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Summary Occult injuries of the cervical spine in certain patients may lead to misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis and treatment. The authors present a patient with an occult cervical spinal fracture-dislocation and review the literature. A 37 year-old male was involved in a motor vehicle accident. At his admission, the patient was alert and denied any pain in the cervical region, as well as neurologic symptoms. Physical examination revealed painless range of motion of his neck and no sensory or motor deficits. Plain radiographs of the cervical spine showed unilateral dislocation of C4 on C5 vertebra with fracture of the left facet of C5 vertebra. Computed tomography scanning showed no neural compression. Operative reduction, stabilization and arthrodesis of the spine were advised, but the patient refused operative treatment. One year after his initial injury, the patient presented with torticollis and no neurologic symptoms.  相似文献   

Summary Myositis ossiticans is a benign sort tissue tumor of unknown etiology characterized by the rapid development of swelling and pain. The occurrence of this lesion in the hand is uncommon. Initially, the roentgenograms are normal, but progressively a bony mass can be visualized in the soft tissues. The lesion is often mistaken for infection or malignancy. The definitive diagnosis is confirmed by biopsy which shows a typical zone phenomenon with three well differentiated areas of pathologic findings. A case is presented to illustrate the classic clinical evolution, radiologic findings and treatment of myositis ossificans affecting the soft tissues of the hand. The surgical treatment obtained an almost complete remission of symptoms and pathologic signs.  相似文献   



Usually, cervical pedicle screw fixation has been considered too risky for neurovascular structures. The purpose of this study was to investigate the method and efficacy of the cervical pedicle screw system for fracture-dislocation of the cervical spine because of its rigid fixation.


A prospective study was conducted involving 48 patients with cervical spine fracture-dislocation who underwent cervical pedicle screw fixation surgery between January 2003 and January 2007. All patients had various degrees of cord injury, and they were classified according to the American Spinal Cord Injury Association (ASIA) Impairment Scale: 18 cases were grade A, 15 grade B, 10 grade C, and 5 grade D.


Six months after the operation, all patients had achieved solid bony fusion and stable fixation of the related segments. Thirty patients with incomplete spinal cord injury improved their ASIA Impairment Scale classification by 1 to 2 grades after the operation. Eighteen patients with complete spinal cord injury had no improvement in neural function. However, nerve root symptoms such as pain and numbness were alleviated to some extent.


The cervical pedicle screw system is an effective and reliable method for the restoration of cervical stability. Sufficient pre-operative imaging studies of the pedicles and strict screw insertion technique should be emphasised.  相似文献   

We report on a rare case of myositis ossificans of the humeral insertion of pectoralis major muscle following a single episode of trauma which, to our knowledge, has not previously been documented.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND CONTEXT: Perforation of the esophagus after anterior cervical spine surgery is a rare, but well-recognized complication. The management of esophageal perforation is controversial, and either nonoperative or operative treatment can be selected. PURPOSE: Several reports have described the use of a sternocleidomastoid muscle flap for esophageal repair. In this case report, we describe a longus colli muscle flap as a substitute for a sternocleidomastoid flap in a patient with an esophageal perforation. STUDY DESIGN: Case report. PATIENT SAMPLE: A 20-year-old man sustained cervical spinal cord injury, on diving and hitting his head against the bottom of a pool. A C6 burst fracture was observed with posterior displacement of a bone fragment into the spinal canal. The patient exhibited complete paralysis below the C8 spinal segment level. METHODS: The patient underwent subtotal corpectomy of the sixth cervical vertebra with the iliac bone graft and augmented posterior spinal fixation (C5-7) with pedicle screws. After the primary operation, the patient showed signs of infection such as throat pain, a high fever, and osteolytic change of the grafted bone by cervical radiograph. A second operation was performed to replace the graft bone using fibula. On the day after the operation, food residue was confirmed in the suction drainage tube, suggesting esophagus perforation. A third operation was immediately performed to confirm and treat esophagus perforation, although apparent esophageal perforation could not be detected at the second operation. Because the erosion around the perforation of the esophageal posterior wall was extensive, a longus colli muscle flap transposition was accordingly performed into the interspace between the esophageal posterior wall and the grafted bone in addition to simple suturing of the perforation. RESULTS: Neither high fever nor pharyngeal pain has recurred at latest follow-up, 5 years after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report concerning the use of a longus colli muscle flap for esophageal perforation after anterior cervical spine surgery.  相似文献   

