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Objective: To investigate the adequacy of undergraduate ophthalmology education in Canada in comparison with the International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO) guidelines. Design: Cross-sectional survey. Participants: First-year residents who had graduated from Canadian medical schools. Methods: Eligible residents were invited to participate in an online survey in 2007. Data were categorized by demographic variables, and basic statistics were done. Results: Responses were obtained from 386 of the 1425 individuals (27.0%) contacted. The majority (64.0%) stated they had “too little” or “no exposure” to ophthalmology in medical school. The majority (76.2%) of respondents stated that they had had 1 week or less of overall exposure to ophthalmology. Sufficient exposure to several ICO core subspecialty areas was reported, including lens/cataract (81.1%) and cornea/external diseases (81.6%); however, some areas did not receive adequate time allocation, such as vitreoretinal disease (41.9%). Similarly, competency was obtained in certain ICO examination skills, including assessment of visual acuity (83.3%) and pupillary reflexes (90.7%) but was not achieved for other skills, such as fundoscopy (52.3%), slit-lamp examination (44.8%), and intraocular pressure assessment (19.9%). When asked whether sufficient ophthalmology knowledge and skills had been obtained during medical school, only 42.9% and 25.9% agreed, respectively. Conclusions: Undergraduate ophthalmology training in Canada contains gaps in certain key areas. Developing a national, standardized curriculum could ensure that medical students acquire competency in the ophthalmology knowledge and skills required for future clinical practice. 相似文献
Three hundred and sixty-nine postal questionnaires related to the content and teaching of the undergraduate medical course were sent to Queensland city and provincial ophthalmologists, general practitioners, physicians and surgeons. The return rate was 53%. The views of the four groups were similar in most respects. The majority of respondents thought that ophthalmology should be taught as a separate course. They stated visits to operating theatre and eye casualty unit should be included in the course. Ophthalmologists and general practitioners stated the course should be longer, physicians thought it should remain the same length and surgeons felt less time should be dedicated to the teaching of ophthalmology. Topic areas regarded as essential were the acute care areas: trauma; glaucoma; infection; use of an ophthalmoscope; acute visual loss; and red eye. Squint was also regarded as an essential area by ophthalmologists. 相似文献
继续医学教育贯穿于医者的终身职业生涯,是医务人员不断提高自身业务水平的关键。然而,目前眼科继续医学教育仍面临对象多样性、内容复杂性、形式化突出、知识技术更新快、多学科交叉及青年医生手术培养困局等难题。正面与反面教育结合、人文与专业教育结合、理论与实践教育结合、国内与国外教育结合、听课与授课教育结合、公益与商业模式结合、科室与小组模式结合、传统与新兴模式结合、医生与医技护理结合,是我们在眼科继续医学教育中进行的初步探索。(眼科, 2014, 23: 351-354) 相似文献
AimsCognitive factors (eg, academic achievement) have had a significant role in selecting postgraduate surgical trainees in the past. This project sought to determine the role of a national undergraduate ophthalmology prize examination (Duke–Elder examination) in the selection of postgraduate ophthalmology trainees. This would also serve as a quality assurance exercise for the assessment, in which the ultimate aim is to encourage trainees into ophthalmology. MethodsA retrospective analysis of the top 20 ranked candidates in the Duke–Elder examination from 1989 to 2005 (except 1995) was carried out to determine which of them subsequently entered the ophthalmic training and General Medical Council Specialist Registers. ResultsOut of the top 20 candidates in the exam, 29.5% went into specialist training in ophthalmology. Some appeared in the top 20 more than once, with 56% of them going into ophthalmic training, but they had a similar median time to enter training as those who appeared in the top 20 once. There was no significant evidence to suggest that the overall median ranking scores between the UK medical schools differed ( P=0.23; Kruskal–Wallis test). However, there was a marked difference in frequency of top 20 candidates from each medical school, which could not be explained by the size of the medical school alone. ConclusionIt is difficult to conclude from these findings the importance that the Duke–Elder examination has in the selection of trainees into ophthalmology. The role of cognitive factors in selection into postgraduate medical/surgical training is discussed, along with the potential academic criteria, which may influence interview scores. 相似文献
