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We used several fluorescent dyes (Fast Blue, Diamidino Yellow, Rhodamine Latex Microspheres, Evans Blue, and Fluoro-Gold) in each of eight macaques, to examine the patterns of thalamic input to the sensorimotor cortex of macaques 12 months or older. Inputs to different zones of motor, premotor, and postarcuate cortex, supplementary motor area, and areas 3b/1 and 2/5 in the postcentral cortex, were examined. Coincident labeling of thalamocortical neuron populations with different dyes (1) increased the precision with which their soma distributions could be related within thalamic space, and (2) enabled the detection by double labeling, of individual thalamic neurons that were common to the thalamic soma distributions projecting to separate, dye-injected cortical zones. Double-labeled thalamic neurons projecting to sensorimotor cortex were rarely seen in mature macaques, even when the injection sites were only 1-1.5 mm apart, implying that their terminal arborizations were quite restricted horizontally. By contrast, separate neuron populations in each thalamic nucleus with input to sensorimotor cortex projected to more than one cytoarchitecturally distinct cortical area. In ventral posterior lateral (oral) (VPLo), for example, separate populations of cells sent axons to precentral medial, and lateral area 4, medial premotor, and postarcuate cortex, as well as to supplementary motor area. Extensive convergence of thalamic input even to the smallest zones of dye uptake in the cortex (approximately 0.5 mm3) characterized the sensorimotor cortex. The complex forms of these projection territories were explored using 3-dimensional reconstructions from coronal maps. These projection territories, while highly ordered, were not contained by the cytoarchitectonic boundaries of individual thalamic nuclei. Their organization suggests that the integration of the diverse information from spinal cord, cerebellum, and basal ganglia that is needed in the execution of complex sensorimotor tasks begins in the thalamus.  相似文献   

We performed experiments using retrograde and anterograde labeling with DiI to examine the development of basal forebrain (BFB) projections to the visual cortex in postnatal rats. DiI placed in occipital cortex led to retrograde labeling of BFB neurons as early as postnatal day 0 (P0); labeled cells were found mainly in the diagonal band complex but also in the medial septum, globus pallidus, and substantia innominata. The retrogradely labeled BFB cells displayed remarkably well-developed dendritic arbors, even in younger animals, and showed increases in soma size, dendritic arbors, and dendritic spines over the first 2 postnatal weeks. Dil placements in the diagonal band led to anterogradely labeled axons in cortex. At early ages (P0–P1), labeled axons were largely confined to white matter. With increasing age, greater numbers of labeled axons were seen in the white matter and in deep cortical layers, and labeled axons extended into superficial layers. The leading edge of labeled fibers reached layer V of visual cortex by P2 and layer IV by P4 and were found throughout the cortical layers by P6. Numbers and densities of labeled axons in visual cortex were greater in older animals, at least through P14. The time of ingrowth of labeled BFB axons into visual cortex indicates that these afferents grow into particular cortical layers after those layers have differentiated from the cortical plate. These data indicate that basal forebrain projections arrive in occipital cortex after cortical lamination is well underway and after the entry of primary thalamocortical projections. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Several reports have demonstrated efferent projections from fetal neocortical transplants placed in the cerebral cortex of newborn rats. Fewer studies have examined transplant afferents, and these have primarily used techniques based on the axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. In the present study, we extend these initial findings on transplant afferent connections by using retrogradely transported fluorescent dyes to demonstrate a topographic and more extensive pattern of cortical transplant afferents than has been previously reported. Fetal neocortical tissue was grafted into frontal cortical lesion cavities made by aspiration in newborn rats. At 1.5-10 months later, the fluorescent dyes Fast blue and Diamidino yellow were injected into the transplants. Subsequent histological analysis demonstrated numerous retrogradely labeled fluorescent neurons within the host thalamus and cerebral cortex as well as several other areas of the host brain. The neurons were primarily single-labeled and generally found in areas that normally project to the ablated area of the cortex. The topographic distribution of retrograde labeling in several animals with non-overlapping dye injections confined to the transplants suggests that the host projections were distributed selectively within the grafts. These results support and extend previous studies suggesting the use of fetal neocortical tissue in repair of the neonatally damaged central nervous system.  相似文献   

