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Determinants of preventive practices in fee-for-service primary care   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A study of primary care physicians was conducted in the provinces of Quebec and New Brunswick, Canada, to ascertain their patterns of preventive practice with respect to cancer in four anatomic sites: breast, cervix, colon-rectum, and lung. The determinants of preventive practices among 552 fee-for-service physicians in both provinces are explored. Scales were created for the practice behaviors related to each type of cancer (dependent variables) and for knowledge and belief (independent variables). The content of these scales was delineated through factor analysis and their reliability assessed using Cronbach's alpha. Other variables were considered in the analysis, including continuing education activities, perceived barriers to prevention, and other sociodemographic and professional variables. Bivariate analysis and multivariate techniques were used. The explanatory factors were regrouped into cognitive, sociodemographic, and organizational determinants. Particular patterns were delineated for each cancer type. In a fee-for-service reimbursement setting without specific incentives for preventive practices, the creation of favorable organizational environments and the conveying of agreed-upon information to physicians are important ways of enhancing the integration of preventive activities into clinical practice. Identification of the sociodemographic determinants of preventive practices reveals the complexity of physicians' behaviors.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Effective preventive services are needed most in underserved, inner-city settings that suffer disproportionately from morbidity and mortality. Primary care physicians can play an important role in the provision of efficacious cancer prevention and screening services to patients in these communities. METHOD: We surveyed 122 primary care physicians about their cancer prevention and screening knowledge, attitudes, and practices. RESULTS: Relative to the findings from national and local surveys, sample physicians were not as knowledgeable about national guidelines for preventive care, were less likely to counsel on smoking cessation, and were less likely to advise diet modification. Although physician practices reflected national cancer prevention and screening guidelines in general, a significant proportion of physicians suggested lung and prostate cancer screening tests that were inconsistent with national recommendations. CONCLUSIONS: Systematic efforts are needed to increase the knowledge and practices of inner-city physicians concerning cancer prevention and screening.  相似文献   

Review of national programs in the past decade suggests that there is a developing consensus regarding the need for preventive services, but the proportion of them that physicians provide is decreasing. As teachers of preventive medicine, we should have a particular concern with the physician's performance in providing preventive services. Specialization, practice organizations, and comprehensiveness of payment for medical care appear to be related to the volume of preventive services provided. Organized primary care practice sites, where other health professionals are available, seem especially well-suited to providing preventive services. A review of several effective preventive activities involving physicians (child and adult immunizations, early detection and treatment of PKU infants, and stroke prevention) indicates that current prevention practice is less than desirable. Better performance can be attained through successful national and community programs of consumer and physician education. Implications of these observations for medical undergraduate and graduate education in prevention are discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The U.S. Preventive Service Task Force's Guide to Clinical Preventive Services and Healthy People 2000 recommend that physicians participate in various counseling activities, including injury prevention. Despite recommendations, rates of physician counseling, particularly injury prevention, are low. This study assessed clinical preventive services and attitudes among physicians. Furthermore, the study illustrates how physicians prioritize injury-prevention counseling relative to other prevention recommendations. METHODS: Personal characteristics (i.e., demographics, specialty orientation, attitudes toward prevention, and personal health behaviors) of the residents were collected by a self-administered survey. We performed a 12-month retrospective chart review of 184 new doctor-patient encounters to determine rates of clinical preventive services that included four injury-prevention services: the use of seatbelts, helmets, and smoke detectors; and the safe storage of firearms. RESULTS: Overall, attitudes toward injury prevention in the context of other clinical preventive services were low. Seatbelt counseling was the only injury-prevention service documented in the charts, and was performed at only one of four clinic sites. CONCLUSIONS: Clinic site as a key predictor of preventive practice may be suggestive of the importance of organizational priorities and professional norms. Future injury-prevention education efforts must aim at improving attitudes of current and future physicians to facilitate positive professional norms.  相似文献   


