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Two molecular pathways leading to cancer are known. Common-type cancers arise from the ‘tumour suppressor’ pathway, characterized by gross chromosomal changes and allelic losses (LOH) in an average of 25 per cent or more of randomly chosen chromosomal loci. The ‘mutator pathway’ has been recognized in a subset of cancers, characterized by widespread microsatellite DNA instability and rarity of chromosomal losses. The present study has investigated 20 pancreatic endocrine tumours (PETs) for loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at seven chromosomal loci (3p14, 7q31–32, 11q13, 13q14, 18q21, 17p13, and 17q21); microsatellite instability; and Ki-ras, N-ras, and p53 gene mutations. LOH was found in an average of 24 per cent of the chromosomal loci analysed. No tumour showed microsatellite instability. Ki-ras and p53 mutations were each found in one case. The frequency of losses was higher in malignant (40 per cent) than in benign (17 per cent) tumours (p=0·009), and the specific chromosome 17p13 LOH was associated with extrapancreatic extension of disease (p=0·007), high proliferative activity (p=0·001), and absence of progesterone receptors (p=0·01). A common deleted region on chromosome 17p13 and the rarity of p53 gene mutations suggest the existence of a novel tumour suppressor gene involved in the pathogenesis of PETs in this chromosomal area. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although ependymomas comprise 5-10% of pediatric brain tumors, consistent cytogenetic aberrations have not been identified in these neoplasms. We report karyotypes for two ependymomas. A predominantly well-differentiated ependymoma contained several numerical chromosome aberrations, including monosomy 22. In contrast, an anaplastic ependymoma had a more complex karyotype that included loss of one chromosome 22 homologue and a balanced translocation at q13.3 in the remaining 22 homologue. These findings suggest the location of an ependymoma tumor suppressor gene on the long arm of chromosome 22.  相似文献   

The tuberous sclerosis gene on chromosome 9q34 acts as a growth suppressor   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
We have previously demonstrated allele loss in hamartomas frompatients with tuberous sclerosis for markers spanning the tuberoussclerosis gene on chromosome 16p13.3 (TSC2). Germline deletionsin the TSC2 gene have been shown in 5% of patients with tuberoussclerosis (TSC). These data support our hypothesis that theTSC2 gene acts as a growth suppressor gene, analogous to thetraditional tumour suppressor gene. We now report a TSC hamartomashowing allele loss for markers on chromosome 9q34 in the regionof the TSC1 gene. We studied six hamartomas from four sporadicand two familial cases of TSC, none of which showed allele lossfor markers on chromosome 16p13.3. The hamartomas were paraffinembedded sections of three renal angiomyolipomas, two giantcell astrocytomas, and a cardiac rhabdomyoma. Eight markerswere analysed, comprising from centromeric to telomeric ASS– D9S64 – D9S149 – ABO – D9S150 –DBH – D9S66 – D9S67. One angiomyolipoma showed alleleloss for the markers ABO, DBH and D9S66, but not for D9S149or D9S67. The patient was not informative for D9S150. The familystructure did not permit the phase of the disease and markeralleles to be determined. These finding support the hypothesisthat the TSC1 gene on 9q34, like the TSC2 gene, acts as a growthsuppressor. The data would place the TSC1 gene between D9S149and D9S67. Mapping of allele loss in hamartomas may help inthe refinement of the location of the TSC1 locus.  相似文献   

