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Eighty-three samples of cereal-derived products including 24 breakfast cereals, 24 cereal-based baby foods and 35 beers purchased from supermarkets and small shops of Adana in Turkey were analysed for the presence of ochratoxin A (OTA) using immunoaffinity column (IAC) clean-up and high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (HPLC–FD). The average OTA recoveries from spiked breakfast cereal and cereal-based baby food and beers samples were in the range of 79.33–83.86%, 72.93–80.34% and 76.47–83.11%, respectively. The relative standard deviations (RSDr) of recoveries for breakfast cereals, cereal-based baby foods and beers were 1.1–3.39%, 2.56–8.37% and 5.73–13.61%, respectively.  相似文献   

Total polychlorinated biphenyl (SigmaPCB) concentrations calculated as the sum of 21 and the toxicity equivalent (TEQ) of dioxin-like PCBs calculated on the basis of the toxic equivalent factors were assessed in Manila clams Tapes philippinarum cultured in the Venice Lagoon. The concentrations showed a predominance of hexa-chlorobiphenyls followed by penta-, hepta-, tetra- and tri-chlorobiphenyls. The highest levels of SigmaPCB detected were 4.01 ng/g, 2.71 ng/g and 2.68 ng/g wet weight at a southern lagoon site and two northern lagoon sites, respectively. There was a significant differentiation in toxicity levels between culture sites. The highest value was 0.239 pg TEQ/g at a southern lagoon site; the lowest was 0.004 pg TEQ/g at a central lagoon site.  相似文献   

Ochratoxin A (OTA) as well as its metabolite ochratoxin α (OTα) were detected in human urine in order to assess the exposure to OTA of a group of 72 adult inhabitants of the city of Lleida (Spain). Urine samples were enzymatically treated; OTA and OTα were separated by liquid-liquid extraction, and detected by HPLC-fluorescence. Exposure to OTA was also evaluated by the estimation of its daily intake from food contamination data from the literature and from food consumption data provided by the participants, who filled in a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) and a three-day food consumption record (3DR). OTA occurrence (12.5%, limit of detection = 0.034 ng/mL) was lower than OTα occurrence (61.1%, limit of detection = 0.023 ng/mL). The range of concentrations was 0.057-0.562 ng/mL and 0.056-2.894 ng/mL for OTA and for OTα, respectively. It could be observed for positive samples that the FFQ data were related to the OTA concentration in urine, whereas the 3DR data were related to the OTα levels in urine. The OTA estimated daily intake of the participants was lower than 30% of the latest provisional tolerable daily intake of 14 ng/kg body weight/day in the worst cases of exposure.  相似文献   

The dietary intake of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and biphenyls (PCBs) in terms of toxic equivalents (TEQs) was investigated in Swedish children and young adults. Exposure was estimated from concentration data of six groups of individual food commodities (meat, fish, dairy products, egg, edible fats and other foodstuff) combined with food intake data from a 7-day record book obtained from 670 individuals aged 1–24 years. The results showed that Swedish boys and girls, up to the age of ten, had a median TEQ intake that exceeded the tolerable daily intake (TDI) of 2 pg TEQ/kg body weight. Children exceeding the TDI varied from almost all individuals among the youngest children to about 20% among young men and women. Dairy and fish products were the main sources of exposure for the average child, accounting for 59% of the total TEQ intake. The individuals most highly exposed were, on the other hand, characterized by a high consumption of fish. Since children constitute a vulnerable group, results obtained from the present study show that it is essential to perform age specific dietary intake assessments of pollutants and more carefully consider sensitive and/or highly exposed groups in the population in the risk management processes.  相似文献   

