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Despite the frequency of emergency department (ED) visits for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbation, little is known about practice variation in EDs.


To examine the differences between Canadian and United States (US) COPD patients, and the ED management they receive.


A prospective multicentre cohort study was conducted involving 29 EDs in the US and Canada. Using a standard protocol, consecutive ED patients with COPD exacerbations were interviewed, their charts reviewed and a two-week telephone follow-up completed. Comparisons between Canadian and US patients, as well as their treatment and outcomes, were made. Predictors of antibiotic use were determined by multivariate logistic regression.


Of 584 patients who had physician-diagnosed COPD, 397 (68%) were enrolled. Of these, 63 patients (16%) were from Canada. Canadians were older (73 years versus 69 years; P=0.002), more often white (97% versus 65%; P<0.001), less educated (P=0.003) and more commonly insured (P<0.001) than the US patients. US patients more commonly used the ED for their usual COPD medications (17% versus 3%; P=0.005). Although Canadian patients had fewer pack-years of smoking (45 pack-years versus 53 pack-years; P=0.001), current COPD medications and comorbidities were similar. At ED presentation, Canadian patients were more often hypoxic and symptomatic. ED treatment with inhaled beta-agonists (approximately 90%) and systemic corticosteroids (approximately 65%) were similar; Canadians received more antibiotics (46% versus 25%; P<0.001) and other treatments (29% versus 11%; P=0.002). Admission rates were similar in both countries (approximately 65%), although Canadian patients remained in the ED longer than the US patients (10 h versus 5 h, respectively; P<0.001).


Overall, patients with acute COPD in Canada and the US appear to have similar history, ED treatment and outcomes; however, Canadian patients are older and receive more aggressive treatment in the ED. In both countries, the prolonged length of stay and high admission rate contribute to the ED overcrowding crisis facing EDs.  相似文献   

目的 探讨慢性阻塞性肺疾病(chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases,COPD)和支气管哮喘(简称哮喘)患者在组胺支气管激发试验中气道高反应性(airway hyperresponsiveness,AHR)的不同.方法 将我院2008~2010年间诊断为COPD和哮喘的并经随访一年处于稳定期的患者共80例,其中COPD组39例,哮喘组41例,均行支气管组胺激发试验,观察FEF25%~75%/FVC(肺活量为25%~75%时最大呼气流量与用力肺活量的比值)在两组患者的变化.结果 COPD组FEF25%~75%和FEF25%~75 %/FVC均明显低于哮喘组(P值均<0.01);以激发试验阳性的两组患者为对象分别进行简单相关分析,在COPD组和哮喘组中FEF25%~75%/FVC与Log10DRS呈负相关(r分别为-0.510和-0.466,P<0.05),与PD20FEV1呈正相关(r分别为0.518和0.487,P<0.05),说明相对于肺容积而言,气道容积越小,气道收缩性越强,反应性越高.随后在以气道收缩性指标Log10DRS为因变量,以年龄、体表面积、FEV1%及FEF25%~75 %/FVC为自变量进行线性回归分析,在COPD组FEV1%对Log10DRS较FEF25%~75%/FVC影响大(P<0.05),而哮喘组不存在这情况.结论 在COPD中AHR患者并不少见,其发生机制与哮喘是不同的.  相似文献   

目的探讨外周血CD4+T细胞亚群Th17代表性细胞因子IL-17在哮喘、慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)以及哮喘COPD重叠综合征(ACOS)等气道慢性炎症性疾病鉴别诊断中的临床价值。方法收集哮喘患者26例、COPD患者33例及ACOS患者14例的血清、临床资料及实验室检查资料,检测哮喘、COPD、ACOS患者外周血IL-17等细胞因子、炎症介质、外周血白细胞分类计数、血清免疫球蛋白亚型以及肺通气功能,并进行组间比较。健康体检者69例作为对照。结果 Th17细胞因子IL-17在哮喘及ACOS组升高较COPD组更为明显(P0.01)。调节性T细胞的主要细胞因子IL-10在哮喘患者中的水平明显低于COPD患者(P0.05)。外周血炎症细胞比例、免疫球蛋白亚型在哮喘、COPD、ACOS鉴别诊断中具有一定参考价值。但肺通气功能指标对于以上三者的鉴别价值有限。哮喘及ACOS组患IL-17与肺通气功能指标呈负相关关系。结论 IL-17作为新型Th17细胞分泌的代表性细胞因子,在鉴别上述疾病中具有重要的参考价值。Th17/Treg细胞失衡可能是难治性哮喘的潜在发病机制。  相似文献   



Dedicated programs for the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can reduce hospitalizations and improve quality of life.


To investigate whether health care utilization could be reduced by a newly developed integrated, interdisciplinary initiative that included a COPD nurse navigator who educates patients and families, transitions patients through various points of care and integrates services.


