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The widespread use of portable listening devices (PLDs) has increased concern about the potential for hearing impairment caused by their use. The current study investigated the effects of external noise and exercise on the use of PLDs. The 24 participants listened to the same song on an iPod during rest-in-quiet, rest-in-noise, and exercise-in-noise conditions. Preferred listening levels (PLLs) were recorded and participants’ maximum noise doses were calculated. Participants selected significantly higher listening levels in both noise conditions than in the quiet condition. The variability of volume selection was reduced significantly in the noise conditions. The maximum daily noise dose would have been exceeded by seven participants in the rest-in-noise condition and by eight in the exercise-in-noise condition compared to one participant in the rest-in-quiet condition. These results indicated that increased background noise causes individuals to increase the volume on their PLDs to potentially dangerous levels and that increased noise alone was not the only factor affecting the participants as the addition of exercise induced even further increases in PLLs.


El amplio uso de instrumentos portátiles de escucha (PLDs) ha incrementado la preocupación sobre el potencial que tiene su uso como causa de discapacidad auditiva. En este estudio se investigaron los efectos del ruido externo y del ejercicio sobre el uso de iPods. Los 24 participantes escucharon en un iPod la misma canción, en condiciones de descanso-en-silencio, descanso-con-ruido y ejercicio-en condiciones ruidosas. Se registraron los niveles de escucha preferidos (PLLs) y se calcularon las dosis máximas de ruido en los participantes. Estos seleccionaron niveles de escucha significativamente mayores en las dos condiciones con ruido pero no en la de silencio. La dosis diaria máxima de sonido se excedió en siete participantes, en la condición de descanso-en-silencio y por ocho en la de ejercicio-con ruido, comparada con 1 en la condición de descanso- en-silencio. Estos resultados indican que el aumento del ruido de fondo hace que los individuos incrementen el volumen de sus iPods hasta niveles potencialmente peligrosos y que el incremento de ruido en forma aislada no es el único factor que afecta a los participantes, como lo es la adición de ejercicio que incluso induce incrementos adicionales en los PLLs.  相似文献   

Objectives. To monitor listening habits to personal listening devices (PLDs) using a smartphone application and to compare actual listening habits to self-report data. Design. Two stages: self-report listening habits questionnaire, and real-time monitoring of listening habits through a smartphone application. Study sample. Overall 117 participants aged 18–34 years (mean 25.5 years) completed the questionnaire, and of them, 40 participants (mean age: 25.2 years) were monitored for listening habits during two weeks. Results. Questionnaire main findings indicated that most of the participants reported listening for 4–7 days a week, for at least 30?min at high listening levels with volume control settings at 75–100%. Monitored data showed that actual listening days per week were 1.5–6.5?d, with mean continuous time of 1.56?h, and mean volume control setting of 7.39 (on a scale of 1–15). Eight participants (22%) were found to exceed the 100% noise dose at least once during the monitoring period. One participant (2.7%) exceeded the weekly 100% daily noise dose. Correlations between actual measurements and self-report data were low to moderate. Conclusions. Results confirmed the feasibility of monitoring listening habits by a smartphone application, and underscore the need for such a tool to enable safe listening behaviour.  相似文献   


Objective: To examine the relationship between hearing acuity and operational performance in simulated dismounted combat. Design: Individuals wearing hearing loss simulation systems competed in a paintball-based exercise where the objective was to be the last player remaining. Four hearing loss profiles were tested in each round (no hearing loss, mild, moderate and severe) and four rounds were played to make up a match. This allowed counterbalancing of simulated hearing loss across participants. Study sample: Forty-three participants across two data collection sites (Fort Detrick, Maryland and the United States Military Academy, New York). All participants self-reported normal hearing except for two who reported mild hearing loss. Results: Impaired hearing had a greater impact on the offensive capabilities of participants than it did on their “survival”, likely due to the tendency for individuals with simulated impairment to adopt a more conservative behavioural strategy than those with normal hearing. Conclusions: These preliminary results provide valuable insights into the impact of impaired hearing on combat effectiveness, with implications for the development of improved auditory fitness-for-duty standards, the establishment of performance requirements for hearing protection technologies, and the refinement of strategies to train military personnel on how to use hearing protection in combat environments.  相似文献   

