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Efficacy and safety of terodiline hydrochloride were studied by treating 38 patients who complained of pollakiuria and incontinence with this drug. Terodiline hydrochloride in a dose of 24 mg once or 12 mg twice a day was administered to these patients for 4 weeks and the conditions of the patients before and after the treatment were evaluated. According to the subjective symptoms, pollakisuria during the daytime and at night, incontinence, anischuria at night and frequency of urination were all reduced significantly. Objective symptoms detected after the treatment a tendency of increase (p less than 0.1) in the bladder volume at the time of maximum micturition. However, no change in the urination volume and the maximum urine flow was observed before and after the administration. A significant decrease (p less than 0.05) in residual urine was noted after the treatment. The results were favorable with overall improvement of 78.4% and efficacy of 75.7%. Side effects were observed in 3 of the 38 cases (7.9%), but all the symptoms were slight.  相似文献   

The clinical effectiveness of KL 007 (oxybutynin hydrochloride) was studied on patients with urinary disturbance, mostly complaints of urinary frequency, who were suffering from nervous pollakisuria, irritable bladder or neurogenic bladder. Fifty two patients were administered KL 007 three times daily at the dose of 6 mg, 9 mg, or 12 mg per day for one or two weeks. An overall clinical effectiveness of KL 007 was seen in the cases of hypertonic bladder. As to the clinical effectiveness of subjective symptoms, KL 007 improved the symptoms of urinary frequency, urinary incontinence, discomfort upon micturition, urinary urgency and sense of residual urine. Transient side effects were observed in 23 cases (41.4%), and dry mouth was most observed. No severe side effects were noticed.  相似文献   

A cerebral metabolic activator was administered to patients with cerebrovascular dementia to treat urinary incontinence or pollakisuria. The results are of interest as discussed in this paper. This study was carried out on 35 patients (15 males and 20 females) with cerebrovascular dementia with the chief complaint of incontinence or pollakisuria averaging in age 78.1 years with a range of 65 to 92. The underlying disease was cerebral hemorrhage in 4 cases, cerebral embolism in 21 cases and sequelae of cerebral apoplexy in 10 cases. ADL was assessed in all cases by cerebral CT or MRI and Hasegawa's test, a simple test for dementia. Bladder function was evaluated by determining urodynamic tests (CMG, UFM, UPP) before and after medical treatment. Test drug was bifemelane hydrochloride, a cerebrovascular metabolic activator. It was administered at a dose of 150 mg/day for periods of 2 months or more. As a result, bladder symptoms improved in 16/35 patients (45.7%), and mental symptoms in 21/35 (60%). Urine voiding and holding as bladder functions determined by urodynamics tests were not affected at all. The effect of this drug on bladder symptoms is secondary to improvement of mental symptoms, and its most pronounced clinical effect was on dementia.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effectiveness and side effects of long-term administration of terodiline hydrochloride in patients with chief complaints of pollakisuria or incontinence or both due to unstable bladder or neurogenic bladder associated with uninhibited contraction. The dose was 24 mg once daily. The symptoms such as pollakisuria and incontinence improved in 31 out of 41 patients (76%). Mild side effects were observed in 12 out of 47 patients (26%), which were thirst, dizziness, dysuria, urticaria and gastrointestinal symptoms. An increasing tendency of both maximum desire to void and compliance (p less than 0.10), and significant difference in maximum static pressure (p less than 0.05) were observed on urodynamic examinations before and after administration of this medicine. The results obtained from this study suggest that terodiline hydrochloride may be greatly recommended for patients with such symptoms as pollakisuria and incontinence.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effectiveness and side effects of terodiline hydrochloride in 109 patients with urinary frequency and urinary incontinence. The drug was administered at a dose of 24 mg once a day or 12 mg twice a day for 4 weeks. Symptoms such as urinary frequency and urinary incontinence were alleviated in 101 out of 109 patients (92.7%). Mild side effects such as thirst, dysuria, sense of residual urine, orthostatic hypotension and arrhythmia were observed in 9 out of 109 patients (8.2%). Side effects such as orthostatic hypotension and arrhythmia were observed on the 28th day or the 20th day of the administration, but these symptoms disappeared with discontinued use of this medicine. The results obtained from this study suggest that terodiline hydrochloride may be greatly useful for the patients with urinary frequency and urinary incontinence. But we must take account of the side effects such as orthostatic hypotension and arrhythmia.  相似文献   


Introduction and hypothesis

Depression is more common in patients with urinary incontinence (UI). Drug or rehabilitation therapy have been shown to be effective in reducing urgency UI (UUI) symptoms, but whether these treatments can ameliorate the negative impact of UUI on the psychological aspects of quality of life is unclear.


