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某公司HDI建设项目职业病危害控制效果评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的对某公司HDI建设项目在生产过程中产生的职业病危害因素进行确定,评价职业病危害防护措施及其效果。方法采用检查表法、定量分级法和综合分析相结合原则,进行定性、定量评价。结果本项目生产过程中产生的主要职业病危害因素光气的MAC检测值均〈0.07mg/m3、邻二氯苯的STEL检测值在〈0.23—2.6mg/m3之间、氯苯的STEL检测值在〈0.9—1.5mg/m3之间、氯化氢的MAC检测值均〈0.5mg/m3、工频超高压电场的检测结果在0.9—1.0kv/m之间、噪声的测试结果在48.5—72.1dB(A)之间,各种检测结果均符合GBZ1—2002和GBZ2—2002卫生标准要求。结论本项目生产过程中产生的职业病危害因素得到了有效的控制。  相似文献   

LD50 of plant growth stimulator T-86 was determined at the levels: 7500 mg/kg for rats, 1475 mg/kg for white mice, and 5000 mg/kg for rabbits. Moderate skin resorptive effect of the agent was revealed. Limac of T-86 is 290 mg/m3, Limch 12 mg/m3, threshold embryotoxic effect 5.2 mg/m3, and MAC for work zone air 0.5 mg/m3.  相似文献   

A complex toxicological study of the p-chlorophenol was carried out. Single permissible p-chlorophenol MAC in the ambient air at level 0.015 mg/m3, and daily average one 0.003 mg/m3 were derived.  相似文献   

修订车间空气中溶剂汽油容许浓度的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对969例汽油作业工人的体格检查和对86个作业点760次车间内汽油浓度的测定结果表明,在达标的条件下,工人仍有神经衰弱,植物神经功能障碍的临床症状,说明现行车间的卫生标准应当进行修订。根据动物实验资料计算 MAC,180汽油为198.6mg/m~3,120汽油为225.0mg/m~3,二者相差不大,我们建议车间空气中溶剂汽油容许浓度可修订为200mg/m~3。  相似文献   

陶工尘肺危险度及其防制措施评价   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
8个陶瓷厂矿队列研究(1960.1.1 ̄1974.12.31)13476人,追访至1994年底。其中接尘工10331人,尘肺发病1179例,发病率0.45%。1960年前进厂的接尘工尘肺发病率是0.60%,1959年后进厂者为0.24%,说明50年代末期所推行的防尘措施有一定成效,但由于各厂降尘设备不完善,尘肺发病下降远不如金属钨矿和锡矿工人明显。本研究采用了定量分析,结果表明:①接尘工累积接总粉  相似文献   

F-11 lubricant is used in synthetic fibers industry for the polyamide fibers processing. LD50 in intragastric administration is over 11,000 mg/kg. Acute action threshold (limac) is 180 mg/m3 (as evidenced by changes of the investigatory reflex). Chronic action threshold (limch) is 100 mg/m3. MAC in the air is 5 mg/m3, hazard class III. F-11 lubricant is a moderately hazardous chemical compound.  相似文献   

某镍矿作业工人接镍水平与健康状况的调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1984—1985年在某镍矿对工人接镍水平和健康状况进行了调查研究。镍生产车间空气镍几何均值处在0.0083mg/m~3至0.3919mg/m~3之间.非职业性接触镍的汽修车间空气镍几何平均浓度为0.0046mg/m~3,居民区大气中为0.0056mg/m~3。用个体采样器测得结果,电炉工平均接镍水平为0.0875mg/m~3,转炉工为0.2294mg/m~3。与美国OSHA的PEL(1mg/m~3)相比,仅熔炼车间有18个样品的浓度超过了此接触限值。用分层抽样法对部分工人进行了健康检查(n=389).除生物材料中镍含量增高外,未检出可归因于接触镍的临床所见。各车间尿镍、发镍水平与空气镍浓度平行。以镍的近期效应为判断依据,当前的镍接触水平基本上是可以接受的,车间空气中难溶性镍化合物的最高容许浓度可考虑订为1.0~0.5mg/m~3。  相似文献   

Toxicity and hazards of sodium hydrocarbonate (SH) and potassium carbonate (PC) were experimentally assessed. Both substances caused impairments of electrolytic equilibrium, protein metabolism, changes of functional and biochemical indicators of the cardiovascular system, etc. LD50 of SH for white rats constituted 9940 +/- 350 mg/kg, for mice 3360 +/- 210 mg/kg and of PC 2980 +/- 142 and 2570 +/- 142 mg/kg, respectively. The authors failed to define mean lethal concentrations of both substances. The following threshold values Limac were established at 74 mg/m3 for SH and at 54 mg/m3 for PC. Limch was respectively 14.9 and 4.7 mg/m3. MAC for SH was established at 5 mg/m3 and for PC at 2 mg/m3.  相似文献   

目的:为了研制车间空气中三氯硫磷的卫生标准。方法:对三氯硫磷生产车间进行了调查考核,在三氯硫磷车间采样共110个,对59名接触工人和60名对照组工人进行体验。结果:车间空气中三氯硫磷浓度范围0.086-2.147mg/m^3,两年平均浓度0.477mg/m^3。与对照组相比,作业工人鼻炎、咽喉炎发生率明显增高,结合我国国情,参照国外卫生标准,建议车间空气中三氯硫磷的最高容许浓度和时间加权平均浓度分别为0.5mg/m^3和0.3mg/m^3。  相似文献   

Average daily MAC of the sebacic acid in the ambient air established at the level of 0.05 mg/m3 (3-d class of hazard). Data of acute and chronic experiments were noted.  相似文献   

