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Selective breeding has been used to develop the alcohol-preferring (P) and -nonpreferring (NP) rats, with the P rat having lower CNS levels of dopamine (DA) and reduced DA innervation in the nucleus accumbens compared with the NP rat. The acoustic startle response (ASR) and prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the ASR are experimental behaviors altered by DA agonists. We examined whether functional differences in amphetamine (AMPH)-modified ASR and PPI exist between P and NP rats. AMPH [0.0 (saline), 1.0, 2.0, or 4.0 mg/kg] was injected 15 min prior to placement into a startle apparatus. After a 5-min habituation period, rats were given approximately twelve 95-, 105-, or 115-dB white-noise burst (ASR) and PPI trials. As adults, P rats were sensitive to AMPH potentiation of the ASR to a greater extent than NP rats. During adolescence, P and NP rats had similar levels of AMPH-potentiated ASR. As adults, NP rats displayed potentiated, rather than disrupted, PPI at the 1.0-mg/kg dose, whereas P rats displayed the expected disrupted PPI at the 4.0-mg/kg dose. As adolescents, NP rats did not display significant differences in PPI after AMPH, whereas P rats displayed dose-dependent disruption of PPI, which was significant at the 4.0-mg/kg dose. The limited effect of AMPH on increasing the ASR and the presence of AMPH-potentiated PPI at the lowest dose in the adult NP rat suggests reduced functioning of the interactions between DA circuits and the neurocircuitry mediating the ASR and PPI, compared with P rats. However, the neurocircuitry mediating PPI does not appear to be fully developed in the adolescent NP rat. The present findings also indicate that lower levels of DA content and immunoreactive fibers in the P rat may not reflect reduced DA neuronal activity, because the P rat displayed AMPH-potentiated ASR, and, at the highest dose, AMPH disruption of PPI during both adulthood and adolescence.  相似文献   

Studies were undertaken to determine if elevated blood alcohol concentrations (BAC), produced by intravenous (IV) infusion of ethanol or by intraperitoneal (IP) administration of 4-methylpyrazole (4-MP), could reduce the free-choice oral alcohol consumption of adult male alcohol-preferring rats (P-rats). The IV infusion of ethanol either on a 24 or 12 (dark) hourly dose schedule reduced the amount of ethanol voluntarily ingested. There was a significant (p<0.05) inverse correlation between the amount of ethanol consumed orally and the amount of ethanol infused. Daily fluid and caloric intakes were not compromised. When the amount of ethanol infused was 85% or more of the control oral intake, there was a significant correlation between ethanol intake and tail-blood alcohol levels, taken at 5 min (r=0.98; p<0.05) and 55 min (r=0.93,p<0.05) after the last dark cycle infusion. Below the preinfusion level of 85%, the BAC were variable and did not correlate well with total ethanol intake. After a single IP injection of 4-MP, 90 mg/kg body wt, BAC increased from 10 mg% to 50–65 mg% for 2–3 days. Concomitant with the rise in BAC, these animals decreased their drinking of 10% ethanol and proportionately increased their water intake. The present studies suggest that pharmacological factors, distinct from orosensory cues, are important in regulating voluntary ethanol drinking behavior in the P-rats.  相似文献   

This study examined whether habituation, a decrease in responsiveness to a repeatedly presented stimulus, occurs to ethanol reinforcers in alcohol-preferring (P) rats. Three fundamental properties of habituation were evaluated: generality, spontaneous recovery, and dishabituation. In each experiment, P rats' lever pressing was reinforced by 10% ethanol on a variable-interval 15-s schedule during 50-min sessions. Experiment 1 evaluated the generality of habituation to repeatedly presented stimuli by using ethanol and water reinforcers. Rates of responding were higher for ethanol than they were for water. Additionally, the within-session patterns of responding differed for each reinforcer, suggesting that the pattern of responding was specific to the exact nature of the repeatedly presented reinforcer. Experiment 2 examined spontaneous recovery, an increase in responsiveness to a habituated stimulus when that stimulus is not presented for a time, by separating experimental sessions by 5 min, 2 hr, or 24 hr. Early-session rates of responding during Session 2 were slower than the corresponding rates during Session 1 when sessions were separated by 5 min or 2 hr. Response rates and within-session patterns of responding during Sessions 1 and 2 were similar when sessions were separated by 24 hr. Experiment 3 tested for dishabituation, a restoration of responsiveness following the presentation of an extraneous stimulus, by presenting a tone or a light 24 min and 55 s into the session. Rates of responding temporarily increased after the tone was presented. The results of these experiments support the idea that habituation contributes to the regulation of ethanol consumption.  相似文献   