Despite a clear association between human papillomavirus and cervical cancer, knowledge in adolescent populations regarding the disease and methods for its detection and prevention is deficient. The aim of this study was to develop and test a new questionnaire concerning knowledge on cervical cancer. An instrument was developed and validated to measure knowledge in 226 Chilean adolescents between April and June 2011. Content validity, construct validity, and reliability analysis of the instrument were performed. The new, validated instrument, called CEC-61 (Conocimientos en Cancer Cérvicouterino-61 items/Knowledge in Cervical Cancer-61 items), contains nine factors and 61 items. The new questionnaire explained 81% of the variance with a reliability of 0.96. The assessment of knowledge with a valid and reliable instrument is the first step in creating interventions for a population and to encourage appropriate preventive behavior. CEC-61 is highly reliable and has a clear factorial structure to evaluate knowledge in nine domains related to cervical cancer disease, cervical cancer risk, papilloma virus infection, the Papanicolaou test, and the papilloma virus vaccine.  相似文献   



Occupational health professionals may play an important role in preventive health promotion activities for employees. However, due to a lack of knowledge and evidence- and practice based methods and strategies, interventions are hardly being implemented by occupational physicians to date. The aim of the Balance@Work project is to develop, evaluate, and implement an occupational health guideline aimed at the prevention of weight gain among employees.  相似文献   

Following the 1980 Graduate Medical Education National Advisory Committee report, postal questionnaires were sent to a random sample of physicians self-designated as preventive medicine specialists primarily in an effort to verify the committee's assumption that preventive medicine is not a clinical specialty. The questionnaires represented each of the preventive medicine subspecialties: general preventive medicine, public health, occupational medicine, and aerospace medicine. After three reminders, 419 out of 942 (44%) responded. Seventy percent of the physicians who responded engage in clinical activities for at least part of their workweek. Preventive medicine is practiced in a wide variety of settings. For the majority of preventive medicine physicians, prevention plays an important role in their practice. They perceive that they practice medicine differently from their colleagues who are not preventive medicine specialists because of their prevention focus. Many of these physicians have made career changes, and some have made many such changes, as board certification in one of the subspecialties does not preclude practice in another subspecialty. The specialty appears to allow considerable flexibility. The preventive medicine physician is prepared to incorporate prevention into clinical practice and seems well equipped to integrate community and individual clinical approaches.  相似文献   

Factors influencing physicians' preventive practices   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We used data on a stratified random sample of 809 Quebec physicians to determine the extent to which the integration of prevention into medical practice was related to physicians' sociodemographic background, area of specialization, medical practice characteristics, and professional attitudes. Among factors positively associated with physicians' preventive practices were favorable attitudes toward prevention, patient education and patient-oriented activities, being in primary care medicine or in a medical specialty such as cardiology, gastroenterology, or pneumology, practicing in a public community health center on a salary basis, working in a group practice, having an office-based practice, devoting time to research activities, being older, and being a woman. Specialization in neurology, hematology, dermatology, nephrology, obstetrics-gynecology, and most notably surgery was negatively associated with preventive practices, as was working in an emergency room. Overall, the study variables explained 33% of the variance in physicians' preventive practices. The study underlines the prevailing role of attitudes in predicting physicians' preventive practices.  相似文献   