A secondary analysis of an assessor-blinded randomized controlled trial was performed. The number of depressive symptoms was the primary outcome as measured by the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression scale (CES-D).


Thirty-six (22 %) subjects had a CES-D score >16 at baseline, the cutoff for having depressive symptoms. A significant association was found between having a CES-D score >16 and lower quality of life related to UI at baseline. The mean CES-D score among those with depressive symptoms at baseline was significantly reduced throughout the study, with a mean of 23.7 at baseline, to 18.3 and 15.2 at the 3-month and 1-year follow-up (p?<?0.001), respectively. The number of participants who had depressive symptoms decreased during the study period only in the physical therapy groups, from 31 at baseline to 28 and 25, at 3 and 12 months, respectively, while there was no such change in the drug group.


Patients with UUI who had depressive symptoms showed significant improvement in their depressive symptoms with treatment over 1 year. This improvement occurred regardless of the type of treatment. This study emphasizes the increasingly recognized problem of undiagnosed depression among middle-aged women with UUI.  相似文献   

Clinical effects of oxybutynin hydrochloride on lower urinary tract function at a dosage of 2 mg given orally three times daily (6 mg/day), were studied on 10 patients with neurogenic bladder by cystometry and measurement of residual urine. There was a significant increase, of about 34% in FDV, but no significant changes in MBV, or maximum voiding pressure of residual urine after administration. Urinary frequency, incontinence and urgency in subjective symptoms were decreased in patients given this drug. The effective rate (excellent and good) was 50% in global evaluation. Side effects were observed in 4 out of 10 patients; 3 had dry mouth and 1 had diarrhea. There were no serious side effects. These findings suggested that oxybutynin hydrochloride may be a useful drug for neurogenic bladder.  相似文献   

The clinical efficacy of oxybutynin hydrochloride was studied on 21 patients with neurogenic bladder or unstable bladder complaining of urinary frequency, urgency and urgent incontinence. Oxybutynin hydrochloride (1 mg/tablet) was administered orally for 26.7 days, on average, 3 mg per day in 3 and 6 mg per day in 18 patients and the usefulness of this drug was assessed subjectively and objectively. Of 21 patients treated, 9 had neurogenic bladder and 10 had unstable bladder. Urinary frequency was normalized in 6 out of 16 (37.5%), urgency ceased in 6 out of 17 (35.7%) and urgent incontinence disappeared in 9 out of 14 (50%) patients. The mean volume at the first desire to void and the maximum cystometric capacity increased significantly on the cystometrogram after the administration of oxybutynin hydrochloride (p less than 0.01). Furthermore, the maximum vesical pressure decreased significantly (p less than 0.05). The maximum urinary flow rate increased slightly (p less than 0.1) and the residual urine volume significantly increased (p less than 0.05) after medication, although no changes were observed in tidal voiding volume or mean urinary flow rate. Of 20 patients, 9 showed improvement globally (45%), although no subjective or objective improvement was observed in 4 (20%) patients. Marked side effects were observed in 5 cases (two of acute urinary retention, each of increased urgency, residual urine and liver dysfunction), and side effects were seen in 10 of the 21 (47.6%) patients.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The clinical effectiveness and safety of terodiline hydrochloride and clenbuterol hydrochloride were studied on 51 patients with neurogenic bladder, stress incontinence, unstable bladder and others, the chief complaints of which were urinary frequency or urinary incontinence. Overall improvement was graded as marked in 6 patients (11.8%), moderate in 20 patients (39.2%), slight in 11 patients (21.6%), unchanged in 13 patients (25.5%) and aggravated in one. The patients impression was "good" or better in 56.9%. There were a total of 13 cases (25.5%) of adverse reactions, namely, 7 cases of finger tremor, 3 cases of dry mouth and others. These reactions disappeared rapidly after the discontinuance of drug administration. The clinical efficacy in the treatment of subjective symptoms was 71.4% for urinary incontinence, 56.4% for diurnal pollakisuria. The examination of lower urethral functions demonstrated a significant (p less than 0.01) increase in bladder capacity at first desire and maximum desire to void. However, we found no significant increase in urethral clossure pressure. The findings of this study suggest that terodiline hydrochloride and clenbuterol hydrochloride are very useful for the treatment of urinary frequency and incontinence.  相似文献   


