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对于很少有危险性的直肠脱垂病人,最常选用腹部直肠固定术.作者利用腹腔镜进行了直肠固定术.为了避免异物植人,应尽可能减少直肠周围的解剖分割.应用直肠骶骨前缝合固定术作为标准的直肠脱垂固定术.方法:病人取膀胱截石位,为保证直肠能固定在原来的位置,腹内注人12mmHgCO_2,一根12mm插管在脐下缘插人腹内,然后将10mm腹腔镜与皮肤呈45°角插人腹内,并且病人头向下倾斜,在脐下再插入三管达腹内3~5cm深,一管从右侧直肠腹部肌肉的外侧插人,另两管分别从内侧轻轻插人到左右髂前上棘部位,子宫被缝合在腹壁上,用剪刀分离右侧输尿管后凹陷处的右侧直肠和在骶骨岬上边的腹膜,然后再用巴氏钳把直肠拉到腹内,放在无血管的骶骨前凹处.作这种解剖时,双叶的直肠系膜是一个实用的界标,当达到尾骨时应停止分割,侧韧带不能分割,一例病人发生骶骨前静脉出血,用小夹子制止.然后将直肠系膜缝合在骶骨前筋膜上,首先从末端骶骨开始缝合,5~6针prolene线缝合,在中线的每一侧用“2”型缝合法,由Tayside结完成缝合固定,在缝合下一针之前要把线拉紧,最上边的一针应在骶骨岬下数厘米.  相似文献   

目的探讨腹腔镜腹膜带直肠悬吊术治疗儿童完全性直肠脱垂的可行性及临床效果。方法2004年8月~2008年10月,对6例完全性直肠脱垂(年龄2~6岁,平均3.5岁),在腹腔镜下利用直肠周围盆腔增厚松弛的腹膜,切取成两条"L"形带蒂腹膜条,折叠缝合固定于游离的直肠两侧壁,然后缝合在骶骨岬前的筋膜上悬吊直肠,最后将盆腔腹膜切缘缝合于直肠前壁包埋腹膜带并紧缩盆底。结果6例手术均获成功。手术时间95~210min,(120±24)min。术中出血〈10ml。术后随访6~54个月,平均28个月,均无脱垂复发,排便功能正常。结论腹腔镜下腹膜带直肠悬吊术治疗儿童完全性直肠脱垂效果良好,具有创伤小、恢复快、复发率低等优点,是一种具有较高临床应用价值的新术式。  相似文献   

腹直肌前鞘条直肠骶骨悬吊术治疗直肠脱垂14例报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李勇  李凤苍  李彬 《腹部外科》2000,13(2):91-92
目的 用腹直肌前鞘条行直肠骶骨悬吊术治疗直肠脱垂。方法 自 1990年 7月~ 1998年 11月间 ,对 14例完全性直肠脱垂患者均采用腹直肌前鞘条行直肠骶骨悬吊固定术治疗。结果  14例患者均治愈出院 ,平均住院日 17天。除 1例发生切口感染外 ,无其它特殊并发症。本组病例均获随访 ,随访时间 10月~ 8年 ,无一例复发 ,均能进行体力劳动。结论 用腹直肌前鞘条行直肠骶骨悬吊术治疗直肠脱垂是一种疗效可靠、手术操作简便、损伤轻、痛苦小的合理手术方法  相似文献   

目的探讨腹腔镜下直肠乙状结肠部分切除联合直肠悬吊固定术治疗成人完全性直肠脱垂的疗效。方法对2010年5月至2013年5月期间笔者所在医院科室收治的32例成人完全性直肠脱垂患者行腹腔镜下直肠乙状结肠部分切除联合直肠悬吊固定术,总结手术疗效。结果32例患者的手术过程均顺利,无一例中转开腹手术。平均手术时间为114.7min(95~167min),平均术中出血量为80mL(55~150mL),术后平均住院时间为9.8d(6~14d),均全部治愈出院。术后32例患者获访3个月~4年(平均25.6个月),均无脱垂症状,肛门功能恢复良好,无术后并发症及复发。结论腹腔镜下直肠乙状结肠部分切除联合直肠悬吊固定术治疗成人完全性直肠脱垂的疗效良好,具有创伤小、恢复快、复发率低等优点,是一种具有较高临床应用价值的术式。  相似文献   

