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活体部分肝移植的技术进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邰升  吴德全  单士光 《肝胆胰外科杂志》2001,13(3):167-167,F003
过去的几年中,活体部分肝移植技术发生了很大改进。其中包括供体选择性血管阻断技术,显微动脉重建、术中超声和移植肝容积评估、免疫抑制剂治疗和免疫监测等。这些改进使活体部分肝移植在成人受体中获得了成功,在西方国家,活体部分肝移植已成为弥补尸体器官短缺不可缺少的方法,目前,活体部分肝移植在儿童和成人中呈增多趋势,并已成为一种有效的肝移植方式。  相似文献   

活体肝移植围手术期处理   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目的 总结活体肝移植围手术期处理的经验。方法 对该院2001年1月至2002年12月完成的15例次(13例)活体肝移植围手术期的处理情况进行回顾性分析。结果 所有病例手术均获成功。13例供体术后均顺利康复.除1例在手术后1个月因拔除T管发生胆瘘外.其余均未出现严重并发症;受体生存率为92.3%(12/13).已健康生存2个月~2年;移植物存活率为86.7%(13/15)。1例成人肝豆状核变性患者于术后72d死于不可逆转的严重排斥反应。术后并发肝动脉血栓形成2例.另1例再次行减体积肝移植.1例再次行全肝移植,均获长期生存;发生严重排斥反应1例,ARDS2例.细菌和(或)病毒感染6例,大量胸腔积液7例.胆瘘1例。结论 围手术期处理是活体肝移植术的关键之一,完善的围手术期处理是肝移植成功的必要条件。  相似文献   

活体肝移植临床研究的新进展   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
目的:了解活体肝移植供体临床研究的新进展。方法:复习相关文献,结合我院临床实践,对活体肝移植临床研究的有关进展进行总结分析。结果:近年来,活体肝移植技术取得迅速发展,在供体评估、供肝切取、献肝对供体的影响及移植物存活的影响因素等方面的研究均取得了进展,促进了活体肝移植临床研究的进步。结论:活体肝移植具有诸多优势,适合中国国情,具有广阔的临床应用前景。  相似文献   

活体肝移植的临床经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪 90年代至今 ,全球性的器官匮乏已日益尖锐 ,严重影响了临床器官移植技术的进一步发展。美国联合器官网络(unitednetworkfororgansharing ,UNOS)的数据显示 ,2 0 0 0年全年全美仅有 3 796个尸肝可供移植之用。至 2 0 0 0年底 ,全美全年累计超过 15 0 0 0名患者等待供肝 ,等待肝移植的平均时间为468d ,等待期间的死亡率高达 15 %~ 2 0 % [1] ;到 2 0 0 1年底 ,全美等待肝移植的患者已超过 170 0 0人。随着等待肝移植患者的迅速增加 ,数量相对较为固定的尸肝愈加难以满足要求。供体严重匮乏已成为当…  相似文献   

我院于 2 0 0 2年 6月 4日施行了亲属活体供肝移植 1例。供者为男性 ,6 4岁 ,体重 5 0kg ,系受者的亲父 ,无肝炎病史 ,术前各项检查均在正常范围 ,血型为O型。受者为男性 ,30岁 ,体重 5 5kg ,因急性暴发性肝功能衰竭入我院传染科。入院时神志模糊、烦躁 ,有明显扑翼样振颤 ,肝浊音界缩小。每日予以护肝治疗和混合型人工肝支持治疗。血型为O型。供者术前先行肝动脉造影 ,以了解肝动脉情况。全身麻醉 ,取右肋缘下切口进腹 ,先经胆囊管行术中胆道造影。游离肝脏 ,解剖第一、二、三肝门 ,分别游离出肝右动脉、门静脉右支、胆管右支以及肝右静脉…  相似文献   

张洪义 《消化外科》2002,1(6):415-417
目的:报道东京大学16例成人终末期肝病患进行活体右半肝移植的经验。方法:统计自2000年10月到2001年4月,对16例成人终末期肝病患进行了活体右半肝移植。供体和受体的平均体重分别为55kg(42-78kg)和57kg(41-81kg)。结果:供体手术的平均失血量为80ml(300-1600ml),供体的平均住院时间为12d(6-38d),14例供体未输血,1例供体术后发生并发症。移植肝的平均重量为719g(450-1050g),所有移植肝均立即恢复功能,病人精神状康复,凝血酶原时间恢复正常。2例受体需要再次手术探查,2例患死亡(1例在术后16d死于全身性念珠菌感染,另1例在术后26d死于门静脉栓塞)。结论:认为采用右半肝的活体肝移植可以提供足够体积和功能的肝脏达到较好的结果。为成年患的肝移植提供了新的选择。  相似文献   

成人间活体肝移植新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
切取成人肝脏的左外叶或左叶作供肝的小儿活体肝移植 (livingdonorlivertransplantation,LDLT)现已在世界上广泛开展并取得良好的临床效果。但对于成人LDLT ,切取供者的左叶作移植往往不够 ,而右叶虽然够大 ,但由于切取右肝的风险而曾使外科医生犹豫。现对成人LDLT最新进展作一综述。一、供体的选择和评估1 .供体选择的伦理学问题 :LDLT的首要原则是供体的安全性及无害性。LDLT的供者仍存在潜在的并发症甚至较严重 ,应在各移植中心建立LDLT供者正式同意的方式并标准化[1 ] 。第二个…  相似文献   

