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目的 调查轻微精神病综合征(attenuated psychosis syndrome,APS)患者的精神病理学症状和社会功能特征.方法 在全国7家研究中心筛选入组76例APS患者(APS组),同期在社区招募62名健康对照者(对照组).采用精神病风险症状量表(Scale of Psychosis-Risk Symptoms,SOPS)、蒙哥马利-艾森伯格抑郁量表(Montgomery-(A)sberg Depression Rating Scale,MADRS)和功能整体评定量表(Global Assessment of Functioning,GAF)评估APS患者的精神病风险症状、抑郁症状和社会功能,并与对照组进行比较,探讨临床特征及相互关系.结果 APS组与对照组相比,SOPS总分[(26.25 ±11.73)分与(1.48±1.66)分]和分量表评分[阳性症状:(8.75±3.69)分与(0.31±0.56)分,阴性症状:(8.06±6.15)分与(0.33±0.59)分,瓦解症状:(3.67±2.84)分与(0.36±0.66)分,一般症状:(5.76±3.40)分与(0.48±0.67)分],以及MADRS评分[(12.42 ±9.39)分与(0.39±0.98)分]和GAF评分[(62.28±13.25)分与(88.61±4.74)分]之间的差异均有统计学意义(Z=10.08、10.29、9.19、8.10、8.93、9.69、9.94,均P<0.01).APS最常见的精神病风险症状是思维内容异常(68.4%,52/76)、猜疑被害观念(56.6%,43/76)和心境烦躁(48.7%,37/76).51.3% (39/76)的APS患者伴发抑郁症状,并与阴性症状(r=0.444)和一般症状(r=0.571)呈正相关(均P<0.01).GAF与精神病风险症状(r=-0.377~-0.700)和抑郁症状(r=-0.370)呈负相关(均P<0.01).多元线性回归分析显示,阳性风险症状(t=-3.19,P=0.002)和阴性风险症状(t=-3.81,P<0.01)对GAF的预测作用具有统计学意义.结论 阳性风险症状、阴性风险症状和社会功能损害是APS的3个主要核心症状,抑郁症状和其他非特异性症状也较常见.  相似文献   

伴精神病性症状情感性精神障碍的随访观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨伴精神病性症状的情感性精神障碍( P A D) 的预后。方法 对65 例 P A D 及69 例不伴精神病性症状的情感性精神障碍( N P A D) 进行3 ~6 年随访,调查其再入院及转归情况。并比较其在人口学特征、疾病表现等方面的异同。结果 46 .67 %的躁狂症,44 % 的抑郁症及52 .17 % 的双相情感障碍都伴发精神病性症状。 P A D 与 N P A D 在人口统计学,疾病对目前生活、工作的影响等方面无显著差异。有18 .9 % 的 P A D 再入院诊断改变为精神分裂症,它们有如下特征:起病年龄较小,平均住院日较长,再入院次数较多,伴与情感不一致的妄想症状较多。结论  P A D 是一种常见疾病。 P A D 与 N P A D 在预后上无显著差异。有18 .9 % 的 P A D 再入院诊断改变为精神分裂症。  相似文献   

本文就精神障碍与物质滥用的相互关系、流行病学、共病类型及共病的治疗对策予以综述。  相似文献   

吴某,女性,56岁,已婚。浙江绍兴人,退休工人。以失眠、胡思乱想、消汲观念近二月,于1989.3.22第七次住院,总病期已27年。第一~第六次住院病史(1962.9.26~1987.12.14):第一次住院1962.9.26~1967.2.5诊断:精神分裂症;第二次住院1964.5.2~1964.7.30诊断:青春型精神分  相似文献   

共病是指患者当前或者既往任何一段时间内同时出现两种或者两种以上的精神问题和(或)躯体问题。双相障碍与其他精神障碍之间的共病率较高,共病对双相障碍的治疗和预后均造成了不利影响,是当前的研究热点之一。本文主要对双相障碍与其他常见精神科疾病共病的研究进展予以综述,为精神科临床提供参考。  相似文献   

患者 ,女 ,18岁 ,未婚 ,汉族 ,高一文化。因与人争吵后突发晕倒伴手脚震颤 ,醒后大小便不能自理 ,不认识家人 ,夜眠差 ,害怕 ,不敢接触外人 ,行为幼稚 ,象小孩一样时哭时笑 ,称耳边有人跟她讲话 ,认为有人要害她 ,自谓脑子不受控制 ,理解力低下 ,对文字如中国、妈妈、结婚等日常用语 ,既不会读也不理解其意 ,间断出现双手抱头大声叫“头痛” ,表情十分痛苦而来院。患者为第 2胎 ,足月顺产 ,幼年发育史无特殊 ,学习成绩良好 ,性格内向。家族史阴性。入院体检内科常规检查心肺无异常 ,NS(一 )。精神检查 :思维略显散漫 ,有言语性幻听及被害…  相似文献   

