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目的:考察大学生被试在内隐层面上是否存在自我正面偏见,探讨其强度是否可以得到增强.方法:实验一用阈上态度启动范式,在自我和他人启动条件下,要求被试判断随之呈现的人格特质词的积极和消极属性,记录自我积极、自我消极、他人积极、他人消极四类词语的反应时数据;实验二运用阈下评价性条件反射,将自我与积极词语或他人与消极词语反复配对呈现给实验组被试,观察被试在与内隐自我正面偏见一致或不一致词对上与控制组反应的异同.结果:实验一发现被试对自我启动下的积极词或他人启动下的消极词的反应显著快于自我启动下的消极词或他人启动下的积极词;实验二发现在不一致词对上两组被试的反应时没有差异,在一致词对上实验组显著快于控制组.结论:自我正面偏见在内隐层面上存在,通过阈下评价性条件反射可以增强内隐自我正面偏见水平.  相似文献   

目的:探讨初入狱青年男性涉毒罪犯在能力和品质两维度上的自我评价倾向.方法:采用内隐联想测试任务对23名男性涉毒罪犯的内隐自我评价特性进行了测试.结果:两个IAT测验中,自我相关性词和消极词相联结时的平均反应时均显著大于其和积极词相联结时的平均反应时,且能力IAT效应略大于品质IAT效应(边缘显著性).结论:涉毒罪犯对自我能力和品质两维度的内隐评价均存在显著的积极认知,且对自身能力的期望要高于对自身品质的期望.  相似文献   

目的:探索特质焦虑高分大学生的信息加工是否存在内隐自我积极偏差。方法:选取特质焦虑高分组[特质焦虑量表(T-AI)T分>60分且特质抑郁量表(T-DEP)T分<60分]和特质焦虑低分组(T-AI和T-DEP的T分均<60分)大学生各50人,采用阈上启动范式在他人和自我启动下,完成形容词属性归类任务,比较两组被试的反应时。结果:特质焦虑高分组和特质焦虑低分组启动类型和词汇类型的交互作用均有统计学意义(均P<0.001),高分组对自我积极偏差内字词的反应时快于该偏差外字词的反应时,低分组对偏差内字词的反应时快于偏差外字词的反应时。结论:特质焦虑高分大学生的信息加工存在内隐自我积极偏差,该偏差可能是焦虑个体信息加工后期对威胁刺激(自我积极偏差外字词)的回避所导致。  相似文献   

目的:本研究采用内隐联结测验(IAT)的研究范式探索中国大学生对父母的内隐态度差异。方法:实验采用标准的IAT测验范式,由被试自己生成概念词和属性词,77个被试(女43,男34)完成实验。结果:发现无论使用他人参照还是自我参照,中国大学生对母亲和父亲的内隐态度差异显著,其中对母亲的内隐态度要亲近;并且男女之间存在分离效应,男生对母亲和父亲的内隐态度差异不显著,而女生对母亲和父亲的内隐态度差异显著。结论:中国大学生对父母的内隐态度差异显著。  相似文献   

目的:验证士兵内隐集体自尊效应,探讨其脑机制。方法:通过Go/No-go联想测验任务(Go/No-go Associa-tion Task,GNAT)测量士兵被试在集体自我+积极与集体自我+消极两种任务条件下的感受性指标(d’)和反应时,同时记录事件相关电位数据。结果:GNAT感受性指标上,任务条件的主效应显著,F(1,15)=12.25,P=0.003;GNAT的反应时指标上,任务条件主效应显著,F(1,15)=8.557,P=0.010。P300潜伏期上,任务条件的主效应显著,F(1,15)=10.752,P=0.005;P300振幅上,任务条件的主效应显著,F(1,15)=24.636,P=0.000。结论:士兵内隐集体自尊效应基于对集体自我+积极信息的深度加工,是多脑区参与的同步系列活动。  相似文献   

目的 探讨3种想象条件和无想象条件对大学生内隐自我价值感的影响.方法 对96名大学生进行内隐自我价值感IAT测验并完成青少年自我价值感量表.结果 大学生的自我价值感系统具有积极性和稳定性特征,性别和年级对外显和内隐价值感均无显著性的影响;IAT效应的想象条件主效应显著(F=4.21,P<0.01),进一步多重比较表明,消极想象对IAT效应有显著的减弱作用(P<0.05);内隐与外显自我价值感是两个相对独立的结构,两者间仅存在低相关,相关系数-0.157~-0.058(P>0.05).结论 想象在内隐自我的研究中是一个有价值的策略,能有效地调节个体的内隐自我认知.  相似文献   

