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ABSTRACT. Suhonen O, Aromaa A, Reunanen A, Knekt P (Research Institute for Social Security, the Social Insurance Institution, Helsinki, Finland). Alcohol consumption and sudden coronary death in middle-aged Finnish men. The association between consumption of alcoholic beverages (spirits, beer and wine) and coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality, especially the incidence of sudden coronary death (SCD), was investigated in a 5-year prospective population study comprising 4532 men aged 40–64 years. The amount of alcohol used was estimated on the basis of answers to a self-filled structured questionnaire. The incidence of SCD was statistically significantly lower among abstainers than among alcohol consumers. The relative risk of SCD of alcohol consumers in comparison with abstainers was largest in the oldest age group and it became more apparent after a follow-up of a couple of years. Only the consumption of spirits was positively associated with the incidence of SCD. Among non-smokers the incidence of SCD was statistically significantly higher in consumers than in abstainers, a similar but not significant trend was observed among current smokers. The positive association between alcohol consumption and incidence of SCD was detected both in CHD-free men and in men with prior CHD. Consumption of alcoholic beverages, and in particular of spirits, is associated with an increased risk of SCD in Finnish men.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The impact of risk factors for sudden and non-sudden coronary death was investigated in 3589 Finnish men aged 40–59 years at entry from a prospective population survey. During a mean follow-up time of 11 years, 234 coronary deaths occurred, 150 of which were sudden, i.e. ensuing within 1 hour of the onset of symptoms. The severity of the manifestations of CHD at baseline investigation appeared to be a powerful predictor of sudden coronary death. Smoking and high serum cholesterol were significant predictors of sudden coronary death. High serum cholesterol was an equally significant predictor of sudden and non-sudden coronary death. High blood pressure did not appear to significantly increase sudden coronary death but increased the incidence of non-sudden death significantly. Obesity and diabetes did not appear to be independent risk factors for sudden coronary death. Smoking and high serum cholesterol were significant risk factors for sudden coronary death in men with manifestations of coronary heart disease. The results suggest that reduction of primary risk factors, especially smoking and high serum cholesterol, is important even after coronary heart disease has become manifest.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT High alcohol consumption is one of the major risk indicators for premature death in middle-aged men. An indicator of alcohol abuse—registration with the social authorities for alcoholic problems—was used to evaluate the role of alcohol in relation to general and cause-specific mortality in a general population sample. Altogether 1116 men (11%) out of a total population of 10004 men were registered for alcoholic problems. Total mortality during 11.8 years' follow-up was 10.4% among the non-registered men, compared to 20.5% among men with occasional convictions for drunkenness and 29.6% among heavy abusers. Fatal cancer as a whole was not independently associated with alcohol abuse, but oropharyngeal and oesophageal cancers together were seven times more common in the alcohol-registered groups. Total coronary heart disease (CHD) was significantly and independently associated with alcohol abuse, but nearly all the excess CHD mortality among the alcohol-registered men could be attributed to sudden coronary death. Cases with definite recent myocardial infarction were not more common in the alcoholic population. A combined effect of coronary arteriosclerosis and heart muscle damage secondary to alcohol abuse is suggested. Other causes of death strongly associated with registration for alcohol abuse include pulmonary embolism, pneumonia and peptic ulcer, as well as death from liver cirrhosis and alcoholism. Of the excess mortality among alcohol-registered subjects, 20.1% could be attributed to CHD, 18.1% to violent death, 13.6% to alcoholism without another diagnosis and 11.1% to liver cirrhosis.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Alcohol-related disorders belong to the spectrum of major non-infectious diseases in Western societies which can be prevented by means that have not yet been fully implemented. Total consecutive mortality in a population of 10 353 middle-age males invited to take a part in a preventive medical population program in Malmö was followed up for 3.5–8.5 years (mean 4.5) after the time of invitation and analysed in relation to participation or non-participation and forensic or in-hospital autopsy. Entry characteristics in the 7935 males who attended the screening were compared in order to evaluate risk factor patterns for the major categories of premature death during the follow-up period. Even in the males participating in the screening, alcohol-related deaths (ARD) constituted a major mortality category, comprising 55 of 218 cases, whereas cancer comprised 61 and coronary heart disease (CHD) 50 of the premature deaths in this group. Both in the ARD and CHD categories of male premature mortality, significant and distinctly differential risk factor patterns were found; in CHD for smoking, cholesterol, serum triglycerides and systolic blood pressure, and in ARD for γ-glutamyltransferase, questionnaire alcoholism screening test and, inversely, serum cholesterol and serum creatinine. In both groups of diseases, these risk factors could be combined into highly predictive multiple logistic risk factor functions. The discriminative power of this instrument was even higher in ARD than in CHD deaths. In consequence, these factors may be applied both as indicators of the ARD risk and as signals and instrument for directed preventive measures in analogy with previously well established and tested methods for the regulation of blood pressure, serum lipids, etc. in the conquest of the cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The serum high density lipoprotein (HDL) and total cholesterol levels and their determinants were explored in a random population sample from eastern Finland, an area with an exceptionally high mortality and morbidity from coronary heart disease (CHD). A total of 1792 persons aged 14–65 years were studied. Serum HDL cholesterol was determined in one series by using an enzymatic method after precipitation by dextran-magnesium chloride. The mean serum HDL cholesterol was 1.41 mmol/l in men and 1.62 mmol/l in women. Although a multivariate linear regression model explained 21% (for men) and 28% (for women) of the variation in serum total cholesterol, the same variables were able to account for only 9 and 4%, respectively, of the variation in serum HDL cholesterol. Among men, obesity and the daily consumption of tobacco products were inversely associated and the weekly consumption of beer and age were directly associated with serum HDL cholesterol and the serum HDL cholesterol/total cholesterol ratio.  相似文献   