Aim : To determine what New Zealand ophthalmologists, general practitioners and optometrists consider important ophthalmic topic areas requiring emphasis in the medical undergraduate curriculum. Method : A total of 793 questionnaires related to the content and teaching of undergraduate ophthalmology were sent to ophthalmologists, general practitioners and optometrists. Results were analysed separately for the three respondent groups and as a whole. Results : Four hundred and fourteen questionnaires were returned (52% return rate). Overall responses of the three participant groups were similar and agreed favourably with the current curriculum. The ability to measure visual acuity (97%) and pupillary reflexes (93%), perform ophthalmoscopy (92%), and assess visual fields (68%) were regarded as ‘important or essential’ by the majority of respondents. Only 53% of respondents consider the ability to diagnose chronic open angle glaucoma as important. The respondents stressed the importance of the diagnosis of predominantly anterior segment disease contrasting with the traditional bias towards the teaching of ophthalmoscopy and posterior segment disease. The majority of respondents stressed the importance of graduating medical students being able to treat bacterial and allergic conjunctivitis, styes, blepharitis, corneal abrasion, and corneal and conjunctival foreign bodies, areas present but not normally emphasized in current curricula. Conclusion : The findings of this study provided additional data to facilitate curriculum design and illustrated the value of an integrated problem‐based learning approach in ophthalmology undergraduate teaching. 相似文献
在医患纠纷不断增多的情况下,提出了中医眼科学生不仅要努力掌握专业技能还要加强沟通和工作技巧的学习。从中医眼科的特点出发,探讨如何更好培养医学生专业技能、如何加强和提高医学生的沟通能力,从而避免或减少医患纠纷。 相似文献
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic temporarily suspended medical student involvement in clinical rotations, resulting in the need to develop virtual clinical experiences. The cancellation of clinical ophthalmology electives and away rotations reduces opportunities for exposure to the field, to network with faculty, conduct research, and prepare for residency applications. We review the literature and discuss the impact and consequences of COVID-19 on undergraduate medical education with an emphasis on ophthalmic undergraduate medical education. We also discuss innovative learning modalities used from medical schools around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic such as virtual didactics, online cases, and telehealth. Finally, we describe a novel, virtual neuro-ophthalmology elective created to educate medical students on neuro-ophthalmology foundational principles, provide research and presentation opportunities, and build relationships with faculty members. These innovative approaches represent a step forward in further improving medical education in ophthalmology during COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. 相似文献
接受眼科本科课程的在读留学生中随机选取 17人,通过调查问卷的形式探讨留学生对不同的授课方式的认可程度,分析总结留学生的主观感受。学生对目前教学方式基本满意( 60%),留学生更渴望实践讨论式的教学模式,同时创造国际化的教学环境也将是提高眼科本科留学生教学质量的一大重点。(眼科,2015, 24: 134 -135) 相似文献
目前新型冠状病毒(SARS-CoV-2)感染的疫情进入了一个关键期。截止2020-02-14,全国已有超过55000例新型冠状病毒感染确诊病例,给社会和经济带来极大影响,也极大地影响了眼科的日常运作。本文针对眼科门诊及病房所需的医务防护措施进行讨论和建议,以期减少在SARS-CoV-2爆发期眼科医护人员的感染。 相似文献
目的:探讨以问题为基础学习(problem-based learning,PBL)教学法在临床医学专业八年制学员眼科学临床实习过程中的教学效果。 方法:以2013-01/2014-03在第四军医大学西京医院眼科实习的40名临床医学专业八年制学员为研究对象,随机分为PBL教学组(PBL组)和传统教学组(对照组),每组20名。PBL组采用PBL教学法引导实习学员主动参与实习过程,以实习学员为主体; 对照组采用传统教学法以教师为主导引导学员完成临床实习。最后通过问卷调查、出科考试成绩分析等综合评价不同教学方法的实习效果。 结果:出科考试成绩分析中,PBL组的问答题、病例分析题和总成绩的分数均明显高于对照组(P<0.05); 选择题和名词解释的得分与对照组无显著差异(P>0.05)。实习学员对教学效果的自评指标中,在提高学员综合分析能力、学习主动性和实习效果等方面PBL组均明显优于对照组(P<0.05); 在激发学员兴趣和对教学法满意度方面PBL组略强于对照组,但统计学差异不显著(P>0.05)。教员对实习生的评价指标中,PBL组在实习前充分积极准备、实习中全面准确表达观点、临床思维逻辑性等方面均明显好于对照组(P<0.05); 在与患者沟通能力方面两组间差异不显著(P>0.05)。 结论:PBL教学法适用于临床医学专业八年制学员在眼科的实习教学,PBL教学法能够较好训练学员的临床综合分析能力,有助于其主动解决临床实际问题能力的培养。 相似文献