目的:建立隧道工矽肺危险度评价模型,预测矽肺发病规律。方法:调查有关工程局5482名接尘工人的接尘史、隧道粉尘资料和矽肺病人的诊断日期;应用Kaplan-Meier方法初步估计累积患病率善于累积接尘量的曲线;应用样条函数方法拟合曲线。结果:建立了矽肺的危险度评价模型;提出矽尘作业30年不发生矽肺的粉尘最高容许浓度建议值0.21mg/m^3;在平均粉尘浓度20.47mg/m^3下工作30年,矽肺累积患病率预计为11.1%;接尘工龄30年,累积患病率控制为0.5%时,容许浓度为1.14mg/m^3;累积患病率控制为1%时,容许浓度为2.06mg/m^3。结论:建立的模型具有实用价值,得到的结果可以为行政管理部门制定规章制度、保护工人的健康提供决策依据。  相似文献   

为制定我国车间空气中氧化钙卫生标准,以毒理学实验与职业人群流行病学调查及氧化钙生产和使用厂家现场劳动卫生学调查为依据,参考国外标准,根据我国具体情况,提出我国车间空气中氧化钙最高容许浓度5mg/m3,时间加权平均容许浓度为2mg/m3。  相似文献   

本文以毒理学实验与职业人群流行病学调查为依据,并对我国草酸生产厂家进行现场劳动卫生调查,参考国外标准,提出我国车间空气中草酸最高容许浓度为2mg/m^3,时间加权平均容许浓度为1mg/m^3。同时提出了用离子色谱法做为草酸的监测检验方法。  相似文献   

车间空气中氯化锌(烟)卫生标准研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
飘扬较系统的动物试验结果和职业人群的流行病不调查,参考国外标准,结合我国实际,为使对职业接触氯化锌(烟)工人的呼吸道刺激和对肺的毒性减少到最小为依据,推荐时间国权平均容许浓度1mg/m^3,最高容许浓度2mg/m^3。  相似文献   

1,2—二氯乙烷对生殖机能影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The results of the studies showed that the gonadotoxicity and embryotoxicity were found in rodents exposed to concentration of DCE at 24.8 mg/m3; DCE could reach the fetus through the placenta. The investigation of workers exposed to DCE indicated that prematurities among exposed female workers and wives of exposed male workers were higher than that of control groups. Therefore the MAC of DCE (25 mg/m3) is not safe enough.  相似文献   

The 'Armos' fibre dusts are characterized by low cytotoxicity, absence of fibrogenicity, display non-toxic properties in single exposures with no skin-irritating and sensibilizing effects. In repeated introduction into the stomach, the trachea, and if inhaled, these dusts displayed weak toxic properties. Dust concentrations at 10 mg/m3 are in proximity to the threshold one. The MAC for 'Armos' dusts in working zone areas was recommended at 5 mg/m3 (4th class of hazardness).  相似文献   

目的 研制车间空气中乙酰甲胺磷的国家卫生标准。方法 乙酰甲胺磷动物毒性试验及接触工人的职业流行病学调查。结果 乙酰甲胺磷大鼠经口LD50为823mg/kg。致突变性试验、致畸试验及迟发性神经毒性试验均为阴性。车间空气中乙酰甲胺磷浓度测定大多数在0.5mg/m^3以下。未发现接触工人有中毒症状。结论 建议车间空气中乙酰甲胺磷的最高容许浓度为0.5mg/m^3,其时间加权平均容许浓度为0.3mg/m^3。  相似文献   

Neurotoxic and sensory respiratory irritation effects of 1-methylnaphthalene and 2-methylnaphthalene in male rats and male Balb/C mice were investigated under conditions of acute inhalation exposure. Rotarod performance and pain sensitivity behaviour were tested in rats exposed to 1-methylnaphthalene at concentrations of 152-407 mg/m3, and 2-methylnaphthalene at concentrations of 229-522 mg/m3 immediately after termination of a four-hour exposure. The respiratory rate was measured in mice by the whole body pletysmographic method in 6 min duration exposure to various concentrations of 1-methylnaphthalene and 2-methylnaphthalene. Exposure to both methylated naphthalene derivatives resulted in concentration-dependent decrease in pain sensitivity in rats and depression of respiratory rate and mice. At the concentrations applied no statistically significant disturbances in rotarod performance behaviour were observed. The concentrations depressing the respiratory rate to 50% (RD50) were 129 mg/m3 and 67 mg/m3, for 1-methylnaphthalene and 2-methylnaphthalene, respectively. As based on RD50 values, the MAC values of 4 mg/m3 for 1-methylnaphthalene, and of 2 mg/m3 for 2-methylnaphthalene are suggested.  相似文献   

The results of the toxico-hygienic study of 12 types of rosins are presented. It is established that these compounds are moderately hazardous products with slightly pronounced local irritating and skin resorptive effect accompanied by moderate sensitizing activity. Rosins' cumulative characteristics are not manifested at the lethal level. Lim(ac) are within 110-193 mg/m3 and Lim(ch) within 38.0-42.0 mg/m3. The analyzed types of rosins possess polytropic general toxicity with primary impact on the functional state of liver, kidneys and the nervous system. The above studies have enabled one to recommend group MAC for rosins in the workplace air at the level of 4 mg/m3 and their marking as allergens.  相似文献   

本文对生产和使用硒的作用场所进行了劳动卫生学调查,并对硒接触工人进行了健康状况分析。结果表明:作业环境中硒的浓度几何均数为0.024mg/m^3。接触组工人头晕、泛力、胸闷、咳嗽、食欲不振、口中金属味、皮肤红斑出现阳性率与硒接触量有正相关趋势,血硒、尿硒分别与硒接触量呈正相关。车间空气中硒浓度在0.1mg/m^3以下,工人无明显的刺激症状,故提出车间空气中硒的最高容许浓度为0.1mg/m^3。  相似文献   

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