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目的 研究不同亲子对类型、不同年龄段,父母体重状况与子代超重/肥胖风险的关联性。方法 研究对象为上海市浦东新区3个有区域代表性的社区,2021年36月在读幼儿园儿童,测量儿童身高、体重,并采用问卷调查收集父母身高和体重数据、人口学特征、家庭社会经济水平信息。共募集5 129名儿童及家庭,按儿童体重状态分为超重/肥胖组和非超重组。以儿童超重/肥胖和非超重为二分类因变量,按年龄段分层和亲子队类型分层,二分类Logistic回归分析父母体重状况与子代超重/肥胖风险的关联性。结果 5 129名儿童超重/肥胖检出率21.4%,父亲超重/肥胖检出率52.1%,母亲超重/肥胖检出率17.5%。调整儿童出生情况、运动时间、饮食习惯、母孕情况、父母年龄、社会经济水平后,与父母双方非超重相比,父母亲双方超重/肥胖所生女儿和儿子的超重/肥胖风险OR(95%CI)值为分别为3.69(2.645.15,P<0.001)、2.80(2.093.76,P<0.001)。在不同的年龄段中,父母双方超重/肥胖时3 4岁儿童超重/肥胖风险最高,OR(95%CI)值为4.18(1.6510.57,P=0.003)。母亲超重/肥胖时3 4岁儿童超重/肥胖风险最高,OR(95%CI)值为2.66(1.275.57,P=0.01),随着年龄增加,母亲与子代关联性趋于平稳,父亲与子代的关联性变得更强。结论 父母超重/肥胖是儿童超重/肥胖的危险因素,父母双方超重/肥胖或母亲超重/肥胖对34岁儿童影响最大。父母体重状态与子代超重/肥胖风险关联性因父母体重状况、亲子对类型、儿童性别、年龄而异。  相似文献   

目的 了解长治市小学生生长发育及营养状况,为制定干预措施提供科学依据.方法 对长治市30所小学在校学生进行身高、体重等指标的测定,并采用〈中国学生7~22岁身高标准体重值〉和〈中国学龄儿童青少年超重、肥胖筛查体重指数分类标准〉进行营养状况判定和评价.结果 该市小学生身高、体重指标随年龄增加而增长,符合生长发育规律.小学生低体重检出率为1.0%,女生显著高于男生(P〈0.01).而超重和肥胖率为15.4%和14.8%,男女生超重发生率无差别,但肥胖率男生均高于女生(P〈0.01).结论 长治市小学生生长发育符合一般规律,但存在不同程度营养缺乏和超重、肥胖问题,亟需定期检查并采取有效措施来改善其营养状况.  相似文献   

目的 了解温州市小学儿童身高、体质量发育状况及超重、肥胖流行现状,为做好预防肥胖提供依据.方法 采用多阶段分层整群抽样的方法选择温州市小学儿童体格检查,测量身高和体质量,计算体质量指数(BMI)值,以中国肥胖工作组制定的标准筛查超重、肥胖,以超重、肥胖发生率作为指标.结果 温州市6~12岁小学儿童身高每年增加5 cm,12岁以后增长速度变缓;男生身高、体质量均高于女生,城区学生身高、体质量略高于农村学生,温州市6~13岁小学儿童总体超重率和肥胖率分别为11.2%和6.4%,男生超重率和肥胖率分别为12.9%和7.9%;女生超重率和肥胖率分别为9.2%和4.6%.除13岁组男生超重率外,其余各年龄组超重率和肥胖率均高于女生,(均P< 0.01);随着年龄增加超重率和肥胖率均降低(均P<0.01).结论 温州市小学儿童生长发育情况符合我国儿童青少年体格发育的一般规律;温州市小学儿童总体超重率和肥胖率高于浙江省平均水平,男生高于女生,男生和女生超重率和肥胖率均随年龄增加而降低,预防儿童肥胖刻不容缓.  相似文献   

