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We used longitudinal data to investigate the relationship between computer use in internet cafés and smoking/drinking behavior among Chinese adolescents and young adults. Data are from two waves of the China Health and Nutrition Survey (2004 and 2006). Fixed effects models were used to examine if changes in internet café use were associated with changes in cigarette smoking and drinking of alcohol. Male café users spent on average 17.3 hours in front of the computer/week. This was associated with an increase in the probability of being a current smoker by 13.3% and with smoking 1.7 more cigarettes. Female café users spent on average 11 hours on the computer/week. This was associated with an increase in the probability of drinking wine and/or liquor by 14.74% and was not associated with smoking. Internet cafés are an important venue by which adolescent and young adults in China are exposed to smoking and drinking. Multi-component interventions are needed ranging from policies regulating cigarette and alcohol availability in these venues to anti-tobacco campaigns aimed at the general population but also at individuals who frequent these establishments.  相似文献   

In studies of sexual risk behaviour among youth, the role of dominant conceptions of masculinity and femininity has received increasing attention. However, where research has sought to explore femininity, it has predominantly focused on adolescent girls. This paper departs from previous research by offering insights into how young women negotiate their femininity as they transition from adolescence to adulthood and encounter changing social contexts. Drawing on data from ethnographic enquiry, it argues that as young women transition out of school and into emerging adulthood, their options for negotiating different types of femininity become constrained, with consequences for engagement in sexual risk behaviours. This may to some extent explain why in some South African contexts older young women are more vulnerable to HIV infection than adolescent girls. The paper offer insights into future prospects for youth development programming seeking to reduce young women’s vulnerability to risk.  相似文献   

Current policy documents stress that raising standards in education and health are inextricably linked, with schools identified as well placed to advance both agendas. This paper considers these assumptions in the light of data derived from 27 staff interviews conducted in two secondary schools. These schools served relatively disadvantaged communities, but differed in their pupil smoking rates with one school being 'high-smoking', the other 'low-smoking'. It explores whether this difference reflects the differential emphasis placed by each school on education or health. Analysis reveals that the 'low-smoking' school subscribes to holistic values and operates according to a child-centred bottom-up philosophy offering a differentiated programme of pupil support contingent on needs. In contrast, the 'high-smoking' school maintains a narrow focus on educational outcomes, and its high expectations are viewed as running counter to those held by pupils and parents. The contrasting school philosophies bring different unintended consequences. The holistic focus of the low-smoking school is associated with tempered educational expectations, thus conflicting with recommendations in education policies. The singular education focus of the high-smoking school leaves little room for a health agenda, and can overlook and disenfranchise the educationally disinclined. The school systems' impact on pupil engagement may explain their different smoking rates.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to explore the associations of physical activity with smoking and alcohol consumption. It examined whether these associations are due to people participating in organized sports (the sport hypothesis), and/or reflect the concentration of drinking and smoking in manual occupational groups (the occupation hypothesis). METHODS: Data from the 2003 Health Survey for England (n=11,617) were analyzed from a multilevel perspective. Four models were specified to examine the variation of heavy drinking, smoking, sports activity, and occupational activity across different sociodemographic groups; and four sets of analyses further explored the associations of sports and occupational activity with heavy drinking and smoking. RESULTS: Some support was found for both the sport and occupation hypothesis. Sports activity and heavy drinking were more prevalent among sportsclub members, and occupational activity and heavy drinking were more prevalent among manual occupational groups. Sportsclub membership accounted for some of the association between sports activity and heavy drinking; and occupational position partly accounted for the association between occupational activity and heavy drinking. The occupation hypothesis is the more likely explanation for the association between physical activity and smoking. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that it is worthwhile to distinguish between different types of physical activity; and that multiple processes underlie the clustering of health behaviors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Various studies have investigated urban/rural differences in cause-specific mortality. A separate body of literature has analysed effects of socioeconomic environment on mortality. Almost no studies have attempted to disentangle effects of population density and socioeconomic environment on mortality, beyond the effects of individual characteristics. METHODS: Considering all individuals living in the region of Scania, Sweden, from 1970-93, we performed 10 year mortality follow-ups on (i) individuals aged 55, (ii) individuals aged 65, and (iii) individuals aged 75 years at baseline. Cox multilevel models adjusted for individual factors allowed us to investigate the independent effects of population density and median income in the parish of residence on mortality from ischaemic heart disease (IHD), lung cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) among individuals who had lived in the same parish for at least 10 years prior to mortality follow-up. RESULTS: In females, as in males, after adjustment for individual and contextual socioeconomic status, we found a dose-response association between population density and mortality from lung cancer and COPD in all age groups investigated, and from IHD especially in the youngest age group. Overall, the population density effect was the strongest on lung cancer mortality. Median income had an additional impact only in 2 out of 16 subgroups of age x gender x cause of death. CONCLUSIONS: In our region-wide study conducted at the parish level, contextual disparities in mortality were dominated by the population density effect. However, it may be unwise to conclude that truly contextual effects exist on mortality, before identification of plausible mediating processes through which urbanicity may influence mortality risk.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Research has given a comprehensive picture of the negative health consequences of unemployment without offering sufficient comparison between different age groups. The aim of this study was to analyse whether the associations between ill health, particularly poor psychological health and smoking, and unemployment differ between young and adult men and women. STUDY DESIGN: A 14-year follow-up study of graduates of compulsory school in an industrial town in northern Sweden was undertaken. The subjects were analysed at ages 16, 21 and 30 years. Complete data on the cohort were collected for 1044 individuals with the aid of a comprehensive questionnaire. The response rate was 96.4%. METHODS: The main health measurements used in this study were poor psychological health and smoking, analysed by multivariate logistic regression. RESULTS: After controlling for several background variables, associations between long-term unemployment and poor psychological health were found in young men and women, and adult men. Long-term unemployment was only associated with smoking in young people. CONCLUSIONS: The association between long-term unemployment and psychological health, as well as smoking, seemed to be stronger in young people than adults.  相似文献   