Trimethyltin disrupts acoustic startle responding in adult rats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Trimethyltin (TMT) is a limbic-system toxicant which also produces sensory dysfunction in adult animals. In the present experiment, we examined the effects of TMT on the acoustic startle response. Adult male, Long-Evans rats (N = 12/dose) received a single i.p. injection of either 0, 4.0, 5.0 or 6.0 mg/kg TMT hydroxide as the base. The number of responses, latency and peak amplitude of the startle response to a 13 kHz, 120 dB tone were measured 2 h, 2 weeks, and 4 weeks after dosing. For each test session, 10 stimuli were presented at each of three background noise levels (50, 65 and 80 dB). By 2 h after dosing, the number of responses and response amplitude were decreased following 4.0-6.0 mg/kg TMT; these treatment effects persisted through 4 weeks after dosing. Increases in latency were also seen following all dosages of TMT. These data suggest that TMT produces disruption of function within the acoustic-startle pathway.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to determine whether alcohol-preferring P and -nonpreferring NP rats differ in their acoustic startle response and in fear-potentiated startle. In Experiment 1, male P and NP rats were tested on the startle response to acoustic stimuli ranging from 90-115 dB. Experiments 2 and 3 examined fear-potentiated startle and extinction of the response. In Experiment 2, rats received two light foot shock training sessions separated by 3-4 h. Testing consisted of ten acoustic startle (115 dB) and fear-potentiated startle (light preceding the acoustic startle) presentations administered every 24 h for 9 consecutive days. To test potentiated startle learning under reduced training conditions, a single training session was administered in Experiment 3, and a single within-session extinction test of 50 startle and 50 potentiated startle trials occurred the following day. Results of Experiment 1 indicated that P and NP rats did not differ in startle at any of the acoustic intensities tested. Following fear-potentiated startle conditioning in Experiment 2, however, both acoustic startle and potentiated startle responding were consistently greater in P than NP rats over most of the first 6 test days with P rats having approximately a 100% greater acoustic startle and 50-100% greater potentiated startle response. Moreover, following a single training session in Experiment 3, only P rats showed significant fear-conditioned startle. Additionally, P rats exhibited a 50-100% elevated acoustic startle response over that observed in NP rats. Taken together, the data indicate that, although experimentally naive male P and NP rats show similar acoustic startle responses, P rats become more responsive to both startle-alone and potentiated startle stimuli following fear conditioning. The change in general startle reactivity of the P rat following aversive conditioning, along with facilitated light foot shock learning, suggests that stress exposure may be an important variable in examining associations between anxiety and alcohol drinking behavior.  相似文献   



Stress may elevate ethanol drinking and anxiety associated with ethanol drinking. Studies to identify relevant neurobiological substrates are needed.  相似文献   

Alcohol-preferring (P rats) and alcohol-nonpreferring rats (NP rats) were trained to discriminate intraperitoneal injections of 0.5 g/kg ethanol, or subcutaneous injections of 0.6 mg/kg nicotine from saline. P rats learned the ethanol discrimination more rapidly and made a higher percentage (88%) of their responses on the ethanol lever after ethanol and a lower percentage (7%) after saline than NP rats (78 and 15%, respectively). In substitution tests, increasing doses of ethanol produced increases in the percentage of responses on the ethanol lever with similar ED50s (0.43 and 0.44 g/kg) in P and NP rats. P rats trained to discriminate ethanol from saline made more responses on the ethanol lever after nicotine (80%) and d-amphetamine (63%) than NP rats (33 and 40%). The ethanol stimulus did not generalize to morphine in either P or NP rats. NP rats trained to discriminate ethanol from saline responded more on the ethanol lever after bupropion (77%) than P rats (49%). In rats trained to discriminate nicotine from saline, the nicotine discriminative stimulus did not generalize to ethanol in either P or NP rats, suggesting that the genetic difference in the stimulus generalization of ethanol was not symmetrical.  相似文献   

