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Many patients with Lewy body disease complain of pain, and their pain may be associated with this disease. Recently, pain has become a focus of attention in Parkinson's disease, but there is little information regarding pain in patients who have dementia with Lewy bodies. We used pregabalin to treat three Lewy body disease patients with chronic pain that may have been related to degeneration of central neurons. All three patients responded well to pregabalin at 25–50 mg/day. To our knowledge, there have been no previous reports of pregabalin showing efficacy for central neuropathic pain in Parkinson's disease or Lewy body disease.  相似文献   


Aim of the study: The current study was aimed to investigate the neuropathic pain attenuating mechanism of pregabalin using chronic constriction injury (CCI) model in rats.

Material and Methods: The sciatic nerve was ligated by placing four loose ligatures around it to induce neuropathic pain. The pain development in terms of cold allodynia, mechanical hyperalgesia, and heat hyperalgesia was assessed on the 7th and 14th day after surgery, using acetone drop, pinprick, and hot plate tests. On the 14th day after the injury, pain parameters were assessed 30?minutes after administration of pregabalin (30?mg/kg) and sodium nitroprusside (5?mg/kg) in CCI-subjected rats.

Results: CCI led to induction of neuropathic pain, which was more prominent on 14th day in comparison to 7th day. A single administration of pregabalin and sodium nitroprusside on 14th day, markedly reduced pain parameters and increased serum nitrite levels. Pretreatment with L-NAME abolished neuropathic pain attenuating effects of pregabalin suggesting that pregabalin may increase the levels of nitric oxide to mitigate neuropathic pain. Pretreatment with naloxone significantly abrogated pain attenuating effects of pregabalin and sodium nitroprusside in CCI-subjected rats suggesting that pregabalin and nitric oxide-mediated analgesic action are mediated through release of endogenous opioids. Moreover, naloxone failed to modulate pregabalin-induced increase in nitric oxide levels suggesting that the opioid system does not control the nitric oxide levels, and opioids may be downstream modulators of nitric oxide.

Conclusion: Pregabalin may increase the release of nitric oxide, which may increase the release of endogenous opioids to attenuate neuropathic pain in CCI subjected rats.  相似文献   

Gabapentin use in neuropathic pain syndromes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The development of neuropathic pain involves a series of changes including primary and secondary hyperalgesia, peripheral and central sensitization, and wind-up phenomena. Neurotransmitters play a critical role in this process. For example, glutaminergic subtypes of alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) and neurokinin prime the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor by triggering the release of intracellular calcium ions, thus unblocking the magnesium ion plug on the NMDA receptor and allowing Ca2+ influx into the cell. Ca2+ ions acting as secondary messengers initiate protein kinase C activation, phospholipase C and nitric oxide synthetase production, and proto-oncogene expression. The activation of the NMDA receptor thereby increases the responsiveness of the nociceptive system. Anticonvulsant drugs--including carbamazepine, phenytoin, and felbamate--have been used to treat neuropathic pain. Gabapentin is a novel anticonvulsant that may have a unique effect on voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel currents at postsynaptic dorsal horn neurons. Thus, gabapentin may interrupt an entire series of events, not just a single process, that lead to the development of neuropathic pain. Preclinical models of anti-inflammatory and neuropathic pain indicate that gabapentin effectively antagonizes the maintenance of this pain. Additionally, in preemptive surgical models, gabapentin has been shown to prevent the induction of pain. Gabapentin has been shown to be efficacious in numerous smaller clinical studies, case reports, and chart reviews in a variety of neuropathic pain syndromes. Two large multicenter studies, one in postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) and one in diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN), support preclinical findings. In the PHN study, patients treated with gabapentin demonstrated a significant difference (P<0.001) in their average daily pain score at endpoint compared to placebo patients. In the DPN trial, mean weekly pain was significantly (P<0.001) different for gabapentin-treated patients compared to placebo-treated patients at endpoint. Consistent with the known side-effect profile of gabapentin, the most common adverse events noted in both studies were dizziness and somnolence. Gabapentin should be considered an important addition to the management of neuropathic pain syndromes.  相似文献   