直肠脱垂腹腔镜手术与开腹手术的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
腹腔镜直肠固定术于 1992年初次提出 ,由于其损伤小、手术简便而逐渐广泛采用。本研究目的在于评价腹腔镜直肠脱垂修补术的安全性和有效性。  方法 :采用病例对照研究 ,每组 5 3例 ,两组病人的年龄、性别和手术类型匹配。腹腔镜组 1993~ 2 0 0 0年行腹腔镜缝合直肠固定术 (laparoscopicsuturerectopexy ,LRP) 2 6例 ,腹腔镜辅助切除直肠固定术 (laparoscopic -assistedre sectionrectopexy ,LRRP) 2 7例。对照组 1987~ 1999年行开腹直肠固定乙状结肠切除术 (openrectopexywithsigmoidresection ,ORRP) 2 7例 ,开腹缝合直肠固定术 (…  相似文献   

目的探讨成人直肠脱垂个体化手术治疗的临床经验和选择。方法回顾性分析我院手术治疗成人直肠脱垂患者78例的临床资料。经腹直肠前切除及固定术11例,经腹腔镜直肠前切除及固定术20例,经会阴直肠乙状结肠部分切除术治疗23例,采用PPH术25例。结果所有患者手术均顺利,无围手术期死亡病例。术后随访8~48个月,经腹直肠前切除及固定术、经腹腔镜直肠前切除及固定术及采用PPH术者无复发,经会阴直肠乙状结肠部分切除术者3例轻度复发。结论对直肠脱垂患者实行围手术期系统的功能评价和规则的个体化的手术治疗,患者可能会得到一个理想的治疗效果。  相似文献   

我院采用直肠上提与骶骨岬缝合固定的手术方法治疗直肠脱垂38例,效果满意。随访时间最长的病例已有20年,未见复发。一般资料:病史最长5年,最短6个月,均为完全性直肠脱垂。脱出长度为5~10cm。术后半个月内  相似文献   

目的:探讨腹腔镜辅助直肠及乙状结肠部分切除联合直肠悬吊固定术治疗完全性直肠脱垂的临床效果。方法:回顾分析2012年1月至2014年1月为23例完全直肠脱垂患者行腹腔镜辅助直肠、乙状结肠部分切除联合直肠悬吊固定术的临床资料。结果:手术均顺利完成,无一例中转开腹。手术时间105~165 min,平均(132.6±14.2)min;术中出血量20~50 ml,平均(34.5±12.4)ml。术后2例发生尿潴留,余均恢复顺利,无吻合口漏、肠梗阻等严重并发症发生。术后24 h疼痛评分2~5分,平均(3.32±0.85)分;排气时间1~4 d,平均(2.43±0.90)d;住院6~10 d,平均(7.8±2.45)d。术后肛管直肠测压肛门内外括约肌静息状态及力排状态下压力均明显降低。随访12~36个月,无一例复发,患者排便功能良好,无尿潴留、性功能障碍等并发症发生。结论:腹腔镜辅助直肠、乙状结肠部分切除联合直肠悬吊固定术治疗完全性直肠脱垂安全、有效,具有患者创伤小、康复快、外观好等优点,可明显改善患者的临床症状,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

为探讨综合疗法治疗重度直肠脱垂的疗效,回顾性分析采用综合疗法治疗7例重度直肠脱垂患者的临床资料。结果显示,采用直肠悬吊、盆底组织修补、盆底腹膜提高缝合、直肠黏膜下和两间隙注射消痔灵及肛门紧缩术治疗5例;在以上方法的基础上,再加乙状结肠折叠缝合缩短固定术治疗2例;所有病例术后均口服升阳举陷、益气固脱的中药辅助治疗,结果全部治愈,随访6~24个月,无复发。结果表明,综合疗法治疗重度直肠脱垂疗效确切,无后遗症。  相似文献   

目的:探讨直肠黏膜内脱垂有效的手术治疗方法。方法:对48例患者采取经肛以PPH环形切除松弛直肠黏膜,使肛垫悬吊加固回复至原位,吻合后分别于3、7、11点位(男性)或3、7及前正中位(女性)距吻合口以上1cm纵行柱状缝合松弛直肠黏膜,使脱垂的直肠黏膜横向及纵向同时缩短并悬吊上移。结果:术后1~3个月松弛脱垂黏膜挛缩固定,肛门坠胀、排便困难完全消失,排便时间明显缩短,每天1~2次。结论:PPH结合直肠黏膜纵行缝合悬吊术在治疗直肠黏膜内脱垂简单易行和疗效满意的方法。  相似文献   

