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Venkataramanujan Srinivasan D. Warren Spence Adam Moscovitch Seithikurippu R. Pandi-Perumal Ilya Trakht Gregory M. Brown Daniel P. Cardinali 《Journal of pineal research》2010,48(1):1-8
Abstract: Malaria, which infects more than 300 million people annually, is a serious disease. Epidemiological surveys indicate that of those who are affected, malaria will claim the lives of more than one million individuals, mostly children. There is evidence that the synchronous maturation of Plasmodium falciparum , the parasite that causes a severe form of malaria in humans and Plasmodium chabaudi , responsible for rodent malaria, could be linked to circadian changes in melatonin concentration. In vitro melatonin stimulates the growth and development of P. falciparum through the activation of specific melatonin receptors coupled to phospholipase-C activation and the concomitant increase of intracellular Ca2+ . The Ca2+ signaling pathway is important to stimulate parasite transition from the trophozoite to the schizont stage, the final stage of intraerythrocytic cycle, thus promoting the rise of parasitemia. Either pinealectomy or the administration of the melatonin receptor blocking agent luzindole desynchronizes the parasitic cell cycle. Therefore, the use of melatonin antagonists could be a novel therapeutic approach for controlling the disease. On the other hand, the complexity of melatonin's action in malaria is underscored by the demonstration that treatment with high doses of melatonin is actually beneficial for inhibiting apoptosis and liver damage resulting from the oxidative stress in malaria. The possibility that the coordinated administration of melatonin antagonists (to impair the melatonin signal that synchronizes P. falciparum ) and of melatonin in doses high enough to decrease oxidative damage could be a novel approach in malaria treatment is discussed. 相似文献
Debra J. Skene Eleni Papagiannidou Elham Hashemi Jacquie Snelling David F.V. Lewis Michelle Fernandez & Costas Ioannides 《Journal of pineal research》2001,31(4):333-342
The objective of the present studies was to define the enzyme systems catalysing the 6-hydroxylation of melatonin, by monitoring the levels of 6-sulphatoxymelatonin in rat hepatic postmitochondrial preparations and in precision-cut liver slices. Melatonin 6-hydroxylase activity was localized in microsomes and was supported by NADPH, but not NADH. Treatment of rats with beta-naphthoflavone more than tripled 6-sulphatoxymelatonin formation from melatonin, but gave rise only to a moderate increase (25%) in the sulphate conjugation of 6-hydroxymelatonin. Treatment of rats with phenobarbitone, acetone, dexamethasone and clofibrate did not increase 6-sulphatoxymelatonin generation when either melatonin or 6-hydroxymelatonin served as substrates. Of a number of cytochrome P450 inhibitors investigated, only furafylline inhibited markedly the conversion of melatonin to 6-sulphatoxymelatonin without any concomitant effect on the sulphoconjugation of 6-hydroxymelatonin. When liver slices were incubated with melatonin, treatment of rats with beta-naphthoflavone, and to a lesser extent phenobarbitone, elevated the levels of 6-sulphatoxymelatonin in the culture medium. No such increase was seen when slices from beta-naphthoflavone-treated rats were incubated with 6-hydroxymelatonin, whereas a modest increase was seen with slices from phenobarbitone-treated rats. Treatment of rats with acetone, dexamethasone or clofibrate failed to modulate the levels of 6-sulphatoxymelatonin generated from either melatonin or 6-hydroxymelatonin. Molecular modelling analysis revealed that melatonin had a high area/depth(2) ratio, displayed characteristics of CYP1A2 substrates and could be readily accommodated into the human CYP1A2 active site in a position favouring 6-hydroxylation. Collectively, all the above data provide strong experimental evidence that CYP1A2 is an important catalyst of the 6-hydroxylation of melatonin. 相似文献