Introduction and hypothesis

This study’s aims were to detect and quantify bacterial DNA in the urine of randomized trial participants about to undergo treatment for urinary urgency incontinence (UUI) without clinical evidence of urinary tract infection (UTI) and to determine if the presence of bacterial DNA in baseline urine relates to either baseline urinary symptoms or UTI risk after urinary tract instrumentation.


Women without clinical evidence of baseline UTI were randomized to cystoscopic onabotulinum toxin A injection and oral placebo medication versus cystoscopic placebo injection and active oral medication. Bacterial DNA in participants’ catheterized urine was measured by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR).


Bacterial DNA was detected in the urine of 38.7 % of participants (60 out of 155). In these 60 qPCR-positive participants, baseline daily UUI episodes were greater than in the 95 qPCR-negative participants (5.71 [±2.60] vs 4.72 [±2.86], p?=?0.004). Neither symptom severity by questionnaire nor treatment outcome was associated with qPCR status or with qPCR level in qPCR-positive subjects. In contrast, the presence of urinary bacterial DNA was associated with UTI risk: only 10 % of the qPCR-positive women developed a UTI post-treatment, while 24 % of the qPCR-negative women did so. The median qPCR level for qPCR-positive samples did not differ significantly by UTI status (UTI 2.58?×?105 vs no UTI 1.35?×?105 copies/mL, p?=?0.6).


These results may indicate a urinary bacterial contribution to both baseline UUI and the risk of post-treatment UTI.  相似文献   

Clinical efficacy and adverse effects of oxybutynin and propantheline in the treatment of symptoms related to detrusor hyperactivity were studied in a randomized, controlled, double-blind multicenter trial. Of 169 patients entered into the study 154 were evaluable for statistical analysis. Mean grade of improvement (visual analogue scale) was significantly higher with oxybutynin (58.2%) versus propantheline (44.7%) and placebo (43.4%). Mean bladder volume at first involuntary cystometric contraction was significantly increased with oxybutynin (+57.0 ml.) versus placebo (-9.7 ml.). Mean maximum cystometric bladder capacity was also significantly increased with oxybutynin (+80.1 ml.) versus placebo (+22.5 ml.). Rate of inquired possible adverse effects was significantly higher for oxybutynin (63%) versus propantheline (44%) and placebo (33%). However, only 5 patients dropped out of the study because of adverse effects (oxybutynin 2 and propantheline 3). No serious or lasting adverse effects were encountered with dryness of the mouth being the major complaint. Oxybutynin has statistically significant effects on subjective symptoms and objective urodynamic parameters in patients with detrusor hyperactivity compared to propantheline.  相似文献   