Background: Pregabalin is effective in the treatment of peripheral and central neuropathic pain. This study evaluated pregabalin in the treatment of post‐traumatic peripheral neuropathic pain (including post‐surgical). Methods: Patients with a pain score ≥4 (0–10 scale) were randomized and treated with either flexible‐dose pregabalin 150–600 mg/day (n = 127) or placebo (n = 127) in an 8‐week double‐blind treatment period preceded by a 2‐week placebo run‐in. Results: Pregabalin was associated with a significantly greater improvement in the mean end‐point pain score vs. placebo; mean treatment difference was ?0.62 (95% CI ?1.09 to ?0.15) (P = 0.01). The average pregabalin dose at end‐point was ~326 mg/day. Pregabalin was also associated with significant improvements from baseline in pain‐related sleep interference, and the Medical Outcomes Study sleep scale sleep problems index and sleep disturbance subscale (all P < 0.001). In the all‐patient group (ITT), pregabalin was associated with a statistically significant improvement in the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale anxiety subscale (P < 0.05). In total, 29% of patients had moderate/severe baseline anxiety; treatment with pregabalin in this subset did not significantly improve anxiety. More patients reported global improvement at end‐point with pregabalin than with placebo (68% vs. 43%; overall P < 0.01). Adverse events led to discontinuation of 20% of patients from pregabalin and 7% from placebo. Mild or moderate dizziness and somnolence were the most common adverse events in the pregabalin group. Conclusion: Flexible‐dose pregabalin 150–600 mg/day was effective in relieving neuropathic pain, improving disturbed sleep, improving overall patient status, and was generally well tolerated in patients with post‐traumatic peripheral neuropathic pain.  相似文献   

EFNS guidelines on pharmacological treatment of neuropathic pain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Neuropathic pain treatment remains unsatisfactory despite a substantial increase in the number of trials. This EFNS Task Force aimed at evaluating the existing evidence about the pharmacological treatment of neuropathic pain. Studies were identified using first the Cochrane Database then Medline. Trials were classified according to the aetiological condition. All class I and II controlled trials (according to EFNS classification of evidence) were assessed, but lower-class studies were considered in conditions that had no top level studies. Only treatments feasible in an outpatient setting were evaluated. Effects on pain symptoms/signs, quality of life and comorbidities were particularly searched for. Most of the randomized controlled trials included patients with postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) and painful polyneuropathies (PPN) mainly caused by diabetes. These trials provide level A evidence for the efficacy of tricyclic antidepressants, gabapentin, pregabalin and opioids, with a large number of class I trials, followed by topical lidocaine (in PHN) and the newer antidepressants venlafaxine and duloxetine (in PPN). A small number of controlled trials were performed in central pain, trigeminal neuralgia, other peripheral neuropathic pain states and multiple-aetiology neuropathic pains. The main peripheral pain conditions respond similarly well to tricyclic antidepressants, gabapentin, and pregabalin, but some conditions, such as HIV-associated polyneuropathy, are more refractory. There are too few studies on central pain, combination therapy, and head-to-head comparison. For future trials, we recommend to assess quality of life and pain symptoms or signs with standardized tools.  相似文献   

