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Hydrogen bonds play major roles in biological structure and function. Nonetheless, hydrogen-bonded protons are not typically observed by X-ray crystallography, and most structural studies provide limited insight into the conformational plasticity of individual hydrogen bonds or the dynamical coupling present within hydrogen bond networks. We report the NMR detection of the hydrogen-bonded protons donated by Tyr-42 and Glu-46 to the chromophore oxygen in the active site of the bacterial photoreceptor, photoactive yellow protein (PYP). We have used the NMR resonances for these hydrogen bonds to probe their conformational properties and ability to rearrange in response to nearby electronic perturbation. The detection of geometric isotope effects transmitted between the Tyr-42 and Glu-46 hydrogen bonds provides strong evidence for robust coupling of their equilibrium conformations. Incorporation of a modified chromophore containing an electron-withdrawing cyano group to delocalize negative charge from the chromophore oxygen, analogous to the electronic rearrangement detected upon photon absorption, results in a lengthening of the Tyr-42 and Glu-46 hydrogen bonds and an attenuated hydrogen bond coupling. The results herein elucidate fundamental properties of hydrogen bonds within the complex environment of a protein interior. Furthermore, the robust conformational coupling and plasticity of hydrogen bonds observed in the PYP active site may facilitate the larger-scale dynamical coupling and signal transduction inherent to the biological function that PYP has evolved to carry out and may provide a model for other coupled dynamic systems.  相似文献   

Conformational dynamics in protein functioning covers a wide range of time scales from nanosecond fluctuations around a conformation to the large-amplitude conformational changes of milliseconds or longer. We illustrate a picture of cooperative coupling among such motions of different time scales in a model protein, photoactive yellow protein, by proposing a model that can consistently explain the experimental results on the photocycle of photoactive yellow protein. The model provides a scenario in which the global collective motion induced by the unfolding of the N-terminal domain promotes the loosening of the atomistic packing around the chromophore, which produces the favorable molecular environment for the photoexcited chromophore, thereby stabilizing the partially unfolded intermediate in the photocycle. The proteinquake, the large conformational change triggered by the local structural disturbance, plays a decisive role in controlling the kinetics of functioning.  相似文献   

Recent neutron diffraction studies of photoactive yellow protein (PYP) proposed that the H bond between protonated Glu46 and the chromophore [ionized p-coumaric acid (pCA)] was a low-barrier H bond (LBHB). Using the atomic coordinates of the high-resolution crystal structure, we analyzed the energetics of the short H bond by two independent methods: electrostatic pKa calculations and a quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) approach. (i) In the QM/MM optimized geometry, we reproduced the two short H-bond distances of the crystal structure: Tyr42-pCA (2.50 Å) and Glu46-pCA (2.57 Å). However, the H atoms obviously belonged to the Tyr or Glu moieties, and were not near the midpoint of the donor and acceptor atoms. (ii) The potential-energy curves of the two H bonds resembled those of standard asymmetric double-well potentials, which differ from those of LBHB. (iii) The calculated pKa values for Glu46 and pCA were 8.6 and 5.4, respectively. The pKa difference was unlikely to satisfy the prerequisite for LBHB. (iv) The LBHB in PYP was originally proposed to stabilize the ionized pCA because deprotonated Arg52 cannot stabilize it. However, the calculated pKa of Arg52 and QM/MM optimized geometry suggested that Arg52 was protonated on the protein surface. The short H bond between Glu46 and ionized pCA in the PYP ground state could be simply explained by electrostatic stabilization without invoking LBHB.  相似文献   

