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PP-, PYY-, and glucagon-immunoreactive cells were immunocytochemically identified in the pancreatic islets of Dicentrarchus labrax (sea bass). PYY cells also reacted with anti-PP serum. The specificity control showed that preabsorption of PP antiserum by PYY peptide abolished the immunostaining, while the reaction did not change when the PYY antiserum was preabsorbed by PP. These results suggested the existence of a PP/PYY molecule in the sea bass islets. The islet distribution of PP/PYY-immunoreactive cells differed markedly. Thus, in the principal islet and some intermediate islets few PP/PYY-immunoreactive cells are present (type I islets), whereas in the smaller and some intermediate ones they are numerous (type II islets). Adjacent sections stained by peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) technique and individual sections stained by immunofluorescence double staining showed the coexistence of glucagon and PP/PYY-like immunoreactivities. Both islet types contained cells with PP/PYY coexisting with glucagon peptide, while cells showing solely glucagon immunoreactivity were found in type I islets only.  相似文献   

Insulin (INS)- and somatostatin (SST)-immunoreactive cells were demonstrated by light immunocytochemistry in the endocrine pancreas of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). INS-immunoreactive cells were identified using bovine/porcine, bonito, and salmon (s) INS antisera; the immunostaining was abolished when each antiserum was preabsorbed with its respective peptide but not with unrelated peptides. These cells also reacted with mammal (m) SST-28 (4-14) antiserum. The immunoreaction did not change when this antiserum was preabsorbed by bovine INS. INS-immunoreactive cells were located in the central part of the endocrine areas of the principal, intermediate, and small islets. Two SST-immunoreactive cell types (D1 and D2) were revealed. D1 cells, immunoreactive to SST 14 (562) and sSST-25 antisera, were located next to the glucagon-immunoreactive cells in the peripheral part of the endocrine areas. D2 cells, immunoreactive to SST-14 (562), SST-14 (566), and mSST-28 (4-14) antisera, were found in apposition to the INS-immunoreactive cells. The specificity controls showed that D1 cells expressed sSST-25-like peptides, while D2 cells might contain SST-14 and/or mSST-28-like peptides. The close topographic association between the different SST-immunoreactive cells and both glucagon- and insulin-immunoreactive cells might indicate the existence of a specific paracrine regulation of each endocrine cell type in the sea bass endocrine pancreas.  相似文献   

Melatonin contributes to synchronizing behaviors and physiological functions to daily and seasonal rhythm in fish. However, no coherent vision emerges because the effects vary with the species, sex, age, moment of the year or sexual cycle. And, scarce information is available concerning the melatonin receptors, which is crucial to our understanding of the role melatonin plays. We report here the full length cloning of three different melatonin receptor subtypes in the sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax, belonging, respectively, to the MT1, MT2 and Mel1c subtypes. MT1, the most abundantly expressed, was detected in the central nervous system, retina, and gills. MT2 was detected in the pituitary gland, blood cells and, to a lesser extend, in the optic tectum, diencephalon, liver and retina. Mel1c was mainly expressed in the skin; traces were found in the retina. The cellular sites of MT1 and MT2 expressions were investigated by in situ hybridization in the retina of pigmented and albino fish. The strongest signals were obtained with the MT1 riboprobes. Expression was seen in cells also known to express the enzymes of the melatonin biosynthesis, i.e., in the photoreceptor, inner nuclear and ganglion cell layers. MT1 receptor mRNAs were also abundant in the retinal pigment epithelium. The results are consistent with the idea that melatonin is an autocrine (neural retina) and paracrine (retinal pigment epithelium) regulator of retinal function. The molecular tools provided here will be of valuable interest to further investigate the targets and role of melatonin in nervous and peripheral tissues of fish.  相似文献   