目的 分析基层医生慢性病知识知晓现状,为提高基层医生慢性病知识水平、有效地开展慢性病防治工作,提出政策建议.方法 采用问卷调查方法,对207名基层医生高血压、糖尿病和慢性支气管炎知识的知晓情况进行调查.结果 基层医生慢性病相关知识知晓情况欠佳,尤其是慢性病危险因素方面;医生的学历是影响知晓情况的重要因素,其慢性病知识水平决定患者的防治知识程度及疾病控制的意愿.结论 政府应加大对基层医生慢性病知识的培训力度,注重单病种知识培训;强调基层医生在慢性病防治工作中的重要地位,发挥其在慢性病知识宣传和控制患者行为方面的优势.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Primary care physicians have a unique opportunity to deliver preventive services, but a desired level of involvement is not always attained. METHODS: We analyzed self-reported preventive activity in a stratified random sample of 635 primary care physicians to determine how often they deliver effective interventions for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome as well as to assess factors associated with a greater implementation of preventive activity in routine practice. RESULTS: More than 63% reported to ask about tobacco use or alcohol consumption or to check blood pressure to most of their new patients. On the other hand, only 33% asked about intravenous drug use, 14% about sexually transmitted diseases, and 6% about the number of sexual partners and less than 33% reported to have an appropriate criterion for any periodic preventive activity in routine daily practice. Correlates of high preventive activity included group practice, specific register of preventive activities, participation in the Program of Preventive Activities of the Spanish Society of Community and Family Medicine, and specific nursing consultation. CONCLUSIONS: Organizational factors could be used to improve preventive activity which is far from being an adequate component of routine general practice especially with regard to human immunodeficiency virus infection and periodic preventive activity for chronic diseases.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Surveys conducted in North America and in several European countries show that the preventive activities recommended by some groups of experts are difficult to integrate into medical practice. Interventions to correct this problem have produced mitigated results. OBJECTIVES: Our aim was to gain a better understanding of the obstacles perceived by a group of family physicians concerning the integration of prevention into their routine practices. METHODS: A qualitative design was selected to facilitate the exploration of that topic. Seven focus groups with 35 physicians practising in the Montreal area were conducted. Questions regarding their perception of, and obstacles to, the integration of prevention in their daily work were explored. The text of these interviews was analysed following the content analysis method. Codification of the important themes that were identified was done by two of the researchers. RESULTS: We met with 35 family physicians in two regions in Montreal, Quebec. The lack of motivation on the part of users and the lack of value placed on continuity of care appear to be the main obstacles in the eyes of the physicians, followed by a lack of financial incentives, work overload, and contradictions among the recommendations. In addition, other obstacles were observed by the researchers: limited intervention strategies on the part of physicians to support behaviour modification among patients, non-recognition of the importance of the organization of practice and inability to acknowledge the obstacles that can be ascribed to their own beliefs. CONCLUSION: The family physicians we met identified several barriers to the integration of prevention in their practices. The interventions proposed to date do not address the barriers perceived by the physicians in our study. Continuing medical education activities focus on knowledge, while the difficulties expressed relate more to communication skills coupled with a feeling of powerlessness. The physicians we met with do not seem to consider recall systems and looking at their organization of practice as possible solutions. The physicians seem to 'cave in' under the weight of the responsibilities that have been assigned to them in terms of health promotion. There may be room for proposing a more realistic menu. This study identifies a need for much more specific and concrete training on communication and counselling skills.  相似文献   

A largely unexplored part of the financial incentive for physicians to participate in preventive care is the degree to which they are the residual claimant from any resulting cost savings. We examine the impact of two preventive activities for people with serious mental illness (care plans and annual reviews of physical health) by English primary care practices on costs in these practices and in secondary care. Using panel two-part models to analyze patient-level data linked across primary and secondary care, we find that these preventive activities in the previous year are associated with cost reductions in the current quarter both in primary and secondary care. We estimate that there are large beneficial externalities for which the primary care physician is not the residual claimant: the cost savings in secondary care are 4.7 times larger than the cost savings in primary care. These activities are incentivized in the English National Health Service but the total financial incentives for primary care physicians to participate were considerably smaller than the total cost savings produced. This suggests that changes to the design of incentives to increase the marginal reward for conducting these preventive activities among patients with serious mental illness could have further increased welfare.  相似文献   

