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目的 规范职业卫生管理,为职业病防治提供依据。方法 对河北省境内l76个胶粘剂使用企业的职业卫生现状进行了询问和现场检查。结果 显示大多数企业职业卫生管理工作薄弱,1/2以上的企业没有职业卫生管理机构或委托专门机构管理职业卫生工作,各种制度不健全,私营企业更为薄弱。76.7%的胶粘剂使用企业是私营企业,其中l/3属非法生产企业,2/3没有用工合同。胶粘剂品种繁杂,“三无”产品仍占一定比例;刷胶工以女性为主(70.8%);自2000年以来仅有21.6%从业人员进行了体检,环境监测覆盖率低(32.3%)。结论 胶粘剂使用企业在河北省分布广、涉及行业多、接害人群大、变动快,小企业无序发展,管理工作明显滞后,职业卫生工作薄弱,应加大职业卫生工作管理力度,确实保障从业人员的健康权益。  相似文献   

目的掌握食品生产企业建设项目卫生学评价中的关键控制点,为行政部门审核提供技术依据。方法按照食品相关法律法规以及技术规范,对调查对象采用卫生学调查、卫生工程分析、检查表法进行卫生学评价,并掌握评价中的关键控制点。结果 99%的企业选址合理,不合理的企业是先竣工后申请选址评价。竣工验收时74家企业的总体布局与厂区全部符合规范要求;车间设置和设备设置的合格率为30%。其中有10%的企业严重不合格,卫生设施合格率为46%。库房、检验设施以及留样设施方面,大多数企业都能满足要求。结论对于食品企业在开展评价的过程中,企业的选址、总体布局、设备设施、卫生设施、检验设施、卫生管理等项目为关键控制点。  相似文献   

A questionnaire survey on periodic health checkup was conducted on 4,432 manufacturing factories in Kawasaki and the following results were obtained. 1) Implementation rate of periodic health checkup was 100% in factories with 100 workers or more. In smaller factories employing less than 100 workers, the implementation rate decreased with decrease in their total work force. The rate was 47.5% and 37.7% in factories with 9-4 and 3-1 workers, respectively. 2) The proportion of workers less than 30 years of age decreased and that of 60 or more years of age increased with decreasing size of the total work force. Distribution of both age groups was 12.6% and 12.9%, respectively in factories with less than 10 workers. The proportion of female workers increased from about 10% in factories with 300 workers or more to 26.8% in factories with less than 10 workers. 3) In large factories with 500 workers or more periodic health checkups were implemented mostly at their own or related medical facilities and in factories with 499-10 workers, almost 50% were implemented in independent health service facilities. In factories with less than 10 workers periodic health checkup were implemented mainly at health centers (33.1%) and at hospitals or clinics (26.9%). 4) The main reasons why small factories could not implement periodic health checkup were: (1) they could not afford the time for the implementation (50.0%) and (2) ignorance of the law of mandatory periodic health checkup for workers (23.6%).  相似文献   

This research reports on a pilot industrial hygiene study that was performed at four footwear factories and two equipment factories in Thailand. Workers in these factories were exposed through inhalation and dermal contact to a large number of organic vapors from solvents and cements that were hand applied. In addition, these workers were exposed to highly toxic isocyanates primarily through the dermal route. A total of 286 personal air samples were obtained at the four footwear factories using organic vapor monitors; individual job tasks were monitored using a real-time MIRAN Spectrometer. A total of 64 surface, tool, or hand samples were monitored for isocyanates using surface contamination detectors. Real-time measurements were also obtained for organic vapors in two equipment factories. From 8% to 21% of the workers sampled in each footwear factory were overexposed to mixtures of chemicals from solvents and cements. Up to 100% of the workers performing specific job tasks were overexposed to mixtures of chemicals. From 39% to 69% of the surface samples were positive for unreacted isocyanates. Many of the real-time measurements obtained in the equipment factories exceeded occupational exposure limits. Personal protective equipment and engineering controls were inadequate in all of the factories.  相似文献   