异位妊娠与体重指数关系的初步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡晓云  李疆 《吉林医学》2011,(9):1685-1686
目的:探讨异位妊娠发生与体重指数的关系。方法:按体重指数(BMI)=体重(kg)/身高(m)2计算,根据2000年国际肥胖特别工作组提出的亚洲成年人体重指数的标准,将结果分为正常、体重过低、超重、肥胖。结果:78例患者BMI正常,51例体重过低,38例超重,无肥胖者,体重过低者发生输卵管妊娠的危险是超重者的7.38倍,在95%的可信限值为1.93~28.16,体重过低者发生异位妊娠在0.005水平上有统计学意义。结论:体重过低与异位妊娠的发生有关。  相似文献   

目的:分析2008年吉林省青少年超重、肥胖现状和分布特点,为青少年肥胖的预防提供依据。方法:采取分层整群抽样方法抽取2008年吉林省6 505名9~18岁青少年作为调查对象,通过问卷、测量收集资料,计算体重指数(BMI),利用WGOC标准(中国肥胖问题工作组标准)和IOTF标准(欧洲肥胖问题工作组标准)对不同年龄段的BMI、超重率和肥胖率进行分析。结果:按WGOC标准分析,吉林省9~18岁青少年总体超重率为10.07%,肥胖率为6.90%,超重加肥胖率为18.51%;按IOTF标准分析,吉林省9~18岁青少年总体超重率为11.74%,肥胖率为4.30%,超重加肥胖率为16.05%。与2005年全国学生体质与健康调查结果(7~22岁男生超重率为8.20%,肥胖率5.07%;女生超重率4.61%,肥胖率2.6%)比较,吉林省青少年总体超重率和肥胖率明显增高。11~14岁是肥胖症的高发阶段,12岁是肥胖症发生最危险年龄。对于同年龄段,男生的肥胖率明显高于女生,按WGOC标准,9~18岁男生超重率为11.94%,肥胖率为10.05%;9~18岁女生超重率为8.50%,肥胖率为4.27%。在12岁时男生超重率为19.77%,肥胖率为20.53%;12岁女生超重率为12.84%,肥胖率为10.89%。结论:吉林省青少年肥胖状况呈上升趋势,男生肥胖状况明显重于女生,学校、家长等应该对此引起注意并采取有效防治措施。  相似文献   

目的:了解深圳市儿童青少年超重、肥胖流行现状和影响因素,为青少年肥胖的预防提供依据。方法采取分层整群抽样方法抽取深圳市某小学311名7~13岁青少年作为调查对象,通过问卷和体格检查资料,计算体重指数,利用中国肥胖问题工作组标准(WGOC标准)对不同性别和年龄段的体重指数、超重率和肥胖率进行分析。结果按WGOC标准分析,本次调查的青少年总体超重率为17.68%,肥胖率为9.32%。男生超重率为21.71%,肥胖率为12.00%;女生超重率为12.50%,肥胖率为5.88%。结论本次调查显示深圳市青少年总体超重和肥胖率较其他地区高,青少年的超重、肥胖现象男生比女生严重。不良的饮食习惯、缺乏运动和长时间静坐是主要的危险因素,学校、家长等有关方面应该对此引起注意并采取有效防治措施。  相似文献   

目的 调查廊坊市卫生学校学生超重、肥胖及超重、肥胖学生对肥胖危害认知情况,为干预超重、肥胖提供依据.方法 测量身高、体重,计算学生超重率、肥胖率;自制问卷调查超重、肥胖学生对肥胖危害的认知情况.结果 城市学生超重率为15.12%,肥胖率为5.81%;农村学生超重率为13.57%,肥胖率为4.01%,差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05).男生超重率为16.87%,肥胖率为6.26%,女生超重率为12.86%,肥胖率为3.62%;男生对于自身超重或肥胖的认知率为51.76%,明显低于女生(91.76%),差异均有高度统计学意义(P 〈 0.01).结论 廊坊市卫生学校学生超重、肥胖的发生率较高,城乡差异不明显,男生超重率、肥胖率高于女生,学生对于超重、肥胖的危害认识不足,采取减重措施比例偏低.  相似文献   