本文通过对肝中静脉的解剖、在活体肝移植手术时供体和受体的肝中静脉的取舍、肝中静脉属支的重建与否的描述,以了解肝中静脉在活体肝移植的重要地位。  相似文献   

活体肝移植供体的评估和随访   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
目的:探讨活体肝移植中供体的评估及随访策略。方法:对30例活体供肝者的临床资料进行回顾分析。结果:供体的总剔除率为28.6%(12/42),病毒性肝炎是最重要的剔除原因(6/12)。供肝重量与受体体重之比(graft鄄recipientweightratio,GRWR)均数为(1.39±0.45)%。所有供体均顺利康复。供体肝功能一般在5~7d内均恢复正常。供体随访时间为1个月~8年,随访时间超过6个月者23例,康复时间为(6±1.5)个月。供肝者残留肝恢复正常体积的时间为6~14个月。术后(8±1.0)个月,86.7%(26/30)的供体恢复术前工作或劳动;30%(9/30)的供体出现过一过性症状,如腹部不适、疼痛等,其中22.2%(2/9)的供体主诉疼痛较严重,需要就医。随访显示,供体均因献肝而赢得社会、朋友的尊重。结论:活体肝移植不仅安全可行,且献肝可能对供、受体的感情、心理、家庭及社交产生良好的、积极的影响。  相似文献   

成人活体肝移植(adult living donor liver transplantation,aLDLT)是拓宽供体来源的重要方法 并取得良好的临床效果。LDLT的首要原则是确保供体的安全,首先要使供体残肝能再生代偿,其次才考虑使受体得到足够量的移植肝来满足代谢需求。成人左叶供肝的体积一般不足以支持成人受体的代谢需求,因此大多采用右叶供肝,但由于切取右肝的[第一段]  相似文献   

Adult living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) begun in response to deceased donor organ shortage and waiting list mortality, grew rapidly after its first general application in the United States in 1998. There are significant risks to the living donor, including the risk of death and substantial morbidity, and two highly publicized donor deaths have led to decreased LDLT since 2001. Significant improvements in outcomes have been seen over recent years that have not been reported in single center studies; however, LDLT still comprises less than 5% of adult liver transplants, significantly less than in kidney transplantation where living donors now comprise the majority. The ethics, optimal utility and application of LDLT remain to be defined. In addition, studies to date have focused on post-transplant outcomes and not included the potential impact of LDLT on waiting time mortality. Future analyses should include appropriate control or comparison groups that capture the effect of LDLT on overall mortality from the time of listing. Further growth of LDLT will depend on defining the optimal recipient and donor characteristics for this procedure as well as broader acceptance and experience in the public and in transplant centers.  相似文献   



At our center, living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) is the main workload supported by a strong, mature service. Deceased donor liver transplantation (DDLT) is performed but in small volume. This study aimed to review the results of a low-volume DDLT service alongside a strong LDLT service.


Consecutive DDLTs for adults performed from 1991 to 2009 were reviewed. The 1st to the 50th DDLTs were categorized as Era I cases, and the rest were Era II cases. The outcomes of the DDLTs were analyzed and compared with those achieved overseas.


Eras I and II consisted of 59 and 183 DDLTs, respectively. All donors were brain-dead and heart-beating with a median age of 49 years (range 7–76 years). Among the 242 DDLTS, 30.2 % were on a high-urgency basis and 15.3 % were for hepatocellular carcinoma. The patients had a median model for end-stage liver disease score of 21 (range 6–40), and most (67.8 %) were hepatitis B virus carriers. Before transplantation, 16.1 % of the patients were in the intensive care unit and 30.2 % were in the hospital. The hospital mortality rate dropped from 13.6 % (8/59) during Era I to 3.8 % (7/183) during Era II (p = 0.012). For Era I, the 1-, 3-, and 5-year survival rates were 84.7, 79.7, and 76.3 %, respectively, which improved to 92.9, 89.0 and 87.2 % for Era II (p = 0.026).


The recipient survival of this series compares favorably with contemporary series. It is shown that a low-volume DDLT service alongside a strong LDLT service can have excellent results.  相似文献   

Living Donor Liver Transplantation with Left Liver Graft   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Small-for-size syndrome in LDLT is associated with graft exposure to excessive portal perfusion. Prevention of graft overperfusion in LDLT can be achieved through intraoperative modulation of portal graft inflow. We report a successful LDLT utilising the left lobe with a GV/SLV of only 20%. A 43 year-old patient underwent to LDLT at our institution. During the anhepatic phase a porto-systemic shunt utilizing an interposition vein graft anastomosed between the right portal branch and the right hepatic vein was performed. After graft reperfusion splenectomy was also performed. Portal vein pressure, portal vein flow and hepatic artery flow were recorded. A decrease of portal vein pressure and flow was achieved, and the shunt was left in place. The recipient post-operative course was characterized by good graft function. Small-for-size syndrome by graft overperfusion can be successfully prevented by utilizing inflow modulation of the transplanted graft. This strategy can permit the use of left lobe in adult-to-adult living donor liver transplantation.  相似文献   