A model is presented which allows to quantify the simultaneous distribution of the exposure to two compounds, for example a health-risk and a health promoting compound. The model considers the total dietary intake, and can be used as a first step to study the effects on the balance between risks and benefits following changes in the consumption pattern. The exposure is modelled separately for intake probabilities using a betabinomial model, and for intake amounts using a lognormal model, and these parts are afterwards integrated by Monte Carlo simulation. The model is illustrated using the risk-benefit case of dioxins and the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). High concentrations of both the health adverse compounds and the health promoting compounds are simultaneously present in fatty fish. Calculated exposures were compared with intake limits: the adequate intake for EPA+DHA and the tolerable daily intake (TDI) for dioxins. We estimate the probability that dioxin exposure is below TDI, the probability that EPA+DHA exposure is above the adequate intake, and the probability that both conditions occur simultaneously. We also model the dependence of these probabilities on age. In the studied population the exposure to both compounds is almost completely below the limits. A scenario study in which meat consumption was replaced by fatty fish consumption shows an increase in the fraction of the population with the recommended intake of EPA+DHA, however also the fraction of the population exceeding the TDI for dioxins is increased. For the example scenario the optimal amount of fatty fish consumption is derived.  相似文献   

A method has been developed to identify pesticide residues and foodstuffs for inclusion in national monitoring programs with different priority levels. It combines two chronic dietary intake indicators: ATMDI based on maximum residue levels and agricultural uses, and EDI on food contamination data. The mean and 95th percentile of exposure were calculated for 490 substances using individual and national consumption data. The results show that mean ATMDI exceeds the acceptable daily intake (ADI) for 10% of the pesticides, and the mean upper-bound EDI is above the ADI for 1.8% of substances. A seven-level risk scale is presented for substances already analyzed in food in France and substances not currently sought. Of 336 substances analyzed, 70 pesticides of concern (levels 2-5) should be particularly monitored, 22 of which are priority pesticides (levels 4 and 5). Of 154 substances not sought, 36 pesticides of concern (levels 2-4) should be included in monitoring programs, including 8 priority pesticides (level 4). In order to refine exposure assessment, analytical improvements and developments are needed to lower the analytical limits for priority pesticide/commodity combinations. Developed nationally, this method could be applied at different geographic scales.  相似文献   

Due to the favourable health effects of LC n-3 PUFAs, marine products have been recognised as a food group of special importance in the human diet. However, seafood is susceptible to contamination by lipophilic organic pollutants. The objective of this study was to evaluate intake levels of PCDDs, PCDFs and dioxin-like PCBs, by a probabilistic Monte Carlo procedure, in relation to the recommendation on LC n-3 PUFAs given by Belgian Federal Health Council. Regarding the recommendation, two scenarios were developed differing in LC n-3 PUFAs intake: a 0.3 E% and a 0.46 E% scenario. Total exposure to dioxins and dioxin-like substances in the 0.3 E% LC n-3 PUFAs scenario ranges from 2.31 pg TEQ/kg bw/day at the 5th percentile, over 4.37 pg TEQ/kgbw/day at the 50th percentile to 8.41 pg TEQ/kgbw/day at the 95th percentile. In the 0.46 E% LC n-3 PUFAs scenario, 5, 50 and 95th percentile are exposed to 2.74, 5.52 and 9.98 pg TEQ/kgbw/day, respectively. Therefore, if the recommended LC n-3 PUFAs intake would be based on fish consumption as the only extra source, the majority of the study population would exceed the proposed health based guidance values for dioxins and dioxin-like substances.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to assess the risk due to mercury (Hg), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and non-dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (ndl PCBs) intake via fish consumption in Serbia. We have developed 24 scenarios using four concentration levels (mean, maximum, 50th and 95th percentile) of contaminants, determined in 521 samples of fish products available on Serbian market; two consumption levels (Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization data and recommendation of American Heart Association); and three body weights (5th, 50th and 95th percentile). All the values concerning the intake of DDT are below the corresponding health based guidance value. Calculated weekly intake of Hg using maximal concentration, intake of 340 g/week and 5th percentile of body weight exceeded the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI). When maximal and 95th percentile concentration of ndl PCBs was used, weekly intakes exceeded a “guidance value” with one exception i.e., when 95th percentile of concentration along with 95th percentile of body weight were used. Concerning Hg and ndl PCBs, when extreme concentrations were used, HIs exceeded the value of 1, indicating that fish and fishery products may pose a threat to consumer’s health.  相似文献   