Pancreatic serous microcystic adenomas (SCAs) are rare, benign tumors with a striking female preference. Virtually no information is available about chromosomal or genetic anomalies in this disease. We performed extensive molecular characterization of 21 cases of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sporadic SCAs consisting in genome-wide allelic loss analysis with 79 microsatellite markers covering all 22 autosomes, assessment of microsatellite instability, and mutational analysis of the VHL, K-ras, and p53 genes in nine cases for which frozen tissue was available. Although no case showed microsatellite instability of the type seen in mismatch repair-deficient tumors, a relatively low fractional allelic loss of 0.08 was found. Losses on chromosome 10q were the most frequent event in SCAs (50% of cases), followed by allelic losses on chromosome 3p (40% of cases). Moderately frequent losses (>25% of cases) were found on chromosomes 1q, 2q, and 7q. The VHL gene, located on chromosome 3p, had somatic inactivating mutations in two of nine cases (22%), whereas no mutations were found in either K-ras or p53, in agreement with the finding that all 21 cases stained negative for p53 by immunohistochemistry. Our study indicates that the involvement of chromosomal arms 10q and 3p is characteristic of SCAs and that the VHL gene is involved in a subset of sporadic cases.  相似文献   

乳腺癌17号染色体多体的临床病理意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨乳腺癌17号染色体多体异常的临床病理学意义.方法 回顾性分析200例乳腺癌荧光原位杂交结果,并分析17号染色体多体与年龄、核异型性、淋巴结转移以及HER2基因扩增、HER2蛋白表达的关系.结果 200例乳腺癌患者中表现为17号染色体多体异常的52例(26.0%),均为浸润性导管癌;占180例浸润性导管癌的52.8%.17号染色体多体与HER2基因扩增和HER2蛋白表达有关(均P=0.000),并且多体伴HER2基因扩增时也与HER2蛋白表达有关(P=0.001).多体和(或)多体伴HER2基因扩增都与乳腺癌癌细胞的高度异型性(P=0.010或P=0.012)及淋巴结转移有关(P=0.009或P=0.002).17号染色体多体或多体伴HER2基因扩增与乳腺癌患者的年龄无关(P=0.415或P=1.000).结论 17号染色体多体可能与乳腺癌患者的预后不良有关.  相似文献   

Loss of genetic material from chromosome arm 8p occurs frequently in human breast carcinomas, consistent with this region of the genome harboring one or more tumor suppressor genes (TSGs). We used the complementary techniques of microsatellite-based LOH, high-density FISH, and conventional CGH on 6 breast cancer cell lines (MCF7, SKBR3, T47D, MDA MB453, BT549, and BT474) to investigate the molecular cytogenetic changes occurring on chromosome 8 during tumorigenesis, with particular emphasis on 6 potential TSGs on 8p. We identified multiple alterations of chromosome 8, including partial or complete deletion of 8p or 8q, duplication of 8q, and isochromosome 8q. The detailed FISH analysis showed several complex rearrangements of 8p with differing breakpoints of varying proximity to the genes of interest. High rates of LOH were observed at markers adjacent to or within PCM1, DUSP4/MKP2, NKX3A, and DLC1, supporting their status as candidate TSGs. Due to the complex ploidy status of these cell lines, relative loss of 8p material detected by CGH did not always correlate with microsatellite-based LOH results. These results extend our understanding of the mechanisms accompanying the dysregulation of candidate tumor suppressor loci on chromosome arm 8p, and identify appropriate cellular systems for further investigation of their biological properties.  相似文献   

The long arm of human chromosome 7 between 7q22 and 7q36 has been identified as a region harboring one or more tumor-suppressor genes (TSGs) inactivated in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Additional TSGs mapping to other chromosomes may well be involved in the etiology of this disease. For example, experiments using a mouse model system have indicated the possible presence of an AML TSG at 11p11-12. Microcell-mediated chromosome transfer (MMCT) has been used to introduce human chromosomes 7 and 11 into a murine myeloid leukemia cell line. A proportion of MMCT hybrid clones containing either whole chromosome 7 or fragments of chromosome 11 showed a significant delay in leukemogenic onset when injected into syngeneic mice. Screening of hybrid clones did not associate any human microsatellite markers with decreased leukemogenic potential in vivo. However, preliminary evidence was obtained of allelic loss at chromosomal regions homologous with human 7q22 in murine F1 hybrid AMLs. Our data provide functional evidence of AML-associated TSGs localized to human chromosomes 7 and 11 in support of previously published studies on cytogenetic and allelic losses associated with AML development.  相似文献   