Comprised of at least five distinct nuclei, the pulvinar complex of primates includes two large visually driven nuclei; one in the dorsal (lateral) pulvinar and one in the ventral (inferior) pulvinar, that contain similar retinotopic representations of the contralateral visual hemifield. Both nuclei also appear to have similar connections with areas of visual cortex. Here we determined the cortical connections of these two nuclei in galagos, members of the stepsirrhine primate radiation, to see if the nuclei differed in ways that could support differences in function. Injections of different retrograde tracers in each nucleus produced similar patterns of labeled neurons, predominately in layer 6 of V1, V2, V3, MT, regions of temporal cortex, and other visual areas. More complete labeling of neurons with a modified rabies virus identified these neurons as pyramidal cells with apical dendrites extending into superficial cortical layers. Importantly, the distributions of cortical neurons projecting to each of the two nuclei were highly overlapping, but formed separate populations. Sparse populations of double-labeled neurons were found in both V1 and V2 but were very low in number (<0.1%). Finally, the labeled cortical neurons were predominately in layer 6, and layer 5 neurons were labeled only in extrastriate areas. Terminations of pulvinar projections to area 17 was largely in superficial cortical layers, especially layer 1.  相似文献   

In the study reported in the preceding paper, we used retrograde labeling methods to show that the enhanced projection from the thalamus to the posteromedial lateral suprasylvian (PMLS) visual area of cortex that is present in adult cats following neonatal visual cortex damage arises at least partly from surviving neurons in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN). In the C layers of the LGN, many more cells than normal are retrogradely labeled by horseradish peroxidase (HRP) injected into PMLS cortex ipsilateral to a visual cortex lesion. In addition, retrogradely labeled cells are found in the A layers, which normally have no projection to PMLS cortex in adult cats. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the mechanisms of this enhanced projection by examining the normal development of projections from the thalamus, especially the LGN, to PMLS cortex. Injections of HRP were made into PMLS cortex on the day of birth or at 1, 2, 4, or 8 weeks of age. Retrogradely labeled neurons were present in the lateral posterior nucleus, posterior nucleus of Rioch, pulvinar, and medial interlaminar nucleus, as well as in the LGN, at all ages studied. Within the LGN of the youngest kittens, a small number of retrogradely labeled cells was present in the interlaminar zones and among the cells in the A layers that border these zones. Such labeled cells were virtually absent by 8 weeks of age, and they are not found in normal adult cats. Sparse retrograde labeling of C-layer neurons also was present in newborn kittens.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The study focused on projections from the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) to the ventral lateral thalamic nucleus (VL) and three thalamic association nuclei, mediodorsal (MD), lateral posterior (LP) and pulvinar. For light microscopic analysis small biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) or biocytin injections were placed in midrostral and dorsal portions of the inferior parietal lobule (IPL), respectively. The distribution of anterograde and retrograde labeling was charted, and representative axons and terminal fields were reconstructed in the sagittal plane to examine their features. Two types of fibers were identified--those of thin diameter forming diffuse terminal fields with small boutons, and thick fibers forming focal terminal fields with large boutons. Area PFG injection of BDA resulted in labeling of both types of fibers in LP, MD, and pulvinar, whereas only fibers of the first type were found in VL. Biocytin injection in area Opt resulted in preferential labeling of large fibers terminating in LP and pulvinar. Further electron microscopic analysis of labeled boutons in VL and LP, following a large wheat germ agglutinin conjugated horseradish peroxidase injection in the middle of IPL, confirmed the existence of small and large corticothalamic boutons and their different termination sites: the small boutons formed synapses on distal dendrites while the large boutons were found close to somata of thalamocortical projection neurons, on the dendrites of local circuit neurons and in complex synaptic arrangements, such as glomeruli. The results demonstrate that projections from small loci of the PPC to functionally and connectionally different thalamic nuclei differ anatomically, implying a different functional impact on these diverse targets.  相似文献   