In addition to biological hazards like bacteria, viruses, parasites, the occurrence of chemical hazards is another characteristic of modern food production. The use of veterinary medicines in intensive production of animals is conditio sine qua non so it is impossible to avoid in full the presence of their residues in food.This paper presents quantitative risk assessment of streptomycin and tetracycline based on acceptable daily intake, daily consumption of milk and meat in Croatia (0.222 and 0.126 kg/person, respectively) and residues of these two veterinary drugs in this type of food. The median value for streptomycin in milk and meat was 11.50 and 38.00 μg/kg, respectively (milk: average: 15.57 μg/kg; range from 0 to 73.82 μg/kg; meat: average 44.14 μg/kg; range from 0 to 278.35 μg/kg). The median value for tetracycline in milk and meat was 1.50 μg/kg (milk: average 1.5 μg/kg; range, from 0 to 4.26 μg/kg; meat: average 1.62 μg/kg; range from 0 to 5.35 μg/kg). Based on the median value it can be concluded that the estimated daily intake of streptomycin and tetracycline through milk and meat in Croatia is low (streptomycin: 7.33 μg/person/day; tetracycline: 0.52 μg/person/day), and the risk is assessed as negligible.  相似文献   

In this study, ochratoxin A (OTA) occurrence and level in human urine samples, collected from four different regions of Turkey was analyzed by NaHCO3 dilution, immunoaffinity column clean-up and high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescent detection. For the repeatability of the method, RSD (%) values were found between 3.83 and 8.86, for the accuracy, the recovery values were found between 85.7% and 110.5% and limit of detection and limit of quantification of the method were measured as 0.006 and 0.018 ng mL−1 respectively. For the analysis, first morning urine samples were collected and the results were adjusted with creatinine levels. From the total collected samples of 233 larger amounts of 83% was contaminated with OTA. Among the calculated to be OTA levels, positive sample rate, average OTA amount and the highest contamination was found in Ankara. (Positive sample rate; 90.1%, average OTA concentration; 14.34 ng g−1 creatinine and highest OTA value; 75.60 ng g−1 creatinine). In order to define the exposure profile of OTA in human a questionnaire was conducted among the voluntaries as well. But related to the gender, age, dietary habits, coffee consumption, smoking and alcohol habits of the volunteers, no correlation was found with the OTA exposure.  相似文献   

The present paper aims at identifying strategies to increase the impact and applicability of alternative testing strategies in risk assessment. To this end, a quantitative and qualitative literature evaluation was performed on (a) current research efforts in the development of in vitro methods aiming for alternatives to animal testing, (b) the possibilities and limitations of in vitro methods for regulatory purposes and (c) the potential of physiologically-based kinetic (PBK) modeling to improve the impact and applicability of in vitro methods in risk assessment practice. Overall, the evaluation showed that the focus of state-of-the-art research activities does not seem to be optimally directed at developing in vitro alternatives for those endpoints that are most animal-demanding, such as reproductive and developmental toxicity, and carcinogenicity. A key limitation in the application of in vitro alternatives to such systemic endpoints is that in vitro methods do not provide so-called points of departure, necessary for regulators to set safe exposure limits. PBK-modeling could contribute to overcoming this limitation by providing a method that allows extrapolation of in vitro concentration-response curves to in vivo dose-response curves. However, more proofs of principle are required.  相似文献   