Melatonin, the chief secretory product of the pineal gland, has been shown to protect the heart against ischemia-reperfusion injury. This was attributed to its free radical scavenging and broad-spectrum antioxidant properties. The possibility that melatonin may act via its receptor and intracellular signaling, has not yet been addressed in this regard. In all previous studies, only the acute effects of melatonin on the heart, were evaluated. The aims of the present study were to: (i) compare the acute and long-term effects of melatonin on infarct size and functional recovery of the ischemic heart, and (ii) evaluate the role of the melatonin receptor in cardioprotection. For evaluation of the short-term effects of melatonin on contractile recovery and infarct size, the isolated perfused working rat heart was subjected to 20 min global ischemia or 35 min regional ischemia respectively, and melatonin (25-50 microm) administered either before and during reperfusion, or before ischemia or during reperfusion after ischemia. The melatonin receptor was manipulated using luzindole and N-acetyltryptamine. The long-term effects of melatonin were evaluated 24 hr after melatonin administration (2.5 or 5.0 mg/kg, i.p.) or after oral administration for 7 days (20 or 40 microg/mL). Infarct size and mechanical recovery during reperfusion of the working heart were used as endpoints. Melatonin (50 microm), when administered either before and during reperfusion after ischemia or during reperfusion only, significantly improved cardiac output and work performance and reduced infarct size compared with untreated controls. Luzindole (5 microm), a melatonin receptor antagonist, abolished these cardioprotective effects. Long-term administration of melatonin (i.p. or orally for 7 days) caused a significant reduction in infarct size of hearts subjected to 35 min regional ischemia. The cardioprotection persisted for 2-4 days after discontinuation of treatment. In summary, the results obtained suggest that melatonin induces short- as well as long-term protection and that the melatonin receptor is also involved in its cardioprotective actions. 相似文献
Melatonin blocks rat hippocampal neuronal apoptosis induced by amyloid beta-peptide 25-35 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
To investigate whether melatonin protects neurons from apoptosis. we used amyloid beta-peptide 25-35 (Abeta(25-35)) to induce apoptosis in cultured hippocampal neurons, and monitored the apoptotic activity of the neurons with or without melatonin treatment. Present study shows that melatonin at concentrations of 1 x 10(-6) and 1 x 10(-5) mol/L prevents neuronal morphological changes induced by apoptosis, as characterized by the shrunken and rounded morphology caused by condensed chromatin and fragmented DNA. Melatonin further exhibited the ability to inhibit apoptotic internucleosomal DNA degradation. Moreover, flow cytometric analysis of cell cycle demonstrated that melatonin abolished the Abeta(25-35)-induced apoptotic peak. Our results suggest that melatonin may play an important role to protect neurons from Abeta(25-35)-induced apoptosis. 相似文献
Since melatonin receptors are present in the intestines, the possibility that this hormone may affect intestinal motility has been studied in the rat. Sprague-Dawley male rats were given a carmine cochineal powder meal and were injected intraperitoneally with 1, 10, 100, or 1000 g/kg melatonin. Sixty minutes after treatment, intestinal transit was found to be faster in animals treated with small doses of melatonin (1 or 10 g/kg) than in saline-injected controls. This effect, however, appear to be clearly reversed with 100 or 1000 g/kg melatonin. In fact, these doses of the hormone reduced intestinal transit in rats. The nonselective melatonin receptor antagonist, luzindole (administered intraperitoneally in a dose of 0.25 mg/kg, 15 min prior to melatonin injection) totally prevented the accelerating effect of melatonin (10 g/kg) on intestinal transit. Luzindole per se failed to affect gut motility. Injection of the reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitor and cholinergic agent, neostigmine, accelerated intestinal transit but failed to influence melatonin effect on this parameter. In contrast, intraperitoneal injection of the muscarinic receptor antagonist atropine delayed intestinal transit per se but did not reduce the stimulating effect of melatonin on this parameter. Intestinal myoelectrical recording revealed that intestinal myoelectrical activity was increased by intraperitoneal injection of melatonin (10 g/kg). Administration of luzindole totally prevented melatonin-induced increase of intestinal myoelectrical activity. These results indicate that melatonin may affect intestinal motility in rats when administered in small doses. This effect might be mediated by melatonin receptors in the intestines, although the involvement of central receptors for the hormone is also possible. 相似文献