Fractures of the upper cervical spine account for about 20% of all cervical spinal injuries. Only in a minority of cases a neurological damage occurs. With exception of the type-2-dens fracture the treatment of choice is non-operatively in the halo-thoracic brace. We report about our experience with Bremer® Halo System, an open ring carbon fibre design which especially facilitates the treatment of head injured patients in bed. We treated 13 patients (m/w 9/4), mean ages 40 years (range 18–73) with 10 dens fractures Anderson and d’Alonzo-type III and 3 hangman’s fractures Effendi-type I. Five patients had additional head injury. Two of them were unconscious at the time of application of the halo-device. Our routine follow-up included roentgenograms after halo-application and 6 weeks later. After 3 months CT-scans were performed to evaluate fracture union. After 12–20 weeks the halo-device could be removed. We observed one halo ring loosening in a patient with oversize skull resulting in earlier removal in presence of an already established union. In one case we had a delayed union which eventually united in stiff collar after 6 month. No pin tract infection was observed. All patients returned to their pre-injury activities. A slightly limited rotation of the head was observed in most of the patients. The Bremer® Halo System proved to be a reliable unsophisticated halo system in the treatment of upper cervical spinal injuries. The feature of the open ring design especially facilitates the treatment of an accompanying head injury. We experienced a problem with a limited size of the halo ring.  相似文献   

目的:对颈交感神经干的走行及其毗邻关系进行定量解剖学研究,为预防在颈前部手术特别是颈椎前路减压植骨术中误伤交感神经干提供依据。方法:采用成年尸体20具,去除颈部浅层肌肉及软组织,显露双侧颈长肌及交感神经干,测量C3~C7颈交感神经干与颈长肌内缘的距离、颈长肌内缘夹角以及交感神经干与中线的夹角、交感神经干与颈椎椎体中央的距离,并将该数据应用于临床。结果:①交感神经干呈斜行走向,同中线夹角为11.2°±4.7°。双侧颈长肌内缘夹角为13.1°±3.2°。②颈交感神经干与颈长肌内缘的距离分别为:C325.5±2.8mm,C420.4±3.5mm,C517.8±2.9mm,C610.2±2.4mm,C715.3±3.1mm。③颈交感干与颈椎椎体中央的距离分别为:C329.1±3.2mm;C425.2±2.9mm,C523.4±2.7mm,C616.4±3.0mm,C721.7±4.6mm。④用该数据指导临床手术11例,经半年至6年随访,无一例损伤交感神经干,也未见其它合并症。结论:交感神经干与颈长肌内缘及椎体中央的距离在C6水平最小,颈椎前路减压手术时应注意保护交感神经干。  相似文献   

目的回顾分析以前路复位固定为基础的下颈椎骨折脱位的适应症和治疗策略。方法对179例下颈椎骨折脱位进行手术治疗,114例行前路手术,42例行前-后路手术,23例行前-后-前入路手术,定期X线复查观察植骨融合情况及颈椎稳定性,以Frankel分级作为脊髓功能恢复的判断标准。结果随访6~48个月,平均29.3个月,所有病例均完全复位,恢复了颈椎的正常序列及生理弧度,植骨全部融合,无内固定松动、断裂,无骨不连、假关节形成。脊髓功能得到不同程度的恢复。结论对于下颈椎骨折脱位患者,多数病例可以前路作为手术复位内固定的基础,部分病例根据骨折脱位的复位情况,辅以后路或前-后-前入路进行复位和固定。  相似文献   