The molecular epidemiology of 98 isolates of Salmonella serovar Agona (n = 27), S. Montevideo (n = 42) and S. Senftenberg (n = 29) from wild-living gulls, fish-meal factories, feed factories, humans and domestic animals was investigated using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and computerized numerical analysis. Two of the S. Agona profiles were identified both in gulls and in two of the factories. In addition, one of these profiles was detected in two infected poultry farms. Two of the S. Montevideo profiles were also identified both in gulls and in two of the factories, and one of these profiles was observed in a human isolate. Four factories shared an identical S. Senftenberg profile. The S. Senftenberg profile found in gulls was not identified in any other source investigated. The presence of isolates with identical PFGE profiles indicates potential epidemiological links between different factories, as well as between gulls and factories.  相似文献   

Kondo M 《Journal of UOEH》2004,26(3):369-379
The occupational safety and health management system(OSHMS)has been introduced into many companies and factories in Japan. However, there are certain factories that are considering the introduction of OSHMS, while other factories are not interested in it. In the factories which have introduced OSHMS, occupational health activities are still insufficient. Passage by which OSHMS was introduced into Japan and a basic way to advance OSHMS is described in this paper. In addition, for OSHMS to spread to many companies in the future, and to achieve good results, the themes and prospects which should be examined are described. The themes shown in this paper are as follows: risk assessment, revision of the law and regulation, system auditing, individual management of safety and health rules, evaluation of the low concentration exposure influence, appropriate job suitability system, training of the expert, the support organization, supporting small and medium-sized scale factories.  相似文献   

目的 了解上海市铅酸蓄电池行业中铅对作业人员的危害现状,评估铅危害程度及防护措施效果。 方法 采用流行病学调查方法,对上海市铅酸蓄电池行业13家企业进行职业卫生现状调查,并对作业场所空气中铅烟、铅尘浓度进行检测。 结果 13家企业中,4家生产型企业的规模相对较大,部分工序采用了自动化、密闭化生产,但也存在防护设施设计不合理、敞开作业等情况;8家组装型企业均为小型企业,生产的产品、产量差异较大,生产环境不理想,厂房设备简陋,主要采用手工工具进行生产;1家回收型企业生产环境恶劣,生产设备简陋,防护设施欠缺或不足,职业卫生管理不规范。5家企业作业环境空气中铅烟短时间接触浓度超标率为26.5%,铅尘短时间接触浓度超标率为21.2%。铅尘浓度超标率最高的是磨边岗位,其次是包板和涂板;铅烟浓度超标率从高到低依次是精炼、熔铅、铸焊、浇铸和造粒岗位。 结论 改进生产工艺,合理设置防护设施,改善作业环境和加强职业卫生监管是防治铅中毒的重要手段;加强职业卫生培训,提高作业人员的防护意识,加强个体防护也不容忽视。  相似文献   

一些中小型工厂(包括乡镇企业),如水泥、石棉、玻璃、陶瓷等行业,除采用通用型防尘设备控制、隔离物料破碎、粉碎、筛分、给料、运输等工序产生的粉尘外,对某些工序,常因生产工艺的特殊性和操作特点而设计采用针对性强的专用型防尘设备控制、隔离粉尘。本文在现场调查的基础上,结合产尘源特点,提出水泥、陶瓷、石棉行业几种专用型尘源控制及隔离设备,供中小型工厂参照使用。  相似文献   

Differences in female workers' finger temperatures, manual dexterity, ratings on thermal comfort, and local cooling exposure were studied in three factories in the Faroe Island fishing industry. Environmental temperatures in the factories varied from 5 to 19 degrees C with vertical gradients of 7 degrees C/m, and the mean temperatures of the flushing water varied from 2 to 15 degrees C. Finger temperature varied from 12 to 24 degrees C when measured 2 min after work was stopped, and about one-third of the women experienced thermal discomfort in the fingers during work. The fish temperature increased, on the average, less than 1 degrees C during passage through the production room, notwithstanding the thermal differences among the factories. These findings should be used in attempts to reduce the cold exposure of the workers; but also improved control should be recommended for both environmental and water temperatures in the factories.  相似文献   