Although there has been an increasing interest in motor functions of the cingulate motor areas, data concerning their input organization are still limited. To address this issue, the patterns of thalamic and cortical inputs to the rostral (CMAr), dorsal (CMAd), and ventral (CMAv) cingulate motor areas were investigated in the macaque monkey. Tracer injections were made into identified forelimb representations of these areas, and the distributions of retrogradely labeled neurons were analyzed in the thalamus and the frontal cortex. The cells of origin of thalamocortical projections to the CMAr were located mainly in the parvicellular division of the ventroanterior nucleus and the oral division of the ventrolateral nucleus (VLo). On the other hand, the thalamocortical neurons to the CMAd/CMAv were distributed predominantly in the VLo and the oral division of the ventroposterolateral nucleus-the caudal division of the ventrolateral nucleus. Additionally, many neurons in the intralaminar nuclear group were seen to project to the cingulate motor areas. Except for their well-developed interconnections, the corticocortical projections to the CMAr and CMAd/CMAv were also distinctively preferential. Major inputs to the CMAr arose from the presupplementary motor area and the dorsal premotor cortex, whereas inputs to the CMAd/CMAv originated not only from these areas but also from the supplementary motor area and the primary motor cortex. The present results indicate that the CMAr and the caudal cingulate motor area (involving both the CMAd and the CMAv) are characterized by distinct patterns of thalamocortical and intracortical connections, reflecting their functional differences.  相似文献   

This study examined anatomic pathways that are likely to transmit noxious and thermal cutaneous information to the primary somatosensory cortex. Anterograde and retrograde labeling techniques were combined to investigate the relationship between spinothalamic (STT) projections and thalamocortical neurons in the squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus). Large injections of diamidino yellow (DY) were placed in the physiologically defined hand region of primary somatosensory cortex (hSI), and wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) was injected in the contralateral cervical enlargement (C5-T1). Both DY-labeled neuronal cell bodies and HRP-labeled STT terminal-like structures were visualized within single thalamic sections in each animal. Quantitative analysis of the positions and numbers of retrogradely labeled neurons and anterogradely labeled terminal fields reveal that: 1) ventral posterior lateral (VPL), ventral posterior inferior (VPI), and central lateral (CL), combined, receive 87% of spinothalamic inputs originating from the cervical enlargement; 2) these three nuclei contain over 91% of all thalamocortical neurons projecting to hSI that are likely to receive STT input; and 3) these putatively contacted neurons account for less than 24% of all thalamic projections to hSI. These results suggest that three distinct spinothalamocortical pathways are capable of relaying nociceptive information to the hand somatosensory cortex. Moreover, only a small portion of thalamocortical neurons are capable of relaying STT-derived nociceptive and thermal information to the primary somatosensory cortex.  相似文献   