Neuropathic pain still present a major diagnostic and therapeutic challenge despite considerable progress in understanding of its mechanisms and publication of number of studies which assessed the efficacy and safety of drugs used in the symptomatic treatment. In practice, it is diagnosed less frequently than recognised in the epidemiological studies, and many patients do not achieve satisfactory outcomes of treatment. A multidisciplinary team of Polish experts, commissioned by the Polish Association for the Study of Pain and the Polish Neurological Society, has reviewed the literature on neuropathic pain, with special focus on the published international recommendations, and formulated recommendations on neuropathic pain diagnosis and treatment, in accordance with the principles of evidence-based medicine. The paper presents also background information on the neuropathic pain definition, epidemiology, pathomechanism and method of assessment. The diagnosis of neuropathic pain may be established based on medical history and physical examination including special assessment of the somatosensory system. First-line drugs used in pharmacological management of neuropathic pain are: tricyclic antidepressants, serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, gabapentin, pregabalin, opioids and lidocaine patches.  相似文献   

Following injury to the peripheral nervous system (PNS), microglia in the spinal dorsal horn (SDH) become activated and contribute to the development of local neuro-inflammation, which may regulate neuropathic pain processing. The molecular mechanisms that control microglial activation and its effects on neuropathic pain remain incompletely understood. We deleted the gene encoding the plasma membrane receptor, LDL Receptor-related Protein-1 (LRP1), conditionally in microglia using two distinct promoter-Cre recombinase systems in mice. LRP1 deletion in microglia blocked development of tactile allodynia, a neuropathic pain-related behavior, after partial sciatic nerve ligation (PNL). LRP1 deletion also substantially attenuated microglial activation and pro-inflammatory cytokine expression in the SDH following PNL. Because LRP1 shedding from microglial plasma membranes generates a highly pro-inflammatory soluble product, we demonstrated that factors which activate spinal cord microglia, including lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and colony-stimulating factor-1, promote LRP1 shedding. Proteinases known to mediate LRP1 shedding, including ADAM10 and ADAM17, were expressed at increased levels in the SDH after PNL. Furthermore, LRP1-deficient microglia in cell culture expressed significantly decreased levels of interleukin-1β and interleukin-6 when treated with LPS. We conclude that in the SDH, microglial LRP1 plays an important role in establishing and/or amplifying local neuro-inflammation and neuropathic pain following PNS injury. The responsible mechanism most likely involves proteolytic release of LRP1 from the plasma membrane to generate a soluble product that functions similarly to pro-inflammatory cytokines in mediating crosstalk between cells in the SDH and in regulating neuropathic pain.  相似文献   

The antihypersensitivity actions of gabapentin and pregabalin have been well characterized in a large number of studies, although the underlying mechanisms have yet to be defined. We have been focusing on the supraspinal structure as a possible site for their action and have demonstrated that intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) administration of gabapentin and pregabalin indeed decreases thermal and mechanical hypersensitivity in a murine chronic pain model involving partial ligation of the sciatic nerve. This novel supraspinally mediated analgesic effect was markedly suppressed by either depletion of central noradrenaline (NA) or blockade of spinal alpha(2)-adrenergic receptors. Moreover, i.c.v. injection of gabapentin and pregabalin increased spinal NA turnover in mice only after peripheral nerve injury. In locus coeruleus (LC) neurons in brainstem slices prepared from mice after peripheral nerve injury, gabapentin reduced the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) type A receptor-mediated inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs). Glutamate-mediated excitatory synaptic transmission was hardly affected. Moreover, gabapentin did not reduce IPSCs in slices taken from mice given a sham operation. Although gabapentin altered neither the amplitude nor the frequency of miniature IPSCs, it reduced IPSCs together with an increase in the paired-pulse ratio, suggesting that gabapentin acts on the presynaptic GABAergic nerve terminals in the LC. Together, the data suggest that gabapentin presynaptically reduces GABAergic synaptic transmission, thereby removing the inhibitory influence on LC neurons only in neuropathic pain states, leading to activation of the descending noradrenergic system.  相似文献   

