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Autosomal recessive childhood-onset non-syndromic deafness is one of the most frequent forms of inherited hearing impairment. Recently five different chromosomal regions, 7q31, 11q13.5, 13q12, 14q and the pericentromeric region of chromosome 17, have been shown to harbour disease loci for this type of neurosensory deafness. We have studied a large family from Pakistan, containing several consanguineous marriages and segregating for a recessive non-syndromic childhood-onset deafness. Linkage analysis mapped the disease locus (DFNB8) on the distal long arm of chromosome 21, most likely between D21S212 and D21S1225 with the highest lod score of 7.31 at theta = 0.00 for D21S1575 on 21q22.3.   相似文献   

The locus for a type of an autosomal recessive non-syndromic deafness (ARND), DFNB13, was previously mapped to a 17-cm interval of chromosome 7q34-36. We identified two consanguineous Tunisian families with severe to profound ARND. Linkage analyses with microsatellites surrounding the previously identified loci detected linkage with markers corresponding to the DFNB13 locus in both families. Haplotype analyses assigned this locus to a 3.2-Mb region between markers D7S2468 and D7S2473. In order to refine this interval, we identified nine dinucleotide repeats in the 7q34 region. To investigate the polymorphism of these repeats, a population study of 74 unrelated individuals from different regions of Tunisia was carried out. Our results demonstrated that eight of the nine repeats are polymorphic. The average number of alleles at these informative loci was 9.12 with a polymorphism information content of 0.71. Little evidence for linkage disequilibrium between some marker pairs was found. Haplotype analysis using these microsatellites refined the DFNB13 interval to an area of 2.2 Mb between the D7S5377 and D7S2473. In order to identify the DFNB13 gene, we sequenced and eliminated three candidate genes. Other known and predicted genes are being screened for deafness-causing mutations.  相似文献   

We have studied 36 subjects in a large multigenerational Chinese family that is segregating for an autosomal dominant adult onset form of progressive non-syndromic hearing loss. All affected subjects had bilateral sensorineural hearing loss involving all frequencies with some significant gender differences in initial presentation. After excluding linkage to known loci for non-syndromic deafness, we used the Center for Inherited Disease Research (CIDR) to test for 351 polymorphic markers distributed at approximately 10 cM intervals throughout the genome. Analysis of the resulting data provided evidence that the locus designated DFNA41 maps to a 15 cM region on chromosome 12q24.32-qter, proximal to the marker D12S1609. A maximum two point lod score of 6.56 at theta=0.0 was obtained for D12S343. This gene is distal to DFNA25, a previously identified locus for dominant adult onset hearing loss that maps to 12q21-24. Positional/functional candidate genes in this region include frizzled 10, epimorphin, RAN, and ZFOC1.  相似文献   

A consanguineous family with autosomal recessive nonsyndromic hearing impairment (NSHI) was ascertained in Pakistan and displayed significant evidence of linkage to 3q13.31-q22.3. The novel locus (DFNB42) segregating in this kindred, maps to a 21.6 cM region according to a genetic map constructed using data from both the deCode and Marshfield genetic maps. This region of homozygosity is flanked by markers D3S1278 and D3S2453. A maximum multipoint LOD score of 3.72 was obtained at marker D3S4523. DFNB42 represents the third autosomal recessive NSHI locus to map to chromosome 3.  相似文献   



Non‐syndromic hearing loss is among the most genetically heterogeneous traits known in humans. To date, at least 50 loci for autosomal dominant non‐syndromic sensorineural hearing loss (ADNSSHL) have been identified by linkage analysis.


To report the mapping of a novel autosomal dominant deafness locus on the long arm of chromosome 14 at 14q11.2‐q12, DFNA53, in a large multigenerational Chinese family with post‐lingual, high frequency hearing loss that progresses to involve all frequencies.


A maximum multipoint LOD score of 5.4 was obtained for marker D14S1280. The analysis of recombinant haplotypes mapped DFNA53 to a 9.6 cM region interval between markers D14S581 and D14S1021. Four deafness loci (DFNA9, DFNA23, DFNB5, and DFNB35) have previously been mapped to the long arm of chromosome 14. The critical region for DFNA53 contains the gene for DFNA9 but does not overlap with the regions for DFNB5, DFNA23, or DFNB35. Screening of the COCH gene (DFNA9), BOCT, EFS, and HSPC156 within the DFNA53 interval did not identify the cause for deafness in this family.


Identifying the DFNA53 locus is the first step in isolating the gene responsible for hearing loss in this large multigeneration Chinese family.  相似文献   

A large Pakistani family with several consanguineous marriages is described, in which autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa is segregating. Linkage studies revealed close linkage between the disease locus and six loci on chromosome 1q (D1S158, F13B, D1S422, D1S412, D1S413, and D1S53) with maximum lod scores ranging from 0.988-4.657 at Θ=0.065-0.235. However, the analysis of individual nuclear families showed very close linkage without recombination in three branches and several recombinants and negative lod scores throughout in the fourth branch. These results strongly suggest that mutations of two different genes are responsible for the disease in the 'linked' and 'unlinked' branches. Parallel to the linkage heterogeneity, clear phenotypic differences have been observed among the 'linked' and 'unlinked' parts. Our findings demonstrate that in case of recessive disorders the possibility of non-allelic genetic heterogeneity should always be considered, even within the same kindred and in genetic isolates if a largely extended pedigree is analysed.  相似文献   