目的了解小型石材加工厂职业卫生情况和职业病危害因素种类及其浓度(或强度)。方法通过职业卫生现场调查,了解小型石材加工厂职业卫生现状;采用现场检测方法,测定工作场所空气中粉尘浓度和噪声强度。结果此次调查的石材加工厂均为私营企业,作业人员2~15人;职业卫生管理不规范,无职业健康体检,无定期检测,个人防护用品配备不全。经实验室分析,本次调查的石材加工厂的游离二氧化硅含量为11.86%~33.84%,矽尘浓度1.1~95.7 mg/m^3,噪声强度86.8~99.0 dB(A)。结论小型石材加工厂职业卫生管理水平较低,工作场所的矽尘浓度和噪声强度超标严重,矽尘和噪声为小型石材加工厂职业病危害关键控制点。  相似文献   

广州市生产经营单位化学品调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:了解本区域化学品分布情况,探讨化学品管理规范以有效控制其危害。方法:邮寄与现场相结合调查本市663家工厂化学品存在与分布。结果:本区域目前常见的化学品有100种以上,43.4%的工厂存在1种以上化学品,未有毒性分级的化学品占38.7%。不同毒性级别、不同毒物类型化学品的构成及其在不同行业、不同经济类型工厂中的分布均具统计学差异。结论:必须加强化学品登记、毒性鉴定与危险度评价等工作。对化学品的管理可在登记-建档-鉴定-评价-宣教-监督与自身管理的循环过程中得到规范和完善。  相似文献   

Mortality in 1422 male carbon black process workers with at least 12 months exposure was recorded from 1947 to 1980. Excess deaths from lung cancer, which were not statistically significant, were observed but interpretation is complicated by the incompleteness of data on the populations from two of the five factories studied. The highest excesses of lung cancer were in the two factories with incomplete data, which also had the lowest measured dust levels (though these were high). Furthermore, the duration of employment of lung cancer decedents was slightly less than for individually matched internal controls. Excess lung cancer after the tenth anniversaries of first exposure was 10 observed, 5.1 expected for the two factories with incomplete data; and 11 observed, 7.9 expected, for the other three factories.  相似文献   

职业性噪声对暴露人群健康效应初步分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的分析工业作业场所职业性噪声对暴露人群的健康效应。方法于2005年随机抽取南方某市部分噪声暴露工厂,按《作业场所噪声测量规范》(WS/T69-1996)进行测点选择和测量噪声强度[dB(A)],按照《职业健康监护管理办法》对其职业性噪声暴露人群进行健康检查,并对4家产生稳态噪声、4家产生脉冲噪声的工厂的暴露人群的健康效应进行比较分析。结果共对84家工厂的1374个噪声作业点进行噪声强度测定,噪声平均强度83.40[dB(A)],作业点噪声强度90[dB(A)]以上占23.22%(319/1374),85~89[dB(A)]占25.47%(350/1374),85[dB(A)]以下占51.31%(705/1374),超标率为48.69%(699/1374);7464例噪声暴露工人的健康检查结果显示,听力损伤检出率为20.47%(1528/7464),心电图异常检出率7.32%(546/7464),心率异常检出率为3.93%(293/7464),血压偏高检出率为3.71%(277/7464);稳态噪声和脉冲噪声的平均强度分别为84.96、88.49[dB(A)],两者的等效噪音强度差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);脉冲噪声暴露人群的听力损伤、血压偏高检出率均高于稳态噪声的(P>0.01)。暴露人群的听力损伤检出率与暴露水平存在正相关关系(rs=0.952 4,P<0.01)。结论职业性噪声暴露对人群健康效应的影响表现为脉冲噪声对噪声暴露者的危害比稳态噪声大;噪声强度和噪声暴露者的听力损伤检出率存在剂量反应关系。  相似文献   