目的 了解80 岁以上老年精神病住院患者的躯体疾病共病情况。方法 筛查首都医科 大学附属北京安定医院2010 年1 月1 日至2017 年12 月30 日的住院患者,符合ICD-10 的精神障碍诊断, 年龄> 80 岁且资料完整者,调查该人群的合并躯体疾病情况等资料。结果 187 例患者中183 例合并 躯体疾病,共病率97.9%,平均共病数目为6.9 种。不同精神障碍患者的共患躯体疾病数目上差异无统 计学意义(P> 0.05);平均共病种数方面,脑损害和功能紊乱及其他躯体疾病所致精神障碍、心境障碍明 显低于其他4 种精神疾病,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05);183 例老年精神科患者共患躯体疾病例数 达1 297 例种,其中神经系统、循环系统、内分泌系统、呼吸系统及消化系统共769 例种,占59.29%,前 5 位疾病分别为高血压115 例(62.8%)、便秘84 例(45.9%)、脑梗死71 例(38.8%)、糖尿病54 例(29.5%)、冠 心病48 例(26.2%)。患者的躯体疾病共病种数与年龄相关(P< 0.01)。结论 80 岁以上老年精神障碍住 院患者的躯体共病现象非常普遍;且合并疾病种类较多,以心脑血管及代谢类疾病居多。  相似文献   

额颞叶痴呆是早老性人群中最常见多发的痴呆类型,以进行性精神行为异常、执行功能障碍和语言损害为主要临床特征。流行病学和临床研究显示,额颞叶痴呆与精神分裂症、双相情感障碍等重性精神疾病存在共病现象,这些发现吸引了相关领域学者致力于对两者共同发病机制的深入研究。本文拟对上述问题的研究和认识做一综述。  相似文献   



精神分裂症研究中最令人振奋的趋势之一是从治疗学研究转向精神分裂症的早期识别和早期干预研究。后者的研究对象主要集中于处于精神病“前驱期”或“临床高危”的青少年或年轻的成年患者,他们出现的认知功能障碍和社会功能障碍与精神分裂症患者相似,因而被认为具有精神分裂症或其他精神病性障碍的高患病风险。有学者将这种认知和社会功能障碍的表现称为精神病风险综合征(psychosis risk syndrome, PRS)。在某些范围内已有试图将这一状态重新定义为一种精神障碍的举动,如:美国精神医学学会的《精神障碍诊断与统计手册》第五版(DSM-5)将“轻微精神病综合征”(attenuated psychosis syndrome, APS)列入“需要进一步研究的状态”。存在PRS的个体出现精神病性障碍的风险的确比没有PRS的人要高,但多数PRS个体以后也不会患精神病性障碍,因此,我们反对将PRS或APS作为一种亚型列入精神分裂症谱系障碍中。


本文全文中文版从2015年4月8日起在http://dx.doi.org/10.11919/j.issn.1002-0829.214178可供免费阅览下载  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence rates of psychiatric comorbidity in a hospitalized Asian patient group with first episode psychosis and examine its clinical correlates. METHOD: Seventy-nine consecutively admitted patients with first episode psychosis were assessed using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-axis I disorders (patient edition), Positive and Negative Symptom Scale (PANSS), Scale to assess Unawareness of Mental Disorders (SUMD) and Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) scales. RESULTS: Psychiatric comorbidity was present in 36.7% (n = 29) of the patients. Patients with psychiatric comorbidity were younger (P < 0.05), had an earlier onset of illness (P < 0.05) and better insight on social consequences and flat affect items (P < 0.05) on the SUMD. No significant differences were found between the two groups with and without psychiatric comorbidity in gender, ethnicity, marital status, length of education, employment status, living arrangements, duration of hospitalization and untreated psychosis as well as total PANSS and GAF scores. CONCLUSION: Psychiatric comorbidity is common thus calling for a greater awareness in clinicians of these conditions, which are often under-recognized, under-diagnosed and untreated.  相似文献   





本文全文中文版从2015年4月8日起在http://dx.doi.org/10.11919/j.issn.1002-0829.215016可供免费阅览下载The concept of a clinical high-risk state for psychosis (HR) has recently gained popularity in clinical psychiatry as a means of describing individuals with prodromal psychotic symptoms who are at the cusp of developing a full-blown psychosis. Several labels have been used for this condition, including ‘psychosis risk syndrome’ (PRS), ‘prodromal psychosis’, or ‘very high-risk state’. Due to controversies around this concept, DSM-5 does not list HR as a diagnosis, but it does include ‘attenuated psychosis syndrome’ (APS) in the appendix as a condition worthy of further study. We believe use of the APS category can help in the early detection and intervention of psychotic disorders.  相似文献   