Area 3a in the macaque monkey, located in the fundus of the central sulcus, separates motor and somatosensory cortical areas 4 and 3b. The known connections of areas 4 and 3b differ substantially, as does the information which they receive, process, and transfer to other parts of the central nervous system. In this analysis the thalamic projections to each of these three cortical fields were examined and compared by using retrogradely transported fluorescent dyes (Fast Blue, Diamidino Yellow, Rhodamine and Green latex microspheres) as neuron labels. Coincident labeling of projections to 2–3 cortical sites in each monkey allowed the direct comparison of the soma distributions within the thalamic space of the different neuron populations projecting to areas 3a, 3b, and 4, as well as to boundary zones between these cortical fields. The soma distribution ofthalamic neurons projecting to a small circumscribed zone (diameter = 0.5–1.0 mm) strictly within cortical area 3a (in region of hand representation) filled out a “territory” traversing the dorsal half of the cytoarchitectonically defined thalamic nucleus, VPLc (abbreviations as in Olszewski [1952] The Thalamus of the Macaca mulatta. Basel: Karger). This elongate, rather cylindrical, territory extended caudally into the anterior pulvinar nucleus, but not forward into VPLo. The rostrocaudal extent of the thalamic territory defining the soma distribution of neurons projecting to small zones of cortical area 3b was similar, but typically extended into the ventral part of VPLc, filling out a medially concavo-convex laminar space. Two such territories projecting to adjacent zones of areas 3a and 3b, respectively, overlapped and shared thalamic space, but not thalamic neurons. Contrasting with the 3a and 3b thalamic territories, the soma distribution of thalamic neurons projecting to a circumscribed zone in the nearby motor cortex (area 4) did not penetrate into VPLc, but instead filled out a mediolaterally flattened territory extending from rostral VLo, VLm, VPLo to caudal and dorsal VLc, LP, and Pulo. These territories skirted around VPLc. All three cortical areas (4, 3a, and 3b) also received input from distinctive clusters of cells in the intralaminar Cn.Md. It is inferred that, in combination, the thalamic territories in areas 3a, 3b, and 4 (and also area 1 and 2), which would be coactive during the execution of a manual task, constituted a lamellar space extending from VLo rostrally to Pul.o caudally. How Pul.o neuron populations relate to the more rostral populations within the same thalamic territory projecting to a localized cortical zone remains uncertain. Within the medially located territories the distribution of the neuron population in Pul.o was spatially continuous with the more rostral thalamic cells projecting to the same localized cortex, but in lateral thalamic territories these 2 populations were usually spatially discontinous. In the newborn macaque an orderly change in the territorial projections to localized zones in area 4, 3a, and 3b was also demonstable. However, thalamic nuclear projections were more expansive than in the mature animal. As well as the VPLc input, a third of the thalamic input to area 3a was now from VLo, VPLo, and VLm. Area 4 also had a significant input from VPLc, an input not observed in the mature macaque. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cholecystokinin (CCK) is a putative peptide neurotransmitter present in high concentration in the cerebral cortex. By using techniques of in vitro receptor autoradiography, CCK binding sites in primate cortex were labeled with 125I-Bolton-Hunter-labeled CCK-33 (the 33-amino-acid C-terminal peptide) and 3H-CCK-8 (the C-terminal octapeptide). Biochemical studies performed on homogenized and slide-mounted tissue sections showed that the two ligands labeled a high-affinity, apparently single, saturable site. Autoradiography revealed that binding sites labeled by both ligands were anatomically indistinguishable and were distributed in two basic patterns. A faint and diffuse label characterized portions of medial prefrontal cortex, premotor and motor cortices, the superior parietal lobule, and the temporal pole. In other cortical areas the pattern of binding was layer-specific; i.e., binding sites were concentrated within particular cortical layers and were superimposed upon the background of diffuse label. Layer-specific label was found in the prefrontal cortex, anterior and posterior cingulate gyrus, somatosensory cortex, inferior parietal lobule, retrosplenial cortex, insula, temporal lobe cortices, and in the primary visual and adjacent visual association cortices. The areal and laminar localization of layer-specific CCK binding sites consistently coincided with the cortical projections of thalamic nuclei. In prefrontal cortex, CCK binding sites were present in layers III and IV, precisely paralleling the terminal fields of thalamocortical projections from the mediodorsal and medial pulvinar nucleus of the thalamus. In somatosensory cortex, the pattern of CCK binding in layer IV coincided with thalamic inputs arising from the ventrobasal complex, while in the posterior cingulate gyrus, insular cortex, and retrosplenial cortex, layer IV and lower III binding mirrored the laminar distribution of cortical afferents of the medial pulvinar. CCK binding in layers IVa, IVc alpha, IVc beta, and VI of primary visual cortex corresponded to the terminal field disposition of lateral geniculate neurons, whereas in adjacent visual association cortex, binding in layers III, IV, and VI faithfully followed the cortical distribution of projections from the inferior and lateral divisions of the pulvinar nucleus of the thalamus. We interpret the diffusely labeled binding sites in primate cortex as being associated with the intrinsic system of CCK-containing interneurons that are distributed throughout all layers and areas of the cortex. The stratified binding sites, however, appear to be associated with specific extrinsic peptidergic projections.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