Rezzani R Rodella LF Bonomini F Tengattini S Bianchi R Reiter RJ 《Journal of pineal research》2006,41(3):288-295
Melatonin, the chief product secreted by pineal gland, is capable of reducing free radical damage by acting directly as a free radical scavenger, and indirectly, by stimulating of antioxidant enzymes. Cyclosporine A (CsA) is the most widely used immunosuppressive drug, but its therapeutic use has several side effects including, i.e. nephrotoxicity and cardiotoxicity. This study was designed to examine the beneficial effects of melatonin in preventing CsA-induced cardiotoxicity. Additionally, we investigated the ability of melatonin to protect the rat heart via melatonin receptor. In one group of Wistar rats, melatonin (1 mg/kg/day i.p.) was administered concurrently with CsA (15 mg/kg/day s.c.) for 21 days. In another group of animals, melatonin was injected with CsA and luzindole, an antagonist of melatonin receptors. Oxidative stress in heart tissue homogenates was estimated using thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), reduced glutathione levels and antioxidant enzyme activities including catalase and superoxide dismutase. CsA administration for 21 days produced elevated levels of TBARS, marked depletion of cardiac antioxidant enzymes and caused morphological alterations in myocardial fibers. Melatonin markedly reduced TBARS levels, increased the antioxidant enzyme levels and normalized altered cardiac morphology. The protective effects of melatonin were lost when the animals received the melatonin receptor antagonist. In conclusion our study shows that, (a) melatonin significantly reduces CsA cardiotoxicity, and (b) the reduction in CsA-induced cardiotoxicity was mediated by the binding of melatonin to its membrane receptors. 相似文献
Feng Wang XiuZhi Tian Lu Zhang Chao Gao ChangJiu He Yao Fu PengYun Ji Yu Li Ning Li GuoShi Liu 《Journal of pineal research》2014,56(3):333-342
In the current study, a fundamental question, that is, the mechanisms related to the beneficial effects of melatonin on mammalian embryonic development, was addressed. To examine the potential beneficial effects of melatonin on bovine embryonic development, different concentrations of melatonin (10?11, 10?9, 10?7, 10?5, 10?3 m ) were incubated with fertilized embryos. Melatonin in the range of 10?11 to 10?5 m significantly promoted embryonic development both in early culture medium (CR1aa +3 mg/mL BSA) and in later culture medium (CR1aa + 6%FBS). The most effective concentrations applied in the current studies were 10?9 and 10?7 m . Using quantitative real‐time PCR with immunofluorescence and Western blot assays, the expression of melatonin receptor MT1 and MT2 genes was identified in bovine embryos. Further studies indicate that the beneficial effects of melatonin on bovine embryo development were mediated by the MT1 receptor. This is based on the facts that luzindole, a nonselective MT1 and MT2 antagonist, blocked the effect on melatonin‐induced embryo development, while 4‐P‐PDOT, a selective MT2 antagonist, had little effect. Mechanistic explorations uncovered that melatonin application during bovine embryonic development significantly up‐regulated the expression of antioxidative (Gpx4, SOD1, bcl‐2) and developmentally important genes (SLC2A1, DNMT1A, and DSC2) while down‐regulating expression of pro‐apoptotic genes (P53, BAX, and Caspase‐3). The results obtained from the current studies provide new information regarding the mechanisms by which melatonin promotes bovine embryonic development under both in vitro and in vivo conditions. 相似文献
Marcos L. Aranda María F. González Fleitas Andrea De Laurentiis María I. Keller Sarmiento Mónica Chianelli Pablo H. Sande Damián Dorfman Ruth E. Rosenstein 《Journal of pineal research》2016,60(3):360-372