Highly prevalent and typically beginning in childhood, asthma is a burdensome disease, yet the risk factors for this condition are not clarified. To enhance understanding, this study assessed the cohort-specific and pooled risk of maternal education on asthma in children aged 3–8 across 10 European countries. Data on 47,099 children were obtained from prospective birth cohort studies across 10 European countries. We calculated cohort-specific prevalence difference in asthma outcomes using the relative index of inequality (RII) and slope index of inequality (SII). Results from all countries were pooled using random-effects meta-analysis procedures to obtain mean RII and SII scores at the European level. Final models were adjusted for child sex, smoking during pregnancy, parity, mother’s age and ethnicity. The higher the score the greater the magnitude of relative (RII, reference 1) and absolute (SII, reference 0) inequity. The pooled RII estimate for asthma risk across all cohorts was 1.46 (95% CI 1.26, 1.71) and the pooled SII estimate was 1.90 (95% CI 0.26, 3.54). Of the countries examined, France, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands had the highest prevalence’s of childhood asthma and the largest inequity in asthma risk. Smaller inverse associations were noted for all other countries except Italy, which presented contradictory scores, but with small effect sizes. Tests for heterogeneity yielded significant results for SII scores. Overall, offspring of mothers with a low level of education had an increased relative and absolute risk of asthma compared to offspring of high-educated mothers.  相似文献   

Although light to moderate alcohol intake may reduce cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality, the effect on total mortality requires further study, particularly among young and middle-aged women. We studied the association between alcohol consumption and mortality from all causes, from cancer, and from CVD in the Swedish Women’s Lifestyle and Health Study, a cohort of 47,921 female residents of Sweden aged 30–49 years at baseline in 1991/1992 and followed up to 2006. We estimated the relative risk (RR) of mortality associated with alcohol intake using Cox regression adjusted for age, smoking, BMI, saturated fat intake, physical activity, and education. During 713,295 person-years of follow-up, 1,119 deaths occurred, including 158 deaths from CVD, 673 deaths from cancer, and 288 deaths from other causes. Compared with non-drinking, light to moderate drinking (0.1–19.9 g of alcohol per day) showed a statistically significant inverse association with total mortality (RR = 0.83, 95% CI = 0.71–0.98). Analyses of cause-specific mortality revealed an RR for CVD mortality of 0.69 (95% CI = 0.46–1.01) and an RR for cancer mortality of 0.92 (95% CI = 0.75–1.15). These results suggest that in younger women, a possibly beneficial effect of light to moderate drinking on future risk of mortality is limited to a prevention of CVD mortality but not cancer mortality.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to evaluate the responsiveness of the EQ-5D and the Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-8) to deterioration in health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD).  相似文献   

