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Food intake, food selection, macronutrient intake, sensory-specific satiety, and ratings of hunger and satiety were measured after high- and low-energy salad preloads (2414 kJ, or 172 kJ) or no preload to determine whether patients with eating disorders compensate appropriately for different energy intakes. Subjects were female patients with a DSM-III-R diagnosis of anorexia nervosa with bulimic features or bulimia nervosa, or non patient, normal-weight, nondieters (n = 9/group). At a self-selected lunch 30 min after the preloads, all of the groups reduced intake after the high-energy preload, with the bulimics showing the best compensation. The anorexics chose low-energy foods and in some conditions ate a smaller proportion of fat than did the other groups. The bulimics ate more high-energy foods than did the anorexics. The anorexics demonstrated sensory-specific satiety only after the high-energy salad and the bulimics only after the low-energy salad. Overall, these data suggest that while many of their responses to food are abnormal, patients with eating disorders have some capacity to respond to physiological hunger and satiety cues.  相似文献   

The prevalence of obesity has reached epidemic proportions, making finding effective solutions to reduce obesity a public health priority. One part of the solution could be for individuals to increase consumption of nonoilseed pulses (dry beans, peas, chickpeas, and lentils), because they have nutritional attributes thought to benefit weight control, including slowly digestible carbohydrates, high fiber and protein contents, and moderate energy density. Observational studies consistently show an inverse relationship between pulse consumption and BMI or risk for obesity, but many do not control for potentially confounding dietary and other lifestyle factors. Short-term (≤1 d) experimental studies using meals controlled for energy, but not those controlled for available carbohydrate, show that pulse consumption increases satiety over 2-4 h, suggesting that at least part of the effect of pulses on satiety is mediated by available carbohydrate amount or composition. Randomized controlled trials generally support a beneficial effect of pulses on weight loss when pulse consumption is coupled with energy restriction, but not without energy restriction. However, few randomized trials have been conducted and most were short term (3-8 wk for whole pulses and 4-12 wk for pulse extracts). Overall, there is some indication of a beneficial effect of pulses on short-term satiety and weight loss during intentional energy restriction, but more studies are needed in this area, particularly those that are longer term (≥1 y), investigate the optimal amount of pulses to consume for weight control, and include behavioral elements to help overcome barriers to pulse consumption.  相似文献   

Effect of chronic consumption of almonds on body weight in healthy humans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Small changes of diet may reduce CVD risk. One example is the inclusion of nuts. They are rich in fibre, unsaturated fatty acids and phytonutrients. However, their fat content and energy density raise concerns that chronic consumption will promote weight gain. Randomised intervention studies are required to evaluate whether this concern is well founded. This study's aim was to determine if the inclusion of a 1440 kJ serving of almonds in the daily diet results in positive energy balance, and body composition change. During a 23-week cross-over design study, participants were required to consume almonds for 10 weeks and were provided no advice on how to include them in their diet. For another 10 weeks (order counter-balanced), participants followed their customary diet and there was a 3-week washout between. The study group consisted of twenty women. Potential mechanisms of energy dissipation were measured. Ten weeks of daily almond consumption did not cause a change in body weight. This was predominantly due to compensation for the energy contained in the almonds through reduced food intake from other sources. Moreover, inefficiency in the absorption of energy from almonds was documented (P < 0.05). No changes in resting metabolic rate, thermic effect of food or total energy expenditure were noted. A daily 1440 kJ serving of almonds, sufficient to provide beneficial effects on cardiovascular risk factors, may be included in the diet with limited risk of weight gain. Whether this can be generalised to other high-fat energy dense foods warrants evaluation.  相似文献   

