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The purpose of the present study was to determine whether sympathetic coronary vasoconstrictor responses are altered after brief ischemia and reperfusion. Adult mongrel dogs were anesthetized and instrumented for measurements of heart rate, arterial pressure, left ventricular pressure, left ventricular dP/dt, anterior myocardial wall thickening, and left circumflex coronary artery (LCX) and left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) blood flow velocities. Changes in coronary vascular resistance were recorded during intravenous bolus doses of norepinephrine and bilateral electrical stimulation of the stellate ganglia. After beta-adrenergic blockade and bilateral vagotomy, electrical stimulation of the stellate ganglia increased coronary vascular resistance in the LAD and LCX beds by 38 +/- 5% and 39 +/- 5%, respectively. After a 15-minute LAD occlusion, repeat electrical stimulation produced increases in coronary resistance of 16 +/- 3% and 45 +/- 8%, respectively (p less than 0.05 for the LAD before versus after the occlusion). The peak increase in coronary vascular resistance to two doses of norepinephrine was unchanged. After a shorter period of myocardial ischemia (7 minutes), similar increase in coronary resistance to stellate stimulation were observed before (27 +/- 4%) and after (26 +/- 6%) myocardial ischemia. The mechanism of this impaired sympathetic coronary vasoconstriction was further tested by examining the responses to bretylium and tyramine. Brief ischemia did not alter the coronary constrictor responses to either bretylium or tyramine, suggesting that mechanisms governing prejunctional release of norepinephrine are intact in the postischemic coronary arterial bed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The use of quantitative coronary angiography, combined with Doppler and PET, has recently been directed at the study of alpha-adrenergic coronary vasomotion in humans. Confirming prior animal experiments, there is no evidence of alpha-adrenergic coronary constrictor tone at rest. Again confirming prior experiments, responses to alpha-adrenoceptor activation are augmented in the presence of coronary endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis, involving both alpha(1)- and alpha(2)-adrenoceptors in epicardial conduit arteries and microvessels. Such augmented alpha-adrenergic coronary constriction is observed during exercise and coronary interventions, and it is powerful enough to induce myocardial ischemia and limit myocardial function. Recent studies indicate a genetic determination of alpha(2)-adrenergic coronary constriction.  相似文献   

The relationship between epicardial and transmural function (measured with sonomicrometers) was examined in 13 anesthetized open-chest dogs. Systolic wall thickening was used as a standard of integrated transmural function to compare with epicardial function measured as segment shortening parallel to surface fibers. Three levels of coronary inflow restriction were produced by using decrements in systolic wall thickening as an index of changes in the transmural distribution of myocardial blood flow (microspheres) in myocardium perfused by the left anterior descending artery (anterior-apical group, n = 7) or circumflex artery (posterior-basal group, n = 6). Levels 1 and 2 were characterized by reductions in systolic wall thickening of 35% and 80%, respectively, and marked decreases in deep myocardial blood flow. In the subepicardium, myocardial blood flow was minimally affected at levels 1 and 2 and there was no change in posterior-basal epicardial segment shortening, but anterior segment shortening decreased significantly (by 21% and 37%, respectively). At level 3 myocardial blood flow was reduced transmurally, producing systolic wall thinning and marked epicardial dysfunction in both groups. Parallel epicardial segment shortening underestimated the extent of transmural dysfunction in both groups at levels 1 and 2 but the degree of underestimation was greatest in the posterior-basal group. Anterior-apical segment shortening was impaired at levels 1 and 2, whereas posterior-basal segment shortening was unaffected, suggesting that significant regional variability exists in the epicardial response to nontransmural ischemia.  相似文献   