Objective: To assess the utility of noise cancelation earphones (NCE) in audiometric evaluations. Design: Degree of noise reduction of Bose QuietComfort 15 NCE was assessed through probe-microphone measures and sound-field audiometry. Occlusion effects from NCE were assessed for potential effects on bone-conduction thresholds. Study sample: Twenty participants were tested to determine average occlusion effect values during bone-conduction testing with and without NCE. Noise reduction values of the NCE were assessed on a single subject through probe-microphone measures and sound-field testing. Results: NCE sufficiently reduced ambient noise to levels acceptable for air-conduction testing as well as for bone-conduction testing for most patients when adding minimal adjustment to acceptable levels as outlined by the ANSI S3.1-1999 standard. In addition, NCE did not create a clinically significant change in the occlusion effect for bone-conduction testing. Conclusion: NCE placed over insert earphones provide a sound pressure level at the tympanic membrane that is below ANSI standards for routine air-conduction testing and result in sufficient ambient noise reduction for bone-conduction testing with most patients. There is no clinically significant occlusion effect from NCE during routine bone-conduction audiometry. These findings support the utility of using NCE for offsite audiometric testing.  相似文献   


Objective: The aim of the present research was to investigate central auditory functioning in normal-hearing, solvent-exposed subjects compared to normal-hearing subjects without solvent exposure, with a comprehensive test battery of behavioural central auditory functioning procedures. Study sample: Forty-six normal-hearing, solvent-exposed subjects and 46 normal-hearing, control subjects were selected to participate in the study. Design: All subjects must present with normal hearing thresholds and absence of history of variables related to the onset of auditory dysfunction. Subjects were evaluated with a test battery comprising pure-tone audiometry (PTA), dichotic digits (DD), pitch pattern sequence (PPS), filtered speech (FS), random gap detection (RGD), masking level difference (MLD), and hearing-in-noise (HINT) tests. Results: Analyses of covariance (ANCOVA) were performed to compare the mean values of the dependent variables (results for DD, PPS, FS, RGD, MLD, and HINT) between solvent-exposed and control subjects. Age and average hearing thresholds (500–8000 Hz) were included in the analyses as covariates. Significant differences for DD, PPS, FS, and RGD results were found between groups. Conclusion: This study provides further evidence of the central auditory dysfunction associated with solvent exposure.


Objetivo: El objetivo de este trabajo fue investigar el funcionamiento auditivo central en personas con audición normal expuestas a solventes, comparados con sujetos normales sin exposición a solventes, por medio de una batería integral de procesos de funcionamiento comportamental auditivo central. Muestra de estudio: Se seleccionaron cuarenta y seis sujetos normo-oyentes expuestos a solventes y 46 sujetos normales como grupo control, para participar en este estudio. Diseño: Todos los sujetos deb an presentar umbrales auditivos normales y ausencia de datos de variables relacionadas con el inicio de disfunción auditiva. Los sujetos fueron evaluados con una batería de pruebas que comprendió la audiometr a por tonos puros (PTA), Digitos dicóticos (DD), Secuencia de patrones de frecuencia (PPS), Lenguaje filtrado (FS), Detección de intervalos al azar (RGD), diferencia de niveles de enmascaramiento (MLD) y Audición en ruido (HINT). Resultados: se realizó el análisis de covarianza (ANCOVA) para comparar los valores de las variables dependientes (resultados de DD, PPS, FS, RGD, MLD y HINT) entre los sujetos expuestos a solventes y los del grupo control. La edad y los umbrales auditivos promedio (500–8000 Hz) se incluyeron en el análisis como covariables. Se encontraron diferencias significativas con los resultados para DD, PPS, FS y RGD entre ambos grupos. Conclusión: Este estudio proporciona evidencias adicionales de disfunción audtiva central asociada a la exposición a solventes.  相似文献   

