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目的:考察大学生被试在内隐层面上是否存在自我正面偏见,探讨其强度是否可以得到增强.方法:实验一用阈上态度启动范式,在自我和他人启动条件下,要求被试判断随之呈现的人格特质词的积极和消极属性,记录自我积极、自我消极、他人积极、他人消极四类词语的反应时数据;实验二运用阈下评价性条件反射,将自我与积极词语或他人与消极词语反复配对呈现给实验组被试,观察被试在与内隐自我正面偏见一致或不一致词对上与控制组反应的异同.结果:实验一发现被试对自我启动下的积极词或他人启动下的消极词的反应显著快于自我启动下的消极词或他人启动下的积极词;实验二发现在不一致词对上两组被试的反应时没有差异,在一致词对上实验组显著快于控制组.结论:自我正面偏见在内隐层面上存在,通过阈下评价性条件反射可以增强内隐自我正面偏见水平.  相似文献   

目的:通过事件相关电位技术考察情绪效价对自我姓名加工的影响。方法:采用block设计,使用情绪图片分别诱发正、负性情绪,被试完成被动Oddball范式,对小圆进行按键反应,而对大圆及自我、明星、陌生人姓名不反应,分析三类姓名的脑电差异。结果:负性情绪下的自我姓名比正性诱发了更大的N2,相比于朋友与陌生人,自我姓名在正、负性情绪下诱发了更大的P300,但仅在负性条件下诱发了更大N2。结论:情绪效价作用在自我姓名加工的中晚期时间段内产生影响,特别是在N2时间段内,负性刺激引起情绪负性偏向,而个体同时为了维护自我正面偏见,产生了正、负性情绪效价的冲突。  相似文献   

目的:探索特质焦虑高分大学生的信息加工是否存在内隐自我积极偏差。方法:选取特质焦虑高分组[特质焦虑量表(T-AI)T分60分且特质抑郁量表(T-DEP)T分60分]和特质焦虑低分组(T-AI和T-DEP的T分均60分)大学生各50人,采用阈上启动范式在他人和自我启动下,完成形容词属性归类任务,比较两组被试的反应时。结果:特质焦虑高分组和特质焦虑低分组启动类型和词汇类型的交互作用均有统计学意义(均P0.001),高分组对自我积极偏差内字词的反应时快于该偏差外字词的反应时,低分组对偏差内字词的反应时快于偏差外字词的反应时。结论:特质焦虑高分大学生的信息加工存在内隐自我积极偏差,该偏差可能是焦虑个体信息加工后期对威胁刺激(自我积极偏差外字词)的回避所导致。  相似文献   

目的:采用事件相关电位技术考察职业性别刻板印象激活效应。方法:使用语义联想启动范式,以代表"男性"或"女性"的单词为启动刺激,以职业性别刻板印象词为目标刺激,让被试判断启动词和目标词是否一致。结果:行为结果发现对比一致条件,不一致条件下被试的反应时更慢,正确率更低;对比男性启动条件,女性被试在女性启动条件下反应时更快,正确率更高。ERP结果发现,对比一致条件,不一致条件诱发了更大的N400波幅;对比男性启动条件,女性被试在女性启动条件下诱发了更大的P600波幅。结论:这些研究结果可能表明职业性别刻板激活效应是存在的,且支持语义匹配模型,而不是扩散激活模型;女性被试具有内群体偏见效应;职业性别刻板印象激活效应和内群体偏见效应都发生在知觉加工的晚期阶段。  相似文献   

目的:分别从内隐和外显层面研究少数民族的民族自我参照效应。方法:行为实验采用R/K范式进行研究,ERP实验采用Oddball范式进行研究。结果:行为实验表明自我民族同汉族在再认率和R反应上不存在显著差异;ERP实验表明,相对于汉族和对照民族而言,自我民族在头皮中部和后中部诱发了更大的P2波幅,在全脑诱发了更小的N2波幅和更大的P3波幅,且这种效应在左脑表现更为明显。结论:当以生活在汉族地区的少数民族为被试时,民族自我参照效应只存在于内隐层面而不存在于外显层面。  相似文献   

目的:分析述情障碍者情绪启动中的ERPs特征,探讨述情障碍者情绪自动加工缺陷的神经机制。方法:采用TAS-20中文版筛选出述情障碍者与非述情障碍者进入情绪启动实验。以阈下或阈上方式呈现启动图片,要求受试对目标图片做出正负性的判断,记录受试ERPs数据。结果:在阈上启动任务中,述情障碍组的P2波幅和"启动-非启动"差异波N600波幅均显著小于非述情障碍组的波幅,而阈下启动任务中的P2、P3潜伏期与波幅及N600波幅则均不存在显著组间差异。结论:本研究进一步支持述情障碍者对无意识感知的情绪刺激的自动加工是完整的,而对意识到的情绪刺激的自动加工存在明显的缺陷。  相似文献   

