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207577 Pathologic and molecular biologic characteris- tics of hilar cholangiocarcinomas/Li Chenggang(李成 刚,Inst Hepatobil Surg, Gener Hosp PLA, Beijing 100853)…∥Chin J Exp Surg.-2007 ,24(6) .-690 ~ 691 Objective Toinvestigate the pathologic and molec- ular biologic characteristics of hilar cholangiocarcinomas. Methods Sixty-eight patients with hilar cholangio- carcinomas were reviewed,and the pathologic types and incidence of perineural invasionandlymph node metastasis were summariz…  相似文献   

Experimental study on bone marrow mononuclear cells on vWF and VEGF expression in ischemic bile duct tissue; Study on molecular mechanism of vasculogenic mimicry in hepatocdlular carcinoma; Study on side population ceils in human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line 97H; Budd-Chiari syndrome associated with hepatocellular carcinoma: a report of 10 cases; Correlation of aPKC-t and E-cadherin expression with invasion and prognosis of extrahepatic cholangioeareinoma……  相似文献   

<正>209054 Liver protection of prostaglandin E1in patients after hepatectomy/Hua Yunpeng(华赟鹏,Dept Hepatobil Surg,1st Affil Hosp,Sun Yat-sen Univ,Guang-zhou 510080)…∥Chin J Gen Surg. -2009,24(10). -817~819 Objective To investigate the effect and mechansim of prostaglandin E1(PGE1) to protect liver functions after hepatectomy.  相似文献   

<正>209178 Long-term prevention of virus recurrence among recipients with HBV active replication following liver transplantation/Dai Jun(Liver Transplant Center,West Chin Hosp,Sichuan Univ,Chengdu 610041)…∥Chin J Hepatobil Surg.-2009,15(2).-106~109Objective To investigate the long-term prophylactic outcome in recipierts with HBV active replication under LAM or/and HBIG prophylaxis after liver transplantation.Methods The liver biopsy specimens and serum samples were collected during the follow-up.ELISA and chemiluminesent microparticle immunoassay,HBV-DNA fluorescent quantification,immunohistochemisty and HBV-DNA in situ hybridization were performed for analysis.The alteratio of HBV markers in serial biopsy and sera of 55 recipients were investigated retrospectively.Results The mean time of follow-up was 69.14 months.Twelve cases had hepatitis B virus reinfection after transplantation.The accumulated ratio of hepatitis B virus reinfection was 4.8%(2/42)in LAM+HBIG group and 76.9%(10/13) in LAM monoprophylaxis group(P=0.000).The 1-,2-,3-and 4-yr,survival rates in combined prophylaxis group were 100%,97.1%,92.7% and 92.7%,respectively.The 1-,2-,3-and 4-yr survival rates in LAM mono prophylaxis group were 76.9%,69.2%,53.8% and 46.2%,respectively(P=0.000).The rates of hepatitis B virus reinfection in combination prophylaxis group(1-,2-,3-and 4-yr recurrence rates of 2.4%,2.4%,2.4%,and 8.5%,respectively) was markedly lower than those in mono prophylaxis group(1-,2-,3-and 4-yr recurrence rates of 16.1%,41.3%,66.4% and 66.4%,respectively)(P=0.000).Conclusion Currently HBIG combined with LAM is an optimal prophylatic protocol to reduce the hepatitis B virus reifection rate.However,poor compliance of recipients to a prescribed course of prophylaxis as well as viral staus itself is still the main cause of hepatitis B virus reinfection after liver transplantation in China.Compliance education and adjusting the prophylatic protocols according to the viral alteration after liver transplantation may help to fur  相似文献   

Liver resection: single center experiences of 2008 consecutive resections in 20 years,New application of atomic force microscopy:diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma by one cell ,Portal hypertension due to chronic pancreatitis,The clinical value of intraoperative tube placement with gastroscope in primary suture after choledochotomy,Expression of livin in hepatocellular carcinoma and its significance  相似文献   

206542Relation of expression of angiopoientin-likeprotein 3 to invasion and progression of hepatocellularcarcinoma/Song Qitong(宋其同,Dept Gener Surg,1stAffil Hosp,Wenzhou Med Col ,Wenzhou 325000)…∥Chin J Hepatobil .-2006 ,12(7) .-450 ~452ObjectiveTo investigate the relationship betweenthe expressionof angiopoientinlkie protein3 (ANGPTL3)mRNAandinvasionand metastasis of hepatocellular carci-noma (HCC) and explore newapproaches to prevent andinhibit recurrence and metastasis of HCC…  相似文献   

Analysis of microsatellite instability at chromosome 3p21. 3 in sporadic cholangiocarcinoma patients; Exogenous wild-type p53 gene suppressing the growth of human gallbladder cancer GBC-SD cell line;Abnormal expression of local hemeoxygenase in splenic arteries of portal hypertensive patients; Microencapsulated porcine hepatocyte transplantation to treat acute hepatic failure of rats induced by drug; Activation of hepatic stdlate cells in a cirrhotic rat liver transplantation model using small-for-size grafts: The significance of Rho-ROCK signaling pathway;Application of fluconazol to prevent fungous infection in severe acute pancreatitis;  相似文献   