The European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) is a differentiated gonochoristic marine teleost of the family Moronidae (closely related to the hermaphrodites of the family Serranidae), where many juvenile males exhibit intratesticular oocytes, suggesting a certain sexual lability. Like most fish, the sea bass does not have recognizable heterochromosomes or sex-linked markers but there are clear parental effects on the sex ratios. The data available so far indicate that the proportion of females resulting from individual crossings may range from as little as 1 to about 70%. Sex differentiation proceeds in a caudo-cranial fashion and starts when fish reach 8-9 cm standard length (usually about 200 days post-hatching, dph, under typical rearing conditions), with females differentiating first. Both forms of aromatase have been cloned in this species and their temporal expression has been studied. Brain aromatase is detectable already in the larval stages but its involvement in sex differentiation is not yet clear. The ovarian form increases after 100 dph before ovarian differentiation, with high levels in females and basal levels in males. Thus, ovarian aromatase seems to be involved in female differentiation. On the other hand, androgen receptor (AR) gene expression levels show the opposite pattern, with higher levels in males than in females. It is not yet known whether androgens are necessary for testicular differentiation or rather they are the result of it. Of the several environmental factors tested, temperature is the only one that has been shown to be able to clearly influence sex ratios. Larval and juvenile sea bass reared in captivity at high temperature usually develop as males. Recent research suggests that the high incidence of males under aquaculture conditions is due to the high water temperature used, and that the effects of temperature would be mediated by an inhibition of aromatase mRNA expression and activity in genotypic females. However, other effects of temperature mediated through alterations in developmental rates cannot be discarded. This paper reviews the current knowledge on sex determination and differentiation in the sea bass and suggests some directions for future research.  相似文献   

Light microscopic double immunocytochemical stainings, performed on sea bass hypothalamo-hypophysial sections, revealed the projection of different neuropeptide-immunoreactive neurons innervating the hormone-producing cell populations in the pituitary gland. In the rostral pars distalis (PD) the ACTH cells were found in close proximity to fibers immunoreactive for somatostatin (SRIF), growth hormone-releasing hormone (GRF), corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRF), vasotocin (VT), isotocin (IT), substance P (SP), neurotensin, and galanin (GAL), while the PRL cell zone seemed only innervated by nerve fibers immunopositive for GAL. In the proximal PD, fibers immunoreactive for SRIF, GRF, VT, IT, cholecystokinin, SP, neuropeptide Y, and GAL formed a close relationship with the growth hormone cells. The gonadotrophs were observed near nerve fibers immunostained for gonadotropin-releasing hormone, IT, and less obviously GRF and VT, while fibers positive for GRF, CRF, VT, IT, SP, and GAL penetrated between and formed a close association with the thyrotrophs. In the pars intermedia the MSH cells and the PAS-positive (PAS+) cells seemed both innervated by separate nerve fibers immunoreactive for GRF, CRF, melanin concentrating hormone, VT, IT, and SP. All these results suggest a functional role of the neuropeptides in the adenohypophysis of the sea bass, possibly in the synthesis and/or release of hypophysial hormones from the different cell types.  相似文献   

Levels of plasma testosterone (T) and 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) in males and plasma 17 beta-estradiol (E2), 17 alpha-20 beta-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17 alpha,20 beta-diOH-P), and T in females were assayed by radioimmunoassay at monthly intervals throughout the sexual cycle of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.). 17 alpha,20 beta-DiOH-P was maintained at low levels (below 1 ng/ml) throughout the year, even during the spawning period (January-March). A bimodal seasonal pattern of plasma testosterone was observed. Plasma T and E2 levels became significantly increased in December (advanced gametogenesis period) and then showed further increases during January and February (first half of the spawning period) in parallel with the growth of the vitellogenic oocytes. Multiple spawnings of individual females were also observed during the spawning period affecting the relative fecundity of the eggs. A possible role of E2 on this behavior is discussed. In males, both plasma T and 11-KT initially increased in November and then showed further increasings during the rest of the period of gametogenesis (December) to reach their peak levels in the first half of the spawning period (end of January). These increased and sustained higher levels of plasma steroids coincided with the presence of spermiating males. A second peak of plasma testosterone appeared at the end of the postspawning period-beginning of the pregametogenesis period (May-June) both in males and females and their possible role with the preparation of the gonad for the next reproductive cycle is discussed.  相似文献   