Hess JR  Birkett AM  Thomas W  Slavin JL 《Appetite》2011,56(1):128-134
In view of a dramatic increase in the incidence of obesity, the present study examined the appetite effects of a functional fiber as a potential dietary intervention. Fiber may increase satiety. Satiety effects also may be linked to colonic fermentation. Short-chain fructooligosaccharide (scFOS) are fermentable fibers that can be added to foods to influence these actions. The primary objective of this study was to determine if scFOS affects satiety and hunger and has an additive effect on food intake. Using a double-blind crossover design, 20 healthy subjects were assigned to consume two separate doses of 0 g, 5 g, or 8 g of scFOS. The first dose was mixed into a hot cocoa beverage and served with a breakfast meal of a bagel and cream cheese. A beverage was used in the test meal due to the ease with which scFOS can be added to this medium. Satiety was assessed with visual analogue scales (VASs) at 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180, and 240 min. Ad libitum food intake was measured at a lunch meal provided at the test site at 240 min. Subjects then recorded their food intake over the remainder of the 24-h study day. The second dose of scFOS was consumed in the form of 3 solid, chocolate-flavored chews (51-67 total kcal) without additional food or drink, 2h prior to the subject's dinner meal. Breath hydrogen measures were collected prior to the breakfast test meal (0 min) and the ad libitum lunch (240 min). Gastrointestinal tolerance was evaluated over the course of the 24-h study day using VAS. All treatments were well tolerated. No differences in subjective satiety over the morning, or food intake at lunch, were found. Over the remainder of the day, the high dose of scFOS reduced food intake in women, but increased food intake in men, suggesting a gender difference in the longer-term response. Breath hydrogen, used as a marker of fermentation, increased in a dose-dependent manner. These results indicate that scFOS undergoes fermentation within 240 min; however, acceptable amounts of scFOS did not enhance acute satiety or hunger.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cholecystokinin is associated with satiety. Fat stimulates cholecystokinin release, and fiber appears to prolong cholecystokinin elevation during the alimentary period. OBJECTIVE: We tested whether adding fiber or fat to a low-fat, low-fiber meal increases cholecystokinin release and enhances subjective measures of satiety and whether the cholecystokinin response correlates with subjective measures of satiety. DESIGN: Three isoenergetic breakfast meals were tested in a randomized crossover design: low fiber, low fat; high fiber, low fat; and low fiber, high fat. Blood samples were drawn from fasted subjects (7 men and 8 women) before and at different time points after test meal consumption for 6 h. Plasma was analyzed for cholecystokinin, insulin, glucose, and triacylglycerols. Visual analogue scales were used to assess subjects' hunger, desire to eat, fullness, and prospective consumption. RESULTS: In the women, the meals higher in fiber or in fat resulted in greater feelings of satiety and in significantly higher cholecystokinin responses than did the low-fat, low-fiber meal. In the men, the increase in cholecystokinin concentration did not differ between meals, but the 2 low-fat meals elicited a greater feeling of satiety than did the high-fat meal. The insulin response was significantly higher for the low-fiber, low-fat meal than for the other 2 meals, and the triacylglycerol response was greatest for the high-fat, low-fiber meal. CONCLUSION: In women, the feeling of satiety caused by cholecystokinin release is enhanced by increasing either the fiber or fat content of a low-fat, low-fiber meal.  相似文献   

A healthy rate of weight loss of 0.5–1.0 kg/week can be achieved by invoking an energy deficit of 450–900 kcal/day. This assumes an energy cost of weight loss of 6300 kcal/kg. This value will increase with percent body fat. Diet and physical activity strategies should be combined to lose weight. However, dietary approaches to weight management appear most efficacious for initial weight loss. Energy density should be the cornerstone of dietary weight reduction strategies because it helps people develop and optimise healthy eating habits that are sustainable in the longer‐term. However, healthy diets for weight management should be seen as a package including reduced fat, energy density, sugars and salt, increased fibre, protein and water content of foods. Healthy diets also have to be palatable, to maintain interest in healthy eating. Monotherapies for weight loss are subject to the laws of diminishing returns. Practical approaches to weight management should be focused on a package of weight loss and maintenance strategies, including relapse prevention. It is important to provide consumers with a flexible approach to behaviour change and lifestyle solutions that they can match to their individual lifestyle needs. Evidence from studies of successful weight‐loss maintainers shows that people can work this out for themselves if they can access the right tools, continuing care, guidance and social support to achieve sustainable lifestyle change.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVESUse of smaller plates to control food intake is a commonly recommended strategy for restricting energy intake, despite conflicting results. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine whether or not three different sizes of plates influence energy intake during a multi-itemed buffet meal in normal weight women.SUBJECTS/METHODSThis was a cross-over study conducted on 37 female participants aged 19-25 years with normal BMI levels. Participants were recruited from Hacettepe University and the surrounding community. On experimental days, participants ate a standard breakfast and were then randomly assigned to eat lunch using a small (19 cm), medium (23 cm), or large (28 cm) diameter plate. Visual analogue scale (VAS) scores on sensory and satiety outcomes were measured for all meals. Energy and macronutrient intakes during lunch were recorded.RESULTSThere was no evidence that use of a smaller plate size reduced energy or specific macronutrient intake during the free choice lunch meal. Multiple visits to the serving table were not associated with energy or macronutrient intake. Plate size did not affect VAS scores during the test days.CONCLUSIONSPlate size did not influence energy intake, meal composition, or palatability in normal weight women during a multi-itemed open buffet lunch. Studies in natural settings at the population level are needed to clarify current outcomes.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that pectin, a source of dietary fiber that delays gastric emptying, increases satiety.

