showed that in the cerebral hemispheres fast FLAIR detected more lesions than FSE (P < 0.001). However, FSE detected more lesions than fast FLAIR in the posterior fossa (P = 0.02) and in the cord fast FLAIR was much inferior detecting only 2 of 33 lesions seen on FSE. Estimating the T2 relaxation times of lesions in each of three areas (periventricular, posterior fossa, cervical cord) showed that the T2 value of posterior fossa and cervical cord lesions was significantly lower than that of periventricular lesions, suggesting that the lesion composition is different and consequently their imaging appearances are different. In conclusion, although fast FLAIR improves the detection of MS lesions in the cerebral hemispheres, its substantially lower sensitivity in the posterior fossa and spinal cord is a potentially important limitation to its use as a tool for the diagnosis of MS and for monitoring therapies. Further studies are needed to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the loss of sensitivity. Received: 23 March 1992 Received in revised form: 1 July 1996 Accepted: 5 August 1996  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. We report the case of a 50-year-old man who presented with progressive gait ataxia. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) on fluid-attenuated inversion recovery revealed a hyperintense lesion in the right temporal white matter. The spinal cord showed a long hyperintense lesion between the vertebral levels C6 and L1 on T2-weighted MRI. Biopsied tissues from the brain lesion demonstrated features of inflammatory demyelination with preservation of astrocytes, consistent with typical MS. This is the first reported case of pathologically proven MS with longitudinally extensive spinal cord lesions.  相似文献   

多发性硬化患者颈髓扩散张量成像研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 通过扩散张量成像研究多发性硬化患者常规MRI表现正常脊髓(NASC)的改变,并探讨其临床应用价值.方法 采用平面回波成像技术对13 例多发性硬化患者和13 例健康志愿者施行颈髓扩散张量成像检查,分别测量第2 ~ 5 颈椎(C2 ~ 5)水平前索、后索、侧索及灰质兴趣区的部分各向异性(FA)值及平均扩散率(MD)值,比较两组之间所存在的差异性;相关分析检验多发性硬化组患者FA值和MD 值与扩展残疾状态量表(EDSS)评分之间的关系.结果 与正常对照组相比,多发性硬化组患者C2 ~ 5 前索、侧索、后索和灰质NASC 的FA 值降低、MD 值升高(均P < 0.05);相关分析显示,FA 值与EDSS 评分呈负相关(r = - 0.328 ~ - 0.207,P = 0.001 ~ 0.035),各兴趣区MD 值与EDSS 评分呈正相关(r =0.234 ~ 0.409,P = 0.000 ~ 0.018).结论 多发性硬化患者常规MRI 表现比正常脊髓的FA 值降低,提示存在隐匿性病变.脊髓扩散张量成像对多发性硬化患者临床评价和疗效判断有一定应用价值.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis [MS] is a common inflammatory, demyelinating and neurodegenerative disease of the central nervous system that affects both the brain and the spinal cord. In clinical practice, spinal cord MRI is performed far less frequently than brain MRI, mainly owing to technical limitations and time constraints. However, improvements of acquisition techniques, combined with a strong diagnosis and prognostic value, suggest an increasing use of spinal cord MRI in the near future. This review summarizes the current data from the literature on the prognostic value of spinal cord MRI in MS patients in the early and later stages of their disease. Both conventional and quantitative MRI techniques are discussed. The prognostic value of spinal cord lesions is clearly established at the onset of disease, underlining the interest of spinal cord conventional MRI at this stage. However, studies are currently lacking to affirm the prognostic role of spinal cord lesions later in the disease, and therefore the added value of regular follow-up with spinal cord MRI in addition to brain MRI. Besides, spinal cord atrophy, as measured by the loss of cervical spinal cord area, is also associated with disability progression, independently of other clinical and MRI factors including spinal cord lesions. Although potentially interesting, this measurement is not currently performed as a routine clinical procedure. Finally, other measures extracted from quantitative MRI have been established as valuable for a better understanding of the physiopathology of MS, but still remain a field of research.  相似文献   

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