Growth hormone (GH) was isolated from sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) pituitary extract by a simple one-step procedure involving immunoaffinity chromatography. A monoclonal antibody raised against chicken GH and found to immunostain very specifically the GH cells in the pituitary of the sea bass was coupled to CNBr-activated Sepharose 4B. Sea bass pituitary extracts were run on the affinity column, and the eluted material was analyzed on reversed-phase HPLC and found to consist of one single peak. The yield of purified hormone was 2.4 mg/g pituitary. Two monomeric forms (MW = 20,000 and 22,000 Da) of sea bass GH were identified by gel electrophoresis. Gel electrofocusing revealed apparent isoelectric points of 6.15, 6.50, and 6.95. Amino acid composition is consistent with other vertebrate GHs. The immunological relatedness was tested by immunoblotting using antisera raised against GH of different species. Polyclonal antisera raised against the isolated hormone exhibited a specific labeling of the GH cells in sea bass pituitary sections as well as of the immunoblotted purified GH.  相似文献   

The European sea bass expresses three GnRH (Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone) forms that exert pleiotropic actions via several classes of receptors. The GnRH-1 form is responsible for the endogenous regulation of gonadotrophin release by the pituitary gland but the role of GnRH-2 and GnRH-3 remains unclear in fish. In a previous study performed in sea bass, we have provided evidence of direct links between the GnRH-2 cells and the pineal organ and demonstrated a functional role for GnRH-2 in the modulation of the secretory activity of this photoreceptive organ. In this study, we have investigated the possible relationship between the GnRH-3 system and the retina in the same species. Thus, using a biotinylated dextran-amine tract-tracing method, we reveal the presence of retinopetal cells in the terminal nerve of sea bass, a region that also contains GnRH-3-immunopositive cells. Moreover, GnRH-3-immunoreactive fibers were observed at the boundary between the inner nuclear and the inner plexiform layers, and also within the ganglion cell layer. These results strongly suggest that the GnRH-3 neurons located in the terminal nerve area represent the source of GnRH-3 innervation in the retina of this species. In order to clarify whether the retina is a target for GnRH, the expression pattern of GnRH receptors (dlGnRHR) was also analyzed by RT-PCR and in situ hybridization. RT-PCR revealed the retinal expression of dlGnRHR-II-2b, -1a, -1b and -1c, while in situ hybridization only showed positive signals for the receptors dlGnRHR-II-2b and -1a. Finally, double-immunohistochemistry showed that GnRH-3 projections reaching the sea bass retina end in close proximity to tyrosine hydroxylase (dopaminergic) cells, which also expressed the dlGnRHR-II-2b receptor subtype. Taken together, these results suggest an important role for GnRH-3 in the modulation of dopaminergic cell activities and retinal functions in sea bass.  相似文献   

Radioimmunoassays of the free and conjugated fractions of plasmas from ovulating sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) have revealed the presence of several unusual polar steroids. Among them is 3 alpha,17 alpha,20 beta,21-tetrahydroxy-5 beta-pregnane.  相似文献   

The immunohistochemical distribution of thyrotropin-releasing hormone-like immunoreactivity (TRH-ir) in the brain and pituitary of the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) was examined on cryostat sections of tissues perfuse fixed in a formaldehyde-glutaraldehyde mixture. TRH-ir fibres were found in many areas of the brain: dorsal and ventral telencephalon, preoptic and tuberal hypothalamus, thalamus, midbrain tegmentum, optic tectum, and medulla oblongata. In the hypothalamus the densest area of innervation was the nucleus anterioris tuberis and medial nucleus recessus lateralis, where small TRH-ir cell bodies were also found. In the pituitary gland, TRH-ir fibres were numerous in the posterior neurohypophysis, and these appeared to form varicosities between groups of melanocorticotropic cells of the pars intermedia. No clear relationship was seen between TRH-ir fibres and the thyrotropic cells, or any other cell type of the pars distalis. In the brain stem a notable feature was the prominent innervation of groups of motoneurons by beaded TRH-ir fibres. These observations suggest that in teleost fishes the role of TRH may be related to pars intermedia function, rather than the thyrotropin- or prolactin-releasing function established in tetrapods. In addition the tripeptide may act as a central neurotransmitter involved in sensory and autonomic motor integration.  相似文献   