Our aim was to cross-validate electrocardiographic (ECG) and scintigraphic imaging of acute myocardial ischemia. The former method was based on inverse calculation of heart-surface potentials from the body-surface ECGs, and the latter, on a single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). A boundary-element torso model with 352 body-surface and 202 heart-surface nodes was used to perform the ECG inverse solution. Potentials at 352 body-surface nodes were calculated from those acquired at 12-lead ECG measurement sites using regression coefficients developed from a design set (n = 892) of body-surface potential mapping (BSPM) data. The test set (n = 18) consisted of BSPM data from patients who underwent a balloon-inflation angioplasty of either the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) (n = 7), left circumflex coronary artery (LCx) (n = 2), or the right coronary artery (RCA) (n = 9). Body-surface potential mapping distributions at J point for 352 nodes were estimated from the 12-lead ECG, and an agreement with those estimated from 120 leads was assessed by a correlation coefficient (CC) (in percent). These estimates yielded very similar BSPM distributions, with a CC of 91.0% ± 8.1% (mean ± SD) for the entire test set and 94.1% ± 1.4%, 96.7% ± 0.8%, and 87.4% ± 10.3% for LAD, LCx, and RCA subgroups, respectively. Corresponding heart-surface potential distributions obtained by inverse solution correlated with a lower CC of 69.3% ± 18.0% overall and 73.7% ± 10.8%, 84.7% ± 1.1%, and 62.6% ± 21.8%, respectively, for subgroups. Bull's-eye displays of heart-surface potentials calculated from estimated BSPM distributions had an area of positive potentials that qualitatively corresponded, in general, with the underperfused territory suggested by SPECT images. For the LAD and LCx groups, all 9 ECG-derived bull's-eye images indicated the expected territory; for the RCA group, 6 of 9 ECG-derived images were as expected; 2 of 3 misclassified cases had very small ECG changes in response to coronary-artery occlusion, and their SPECT images showed indiscernible patterns. In conclusion, our findings demonstrate that noninvasive ECG imaging based on just the 12-lead ECG might provide useful estimates of the regions of myocardial ischemia that agree with those provided by scintigraphic techniques.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effect of bolus infusion of digoxin (0.014 mg/kg in 10 minutes, intravenously) on large coronary arteries measured by quantitative digital angiography. Twenty-two patients (mean age +/- standard deviation 47 +/- 12 years) divided into 3 groups were studied. The effects of digoxin infusion (after 10 and 20 minutes) and sublingual administration of isosorbide dinitrate were investigated in group I (patients with angiographically normal coronary arteries, n = 9) and in group II (patients with atherosclerotic coronary arteries, n = 8). To determine whether the effects of digoxin were mediated by activation of alpha-adrenergic receptors, coronary angiography was performed in group III after alpha-adrenoceptor blockade (phentolamine 0.11 mg/kg, intravenously) (n = 5). Ten minutes after the end of digoxin infusion, the cross-sectional area decreased from 7.7 +/- 4.1 to 6.0 +/- 2.2 mm2, and after 20 minutes to 5.6 +/- 2.6 mm2 (p less than 0.05) in group I. Isosorbide dinitrate reverted digoxin-induced vasoconstriction as cross-sectional area increased to 8.5 +/- 3.4 mm2 (p = not significant versus baseline). Twenty minutes after digoxin infusion, heart rate significantly decreased from 79 +/- 16 to 74 +/- 13 beats/min (p less than 0.01). Ten minutes after digoxin infusion, peripheral vascular resistance increased significantly from 1,396 +/- 693 to 1,693 +/- 984 dynes.s.cm-5 (p less than 0.05), whereas cardiac output did not change. Twenty minutes after digoxin infusion, minimal stenosis diameter decreased significantly from 1.6 +/- 0.5 to 1.4 +/- 0.5 mm (p less than 0.05) in group II.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Shan  Dongkai  Wang  Xi  Dou  Guanhua  Zhang  Wei  Jing  Jing  He  Bai  Li  Yang  Chen  Yundai  Yang  Junjie 《Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis》2021,51(4):915-923
Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis - The relationship between vascular-specific epicardial adipose tissue (vEAT) volume and myocardial ischemia measured by fractional flow reserve (FFR) was not...  相似文献   

Silent myocardial ischemia has been shown to occur far more frequently than anginal episodes in patients with coronary artery disease. Both an increase in myocardial oxygen demand and abnormalities of coronary vasomotor tone appear to play a significant role in the genesis of silent ischemia. Recent data show that in excess of 40% of patients with stable angina have frequent episodes of silent ischemia. The presence of silent ischemia predicts an increased risk of coronary events and cardiac death. Based on these data, it has been proposed that anti-ischemic therapy should be directed toward control of total ischemic burden. Although several recent studies have demonstrated efficacy of various antianginal drugs in reducing the number and duration of silent ischemic episodes, none has demonstrated beneficial effect on the associated adverse prognosis.  相似文献   