Many hearing aid users are negatively impacted by wind noise when spending time outdoors. Turbulent airflow around hearing aid microphones caused by the obstruction of wind can result in noise that is not only perceived as annoying but may also mask desirable sounds in the listening environment, such as speech. To mitigate the adverse effects of wind noise, hearing aid developers have introduced several technological solutions to reduce the amount of wind noise at the hearing aid output. Some solutions are based on mechanical modifications; more recently, sophisticated signal processing algorithms have also been introduced. By offering solutions to the wind noise problem, these signal processing algorithms can promote more optimal use of hearing aids during outdoor activities. This article reviews how wind noise is generated in hearing aids, outlines the technological challenges in wind noise management, and summarizes the technological solutions that have been proposed and/or implemented in modern hearing aids.  相似文献   

目的了解ABR最大声输出无反应的感音神经性听力损失儿童的残余听力。方法对101例短声和短纯音ABR最大声输出均未引出波V的感音神经性听力损失儿童进行行为测听,分析其结果。结果101例儿童通过行为测听均测出残余听力,但残余听力所在频率和程度有所不同,低频残余听力的测出率较中、高频高,低频的残余听力水平比中、高频好。右耳500~4000Hz残余听力分别为106.81±7.13、110.00±7.90、111.78±5.22、112.06±7.08dBHL;左耳分别为98.01±3.98、111.30±7.18、112.06±7.08、108.33±7.23dBHL。结论ABR最大声输出无反应的感音神经性听力损失不等于全聋,了解此类聋儿的残余听力应该行行为测听,以确定儿童的行为听阈。  相似文献   

Objectives: Extended high-frequency (EHF) audiometry is useful for evaluating ototoxic exposures and may relate to speech recognition, localisation and hearing aid benefit. There is a need to determine whether common clinical practice for EHF audiometry using tone and noise stimuli is reliable. We evaluated equivalence and compared test-retest (TRT) reproducibility for audiometric thresholds obtained using pure tones and narrowband noise (NBN) from 0.25 to 16?kHz. Design: Thresholds and test-retest reproducibility for stimuli in the conventional (0.25–6?kHz) and EHF (8–16?kHz) frequency ranges were compared in a repeated-measures design. Study sample: A total of 70 ears of adults with normal hearing. Results: Thresholds obtained using NBN were significantly lower than thresholds obtained using pure tones from 0.5 to 16?kHz, but not 0.25?kHz. Good TRT reproducibility (within 2?dB) was observed for both stimuli at all frequencies. Responses at the lower limit of the presentation range for NBN centred at 14 and 16?kHz suggest unreliability for NBN as a threshold stimulus at these frequencies. Conclusion: Thresholds in the conventional and EHF ranges showed good test-retest reproducibility, but differed between stimulus types. Care should be taken when comparing pure-tone thresholds with NBN thresholds especially at these frequencies.  相似文献   

Individuals with auditory neuropathy (AN) often suffer from temporal processing deficits causing speech perception difficulties. In the present study an envelope enhancement scheme that incorporated envelope expansion was used to reduce the effects of temporal deficits. The study involved two experiments. In the first experiment, to simulate the effects of reduced temporal resolution, temporally smeared speech stimuli were presented to listeners with normal hearing. The results revealed that temporal smearing of the speech signal reduced identification scores. With the envelope enhancement of the speech signal prior to being temporally smeared, identification scores improved significantly compared to temporally smeared condition. The second experiment assessed speech perception in twelve individuals with AN, using unprocessed and envelope-enhanced speech signals. The results revealed improvement in speech identification scores for the majority of individuals with AN when the envelope of the speech signal was enhanced. However, envelope enhancement was not able to improve speech identification scores for individuals with AN who had very poor unprocessed speech scores. Overall, the results of the present study suggest that applying envelope enhancement strategies in hearing aids might provide some benefits to many individuals with AN.  相似文献   