Summary This paper, based on functional radiological knowledge of normal cervical spine kinematics, develops the hypothesis that compressive vertebral injury can be produced by abrupt reversal of curve between hyperflexed and hyperextended parts of the cervical spine. Reversal of curve occurs when the main vector of a compressive force passes between two centers of flexion-extension motion. The hypothesis more clearly explains reverse dislocation of fractured vertebrae than the current concept of Whitley and Forsyth of motion of the head through an arc. The mechanism of injuries with characteristics of hyperflexion of one segment and hyperextension of an adjacent segment, e.g., in certain types of hangman's fractures, is better understood. The hypothesis is expected to be helpful in guiding experimental cervical spine injury, as it relates direction of force to level and type of the resulting vertebral injury.  相似文献   

目的:分析后路内固定复位治疗上颈椎骨折脱位发生椎动脉损伤的原因、外科治疗策略及其预防措施。方法:2013年1月~2017年12月,我院采用后路复位内固定术治疗上颈椎骨折脱位患者96例,其中6例术后出现椎动脉损伤,男4例,女2例,年龄32~57岁(39.8±8.3岁),病程18~26d(22.0±2.5d)。2例术前行磁共振血管成像(MRA)检查未见椎动脉损伤,4例术前未行MRA检查。术后3~42h出现脑缺血症状,其中4例切口渗血或周围血肿形成,行颈后路探查止血后行CT血管造影(CTA)和数字减影血管造影(DSA)检查,2例直接行CTA和DSA检查,明确椎动脉损伤后行血管腔内介入治疗,随访观察患者脑缺血症状改善情况。结果:1例寰枢椎复合型骨折和1例混合型骨折患者复位内固定难度较大,其余4例患者手术均顺利。4例椎动脉V3段血管壁损伤(双侧1例,单侧3例),行覆膜支架置入;2例单侧椎动脉V3段假性动脉瘤形成,行椎动脉闭塞术。6例患者行介入治疗后椎动脉损伤出血均有效止血,出院后均获随访,随访6~12个月(10.0±2.2个月),1例双侧血管壁损伤患者术后1年随访仍诉头晕、头痛,面部麻木;3例单侧血管壁损伤患者脑缺血症状明显缓解,术后1年随访时未诉特殊不适;2例单侧假性动脉瘤形成患者行椎动脉闭塞术后6个月及9个月随访时诉脑缺血症状逐渐缓解。2例患者椎动脉损伤为内固定手术术中所致,4例患者因术前未行MRA或CTA检查,无法明确椎动脉损伤原因。结论:上颈椎骨折脱位及手术复位内固定可能造成椎动脉损伤,根据影像学检查结果行介入治疗可取得较好效果;对上颈椎骨折患者术前需进行详细的影像学检查及评估,术中需谨慎操作,避免椎动脉的损伤。  相似文献   

Pharyngocutaneous fistulae are rare complications of anterior spine surgery occurring in less than 0.1% of all anterior surgery cases. We report a case of a 19 year old female who sustained a C6 burst fracture with complete quadriplegia. She was treated urgently with a C6 corpectomy with anterior cage and plating followed by posterior cervical stabilization at another institution. Post operatively she developed a pharyngocutaneous fistula that failed to heal despite several attempts of closure and esophageal exclusion with a Jpeg tube. The patient was eventually successfully treated with a three-stage procedure consisting of firstly a posterior approach to reinforce the posterior stabilization of the cervical spine that was felt to be inadequate, secondly an anterior approach with removal of all the anterior instrumentation followed by iliac crest bone graft and thirdly a superior based sternocleidomastoid flap that was interposed between the esophagus and the anterior cervical spine. The patient's fistula healed successfully. However, yet asymptomatic, the anterior iliac crest bone graft resorbed almost completely at 16 months follow up. In light of this complication, we discuss the surgical options for the treatment of pharyngocutaneous fistulae and the closure of this fistula using a superiorly based sternocleidomastoid muscle flap.  相似文献   