The chromosome region 17p13.3 is thought to encode a tumoursuppressor gene involved in sporadic breast cancer and othermalignancies. Physical ordering of markers has been carriedout by a series of multicolour fluorescent in situ hybridisation(FISH) experiments, using isolated yeast artificial chromosomes(YACs) and cosmids. Eight polymorphic markers ordered withinthis new physical map and one external marker were used to investigatethe pattern of loss of heterozygosity in a panel of 40 sporadicbreast tumour patients. The data revealed a region of high loss(60%) within distal 17p13.3, defined by markers D17S926, D17S695and D17S849 which mapped close together. A contig of YACs wasconstructed physically linking these three markers.  相似文献   

Allelotype analyses of human prostate cancer indicate that allelic losses on human chromosome arms 7q, 8p, 10q, 13q, 16q, 17q, and 18q are observed frequently. For the study of the possible biological significance of the frequently observed deletions on chromosome arm 7q in human prostate cancer, human chromosome 7 was introduced into highly metastatic rat prostate cancer cells by use of a microcell‐mediated chromosome transfer technique. The introduction of human chromosome 7 resulted in the suppression of metastatic ability of the microcell hybrids, whereas no suppression of tumorigenicity was observed. To identify the portion of chromosome 7 containing the metastasis‐suppressive function gene, the derivative chromosome 7 that was generated with the initial transfer was retransferred into rat prostate cancer cells. Human chromosome 7‐containing rat prostate cancer cells could be used as the donor cells, because rodent cells produced a sufficient number of microcells with colchicine treatment. Cytogenetic and molecular analyses of these clones demonstrated that loss of segments on 7q was related to the reexpression of the metastatic phenotype. These results show that human 7q contains a metastasis suppressor gene or genes for rat prostate cancer. The findings also suggest that this gene may play an important role in the progression of human prostate cancer. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 24:1–8, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Recent studies have indicated that polysomy 17 is a rare event in breast cancer, and polysomy is usually mimicked in FISH analysis by gain or amplification of the centromere covered by the chromosome 17 centromere probe. To estimate the impact of chromosome 17 centromere assessment on routine practice, we conducted a retrospective re-classification study.Four hundred and five consecutive cases were selected. The original molecular pathology reports were available. Centromere 17 copy counts were ignored in the reassessment.Altogether, nineteen (4.69%) discrepant cases were found, from which five (1.23%) were considered originally non-amplified but had an HER2 copy number >6. Therefore, we reclassified them as HER2-amplified, while fourteen (3.46%) cases were originally considered amplified with 6 or fewer HER2 signals/cell.The discrepant cases found in our reassessment study would require further high-resolution genetic analysis to resolve the disagreement. On the other hand, our result also highlights that for the vast majority of breast cancer cases traditional FISH examination is still adequate to reach the correct diagnosis. This diagnostic gap must be filled by more sophisticated genetic examinations. Moreover, upcoming HER2 guidelines should consider the aid that high-resolution karyotyping can give to the diagnostic algorithm.  相似文献   

Family-based association mapping was used to follow up reports of linkage between reading disability (RD) and a genomic region on chromosome 15q. Using a two-stage approach, we ascertained 101 (stage 1) and 77 (stage 2) parent-proband trios, in which RD was characterized rigorously. In stage 1, a set of eight microsatellite markers spanning the region of putative linkage was used and a highly significant association was detected between RD and a three-marker haplotype (D15S994/D15S214/D15S146: P and empirical P < 0.001). A significant association with the same three-marker haplotype was also observed in the second-stage sample (P = 0.009, empirical P = 0.006). Our data therefore provide strong evidence for one or more genes contributing to RD being located in the vicinity of the region including D15S146 and D15S994. In addition, our results provide support for association analysis being a useful method to map susceptibility loci for complex disorders.  相似文献   