The present quality assurance, pre-post study included patients followed by a COPD nurse navigator from January 25, 2010 to November 5, 2011. Information regarding emergency department visits and hospitalizations, including lengths of stay, were obtained from hospital databases. Diagnoses were classified as respiratory or nonrespiratory, and used primary and secondary hospitalization diagnoses to identify acute exacerbations of COPD (AECOPD). Paired sign tests were performed.


The sample consisted of 202 patients. Following nurse navigator intervention, significantly more patients experienced a decrease in the number of respiratory-cause emergency department visits (P<0.05), number of respiratory hospitalizations (P<0.001), total hospital days for respiratory admissions (P<0.001), number of hospitalizations with AECOPD (P<0.001) and total hospital days for admissions with AECOPD (P<0.001). Financial modelling estimated annual savings in excess of $260,000.


The present quality assurance study indicated that the implementation of an integrated interdisciplinary program for the care of patients with COPD can improve patient outcomes despite the tendency of COPD to worsen over time.  相似文献   



Understanding patients’ needs and perspectives is fundamental to improving end-of-life (EOL) care. However, little is known of what quality care means to patients who have advanced lung disease.


To describe ratings of importance and satisfaction with elements of EOL care, informational needs, decision-making preferences, obstacles to a preferred location of death, clinical outcomes, and health care use before and during an index hospital admission for patients who have advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).


A questionnaire with regard to quality EOL care was administered to patients older than 55 years of age who had advanced medical disease in five Canadian teaching hospitals.


For 118 hospitalized patients who had advanced COPD, the following items were rated as extremely important for EOL care: not being kept alive on life support when there is little hope for meaningful recovery (54.9% of respondents), symptom relief (46.6%), provision of care and health services after discharge (40.0%), trust and confidence in physicians (39.7%), and not being a burden on caregivers (39.6%). Compared with patients who had metastatic cancer, patients with COPD had lower (P<0.05) satisfaction with care, interest in information about prognosis, cardiopulmonary resuscitation or mechanical ventilation, and referral rates to palliative care, whereas use of acute care services was higher (P<0.05) for patients who had advanced COPD.


Canadian patients who have advanced COPD identify several priorities for improving care. Avoidance of prolonged or unwanted life support requires more effective communication, decision making and goal setting. Patients also deserve better symptom control and postdischarge strategies to minimize perceived burdens on caregivers, emergency room visits and hospital admissions.  相似文献   

The effects of a pulmonary rehabilitation program on 44 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) were compared to a control group. The treated group was admitted to the program for a period of three months. The program consisted of several parts, such as physical training, health education, and psychological and social matters. Before participation, the patients were thoroughly examined and provided with optimal medical treatment. Both groups were assessed by means of biometrical tests and questionnaires for a period of 2 years. The rehabilitation group improved significantly in endurance, psychological parameters, and consumption of medical care. Working days increased and their way of life became more active. Smoking habits and body fat percentage decreased. Bronchial hyperreactivity, need for pulmonary drugs, and coughing and sputum production did not improve in the rehabilitation group compared to the control group. Airway obstruction, expressed as forced expiratory volume in one second, and complaints of dyspnea, allergy and hyperreactivity scores on questionnaires improved only in the short term (<1 year), but did not improve significantly in the long term. This study shows that pulmonary rehabilitation can result in improvements in patients with asthma or COPD who have many complaints despite the fact that their pulmonary function is not severely disturbed.  相似文献   

支气管哮喘(简称哮喘)和COPD是常见的呼吸系统疾病,二者的临床特点和发病机制各不相同,但在临床上,二者的区分却并非易事.越来越多的患者同时具备以上两种疾病的特点,因此,有学者提出了一个新名词——哮喘-慢性阻塞性肺疾病重叠综合征.该类患者与单纯的哮喘、COPD患者相比,病情复杂,生活质量差,病死率高,应引起临床工作者的高度重视.  相似文献   