Spectral changes in the photocycle of the photoactive yellow protein (PYP) are investigated by using ab initio multiconfigurational second-order perturbation theory at the available structures experimentally determined. Using the dark ground-state crystal structure [Genick, U. K., Soltis, S. M., Kuhn, P., Canestrelli, I. L. & Getzoff, E. D. (1998) Nature (London) 392, 206-209], the pipi* transition to the lowest excited state is related to the typical blue-light absorption observed at 446 nm. The different nature of the second excited state (npi*) is consistent with the alternative route detected at 395-nm excitation. The results suggest the low-temperature photoproduct PYP(HL) as the most plausible candidate for the assignment of the cryogenically trapped early intermediate (Genick et al.). We cannot establish, however, a successful correspondence between the theoretical spectrum for the nanosecond time-resolved x-ray structure [Perman, B., Srajer, V., Ren, Z., Teng, T., Pradervand, C., et al. (1998) Science 279, 1946-1950] and any of the spectroscopic photoproducts known up to date. It is fully confirmed that the colorless light-activated intermediate recorded by millisecond time-resolved crystallography [Genick, U. K., Borgstahl, G. E. O., Ng, K., Ren, Z., Pradervand, C., et al. (1997) Science 275, 1471-1475] is protonated, nicely matching the spectroscopic features of the photoproduct PYP(M). The overall contribution demonstrates that a combined analysis of high-level theoretical results and experimental data can be of great value to perform assignments of detected intermediates in a photocycle.  相似文献   

Photoactive yellow protein (E-PYP) is a blue light photoreceptor, implicated in a negative phototactic response in Ectothiorhodospira halophila, that also serves as a model for the Per-Arnt-Sim superfamily of signaling molecules. Because no biological signaling partner for E-PYP has been identified, it has not been possible to correlate any of its photocycle intermediates with a relevant signaling state. However, the PYP domain (Ppr-PYP) from the sensor histidine kinase Ppr in Rhodospirillum centenum, which regulates the catalytic activity of Ppr by blue light absorption, may allow such issues to be addressed. Here we report the crystal structure of Ppr-PYP at 2 A resolution. This domain has the same absorption spectrum and similar photocycle kinetics as full length Ppr, but a blue-shifted absorbance and considerably slower photocycle than E-PYP. Although the overall fold of Ppr-PYP resembles that of E-PYP, a novel conformation of the beta 4-beta 5 loop results in inaccessibility of Met-100, thought to catalyze chromophore reisomerization, to the chromophore. This conformation also exposes a highly conserved molecular surface that could interact with downstream signaling partners. Other structural differences in the alpha 3-alpha 4 and beta 4-beta 5 loops are consistent with these regions playing significant roles in the control of photocycle dynamics and, by comparison to other sensory Per-Arnt-Sim domains, in signal transduction. Because of its direct linkage to a measurable biological output, Ppr-PYP serves as an excellent system for understanding how changes in photocycle dynamics affect signaling by PYPs.  相似文献   

A fundamental appreciation for how biological macromolecules work requires knowledge of structure and dynamics. Molecular dynamics simulations provide powerful tools for the exploration of the conformational energy landscape accessible to these molecules, and the rapid increase in computational power coupled with improvements in methodology makes this an exciting time for the application of simulation to structural biology. In this Perspective we survey two areas, protein folding and enzymatic catalysis, in which simulations have contributed to a general understanding of mechanism. We also describe results for the F(1) ATPase molecular motor and the Src family of signaling proteins as examples of applications of simulations to specific biological systems.  相似文献   

Photoactive proteins such as PYP (photoactive yellow protein) are generally accepted as model systems for studying protein signal state formation. PYP is a blue-light sensor from the bacterium Halorhodospira halophila. The formation of PYP's signaling state is initiated by trans-cis isomerization of the p-coumaric acid chromophore upon the absorption of light. The quantum yield of signaling state formation is approximately 0.3. Using femtosecond visible pump/mid-IR probe spectroscopy, we investigated the structure of the very short-lived ground state intermediate (GSI) that results from an unsuccessful attempt to enter the photocycle. This intermediate and the first stable GSI on pathway into the photocycle, I0, both have a mid-IR difference spectrum that is characteristic of a cis isomer, but only the I0 intermediate has a chromophore with a broken hydrogen bond with the backbone N atom of Cys-69. We suggest, therefore, that breaking this hydrogen bond is decisive for a successful entry into the photocycle. The chromophore also engages in a hydrogen-bonding network by means of its phenolate group with residues Tyr-42 and Glu-46. We have investigated the role of this hydrogen bond by exchanging the H bond-donating residue Glu-46 with the weaker H bond-donating glutamine (i.e., Gln-46). We have observed that this mutant exhibits virtually identical kinetics and product yields as WT PYP, even though during the I0-to-I1 transition, on the 800-ps time scale, the hydrogen bond of the chromophore with Gln-46 is broken, whereas this hydrogen bond remains intact with Glu-46.  相似文献   