Power spectra of epicardial electrograms were studied in 13 anesthetized dogs subjected to occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery. Electrograms were obtained from a bipolar electrode placed on the epicardial surface of the left ventricle and recorded before and after coronary occlusion. After digitization, power spectra of the first and every 50th subsequent waveform were evaluated and compared with the power spectrum of the average waveform obtained from the baseline recording. In particular, we examined variations in relative power content in three frequency ranges: 150-250 Hz, previously shown to be directly affected by myocardial ischemia; 40-150 Hz, presumably corresponding to the fine notches and slurs on the body surface QRS; and 2-40 Hz, the low-frequency range. Apart from a mild initial rise during the first 50 heart beats, the power in the high-frequency range gradually decreased, reaching 5% of the control value at wave 500. The power in the mid-frequency range showed a monotonous decrease after the occlusion and reached 16% of the control. The power in the low-frequency range showed a gradual buildup to 140% of the control after 500 heart beats. Therefore, ischemia causes a shift of the high-frequency spectral components of the local electrographic waveform to lower frequencies. Our findings and the fact that body surface ECG is produced by spatial summation of local electric potentials over the different regions of the myocardial tissue may explain two previously described effects of acute myocardial ischemia on the body surface ECG complex. First, local loss of spectral components in the range 150-250 Hz may produce a zone of reduced amplitude within a QRS complex band-pass filtered in this range. Second, displacement of power in the frequency domain may suggest an explanation to the increased incidence of visible notches and slurs on the surface QRS complex, characteristic to various myocardial pathologies.  相似文献   

A standardized preparation was developed to investigate the precise relationship between epicardial S-T segment elevation and myocardial ultrastructure. The distal left anterior descending coronary artery was occluded for 20 minutes and epicardial S-T segments were recorded at five-minute intervals. Immediate perfusion-fixation with glutaraldehyde preserved premortem anatomic relationships and allowed precise sampling of the myocardium immediately underlying sites of S-T segment recording. Ischemic and non-ischemic zones were defined both anatomically and by S-T segment mapping. Transmural samples at 0.2 cm. intervals were compared at sites in ischemic and non-ischemic zones. In non-ischemic zones, S-T segment elevations ranged from 0 to 2 mm., and myocardial ultrastructure was normal. In ischemic zones, S-T segment elevations ranged from 0 to 14 mm., and samples showed a gradient of ischemic injury with greatest change in subendocardial blocks. The extent of ultrastructural change at any point was not consistently proportional to the height of S-T segment elevation. S-T segment elevations greater than 2 mm. were always associated with a marked transmural gradient of change, but S-T segment elevations less than 2 mm. in ischemic zones could also be associated with severe subendocardial and mid-myocardial change. In a second group of dogs the coronary artery snare was released after 20 minutes of occlusion and recovery was allowed for 60 minutes before killing and subjecting to perfusion-fixation. These hearts exhibited no abnormality in myocardial ultrastructure when sampled in the same fashion as the first group.In this model a reproducible gradient of transmural, myocardial ultrastructural change was demonstrated under conditions of reversible injury. Prominent S-T segment elevation in ischemic zones always indicated the presence of underlying ultrastructural change, but marked changes were also present when S-T segment elevations were minimal, indicating that the S-T segment maps tended to underestimate the extent of early ischemic change. We were unable to establish a quantitative relationship between the extent of S-T segment elevation and the extent of transmural ultrastructural change.  相似文献   

Because the absence of sarcolemmal dystrophin renders cardiomyocytes vulnerable to mechanical force, the present study investigated whether sarcolemmal membrane fragility upon reperfusion is associated with the loss of membrane dystrophin. Dystrophin was distributed exclusively in the sarcolemmal membrane of buffer-perfused rat cardiomyocytes, but was translocated to the myofibrils during 30 min of ischemia and then lost during reperfusion. Upon reperfusion, the membrane impermeable dye, Evans blue (EB), accumulated in cardiomyocytes depleted of dystrophin. Reperfusion with the contractile blocker 2,3-butanedione monoxime (BDM) resulted in no accumulation of EB in cardiomyocytes despite the loss of dystrophin. Upon withdrawal of BDM, however, EB accumulated in dystrophin-depleted cardiomyocytes. Loss of sarcolemmal dystrophin may be involved in the mechanism of contractile force-induced reperfusion injury.  相似文献   