目的 分析制造业工人肌肉骨骼疾患和劳动负荷及工作姿势在不同企业、性别、文化程度、年龄和工龄组间的分布.方法 采用横断面研究设计和问卷调查方法对12家制造业企业5134名工人进行近1年内肌肉骨骼疾患发生情况调查.结果 调查对象在近12个月内身体腰、颈、肩、腕、踝足、膝、髋臀、肘部肌肉骨骼疾患发生率分别为59.7%、47.9%、38.1%、33.7%、26.9%、25.4%、15.2%、14.9%.不同企业工人身体各部位肌肉骨骼疾患发生率的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05或P<0.01).耐火材料厂和化纤厂工人肘、腰、腕、足(踝)等部位肌肉骨骼疾患发生率高于其他企业,而服装厂和金刚石厂工人肌肉骨骼疾患发生率低于其他企业.女性工人颈、肩、腕部肌肉骨骼疾患发生率高于男性,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).不同文化程度工人身体各部位肌肉骨骼疾患发生率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05或P<0.01).颈、肩、肘、腰、髋臀和膝部肌肉骨骼疾患发生率的年龄和工龄组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),肌肉骨骼疾患发生率随年龄和工龄增长而增加.耐火材料厂和化纤厂工人劳动负荷大者和不良姿势者比例较高,金刚石和服装厂工人较低.结论 制造业工人腰、颈、肩、腕部肌肉骨骼疾患发生率较高,性别、文化程度、年龄和工龄对肌肉骨骼疾患的发生存在影响.
Objective To analyze the distribution of the musculoskeletal disorders, work load and working postures in different factories, gender, education levels, age and working years among manufacturing workers. Methods In a cross-sectional study of 5134 manufacturing workers in 12 factories, the morbidities for musculoskeletal disorders in one year period were measured with questionnaires. Results The morbidities for musculoskeletal disorders in body sites: waist, neck, shoulder, wrist, ankle/feet, knee, hip/buttocks and elbows were 59.7%, 47.9%, 38.1%, 33.7%, 26.9%, 25.4%, 15.2%, and 14.9%, respectively in one year period.There were significant differences of morbidities for musculoskeletal symptoms in body sites of workers among different factories (P<0.05 or P<0.01 ). The morbidities of musculoskeletal symptoms in elbows, waist, wrists and ankle/feet of the workers in refractory material and chemical fiber factories were higher than those in other factories, the morbidities for musculoskeletal symptoms of workers in garments and diamond factories were lower than those in other factories. The morbidities for musculoskeletal symptoms in neck, shoulders and wrists of female workers were significantly higher than those of male workers (P<0.01). There were significant differences of the morbidities for musculoskeletal symptoms in body sites among workers with different educational levels(P<0.05 or P<0.01 ). There were significant differences of the morbidities for musculoskeletal symptoms in neck, shoulders, wrists, hip/buttocks and knee among groups with different age or different working years (P<0.01), and the morbidities for musculoskeletal symptoms increased with age and working years. The proportions of unhealthy working postures and high working load among workers in refractory material and chemical fiber factories were higher;, but those in garments and diamond factories were lower.Conclusion The morbidities for musculoskeletal symptoms in waist, neck, shoulder and wrists of workers in manufacturing workers were higher; the gender, education level, age and working years could influenced the morbidities for musculoskeletal disorders.  相似文献   

[目的]评估木质家具制造企业职业健康风险。[方法]根据木质家具制造企业职业病危害因素种类和接触方式,于2013年采用美国环境保护署吸入风险评估技术中的癌症类和非癌症类风险评估模型对宁波市4家木质家具制造企业工人的职业健康风险进行评估。[结果]所有被评估企业的备料岗位吸入甲醛的癌症风险值(Risk值)为(0.69~4.15)×10^-5,均有鳞状细胞癌风险;喷漆岗位吸入苯的Risk值为(5.85~34.55)×10^-6,非癌症危害商数(HQ值)为1.98~3.96,均有淋巴细胞计数变化和白血病风险;吸入甲苯和二甲苯的HQ值分别为0.29~3.70和4.27~45.14,均有运动神经协调作用损伤风险,部分企业该岗位还有神经系统影响风险;晾漆岗位吸入苯的最低Risk值为(0.48~1.72)×10^-6,HQ值为0.59~1.19,均有致白血病风险,部分企业该岗位还有淋巴细胞计数变化风险;吸入甲苯和二甲苯的HQ值分别为0.06~0.51和2.26~5.58,均有运动神经协调作用损伤风险。无法得到相应岗位工人吸入木粉尘、乙酸乙酯及接触噪声所致的职业健康风险结果。[结论]被评估的木质家具制造企业有癌症和非癌症类职业健康风险,应采取无毒或低毒材料替代、工艺改进、加强防护和职业卫生管理等措施降低职业健康风险。  相似文献   