Optic neuritis (ON) is an inflammatory, demyelinating, and neurodegenerative condition of the optic nerve, which might induce permanent vision loss. Currently, there are no effective therapies for this disorder. We have developed an experimental model of primary ON in rats through a single microinjection of 4.5 μg of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) into the optic nerve. Since melatonin acts as a pleiotropic therapeutic agent in various neurodegenerative diseases, we analyzed the effect of melatonin on LPS‐induced ON. For this purpose, LPS or vehicle were injected into the optic nerve from adult male Wistar rats. One group of animals received a subcutaneous pellet of 20 mg melatonin at 24 hr before vehicle or LPS injection, and another group was submitted to a sham procedure. Melatonin completely prevented the decrease in visual evoked potentials (VEPs), and pupil light reflex (PLR), and preserved anterograde transport of cholera toxin β‐subunit from the retina to the superior colliculus. Moreover, melatonin prevented microglial reactivity (ED1‐immunoreactivity, P < 0.01), astrocytosis (glial fibrillary acid protein‐immunostaining, P < 0.05), demyelination (luxol fast blue staining, P < 0.01), and axon (toluidine blue staining, P < 0.01) and retinal ganglion cell (Brn3a‐immunoreactivity, P < 0.01) loss, induced by LPS. Melatonin completely prevented the increase in nitric oxide synthase 2, cyclooxygenase‐2 levels (Western blot) and TNFα levels, and partly prevented lipid peroxidation induced by experimental ON. When the pellet of melatonin was implanted at 4 days postinjection of LPS, it completely reversed the decrease in VEPs and PLR. These data suggest that melatonin could be a promising candidate for ON treatment. 相似文献
Lulu Mao Qi Cheng Béatrice Guardiola‐Lemaître Carole Schuster‐Klein Chunmin Dong Ling Lai Steven M. Hill 《Journal of pineal research》2010,49(3):210-221
Abstract: Melatonin has been shown to inhibit the proliferation of estrogen receptor α (ERα)‐positive human breast cancer cells in vitro and suppress the growth of carcinogen‐induced mammary tumors in rats. Melatonin’s antiproliferative effect is mediated, at least in part, through the MT1 melatonin receptor and mechanisms involving modulation of the estrogen‐signaling pathway. To develop melatonin analogs with greater therapeutic effects, we have examined the in vitro and in vivo antimitotic activity of two MT1/MT2 melatonin receptor agonists, S23219‐1 and S23478‐1. In our studies, both agonists are quite effective at suppressing the growth of MCF‐7 human breast cancer cells. At a concentration of 10?6 m , S23219‐1 and S23478‐1 inhibited the growth of MCF‐7 cells by 60% and 73%, respectively. However, S23478‐1 is more effective than melatonin and S23219‐1 at repressing the expression and transactivation of the ERα, and modulating the expression of pancreatic spasmolytic polypeptide (pS2), an estrogen‐regulated gene. The melatonin agonist S23478‐1 exhibited enhanced antitumor potency in the subsequent studies in our animal model. At a dosage of 25 mg/kg/day, S23478‐1 is more efficacious than melatonin at inducing regression of the established N‐nitroso‐N‐methyl‐urea‐induced rat mammary tumors. This dose of S23478‐1 (25 mg/kg/day) generated a significant (P < 0.05) overall regression response of 52%. Furthermore, at this dosage, S23478‐1 is more effective than melatonin at suppressing the estrogen‐signaling pathway and promoting tumor cell apoptosis, significantly increasing the expression of the pro‐apoptotic protein Bax, while decreasing the expression of ERα and the anti‐apoptotic protein Bcl‐2. 相似文献
J.L. Castillo Romero F. Vives Montero D. Acuña Castroviejo 《Journal of pineal research》1992,12(4):149-154
The acute effects of intravenous melatonin on spontaneously active striatal neurons in sham-operated and pinealectomized rats were studied. Extracellular recordings in a total of 76 neurons showed that only 19 did not modify their spontaneous activity after melatonin injection. In sham-pinealectomized rats, neural firing decreased in most cells (80% of neurons), and increased in only 5.7% of the neurons after indole administration (100 ng/kg body weight). However, in the group of rats pinealectomized 7 days earlier, the injection of melatonin (at the same dose as above) significantly increased the excitatory response (44%), while the number of cells showing inhibitory response decreased (17%). Moreover, a small percentage (4.9%) of neurons in pinealectomized rats displayed a biphasic response (initial decrease followed by an increased firing). These results demonstrate that aMT can modulate the activity of striatal neurons, and suggest that other compounds of pineal origin (e.g., vasotocin) may change effects of aMT on basal ganglia neurons. 相似文献