Faecal incontinence may be due to a trauma, a rectal prolapse, or a neurological disorder. Obstetric trauma: If the sphincter has been severed, direct repair is indicated. In the case of neurological damage, plication of the levators can provide significant improvement; while the post-anal repair has become popular, anterior sphincter plication and levatorplasty, provide equivalent results. Rectal prolapse: Full thickness rectal prolapse is frequently associated with incontinence. Two categories of operations have been described: local operative procedures (Delorme's plicature, perineal resection) provide poor results in term of restoration of continence and should be reserved to unfit and elderly patients; abdominal operations combine an extensive rectal mobilisation and they differ by the type of fixation. The Ripstein operation (fixation to the promontory by an encircling sling of non absorbable mesh) has long been popular in the United States, but is followed by severe constipation. In the simple suture rectopexy, the rectum is fixed to the pelvic floor and the presacral fascia by non absorbable procedures. In the Ivalon sponge rectoprexy, a polyvinyl alcohol mesh in secured between the sacrum and the rectum, and provides a dense fibrous reaction. In the antero-posterior Marlex rectopexy, a sheet of Marlex mesh is fixed posteriorly to the rectum, and a sling is interposed anteriorly in order to support the anterior wall. In the resection rectopexy, a sigmoid resection in added to the rectal fixation in order to suppress the redundant sigmoid which is responsible for the constipation frequently following rectopexy. Results of abdominal rectopexy are satisfactory in terms of recurrence and restoration of continence.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Rectal prolapse is a lifestyle-altering disability which has been treated with over 100 surgical options. The specific goals of surgical management of full thickness rectal prolapse are to minimize the operative risk in this typically elderly population, eradicate the external prolapse of the rectum, improve continence, improve bowel function, and reduce the risk of recurrence. The theoretical advantages of a laparoscopic approach are to couple reductions in surgical morbidity and good post-operative outcome. Studies which compare the same laparoscopic and open surgical approach for rectal prolapse have demonstrated that laparoscopy confers benefits related to postoperative pain, length of hospital stay, and return of bowel function. Virtually every type of open transabdominal surgical approach to rectal prolapse has been laparoscopically accomplished. Current laparoscopic surgical techniques include suture rectopexy, stapled rectopexy, posterior mesh rectopexy with artificial material, and resection of the sigmoid colon with colorectal anastomosis, with or without rectopexy. The growing body of literature supports the concept that laparoscopic surgical techniques can safely provide the benefits of low recurrence rates and improved functional outcome for patients with full thickness rectal prolapse.  相似文献   

五孔法,按TME及神经功能保护原则手术,骶岬前方切开后腹膜,打开血管鞘,分离直肠上动脉、肠系膜上动脉及左结肠动脉,清扫腹主动脉(253)淋巴结,结扎切断肠系膜下动静脉,沿Denonvilliers筋膜分离,注意保护腹下神经丛。游离乙状结肠及降结肠系膜,向下沿盆筋膜脏层和壁层之间游离至肛提肌平面,注意保护盆自主神经。切断直肠侧韧带游离直肠侧方,前方打开腹膜返折部及Denonvilliers筋膜向下游离至肿瘤下方5 cm。切断乙状结肠,3-0抗菌微乔线荷包缝合一圈,切断直肠,经肛门置入吻合器枪身,激发完成吻合。  相似文献   

Technical features of laparoscopic rectopexy include complete rectal mobilization without division of the lateral stalks to avoid parasympathetic denervation and postoperative problems with defecation. Suture rectopexy is equally effective as posterior mesh rectopexy in preventing recurrences and eliminates the use of foreign material which is sometimes associated with intense fibrosis, sepsis and increased constipation. According to two randomised studies constipation seems to be less after resection rectopexy than suture or posterior mesh rectopexy alone perhaps by eliminating possible kinking at the rectosigmoid region by falling of the redundant sigmoid colon in the pouch of Douglas. Randomized studies are, however, needed to validate the need for colonic resection and to determine its optimal extent in patients who suffer from rectal prolapse, constipation and slow transit.  相似文献   



Our approach to full-thickness anorectal prolapse has transitioned to laparoscopic suture rectopexy (LSRP). The purpose of this study was to describe the indications, technique, and postoperative outcomes for LSRP.


Rectopexy was performed using 3 or 4 laparoscopic ports. Redundant rectum was retracted from the pelvis, and the posterior rectal wall was secured to the sacral promontory using 3 permanent sutures.