目的探讨听力正常青年噪声耐受性与非恢复性睡眠之间的相关性。方法对54例(女30例,男24例)听力正常青年进行可接受噪声级(acceptable noise level,ANL)测试,分别获得最舒适响度级(most comfortable level,MCL)和最大背景噪声级(background noise level,BNL),根据ANL=MCL-BNL计算出ANL值,并进行非恢复性睡眠问卷(non-restorative sleep scale,NRSS)填写,问卷分为4个维度,维度1、2、3、4分别反映主观的睡眠后恢复感、身体症状、白天的功能状态及情绪症状,得分越低说明非恢复性睡眠对个体的负向影响越大;分别获得NRSS 4个维度的得分及总分,分析ANL测试结果与NRSS得分间的相关性。结果54例听力正常青年的ANL平均值为-0.76±3.55 dB HL,MCL平均值为47.61±8.25 dB HL,BNL平均值为48.26±8.41 dB HL,非恢复性睡眠问卷平均总得分为43.04±6.09分,维度1、2、3、4平均得分分别为10.33±2.29、15.78±3.54、9.98±2.17及6.69±1.87分。ANL水平与非恢复性睡眠问卷总得分、维度3、维度4得分间呈显著负相关(P<0.05),而与维度1、维度2得分间无相关性。结论非恢复性睡眠程度与个体的噪声耐受性成正相关,噪声耐受性越高(ANL值越低),非恢复性睡眠问卷得分越高,醒后自觉清醒度越高。  相似文献   

Objective: The purpose of this study was to describe factors that are related to hearing aid and hearing assistance technology ownership and use in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Design: Adults with hearing impairment living in New Zealand were surveyed regarding health-related quality of life and device usage. Audiometric data (hearing sensitivity and speech in noise) were collected. Study sample: Data were obtained from 123 adults with hearing impairment: 73 reported current hearing-aid use, 81 reported current hearing assistance technology use. Results: In both analyses, device users had more difficulty understanding speech in background noise, had poor hearing in both their better and worse hearing ears, and perceived more consequences of hearing impairment in their everyday lives (both emotionally and socially) than non-hearing-aid users. Discriminant analyses showed that the social consequences of hearing impairment and the better ear hearing best classified hearing aid users from non-users but social consequences and worse ear hearing best classified hearing assistance technology users from non-users. Conclusions: Quality of life measurements and speech-in-noise assessments provide useful clinical information. Hearing-impaired adults in New Zealand who use hearing aids also tend to use hearing assistance technology, which has important clinical implications.  相似文献   

Children with auditory processing disorders (APD) were fitted with Phonak EduLink FM devices for home and classroom use. Baseline measures of the children with APD, prior to FM use, documented significantly lower speech-perception scores, evidence of decreased academic performance, and psychosocial problems in comparison to an age- and gender-matched control group. Repeated measures during the school year demonstrated speech-perception improvement in noisy classroom environments as well as significant academic and psychosocial benefits. Compared with the control group, the children with APD showed greater speech-perception advantage with FM technology. Notably, after prolonged FM use, even unaided (no FM device) speech-perception performance was improved in the children with APD, suggesting the possibility of fundamentally enhanced auditory system function.  相似文献   