Cumulative risk assessment of pesticide residues in food   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
There is increasing need to address the potential risks of combined exposures to multiple residues from pesticides in the diet. The available evidence suggests that the main concern is from dose addition of those compounds that act by the same mode of action. The possibility of synergy needs to be addressed on a case-by-case basis, where there is a biologically plausible hypothesis that it may occur at the levels of residues occurring in the diet. Cumulative risk assessment is a resource-intense activity and hence a tiered approach to both toxicological evaluation and intake estimation is recommended, and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has recently published such a proposal. Where assessments have already been undertaken by some other authority, full advantage should be taken of these, subject of course to considerations of quality and relevance. Inclusion of compounds in a cumulative assessment group (CAG) should be based on defined criteria, which allow for refinement in a tiered approach. These criteria should include chemical structure, mechanism of pesticidal action, target organ and toxic mode of action. A number of methods are available for cumulating toxicity. These are all inter-related, but some are mathematically more complex than others. The most useful methods, in increasing levels of complexity and refinement, are the hazard index, the reference point index, the Relative Potency Factor method and physiologically based toxicokinetic modelling, although this last method would only be considered should a highly refined assessment be necessary. Four possible exposure scenarios are of relevance for cumulative risk assessment, acute and chronic exposure in the context of maximum residue level (MRL)-setting, and in relation to exposures from the actual use patterns, respectively. Each can be addressed either deterministically or probabilistically. Strategies for dealing with residues below the limit of detection, limit of quantification or limit of reporting need to be agreed. A number of probabilistic models are available, but some of there are geographically constrained due to the underlying datasets used in their construction. Guidance on probabilistic modelling needs to be finalised. Cumulative risk assessments have been performed in a number of countries, on organophosphate insecticides alone (USA) or together with carbamates (UK, DK, NL), triazines, chloroacetanilides, carbamates alone (USA), and all pesticides (DE). All identifiable assumptions and uncertainties should be tabulated and evaluated, at least qualitatively. Those likely to have a major impact on the outcome of the assessment should be examined quantitatively. In cumulative risk assessment, it is necessary, as in other risk assessments, for risk managers to consider what level of risk would be considered "acceptable", for example what percentile of the population should be below the reference value. Criteria for prioritising CAGs for cumulative risk assessment include frequency of detection in monitoring programmes, high usage, high exposure relative to the reference value, large number of compounds (e.g. five or more) in a group.  相似文献   

The role of post-market monitoring (PMM) in the safety assessment of novel foods is critically discussed in order to derive guidelines as to in which situations the application of PMM might be warranted. Available data sources on food consumption and health status, and the methodologies for generating such data are reviewed. The paper suggests improvements to make them more applicable for PMM purposes. It is concluded that any PMM programme must be a hypothesis-driven scientific exercise. PMM can have a role as a complement to, but not as a replacement for, a comprehensive pre-market safety assessment. Its use may be appropriate to confirm that product use is as predicted in the pre-market assessment; to provide reassurance that effects observed in the pre-market assessment occur with no greater frequency or intensity in the post-market phase than anticipated; and to investigate the significance of any adverse effects reported by consumers after market-launch. However PMM is insufficiently powerful to test the hypothesis that any effects seen in the pre-market assessment are absent in the post-market phase. Current methodologies place limitations on what PMM can achieve. PMM should only be used when triggered by or when the focus is on specific evidence-based questions.  相似文献   

Aflatoxins (AF) are highly toxic and carcinogenic secondary fungal metabolites and have been detected in various food commodities including pistachio nuts. Pistachio nuts were produced in Iran during March 2002-February 2003 analyzed for aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), aflatoxin B2 (AFB2), aflatoxin G1 (AFG1) and aflatoxin G2 (AFG2) using immunoaffinity column and quantitated by HPLC and/or TLC-scanner. In this regard, 3356 pistachio nut samples were collected. After dividing samples to sub-samples, 10,068 AF analyses were done. Among 10,068 samples analyzed, AFB1 was detected in 3699 samples (36.7% of the total) with the mean and median of 5.9 (+/-41.7) ng/g and 0.1 ng/g, respectively. Total AF (AFT) was detected in 2852 samples (28.3% of the total) with the mean and median of 7.3 (+/-53.2)ng/g and 0.4 ng/g, respectively. AFB1 level in 1191 samples (11.8%) was above the maximum tolerated level (MTL) of AFB1 in pistachio nut in Iran (5 ng/g). Regarding AFT, the mean contamination level (7.3 ng/g) was lower than MTL of AFT in pistachio nut in Iran as well as lower than the proposed draft maximum level of Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants for AFT (15 ng/g), and only 7.5% of samples had levels above the MTL.  相似文献   