目的 了解居民慢病患病率以及危险因素的变化情况。方法 分别于1993年和2003年在北京市东城区随机对600户居民进行慢病患病和危险因素状况的问卷调查。结果 高血压病、糖尿病、脑血管病等慢病患病率仍呈上升趋势,而居民行为危险因素(吸烟、饮酒、不参加体育锻炼)等呈现下降趋势。结论 该地区应加强对其他慢病危险因素如超重和肥胖的研究,开展多种危险因素的干预和控制工作。  相似文献   

目的:探讨向服务行业和企业未婚流动人口提供性与生殖健康教育和服务的适宜模式。方法:以工作场所为基础向不同行业未婚流动青少年提供性与生殖健康教育和服务,教育和服务内容包括开展性与生殖健康生活技能培训、发放性教育宣传材料、提供性与生殖健康咨询以及发放避孕药具等。结果:在服务行业和企业对象中,分别有86%和71%的人参加了性与生殖健康生活技能培训,有98%和80%的人收到性教育宣传折页。不同行业中均有1/4左右的对象从工作场所寻求过性与生殖健康咨询服务,企业对象的咨询频率高于服务行业(P<0.05),且两者咨询的内容存在差异。在有过性经历的对象中,服务行业和企业中分别有22%和23%的人从工作场所寻求过避孕药具服务。60%以上的服务行业对象以及半数的企业对象认为生活技能培训课程“非常有用”。85%以上的服务行业对象对生殖健康咨询服务以及避孕药具服务感到“非常满意”,企业对象上述比例不到30%。结论:以工作场所为基础向未婚流动人口提供生殖健康教育和服务是可行且必要的,但针对不同行业对象的教育内容以及服务提供方式应有所侧重。  相似文献   

重庆市桶装水厂灌装车间空气洁净度评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的通过对桶装水灌装车间空气洁净度的检测,了解空气净化在桶装水生产企业生产中的使用现状和应用的效果.方法依据GB 50073-2001<洁净厂房设计规范>、JGJ 71-1990<洁净室施工及验收规范>和GB/T 16294-1996<医药工业洁净室(区)沉降菌的测试方法>于2005年5-11月对重庆市辖区内所有申报QS认证的桶装水(包括矿泉水、纯净水和山泉水)生产企业的灌装车间空气洁净度进行检测和评价.结果灌装车间空气洁净度的重要指标,如悬浮粒子(1290~368000个/L)和沉降菌数(0~20个/皿)超标率分别为17.4%和5.8%,但一般指标如相对湿度、照度和噪声超标率分别为94.2%,95.3%和98.8%.结论空气洁净度的重要指标如悬浮粒子和沉降菌数达标情况较好.一般指标如相对湿度、照度和噪声超标较为严重.监督主管部门应该制定适宜的指标和评价标准,使灌装车间的空气洁净度符合生产的要求.  相似文献   

The concentrations of airborne microbes, endotoxins and total dust were measured in one cigar and two cigarette factories in order to evaluate the risk of respiratory symptoms. The role of humidifiers as a source of microbes was investigated. Air samples for the analyses were collected near workers' breathing zones during different phases of production. Gram-negative bacteria, mesophilic fungi, thermotolerant fungi and thermophilic actinomycetes, but not Aspergillus glaucus fungi, were found in higher concentrations in the cigar factory than in the cigarette factories. High microbe concentrations (10(4)-10(5)cfu m(-3)) occurred throughout the production line in the cigar factory. The highest dust and endotoxin concentrations were found in the wick-making department in the cigar factory (3.3mg dust per m(3) and 38ng endotoxin per m(3)) and during the weighing or handling of raw tobacco in the cigarette factories (4.5 mg dust per m(3) and 106ng endotoxin per m(3)). The spray humidifiers in the cigar factory were a more important source of microbes than was raw tobacco. In the cigarette factories, steam humidifiers were used; the humidified air was free of microbes. The microbe concentrations in the tobacco factories were lower than in environments known to have caused allergic alveolitis.  相似文献   

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