Objective: The online speech-in-noise test ‘Earcheck’ is sensitive for noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). This study investigates effects of uncontrollable parameters in domestic self-screening, such as presentation level and transducer type, on speech reception thresholds (SRTs) obtained with Earcheck. Design: Subjects performed 26 Earchecks that differed regarding presentation level (65, 71, and 77 dBA), presentation mode (monotic or diotic), and masking noise (two different low-pass filtered noises) in the lab. To investigate effects of test environment, participants conducted eight additional Earchecks at home using different transducer types (headphones or loudspeakers). Study sample: Thirty noise-exposed workers, either normal-hearing (n = 10), or with different degrees of NIHL (n = 20), participated. Results: There was a minor effect of presentation levels exceeding 65 dBA in severely impaired listeners. Diotic presentation mode yielded lower SRTs compared to monotic presentation mode. Normal-hearing test results at home were poorer than in the laboratory, whereas hearing-impaired subjects performed better in domestic testing. Using loudspeakers deteriorated SRTs significantly in comparison to headphones, but only in hearing-impaired subjects. Conclusions: A monotic presentation mode using headphones is recommended for domestic screening. Since domestic testing affects SRT results, a follow up study using a large study population should assess Earcheck's validity when performed at home.  相似文献   

Otoacoustic Emissions are generated by the cochlea in response to sound stimuli. They can be generated by clicks or specific frequency stimuli, such as tone pips. This is a quick and objective test with several applications.ObjectiveTo investigate the influence of the type of stimulus achieving otoacoustic emissions in individuals with mild and moderate sensorineural hearing loss of sloping configuration.Material and MethodThirty-two male and female patients aged from 17 to 63 years, with symmetric sensorineural hearing loss with a sloping configuration were evaluated. All subjects underwent transient otoacoustic emissions testing elicited by clicks and 2.000Hz and 4.000Hz tone pips.ResultsThe degree of hearing loss and gender influenced otoacoustic emissions; it was significant for click stimulus and tone pips at 2.000Hz. Emissions were absent more often in females with both procedures.ConclusionsOtoacoustic emissions evoked with clicks coincided with the emissions of tone pips at 2.000Hz. Tone pips at 4.000Hz were more sensitive than clicks for detecting impairment in individuals with high frequencies hearing loss. Gender and the degree of hearing loss ere factors that affected OAE registration.  相似文献   

Auditory-nerve and brain-stem-evoked responses (ABR) have been used alongside standard behavioral hearing tests for the early detection of hearing loss in infants and young children. Two comparisons are presented. The first concerns a group of 65 hearing-impaired children for whom we now have complete pure-tone and speech audiograms. There is a good correlation between the two types of hearing tests in 61 children; the lack of correlation in 4 children is discussed. The second comparison was conducted on neonates. Because ABR testing provides information which is far more accurate than behavioral testing, it is recommended for use in high-risk neonates, especially when mass behavioral screening is not feasible.  相似文献   

Upward spread of masking and remote masking were investigated in 4 subjects with closely matched high-frequency hearing losses. Masked thresholds in the presence of a high-frequency or a low-frequency bandpass noise were obtained using an adaptive-threshold procedure. ‘Abnormal’ upward spread of masking existed for the impaired subjects at some test frequencies when compared to the masking predicted on the basis of normal masking results and hearing-impaired quiet thresholds. Remote masking thresholds were usually shifted to the same absolute levels for normal and hearing-impaired subjects. These results demonstrate that speech reception in noise for listeners with high-frequency hearing loss could be affected by spread of masking and levels of hearing loss.

L'étalement du masquage vers le haut et le masquage à distance ont été analysés chez 4 patients présentant des pertes auditives de caractéristiques analogues sur les hautes fréquences. Les seuils masqués en présence d'une bande de bruit haute ou basse fréquence ont été obtenus en utilisant une procédure adaptative de seuil. Un étalement «anormal» du masquage vers le haut fut observé à certaines fréquences-tests pour les sujets sourds, en comparaison aux prédictions faites à partir des résultats normaux de masquage et des élévations de seuil dans le silence. Les seuils de masquage à distance furent généralement déplacés vers les měmes niveaux absolus pour les groupes de sujets sourds et normaux. Ces résultats montrent que la perception de la parole dans le bruit pour des sujets atteints de surdité sur les hautes fréquences pourrait ětre affectée à la fois par les niveaux de seuil et l'étalement du masquage.  相似文献   

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