Most natural proteins performing sophisticated tasks contain multiple domains where an active site is located at the domain interface. Comparative structural analyses suggest that major leaps in protein function occur through gene recombination events that connect two or more protein domains to generate a new active site, frequently occurring at the newly created domain interface. However, such functional leaps by combination of unrelated domains have not been directly demonstrated. Here we show that highly specific and complex protein functions can be generated by joining a low-affinity peptide-binding domain with a functionally inert second domain and subsequently optimizing the domain interface. These directed evolution processes dramatically enhanced both affinity and specificity to a level unattainable with a single domain, corresponding to >500-fold and >2,000-fold increases of affinity and specificity, respectively. An x-ray crystal structure revealed that the resulting "affinity clamp" had clamshell architecture as designed, with large additional binding surface contributed by the second domain. The affinity clamps having a single-nanomolar dissociation constant outperformed a monoclonal antibody in immunochemical applications. This work establishes evolutionary paths from isolated domains with primitive function to multidomain proteins with sophisticated function and introduces a new protein-engineering concept that allows for the generation of highly functional affinity reagents to a predefined target. The prevalence and variety of natural interaction domains suggest that numerous new functions can be designed by using directed domain interface evolution.  相似文献   

Small Heat Shock Proteins (sHSPs) are a diverse family of molecular chaperones that prevent protein aggregation by binding clients destabilized during cellular stress. Here we probe the architecture and dynamics of complexes formed between an oligomeric sHSP and client by employing unique mass spectrometry strategies. We observe over 300 different stoichiometries of interaction, demonstrating that an ensemble of structures underlies the protection these chaperones confer to unfolding clients. This astonishing heterogeneity not only makes the system quite distinct in behavior to ATP-dependent chaperones, but also renders it intractable by conventional structural biology approaches. We find that thermally regulated quaternary dynamics of the sHSP establish and maintain the plasticity of the system. This extends the paradigm that intrinsic dynamics are crucial to protein function to include equilibrium fluctuations in quaternary structure, and suggests they are integral to the sHSPs’ role in the cellular protein homeostasis network.  相似文献   

Several proteins of the mitochondrial intermembrane space are targeted by internal targeting signals. A class of such proteins with α-helical hairpin structure bridged by two intramolecular disulfides is trapped by a Mia40-dependent oxidative process. Here, we describe the oxidative folding mechanism underpinning this process by an exhaustive structural characterization of the protein in all stages and as a complex with Mia40. Two consecutive induced folding steps are at the basis of the protein-trapping process. In the first one, Mia40 functions as a molecular chaperone assisting α-helical folding of the internal targeting signal of the substrate. Subsequently, in a Mia40-independent manner, folding of the second substrate helix is induced by the folded targeting signal functioning as a folding scaffold. The Mia40-induced folding pathway provides a proof of principle for the general concept that internal targeting signals may operate as a folding nucleus upon compartment-specific activation.  相似文献   

Reaction centers were found to bind two ubiquinones, both of which could be removed by o-phenanthroline and the detergent lauryldimethylamine oxide. One ubiquinone was more easily removed than the other. The low-temperature light-induced optical and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) changes were eliminated and restored upon removal and readdition of ubiquinone and were quantitatively correlated with the amount of tightly bound ubiquinone. We, therefore, conclude that this ubiquinone plays an obligatory role in the primary photochemistry. The easily removed ubiquinone is thought to be the secondary electron acceptor. The low-temperature charge recombination kinetics, as well as the optical and EPR spectra, were the same for untreated reaction centers and for those reconstituted with ubiquinone. This indicates that extraction and reconstitution were accomplished without altering the conformation of the active site. Reaction centers reconstituted with other quinones also showed restored photochemical activity, although they exhibited changes in their low-temperature recombination kinetics and light-induced (g = 1.8) EPR signal is interpreted in terms of a magnetically coupled ubiquinone--Fe2+ acceptor complex. A possible role of iron is to facilitate electron transfer between the primary and secondary ubiquinones.  相似文献   