目的:基于医学生视角评估裂隙灯生物显微镜(以下简称“裂隙灯”)训练的必要性,对眼科见习期间的医学生裂隙灯训练达成共识。 方法:在中山大学117名2017级临床医学专业学生中,开展见习前后对照研究。所有医学生在眼科见习期间均接受裂隙灯训练。使用自行设计的问卷调查,评估学生对裂隙灯教学的个人认知、个人需求与建议,并对眼科见习前后学生在这些方面的得分进行比较。此外,通过眼科见习后的学生主观评价来评估裂隙灯训练的效果。每个条目评分采用Likert 5级评分法。采用IBM SPSS 软件(版本 20.0; SPSS Inc.,Chicago,IL,USA)进行统计分析。 结果:共有116名(99.1%)医学生完成了调查。见习前的平均得分为19.99±3.03分,显示学生对裂隙灯用途的认知水平高; 见习后的得分显著增加至22.97±2.37分(P<0.001)。对于个人需求的平均得分,见习后高于见习前(24.62±3.15 vs 23.60±2.36,P=0.009)。此外,86.2%的学生见习后认为裂隙灯实操训练有助于显著改善见习质量。大于四分之三的被调查学生倾向于增加裂隙灯训练时间(见习前后分别为76.7%和77.6%)。 结论:在眼科见习中,医学生更偏好于裂隙灯训练实操; 鉴于对改善见习质量的潜在作用,应在眼科见习中推荐该训练。 相似文献
Purpose: To propose the objectives of undergraduate training in direct ophthalmoscopy (DO). Method: Narrative review of the literature on (i) opinions about the expected proficiency from students in DO, and (ii) estimates of its diagnostic value. Results: (i) Authorities disagree on the proficiency in DO that they expect from students. Textbooks of physical diagnosis differ in their coverage of DO. Surveys have indicated that US physicians expect students to be able to detect optic nerve head abnormalities. The Association of American Medical Colleges expects students to perform ophthalmoscopic examination and describe observations. The International Council of Ophthalmology expects students to recognize also diabetic and hypertensive retinopathies. The Association of University Professors in Ophthalmology requires that students recognize papilloedema, cholesterol emboli, glaucomatous cupping and macular degeneration. (ii) There is evidence that DO, even by ophthalmologists, is inadequate for screening for glaucoma, diabetic and hypertensive retinopathies. Two studies have suggested a limited value of DO in detecting clinical emergencies. Conclusions: The evidence that DO, even by ophthalmologists, is sub‐optimal in detecting common abnormalities challenges existing the notions of training medical students. On pending the results of additional studies of the value of DO in detecting emergencies, we suggest that undergraduate teaching of DO should impart the following: (i) an ability to identify the red fundus reflex and optic disc; (ii) an ability to recognize signs of clinical emergencies in patients, mannequins or fundus photographs; and (iii) knowledge about, but not an ability to detect, other retinopathies. 相似文献
目的:利用改良的PBL教学方式(SEC3模式,即系统专业课(传统PBL教学)-实验室培训-临床实践-回顾性检讨-临床工作),对眼科学专业学位硕士研究生进行临床前强化培训,探讨改良的PBL教学模式对于加强专业学位研究生临床适应性的作用。方法:选择中国医科大学眼科学系专业学位研究生31人,随机分成两组。I组采用传统模式,在临床工作中学习眼科基本知识与基本操作。II组采用改良的PBL模式进行为期1mo的教学,同时参与临床工作。两组研究生带教教师相同。3mo后,利用问卷、专业知识笔试、基本临床操作考核方式对两组学生进行考核,并对考核结果进行综合分析。结果:两组学生对于临床常见住院病种的掌握程度差异并不明显,但是在眼科基础知识掌握的广度与深度以及基本临床操作方面,II组显示出了比I组显著的优势。结论:改良的PBL教学模式是传统PBL教学模式的发展,比传统PBL模式具有更好的知识系统性与接受性。相对于传统医学教育模式,PBL还可以调动学生的自我学习兴趣。不仅仅适用于本科阶段临床教学,对于临床专业学位研究生尽快适应临床工作帮助很大,尤其对于眼科等本科阶段为考查科目的学科优势明显。 相似文献
BACKGROUND: There has been little investigation into the attitudes and aspirations of current ophthalmology residents. The object of this study was to investigate the factors influencing career choice and to identify the future plans of Canadian ophthalmology residents. METHODS: All ophthalmology residents in English Canadian ophthalmology residency training programs were invited to complete an anonymous survey in June 2006. Data were categorized by demographic variables and basic statistics; chi2 comparative analyses were performed. RESULTS: Of 128 residents surveyed, 49 (38%) responded to the survey. Having the ability to combine medicine and surgery was the most common factor influencing the decision to pursue ophthalmology (98% of respondents), with intellectual stimulation (76%) and mentorship (50%) also emerging as important factors. The majority of residents (62%) plan on pursuing fellowship training, with medical retina, anterior segment/cataract, and cornea being the most popular choices (36%, 34%, and 32%, respectively). Most residents expressed plans of pursuing fellowships abroad, and only 22% planned on training within Canada. Fourteen percent indicated an interest in performing laser refractive surgery, female residents being significantly less likely than males to express such an interest (0% vs. 21%; p < 0.02). Most residents (71%) expressed the wish to practice in an urban or suburban setting, with only 6% intending to work in a rural community. INTERPRETATION: The appeal of the dual medical and surgical nature of ophthalmology is the most common motivating factor for pursuing an ophthalmology residency. The trends identified, including the high level of interest in subspecialty training and the desire to work in an urban setting, have important implications for the future of ophthalmology in Canada. 相似文献