Male (n = 49) and female (n = 25) US Army employees within normal weight limits were fasted overnight then fed 448 mL of orange juice on 2 separate days followed 4 hours later by 0.473 L of ice cream. On 1 of the 2 days, 5, 10, 15 or 20 g of pectin was mixed with the orange juice. Satiety was measured on a visual analog scale before and at 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 hours after orange juice and at 0, 30 and 60 minutes after ice cream. Multivariate ANOVA was used to examine satiety as a function of beverage (orange juice vs. orange juice plus pectin), time and pectin dose.

There were significant differences in satiety as a function of beverage (p < 0.001) and time (p < 0.001) but not pectin dose (p = 0.121). The effect lasted up to 4 hours after ingesting pectin and orange juice and for 60 minutes after a second meal consisting of ice cream.

Pectin in doses as small as 5 g mixed with orange juice increases satiety and can aid in a program to reduce weight by limiting food intake.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Previous studies have indicated that fish protein may have a greater effect on satiety compared to other protein sources of animal origin.OBJECTIVE: To compare the effects of fish protein and beef protein meals on hunger and satiety. DESIGN: Twenty-three normal non-smoking, healthy males aged 20-32 years, body mass index 22.5+/-1.8 (s.d.) kg/m(2) participated in a study, with within-subjects design and 1 week between test days. In the morning of the test days, subjects received a standardized breakfast. Four hours after breakfast, subjects were served an iso-energetic protein-rich (40 energy % protein) lunch meal, consisting of either a fish protein dish or a beef protein dish. Four hours after the start of the lunch meals, an ad libitum standardized evening meal was served and the intake of food was measured. Appetite was rated by visual analogue scales (VAS) immediately before and after the meals, as well as every hour between the meals. After the evening meal until bedtime, subjects were asked to record in detail foods and drinks consumed. RESULTS: The repeated VAS-ratings of hunger, satiety and prospective consumption were modelled in a random effects model, taking pre-lunch VAS-ratings into account. After the fish meal, the point estimates were lower for hunger (-2+/-4.8), higher for satiety (8.7+/-6.0) and lower for prospective consumption (-4.9+/-4.7), but they did not reach statistical significance (P satiety=0.88; P hunger=0.15; P prospective=0.30). However, the energy intake at the evening meal displayed significant differences with subjects eating less after the fish protein lunch (2765 vs 3080 KJ, P<0.01) without feeling less satiated. No later energy compensation after the evening meal was found on the test day. CONCLUSION: Although no significant differences in VAS-ratings of satiety or hunger were detected, subjects displayed an 11% reduction in energy intake at the subsequent evening meal.  相似文献   

The current study sought to assess women's knowledge of what objectively constitutes underweight, normal weight, or overweight for a given height, and how this knowledge is affected by a woman's own weight status. A total of 31 normal weight women and 20 overweight women were asked to provide predictions of weight ranges for a female 4 feet 11 in. to 6 feet 2 in. in height for the following categories: extremely underweight, underweight, normal weight, overweight, obese, and extremely obese. Each participant completed the questionnaire for all heights, although the critical values for each participant were the weight ranges given for their own height category. These predictions were then compared to the participants' own weight status using Body Mass Index (BMI). Results suggest that normal weight women tend to believe that women must be smaller in order to be classified as normal weight, overweight, or obese when compared to the objective BMI categories used by physicians and researchers. In other words, the normal weight participants underestimated the BMI ranges for the normal weight, overweight, and obese categories. Overall, the overweight participants were fairly accurate in their BMI predictions for the different weight categories. One implication of these findings is that normal weight women may have a bias toward overestimating their weight to be within an overweight range. The need for health care marketing efforts to increase awareness of objective weight categories is addressed.  相似文献   