Nineteen children (7 girls) underwent LSRP from March 2003 to January 2008. Mean age was 6.2 ± 3.6 years. Three patients had prior perineal operations: 2 sacrococcygeal teratoma resections and 1 pull-through for Hirschsprung disease. One patient had cystic fibrosis, and another had Prader-Willi syndrome. The remaining children had either chronic constipation or idiopathic prolapse. All patients were treated preoperatively with laxatives. Two patients received antegrade continent enemas. Length of stay was 1 ± 0.8 days, with only the first 5 patients admitted to the hospital. The patient with Prader-Willi syndrome had a full-thickness recurrence (5%) owing to obsessive-compulsive behavior. Partial mucosal prolapse occurred in 2 patients. There were no other complications.


Laparoscopic suture rectopexy is an effective minimally invasive method to treat full-thickness rectal prolapse in children from various etiologies. It can be performed as an outpatient procedure with minimal morbidity and low recurrence rate (5%).  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to report a case of a patient with stage IV vaginal vault prolapse treated by laparoendoscopic single-site (LESS) sacrocolpopexy using an Alexis retractor and a surgical glove attached to three trocars through a 3.5-cm umbilical incision. Only conventional laparoscopic instruments were used for intrabdominal dissection of vagina and peritoneum. The mesh was fixed to the vaginal fornix and to the sacral periosteum from the promontory using running sutures hold in the extremities by polymer clips. The posterior peritoneum was closed over the mesh. LESS sacrocolpopexy performed with conventional instruments is a difficult but feasible and efficient technique to treat vaginal vault prolapse that respects the principles of conventional laparoscopic or open repairs. Alexis retractor associated with knotless sutures are technical options that simplify LESS reconstructive surgical maneuvers.  相似文献   

Objective Whilst trans‐abdominal fixation +/? resection offers better functional results and lower recurrence than perineal procedures, mesh rectopexy is complicated by constipation. Laparoscopic autonomic nerve‐sparing, ventral rectopexy allows correction of the underlying abnormalities of the rectum, vagina, bladder and pelvic floor. Method A prospective database was used to audit our 7‐year experience of this technique. The recto‐vaginal septum was mobilized anteriorly to the pelvic floor avoiding nerve damage. A prolene mesh was sutured to the ventral rectum, posterior vagina and vaginal fornix and secured to the sacral promontory. Patients were assessed with questionnaires and Cleveland Clinic scores. Results Eighty patients, six males, median age 59 years (range 31–90) underwent laparoscopic prolapse surgery between Jan 1997 and Dec 2005; 55% had full thickness prolapse and 46% rectal anal intussusception. Five had a solitary rectal ulcer. A total of 58% had undergone previous surgery; hysterectomy 33%, posterior colporrhaphy 15%, posterior rectopexy 6%, Delorme's rectal mucosectomy 5% and Birch colposuspension 3%. Half (54%) were incontinent (mean Wexner score 11, range 2–17) and 31% reported symptoms of obstructed defecation; seven had slow transit constipation and underwent resection. The median operative time was 125 min (range 50–210) with one conversion. Median time to diet was 12 h and median length of stay 3 days (1–12). No patient has developed recurrent full thickness prolapse at a median follow‐up of 54 months (30–96). Incontinence improved in 39 of 43 patients (91%); median post‐operative Wexner score 1 (0–9). Obstructed defecation resolved in 20 of 25 patients (80%). Pelvic pain resolved in all but one. Complications occurred in 21%; faecal impaction 4%, wound infection 2%, bleeding 2%, leak 1%, chest infection 1%, retention 1%. Three developed minor evacuatory difficulties and two, urinary stress incontinence. Conclusion Laparoscopic ventral rectopexy is safe with relatively low morbidity. In the medium‐term, it provides good results for prolapse and associated symptoms of incontinence and obstructed defecation.  相似文献   

Abdominal rectopexy to the promontory is an effective treatment for total rectal prolapse, internal procidentia and solitary ulcer. This paper is designed to stress the risk of severe constipation following rectopexy, a complication which required surgical resection in 5 cases. This raises the problems of the physiological mechanisms of this complication, the definition of a possible high risk population (young women, patients who were constipated preoperatively?), and an alternative to promontory rectopexy: sacral fixation of the rectum, associated sigmoidectomy, Delorme's operation?  相似文献   

Rectal prolapse caused by blunt abdominal trauma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe a case of incarcerated rectal prolapse caused by blunt abdominal trauma. Emergency treatment consisted of manual reduction with the patient under general anesthesia, proctosigmoidoscopy, and peritoneal lavage. Subsequent definitive surgical therapy was then performed after bowel preparation and consisted of anterior resection of the sigmoid colon with posterior (sacral) rectopexy.  相似文献   

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