目的 了解苏州市沧浪区6~12岁儿童超重、肥胖的现状,为针对性干预提供依据.方法 以2011年沧浪区体检的23所小学6~12岁的13822名学生为研究对象,测量身高、体重.以中国肥胖问题工作组2003年制定的<中国学龄儿童青少年超重、肥胖筛查BMI值分类标准>对苏州市沧浪区儿童超重肥胖状况进行分析.结果 13822名学龄儿童中,超重儿童1997人,总超重率14.45%;肥胖儿童1672人,总肥胖率12.10%,男生超重率、肥胖率均高于女生.结论 苏州市沧浪区学龄儿童超重率、肥胖率较高,应引起重视,并及早予以预防和控制.  相似文献   

目的了解江阴市12~18岁组青少年超重、肥胖的现状,探讨超重、肥胖发生的相关因素,为肥胖的防治提供科学依据。方法采用分层整群抽样的方法选取江阴市4 946名12~18岁组初、高中生,对其进行超重、肥胖的流行病学调查,并利用多因素logistic回归探讨超重、肥胖的相关因素。结果江阴市12~18岁组青少年超重和肥胖的检出率分别为13.49%和6.21%,其中男生为17.19%和8.36%、女生为9.69%和4.01%。男生的超重率(χ2=59.61,P0.05)、肥胖率(χ2=40.16,P0.05)均明显高于女生,各年龄组超重检出率(χ2=15.78,P0.05)、肥胖检出率(χ2=13.62,P0.05)差异均有统计学意义。城区和乡镇青少年肥胖检出率分别为6.97%和5.36%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=5.53,P0.05)。12~18岁组青少年中男生超重的风险是女生的1.77倍(OR=1.77,95%CI:1.15~2.72),父母均肥胖的青少年超重的风险是父母无肥胖的2.23倍(OR=2.23,95%CI:1.26~3.93),饮食习惯中荤菜为主的青少年超重的风险是荤素搭配的1.38倍(OR=1.38,95%CI:1.03~1.85),而12~18岁组青少年年龄每增长1岁超重的风险降低0.21倍(OR=0.79,95%CI:0.63~0.98),每周体育活动量7 h的青少年超重的风险比每周体育活动量1 h的降低0.24倍(OR=0.76,95%CI:0.67~0.88)。结论青少年肥胖的预防需要多方面的配合,从小培养青少年的健康意识、倡导合理的膳食结构、养成经常进行体育锻炼的好习惯,从而有效预防青少年肥胖的发生。  相似文献   

克拉玛依市区儿童青少年肥胖与父母社会经济状况的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何丽  周黎黎  赵迎春 《海南医学》2012,23(1):126-128
目的 掌握克拉玛依区儿童青少年超重及肥胖的发生率与其父母社会经济状况的关系.方法 测身高、体重,采用国内儿童青少年年龄-性别-BMI超重、肥胖判定标准,调查父母文化程度及职业.结果 超重和肥胖的检出率分别为13.6%、7.67%,男性高于女性,各民族间差异有统计学意义.超重和肥胖在父母文化程度和职业较高中检出率高.结论 克拉玛依市区儿童青少年超重及肥胖已达1/5,与家庭的社会经济状况呈正相关.  相似文献   