Hard red wheat bran (HRWB) baked in a yeast-leavened bread was fed to 36 healthy young college women consuming a basal diet of traditional foods, which contained 15 +/- 3 g/d dietary fiber (DF). Three levels of HRWB were added supplying, respectively, 5.7, 17.1 and 28.5 g/d DF; an additional treatment group did not receive any HRWB. Fecal collections were carried out in the last 5 d of treatment. Fecal wet weight, fecal dry weight and fecal ash increased significantly for each increase in HRWB (P less than 0.05). Fecal dry matter percent changed significantly only at the highest level of HRWB (P less than 0.05). After accounting for the minerals in the HRWB, there was an increased fecal loss of Ca, but not of Zn, Cu, Fe or Mg compared to the women fed no HRWB. HRWB at a level of 17.2 g/d induced faster transit times (TT) than no HRWB and 66 g/d HRWB induced faster TT than either 17.2 or 39.6 g/d HRWB (P less than 0.05). Total daily fecal steroids were not altered by changes in HRWB. Daily total bile acid excretion increased significantly (P less than 0.05) at the two higher levels of HRWB due primarily to higher excretion of chenodeoxycholic acid.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The brain plays a crucial role in the decision to eat, integrating multiple hormonal and neural signals. A key factor controlling food intake is selective satiety, ie, the phenomenon that the motivation to eat more of a food decreases more than does the motivation to eat foods not eaten. OBJECTIVE: We investigated the effect of satiation with chocolate on the brain activation associated with chocolate taste in men and women. DESIGN: Twelve men and 12 women participated. Subjects fasted overnight and were scanned by use of functional magnetic resonance imaging while tasting chocolate milk, before and after eating chocolate until they were satiated. RESULTS: In men, chocolate satiation was associated with increased taste activation in the ventral striatum, insula, and orbitofrontal and medial orbitofrontal cortex and with decreased taste activation in somatosensory areas. Women showed increased taste activation in the precentral gyrus, superior temporal gyrus, and putamen and decreased taste activation in the hypothalamus and amygdala. Sex differences in the effect of chocolate satiation were found in the hypothalamus, ventral striatum, and medial prefrontal cortex (all P < 0.005). CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that men and women differ in their response to satiation and suggest that the regulation of food intake by the brain may vary between the sexes. Therefore, sex differences are a covariate of interest in studies of the brain's responses to food.  相似文献   

Healthy weight behavior maintenance is key to prevent overweight and obesity in Hispanic/Latino women, particularly for those who are more likely to be sedentary. In this paper, I review the intervention components used by various researchers for successful healthy weight behavior maintenance for Hispanic women. Randomized and experimental studies were located (N = 9) through computer and manual searches in identified articles dated between 1992 and 2015. The methodological characteristics and components of the intervention studies were analyzed systematically. Maintenance of behavior was determined by the statistical significant behavior change and by the effective magnitude of the intervention effect report, favoring the experimental groups in the follow-up periods. Intervention components supporting Hispanic women's weight-related behavior changes and maintenance included interpersonal contact, intervention duration, and the use of cultural motivation and social support strategies. Seven studies were found to be successful in maintaining behavior change, although their retention rates at follow-up completion had either wide-ranging variations or were not specified. The findings are discussed, and recommendations are made so future efforts may successfully employ weight-related intervention strategies for behavior maintenance in Hispanic women.  相似文献   

The work described in this paper examined the possible relationship between fish consumption and human fecundity among Japanese women using hair mercury level and time to pregnancy (TTP) as indicators of fish consumption and fecundity. We hypothesized that hair mercury concentrations reflect the level of fish consumption and, consequently, can also be taken to indicate the level of intake of organochlorine compounds (OCs) such as dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) for which fish are the primary source, and which can disrupt normal human reproductive processes. TTP was obtained by a self-administered questionnaire from women who had been delivered of a baby at either of two hospitals in Sendai, Japan, during the period of January 2002-March 2004. Total mercury concentration in their hair (0-3cm from the scalp) was determined by cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry. Of the 298 women approached, 193 (65%) reported their TTP. The subjects were classified into two groups according to their TTP: group 1, 0-12 months TTP; and Group 2, >12 months TTP. A step-down procedure backward binominal logistic regression analysis was performed by using age, BMI, parity, frequency of intercourse, life-style parameters (smoking, drinking and dietary habits) and hair mercury level of the female subjects and their partners as independent variables. Two separate analyses were performed by including/excluding information on the partners of the subjects. The analyses did not extract hair mercury concentration as significant indicating that fish consumption did not prolong TTP, which was not consistent with the results of our previous study, i.e., in that study frequent fish eaters showed prolonged TTP. Possible reasons of the negative result are discussed and it is suggested that the hair mercury levels in the present study were not an appropriate indicator of fish consumption of the subjects or of their exposure to OCs. Further study on the relationship between fish consumption (and, ultimately, of OCs intake) and fecundity with more appropriate indicators of fish consumption and/or fish-mediated pollutants intake are warranted to characterize the health risk posed by fish consumption.  相似文献   