We evaluated renal melamine–cyanurate crystal spherulite formation after single and repeated ingestion of both melamine (MEL) and cyanuric acid (CYA) in catfish and trout. MEL and CYA were co-administered orally over a range of doses, 0.1–20 mg/kg body weight (bw) of each compound, either once or repeatedly for 4, 14 or 28 days (d). In catfish, the No Observable Adverse Effects Levels (NOAELs) for crystal formation for single, 4 d or 14 d dosing were 10, 2.5 and 0.5 mg/kg bw, respectively. In trout, the respective NOAELs were 2.5, 2.5 and 0.5 mg/kg bw. No renal crystals formed in catfish fed 0.1 mg/kg bw of each compound for 28 d. Sequential administration of 20 mg/kg bw of MEL followed by 20 mg/kg bw of CYA or vise-versa, with waiting periods of 1, 3, 7, 14 or 21 d between compound dosing also induced renal crystal formation in fish. These studies show that both catfish and trout are sensitive, non-mammalian models, for renal crystal formation following MEL and CYA ingestion. Since fish generally excrete chemicals more slowly than mammals, they may provide a “worst case scenario” model for higher risk populations, such as infants or persons with compromised renal function.  相似文献   

After the FDA's ban of ephedrine-containing supplements, Citrus aurantium appeared as an alternative to ephedra in herbal weight loss products. Synephrine, the most abundant active component of C. aurantium, exists in three different structural or positional isomeric forms (orthoo-, metam-, and parap-). Dietary supplements contain m- and p-synephrine, both α-adrenergic agonists,while the m-isoform is the most potent at α1-adrenoreceptors. In spite of the pharmacokinetic and toxicological interest in the study of these compounds, adequate methods for their quantification in biological samples are yet to be developed. Thus, in the present study, a sensitive gas chromatography–ion trap mass spectrometry (GC/IT-MS) method was developed and validated for the simultaneous quantitation of m- and p-synephrine in a cellular matrix after solid phase extraction (SPE). The validation of the method was performed through the evaluation of the following parameters: selectivity, linearity, specificity, precision, accuracy, limit of detection, limit of quantification, and recovery. The method's applicability was studied in two different biological matrices by evaluating p- and m-synephrine uptake in Caco-2 cells and also in freshly isolated cardiomyocytes from adult rat. The developed GC/IT-MS method was shown to be selective, accurate, precise, and valid for simultaneous determination of p- and m-synephrine in biological samples.  相似文献   

Benefit-risk assessment in food and nutrition is relatively new. It weighs the beneficial and adverse effects that a food (component) may have, in order to facilitate more informed management decisions regarding public health issues. It is rooted in the recognition that good food and nutrition can improve health and that some risk may be acceptable if benefit is expected to outweigh it. This paper presents an overview of current concepts and practices in benefit-risk analysis for food and nutrition. It aims to facilitate scientists and policy makers in performing, interpreting and evaluating benefit-risk assessments.Historically, the assessments of risks and benefits have been separate processes. Risk assessment is mainly addressed by toxicology, as demanded by regulation. It traditionally assumes that a maximum safe dose can be determined from experimental studies (usually in animals) and that applying appropriate uncertainty factors then defines the ‘safe’ intake for human populations. There is a minor role for other research traditions in risk assessment, such as epidemiology, which quantifies associations between determinants and health effects in humans. These effects can be both adverse and beneficial. Benefit assessment is newly developing in regulatory terms, but has been the subject of research for a long time within nutrition and epidemiology. The exact scope is yet to be defined. Reductions in risk can be termed benefits, but also states rising above ‘the average health’ are explored as benefits. In nutrition, current interest is in ‘optimal’ intake; from a population perspective, but also from a more individualised perspective.In current approaches to combine benefit and risk assessment, benefit assessment mirrors the traditional risk assessment paradigm of hazard identification, hazard characterization, exposure assessment and risk characterization. Benefit-risk comparison can be qualitative and quantitative. In a quantitative comparison, benefits and risks are expressed in a common currency, for which the input may be deterministic or (increasingly more) probabilistic. A tiered approach is advocated, as this allows for transparency, an early stop in the analysis and interim interaction with the decision-maker. A general problem in the disciplines underlying benefit-risk assessment is that good dose-response data, i.e. at relevant intake levels and suitable for the target population, are scarce.It is concluded that, provided it is clearly explained, benefit-risk assessment is a valuable approach to systematically show current knowledge and its gaps and to transparently provide the best possible science-based answer to complicated questions with a large potential impact on public health.  相似文献   