Melatonin, which plays an important role in circadian rhythm regulation, is highly potent endogenous free radical scavenger and antioxidant. To clarify the neuroprotective effects of melatonin as a free radical scavenger, we recorded changes in synaptic potentials and monitored the generation of superoxide (O)(2)(-) (using hydroethidine) in the CA1 pyramidal layers of rat hippocampal slices exposed to anoxia/aglycemia ('ischemic') stress. Synaptic responses evoked by stimulation of Schaffer collateral/commissural afferents were suppressed by ischemic stress. When the duration of the stress was 8 min, the suppression was reversible, irrespective of the presence or absence of melatonin treatment, while the amount of O(2)(-) generated was reduced by the presence of melatonin. When stress duration was 12 min, the suppression of synaptic responses lasted more than 90 min, but melatonin significantly improved the recovery. The amount of O(2)(-) generated in the 'recirculation' phase after a 12 min ischemic stress was less in the ischemic alone group than in the melatonin-treated group. This probably reflects that the number of viable cells with the ability to generate O(2)(-) had been reduced by the more severe ischemic stress. Other radical scavengers (ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol) had similar effects. These results show that melatonin has the potential to protect the functions of neurons against an ischemic insult by reducing O(2)(-) generation. 相似文献
Michael J. Jarzynka Deepshikha K. Passey David A. Johnson Nagarjun V. Konduru Nicholas F. Fitz Nicholas M. Radio Mark Rasenick Susan Benloucif Melissa A. Melan Paula A. Witt-Enderby 《Journal of pineal research》2009,46(2):161-171
Abstract: MT1 melatonin receptors expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells remain sensitive to a melatonin re-challenge even following chronic melatonin exposure when microtubules are depolymerized in the cell, an exposure that normally results in MT1 receptor desensitization. We extended our findings to MT2 melatonin receptors using both in vitro and in vivo approaches. Using CHO cells expressing human MT2 melatonin receptors, microtubule depolymerization prevents the loss in the number of high potency states of the receptor when compared to melatonin-treated cells. In addition, microtubule depolymerization increases melatonin-induced PKC activity but not PI hydrolysis via Gi proteins similar to that shown for MT1Rs. Furthermore, microtubule depolymerization in MT2-CHO cells enhances the exchange of GTP on Gi-proteins using a photoaffinity analog of GTP. To test whether microtubules are capable of modulating melatonin-induced phase-shifts, microtubules are depolymerized specifically within the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus (SCN) of the Long Evans rat and the efficacy of melatonin to phase shift their circadian activity rhythms was assessed and compared to animals with intact SCN microtubules. We find that microtubule depolymerization in the SCN using either Colcemid or nocodazole enhances the efficacy of 10 p m melatonin to phase-shift the activity rhythms of the Long Evans rat. No enhancement occurs in the presence of β-lumicolchicine, the inactive analog of Colcemid. Taken together, these data suggest that microtubule dynamics can modulate melatonin-induced phase shifts of circadian activity rhythms which may explain, in part, why circadian disturbances occur in individuals afflicted with diseases associated with microtubule disturbances. 相似文献
Extrapineal melatonin: analysis of its subcellular distribution and daily fluctuations 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Venegas C García JA Escames G Ortiz F López A Doerrier C García-Corzo L López LC Reiter RJ Acuña-Castroviejo D 《Journal of pineal research》2012,52(2):217-227