Studies were performed to examine whether chronic, voluntary consumption of ethanol by the selectively-bred, alcohol-preferring P-rats produces physical dependence. Body weight reduction, food restriction and flavoring the 10% ethanol solution increased ethanol consumption from 7 to 14 g ethanol/kg body weight/day when water was freely available. Under similar conditions, consumption by selectively-bred, alcohol-nonpreferring NP-rats increased from 1 to 12 g/kg/day. Removal of ethanol after eight weeks induced physical signs of withdrawal in both lines of animals. In two subsequent studies, P-rats were given food, water and unflavored 10% ethanol ad lib for 15 and 20 weeks; ethanol consumption was 7.2 and 5.6 g/kg/day, respectively. Upon removal of ethanol, manifestations of withdrawal, scored blind in one experiment, developed in 85% of the animals and persisted for 72 hours. Importantly, none in the control groups of P and NP rats given water only exhibited these signs. The ethanol withdrawn groups were hyperactive in both the open-field and the head-poke apparatus. These results indicate that sufficient ethanol was voluntarily consumed by the selectively-bred alcohol-preferring P-rats under free-feeding conditions to produce physical dependence.  相似文献   

Aim: Brucine (BRU) extracted from the seeds of Strychnos nux-vomica L is glycine receptor antagonist. We hypothesize that BRU may modify alcohol consumption by acting at glycine receptors, and evaluated the pharmacodynamic profiles and adverse effects of BRU in rat models of alcohol abuse. Methods: Alcohol-preferring Fawn-Hooded (FH/Wjd) rats were administered BRU (10, 20 or 30 mg/kg, sc). The effects of BRU on alcohol consumption were examined in ethanol 2-bottle-choice drinking paradigm, ethanol/sucrose operant self-administration paradigm and 5-d ethanol deprivation test. In addition, open field test was used to assess the general locomotor activity of FH/Wjd rats, and conditioned place preference (CPP) was conducted to assess conditioned reinforcing effect. Results: In ethanol 2-bottle-choice drinking paradigm, treatment with BRU for 10 consecutive days dose-dependently decreased the ethanol intake associated with a compensatory increase of water intake, but unchanged the daily total fluid intake and body weight. In ethanol/sucrose operant self-administration paradigms, BRU (30 mg/kg) administered before each testing session significantly decreased the number of lever presses for ethanol and the ethanol intake, without affecting the number of sucrose (10%) responses, total sucrose intake, and the number of lever presses for water. Acute treatment with BRU (30 mg/kg) completely suppressed the deprivation-induced elevation of ethanol consumption. Treatment with BRU (10, 20, and 30 mg/kg) did not alter locomotion of FH/Wjd rats, nor did it produce place preference or aversion. Conclusion: BRU selectively decreases ethanol consumption with minimal adverse effects. Therefore, BRU may represent a new pharmacotherapy for alcoholism.  相似文献   

To test the possible involvement of serotonin-containing cells of the midbrain in mediating the effects of mescaline on startle responding, electrolytic lesions were made in either the dorsal or median raphe nucleus in rats. Decreases in either striatal or hippocampal tryptophan hydroxylase activity confirmed the effectiveness of the lesions. One week later, startle was measured in response to 30 air-puff stimuli for each rat. Median, but not dorsal, raphe lesions increased startle magnitudes throughout the test session. The following day each group was divided into matched halves and were given 60 trials, 30 minutes after intraperitoneal injection of either saline or 10 mg/kg mescaline. Despite the large differences in baseline startle among the groups, mescaline produced comparable 25% increases in startle magnitudes in both sham- and raphe-lesioned animals. This result fails to support the hypothesis that increased startle responding produced by mescaline is mediated by the midbrain raphe nuclei.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE The alcoholism-related social problems have burdened the public health heavily.A better therapy for alcohol dependence as a chronic brain disease is highly required and interests the scientists worldwide. Our group has focused on screening the right drug with low toxicity and a sound curative effect from traditional Chinese medicine. METHODS Alcohol-preferring Fawn-Hooded(FH/Wjd) rat was used as an animal model of alcoholism to evaluate the effects of brucine N-oxide(BNO),an alkoloid naturally existing in the seeds of Strychnos nux-vomica L,on the alcohol-drinking behaviors.Furthermore,its adverse action and toxicity were investigated. RESULTS Treatment with BNO at the doses of 30,50 and 70 mg · kg~(-1)reduced the voluntary alcohol consumption and preference dosedependently and selectively without altering their water intake,total fluid intake,food consumption,body weight as well as sucrose preference. Remarkably,70 mg·kg~(-1)of BNO did suppress the deprivationinduced elevation of alcohol ingestion. Moreover,BNO used at the same doses as above had no influence on locomotion in an open field test and could not result in the place preference effect. CONCLUSION Taken together,BNO is of some significant pharmacological profiles to inhibit symptoms of alcohol dependence with high safety,and thence may be a potential pharmacotherapy.  相似文献   