Overweight and obesity have become major public health concerns in the United States, reaching epidemic proportions among adults and children in recent years. According to the most recent national surveys, American adults have experienced a 50% increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity. Moreover, an alarming 100% increase has been observed among children and adolescents since the 1970s. To assess the status of overweight and obesity prevalence among youth in the Carolinas, weight, height, waist, and hip circumferences were monitored during routine cholesterol screenings among 11- to 14-year-olds in two school districts. Of the twelve hundred students screened, 32.4% percent were overweight and 16.4% were obese, exceeding national averages of 22% and 11%, respectively. The overweight and obesity prevalence rates were even more dramatic when broken down by gender and ethnic/racial groups. For instance, 54% of black girls and 45% of black boys were overweight, and better than half of these students were obese. Overweight and obesity prevalence rates among black girls were nearly twice the rates observed for white girls. Ethnic differences in percentage of overweight and obese boys were not as great as those observed among girls. A number of factors may contribute to the unprecedented levels of overweight and obesity observed among American youth, including physical inactivity, poor nutritional habits (i.e., high-fat meals and snacks, and super-sizing), economic, and social factors. Consequently, the coordinated efforts of physicians, school nurses, teachers, parents, and students will be necessary to effectively address the growing problem of childhood obesity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Limited data are available from India regarding the distribution and profile of childhood obesity and hypertension. We examined the time trends in childhood obesity in a representative sample of schoolchildren from Ernakulam District, Kerala and determined the relationship of obesity with blood pressure. METHODS: We used a stratified random cluster sampling method to select the children. Anthropometric data were collected from 24 842 students, 5-16 years of age, during 2003-04. Blood pressure and anthropometric data were collected from 20 263 students during 2005-06. Overweight and obesity were defined by body mass index for gender and age. Gender, age and height were considered for determining hypertension. RESULTS: The proportion of overweight children increased from 4.94% of the total students in 2003 to 6.57% in 2005 (OR: 1.36; 95% CI: 1.25-1.47; p < 0.0001). The increase was significant in both boys and girls. The proportion of overweight children was significantly higher in urban regions and in private schools, and the rising trend was limited to private schools. Systolic or diastolic incident hypertension was found in 17.34% of overweight children versus 10.1% of the remaining students (OR: 1.87; 95% CI: 1.60-2.17; p < 0.0001). CONCLUSION: Childhood obesity showed an increasing trend in a short period of 2 years. Hypertension was common in overweight children. The results suggest the need for greater public awareness and prevention programmes on childhood obesity and hypertension.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo examine the association between obesity and high blood pressure (BP) in Chinese children and adolescents.MethodsBody mass index (BMI) and blood pressure measurements of 197 191 children aged 7–17 years were obtained from a Chinese national survey in 2010. Obesity and high BP were defined according to the reference values for Chinese children. Adjusted odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of different BMI categories for high BP, as well as the population attributable risk percent (PAR%), were also calculated.ResultsThe prevalence of high BP was 16.1% for boys and 12.9% for girls in 2010. Overweight and obese children had a significantly higher prevalence of high BP than non-overweight children in both boys and girls in each age group. ORs (95% CI) for high BP were 4.1 (3.9, 4.4) in obese boys and 4.0 (3.7, 4.3) in obese girls. The overall PAR% for high BP due to overweight and obesity was 14.4%.ConclusionOverweight and obese children have a significantly higher risk of high BP than non-overweight children. Eliminating overweight and obesity could reduce 14.4% of high BP cases.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine overweight and obesity in Australian children followed through to adulthood. DESIGN AND PARTICIPANTS: A cohort study of 8498 children aged 7-15 years who participated in the 1985 Australian Schools Health and Fitness Survey; of these, 2208 men and 2363 women completed a follow-up questionnaire at age 24-34 years in 2001-2005. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Height and weight were measured in 1985, and self-reported at follow-up. The accuracy of self-reported data was checked in 1185 participants. Overweight and obesity in childhood were defined according to international standard definitions for body mass index (BMI), and, in adulthood, as a BMI of 25-29.9 and > or =30 kg/m2, respectively, after correcting for self-report error. RESULTS: In those with baseline and follow-up data, the prevalence of overweight and obesity in childhood was 8.3% and 1.5% in boys and 9.7% and 1.4% in girls, respectively. At follow-up, the prevalence was 40.1% and 13.0% in men and 19.7% and 11.7% in women. The relative risk (RR) of becoming an obese adult was significantly greater for those who had been obese as children compared with those who had been a healthy weight (RR = 4.7; 95% CI, 3.0-7.2 for boys and RR = 9.2; 95% CI, 6.9-12.3 for girls). The proportion of adult obesity attributable to childhood obesity was 6.4% in males and 12.6% in females. CONCLUSION: Obesity in childhood was strongly predictive of obesity in early adulthood, but most obese young adults were a healthy weight as children.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To review the prevalence of overweight and obesity in Australian children and adolescents in two national samples, 10 years apart, using the new standard international definitions of the International Obesity Task Force Childhood Obesity Working Group. DESIGN: Body mass index (BMI) cut-off points defining overweight and obesity were applied to the individual BMI values in the two cross-sectional samples. SETTING: Australian community. PARTICIPANTS: 8,492 schoolchildren aged 7-15 years (Australian Health and Fitness Survey, 1985) and 2,962 children aged 2-18 years (National Nutrition Survey, 1995). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Prevalence of overweight and obesity. RESULTS: In the 1985 sample, 9.3% of boys and 10.6% of girls were overweight and a further 1.7% [corrected] of boys and 1.6% [corrected] of girls were obese. In the 1995 sample, overall 15.0% of boys (varied with age from 10.4% to 20.0%) and 15.8% of girls (varied with age from 14.5% to 17.2%) were overweight, and a further 4.5% of boys (2.4%-6.8%) and 5.3% of girls (4.2%-6.3%) were obese. The prevalence of overweight and obesity in the 1995 sample peaked at 12-15 years in boys and 7-11 years in girls. In schoolchildren aged 7-15 years, the rates represent a relative risk of overweight in 1995 compared with 1985 of 1.79 (95% CI, 1.59-2.00) and of obesity of 3.28 (95% CI, 2.51-4.29). Compared with previous estimates from these samples, the revised prevalence data are slightly higher for the 1985 data and considerably higher for the 1995 data. CONCLUSION: The secular trend of increasing overweight and obesity in the decade from 1985 and the high prevalence rates in Australian children and adolescents are a major public health concern.  相似文献   