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) was purified from pituitaries of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), and its biochemical and biological properties were studied. Sea bass FSH (sbsFSH) was purified by ethanol extraction-precipitation (40–85%), followed by anion-exchange chromatography on a LKB Ultropac TSK-DEAE column using a linear gradient of ammonium bicarbonate (50–1000 mM) and reverse phase chromatography on a RESOURCE 15RPC column with a linear gradient of acetonitrile (0–50%), using a FPLC system. The molecular mass of the purified sbsFSH, estimated by mass spectrometry, was of 28.5 kDa for the dimer, 12.6 kDa for the glycoprotein α (GPα) and 13.6 kDa for FSHβ subunits. After separation by SDS–PAGE under reducing condition, the intact sbsFSH was dissociated in the respective subunits (GPα and FSHβ). Subunit identity was confirmed by immunological detection and N-terminal amino acid sequencing. Deglycosylation treatment with N-glycosidase F, decreased the molecular mass of both subunits. Intact sbsFSH activated the sea bass FSH receptor stably expressed in the cell line HEK 293, in a dose dependent manner. Purified sbsFSH showed gonadotropic activity, by stimulating the release of estradiol-17β (E2) from sea bass ovary and testosterone (T) and 11-ketotestosterone (11KT) from testicular tissue cultured in vitro, in a dose and time dependent manner. These results showed that the purified sbsFSH is a heterodimeric hormone, composed of two distinct glycoprotein subunits (GPα and FSHβ), and has biological activity judged by its ability to stimulate its receptor in a specific manner and to promote steroid release from gonadal tissue fragments.  相似文献   

Significant and inverse circadian rhythms are demonstrated in glucose and plasma insulin in fish fed a natural diet. The highest glucose levels are found during the light period, around feeding time, and the insulin level peaks during the dark period. As a possible cause for the insulin rhythmicity, the daily variations in several plasma amino acids are considered. The feeding times could be a training factor for metabolic rhythms, which are maintained even during a fast of 7 days. The differences in the compositions of the diets could be responsible for the lack of circadian rhythms in fish fed on a commercial diet.  相似文献   

The immune response of European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax , to a natural infection by the copepod parasite Lernanthropus kroyeri was evaluated for the first time in vivo . The results clearly demonstrated the triggering of the fish immune system by the parasite. Lysozyme activity and alternative complement pathway were involved in the early action against the parasitical infection, whilst classical complement and respiratory burst (RB) activity took over in the later stages of infection. It was hypothesized that the levels of alternative and classical complement and RB stimulation indexes may determine the resistance capacity of the fish to the parasite. It is not clear how parasites can survive despite the strong immunological arsenal deployed by the fish. The continual increase of prevalence and severity of parasite infection suggested that the parasite's mechanism of evasion of the immune system was extremely successful. The contrasting decrease in the negative effects of parasites on the fish health (such as gills anaemia) suggested that an equilibrium between the parasites and their hosts was reached in chronic infection. These dynamic interactions between parasites and fish hosts were probably the main determinant of host specificity.  相似文献   

The mRNA expression of pituitary prolactin (prl), growth hormone (gh), somatolactin (sl), proopiomelanocortin (pomc), and gonadotropins (gthI and gthII) was quantified by real-time PCR, in sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, adapted for 1 month to seawater (SW) or freshwater (FW). In addition, IGF-I (igfI) mRNA expression in liver and branchial Na+/K+ -ATPase activity were determined. L17 ribosomal protein (rpL17) and elongation factor 1alpha (ef1alpha) were validated as reference genes in real-time PCR in the experimental context. The real-time PCR assays were validated for the different hormone genes considered. Expression of pituitary pomc, gthI, gthII, gh, and liver igfI was not significantly different between FW and SW fish. Pituitary prlwas 4.5-foldhigher in FWthan in SW, whereas pituitary sl was 1.8-fold higher in SW- compared with FW-adapted fish. Gill Na+/K+ -ATPase specific activity was 2.3-fold higher in FW sea bass compared with SW fish. Plasma cortisol levels were 6.5-fold lower in SW- than in FW-adapted specimens. The results are discussed in relation to the osmoregulatory strategy of this euryhaline SW species, which displays features that do not fit present models based on salmonids and FWeuryhaline teleosts.  相似文献   