To examine the association between blood cholesterol concentrations and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in the Chinese elderly. A case-control study was implemented between November 2011 and November 2017. Elderly patients aged ≥?55?years with (n?=?117) and without AD (control participants; n?=?117) were recruited from the Neurology Central Hospital of Tianjin, China. The associations between AD and blood parameters were assessed using multiple binary logistic regression analyses adjusted for multiple covariates. Higher serum total cholesterol (TC) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels and lower serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels associated with AD risk in the models adjusted for (1) age, sex and education; and (2) further adjusted for body mass index, smoking status, stroke, hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus and heart disease. Increased serum TC and LDL-C levels and lower HDL-C levels were independently associated with the risk of AD.  相似文献   

Month of birth—a proxy for a variety of prenatal and early postnatal exposures including nutritional status, ambient temperature and infections—has been linked to mortality risk in adult life. We assessed the relation between month of birth and cause-specific mortality risk from cardiovascular diseases, infections, tumors and external causes—in ages of more than 50–80 years. In this nation-wide Swedish study, 4,240,338 subjects were followed from 1991 to 2010, using data from population-based health and administrative registries. The relation between month of birth and cause-specific mortality risk was assessed by fitting Cox proportional hazard regression models with attained age as the underlying time scale. In models adjusted for sex and education, month of birth was associated with cardiovascular and infectious mortality, but not with deaths from tumors or external causes. Compared with subjects born in November, a higher cardiovascular mortality was seen in subjects born from January through August, peaking in March/April [hazard ratio (HR) 1.066 compared to November, 95 % CI 1.045–1.086]. The mortality from infections was lowest for the birth months November and December and a distinct peak was observed for September-born (HR 1.108 compared to November, 95 % CI 1.046–1.175). Month of birth is associated with mortality from cardiovascular diseases and infections in ages of more than 50–80 years in Sweden. The mechanisms behind these associations remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   



Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the major causes of death among men. Our study investigated the association of ESR1 and ESR2 genotypes with susceptibility to PCa in relation to smoking status in Japanese.


A case–control study was performed with 750 Japanese prostate cancer patients and 870 healthy controls. After age-matching in case–controls, 352 controls and 352 cases were enrolled in this study. By using logistic regression analysis, the different genotypes from ESR1 and ESR2 were analyzed according to case/control status.


ESR2 rs4986938 AG and AG + AA genotypes were associated with significantly decreased risk of PCa (AG: OR = 0.68, 95 % CI 0.47–0.97, P < 0.05 and AG + AA: OR = 0.67, 95 % CI 0.47–0.94, P < 0.05). However, there was no significant association between ESR1 rs2234693 and PCa risk. When patients were grouped according to smoking status, the ESR2 rs1256049 AA genotype (OR = 0.48, 95 % CI 0.25–0.95, P < 0.05) and ESR2 rs4986938 AG + AA genotype (OR = 0.64, 95 % CI 0.41–1.00, P < 0.05) showed significantly decreased PCa risk in the ever-smoker group.