目的:探索有人际关系困扰(ID)问题的大学生在人际交往过程中的内隐心理活动特点,为ID者的心理辅导与干预治疗提供理论指导.方法:选取329名大学生,使用人际关系综合诊断量表(IRIDQ)将其分成ID组(IRIDQ得分为15~28分,n=43)、普通组(IRIDQ得分为9~ 12.11分,n=50)和无困扰组(IRIDQ得分为0~3.76分,n=50).采用GNAT (the Go/No-go Association Task)内隐联想范式和情绪STROOP范式测试三组在人际关系上的内隐认知、内隐情绪、内隐社交意向的反应时、击中率与虚报率(用于计算信号辨别率指数d’).结果:方差分析显示,在内隐认知、内隐情绪、内隐行为意向的平均反应时上,组别主效应均显著(均P <0.001),进一步多重比较发现,ID组积极内隐认知反应时长于普通组和无困扰组[(594.2±17.0) ms vs.(533.4±15.5) ms vs.(503.3±13.9) ms;均P<0.01],而消极内隐认知反应时则短于普通组和无困扰组[(554.5±18.5) ms vs.(600.6±28.8) ms vs.(610.4±19.8)ms;均P<0.01];ID组内隐情绪反应时长于普通组和无困扰组[积极情绪词(442.1±18.5) ms vs.(415.6±17.5) msvs.(395.7±12.9) ms;消极情绪词(434.3±17.5) ms vs.(390.1±13.1) ms vs.(389.8±15.5) ms;均P<0.01]; ID组内隐社交意向反应时长于普通组和无困扰组[(593.6±10.7) ms vs.(395.6±12.0) ms vs.(381.2±8.1) ms;均P<0.01],而社交情境d'最短[(0.8±0.6)vs.(1.8±0.8)vs.(2.2±0.6);均P <0.05)].结论:人际关系有困扰者存在消极的自我内隐认知和情绪干扰,人际交往行为有退缩意向.  相似文献   

内隐与外显自尊情境启动效应的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:探讨内隐自尊与外显自尊的情景启动效应。方法:以大学生为被试,运用两套程序,通过对启动条件的操纵考察内隐和外显自尊对于情境变化的敏感性,结果:内隐自尊效应具有普遍性;内隐自尊与外显自尊之间存在低相关,而外显自尊量表之间存在强相关;内隐自尊既有一定的稳定性,也会由于情境的变化而产生波动.积极的情境线索会扩大内隐自尊效应,而消极的情境线索会降低内隐自尊效应.后者比前者产生更大的启动效应:外显自尊没有产生启动效应。结论:内隐自尊具有一定的稳定性,但也受特定情境的影响;外显自尊对具体情境不敏感。  相似文献   

内隐自尊是人们在对与自我相关或自我无关的客体进行评价时的一种态度表现,而这种态度是无法通过内省的方式被意识到的。有研究发现,内隐自尊与专业心理求助态度之间存在显著的正相关(P〈0.01),且可以直接预测一匹理求助态度。Rogers提出的自我和谐是指一个人自我观念中没有冲突的心理现象,  相似文献   

金璐 《校园心理》2022,(5):391-394
目的 探讨中学生性别对外显自我价值感和内隐自我价值感的影响以及内隐自我价值感与外显自我价值感的关系。方法 采用Go/No-Go联想任务测验测量某中学69名中学生内隐自我价值感,采用青少年自我价值感量表测量其外显自我价值感。结果 不同性别因素对中学生外显自我价值间差异无统计学意义(t=-1.111,P>0.05),但对内隐自我价值间差异有统计学意义(t=-2.512,P<0.05);在自我价值感的系统结构中,内隐自我价值感和外显自我价值感不存在显著相关(r=-0.124,P>0.05)。结论 女性内隐自我价值感明显高于男性,中学生的内隐、外显自我价值感彼此独立。  相似文献   



Despite known benefits of diversity, certain racial/ethnic groups remain underrepresented in academic pediatrics. Little research exists regarding unconscious racial attitudes among pediatric faculty responsible for decisions on workforce recruitment and retention in academia. This study sought to describe levels of unconscious racial bias and perceived barriers to minority recruitment and retention among academic pediatric faculty leaders.


Authors measured unconscious racial bias in a sample of pediatric faculty attending diversity workshops conducted at local and national meetings in 2015. A paper version of the validated Implicit Association Test (IAT) measured unconscious racial bias. Subjects also reported perceptions about minority recruitment and retention.


Of 68 eligible subjects approached, 58 (85%) consented and completed the survey with IAT. Of participants, 83% had leadership roles and 93% were involved in recruitment. Participants had slight pro-white/anti-black bias on the IAT (M = 0.28, SD = 0.49). There were similar IAT scores among participants in leadership roles (M = 0.33, SD = 0.47) and involved in recruitment (M = 0.28, SD = 0.43). Results did not differ when comparing participants in local workshops to the national workshop (n = 36, M = 0.29, SD = 0.40 and n = 22, M = 0.27, SD = 0.49 respectively; p = 0.88). Perceived barriers to minority recruitment and retention included lack of minority mentors, poor recruitment efforts, and lack of qualified candidates.