目的:采用事件相关电位(ERP)技术探讨情绪对两可图认知加工的影响。方法:通过成功-失败操纵(SFM)诱发情绪,考察两可图观察任务的脑电活动变化。结果:①刺激产生的ERPs各成分(N140、N200、P300、N400)明显。②负性情绪组N140、N200潜伏期显著延迟,波幅显著减小。③负性和中性情绪组P300波幅显著大于正性情绪组。④负性情绪组N400潜伏期显著长于中性情绪组,负性和中性情绪组波幅均显著大于正性情绪组。结论:① N140和N200可能反映两可图物理刺激的感知;P300和N400则可能反映两可图的命名及含义转换。② N140和N200潜伏期显著延迟,波幅显著减小,说明负性情绪可能导致被试脑活动呈现抑制状态,活动水平降低。③ P300和N400波幅显著增大,可能是受高趋近动机影响,被试对任务投入更多心理资源,故负性情绪反而提高了激活水平。  相似文献   

目的讨论客观性新近信息对大学生自我评价的影响及情绪反应。方法依据给予被试的反馈信息的不同将被试分为3组:正面组,负面组和控制组。通过计算机给3组被试呈现20道语文推理测验题,要求被试在10分钟内完成并给按照事先随机划分的3组被试呈现不同的反馈信息,随后要求被试完成认知量表、情绪量表和自信心量表测试。结果1对信息本身的评价:语文能力信心维度正面组和负面组有显著差异(t=2.320,P=026);2自我评价:自我表现维度各组有显著差异(F(2,52)=13.9,P=0.000),经Posthoc-Tukey检验发现负面组(M=3.8)与控制组(M=5.000)以及负面组与正面组(M=5.400)有显著性差异;3自身能力维度各组有显著差异(F=(2,52)=3.823,P=0.028),进一步检验发现,正面组(M=5.350)与负面组(M=4.500)有明显的差别;各组的情绪反应方面有显著差异(F=(2,52)=12.56,P=0.000),进一步检验发现,正面组和控制组的得分显著高于负面组,而正面组得分虽然有高于控制组的趋势,但不显著。结论接受新近信息的正面组被试比负面组被试和控制组被试对自己有较高的自我评价和积...  相似文献   

目的:探索抑郁特质大学生的内隐信息加工是否存在自我积极偏差。方法:选取抑郁特质组[特质抑郁量表[(T-DEP)T分60分,且特质焦虑量表(T-AI)T分60分]和非抑郁特质对照组(T-DEP和T-AI的T分均60分)大学生各42人,采用阈上态度启动范式,在自我和他人启动下,完成积极和消极词归类任务,比较两组反应时的差异。结果:抑郁特质组的启动类型与词汇类型交互作用无统计学意义[F(1,41)=1.56,P=0.218];对照组的启动类型与词汇类型交互作用有统计学意义[F(1,41)=55.43,P0.001],被试对自我积极偏差范畴内的自我积极和他人消极词的反应时短于范畴外的他人积极和自我消极词[(602.64±20.03)ms、(654.56±20.41)ms vs.(663.19±20.78)ms、(678.64±20.70)ms;均P0.001]。结论:抑郁特质大学生的内隐信息加工不存在自我积极偏差,非抑郁特质大学生表现出内隐自我积极偏差。  相似文献   

目的:探讨情绪启动和情绪适应现象,以及二者对大学生认知加工的影响。方法:随机选取大学生30名,采用2×2被试内设计,两个因素分别为:范式类型(启动、适应),情绪图片效价(积极、消极),以被试的反应偏向作为因变量。结果:在情绪启动条件下,积极图片与消极图片所产生的效应量之间差异显著(F=15.01,P=0.001),消极图片所带来的启动效应大于积极图片。当情绪图片为消极时,情绪启动与情绪适应之间差异显著(F=6.90,P=0.014)。结论:大学生易受负性情绪启动的影响,对负面情感的重视超过了正面情感。  相似文献   

We investigated the processing of self-related information under the prime paradigm using event-related potentials (ERPs) to provide evidence for implicit self-positivity bias in Chinese individuals. Reaction times and ERPs were recorded when participants made positive/negative emotional judgments to personality-trait adjectives about themselves or others. Faster responses occurred to self-related positive adjectives and other-related negative adjectives, indicating implicit self-positivity bias at the behavioral level. ERPs showed an interaction between prime and emotion at the P300 amplitude, with larger P300 amplitudes for words within the self-positivity bias, indicating that self-related information occupied more attentional resources. Larger N400 amplitudes elicited by words that were inconsistent with the self-positivity bias, suggesting that accessing non-self-relevant information is more difficult than self-relevant information. Thus, P300 and N400 could be used as neuro-indexes of the implicit self-positivity bias.  相似文献   