Consumption of alcoholic beverages may suppress circulating melatonin levels at night, possibly resulting in an increase in circulating estrogen. An increased estrogen burden could increase the risk of breast cancer. This study was designed to investigate whether alcohol consumption is associated with a decrease in nighttime melatonin levels in a group of healthy women. A total of 203 randomly selected healthy women between the ages of 20 and 74 years were recruited for a broader study of the effects of exposure to power-frequency magnetic fields on nocturnal levels of urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin. For the purposes of this analysis, data collection consisted of the following during two seasons of the year: (1) an in-person interview, (2) a daily activity diary, and (3) nocturnal urine collection for each of 3 consecutive nights. We found that the nocturnal urinary concentration of the primary metabolite of melatonin (6-sulfatoxymelatonin) decreased in a dose-dependent manner with increasing consumption of alcoholic beverages in the preceding 24-hour period, after taking into account the independent effects on melatonin of age, hours of darkness, use of medications that affect melatonin levels, and body mass index. A categorical analysis revealed no effect of one drink, but a 9% reduction with two drinks, a 15% reduction with three drinks, and a 17% reduction with four or more drinks. It remains unknown whether such a change could affect estrogen levels or breast cancer risk.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It is unclear whether energy-containing drinks, especially those sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), promote positive energy balance and thereby play a role in the development of obesity. OBJECTIVE: The objective was to examine the satiating effects of HFCS and sucrose in comparison with milk and a diet drink. DESIGN: The effects of four 800-mL drinks [corrected] containing no energy or 1.5 MJ from sucrose, HFCS, or milk on satiety were assessed, first in 15 men and 15 women with a mean (+/-SD) body mass index (BMI; in kg/m(2)) of 22.1 +/- 1.9 according to visual analogue scales (VAS) and blood variables and second in 20 men and 20 women (BMI: 22.4 +/- 2.1) according to ingestion of a standardized ad libitum meal (granola cereal + yogurt, 10.1 kJ/g). RESULTS: Fifty minutes after consumption of the 1.5-MJ preload drinks containing sucrose, HFCS, or milk, 170%-mm VAS changes in satiety were observed. Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) (P < 0.001) and ghrelin (P < 0.05) concentrations changed accordingly. Compensatory energy intake did not differ significantly between the 3 preloads and ranged from 30% to 45%. Energy intake compensations were related to satiety (r = 0.35, P < 0.05). No differences were observed between the effects of the sucrose- and HFCS-containing drinks on changes in VAS and on insulin, glucose, GLP-1, and ghrelin concentrations. Changes in appetite VAS ratings were a function of changes in GLP-1, ghrelin, insulin, and glucose concentrations. CONCLUSION: Energy balance consequences of HFCS-sweetened soft drinks are not different from those of other isoenergetic drinks, eg, a sucrose-drink or milk.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Previous studies of patients with type 2 diabetes showed that cinnamon lowers fasting serum glucose, triacylglycerol, and LDL- and total cholesterol concentrations. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to study the effect of cinnamon on the rate of gastric emptying, the postprandial blood glucose response, and satiety in healthy subjects. DESIGN: The gastric emptying rate (GER) was measured by using standardized real-time ultrasonography. Fourteen healthy subjects were assessed by using a crossover trial. The subjects were examined after an 8-h fast if they had normal fasting blood glucose concentrations. GER was calculated as the percentage change in the antral cross-sectional area 15-90 min after ingestion of 300 g rice pudding (GER1) or 300 g rice pudding and 6 g cinnamon (GER2). RESULTS: The median value of GER1 was 37%, and that of GER2 was 34.5%. The addition of cinnamon to the rice pudding significantly delayed gastric emptying and lowered the postprandial glucose response (P < 0.05 for both). The reduction in the postprandial blood glucose concentration was much more noticeable and pronounced than was the lowering of the GER. The effect of cinnamon on satiety was not significant. CONCLUSIONS: The intake of 6 g cinnamon with rice pudding reduces postprandial blood glucose and delays gastric emptying without affecting satiety. Inclusion of cinnamon in the diet lowers the postprandial glucose response, a change that is at least partially explained by a delayed GER.  相似文献   

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