Our results suggest that the estrogen receptor ESR2 has a very important function to predict PCa and that different SNPs have different predictive values. Smoking may influence estrogenic activity and may influence PCa together with the estrogen receptor.  相似文献   

Paracoccidioidomycosis, the main systemic mycosis in Brazil, requires long-term, high-cost treatment and leaves serious sequelae in the lungs, the organ most frequently affected and further subject to aggressive external risk factors like smoking. The influence of tobacco and alcohol consumption on chronic paracoccidioidomycosis was investigated using a case-control study. Data on occupation, place of residence, and living habits were obtained from 70 cases and 180 controls residing in the same geographic areas. The risk of becoming ill was 14 times greater among smokers and 3.6 times greater among individuals with an alcohol intake of more than 50 g/day. Logistic regression showed as significant variables: tobacco consumption for more than 20 years (OR = 10.1), smoking manufactured (not hand-rolled) cigarettes (OR = 4.8), and alcohol intake > 50 g/day (OR = 2.9). Cases who smoked 20 or more cigarettes/day became ill on average eight years before others (p = 0.002). Alcohol intake > 50 g/day had no statistically significant impact on age at onset of illness (p = 0.78). The study concludes that smoking stands as an important risk factor for the development of chronic paracoccidioidomycosis. As for alcoholism, there is evidence that it acts as a co-factor, together with smoking.  相似文献   



Reduced opportunities for children’s schooling and spouse’s/partner’s employment are identified internationally as key barriers to general practitioners (GPs) working rurally. This paper aims to measure longitudinal associations between the rurality of GP work location and having (i) school-aged children and (ii) a spouse/partner in the workforce.


Participants included 4377 GPs responding to at least two consecutive annual surveys of the Medicine in Australia: Balancing Employment and Life (MABEL) national longitudinal study between 2008 and 2014. The main outcome, GP work location, was categorised by remoteness and population size. Five sequential binary school-age groupings were defined according to whether a GP had no children, only preschool children (aged 0–4 years), at least one primary-school child (aged 5–11 years), at least one child in secondary school (aged 12–18 years), and all children older than secondary school (aged ≥?19). Partner in the workforce was defined by whether a GP had a partner who was either currently working or looking for work, or not. Separate generalised estimating equation models, which aggregated consecutive annual observations per GP, tested associations between work location and (i) educational stages and (ii) partner employment, after adjusting for key covariates.


Male GPs with children in secondary school were significantly less likely to work rurally (inclusive of >?50 000 regional centres through to the smallest rural towns of <?5000) compared to male GPs with children in primary school. In contrast, female GPs’ locations were not significantly associated with the educational stage of their children. Having a partner in the workforce was not associated with work location for male GPs, whereas female GPs with a partner in the workforce were significantly less likely to work in smaller rural/remote communities (<?15 000 population).


This is the first systematic, national-level longitudinal study showing that GP work location is related to key family needs which differ according to GP gender and educational stages of children. Such non-professional factors are likely to be dynamic across the GP’s lifespan and should be regularly reviewed as part of GP retention planning. This research supports investment in regional development for strong local secondary school and partner employment opportunities.

Quality of Life Research - Few studies have investigated possible predictors of positive outcomes for youths in foster care. The aim of this prospective follow-up study was to examine quality of...  相似文献   

This longitudinal study provides critical insight into the social processes of municipal diabetes training for Arabic-speaking immigrants in Denmark focusing on participants’ experiences. Our study builds on observations of three diabetes courses and 36 interviews with participants at the start of, immediately following or 30–36 months after the courses. Lifestyle change and responsibility were dominant messages in the courses; over time and depending on their daily social context, participants selectively accepted and incorporated these messages. However, in retrospect, participants highlighted other meaningful benefits; these centred on reducing isolation and being met on their own terms regarding language and logistics. Most importantly, they remembered when treated with attention and respect by professionals and the mutual acknowledgement between participants. We use Axel Honneth’s notions of rights-based and solidarity-based recognition to analyse what was at stake in these experiences, and we engage Annemarie Mol’s concept of a logic of care to show how recognition unfolded practically during the training. We propose that participants’ wider social context and experiences of misrecognition situated the training experiences concerned with recognition. We also show exceptions. The sociality, which for some generated solidarity-based recognition, felt intimidating for others. We argue that the silent processes of recognition in the diabetes training carried significant meaning for participants, and that over time, many highlighted these as benefits rather than lifestyle change and responsibility.  相似文献   

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