We conducted a telephone survey of 120 randomly selected primary care physicians in New York City. This survey, which was completed in October 1984, concerned physicians' recommendations for health promotion and disease prevention. The recommendations by these physicians were often at variance with the recommendations of nationally recognized organizations such as the American Cancer Society and the American College of Physicians. Multivariate analysis revealed that board-certified physicians, U.S. medical graduates, and younger physicians agreed more frequently with the recommendations of national organizations. The physicians surveyed agreed upon the need to include health promotion and disease prevention in their practices. Eighty-seven percent agreed with the statement, "Physicians should probably practice more preventive medicine than they presently do." Reasons given for the failure to practice more prevention included lack of time (70 percent), inadequate reimbursement (60 percent), and "unclear recommendations" (58 percent). Approximately four out of five of the physicians felt a task force was needed to "clarify recommendations" for preventive medicine. The findings of this survey suggest a need for increased physician training and education in disease prevention and health promotion.  相似文献   

The degree and depth to which primary care physicians counsel patients at risk for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is a major concern. To determine which factors influence whether physicians counsel patients at risk for HIV, primary care physicians's clinical experience, knowledge, attitudes, and preventive counseling advice in hypothetical case scenarios were assessed. Ninety-nine adult primary care physicians in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area were interviewed by telephone from May through November 1987. Ninety-one physicians had tested or referred patients for HIV antibody tests. However, 58% could not name the ELISA or Western blot as the tests. The most frequent HIV prevention recommendations were using condoms (67.7%), abstaining from sexual activity (36.4%), getting tested for HIV (30.3%), and safe sex (23.2%). Naming the HIV antibody tests was the most significant predictor of preventive counseling advice; other significant predictors included physicians' personal comfort with counseling homosexual patients and various physician practice and demographic characteristics. Previous studies showed that homophobia was the main inhibitor of effective AIDS counseling. These results suggest that physicians' lack of knowledge and general discomfort in counseling patients about sexual risk factors, rather than homophobia alone, are important barriers to preventive counseling about HIV infection.  相似文献   

Physicians' perceptions of their role in cardiovascular risk reduction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fifty randomly selected family physicians were interviewed to evaluate the role of primary care physicians in the reduction and control of cardiovascular risk in their patients. The interview schedule, developed from the PRECEDE framework, incorporated three categories of factors modifying behavior: predisposing, reinforcing, and enabling. In relation to high blood pressure, elevated serum cholesterol, and smoking, physicians were questioned regarding (a) knowledge and beliefs of desirable practice, (b) perceptions of personal ability, (c) factors that affect their preventive performance, and (d) perceptions of their own role and those of other resources. Physicians believed all three risk factors to be modifiable, and that reduced cardiovascular risk could prolong life and improve quality of life. Participants perceived themselves most effective in reducing high blood pressure, followed by serum cholesterol reduction and smoking cessation. Relationships with patients, patient compliance, personal committment, and belief in the efficacy of risk reduction were most frequently perceived to contribute to effectiveness. Physicians perceived themselves least skilled in enhancing patient compliance and achieving behavior change. Most physicians were committed to cardiovascular disease prevention and saw their own role as central. Contributions of other resources were not well understood. The effect of these complex and interacting perceptions has implications for attempts to enhance physicians' preventive activities.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Practicum training for preventive medicine residents often occurs in agencies whose community is geographically defined and whose governance is closely linked to public election. We were unsure about the financial ability of such departments to support training and are concerned that over-reliance on traditional health departments might not be best for either medically indigent populations or preventive medicine. We, therefore, sought to apply a public health model--based on a strategic partnership between nursing and preventive medicine--to a large health care organization. The result was formation of a mini-health department, suitable for fully accredited preventive medicine practicum training, within the Alvin C. York Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Murfreesboro, TN. This Center serves a defined population of 21,594 patients and about 1600 employees. The theoretical framework for the new department was based on demonstration of a close fit between the competencies expected of preventive medicine physicians by the American College of Preventive Medicine (ACPM) and activities required by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). Because of JCAHO requirements, many healthcare organizations already pay for preventive medicine services. CONCLUSIONS: By placing preventive medicine training faculty into existing budget slots at our institution, systemwide personnel costs for prevention decreased by about $36,000 per year, even as personnel funding for preventive medicine physicians increased from about $24,000 to $376,000 per year. Moreover, there was dramatic, sustained improvement in 17 indicators of preventive care quality as determined by an external peer review organization. In addition to providing a new venue for training, this model may also improve the quality and reach of preventive services, decreased fixed costs for service delivery, and yield new employment opportunities for preventive medicine physicians.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Intimate partner (domestic) violence (IPV) is a common problem in medical practice that is associated with adverse health outcomes. There are widespread calls to improve IPV education for physicians, but there are few valid, reliable, easily available, and comprehensive measures of physician IPV knowledge, attitudes, and practices that can be used to assess training effectiveness. METHODS: In 2002, expert consensus and previous surveys were used to develop a new survey-based IPV self-assessment tool that included more information on current IPV knowledge and practices than previous tools. The draft tool was evaluated using standard psychometric techniques in a group of 166 physicians in 2002, revised, and then retested in a second group of 67 physicians on three occasions in 2003 and 2004. Analyses were conducted in 2005. RESULTS: The draft IPV survey tool demonstrated good internal consistency reliability, with Cronbach's alpha >/=0.65 for ten final scales. The developed scales were closely correlated with theoretical constructs and predictive of self-reported behaviors. On repeat testing, a revised version of the tool was found to have good stability of psychometric properties in a different physician population (Cronbach's alpha>/=0.65, and internal correlations as predicted), good correlation with measured office IPV practices, and stable results in this population over 12 months. CONCLUSIONS: The final version of this instrument, named the PREMIS (Physician Readiness to Manage Intimate Partner Violence Survey) tool, is a 15-minute survey that is a comprehensive and reliable measure of physician preparedness to manage IPV patients. This tool is publicly available and can be used to measure the effectiveness of IPV educational programs.  相似文献   