Recent Advance in Living Donor Liver Transplantation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Living donor liver transplantation (LDLT)has been performed in more than 2000 cases around the world. This procedure is considered to have certain advantages over cadaveric liver transplantation, because detailed preoperative evaluation of the donor liver is possible and superior graft quality is available. The indication has recently been widened to include adult patients. The results of LDLT have been reported to be very good. In this article,several considerations on LDLT,including living donor selection and application to adult patients, are discussed. Between June 1990 and March 2001, 143 patients underwent LDLT at Shinshu University Hospital. During this period, 160 patients were determined to be candidates for liver transplantation in our institution, and 185 candidates were evaluated as potential donors for these patients. Thirty-eight of 185 donor candidates were excluded for reasons including liver dysfunction and withdrawal of consent. The recipients included 60 adults, 50 (83%) of whom are currently alive. Taking into account the worldwide shortage of cadaveric organ donation,the importance of LDLT will probably never diminish. This procedure should be established on the basis of profound consideration of donor safety as well as accumulated expertise of hepatobiliary surgery.  相似文献   

目的 研究成人间活体肝移植(A-ALDLT)供体术中的麻醉管理及术中病理生理的变化,探讨如何提高A-ALDLT的供体麻醉质量.方法 回顾分析2005年9月至2007年1月华西医院47例A-ALDLT供体术中基本生命体征、麻醉处理、肝功能、凝血功能及并发症发生的情况. 结果 47例供体术前一般状况较好,ASA分级均为Ⅰ级.术中采用静吸复合麻醉方法, 连续监测心电图、脉搏血氧饱和度、体温,有创动脉测压并行中心静脉置管,用血液回收机采集出血洗涤后回输.47例供体术中出血量平均(603.13±317.00) ml,输入自体血(381.25±171.15) ml,仅4例供体输入异体血.术中心率和平均动脉压平稳,插管后、切肝前、后及关腹前各时点差异无统计学意义(P>0.05); 切肝前控制中心静脉压(CVP),切肝前、后CVP明显低于插管后及关腹前(P<0.05).切肝后至术后第1 d,HGB及Alb明显下降(P<0.05),ALT、AST及TBIL明显升高(P<0.05); PT于切肝后升高(P<0.05), APTT于术后第1 d开始明显升高(P<0.05).47例供体均于术后第1 d在肝移植ICU拔气管导管,苏醒好.术后有3例(6.38%)发生并发症,分别为漏胆、门静脉血栓形成及大量胸腔积液生成,给予相应处理后好转出院.结论 供体肝叶切除术中采用丙泊酚、瑞芬太尼和异氟醚静吸复合麻醉,降低麻醉药物对肝脏的损害,保证肝脏充分的氧供,维持平稳的麻醉,采用有效的血液保护措施,包括降低CVP减少出血和血液回收避免异体血的输入,是保证供体安全、减少并发症的关键.  相似文献   



Living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) may represent a valid therapeutic option allowing several advantages for patients affected by hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) awaiting orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT). However, some reports in the literature have demonstrated worse long-term and disease-free survivals among patients treated by LDLT than deceased donor liver transplantation (DDLT) for HCC. Herein we have reported our long-term results comparing LDLT with DDLT for HCC.

Patients and Methods

Among 179 patients who underwent OLT from January 2000 to December 2007, 25 (13.9%) received LDLT with HCC 154 (86.1%) received DDLT. Patients were selected based on the Milan criteria. Transarterial chemoembolization, radiofrequency ablation, percutaneous alcoholization, or liver resection was applied as a downstaging procedure while on the waiting list. Patients with stage II HCC were proposed for LDLT.


The overall 3- and 5-year survival rates were 77.3% and 68.7% versus 82.8% and 76.7% for LDLT and DDLT recipients, respectively, with no significant difference by the log-rank test. Moreover, the 3- and 5-year recurrence-free survival rates were 95.5% and 95.5% (LDLT) versus 90.5% and 89.4% (DDLT; P = NS).


LDLT guarantees the same long-term results as DDLT where there are analogous selection criteria for candidates. The Milan criteria remain a valid tool to select candidates for LDLT to achieve optimal long-term results.  相似文献   

Postoperative liver failure is a rare complication after living donor liver resection. This is a case report of a 22-year-old healthy donor who was rescued with liver transplantation 11 days after right hemihepatectomy. Nine months later the patient is alive, and has fully recovered from his multiple organ failure. According to a review of the literature, there are four additional living liver donors, who received a liver transplant. Our own patient is the only survivor, so far. This case demonstrates that even in supposedly healthy living donors postoperative complications cannot be completely prevented. Although liver failure is rare in these patients, timely transplantation may need to be considered as the only life-saving treatment.  相似文献   

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