Background and objectives: This second European Federation of Neurological Societies Task Force aimed at updating the existing evidence about the pharmacological treatment of neuropathic pain since 2005. Methods: Studies were identified using the Cochrane Database and Medline. Trials were classified according to the aetiological condition. All class I and II randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were assessed; lower class studies were considered only in conditions that had no top‐level studies. Treatments administered using repeated or single administrations were considered, provided they are feasible in an outpatient setting. Results: Most large RCTs included patients with diabetic polyneuropathies and post‐herpetic neuralgia, while an increasing number of smaller studies explored other conditions. Drugs generally have similar efficacy in various conditions, except in trigeminal neuralgia, chronic radiculopathy and HIV neuropathy, with level A evidence in support of tricyclic antidepressants (TCA), pregabalin, gabapentin, tramadol and opioids (in various conditions), duloxetine, venlafaxine, topical lidocaine and capsaicin patches (in restricted conditions). Combination therapy appears useful for TCA‐gabapentin and gabapentin‐opioids (level A). Conclusions: There are still too few large‐scale comparative studies. For future trials, we recommend to assess comorbidities, quality of life, symptoms and signs with standardized tools and attempt to better define responder profiles to specific drug treatments.  相似文献   

Neuropathic pain (NP) often presents with comorbidities, including depression and anxiety. The amygdala is involved in the processing of mood disorders, fear, and the emotional‐affective components of pain. Hemispheric lateralization of pain processing in the amygdala has recently been brought to light because, independently of the side of the peripheral injury, the right central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) showed higher neuronal activity than the left in models of inflammatory pain. Although the CeA has been called the ‘nociceptive amygdala’, because of its high content of nociceptive neurones, little is known about changes in its neuronal function in vivo, under NP conditions. Herein, we quantified CeA spontaneous and evoked activity in rats subjected to spinal nerve ligation (SNL), under isoflurane anaesthesia, following application of mechanical and thermal stimuli to widespread body areas. We found that spontaneous and stimulus‐evoked neuronal activity was higher in the left CeA at 2 and 6 days after SNL induction and declined afterwards, whereas activity in the right CeA became dominant at 14 days after surgery, independently of the side of surgery. We also observed that systemic injection of pregabalin, which is widely used in patients with NP, reduced CeA spontaneous and stimulus‐evoked neuronal activity. Overall, we observed that peripheral nerve injury produced asymmetric plasticity in ongoing and evoked activity in the left and right CeA. Remarkably, at 14 days after SNL induction, enhanced evoked activity in the right CeA persisted compared to short‐term increases in activity in the left CeA. The plasticity found in ongoing and evoked activity was inhibited by pregabalin.  相似文献   

运动皮质电刺激术治疗顽固性神经病理性疼痛   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的研究运动皮质电刺激术(motor cortex stimulation,MCS)治疗顽固性神经病理性疼痛的临床应用。方法脑卒中后疼痛9例,脊髓损伤后疼痛3例,幻肢痛2例。均行MCS治疗,同期植入刺激电极和脉冲发生器。采用视觉模拟疼痛评分(VAS)评价疗效。结果术后疼痛均不同程度减轻,1个月以内镇痛疗效较满意,VAS评分较术前显著降低(P〈0.01)。随访1。5年.多数病人镇痛效果出现波动,调整刺激参数后仍能获得镇痛疗效,疼痛较术前减轻10%~90%,脑卒中后疼痛的长期疗效要好于脊髓损伤后疼痛和幻肢痛。结论MCS是治疗神经病理性疼痛的一种新方法,具有疗效肯定、可调节等优点,术后刺激参数的调整对疗效的影响至关重要。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to discern the pathophysio-logical bases for neuropathic hyperalgesias. METHODS: In this study, neurological and neurophysiological evaluation of 132 consecutive hyperalgesia patients using rigorous clinical and laboratory protocols were carried out. RESULTS: Two discrete semeiologic entities emerged: classic neurological vs atypical, fulfilling taxonomically complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) II and I, respectively. The classic group (34.9%) exhibited sensorimotor patterns restricted to nerve distribution and documented nerve fiber dysfunction. Among them four (3.03%) had sensitization of C-nociceptors, seven (5.3%) had central release of nociceptive input, and 35 (26.52%) probable ectopic nerve impulse generation. The atypical group (65.1%) displayed weakness with interrupted effort; non-anatomical hypoesthesia and hyperalgesia; hypoesthesia or paresis reversed by placebo, or atypical abnormal movements, and physiological normality of motor and sensory pathways. CONCLUSIONS: Spatiotemporal features of neuropathic hyperalgesia constitute key criteria for differential diagnosis between CRPS II and I and, together with other behavioral sensorimotor features, signal psychogenic pseudoneurological dysfunction vs structural neuropathology. 'Neuropathic' hyperalgesias may reflect neuropathological or psychopathological disorders.  相似文献   