目的探讨慢性阻塞性肺疾病评估测试(CAT)评分与慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者预后因素之间的相关性,明确CAT评分对COPD患者预后评估的应用价值。方法选取2013年1月至2015年1月我院呼吸内科住院及门诊就诊的106例COPD患者为研究对象。对106例患者治疗前后进行CAT评分、6 min步行实验(6MWD)、改良英国MRC呼吸困难指数(m MRC)、BODE(B为体质量指数,O为气道阻塞程度,D为呼吸困难分数,E为运动耐力)指数、圣乔治呼吸问卷(SGRQ)评分及肺功能的测定。采用单因素线性相关分析CAT评分与患者各临床特征之间的相关性。结果随着CAT评分的升高,患者6MWD、用力呼气容积(FVC)实测值、FVC实测/预测值、一秒用力呼气容积(FEV1)实测值、FEV1实测/预测值、FEV1/FVC、呼气峰流速(PEF)实测值、PEF实测/预测值均明显降低(P0.05),而m MRC评分、BODE指数及SGRQ总评分明显升高(P0.05);患者经短期治疗后,CAT评分、BODE指数及SGRQ总评分均显著低于治疗前(P0.05),而6MWD、FEV1实测值、FEV1实测/预测值、FEV1/FVC则均显著高于治疗前(P0.05);单因素相关分析发现,治疗前CAT评分与m MRC评分(r=0.254,P=0.018)、BODE指数(r=0.426,P=0.009)及SGRQ总评分(r=0.563,P=0.007)呈显著正相关,与6MWD(r=-0.387,P=0.008)、FVC实测值(r=-0.181,P=0.023)、FVC实测/预测值(r=-0.192,P=0.021)、FEV1实测值(r=-0.201,P=0.016)、FEV1实测/预测值(r=-0.214,P=0.013)及FEV1/FVC(r=-0.223,P=0.012)呈显著负相关;治疗后CAT评分与m MRC评分(r=0.304,P=0.011)、BODE指数(r=0.382,P=0.010)及SGRQ总评分(r=0.621,P=0.004)呈显著正相关,与6MWD(r=-0.407,P=0.007)、FEV1实测值(r=-0.211,P=0.014)、FEV1实测/预测值(r=-0.228,P=0.012)及FEV1/FVC(r=-0.231,P=0.011)呈显著负相关。结论 CAT评分与COPD患者m MRC评分、BODE指数、SGRQ总评分、6MWD及肺功能指标均有较好的相关性,具有较好的预测COPD患者预后的应用价值。  相似文献   

目的调查老年慢性阻塞性肺疾病(chronicobstructivepulmonarydisease,COPD)患者自我认知情况。方法对2008年1月至2010年8月门诊或住院年龄≥60岁的402例COPD患者进行问卷调查,内容包括对c0PD的认知、对治疗方法及治疗目标的认知、对COPD日常生活影响的认知。结果包头地区老年COPD患者文化程度普遍偏低,小学(含)以下教育的患者为84.0%,重度以上患者占53.0%,73.0%患者曾吸烟;虽然86.1%的患者做过肺功能检查,但只有18.4%患者知道肺功能结果并监测肺功能变化;83.6%患者每年有急性加重,8.5%患者对肺功能下降担心;19.9%患者气喘时应用药物,88.0%患者认同静脉用药,54.1%患者认同口服用药;77.6%患者“上呼吸道感染”时应用抗生素;12.7%患者坚持长期氧疗,28.6%患者坚持每年应用流感疫苗,20.9%患者既往用过“偏方”治疗;55.8%患者因身体及情绪不好影响与家人、朋友或其他人的正常社交活动;文化程度是影响患者行为认知水平的最主要因素(偏回归系数β=-0.421,P=0.000)。结论包头地区老年COPD患者对疾病相关知识知晓及认知程度较低,应加强对患者的认知教育工作。  相似文献   

慢性阻塞性肺疾病血浆食欲素A水平的临床研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的初步探讨慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者血浆食欲素A质量浓度的变化及临床意义。方法选择江苏省镇江市第四医院呼吸内科2004年6月至2004年11月伴有肥胖的COPD患者15例、不伴有肥胖的COPD患者20例、单纯肥胖者20例和健康成人20名。其中肥胖COPD组和单纯肥胖组的体重指数(BMI)均大于25,两组之间BMI差异无统计学意义。所有受试者均接受肺功能检查及血气分析,采用层析方法将血浆去蛋白化处理及放射免疫分析法测定4组血浆食欲素A的水平。结果血浆食欲素A的质量浓度肥胖COPD组[(8.82±1.90)ng/L]与非肥胖COPD组[(8.69±1.84)ng/L]显著高于单纯肥胖组[(7.18±1.45)ng/L(P<0.01)]及正常对照组[(6.72±1.58)ng/L(P<0.01)]。肥胖COPD组与非肥胖COPD组血浆食欲素A差异无显著性意义(P>0.05)。肥胖与非肥胖COPD组检测指标相关分析显示血浆食欲素A质量浓度与动脉血氧分压(PaO2)(r=-0.527,P<0.01)、血氧饱和度(SaO2)(r=-0.529,P<0.01)呈负相关,而与动脉血二氧化碳分压(PaCO2)、1秒用力呼气容量(FEV1)占预计值的百分比以及BMI、脂肪百分比(?t)无相关性。结论COPD患者血浆食欲素A质量浓度升高,其原因可能与COPD患者气道阻塞所致低氧血症及其病理生理变化有关。  相似文献   