Hereditary hearing impairment (HI) is the most genetically heterogeneous trait known in humans. So far, 54 autosomal recessive non-syndromic hearing impairment (ARNSHI) loci have been mapped, and 21 ARNSHI genes have been identified. Here is reported the mapping of a novel ARNSHI locus, DFNB55, to chromosome 4q12-q13.2 in a consanguineous Pakistani family. A maximum multipoint LOD score of 3.5 was obtained at marker D4S2638. The region of homozygosity and the 3-unit support interval are flanked by markers D4S2978 and D4S2367. The region spans 8.2 cm on the Rutgers combined linkage-physical map and contains 11.5 Mb. DFNB55 represents the third ARNSHI locus mapped to chromosome 4.  相似文献   

Hereditary nonsyndromic deafness (NSD) is extremely heterogeneous. Autosomal recessive (AR) forms account for approximately 75% of genetic cases. To date, over 40 ARNSD loci have been mapped. A novel locus (DFNB46) for ARNSD was mapped to chromosome 18p11.32-p11.31 in a five-generation Pakistani family. A 10 cM genome-wide scan and fine mapping was carried out using microsatellite markers. A maximum multipoint LOD score of 3.8 was obtained at two markers, D18S481 and D18S1370. The three-unit support interval is flanked by markers D18S59 and D18S391, corresponds to a 17.6 cM region according to the deCode genetic map and spans 5.8 Mb on the sequence-based physical map.  相似文献   

Autosomal recessive non-syndromal deafness is an extremely heterogeneous condition with at least 19 loci (DFNB1-19) already described. We have used autozygosity mapping to localise a further novel locus, DFNB20, to chromosome 11q25-qter in a consanguineous family originating from Pakistan. A region of homozygosity was observed in affected individuals spanning the interval D11S969-qter.  相似文献   

Non-syndromic X-linked deafness is highly heterogeneous. At least five different clinical forms have been described, but only two loci have been mapped. Here we report a Spanish family affected by a previously undescribed X-linked form of hearing impairment. Deafness is non- syndromic, sensorineural, and progressive. In affected males, the auditory impairment is first detected at school age, affecting mainly the high frequencies. Later it evolves to become severe to profound, involving all frequencies for adulthood. Carrier females manifest a moderate hearing impairment in the high frequencies, with the onset delayed to the fourth decade of life. Deafness was assumed to be X- linked dominant, with incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity in carrier females. The family was genotyped for a set of microsatellite markers evenly spaced at intervals of about 10 cM. We found evidence of linkage to markers in the Xp22 region (maximum lod score of 5.30 at theta = 0.000 for DXS8036 and for DXS8022). The position of the novel deafness locus (DFN6) was refined by haplotype analysis. Mapping of the breakpoints in two critical recombinants allowed us to define an interval for DFN6, delimited by DXS7108 on the distal side and by DXS7105 on the proximal side, and spanning a genetic distance of about 15 cM.   相似文献   

Autosomal recessive inheritance of non-syndromic mental retardation (ARNSMR) may account for approximately 25% of all patients with non-specific mental retardation (NSMR). Although many X-linked genes have been identified as a cause of NSMR, only three autosomal genes are known to cause ARNSMR. We present here a large consanguineous Turkish family with four mentally retarded individuals from different branches of the family. Clinical tests showed cognitive impairment but no neurological, skeletal, and biochemical involvements. Genome-wide mapping using Human Mapping 10K Array showed a single positive locus with a parametric LOD score of 4.92 in a region on chromosome 1p21.1-p13.3. Further analyses using polymorphic microsatellite markers defined a 6.6-Mb critical region containing approximately 130 known genes. This locus is the fourth one linked to ARNSMR.  相似文献   

Non-syndromal, recessive deafness (NSRD) is the most common form of inherited deafness or hearing impairment in humans. NSRD is genetically heterogeneous and it has been estimated that as many as 35 different loci may be involved. We report the mapping of a novel locus for autosomal recessive, non-syndromal deafness (DFNB16) in three consanguineous families originating from Pakistan and the Middle East. Using multipoint analysis (HOMOZ/MAPMAKER) a maximum combined lod score of 6.5 was obtained for the interval D15S1039-D15S123. Recombination events and haplotype analysis define a 12-14 cM critical region between the markers D15S1039 and D15S155 on chromosome 15q15-q21.  相似文献   

Hereditary hearing loss is divided into two groups, syndromic and non- syndromic, the latter being more common and highly heterogeneous. Linkage analyses were performed on a Japanese family showing a dominant form of non-syndromic progressive sensorineural hearing loss. This gene (DFNA11) was localized within the region of chromosome 11q which contains the second gene for a recessive form of non-syndromic sensorineural hearing loss (DFNB2). Since it has been reported that another gene for dominant non-syndromic hearing loss (DFNA3) has been mapped to the same region as the first gene for recessive hearing loss (DFNB1), it is possible that different mutations in the DFNB2 gene may result in either dominant or recessive hearing loss.   相似文献   

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