We reported that repeated alcohol deprivations prolonged the expression of an alcohol-deprivation effect (ADE) under 24-h free-choice alcohol-drinking access and that the duration of the initial deprivation period had a positive effect of prolonging the duration of the ADE. In the present study, operant techniques (including progressive ratio measures) were used to examine the effects of initial deprivation length and number of deprivation cycles on the magnitude and duration of the ADE in alcohol-preferring (P) rats to test the hypothesis that repeated deprivations can increase the reinforcing effects of ethanol (ETOH). Adult male P rats were trained in two-lever operant chambers to self-administer 15% ETOH (v/v) on a fixed-ratio 5 (FR-5) and water on a FR-1 schedule of reinforcement in daily 1-h sessions. Following 6 weeks of daily 1-h sessions, the P rats were randomly assigned to one of four groups (n=10/group): nondeprived or deprived of alcohol for 2, 5, or 8 weeks. Following this initial period, the deprived groups were given 15% ETOH again in the operant chambers for a 2-week period, following which they were deprived again for 2 weeks (all three deprived groups). Following the fourth deprivation, the rats underwent a progressive ratio test to determine the breakpoints (FR values) for the nondeprived and the deprived groups. Repeated deprivations increased both the magnitude and duration of the ADE as indicated by increased responding on the ETOH lever. However, the length of the initial deprivation had little effect on expression of the ADE except following the first deprivation, where an ADE was not observed for the 8-week group. Breakpoint values for responding on the ETOH lever for all three deprived groups were two-fold higher than the value for the nondeprived group. The results suggest that repeated cycles of alcohol deprivation and alcohol access increased the reinforcing effects of ETOH in the P rats.  相似文献   

The effect of ethanol on human sensorimotor reactivity was assessed by examining the acoustic startle response. Twelve healthy normal subjects participated in a startle reflex experiment in which placebo or ethanol were given on separate days. Three types of startle probes were used. They consisted of pulse-alone bursts of white noise at 108 dB(A) and 99 dB(A) to explore startle reactivity, and of a 108 dB(A) pulse preceded by a 85 dB(A) prepulse stimulus (prepulse + pulse) to assess prepulse inhibition. Startle amplitude was larger to the 108 dB(A), compared to the 99 dB(A) pulse-alone probes. The prepulse stimulus significantly reduced the amplitude of the startle reflex elicited by the subsequent 108 dB(A) stimulus. The amplitude of the startle response was dramatically reduced by acute ethanol. The effects of ethanol on prepulse inhibition could not be assessed because the startle response was too small in the ethanol condition.Supported by grant 1 RO1 AA0803-01A1 to Dr. O'Malley  相似文献   

The effects of graded doses of caffeine (1.5 to 100 mg/kg) on tactile startle responding were examined in rats given 121 air-puff stimuli at 15 second intervals. Doses of caffeine up to 50 mg/kg were found to significantly increase tactile startle consistently throughout the 30 minute test session. The highest dose of caffeine tested initially increased and subsequently decreased startle amplitudes. An examination of the time-course of the augmentation in startle produced by 12 mg/kg caffeine revealed that the effect was maximal 15 minutes after the subcutaneous injection. The results are discussed in relation to the differences between the effects reported here for caffeine and the known effects of other psychostimulants.  相似文献   