Glyphosate is a herbicide used to control broad-leaved weeds. Some uses of glyphosate in crop production can lead to residues of the active substance and related metabolites in food. This paper uses data on residue levels, processing information and consumption patterns, to assess theoretical lifetime dietary exposure to glyphosate.Initial estimates were made assuming exposure to the highest permitted residue levels in foods. These intakes were then refined using median residue levels from trials, processing information, and monitoring data to achieve a more realistic estimate of exposure. Estimates were made using deterministic and probabilistic methods. Exposures were compared to the acceptable daily intake (ADI)—the amount of a substance that can be consumed daily without an appreciable health risk.Refined deterministic intakes for all consumers were at or below 2.1% of the ADI. Variations were due to cultural differences in consumption patterns and the level of aggregation of the dietary information in calculation models, which allows refinements for processing. Probabilistic exposure estimates ranged from 0.03% to 0.90% of the ADI, depending on whether optimistic or pessimistic assumptions were made in the calculations. Additional refinements would be possible if further data on processing and from residues monitoring programmes were available.  相似文献   

A number of recent food safety incidents have involved chemical substances, while various activities aim at the early identification of emerging chemical risks. This review considers recent cases of chemical and biochemical risks, as a basis for recommendations for awareness and prevention of similar risks at an early stage. These cases include examples of unapproved genetically modified food crops, intoxications with botanical products containing unintentionally admixed toxic herbs, residues of unapproved antibiotics and contaminants in farmed aquaculture species such as shrimp and salmon; and adverse effects of chemical and biological pesticides of natural origin. Besides case-specific recommendations for mitigation of future incidents of the same nature, general inferences and recommendations are made. It is recommended, for example, to establish databases for contaminants potentially present within products. Pro-active reconnaissance can facilitate the identification of products potentially contaminated with hazardous substances. In international trade, prevention and early identification of hazards are aided by management systems for product quality and safety, rigorous legislation, and inspections of consignments destined for export. Cooperation with the private sector and foreign authorities may be required to achieve these goals. While food and feed safety are viewed from the European perspective, the outcomes also apply to other regions.  相似文献   

In some US potable water supplies, 1,2,3-trichloropropane (TCP) has been present at ranges of non-detect to less than 100 ppb, resulting from past uses. In subchronic oral studies, TCP produced toxicity in kidneys, liver, and other tissues. TCP administered by corn oil gavage in chronic studies produced tumors at multiple sites in rats and mice; however, interpretation of these studies was impeded by substantial premature mortality. Drinking water equivalent levels (DWELs) were estimated for a lifetime of consumption by applying biologically-based safety/risk assessment approaches, including Monte Carlo techniques, and with consideration of kinetics and modes of action, to possibly replace default assumptions. Internationally recognized Frameworks for human relevance of animal data were employed to interpret the findings. Calculated were a reference dose (=39 μg/kg d) for non-cancer and Cancer Values (CV) (=10–14 μg/kg d) based on non-linear dose–response relationships for mutagenicity as a precursor of cancer. Lifetime Average Daily Intakes (LADI) are 3130 and 790–1120 μg/person-d for non-cancer and cancer, respectively. DWELs, estimated by applying a relative source contribution (RSC) of 50% to the LADIs, are 780 and 200–280 μg/L for non-cancer and cancer, respectively. These DWELs may inform establishment of formal/informal guidelines and standards to protect public health.  相似文献   

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