Both animal models of experimental myocardial infarction and clinical studies on reperfusion therapy for acute myocardial infarction have provided evidence of impaired tissue perfusion at the microvascular level after initiation of reperfusion despite adequate restoration of epicardial vessel patency. Characteristics of this “no-reflow” phenomenon found in basic science investigations, such as distinct perfusion defects, progressive decrease of resting myocardial flow with ongoing reperfusion and functional vascular alterations are paralleled by clinical observations demonstrating similar features during the course of reperfusion. In experimental animal investigations of coronary occlusion and reperfusion, this no-reflow phenomenon could be characterized as a fundamental mechanism of myocardial ischemia and reperfusion. Major determinants of the amount of no-reflow are the duration of occlusion, infarct size, but also the length of reperfusion, as rapid expansion of perfusion defects occurs during reperfusion. Moreover, no-reflow appears to persist over a period of at least four weeks, a period when major steps of infarct healing take place. The significant association of the degree of compromised tissue perfusion at four weeks and indices of infarct expansion, found in chronic animal models of reperfused myocardial infarction, might be the pathoanatomic correlate for the prognostic significance observed in the clinical setting.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND. We studied the effect of intracoronary administration of arginine-8-vasopressin on blood flow in nondiseased coronary arteries and determined whether this vasoconstriction was severe enough to produce ischemia in 30 dogs. METHODS AND RESULTS. In group 1 (n = 6), after vasopressin administration coronary blood flow was decreased by 41% (p less than 0.002) without changes in heart rate or aortic pressure, and left ventricular ejection fraction measured by radionuclide angiocardiography was decreased by 18% (p less than 0.0005). In group 2 (n = 6), ischemia was confirmed by measurement of transmural pH changes. Administration of vasopressin decreased subendocardial pH of the infused zone from 7.40 +/- 0.03 to 7.31 +/- 0.07 (p less than 0.01). The subendocardial pH of the zone not infused with vasopressin did not change. To overcome the intrinsic regulation of blood flow, operating primarily in small coronary arteries, we hypothesized that vasopressin must increase resistance primarily in large rather than small coronary arteries. After intracoronary infusion in group 3 (n = 6), however, most (94%) of the increase in resistance during vasopressin administration was explained by an increase of resistance in small coronary arteries. In group 4 (n = 9), vasopressin decreased coronary blood flow by 50% and decreased local shortening by 90% at a time when systemic hemodynamics were unchanged. Coronary constriction induced by vasopressin, or the recovery from it, also was not altered by cyclooxygenase blockade. CONCLUSIONS. Thus, vasopressin produces myocardial ischemia by constricting small, nondiseased coronary arteries severely enough to overcome the competition from normal coronary regulation, and this ischemic event is not mediated by prostaglandin products.  相似文献   

The importance of temperature in the development of necrosis after myocardial ischemia in the beating heart is becoming apparent. Recent studies have shown that the proportion of the ischemic risk zone that becomes necrotic is directly correlated with temperature. This fact suggests the potential therapeutic benefits of reducing myocardial temperature after coronary artery occlusion. We have shown in a number of experimental protocols in the rabbit model of myocardial infarction that topical regional hypothermia reduces infarct size even when instituted after coronary artery occlusion. The reduction in myocardial temperature required to obtain this benefit is modest ( 30 degrees C to 34 degrees C). Topical regional hypothermia allows targeted cooling of a zone of the heart. Myocardial cooling can also be achieved by perfusing the pericardial sac with a chilled fluid by using a closed-circuit catheter system that does not cause cardiac tamponade. This technique also protects myocardium during ischemia. Myocardial hypothermia might be a useful technique to limit ischemic damage during infarction or as adjunctive therapy during minimally invasive cardiac surgery.  相似文献   

Recent investigations of SMI occurring during daily life have advanced our understanding of the pathophysiology of myocardial ischemia. These contributions have directed our attention away from "chest pain" alone and physical exertion as the central provoking factor toward transient myocardial ischemia and its broader triggers and consequences. Transient myocardial ischemic episodes, the majority of which are silent, are found in a subset of patients with any clinical manifestations of CAD (eg, stable angina, unstable angina, myocardial infarction, and sudden death), as well as in those patients with CAD who are and have been totally asymptomatic. These episodes are an independent predictor of increased risk for future cardiac events. Most medical therapy and revascularization therapies have the potential to prevent or relieve these silent episodes; however, we do not yet know which method is superior in reducing SMI episodes or preventing future cardiac events. Furthermore, the benefit of reducing SMI versus the cost and potential morbidity of these chosen therapies is not known. At least three trials are now underway to examine some of these concerns (Table 2). Focus on pain relief alone does not appear to be an adequate approach to alter outcome in patients with CAD and may prove insufficient to control SMI. Until these issues are resolved, we believe a conservative approach to the management of patients with CAD is warranted. Documentation of ischemia (painful or painless) is essential. Three general principles should be kept in mind. First, the presence of detectable ischemia is of central importance. This information should be used in the overall risk assessment of the patient. Second, the level of concern or aggressiveness of treatment should be based on the risk associated with the ischemic abnormalities documented (Table 3). The exercise stress test is the most useful to begin this process. The detection of ischemic-type ST-segment depression, either silent or painful, at a low workload (eg, less than or equal to 120 beats per minute or less than or equal to 6.5 metabolic equivalents [METS]) implies high risk for adverse outcome. Likewise, these ST-segment changes occurring in leads that reflect multiple coronary artery distribution, of greater than 2 mm in magnitude and persisting for greater than 6 minutes, are all markers for high risk. Thallium redistribution defects occurring at low work loads, in multiple areas, associated with increased lung uptake and enlargement of the cardiac pool all imply high risk.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

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