上颈椎有限元模型的建立及寰椎生物力学有限元分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:建立上颈椎(CO-C3)的三维有限元模型(FEM),通过此模型对寰椎进行初步的牛物力学分析.方法:通过CT扫描获取1例健康成年男性上颈椎的空间结构信息,利用Mimics软件及Ansys软件建立上颈椎有限元模型;分别在完整的上颈椎模型及单独应用模型中的寰椎分析头颅位于中立位、屈曲化以及后伸位等条件下寰椎所受应力的变化情况.结果:(1)所建上颈椎的有限元模型外形逼真,儿何相似性好,共包含110105个节点,91469个单元;(2)应用上颈椎模型(CO-C3)在枕骨上加载面压力,模拟头颅位于中立、前屈、后伸位时,寰椎前弓受力最大,其次是后弓及侧块;(3)单独应用寰椎模型,直接在寰椎上关节面加载力,模拟头颅在中立、前屈、后伸位时寰椎最大应力集中于前弓,次级应力集中区域为侧块及后弓与侧块的交界处;直接在后弓加载力模拟头部过度后伸时,最大应力集中于后弓与侧块交界处.结论:应用CT扫描获取上颈椎空间结构信息建立的上颈椎模犁可用于生物力学实验,无论头颅位于屈曲位、中立位或者后伸位,当受纵向作用力时,寰椎前弓是应力最集中的部位;头部过度后伸时,后弓与侧块交界处是应力最集中的部位.  相似文献   

To date the principal focus of the mechanism of cervical spine fracture has been directed towards head/neck circumference and vertebral geometric dimensions. However the role of other measurements, including chest circumference and neck length, in a standard cervical fracture population has not yet been studied in detail. Cervical fractures often involve flexion/extension type mechanisms of injury, with the head and cervical spine flexing/extending, using the thorax as an end point of contact. Thus, the thorax may play an important role in neck injuries. STUDY DESIGN: We prospectively studied all patients with cervical spine fractures who were admitted to the National Spinal Injuries Unit from 1 July 2000 to 1 March 2001. Anthropometrical measurement of head circumference, neck circumference, chest circumference, and neck length were analysed. Ages ranged from 18 to 55 years, and all patients with concomitant cervical pathology were excluded from the study. Mechanism of injury involved flexion/extension type injuries in all cases; those with direct axial loading were excluded. A control group of 40 patients (age 18-50 years) involved in high velocity trauma with associated long bone fractures, in whom cervical injury was suspected, but who were without any cervical fracture, or associated pathology, were similarly measured. RESULTS: Our analysis revealed a statistically significant increase in chest size in the male control group versus the male fracture group (97.89 cm versus 94.19 cm, P < 0.05, Student's t-test). There was a correspondingly significant increase in chest circumference between the female controls versus the female fracture group (92.33 cm versus 88.88 cm, P < 0.05, Student's t-test). Our results revealed no statistical difference in head circumference, neck circumference, or neck length between each of the groupings. These results indicate a proportionately larger chest may be a protective factor in cervical spine fractures.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if cervical spine immobilisation was related to patient mortality in penetrating cervical trauma. One hundred and ninety-nine patient charts from the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center New Orleans (Charity Hospital, New Orleans) were examined. Charts were identified by searching the Charity Hospital Trauma Registry from 01/01/1994 to 04/17/2003 for all cases of penetrating cervical trauma. Thirty-five patient deaths were identified. Cervical spine immobilisation was associated with an increased risk of death (p < 0.02, odds ratio 2.77, 95% CI 1.18-6.49).  相似文献   

20% of all spine injuries are cervical spine injuries. Surgical treatment of these injuries must take into account the great mobility of this part of the spinal column. Therefore, biomechanical aspects must be considered, especially in the upper cervical spine — C1 and C2. Describing our own therapeutical regimen in 35 patients with unstable upper cervical spine injuries we explain the biomechanical background and review the literature. It becomes evident that ventral approaches are superior to dorsal techniques for decompression, reposition, and stabilization with minimal loss of mobility.  相似文献   