Seasonal and circadian changes have been observed in dietary selection and feeding behavior of fish. It is known that the light-dark cycle is the principal mediator of the production of pineal-derived melatonin in fish, and also that the digestive tract synthesizes and secretes melatonin and indeed is the principal extrapineal source of this secretor product, suggesting that melatonin could be involved in the processes of feeding and/or digestion. Fish are capable of regulating their energy intake from separate sources of macronutrients, but the mechanisms of this selection process are unknown. In the present paper, we explored the effect of melatonin administered orally to European sea bass on their selection of encapsulated macronutrients. Melatonin doses of 0.1, 0.5, and 2.5 mg/kg body weight were administered in gelatin capsules. The voluntarily ingested melatonin was absorbed into the fish's plasma, 45 min after the administration reaching a level depending on the dose that was up to 26 times greater than the controls with the highest dose of melatonin. The indole produced a dose-dependent inhibition of total food intake of 9, 26, and 34%, respectively, and also modified the pattern of macronutrient selection. Carbohydrate intake was significantly reduced (by 17, 33, and 42% for the three doses, respectively), but the observed reductions in fat and protein intake were not statistically significant. On the contrary, fat percentage significantly increased for the highest dose, but no changes were observed in the protein or carbohydrate percentages for any of the melatonin doses. In conclusion, orally administered melatonin affected both the amount of food consumed and the pattern of macronutrients selected. This is the first evidence for the existence of neurohumoral mediators involved in the selection of macronutrients in fish.  相似文献   

The effect of long-term exposure to continuous light on the hormonal aspects of the reproductive axis was investigated in juvenile male sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax, L.) during the first annual cycle. Four-month-old fish were exposed to a simulated natural photoperiod (NP) and a continuous light (24 h) regime (LL) under natural conditions of temperature (13.3-25.8 degrees C). A dot-blot technique was used to analyse gonadotropin (the common glycoprotein alpha, GPalpha; the follicle stimulating hormone beta, FSHbeta; and the luteinizing hormone beta, LHbeta, subunits) mRNA levels in the pituitary during the experiment. A homologous ELISA was used to determine pituitary sea bream gonadotropin-releasing hormone (sbGnRH) and LH and plasma LH levels; gonadal and plasma sex steroids concentrations were determined by specific immunoassays. LL significantly inhibited the expression of all three gonadotropins subunits in the pituitary. However, no significant differences on plasma LH levels were observed between NP and LL groups throughout the period of the experience. Long-term exposure to LL regime was extremely effective in inhibiting gonadal growth and hence precocious maturation as well as the accumulation of Testosterone (T) and 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) in the gonads compared to the control group. 11-KT plasma levels remained low and unchanged in the LL group during the study. This work describe important alterations of the endocrine system, particularly at the pituitary-gonad axis provoked by exposure to continuous illumination and discusses the mechanism by which precocity in male sea bass is generated.  相似文献   

Melatonin is an important component of the vertebrates circadian system, synthetized from serotonin by the successive action of the arylalkylamine N‐acetyltransferase (Aanat: serotonin→N‐acetylserotonin) and acetylserotonin‐O‐methyltransferase (Asmt: N‐acetylserotonin→melatonin). Aanat is responsible for the daily rhythm in melatonin production. Teleost fish are unique because they express two Aanat genes, aanat1 and aanat2, mainly expressed in the retina and pineal gland, respectively. In silico analysis indicated that the teleost‐specific whole‐genome duplication generated Aanat1 duplicates (aanat1a and aanat1b); some fish express both of them, while others express either one of the isoforms. Here, we bring the first information on the structure, function, and distribution of Aanat1a and Aanat1b in a teleost, the sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax. Aanat1a and Aanat1b displayed a wide and distinct distribution in the nervous system and peripheral tissues, while Aanat2 appeared as a pineal enzyme. Co‐expression of Aanats with asmt was found in the pineal gland and the three retinal nuclear layers. Enzyme kinetics indicated subtle differences in the affinity and catalytic efficiency of Aanat1a and Aanat1b for indolethylamines and phenylethylamines, respectively. Our data are consistent with the idea that Aanat2 is a pineal enzyme involved in melatonin production, while Aanat1 enzymes have a broader range of functions including melatonin synthesis in the retina, and catabolism of serotonin and dopamine in the retina and other tissues. The data are discussed in light of the recently uncovered roles of N‐acetylserotonin and N‐acetyldopamine as antioxidants, neuroprotectants, and modulators of cell proliferation and enzyme activities.  相似文献   