Treatment of refractory hepatolithiasis by chemical bile duct embolization: a report of the first case; Influence of magnitude and endurance of local bile duct pressure on bile duct wall in dogs; Establishment and preliminary analysis of a 2- D human biliary map  相似文献   

<正>210401 Effects of Geldanamycin on gallbladder carcinoma in vitro/Suo Tao(锁涛,Dept Gen Surg,Zhong-shan Hosp,Fudan Univ,Shanghai 200032)…Chin J Exp Surg.-2010,27(7).-855~856  相似文献   

Diagnosis and treatment of heterotopic pancreas in gastrointestinal tract: a report of 18 cases, Effects of peroxisome proliferators-activatied receptor gamma on the biological characteristics of hepatic stellate celis, An in vitro study for the effect of newly constructed replication -selective adenovirus CNHK600-p53 on hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines PLC/PRFS, Induced human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells differentiation into hepatocyte-like cells by hepatocyte growth factor plus fibroblast growth factor-4 in vitro,The role of multi-drug resistance related proteins in hepatocellular carcinoma multidrug resistance cell line HePG2/ADM  相似文献   

<正>209496 Evaluation of COX-2 promoter activities in pancreatic adenocarcinoma/Jin Shi (金实, Dept Gen Surg,1st Affil Hosp,Dalian Med Univ,Dalian 116011)…∥Chin J Exp Surg. -2009,26(8). -1037 ~1039  相似文献   

<正>209338 Guard against "block phenomenon" for inferior vena cava being in compression during open cholecystectomy/Liu Guoying(刘国英,Dept Anesthesiol,Hangzhou 5th Peop Hosp,Hangzhou 311100)…∥Chin J Hepatobil Surg.-2009,15(6).-457~458Objective To explore the existence of "block phenomenon" of he inferior venal cava being in compression during open cholecystectomy.Methods A total of 30 patients receiving open cholecystectomy under the general anesthesia and epidural anesthesia in our hospital were selected.The right internal jugular vein and femoral vein catheterization was performed after the anesthesia induction and intubation to continuously monitor CVP and the in ferior vena cava pressure (IVCP).Meanwhil,the changes in CVP,MAP,HR,IVCP before abdominal opening,upon pulling gallbladder as well as 5 min,10 min and 15 minutes after the opening of deep retractors were observed,recorded and compared.Results The HR of patients during cholecystectomy did not changed significantly(P>0.05) but MAP an CVP were decreased markedly(P<0.01).Furtherore,there was remarkable increase of pressure in the inferior vena(P<0.01).These changes were the most obvious during the filling of saline gauze pads in the abdominal cavity and within the first 15 min of deep retractors led.After the closure of abdominal wall,the levels of CVP,MAP and IVCP returned to those before the abdominal opening.Conclusion The "block phenomenon" of the inferior vena cava during open cholecystectomy do exist in different degress and it is the main reason for the patients’ hemodynamic variety.This requires the anesthesiologists to hint the surgeon in the management of anesthesia to consider changing the posture and strength of retractors while the blood pressure is decreasing to avoid cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events.5 refs,1 tab.  相似文献   

Clinicopathological features and surgical treat. ment of hepatolithiasis associated intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma;Feasibility of using endobiliary stent for laparoscopic exploration for common bile duct;Laparoscopic cholecystectomy: causes of conversion and major complications in 13 000 cases;Construction of an arterialized rat liver transplantation model with biliary extra-drainage;Expression of C-kit and SCF in human cholangiolocellular carcinoma and its significance; The experimental study of the effect of the inhibitor of nuclear factor-soB on severe acute pancreatitis;……  相似文献   

Dissecting giant liver hemangioma through retrohepatic tunnel: a report of 8 cases;Clinical evaluation of cystectomy for hepatic cystic echinococcosis;Clinical value of protein biochip of 12 tumor markers for detection of cholangiocarcinoma;Clinical features of and therapeutic efficacy for early severe acute pancreatitis;Study on gray scale contrast-enhanced ultrasonography in diagnosis of splenic trauma:an animal experiment  相似文献   

胆道系统疾病始终是选择肝脏移植治疗的诸多病种中的一个重要适应证,其在病例选择及适应证方面主要包括:先天性胆道闭锁、易恶变的胆道疾病、胆道恶性肿瘤、原发性胆汁性肝硬化和继发性胆汁性肝硬化等病变,且这些疾病各有其适应证.胆道系统疾病行肝脏移植手术的时机包括:当肝脏移植为疾病治疗的唯一手段或唯一有效手段时;肝脏移植为疾病外科治疗的方法之一时.虽然国内外目前尚无一个统一标准用于胆道疾病行肝脏移植术前的评估,但首先应是明确诊断;其次要确定胆道疾病患者目前是否急需行肝脏移植以及急需的程度;再者要患者家属了解肝脏移植的整个过程,知道其存在的危险、移植的价值以及术后终身服用免疫抑制剂等.本文通过笔者的经验和实例分析胆道系统疾病肝脏移植手术的相关问题.  相似文献   

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