Background: High comorbidity between panic disorder with/without agoraphobia (PD/A) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) has been identified in the literature. These findings have resulted in the recent development of neurobiological models to explain their overlapping symptoms and related origins. This study was a preliminary investigation of the influence of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for PD/A on PD/A patients with and without comorbid IBS. Methods: All patients completed a thorough intake assessment, brief waitlist period, and a 12‐week CBT group for PD/A. Results: The results demonstrated significant reductions in the symptoms of anxiety, depression, and overall impairment in both patient groups (ts>2.3; Ps<.05). In addition, PD/A patients with comorbid IBS also experienced reductions in the disability and distress associated with their gastrointestinal symptoms of IBS (ts>1.9; Ps<.07). Conclusions: Although additional research still is needed, these preliminary findings suggest that CBT for PD/A can be used to simultaneously treat comorbid symptoms of PD/A and IBS. Implications for the neurobiological models for these comorbid conditions were discussed. Depression and Anxiety, 2011. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   



精神病共病极为常见,其部分原因是DSM 诊 断系统症状分组重叠。其中双相障碍 (bipolar disorder, BD) 和强迫症 (obsessive compulsive disorder, OCD) 的共 同出现是最常见的共病之一。然而,我们尚未解决有 关该病症的关键疾病分类问题,即它们两个不同的疾 病还是其中一个病症中的另一种亚型。为了解决这个 悬而未决的问题,我们更新了最近的系统综述,即搜 索电子数据库MEDLINE、Embase 和PsycINFO 专门研 究BD 与OCD 共病患者的遗传性。我们一共纳入了8 篇相关论文,其中大部分研究的发现是,相较于非BD 与OCD 共病的患者,共病患者更可能有心境障碍的家 族史而不太可能有强迫症的家族病史。这些结果支持 大多数BD 与OCD 共病的案例实际上BD 患者。如果这 一结论能在更大的、更集中的研究中得到证实,将具 有重要的疾病分类和临床意义。


本文全文中文版从2016年2月26日起在http://dx.doi.org/10.11919/j.issn.1002-0829.215123可供免费阅览下载  相似文献   

目的:探讨未治疗的双相障碍(BD)患者共病代谢综合征(MS)的情况及相关因素分析。方法:收集125例未治疗的BD患者(BD组)的一般人口学资料及临床资料,检测其代谢指标,包括体质量指数(BMI)、收缩压(SBP)和舒张压(DBP)、三酰甘油(TG)、总胆固醇(TC)、低密度脂蛋白(LDL)、高密度脂蛋白(HDL)、空腹血糖(FPG),并与201名健康体检者(对照组)比较,分析BD患者发生MS的危险因素。结果:BD组年龄明显低于对照组,校正年龄和性别后,BD组SBP及FPG异常率及MS发生率明显高于对照组(P均<0.01)。男性患者SBP、TG明显高于女性,HDL水平明显低于女性(P均<0.01);TG异常率及代谢指标异常≥2项的比率明显高于女性(P均<0.05)。Logistic回归分析显示,BD患者发生MS的危险因素是BMI、性别和年龄。结论:BD患者共病MS的风险较健康人更高,其中男性、年龄和BMI是MS的危险因素。  相似文献   

Joshi G, Wozniak J, Petty C, Vivas F, Yorks D, Biederman J, Geller D. Clinical characteristics of comorbid obsessive‐compulsive disorder and bipolar disorder in children and adolescents.
Bipolar Disord 2010: 12: 185–195.
© 2010 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Objective: To explore bidirectional comorbidity between bipolar disorder (BPD) and obsessive‐compulsive disorder (OCD) in youth and to examine the symptom profile and clinical correlates of both disorders in the context of reciprocal comorbidity and ascertainment status. Methods: Two samples of consecutively referred youth (ages 6–17 years) ascertained contemporaneously for respective studies of BPD and OCD were compared using clinical and scalar assessment and structured diagnostic interviews. Results: A total of 21% (17/82) of the BPD subjects and 15% (19/125) of the OCD subjects met DSM‐III‐R diagnostic criteria for both disorders. In the presence of BPD, youth with OCD more frequently experienced hoarding/saving obsessions and compulsions along with a clinical profile of greater comorbidity, poorer global functioning, and higher rate of hospitalization that is characteristic of BPD. Multiple anxiety disorders (≥ 3), especially generalized anxiety disorder and social phobia, were present at a higher frequency when OCD and BPD were comorbid than otherwise. In subjects with comorbid OCD and BPD, the primary disorder of ascertainment was associated with an earlier onset and more severe impairment. Conclusions: An unexpectedly high rate of comorbidity between BPD and OCD was observed in youth irrespective of primary ascertainment diagnosis. In youth with comorbid OCD and BPD, the clinical characteristics of each disorder run true and are analogues to their clinical presentation in youth without reciprocal comorbidity, with the exception of increased risk for obsessions and compulsions of hoarding/saving and comorbidity with other anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

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