Recent research has recognized several themes that have been common to many successful projects for increasing cancer screening and other prevention activities. The most common of these themes have been condensed into "principles for implementation," intended to help physicians and other health care providers to improve the provision of preventive medical care within their practices.  相似文献   

The concept of prevention is surrounded by a halo of optimism that can sometimes confuse, since it is not always borne out by the facts. The saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure", is not always true. Moreover, preventive activities should be based on a much more solid scientific basis than curative activities, since we offer the former as an option, whereas we are required to provide the latter. This article reviews two examples of paediatric screening instruments-one for neuroblastoma, and the other for hip dysplasia-which provide an opportunity to evaluate the practical problems of secondary prevention. These two instruments are used to examine a few general but important issues in screening, such as the need to know the natural history of the disease, and the "point of no return" (the moment past which early diagnosis and early intervention are no longer so effective in improving the course of the disease). In conclusion, only sometimes "an ounce of cure is worth a pound of prevention", and regardless of the value of a given screening instrument, clinicians should use the same level of scientific rigor to judge preventive activities as they use for curative activities.  相似文献   

We conducted a survey of a representative sample of all primary care physicians in the province of Québec to ascertain their patterns of preventive practice with respect to cancer in four anatomical sites: breast, colon-rectum, cervix, and lung. A stratified random sample of 430 physicians in general practice was interviewed individually and weighted population estimates derived. Physicians report teaching breast self-examination to their patients (96 per cent), performing breast examination (99 per cent), taking pap tests routinely (91 per cent), and pursuing anti-smoking counseling (98 per cent). Very few of them report submitting their patients over 50 years of age to annual mammography (8 per cent) or checking for occult blood in stools in patients over 45 years of age (15 per cent). Many still use routine chest X-rays as an early detection measure of cancer of the lung (77 per cent); an estimated 41 per cent use sputum cytology for the same purpose. Preventive practices, when in-use, are carried out mainly in the context of major encounters with patients such as general check-ups. Less than 28 per cent of the population is estimated to be reached by this strategy for prevention. The unrealized potential for prevention through capitalizing on all encounters with primary care physicians is important, and should stimulate creative efforts to enhance preventive activities in medical practice.  相似文献   

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