Clinical effects and therapeutic usefulness of oxybutynin hydrochloride were evaluated in a long-term clinical trial on patients with unstable bladders and neurogenic bladders. Of the 46 patients entered into the trial, 37 were those diagnosed with an unstable bladder and 9 with a neurogenic bladder with overactive detrusor. In 37 of the cases (80%), the period of drug administration reached up to 12 weeks and in 16 cases (34%) the drugs were administered for more than 24 weeks. The average administration period was 165.9 days. The average total given dose was 1776.9 mg and average dose per day was 10.7 mg. Excellent and good responses were obtained in 76.3, 88.9 and 69.6% at 12 and 24 weeks after start of administration and at the time of discontinuing the drug, respectively. The cystometric changes at pre- and post-administration were evaluated on 23 cases and revealed a significant increase in volume at first sensation and maximum desire to void. Maximum resting intravesical pressure was significantly declined and uninhibited detrusor contractions were significantly suppressed. Side effects were noted in 11 of the 46 cases (23.9%), most of which were well tolerated by the patients. In 4 cases the drug had to be discontinued because of the side effects. Dry mouth was the most common side effect, occupying almost half of the incidents. No significant abnormality was noted on blood laboratory data, blood pressure or heart rate, following the drug administration. In one case slight increase in serum glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase and glutamic-pyruvic transaminase was encountered, but its relationship with the drug was obscure. The clinical usefulness of this drug (excellent and good) was 78.9, 88.9 and 69.6% at 12 and 24 weeks after start of administration, and at the time of drug discontinuation, respectively. The present long-term trial proved that oxybutynin hydrochloride is an exceedingly effective and safe agent for clinical management of unstable bladder and overactive neurogenic bladder.  相似文献   


Introduction and hypothesis

Urinary incontinence (UI) is common and the relationship among its subtypes complex. Our objective was to describe the natural history and predictors of the incontinence subtypes stress, urgency, and mixed, in middle-aged and older US women. We tested our hypothesis that UI subtype history predicted future occurrence, evaluating subtype incidence/remission over multiple time points in a stable cohort of women.


We analyzed longitudinal urinary incontinence data in 10,572 community-dwelling women aged ≥50 in the 2004–2010 Health and Retirement Study. Mixed, stress, and urgency incontinence prevalence (2004, 2006, 2008, 2010) and 2-year cumulative incidence and remissions (2004–2006, 2006–2008, 2008–2010) were estimated. Patient characteristics and incontinence subtype status 2004–2008 were entered into a multivariable, transition model to determine predictors for incontinence subtype occurrence in 2010.


The prevalence of each subtype in this population (median age 63–66) was 2.6–8.9 %. Subtype incidence equaled 2.1–3.5 % and remissions for each varied between 22.3 and 48.7 %. Incontinence subtype incidence predictors included ethnicity/race, age, body mass index, and functional limitations. Compared with white women, black women had decreased odds of incident stress incontinence and Hispanic women had increased odds of stress incontinence remission. The age range 80–90 and severe obesity predicted incident mixed incontinence. Functional limitations predicted mixed and urgency incontinence. The strongest predictor of incontinence subtype was subtype history. The presence of the respective incontinence subtypes in 2004 and 2006 strongly predicted 2010 recurrence (odds ratio [OR] stress incontinence = 30.7, urgency OR = 47.4, mixed OR = 42.1).


Although the number of remissions was high, a previous history of incontinence subtypes predicted recurrence. Incontinence status is dynamic, but tends to recur over the longer term.