A normally transient cross-modal thalamocortical projection from the magnocellular subdivision of the medial geniculate nucleus (MGm) to the primary somatosensory (SI) cortex of rats was found to remain unchanged throughout adulthood following unilateral removal of whiskers in newborn animals. The normal MGm projection to the auditory cortex is not lost in these neonatally whisker-deprived adults rats but some of the MGm neurons send collaterals to both primary auditory and SI cortices. Parallel electrophysiological experiments demonstrated the multimodal character of some MGm neurons, since they responded to both auditory and cutaneous stimulation. These results suggest that the areal distribution in the cortex of thalamocortical projections arising from a multimodal thalamic nucleus, such as the MGm, may be determined during early postnatal development by the normal flow of sensory information from the periphery to the thalamus and that an early postnatal somatosensory deprivation may prevent the normal withdrawal of a cross-modal projection from the MGm to the SI.  相似文献   

Connections of primary (V1) and secondary (V2) visual areas were revealed in macaque monkeys ranging in age from 2 to 16 weeks by injecting small amounts of cholera toxin subunit B (CTB). Cortex was flattened and cut parallel to the surface to reveal injection sites, patterns of labeled cells, and patterns of cytochrome oxidase (CO) staining. Projections from the lateral geniculate nucleus and pulvinar to V1 were present at 4 weeks of age, as were pulvinar projections to thin and thick CO stripes in V2. Injections into V1 in 4- and 8-week-old monkeys labeled neurons in V2, V3, middle temporal area (MT), and dorsolateral area (DL)/V4. Within V1 and V2, labeled neurons were densely distributed around the injection sites, but formed patches at distances away from injection sites. Injections into V2 labeled neurons in V1, V3, DL/V4, and MT of monkeys 2-, 4-, and 8-weeks of age. Injections in thin stripes of V2 preferentially labeled neurons in other V2 thin stripes and neurons in the CO blob regions of V1. A likely thick stripe injection in V2 at 4 weeks of age labeled neurons around blobs. Most labeled neurons in V1 were in superficial cortical layers after V2 injections, and in deep layers of other areas. Although these features of adult V1 and V2 connectivity were in place as early as 2 postnatal weeks, labeled cells in V1 and V2 became more restricted to preferred CO compartments after 2 weeks of age.  相似文献   

In the adult cat injections of retrograde fluorescent tracers near the border between areas 17 and 18 and extending to the underlying white matter label neurons in restricted parts of nine other ipsilateral visual areas. A very similar, restricted distribution of retrograde labeling is found in newborn kittens when injections near the 17/18 border are confined to the cortical gray matter. When, however, the neonatal 17/18 border injection reaches the underlying white matter, more visual areas and numerous nonvisual areas become labeled, each of them over nearly its whole tangential extent. Labeled nonvisual areas include the primary and secondary auditory areas, the auditory areas of the posterior ectosylvian gyrus, areas 7 and 5, the cingulate gyrus, and the primary and secondary somatosensory areas. The widespread labeling in kittens was not due to larger or differently placed injections, since the distribution and extent of retrograde labeling in the ipsilateral lateral geniculate nucleus were similar at all ages. The transitory projections from the auditory and somatosensory areas are not reciprocated by a projection from areas 17 or 18. In kittens injected around the end of the first postnatal month the distribution of labeled association neurons is similar to that found in the adult; i.e., many of the juvenile projections have been eliminated. Only a few of the transitory axons to areas 17 and 18 enter the gray matter; the others remain confined to the white matter. Some of these axons were anterogradely labeled with rhodamine-B-iso-thiocyanate from the auditory cortex; they show bulbous endings, some of which are probably growth cones. Retrograde double-labeling experiments showed that, in the newborn, some neurons on the lateral sulcus have at least two long collaterals, one running rostrally, the other caudally; such branching is not observed in adults. In conclusion, areas 17/18 receive at birth from a large, continuous territory including areas, or parts of areas, which will later eliminate these projections. Most of the transitory projections do not appear to enter the cortex to any great extent. The major reshaping of association projections occurs before end of the first postnatal month. The development of association projections resembles that of callosal projections.  相似文献   