Central areolar choroidal dystrophy (CACD) is a rare inherited retinal disease which causes progressive profound loss of vision in patients during their 4th decade. We have identified a Northern Irish family with 19 affected individuals in three living generations. We have performed a total genome search and established linkage of CACD in this family to chromosome 17p (multipoint Zmax = 5.65 at D17S938). The genes for phosphatidylinositol transfer protein (PITPN), retinal guanylate cyclase (GUC2D), beta-arrestin 2 (ARRB2), pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) and recoverin (RCV1) map to this region and are candidate genes for retinal disease. Analysis of the coding region of the PITPN gene failed to reveal any mutation in this family.   相似文献   

Our previous studies demonstrated that human chromosome 8 contains metastasis suppressor gene(s) for rat prostate cancer. However, it is still unknown which portion of human chromosome 8 is associated with suppression of metastatic ability, because all of the clones in which metastatic ability is suppressed contain at least one copy of intact human chromosome 8. In the present study, we used the irradiated microcell-mediated chromosome transfer technique to enrich for specific chromosomal arm deletions of selected chromosomes. The resultant series of human chromosomes 8 with a variety of chromosomal deletions was introduced into highly metastatic Dunning rat prostate cancer cells. All of the resultant microcell hybrids showed reduced metastatic ability. To obtain a smaller size of human chromosome 8 and to locate further the region of metastasis suppressor gene(s), the most reduced size of human chromosome 8 that was generated with the initial irradiated chromosome transfer was retransferred into the Dunning cancer cells without irradiation. The resultant microcell hybrids were analyzed to determine which portion of human chromosome 8 suppressed the metastatic ability of the recipient cells. This analysis demonstrates that the portion of human chromosome 8 containing metastasis suppressor gene(s) for rat prostate cancer cells lies on human chromosome segment 8p21-p12, where frequent allelic losses have been detected in allelotype analyses of human prostate cancer. This suggests that one of the metastasis suppressor genes for rat prostate cancer on human chromosome 8 may also play an important role in the progression of human prostate cancer. Genes Chromosom Cancer 17:260–268 (1996). © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) on chromosome 13q has been reported to occur frequently in human ovarian cancer, and indications have been found that chromosome 13 may also play a specific role in the inherited form of ovarian cancer. The aim of this study was to define regions on chromosome 13 that may harbour additional tumour suppressor genes involved in the tumorigenesis of BRCA1 related ovarian and fallopian tube cancer. MATERIALS/METHODS: DNA extracted from paraffin wax blocks of 36 BRCA1 associated ovarian and fallopian tube carcinomas was analysed by LOH polymerase chain reaction using seven highly polymorphic microsatellite markers spanning chromosome 13q. RESULTS: High LOH frequencies were found on loci 13q11, 13q14, 13q21, 13q22-31, 13q32, and 13q32-4, suggesting the presence of putative tumour suppressor genes on the long arm of chromosome 13 that may play a role in the pathogenesis of BRCA1 related ovarian and fallopian tube cancer. LOH patterns appeared to be independent of the type of BRCA1 mutation, stage, and grade. Although in some cases there were indications for loss of larger parts of chromosome 13, in most cases losses were fairly randomly distributed over chromosome 13 with retained parts in between lost parts. Microsatellite instability was found in six cases. CONCLUSION: Several loci on chromosome 13q show high frequencies of LOH in BRCA1 related ovarian and fallopian tube cancer, and may therefore harbour putative tumour suppressor genes involved in the carcinogenesis of this particular type of hereditary cancer.  相似文献   

The monoclonal antibody, H207 , raised against the human T-cell-derived acute lymphoblastic leukaemia line HSB-2 , recognizes an antigen of apparent molecular weight 125000 which is coded for by the gene, MIC6 , on chromosome 17. Assignment was based on the pattern of reactivity with a panel of somatic cell hybrids. In particular, two hybrids containing only human chromosome 17 or a human translocation chromosome t( 3;17 ) (3pter-3p11::17p11–17qter) respectively bound H207 , whilst their revertands did not. The H207 antigen has a general tissue distribution but is not found on B-cell lines and is lacking from some T-cell lines.  相似文献   

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