AIM: To evaluate the flipped classroom model for teaching horizontal strabismus didactics in an ophthalmology residency program in China as part of a visiting professorship from the United States.
METHODS: Residents from an ophthalmology residency program in China were invited to participate in flipped classroom sessions taught by an experienced American ophthalmology faculty in 2018. Residents were instructed to watch a pre-class video lecture prior to the in-class-case-based activity. Content tests (5 Ophthalmic Knowledge Assessment Program style questions) and surveys were administered before and after the classroom sessions (100% response rate). These results were compared to that of an American cohort who were taught the same content.
RESULTS: The Chinese cohort of 12 residents preferred the flipped classroom to the traditional classroom at higher rates than the American cohort of 40 residents (92% vs 55%, P=0.04) and felt that all ophthalmology topics would be appropriate for the flipped classroom teaching style (P-values between 0.008 and <0.001). In both Chinese and American cohorts, we found that the exotropia curriculum saw a small but significant improvement in performance following the flipped classroom session (P=0.025 for Chinese residents; P=0.001 for US residents), whereas scores in both groups for the esotropia course did not significantly improve.
CONCLUSION: This is the first study to evaluate the flipped classroom model implemented by a visiting ophthalmology professor in a global outreach setting. The flipped classroom sessions are viewed favorably by the Chinese residents relative to the US cohort with a modest impact on knowledge. Decreased in-person interpreter requirement and increased student engagement make this model valuable in cross-cultural visiting professorship settings. Finally, the flipped classroom may lend itself well to a virtual format to prevent the transmission of COVID-19, although such a format requires further study. 相似文献
电子病历具有书写方便、保存时间长、节省资源、资料完整、易检索、可以实现资源共享等优势。它在眼科临床教学中提高了实习医师的工作效率,为教学提供了更多的临床资源。但同时它也带来了一些新的问题,比如病历质量下降,学生思维局限,临床医师带教意识减弱。针对这些利弊,我们结合眼科的临床特点,改进目前的临床教学思路与方法,从多方面正确引导学生发挥电子病历的优势,克服其局限性,提高眼科临床教学质量。(眼科, 2014, 23: 137-139) 相似文献
Background: Ophthalmology is an important medical science subject, but it is given with insufficient attention in undergraduate medical education. Flipped classroom (FC) and problem-based learning (PBL) are well-known education methods that can be integrated into ophthalmology education to improve students' competence level and promote active learning. Methods: We used a mixed teaching methodology that integrated a FC and PBL into a 1-week ophthalmology clerkship for 72 fourth-year medical students. The course includes two major sessions: FC session and PBL session, relying on clinical and real-patient cases. Written examinations were set up to assess students' academic performance and questionnaires were designed to evaluate their perceptions. Results: The post-course examination results were higher than the pre-course results, and many students gained ophthalmic knowledge and learning skills to varying levels. Comparison of pre- and post-course questionnaires indicated that interests in ophthalmology increased and more students expressed desires to be eye doctors. Most students were satisfied with the new method, while some suggested the process should be slower and the communication with their teacher needed to strengthen. Conclusions: FC and PBL are complementary methodologies. Utilizing the mixed teaching meth of FC and PBL was successful in enhancing academic performance, student satisfactions and promoting active learning. 相似文献