To investigate the neural basis of self-evaluation across time as a function of emotional valence, event-related potentials were recorded among participants instructed to make self-reference judgments when evaluating their past, present and future selves. Results showed that, when evaluating present and past selves, negative words elicited a more positive ERP deflection in the time window between 650 ms and 800 ms (LPC) relative to positive words. However, when evaluating the future selves, there was no significant difference on the amplitude of the LPC evoked by negative versus positive words. Findings provided evidence for the effect of emotional valence on the self across time at a neurophysiological level and identified the time course of negative bias in the temporal self. More specifically, people were inclined to be relatively less negative and optimistic about their future self but had mixed emotions about past and present selves.  相似文献   

Self-positivity bias is a common psychological phenomenon in which individuals often associate positive information with themselves. However, little is known about how self-positivity bias is modulated by different language contexts (e.g., a first vs. second language). To this end, we analyzed behavioral and electrophysiological data to examine whether first or second languages play differential roles in the self-positivity bias effect. We used a modified self-positivity bias task which required Chinese–English bilinguals to judge strings of letters or characters as realwords or not and match associations between identity (self, other) and a geometric shape (circle, triangle). The target words in the experiment consisted of positive, negative, and neutral emotional words. The results showed that in the L2 context, the self-positivity condition elicited a smaller N400 effect relative to the self-negativity condition and a larger late positive component effect relative to the self-negativity and self-neutrality conditions. Furthermore, the other-positivity condition elicited a stronger N400 effect than the other-neutrality condition. These patterns did not emerge in the L1 context. We discuss the implications and contributions of these findings to better understand the interaction between emotion and self-concept in different language contexts.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Behavioral experiments on reaction time indicate that anxious subjects' vigilance-related attention is biased towards threatening words, though direct data on cerebral activity associated to this bias are conspicuously scarce. METHODS: In the present study, event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded from 30 subjects, grouped according to their scores in trait and state anxiety questionnaires. The specific role of the arousal and valence content of the stimulation in the vigilance bias was investigated by blocking the arousal content. Stimulation with high biological significance was employed. An S1 (sound)-S2 (emotional picture) task ensured that subjects were vigilant towards positive, negative or control (neutral) images. RESULTS: Only subjects presenting high state scores and high state-trait combination scores showed significantly higher amplitudes in the Early Contingent Negative Variation during vigilance towards negative stimuli. This ERP component typically appears between S1 and S2 and reflects the intensity of vigilance. CONCLUSIONS: ERP activity detects cerebral indices that confirm the presence of valence-related vigilance biases in anxiety.  相似文献   

We investigated cortical responses and valence/arousal ratings of spider phobic, snake phobic, and healthy subjects while they were processing feared, fear-relevant, emotional neutral, and pleasant stimuli. Results revealed significantly larger amplitudes of late ERP components (P3 and late positive complex, LPC) but not of early components (N1, P2, N2) in phobics when subjects were processing feared stimuli. This fear-associated increase of amplitudes of late ERP components in phobic subjects was maximal at centro-parietal and occipital brain sites. Furthermore, phobics but not controls rated feared stimuli to be more negative and arousing than fear-relevant, emotional neutral, and pleasant stimuli. Since late ERP components and valence/arousal ratings were only significantly increased when phobic subjects but not when healthy controls were processing feared stimuli, the present data suggest that P3 and LPC amplitudes represent useful neural correlates of the emotional significance and meaning of stimuli.  相似文献   

Categorization of unilaterally presented emotional words: an ERP analysis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This study is intended to clarify the functional role of different ERP components as indicators of the processing of emotions. The effect of emotional connotation of words on hemispheric lateralization is also explored. Visual ERPs were recorded to unilaterally presented positive, negative, and neutral words that should be categorized according to their emotional connotation. The P2 amplitude was larger to positive than to negative words whereas P3 amplitude was larger to positive words compared with neutral ones. The slow positive wave (SPW) was influenced by words emotionality at anterior and posterior sites differently. The amplitude of the N1 component was larger in the left hemisphere to contralaterally presented words. The P2 and P3 components were larger over the left hemisphere whereas the N3 and N4 components were larger over the right hemisphere to ipsilateral stimulation. The results support our hypotheses on the functional role of positive ERP components in the processing of an affective words connotation: the P2 wave reflects a general evaluation of emotional significance, the P3 a task-related decision, and the SPW an additional decision control in the context of the emotional experience of an individual. Neither the "right hemisphere hypothesis" nor "valence hypothesis" on lateralization of the processing of emotions were confirmed. Each hemisphere seems to exert its effect on emotion through specific hemispheric resources that are unequally allocated along the different stages of task processing and may cause alternation of hemispheric dominance.  相似文献   