Kazuhide Inoue  Makoto Tsuda 《Glia》2009,57(14):1469-1479
In contrast to physiological pain, pathological pain is not dependent on the presence of tissue‐damaging stimuli. One type of pathological pain—neuropathic pain—is often a consequence of nerve injury or of diseases such as diabetes, AIDS, or cancer. Neuropathic pain can be agonizing, can persist over long periods, and, unfortunately, is often resistant to known painkillers. There is a rapidly growing body of evidence indicating that microglia, the CNS immune cells, have causal roles in the pathogenesis of pain hypersensitivity following nerve injury. We will review recent advances in our understanding of the mechanisms producing neuropathic pain, focusing on the roles of microglia‐expressed molecules, including cell surface receptors, intracellular signaling molecules, and diffusible factors involved in nerve injury‐induced pain behaviors and hyperexcitability of dorsal horn neurons. Elucidating how spinal microglia cause neuropathic pain may provide us with exciting insights into pain mechanisms and clues for developing new drugs for the treatment of neuropathic pain. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Inbred, histocompatible Lewis and Fischer 344 rats (LEW and FIS) have been used to identify an inverse relationship between hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity and susceptibility to autoimmune and chronic inflammatory disorders, with LEW showing blunted HPA axis activity and increased susceptibility toward the development of autoimmunity and chronic inflammation, and FIS showing the opposite relationship. In the present study, LEW and FIS were used to determine the relationship between HPA axis function and acute inflammatory pain (carrageenan-induced hindpaw inflammation) and neuropathic pain (partial sciatic nerve ligation; PSNL). The results showed that carrageenan-induced thermal and mechanical allodynia and hyperalgesia were greater in FIS than in LEW. Similarly, FIS showed more carrageenan-induced hindpaw swelling and higher levels of myeloperoxidase (a measure of neutrophils) in the carrageenan-inflamed hindpaw. After PSNL, LEW showed a profound mechanical allodynia and hyperalgesia, whereas mechanical sensitivity in FIS was unaltered. However, FIS, but not LEW, developed thermal allodynia and hyperalgesia after PSNL. These results provide strong evidence for a positive relationship between HPA axis activity and acute inflammatory pain. The results also support a relationship between HPA axis activity and neuropathic pain, but the relationship is complex and may depend on the pain assay.  相似文献   

Erik Torebjrk 《Muscle & nerve》1993,16(10):1063-1065
Psychophysical experiments in combination with microneurography and intraneural microstimulation in awake human subjects have yielded some useful information on somatosensory functions under normal and pathologic conditions. Normally, pain is signaled by nociceptive afferents, and tactile sensations are evoked from activation of low-threshold mechanoreceptors. Following tissue injury, nociceptors are sensitized, and their enhanced responsiveness correlates with hyperalgesia to heat and in some cases to mechanical stimuli. In addition, ongoing activity in sensitized nociceptive afferents may lead to central sensitization in such a way that normally nonpainful gentle stroking the skin evokes pain from activation of low-threshold mechanoreceptors. This particular change in signal processing in the central nervous system is restored when the ongoing nociceptive input is interrupted, whereas other forms of central sensitization can outlast the duration of the nociceptive input. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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