The disease burden associated with overweight and obesity.   总被引:46,自引:1,他引:45  
A Must  J Spadano  E H Coakley  A E Field  G Colditz  W H Dietz 《JAMA》1999,282(16):1523-1529
CONTEXT: Overweight and obesity are increasing dramatically in the United States and most likely contribute substantially to the burden of chronic health conditions. OBJECTIVE: To describe the relationship between weight status and prevalence of health conditions by severity of overweight and obesity in the US population. DESIGN AND SETTING: Nationally representative cross-sectional survey using data from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III), which was conducted in 2 phases from 1988 to 1994. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 16884 adults, 25 years and older, classified as overweight and obese (body mass index [BMI] > or =25 kg/m2) based on National Institutes of Health recommended guidelines. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus, gallbladder disease, coronary heart disease, high blood cholesterol level, high blood pressure, or osteoarthritis. RESULTS: Sixty-three percent of men and 55% of women had a body mass index of 25 kg/m2 or greater. A graded increase in the prevalence ratio (PR) was observed with increasing severity of overweight and obesity for all of the health outcomes except for coronary heart disease in men and high blood cholesterol level in both men and women. With normal-weight individuals as the reference, for individuals with BMIs of at least 40 kg/m2 and who were younger than 55 years, PRs were highest for type 2 diabetes for men (PR, 18.1; 95% confidence interval [CI], 6.7-46.8) and women (PR, 12.9; 95% CI, 5.7-28.1) and gallbladder disease for men (PR, 21.1; 95% CI, 4.1-84.2) and women (PR, 5.2; 95% CI, 2.9-8.9). Prevalence ratios generally were greater in younger than in older adults. The prevalence of having 2 or more health conditions increased with weight status category across all racial and ethnic subgroups. CONCLUSIONS: Based on these results, more than half of all US adults are considered overweight or obese. The prevalence of obesity-related comorbidities emphasizes the need for concerted efforts to prevent and treat obesity rather than just its associated comorbidities.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence and impact of overweight and obesity in an Australian obstetric population. DESIGN, SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: The Mater Mother's Hospital (MMH), South Brisbane, is an urban tertiary referral maternity hospital. We reviewed data for the 18 401 women who were booked for antenatal care at the MMH, delivered between January 1998 and December 2002, and had a singleton pregnancy. Of those women, 14 230 had an estimated pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI) noted in their record; 2978 women with BMI < or = 20 kg/m2 were excluded from further study; the remaining 11 252 women were divided into four categories: "normal" (BMI 20.01-25 kg/m(2)), "overweight" (BMI 25.01-30 kg/m(2)), "obese" (BMI 30.01-40 kg/m(2)) and "morbidly obese" (BMI > 40 kg/m(2)). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Prevalence of overweight and obesity in an obstetric population; maternal, peripartum and neonatal outcomes associated with raised BMI. RESULTS: Of the 14 230 women, 6443 (45%) were of normal weight, and 4809 (34%) were overweight, obese or morbidly obese. Overweight, obese and morbidly obese women were at increased risk of adverse outcomes (figures represent adjusted odds ratio [AOR] [95% CI]): hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (overweight 1.74 [1.45-2.15], obese 3.00 [2.40-3.74], morbidly obese 4.87 [3.27-7.24]); gestational diabetes (overweight 1.78 [1.25-2.52], obese 2.95 [2.05-4.25], morbidly obese 7.44 [4.42-12.54]); hospital admission longer than 5 days (overweight 1.36 [1.13-1.63], obese 1.49 [1.21-1.86], morbidly obese 3.18 [2.19-4.61]); and caesarean section (overweight 1.50 [1.36-1.66], obese 2.02 [1.79-2.29], morbidly obese 2.54 [1.94-3.32]). Neonates born to obese and morbidly obese women had an increased risk of birth defects (obese 1.58 [1.02-2.46], morbidly obese 3.41 [1.67-6.94]); and hypoglycaemia (obese 2.57 [1.39-4.78], morbidly obese 7.14 [3.04-16.74]). Neonates born to morbidly obese women were at increased risk of admission to intensive care (2.77 [1.81-4.25]); premature delivery (< 34 weeks' gestation) (2.13 [1.13-4.01]); and jaundice (1.44 [1.09-1.89]). CONCLUSIONS: Overweight and obesity are common in pregnant women. Increasing BMI is associated with maternal and neonatal outcomes that may increase the costs of obstetric care. To assist in planning health service delivery, we believe that BMI should be routinely recorded on perinatal data collection sheets.  相似文献   