The influence of self-reference and emotionally valent material on list-method directed forgetting was investigated. Participants studied lists 1 and 2, both of which consisted of positive, negative, and neutral trait adjectives. Each participant was randomly assigned to one of three experimental conditions: self-reference judgment, social desirability judgment, and control (no specific judgment). Half of the participants in each condition received the forget instruction telling them to forget list 1 and to remember list 2 (forget group). The other half received the remember instruction telling them to remember both lists 1 and 2 (remember group). All participants were then asked to recall all the list words, including those that they were instructed to forget. Results indicated that the directed forgetting effect disappeared in the self-reference judgment condition: in the forget group, list 1 recall was poorer than recall of list 2, and the Forget group participants recalled fewer list 1 words compared to the remember group participants. Neither the emotional valence nor self-reference of the material modulated the magnitude of this effect. It is concluded that self-reference may modify directed forgetting.  相似文献   

Chen J  Yuan J  Huang H  Chen C  Li H 《Neuroscience letters》2008,445(2):135-139
The present study investigated the effect of music-elicited moods on the subsequent affective processing through a music-primed valence categorization task. Event-related potentials were recorded for positive and negative emotional pictures that were primed by happy or sad music excerpts. The reaction time data revealed longer reaction times (RTs) for pictures following negative versus positive music pieces, irrespective of the valence of the picture. Additionally, positive pictures elicited faster response latencies than negative pictures, irrespective of the valence of the musical prime. Moreover, the main effect of picture valence, and the music by picture valence interaction effect were both significant for P2 amplitudes and for the averaged amplitudes at 500-700ms interval. Negative pictures elicited smaller P2 amplitudes than positive pictures, and the amplitude differences between negative and positive pictures were larger with negative musical primes than with positive musical primes. Similarly, compared to positive pictures, negative pictures elicited more negative deflections during the 500-700ms interval across prime types. The amplitude differences between negative and positive pictures were again larger under negative versus positive music primes at this interval. Therefore, the present study observed a clear emotional negativity bias during either prime condition, and extended the previous findings by showing increased strength of the negative bias under negative mood primes. This suggests that the neural sensitivity of the brain to negative stimuli varies with individuals' mood states, and this bias is particularly intensified by negative mood states.  相似文献   

We examined the factors that contribute to enhanced recall for emotionally arousing words by analyzing behavioral performance, the P300 as an index of distinctiveness, and the N400 as an index of semantic expectancy violation in a modified Von Restorff paradigm. While their EEG was recorded, participants studied three list types (1) neutral words including one emotionally arousing isolate (either positive or negative), (2) arousing, negative words including one neutral isolate, or (3) arousing, positive words including one neutral isolate. Immediately after each list, free recall was tested. Negative, but not positive, words exhibited enhanced recall when presented as isolates in lists of neutral words and elicited a larger P300 for subsequently recalled than not‐recalled words. This suggests that arousing, negative words stand out and that their distinctiveness contributes to their superior recall. Positive valence had an enhancing effect on recall only when the list contained mostly other positive words. Neutral isolates placed in either positive or negative lists elicited an N400, suggesting that semantic expectations developed in emotional word lists regardless of valence. However, semantic relatedness appeared to more strongly contribute to recall for positive than negative words. Our results suggest that distinctiveness and semantic relatedness contribute to episodic encoding of arousing words, but the impact of each factor depends on both a word's valence and its context.  相似文献   

Post‐traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is associated with a hypersensitivity to potential threat. This hypersensitivity manifests through differential patterns of emotional information processing and has been demonstrated in behavioral and neurophysiological experimental paradigms. However, the majority of research has been focused on adult patients with PTSD. To examine possible differences in underlying neurophysiological patterns for adolescent patients with PTSD after childhood sexual and/or physical abuse (CSA/CPA), ERP correlates of emotional word processing in 38 healthy participants and 40 adolescent participants with PTSD after experiencing CSA/CPA were studied. The experimental paradigm consisted of a passive reading task with neutral, positive (e.g., paradise), physically threatening (e.g., torment), and socially threatening (i.e., swearing, e.g., son of a bitch) words. A modulation of P3 amplitudes by emotional valence was found, with positive words inducing less elevated amplitudes over both groups. Interestingly, in later processing, the PTSD group showed augmented early late positive potential (LPP) amplitudes for socially threatening stimuli, while there were no modulations within the healthy control group. Also, region‐specific emotional modulations for anterior and posterior electrode clusters were found. For the anterior LPP, highest activations have been found for positive words, while socially and physically threatening words led to strongest modulations in the posterior LPP cluster. There were no modulations by group or emotional valence at the P1 and EPN stage. The findings suggest an enhanced conscious processing of socially threatening words in adolescent patients with PTSD after CSA/CPA, pointing to the importance of a disjoined examination of threat words in emotional processing research.  相似文献   

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