方圆  刘晶 《国际呼吸杂志》2007,27(24):1874-1878
慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)是一种重要的慢性呼吸系统疾病,本文综述了近年来在COPD治疗上的最新进展,包括COPD药物应用,手术治疗及氧疗等。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND There is a growing evidence regarding an increased risk of inflammatory bowel disease(IBD) among patients with airway diseases.AIM To investigate the influence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) on the risk of IBD.METHODS A nationwide, population-based study was conducted using data from the National Health Insurance Service database. A total of 1303021 patients with COPD and 6515105 non-COPD controls were identified. The COPD group was divided into the severe and the mild COPD group according to diagnostic criteria. The risk of IBD in patients with COPD compared to controls was analyzed by Cox proportional hazard regression models. The cumulativeincidences of IBD were compared between the groups.RESULTS The COPD group had higher incidences of IBD compared to non-COPD controls(incidence rate, 9.98 vs 7.18 per 100000 person-years, P 0.001). The risk of IBD in the COPD group was increased by 1.38(adjusted hazard ratio(HR); 95%CI: 1.25-1.52). The incidence rate of IBD was higher in the severe COPD group than in the mild COPD group(12.39 vs 9.77 per 100000 person-year, P 0.001). The severity of COPD was associated with an increased risk of IBD(adjusted HR 1.70 in severe COPD, 95%CI: 1.27-2.21 and adjusted HR 1.35 in mild COPD, 95%CI: 1.22-1.49)CONCLUSION The incidences of IBD were significantly increased in COPD patients in South Korea and the risk of developing IBD also increased as the severity of COPD increased.  相似文献   

While systemic shortcomings in meeting the needs of individuals with progressive chronic illnesses at the end of life have been well documented, there is growing interest in improving both care and quality of life for persons with advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). For instance, the American Thoracic Society has issued an official statement on palliative care for patients with respiratory diseases, affirming that the prevention, relief, reduction and soothing of symptoms “without affecting a cure” must become an integral component of standard care. A recent Medline search located 1015 articles related to palliative or end-of-life care for people with COPD published between 2001 and 2008, compared with only 336 articles published before 2001. To address the needs of Canadian patients, an interdisciplinary consensus meeting, funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and supported by the Canadian Thoracic Society, the Canadian Respiratory Health Professionals and the Canadian Lung Association was convened in Toronto, Ontario, on November 22, 2008, to begin examining the quality of end-of-life care for individuals with COPD in Canada. The present report summarizes the background to and outcomes of this consensus meeting.  相似文献   

张方 《国际呼吸杂志》2011,31(13):1018-1020
慢性阻塞性肺疾病是一种慢性呼吸系统的常见病、多发病,它不仅累及肺,同时也可以累及全身,而全身主要表现为内分泌激素的变化,本文就慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者肺外表现与甲状激素、瘦素与胰岛素分泌之间的联系作一简要综述.  相似文献   

慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)发病率、病死率高,社会经济负担重,已成为一个重要的公共卫生问题。COPD患者抗菌药物的应用尚有争议,大部分的研究结果表明在重度COPD急性加重期患者中应用抗菌药物治疗是有益的,关于COPD稳定期抗菌药物治疗的价值争议较大,一些研究表明大环内酯类抗苗药物对COPD稳定期治疗有效。本文拟对抗菌药物在COPD患者中的治疗作用作一综述。  相似文献   

慢性阻塞性肺疾病常存在多系统代谢功能障碍,糖耐量减低,可致糖代谢紊乱,本综述的主要目的是探讨慢性阻塞性肺疾病与胰岛素抵抗的相关性,以及探讨其联系的可能发生机制.  相似文献   

李文君  万毅新 《国际呼吸杂志》2014,34(17):1331-1333
COPD是气道的慢性炎症性疾病,其病程进行性发展,预计在2020年将成为引起死亡的第三位疾病。近年来,随着人们对COPD的认识,COPD所引起的肺外并发症越来越受到重视。认知障碍是COPD患者的并发症之一,可影响患者的健康水平及日常生活能力,文章结合相关文献,对COPD患者的认知受损作如下综述。  相似文献   

COPD急性加重的诱因及病原   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:11  
目的分析慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重期的诱因及病原情况。方法对2002年1月2004年9月住院的275例COPD急性加重期的诱因、病原菌及药敏试验结果进行分析。结果275例COPD急性加重期患者43.3%(119/275例)发病前可以找到诱因,14.2%(39/275例)有上呼吸道感染。共分离出细菌173株结果显示,铜绿假单胞菌、肺炎克雷伯菌等G-杆菌为主要致病菌,占47.4%;G 球菌则以葡萄球菌及草绿色链球菌为主,占27.2%;真菌感染率较高,占25.4%。多种细菌混合感染常见,且耐药严重。结论祛除诱因,加强呼吸肌功能锻炼,提高机体免疫力,是预防COPD急性加重,提高COPD患者生活质量的必要措施。针对病原菌,合理使用抗生素,防止耐药菌株的产生至关重要。  相似文献   

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