Obesity and metabolic risks in children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: We undertook this study to establish the prevalence of overweight, obesity, abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, and high glucose and triglyceride levels in school-age children from Mexico City, as well as to determine how overweight and obesity are related to the other risk factors. METHODS: The study was a cross-sectional survey comprised of 1819 children (6-13 years of age) attending six elementary schools. Gender, age, weight, height, waist circumference, blood pressure, and levels of triglycerides and glucose were registered. Percentiles were calculated according to American standards for BMI, height, waist circumference, and blood pressure. RESULTS: Compared to American references, mean percentiles for waist circumference and BMI were >50, and mean height percentiles were <50. Prevalence of overweight was 22.3 and 23.6% for boys and girls, respectively; obesity, 28 and 21.2%; abdominal obesity, 22.1 and 11.7%; high triglyceride levels, 11.3 and 15.4%; high blood pressure, 4.8 and 5.8%, respectively. Overweight, obesity, and abdominal obesity are associated with higher blood pressure and triglyceride levels (odds ratio>1.0, p<0.05). Percentiles for BMI, waist circumference, systolic blood pressure, and diastolic blood pressure also had significant correlations (r>0.2, p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: This population of Mexican school-age children was shorter and heavier than their American standards. The prevalence of metabolic risks was similar to those reported in American adolescents in NHANES surveys.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim was to evaluate the dietary habits and some lifestyle characteristics of Greek adolescents 12-17 years of age in relation to the prevalence of overweight/obesity. MATERIAL/METHODS: During 2004-2005, 2008 school-aged adolescents (1021 male and 987 female) were selected from all public schools located in the Vyronas region of Athens. The participation rate was 95%. Height and weight were measured and the body mass index (BMI) was calculated. Cut-off points for BMI defining obesity and overweight for gender and age were calculated in accordance with international standards. A semi-quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire was applied and multiple logistic regression was used to investigate the association between dietary habits/lifestyle characteristics and overweight/obesity in adolescents. RESULTS: Eating cereals for breakfast and the number of meals per day (including snacks) were inversely associated with BMI in males. Furthermore, eating poultry as a meal and sedentary activities were positively associated with BMI in females, while eating breakfast more than five times per week and eating cereals for breakfast were inversely associated with BMI in females. Overall, 4.4% of males and 1.7% of females were obese and 19.2% of males and 13.2% of females were overweight. CONCLUSIONS: The consumption of cereals for breakfast and the daily frequency of meals consumed were associated with overweight/obesity in males, whereas the frequency of eating breakfast, the consumption of cereals for breakfast, the consumption of poultry, and the hours spent for activities excluding sports were associated with overweight/obesity in females.  相似文献   