Anatomical tracing and quantitative techniques were used to examine the tempo and pattern of maturation for callosal projection neurons in the monkey prefrontal cortex (PFC) during fetal and postnatal development. Nineteen monkeys were injected with retrograde tracers (fluorescent dyes, horseradish peroxidase conjugated to wheat germ agglutinin [WGA-HRP] or HRP crystals) at various ages between embryonic day 82 (E82) and adulthood. The size of injection sites was varied in fetal, newborn, and adult cases. In adults, labeled neurons were found in greatest density in the homotopic cortex of the opposite hemisphere and considerable numbers were also observed in a constellation of heterotopic areas including the medial and lateral orbital cortex, the dorsomedial convexity, and the pregenual cortex. The majority of labeled neurons were consistently concentrated in the lower half of layer III in all areas. In cases with large injection sites, callosal neurons of layer III formed a continuous and uninterrupted band that extended over the entire lateral surface of the prefrontal cortex spanning both homotopic and heterotopic areas. In contrast, in cases with small injection sites, the labeling of layer III neurons exhibited discontinuities. Between embryonic ages E82 and E89, injections limited to the cortical layers labeled only a small number of neurons in the opposite hemisphere, indicating that few callosal axons have invaded the cortex by this age. However, by E111 comparable injections labeled a large number of callosal neurons and many features of their distribution were adult-like. The number and constellation of cytoarchitectonic areas that were labeled in the frontal cortex of the opposite hemisphere were the same as in adults and the majority of callosal neurons were found in supragranular layer III. Finally, in fetal animals beyond E111, labeled neurons extended as a nearly unbroken band over a wide expanse of the dorsolateral PFC, resembling the pattern seen in adult monkeys with large injections. The conclusion we draw from these results, together with our earlier findings (Schwartz and Goldman-Rakic: Nature 299:154, 1982), is that callosal neurons whose axons enter the cortical layers of the primate prefrontal cortex achieve their mature laminar and areal distribution prior to birth and do so largely by cumulative processes.  相似文献   

This study sought to determine whether cerebellar afferent pathways, that are topographically organized in adult cats, are similarly ordered during the postnatal development and maturation of the cortex, or whether the projections are first distributed randomly in the cortex before becoming organized. Injections of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase were made into dorsal (dPML) or ventral (vPML) divisions of the paramedian lobule (PML) in neonatal (0- to 21-days-old) and adult cats and the ensuing distributions of retrogradely labeled neurons in the lateral reticular nuclei, the inferior olive and the pontine nuclei were compared. Magnocellular and parvicellular neurons in the dorsomedial and dorsolateral parts of the ipsilateral lateral reticular nuclei project respectively to dPML and vPML in all neonatal and adult cats. Olivocerebellar projections were entirely crossed, in most cases, with neurons projecting to the dPML more rostral and medial in the dorsal and medial accessory nuclei and in the principal olive than neurons which project to the vPML. A parasagittal zonal organization of olivocerebellar projections was present in newborn cats. Neurons were labeled in the ipsilateral inferior olive following dPML injections in 1- to 4-day-old kittens, but not in older kittens or in adult cats. Pontocerebellar projections were bilateral with a contralateral predominance. In adult and neonatal cats, labeled neurons were clustered together and formed rostral-caudal oriented columns dorsomedial and ventromedial to the pyramidal tract after injections in the contralateral dPML and vPML and bilaterally in the dorsolateral pons after dPML injections. These results show that lateral reticulo-, olivo- and pontocerebellar projections to the PML which are topographically organized in adult cats are organized similarly in newborn cats. Studies in prenatal cats are required in order to determine whether these cerebellar afferents are ever randomly distributed in the cerebellar anlage or whether these projections are ordered as they grow into the cerebellum.  相似文献   