The UV chromophores in DNA are the nucleic bases themselves, and it is their photophysics and photochemistry that govern the intrinsic photostability of DNA. Because stability is related to the conversion of dangerous electronic to less-dangerous vibrational energy, we study ultrafast electronic relaxation processes in the DNA base adenine. We excite adenine, isolated in a molecular beam, to its pipi* state and follow its relaxation dynamics using femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. To discern which processes are important on which timescales, we compare adenine with 9-methyl adenine. Methylation blocks the site of the much-discussed pisigma* state that had been thought, until now, minor. Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy reveals that, although adenine and 9-methyl adenine show almost identical timescales for the processes involved, the decay pathways are quite different. Importantly, we confirm that in adenine at 267-nm excitation, the pisigma* state plays a major role. We discuss these results in the context of recent experimental and theoretical studies on adenine, proposing a model that accounts for all known results, and consider the relationship between these studies and electron-induced damage in DNA.  相似文献   

DsRed, a brilliantly red fluorescent protein, was recently cloned from Discosoma coral by homology to the green fluorescent protein (GFP) from the jellyfish Aequorea. A core question in the biochemistry of DsRed is the mechanism by which the GFP-like 475-nm excitation and 500-nm emission maxima of immature DsRed are red-shifted to the 558-nm excitation and 583-nm emission maxima of mature DsRed. After digestion of mature DsRed with lysyl endopeptidase, high-resolution mass spectra of the purified chromophore-bearing peptide reveal that some of the molecules have lost 2 Da relative to the peptide analogously prepared from a mutant, K83R, that stays green. Tandem mass spectrometry indicates that the bond between the alpha-carbon and nitrogen of Gln-66 has been dehydrogenated in DsRed, extending the GFP chromophore by forming C==N==C==O at the 2-position of the imidazolidinone. This acylimine substituent quantitatively accounts for the red shift according to quantum mechanical calculations. Reversible hydration of the C==N bond in the acylimine would explain why denaturation shifts mature DsRed back to a GFP-like absorbance. The C==N bond hydrolyses upon boiling, explaining why DsRed shows two fragment bands on SDS/PAGE. This assay suggests that conversion from green to red chromophores remains incomplete even after prolonged aging.  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein has revolutionized cell labeling and molecular tagging, yet the driving force and mechanism for its spontaneous fluorophore synthesis are not established. Here we discover mutations that substantially slow the rate but not the yield of this posttranslational modification, determine structures of the trapped precyclization intermediate and oxidized postcyclization states, and identify unanticipated features critical to chromophore maturation. The protein architecture contains a dramatic approximately 80 degrees bend in the central helix, which focuses distortions at G67 to promote ring formation from amino acids S65, Y66, and G67. Significantly, these distortions eliminate potential helical hydrogen bonds that would otherwise have to be broken at an energetic cost during peptide cyclization and force the G67 nitrogen and S65 carbonyl oxygen atoms within van der Waals contact in preparation for covalent bond formation. Further, we determine that under aerobic, but not anaerobic, conditions the Gly-Gly-Gly chromophore sequence cyclizes and incorporates an oxygen atom. These results lead directly to a conjugation-trapping mechanism, in which a thermodynamically unfavorable cyclization reaction is coupled to an electronic conjugation trapping step, to drive chromophore maturation. Moreover, we propose primarily electrostatic roles for the R96 and E222 side chains in chromophore formation and suggest that the T62 carbonyl oxygen is the base that initiates the dehydration reaction. Our molecular mechanism provides the basis for understanding and eventually controlling chromophore creation.  相似文献   

Protein motions are essential for function. Comparing protein processes with the dielectric fluctuations of the surrounding solvent shows that they fall into two classes: nonslaved and slaved. Nonslaved processes are independent of the solvent motions; their rates are determined by the protein conformation and vibrational dynamics. Slaved processes are tightly coupled to the solvent; their rates have approximately the same temperature dependence as the rate of the solvent fluctuations, but they are smaller. Because the temperature dependence is determined by the activation enthalpy, we propose that the solvent is responsible for the activation enthalpy, whereas the protein and the hydration shell control the activation entropy through the energy landscape. Bond formation is the prototype of nonslaved processes; opening and closing of channels are quintessential slaved motions. The prevalence of slaved motions highlights the importance of the environment in cells and membranes for the function of proteins.  相似文献   

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