Disease risks of childhood obesity in China   总被引:34,自引:3,他引:34  
Objective To estimate the relative risks of dyslipidemia, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and metabolic syndromes among overweight and obese Chinese children compared with their normal weight counterparts. Methods Overweight and obesity were defined by age- and sex-specific BMI classification reference for Chinese children and adolescents. Pediatric metabolic syndrome (MetS) and each risk factor for MetS were defined using the criteria for US adolescents. Definition of hyper-TC, LDL, and dyslipidemia for adults was applied as well. General linear model factor analysis and chi-square test were used to compare the difference in metabolic indicators among normal weight, overweight, and obese groups. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to estimate the odds ratio of metabolic abnormalities between obesity, overweight, and normal weight children, after adjustment for living area, family economic level, age, sex, and daily exercise time and TV watching time, as well as different dietary indices in the model. Results Significant increases in blood lipids, glucose, and blood pressure were found among overweight and obese children as compared with their counterparts with normal weight. By applying WGOC-recommended BMI classification, the risks for hypertriglyceridemia, low HDL and dyslipidemia among overweight children were 1.9, 1.4, and 1.5 times, and was 3.3, 1.5, and 1.8 times among obese groups compared to their counterparts with normal weight after adjustment for age, sex, region, socioeconomic status, physical activity, and dietary intakes. The overweight and obese children (15-17.9 years) had a high-risk of developing hypertension, which was 2.3 and 2.9 times higher than their counterparts with normal weight. Above 90% obese adolescents had abdominal obesity, while less than 1% normal weight ones had abdominal obesity. No obese adolescents were free from any risk factors for MetS, while 36.9% of normal weight adolescents were from the risk factors. 83.3% obese boys and all obese girls had metabolic syndrome, while only 15.5% normal weight boys and 18.8% normal weight girls had metabolic syndrome. Four risk factors for metabolic syndrome were found in 8.3% obese boys while none in normal weight boys and girls. The prevalence of MetS among normal weight, overweight, and obesity groups was 1.5%, 18.3%, and 38.1% respectively. Conclusion The cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors are clustered in obese Chinese children. Our observations strongly suggest that efforts should be made to prevent the onset of overweight and its associated diseases during early childhood.  相似文献   

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