Reproduction in fish is cyclical and timed to guarantee the survival of the offspring. Seasonal variations in reproductive hormones of fish have been deeply investigated in fish over the last years. However, there are few studies regarding the daily changes in reproductive hormone profiles in teleosts. The aim of the present research was to investigate the effects of photoperiod manipulation on melatonin and reproductive hormones (pituitary sbGnRH, pituitary LH and plasma LH, testosterone [T], and 11-ketotestosterone [11KT]) daily rhythms in male sea bass, kept in net cages under farming conditions in winter (9L:15D). Fish were distributed in two groups, one under constant long photoperiod (18L:6D) and the other under natural photoperiod. The photoperiod strongly influenced the daily melatonin profile, so that the duration of the nocturnal melatonin rise was longer in the control group than in the group exposed to the artificial photoperiod (18L:6D). A daily rhythm was observed in the pituitary sbGnRH profile in both groups, showing the lowest levels during the dark period. A daily rhythm of pituitary LH was detected in the control group, which was suppressed in the group under long photoperiod. Daily variations in plasma LH were observed, the highest levels being found in the dark phase in both groups, although this profile was significantly altered by artificial light, maintaining a fixed relationship between the first nocturnal rise of melatonin and the nocturnal peaks of plasma LH in both groups. Plasma T levels showed significant fluctuations in their daily cycle following a sinusoidal pattern with an acrophase around sunrise in both groups, without any influence of light regime. No significant daily variations in plasma levels of 11-KT were observed in none of the groups. Our results provide the first evidence of the presence of daily variations in pituitary sbGnRH content, pituitary and plasma LH, and plasma T in sea bass. Artificial lights suppressed the circulating melatonin and significantly affected the daily rhythm of LH storage and release.  相似文献   

Three oestrogen receptor [ER] subtypes have been described in teleost fish, namely ERalpha, and two ERbeta subtypes, called ERbeta1 and ERbeta2 (or ERbeta and ERgamma in Atlantic croaker). Their expression during embryonic development and gonadal growth has evoked interest in their potential role in sexual differentiation and gonadal development in fish. We cloned three oestrogen receptors from adult liver (sb-ERalpha cDNA) and ovary (partial sb-ERbeta1 and sb-ERbeta2 cDNAs) of the European sea bass, and according to their phylogenetic relatedness to other ERs in teleosts, named them sea bass [sb-] ERalpha, ERbeta1 and ERbeta2. Deduced amino acid numbers for sb-ERalpha, sb-ERbeta1 and sb-ERbeta2 were 639, 517 and 608, respectively, representing in the case of sb-ERbeta1 and sb-ERbeta2 about 90% of the open reading frame. Highest amino acid identities were found for sb-ERalpha with eelpout ERalpha (88.7%), for sb-ERbeta1 with Atlantic croaker ERgamma (85.8%), and for sb-ERbeta2 with Atlantic croaker ERbeta (90.1%). Southern analysis confirmed that all three sea bass oestrogen receptors (sb-ERs) are the products of three distinct genes. In adult sea bass, ERalpha was predominantly expressed in liver and pituitary, while sb-ERbeta1 and sb-ERbeta2 were more ubiquitously expressed, with highest expression levels in pituitary. In a mixed-sex population of juvenile sea bass, sb-ERalpha expression was significantly elevated in gonads at 200 days posthatch (dph), while for sb-ERbeta1 and sb-ERbeta2 highest expression levels were observed in gonads at 250 dph. For sb-ERbeta2, expression was also significantly higher in the brain at 250 dph. The cloning of these three ER subtypes in the European sea bass together with the results obtained on expression levels in adult and juvenile animals has given us the foundation to investigate their possible role in sexual differentiation and development in this species in future studies.  相似文献   

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