The effects of acute and chronic ethanol intake on the startle response was examined in male rats. Ethanol given IP produced a dose-dependent decrease in the amplitude of the startle response measured 30 min later. With a dose of 1 g/kg, the effect was evident at 15 min and had recovered substantially by 60 min. The effect of ethanol on the startle response was potentiated by pretreatment of the animals with pimozide, haloperidol, and p-chlorophenylalanine but not by propranolol, phenoxybenzamine, alpha-methyltyrosine, or pargyline. After 3 weeks on an ethanol-containing diet, the startle response was greater than that shown by rats on the control iso-caloric, sucrose-containing diet. After ethanol withdrawal, the startle response was further increased, with a peak about 9 to 12 hr after discontinuation of ethanol; thereafter, the response declined. This time course of heightened startle response during ethanol withdrawal corresponds to the time course of the activation of noradrenergic neurons during withdrawal. It appears that dopaminergic and serotonergic neurons are involved in the mediation of the startle response in rats.  相似文献   

The thresholds for startle responses to electric shock were measured in adult male Wistar strain rats given ethanol daily in doses rising from 3 to 7 g/kg over a 30-day period, and in controls receiving equicaloric doses of sucrose. Tests made 23, 36, or 47 h after ethanol (i.e., during partial or complete ethanol withdrawal) gave threshold values significantly lower than those obtained with sucrose-treated controls. The difference became greater after longer ethanol treatment and larger doses. However, when threshold measurements were made under the acute influence of ethanol in the experimental group, the mean values were virtually equal to those of the sucrose controls. This normalization, by ethanol, of a disturbance produced by absence of ethanol in a chronically treated animal is indicative of physical dependence. Following termination of ethanol treatment there was a gradual return of startle thresholds almost to control values over a relatively short period, indicating that the changes underlying the hyperexcitability are readily reversible.  相似文献   

To determine if behavioral arousal may be associated with ethanol preference, the effects of low to moderate doses of ethanol on spontaneous motor activity (SMA) were studied in the selectively bred alcohol-preferring (P) and -nonpreferring (NP) lines of rats as well as in the Maudsley Reactive (MR/N) and Nonreactive (MNR/N) strains. Alcohol-naive rats had food and water available ad lib, but food was removed 24 hr before and during activity testing. After an intraperitoneal injection of saline (5 ml) or ethanol (0.12 to 1.5 g/kg), SMA was monitored every three min for 30 min in an electronic activity monitor. The P and MR/N rats exhibited increased SMA after doses of 0.12 and 0.25 g/kg. Both the NP and MNR/N rats failed to show increased SMA at any ethanol dose. Moderate doses of ethanol, 1.0 and 1.5 g/kg, consistently depressed SMA in all lines/strains. In 24 hr-fasted rats, increased SMA occurred within 6-12 min after injection, but free-fed rats exhibited increased SMA 12-24 min after an ethanol dose of 0.25 g/kg. Free-choice drinking scores (10% ethanol (v/v) versus water) for the P, MR/N, MNR/N and NP rats were 6.6 +/- 0.5, 4.9 +/- 0.8, 2.2 +/- 0.7 and 1.4 +/- 0.3 g ethanol/kg body wt/day (mean +/- SEM), respectively. The data indicate a positive relationship between ethanol preference and ethanol-induced motor stimulation and suggest that hyperactivity may be an expression of the positive reinforcing effect of ethanol for alcohol-preferring rats.  相似文献   

The alcohol-preferring AA rats have previously been shown to drink more solution containing the opioid etonitazene than the alcohol-avoiding ANA rats. The present experiments were initiated to see whether the line difference in opioid and alcohol intake would persist if an intravenous (IV) route of self-administration is used. Following establishment of stable heroin responding (0.03 mg/kg per infusion), AA and ANA rats were first subjected to three within-session dose-response determinations during which they were allowed to respond for ascending heroin doses (0.0075, 0.015, 0.03, and 0.06 mg/kg per infusion) and then to one progressive-ratio schedule session. AA rats obtained more heroin infusions than ANAs during the first acquisition sessions but there were no significant differences between the lines either in their baseline heroin responding, across the ascending within-session doses, or on the progressive ratio probe. When, after additional heroin baseline sessions, ethanol (1.0 mg/kg per infusion) was substituted for heroin, AA rats initially increased their responding and showed stable rates for responding across ascending ethanol doses (2.0 and 4.0 mg/kg), whereas ANAs declined below their heroin baseline. These findings give evidence for only an initial line difference in IV opiate self-administration but for a sustained difference in IV ethanol self-administration, thus suggesting that the differential alcohol drinking of the AA and ANA rats is dependent at least partly on non-oral factors.  相似文献   

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