ObjectiveThe action of the antagonists of the calcium was evaluated in the Urethral Syndrome of the woman (incontinence, urgency, disury).ResultsPatient and Methods: In 60 female’s patients that went for urethral syndrome. I used the Cinarizina in 20 patients, and the Flunarizina in 20 patients. And in 20 patients were used placebo.ResultsIn the patients that used Flunarizina and Cinarizina were observed a reduction of the urine incontinence, of the urgency, and the disury, the micturition was lingering and easy, the number of the micturitions decreased by the morning, compared with the patients that used placebo.ConclusionsThe antagonists of the calcium can be useful in those patients with urethral syndrome especially the biggest women.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the tolerability and efficacy of propiverine and oxybutynin in patients with urgency and urge incontinence in a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In all, 366 patients (149 on propiverine, 145 oxybutynin and 72 placebo, ratio 2:2:1) with urgency and urge incontinence were recruited in 32 study centres. Propiverine (group 1, 15 mg three times daily), oxybutynin (group 2, 5 mg twice daily) or placebo (group 3) were administered for 4 weeks, using the double-dummy technique. The dosages were selected specifically to compare the tolerability profile of propiverine with the commonly used therapeutic dosage of oxybutynin. Tolerability was assessed by directly questioning the patients about adverse events at four visits (V-1 before and V0 after a 1-week 'washout' period, V1 after 1 week and V4 after 4 weeks of treatment) during a 5-week surveillance period, and by tolerability ratings of the physicians. Efficacy was assessed using urodynamics at V0 and V4, evaluating the cystometric bladder capacity at maximal and first desire to void, and postvoid residual urine, according to the criteria of the International Continence Society. Additionally, a voiding protocol, overall assessment of clinical symptomatology and efficacy ratings by the physicians were documented. RESULTS: A remarkably high percentage of adverse events was reported in the washout period (VO: 13%, 16% and 18% in groups 1-3, respectively). At V4, the clinically most relevant symptom (dry mouth) occurred in 53% of patients in group 1, in 67% of group 2 and in 28% of group 3. Furthermore, dry mouth was less severe in group 1 than group 2. In contrast to groups 2 and 3, only patients in group 1 showed increasing tolerability during the treatment (from V1 to V4). These tolerability results were further supported by the overall tolerability assessment ('very good' or 'good' tolerability in 67% of group 1, in 59% of group 2 and in 83% of group 3). The urodynamic assessment of efficacy (comparing V0 and V4) showed a statistically significant increase in the mean (sd) maximal cystometric bladder capacity in group 1, being 222 (77) mL at V0 and 311 (125) mL at V4, an increase of 89 (108) mL, and in group 2, at 226 (75) mL and 322 (123) mL, an increase of 96 (106) mL, compared with group 3, at 211 (77) mL and 263 (93) mL, an increase of only 52 (92) mL. The cystometric bladder capacity at first desire to void also increased in group 1 (93 to 160 mL) and group 2 (89 to 160 mL), whereas in group 3 there were only minor changes (93 to 120 mL). Changes in the residual urine volume within and between the treatment groups were minimal and clinically irrelevant. The overall assessment of efficacy showed significant differences between the drugs when compared with placebo. CONCLUSION: Propiverine is a safe and effective drug in the treatment of urgency and urge incontinence; it is as effective as oxybutynin, but the incidence of dry mouth and its severity is less with propiverine than with oxybutynin. The availability of alternative pharmacotherapeutics such as propiverine should reduce the therapeutic failure rate and improves the success rate in the treatment of patients suffering from urgency and urge incontinence.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Oxybutynin is an efficacious pharmacotherapeutic agent for the treatment of urge incontinence. However, many patients discontinue therapy because of the considerable side effects. This study aims at assessing the efficacy of a low-dose oxybutynin (2.5 mg three times daily) in relation to the concomitant profile of side effects. METHODS: Unselected primary care practice patients with involuntary urine loss were eligible for this study. A specially designed questionnaire was used to establish the diagnosis of symptomatic urge incontinence. All patients started with an oral dose of oxybutynin of 2.5 mg three times daily, and the responses with regard to efficacy and side effects were assessed after 2 and 6 weeks. Efficacy was evaluated using subjective patients' impression as well as data extracted from their voiding diaries. Adverse events possibly related to the use of oxybutynin were specifically asked for. Patients who experienced little or no symptomatic relief and who experienced no side effects were given a higher dose (5 mg three times daily). RESULTS: General practitioners recruited 416 patients with symptomatic urge incontinence. Increasing the dose to 5 mg three times was preferred by 115 patients (28%). After 6 weeks 393 patients reported a partial or complete symptomatic cure (positive responder rate 95%). The average number of micturitions per 24 h decreased from 9.9+/-(SD)3.7 to 6.0+/-2.5 (p<0.001), and the average number of episodes of urine loss per 24 h decreased from 6.0+/-3.6 to 1.7+/-1.8 (p<0.001). A total of 123 patients (30%) reported side effects attributable to the use of oxybutynin; 42 patients (10%) had to stop the medication because of the severity of these side effects. CONCLUSION: Successful pharmacological treatment of symptomatic urge incontinence can be given in a primary care setting using oxybutynin. Starting with a low dose of 2.5 three times daily, a subjective and objective efficacy can be achieved with fewer side effects than reported in the literature.  相似文献   

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