目的:分析北京地区2009~2018年经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)后住院死亡率的变化趋势,并评估影响PCI后住院死亡率的医院相关因素。方法:本研究采用2009年1月至2018年12月北京心血管介入质量控制与改进中心的数据库,将纳入研究的56家医院根据最新的中国医疗等级评定分为三甲医院和非三甲医院,分别比较2009~2018年总体PCI后住院死亡率,急诊PCI后住院死亡率和择期PCI后住院死亡率的变化趋势。使用Logistic模型分析PCI后患者住院期间死亡的医院相关因素。结果:10年间北京地区整体PCI后住院死亡率未见明显改变,其中三甲医院的择期PCI后住院死亡率呈明显降低趋势(P<0.01)。多因素分析发现,护士人数(OR=0.923,95%CI:0.886~0.956,P=0.034)、冠心病专用导管室间数(OR=0.947,95%CI:0.863~0.992,P=0.021)和心内科排名(OR=0.552,95%CI:0.397~0.874,P=0.047)与整体PCI后住院死亡风险降低相关,进一步分析发现,冠心病专用导管室间数(OR=0.845,95%CI:0.767~0.916,P=0.012)与三甲医院PCI后住院死亡风险降低相关,而具备高级职称介入医师人数(OR=0.082,95%CI:0.031~0.523,P=0.032)和主动脉内球囊反搏(IABP)数目(OR=0.471,95%CI:0.034~0.891,P=0.021)与非三甲医院住院死亡风险降低相关。结论:2009~2018年间,北京地区整体PCI后住院死亡率未见明显改变,但三甲医院的择期PCI后住院死亡率呈明显降低趋势。非三甲医院应当增加高级职称医师的培训和IABP的配备。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A total of 77 sudden coronary deaths (SCD) in men and seven in women occurred during a 6-year follow-up in a population comprising 6510 men and 5800 women aged 30–59 years in four areas of Finland. About 60% of all coronary deaths in men aged 40 and over were SCDs. The most common place of death was home; only six cases reached hospital. The most common time for SCD was at 7 a.m. -3 p.m. and the most common day was Friday. Deaths were evenly distributed over the year. At the time of the baseline study—3 1/2 years before death on an average—male SCD victims showed more symptoms and signs suggestive of coronary disease than those who suffered a non-sudden coronary death or a non-fatal myocardial infarction. More than half of the SCD victims had probable coronary disease at the time of the baseline study. Heart disease was a more common cause of death among the mothers of male SCD victims than among the adult Finnish female population as a whole. This study indicates that the majority of candidates for later SCD can be detected early enough for secondary prevention to be attempted.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Suhonen O, Reunanen A, Aromaa A, Knekt P, PyÖrÄlÄ K. (Research Institute for Social Security, Social Insurance Institution, Helsinki, Finland.) Four-year incidence of myocardial infarction and sudden coronary death in twelve Finnish population cohorts. The incidence of myocardial infarction (MI) and sudden coronary death in four years was studied in 6510 men and 5800 women, aged 30–59 years, derived from 12 Finnish population cohorts constituting the invited population to a prospective study. The incidence of all fatal coronary events in four years was 13.0/1000 in men and 1.8/1000 in women. The incidence of sudden coronary death was 7.8/1000 in men and 0.7/1000 in women. The incidence of non-fatal MI was 22.2/1000 in men and 7.3/1000 in women. Coronary mortality was significantly higher in non-participants in the initial survey than in participants. The incidence of MI was highest in men from eastern Finland (North Karelia), intermediate in men from central and western Finland and lowest in men from southwestern Finland. There were no significant regional differences in the incidence of MI in women. The incidence of MI in this study was in good agreement with that recorded in the myocardial community registers.  相似文献   