Unconscious pro-white/anti-black racial bias was identified in this sample of academic pediatric faculty and leaders. Further research is needed to examine how unconscious bias impacts decisions in academic pediatric workforce recruitment. Addressing unconscious bias and perceived barriers to minority recruitment and retention represent opportunities to improve diversity efforts.  相似文献   

Self-positivity bias is a common psychological phenomenon in which individuals often associate positive information with themselves. However, little is known about how self-positivity bias is modulated by different language contexts (e.g., a first vs. second language). To this end, we analyzed behavioral and electrophysiological data to examine whether first or second languages play differential roles in the self-positivity bias effect. We used a modified self-positivity bias task which required Chinese–English bilinguals to judge strings of letters or characters as realwords or not and match associations between identity (self, other) and a geometric shape (circle, triangle). The target words in the experiment consisted of positive, negative, and neutral emotional words. The results showed that in the L2 context, the self-positivity condition elicited a smaller N400 effect relative to the self-negativity condition and a larger late positive component effect relative to the self-negativity and self-neutrality conditions. Furthermore, the other-positivity condition elicited a stronger N400 effect than the other-neutrality condition. These patterns did not emerge in the L1 context. We discuss the implications and contributions of these findings to better understand the interaction between emotion and self-concept in different language contexts.  相似文献   



Racial bias is associated with suboptimal healthcare treatment for minorities. Research focuses on bias among physicians rather than non-physician healthcare staff (e.g., receptionists). Patients spend considerable amounts of time with non-physician staff. Therefore, we investigate differences in implicit and explicit racial bias by healthcare staff race and occupation using the Implicit Association Test and Modern Racism Scale, respectively.


Staff (n = 107) were recruited using the Alabama based Primary Care Research Coalition. Occupation was categorized into “medical doctors/registered nurses” (MD/RN) and “non-MD/RN” (e.g., receptionists).


Implicit bias scores were higher among whites compared with blacks (0.62, ?0.04, respectively; p < 0.01). Among whites, non-MD/RNs demonstrated more pro-white implicit bias compared with MD/RNs (0.67, 0.44, respectively; p < 0.01). Whites had higher explicit bias scores than blacks (17.7, 12.3, respectively; p < 0.01).


Non-MD/RNs should not be overlooked for cultural competency training, and efforts are needed to reduce racial bias among healthcare workers identified as having higher levels of bias.  相似文献   

The presence of an attentional bias towards disorder-related stimuli has not been consistently demonstrated in blood phobics. The present study was aimed at investigating whether or not an attentional bias, as measured by event-related potentials (ERPs), could be highlighted in blood phobics by inducing cognitive-emotional sensitization through the repetitive presentation of different disorder-related pictures. The mean amplitudes of the N100, P200, P300 and late positive potentials to picture onset were assessed along with subjective ratings of valence and arousal in 13 blood phobics and 12 healthy controls. Blood phobics, but not controls, showed a linear increase of subjective arousal over time, suggesting that cognitive-emotional sensitization did occur. The analysis of cortical responses showed larger N100 and smaller late positive potentials in phobics than in controls in response to mutilations. These findings suggest that cognitive-emotional sensitization induced an attentional bias in blood phobics during picture viewing, involving early selective encoding and late cognitive avoidance of disorder-related stimuli depicting mutilations.  相似文献   

目的:以图片为刺激材料考察完美态度是否具有内隐性。方法:29名中学生参加了内隐社会认知实验。结果:再认测验和偏好测验出现了实验性分离,完美态度具有内隐性。结论:内隐完美态度是可以测量的。  相似文献   

Dan O  Raz S 《Biological psychology》2012,91(2):212-220
Attachment-related electrophysiological differences in emotional processing biases were examined using Event-Related Potentials (ERPs). We identified ERP correlates of emotional processing by comparing ERPs elicited in trials with angry and neutral faces. These emotional expression effects were then compared across groups with secure, anxious and avoidant attachment orientations. Results revealed significant interactions between attachment orientation and facial expression in mean amplitudes of the early C1 (50-80ms post-stimulus) and P1 (80-120ms post-stimulus) ERP components. Significant differences in C1 and P1 mean amplitudes were found at occipital and posterior-parietal channels in response to angry compared with neutral faces only within the avoidant attachment group. No such differences were found within the secure or anxious attachment groups. The present study underscores the usefulness of the ERP methodology, as a sensitive measure for the study of emotional processing biases in the research field of attachment.  相似文献   

目的介绍与遗忘症有关的记忆理论及与遗忘症有关的内隐记忆研究。方法总结前人的研究.结果为遗忘症研究的发展提供了理论基础。结论遗忘症研究应与记忆研究紧密地结合.相互促进发展。  相似文献   

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