Fluorescent dyes were used to determine firstly if the transience of cerebrocerebellar projections in neonatal kittens is due to the selective elimination of axon collaterals or to neuronal death; and secondly, if the cerebrocerebellar projection neurons lived, did any maintain a projection to the brainstem or spinal cord. Injections of Fast Blue were made into the cerebellar cortex and deep nuclei in 7-9 postnatal days old kittens, the age in which cortical axons grow into the cerebellum. Later, at 31-71 postnatal days of age, when the transient cerebrocerebellar projections have disappeared, injections of Nuclear Yellow were made into the brainstem or the spinal cord. In the frontoparietal cortex, numerous neurons were labeled with Fast Blue suggesting that the disappearance of cerebrocerebellar projections is due primarily to the selective elimination of axon collaterals and not neuronal death. Moreover, many of the cortical neurons labeled with Fast Blue also were labeled with Nuclear Yellow which shows that many of the cortical neurons with transient collateral projections to the cerebellum in the neonate maintain a projection to brainstem or spinal targets in older animals.  相似文献   

To determine the state of functional development in the newborn kitten's somatic sensory system, the organization of mechanoreceptive projections to the sensorimotor cortex was compared to that of the adult Cat. Microelectrode mapping procedures were used. Projections from all contralateral body surfaces to the primary somatomotor cortex (SmI) are present at birth and respond to mechanical stimulation of the receptors. The somatotopic organization of these projections in the newborn kitten is similar to that in the adult cortex with respect to the cortical region receiving projections from each part of the body and to the detailed arrangement of the projections within each of these cortical subdivisions. The relative sizes of peripheral receptive fields, and the intensity of stimulation effective for eliciting a response were similar for projections in SmI cortex of both kittens and adults. At both ages receptive field sizes decreased as their locations approached the distal portion of the limbs or rostral part of the face. In adults and newborns, over 75% of the neuronal responses were elicited by gentle bending of the hairs or light touch to the glabrous skin surfaces. Other similarities between adult and newborn sensorimotor cortexes included: (a) receptive fields of projections to SmI cortex were of fixed, local field type; (b) projections to SmII cortex responded to mechanical stimulation of the receptors; (c) ipsilateral as well as contralateral body surfaces were represented in SmII cortex; (d) the columnar arrangement of neurons and their receptive fields were apparent in the SmI cortex; (e) the coronal sulcus formed a division between the representations of the forepaw and face. Differences between newborn kittens and adult cats included: (a) shorter latency from electrical stimulation of the skin to a SmI cortical response in adults; (b) projections to SmI cortex having “disjunctive” receptive fields were not found in newborn kittens but existed in the adults; (c) the diversity of receptive field types found in neurons of the adult postcruciate MsI cortex was not found in newborn kittens; (d) newborn subjects displayed less variability in the somatotopic organization of projections and less overlap in the receptive fields of projections to SmI cortex. It is suggested that the SmI cortex develops as a point-to-point reflection of the distribution of mechanosensitive receptors in the body and that the complexities in this organization seen in the adult cortex occur during postnatal development.  相似文献   