Abstract: We studied the subcellular levels of melatonin in cerebral cortex and liver of rats under several conditions. The results show that melatonin levels in the cell membrane, cytosol, nucleus, and mitochondrion vary over a 24‐hr cycle, although these variations do not exhibit circadian rhythms. The cell membrane has the highest concentration of melatonin followed by mitochondria, nucleus, and cytosol. Pinealectomy significantly increased the content of melatonin in all subcellular compartments, whereas luzindole treatment had little effect on melatonin levels. Administration of 10 mg/kg bw melatonin to sham‐pinealectomized, pinealectomized, or continuous light‐exposed rats increased the content of melatonin in all subcellular compartments. Melatonin in doses ranging from 40 to 200 mg/kg bw increased in a dose‐dependent manner the accumulation of melatonin on cell membrane and cytosol, although the accumulations were 10 times greater in the former than in the latter. Melatonin levels in the nucleus and mitochondria reached saturation with a dose of 40 mg/kg bw; higher doses of injected melatonin did not further cause additional accumulation of melatonin in these organelles. The results suggest some control of extrapineal accumulation or extrapineal production of melatonin and support the existence of regulatory mechanisms in cellular organelles, which prevent the intracellular equilibration of the indolamine. Seemingly, different concentrations of melatonin can be maintained in different subcellular compartments. The data also seem to support a requirement of high doses of melatonin to obtain therapeutic effects. Together, these results add information that assists in explaining the physiology and pharmacology of melatonin. 相似文献
A neuroendocrine releasing effect of melatonin in the brain of an insect, Periplaneta americana (L.)
Melatonin exists in nearly all organisms, but little is known of its function in non-vertebrates. Long-term perifusions as well as short-term batch incubations of brains and molting glands of the cockroach Periplaneta americana were used to test the influence of melatonin on the prothoracicotropic hormone, a glandotropic neuropeptide in the brain, which stimulates the production of the molting hormone ecdysone in the molting gland. Changes of ecdysteroid production in molting glands were determined by radioimmunoassay as ecdysone equivalents. Melatonin (10 nmol/L) was without effect on the prothoracic gland but stimulated the prothoracicotropic effect of brains in both in vitro investigations, long-term perifusions and short-term batch incubations. The effect was dose-dependent. The melatonin effect on the release of prothoracicotropic hormone in the brain was suppressed by luzindole (10 nmol/L), a pre-synaptic receptor antagonist of melatonin. The retro-cerebral complex (corpora cardiaca-corpora allata) did not seem to be involved in the effect of melatonin on the brain. Serotonin (10 nmol/L) suppressed the release of prothoracicotropic hormone. This is the first experimental evidence of a neurohormonal releasing effect of melatonin in the insect nervous system. 相似文献
目的探讨褪黑素(Mel)在匹罗卡品(PILO)致癫癎犬鼠模型中的抗癫癎作用机制。方法将45只Wistar大鼠按癫癎持续状态(SE)后6 h,14、28天分为PILO组(1 5只),PILO+Mel组(15只)和对照组(15只),采用PILO诱导大鼠慢性颞叶癫癎模型,用5溴-2-脱氧尿嘧啶核苷标记增殖细胞,Timms染色评价苔藓纤维发芽(MFS)等技术,动态观察MeI对癫癎大鼠海马神经发生和MFS的影响及其与反复自发性癫癎发作(SRS)发生的关系。结果与对照组比较,PILO组大鼠SE后6 h,14、28天细胞数明显增加,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);与PILO组比较,PILO+Mel组大鼠在SE后6 h,14、28天,细胞数量明显减少(P<0.05),28天SRS数量明显减少,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。与PILO+Mel组比较,PILO组大鼠SE后14天,Timms染色密度开始增强,28天密度明显增强,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论Mel对SRS的预防作用可能与其对癫癎诱导的神经发生和MFS的抑制作用有关。 相似文献
Rita Paroni Laura Terraneo Francesca Bonomini Elena Finati Eleonora Virgili Paola Bianciardi Gaia Favero Franco Fraschini Russel J. Reiter Michele Samaja 《Journal of pineal research》2014,57(1):43-52