目的 评价颈椎前路带锁钢板固定系统(CSLP)治疗颈椎骨折的稳定性及临床有效性.方法 将6具新鲜成人颈椎标本(C2~6)置于脊柱三维测量仪上测定C3~5节段的ROM,制造C4爆裂骨折,测定其三维运动变化后分别进行植骨、植骨+CSLP固定,并重复测量其三维运动.对32例下颈椎骨折行前路减压融合,并以CSLP进行内固定治疗.结果 植骨+CSLP固定后在屈伸、侧弯、旋转方向较损伤后明显下降,与正常值相比,屈伸和侧弯运动均明显减少,但旋转运动减少不明显.术后随访6~48个月,所有骨折均复位,颈椎椎体高度恢复,椎间植骨均融合,钢板位置满意,无螺钉松动或脱出.结论 AO前路钢板固定颈椎爆裂骨折时各个运动方向均能获得稳定,临床效果满意,是一种治疗颈椎骨折的理想固定装置.  相似文献   

目的:探讨寰椎骨折合并不连续下颈椎骨折脱位的治疗方法及效果.方法:回顾性分析2005年10月~2011年5月收治的20例寰椎骨折合并不连续下颈椎骨折脱位患者的一期手术治疗效果.男13例,女7例,平均年龄36岁.5例寰椎粉碎性骨折合并有寰椎侧块内侧骨性结构附着处横韧带撕裂(DickmanⅡ型),3例双侧前弓骨折(前1/2 Jefferson骨折),5例单侧前后弓双骨折(半环Jefferson骨折),2例前3/4 Jefferson骨折(前弓二处、后弓一处骨折),5例后3/4 Jefferson骨折(前弓一处、后弓二处骨折).其中并存下颈椎骨折脱位按Allen分型:屈曲压缩型5例,牵张压缩型3例,垂直压缩型8例,屈曲牵张型2例,伸展牵张型2例.20例患者均行上、下颈椎一期手术治疗:5例行后路C1-C2固定融合术,7例行口咽入路钢板内固定术,8例行单纯C1后路螺钉固定术;9例并发脊髓不完全损伤来自于下颈椎骨折脱位者,先行下颈椎融合固定,无脊髓损伤11例患者,先固定相对不稳定节段.随访观察治疗效果.结果:平均手术时间200min( 180~240min);平均失血量760ml(500~1600ml).2例因电刀灼伤C1-C2间血管静脉丛导致出血,行止血纱布、脑棉片填塞止血,未出现颅脑缺血症状;其他病例未出现与手术直接相关并发症及长期卧床所导致的并发症.患者均于术后3d颈托固定后下地行走.随访8~42个月,平均26个月.9例合并脊髓不完全损伤者术后神经功能Frankel分级均有1个级别恢复.复查X线片和CT,未发现患者颈椎失稳或复位丢失,螺钉位置良好,无松动、断钉,寰椎骨折及下颈椎骨折脱位均获骨性愈合.结论:手术治疗寰椎骨折合并不连续下颈椎骨折脱位利于患者早期下床活动,减少长期卧床并发症,可获得较好疗效.  相似文献   

Myositis ossificans traumatica is an unusual complication following a muscle contusion injury. A significantly large myositic mass causing ankylosis of the elbow is even rarer. We report a 13-year-old boy who presented with a 14-month history of a fixed elbow with no movement and a palpable bony mass in the anterior aspect of the elbow. He had sustained significant trauma to the affected limb 1 month prior to onset of symptoms, which was managed by native massage and bandaging for 4 weeks. The clinicoradiological diagnosis was suggestive of myositis ossificans, and the myositic mass was completely excised. Histopathology revealed lamellar bone. The 2-year follow-up showed full function of the affected limb and no signs of recurrence. We report this case of clinical interest due to the unusually large myositic mass.  相似文献   

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