The primate mediodorsal (MD) nucleus and its projection to the frontal lobe   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
The frontal lobe projections of the mediodorsal (MD) nucleus of the thalamus were examined in rhesus monkey by transport of retrograde markers injected into one of nine cytoarchitectonic regions (Walker's areas 6, 8A, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 46, and Brodmann's area 4) located in the rostral third of the cerebrum. Each area of prefrontal, premotor, or motor cortex injected was found to receive a topographically unique thalamic input from clusters of cells in specific subdivisions within MD. All of the prefrontal areas examined also receive topographically organized inputs from other thalamic nuclei including, most prominently, the ventral anterior (VA) and medial pulvinar nuclei. Conversely, and in agreement with previous findings, MD projects to areas of the frontal lobe beyond the traditional borders of prefrontal cortex, such as the anterior cingulate and supplementary motor cortex. The topography of thalamocortical neurons revealed in coronal sections through VA, MD, and pulvinar is circumferential. In the medial part of MD, for example, thalamocortical neurons shift from a dorsal to a ventral position for cortical targets lying medial to lateral along the ventral surface of the lobe; neurons in the lateral MD move from a ventral to a dorsal position, for cortical areas situated lateral to medial on the convexity of the hemisphere. The aggregate evidence for topographic specificity is supported further by experiments in which different fluorescent dyes were placed in multiple areas of the frontal lobe in each of three cases. The results show that very few, if any, thalamic neurons project to more than one area of cortex. The widespread cortical targets of MD neurons together with evidence for multiple thalamic inputs to prefrontal areas support a revision of the classical hodological definition of prefrontal cortex as the exclusive cortical recipient of MD projections. Rather, the prefrontal cortex is defined by multiple specific relationships with the thalamus.  相似文献   

We have conducted a systematic comparison of the ipsilateral (uncrossed) and contralateral (crossed) thalamic connections of prefrontal cortex in macaque monkeys, using cortical implants of horseradish peroxidase pellets and tetramethyl benzidine histochemistry to demonstrate anterograde and retrograde thalamic labeling. Contrary to the prevailing belief that thalamocortical projections are entirely uncrossed, our findings indicate that a modest crossed projection to prefrontal cortex arises from the mesial thalamus, principally the anteromedial and midline nuclei. Also, while confirming that corticothalamic projections are bilateral, we found that the pattern of crossed projections differs from that of uncrossed projections. Projections to mesial thalamic nuclei, specifically to the anteromedial nucleus, the midline nuclei, and the magnocellular part of the mediodorsal nucleus are bilateral, the contralateral projection being nearly as dense as the ipsilateral projection. Projections to the parvicellular part of the mediodorsal and ventral anterior nuclei are also bilateral, but the contralateral projection is much weaker than the ipsilateral projection. Prefrontal projections to the reticular nucleus, medial pulvinar, suprageniculate nucleus, and limitans nucleus appear to be exclusively ipsilateral. These results indicate that prefrontal cortex has prominent bilateral and reciprocal connections with the nuclei of the mesial thalamic region. As this region of the diencephalon has been implicated by anatomical and behavioral studies in memory functions, our findings suggest that prefrontal cortex, through its connections with this region, may be involved in the bilateral integration of mnemonic systems.  相似文献   

To reveal the thalamic relay nucleus of the cerebellocerebral responses in the frontal association cortex, simultaneous labeling of the cerebellothalamic (C-T) terminals and the thalamocortical (T-Cx) neurons was performed in three monkeys. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was injected into the deep cerebellar nuclei and small doses of HRP or fluorescent dye were injected into the prefrontal cortex. The distribution of anterogradely labeled C-T terminals and retrogradely labeled T-Cx neurons was examined in the same sections. In addition to being distributed in the ventral thalamic nuclei and nucleus X, as previously reported, anterogradely labeled terminals were distributed in the ventrolateral part of the medial dorsal (MD) nucleus where retrogradely labeled thalamo-frontal projection neurons were localized. This study revealed that the ventrolateral parts of the MD together (MDmf, MDpc and MDdc) form one of the thalamic relays of the cerebelloprefrontal responses.  相似文献   

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