女性冠心病危险因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,男性冠心病患者的病死率已呈下降趋势,而女性冠心病的病死率却仍在上升,因此针对女性冠心病的危险因素对其进行预防和控制十分紧迫。现综述女性冠心病的主要易患因素,尤其是与男性迥异之处。其中不可逆的危险因素包括:年龄、家族史、身高、出生体重;可逆的危险因素包括:高血压、糖尿病、吸烟、血脂异常、肥胖和体力活动减少、雌激素减少与激素替代治疗、铁过多、生育孩子的数目等。高敏C反应蛋白等可能是女性冠心病的风险标记物。  相似文献   

Background and hypothesis: The aim of this study was to define the prevalence of previously undetected coronary heart disease among asmptomatic males, aged 30-65 years, by means of resting and exercise electrocardiography in conjunction with an analysis of conventional and exertional coronary risk factors. Methods: Between January 1985 and December 1989 we examined 5,000 clinically asymptomatic subjects. A detailed case history was obtained for each individual, followed by a complete physical examination, comprehensive blood (including lipid) profile, lung function tests, chest x-ray, a resting 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG), and a maximal treadmill exercise ECG. Whenever possible, on-line computerized respiratory analysis (Beckman Metabolic Measurement Cart) was carried out during the exercise tests. Conventional and exertional coronary heart disease risk factors were also recorded. Results: A total of 162 persons (3.2%) showed abnormal S-T segment responses during the exercise or recovery period. Of these, 92 subjects underwent further investigations: coronary angiography (79), 201thallium scanning (13), 201thallium scanning followed by coronary angiography(7). Of the 86 patients who proceeded to cornoary angiography, 19 (22%) had either normal coronary artery anatomy or only insignificant disease. Among the 67 (78%) of patients with significant angiographically demonstrable disease, 26 received coronary artery bypass grafting, 7 underwent coronary angioplasty, and the remainder continued on medical management. Conclusions: These results are discussed in relation to a variety of conventional and exertional coronary risk factors.  相似文献   

脂联素是脂肪组织特异性分泌的一种激素蛋白。研究表明,脂联素在冠心病发生和发展中起调控和保护作用并且在控制冠心病危险因素方面也起重要作用。现主要论述脂联素与冠心病及其危险因素方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Altogether 6523 persons aged 25–64 years were studied in eastern and south-western Finland to determine their cardiovascular risk factor levels. Among men, smoking was more prevalent in the south-western area (41 vs. 37%), serum cholesterol levels were higher in the eastern area (6.2 vs. 6.0 mmol/l) and blood pressure levels were the same in both areas (145/86 in the east vs. 14/86 in the south-west). Among women, smoking was also more common in the south-western area (24 vs. 16%) and serum cholesterol levels were higher in the eastern area (6.1 vs. 6.0 mmol/l) as well as blood pressure levels (142/84 vs. 138/81 mmHg). Among both genders, prevalence of hypertension and proportion of persons on antihypertensive drug therapy was higher in eastern Finland. The comparison of these findings with the results from previous studies carried out among men in these two areas indicates that the risk factor levels have been decreasing in both areas and that the previously observed differences in risk factor levels between eastern and south-western Finland (the levels used to be higher in the east) have levelled off. The favourable development in eastern Finland may be a result of the North Karelia Project.  相似文献   

胱抑素C是半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂家族中的一员,参与机体许多生理与病理过程。以往的研究发现它是一种理想的反映肾小球滤过率变化的内源性标志物,而新近的研究发现,胱抑素C还与冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病的危险因素有关,现对其进展做一概述。  相似文献   

The impact of smoking, serum cholesterol and blood pressureon the risk of acute myocardial infarction and death due toall causes and cardiovascular diseases was studied in a randomsample of men aged 35 to 59 years from the North Karelia andKuopio counties of Eastern Finland. This is an area with anexceptionally high incidence of coronary heart disease. Altogether,4034 men were studied with a participation rate of 92%. Thesemen were followed-up with a myocardial infarction register anddeath certificate data. During the first five years 256 deathsoccurred among all subjects. There were 66 acute myocardialinfarctions in the North Karelian men reporting no recent coronaryheart disease. Smoking, elevated serum cholesterol and bloodpressure were independently and jointly related to an increasedrisk of acute myocardial infarction and death due to all causesand to cardiovascular disease. Smokers had a 2–3-foldage-adjusted risk of acute myocardial infarction, a 2-2-foldrisk of any death and a 2.1-fold risk of cardiovascular deathcompared with non-smokers. The age-adjusted risk ratios forsystolic blood pressure of 160 mm Hg or more were 1.3, 1.4 and1.9 and those for serum cholesterol at least 8 mmol/l (309 mg/100ml) 2.6, 1.5 and 2.6 concerning myocardial infarction, all deathsand cardiovascular deaths, respectively. All risk ratios exceptthat of systolic blood pressure for acute myocardial infarctionwere significant at levels of at least P < 0.05  相似文献   

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