Melatonin is known to exert antitumour activity in several types of human cancers, but the underlying mechanisms as well as the efficacy of different doses of melatonin are not well defined. Here, we test the hypothesis whether melatonin in the nanomolar range is effective in exerting antitumour activity in vivo and examine the correlation with the hypoxia signalling mechanism, which may be a major molecular mechanism by which melatonin antagonizes cancer. To test this hypothesis, LNCaP human prostate cancer cells were xenografted into seven‐wk‐old Foxn1nu/nu male mice that were treated with melatonin (18 i.p. injections of 1 mg/kg in 41 days). Saline‐treated mice served as control. We found that the melatonin levels in plasma and xenografted tissue were 4× and 60× higher, respectively, than in control samples. Melatonin tended to restore the redox imbalance by increasing expression of Nrf2. As part of the phenotypic response to these perturbations, xenograft microvessel density was less in melatonin‐treated animals, indicative of lower angiogenesis, and the xenograft growth rate was slower (P < 0.0001). These changes were accompanied by a reduced expression of Ki67, elevated expression of HIF‐1α and increased phosphorylation of Akt in melatonin than saline‐treated mice. We conclude that the beneficial effect of melatonin in reducing cancer growth in vivo was evident at melatonin plasma levels as low as 4 nm and was associated with decreased angiogenesis. Higher HIF‐1α expression in xenograft tissue indicates that the antitumour effect cannot be due to a postulated antihypoxic effect, but may stem from lower angiogenesis potential. 相似文献
To examine the effect of melatonin on in vitro fertilization and embryonic development, mouse embryos after insemination in vitro were cultured in a physiological medium with or without melatonin. Melatonin increased the fertilization rate significantly at a concentration between 10(-6) and 10(-4) M (27.6 vs. 43.9 or 40.4%, P < 0.01). Furthermore, a significant increase in the rate of embryos reaching the four-cell stage (16.0 vs. 26.7%, P < 0.01), the eight-cell stage (12.1 vs. 25.8 or 23.5%, P < 0.01), and blastulation (8.9 vs. 23.5 or 17.5%, P < 0.01) was observed when the embryos were cultured in a medium containing 10(-8) or 10(-6) M melatonin. These results demonstrate that melatonin supports fertilization and early embryo development after in vitro fertilization. 相似文献
The pineal neurohormone melatonin prevents in vivo and in vitro apoptosis in thymocytes 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Rosa M. Sainz Juan C. Mayo Higinio Uría Mónica Kotler Isaac Antolfn Carmen Rodriguez Armando Menendez-Pelaez† 《Journal of pineal research》1995,19(4):178-188
Abstract: Recently, melatonin was found to be the most potent physiological free radical scavenger known to date. In this work, we attempted to define the role this neurohormone plays in the regulation of apoptosis, since the effect of bcl-2, the main gene implicated in its inhibition, acts via an antioxidant mechanism. We investigated the role of melatonin in cell death of thymus, a well known model for the study of apoptosis. Two sets of experiments were carried out: in vivo experiments, performed with Wistar rats, and in vitro experiments, performed with primary cultures of young Wistar rat thymocytes treated with glucocorticoids in order to induce apoptosis. Morphometrical studies in semithin sections of thymus and analysis of DNA fragmentation by gel electrophoresis show that physiological apoptosis occurring in thymus of 65 days old rats, is prevented by the daily administration of melatonin beginning when the rats were 25 days old. Also, we found that at a concentration of 10?7 M, melatonin decreases by 35% the percentage of apoptotic cells induced by glucocorticoids in cultured thymocytes of 25 day old rats. 10?9 M melatonin decreases cell death by 20%. Finally, melatonin at 10?11 Mdid not have any effect. Several hypothesis are discussed to explain this effect: direct interaction of melatonin with glucocorticoid receptors in the thymus; induction of interleukin-4 release; direct genomic action modulating the expression of apoptosis-inhibiting genes; an effect on nitric oxide synthase; and finally, the antioxidant action of melatonin. Since apoptosis is a possible mechanism involved in neuronal death shown in several neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson or Alzheimer's diseases, investigative efforts should be directed to the possible role of melatonin in inhibiting cell death in tissues other that the thymus. Melatonin might be a potent therapeutic agent in some of these conditions. 相似文献