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牙槽突植骨术是唇腭裂序列治疗的一个组成部分,对于恢复上颌牙弓的完整性,保证上颌牙齿的正常萌出,促进上颌骨的垂直向生长及颌骨的稳定性,矫正患侧鼻底塌陷畸形及修复唇侧口鼻腔瘘均有重大意义。总结了保证手术成功的关键,并认为植骨术前后应接受正畸治疗。8~11岁X线片示尖牙根形成2/3为最佳手术时间。  相似文献   

唇腭裂的牙槽突裂植骨修复术   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
牙槽突植骨术是唇腭裂序列治疗的一个组成部分,对于恢复上颌牙弓的完整性,保证上颌牙齿的正常萌出,促进上颌骨的垂直向生长及颌骨的稳定性,矫正患侧鼻底塌隐畸形及修复唇侧口鼻腔瘘均有重大意义。  相似文献   

干细胞具有自我更新能力及多向分化潜能,已被广泛应用于多个领域。相对于唇腭裂患者牙槽突裂的常规手术治疗方法,干细胞具有来源广泛、取材方便、免疫原性低等优点,整形外科医生已逐渐关注唇腭裂患者牙槽突裂干细胞治疗的研究。该文对胚胎干细胞、人间充质干细胞、颌面部来源干细胞在唇腭裂患者牙槽突裂中应用的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

影响唇腭裂患者牙槽裂植骨成功因素的临床研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:分析影响唇腭裂患者牙槽裂植骨成功的因素。方法:对同一术者所行牙槽裂植骨术的唇腭裂患者52例进行临床研究,探讨植骨成功与手术年龄、手术类型、裂隙类型、裂侧类型等的关系。结果:18岁以上年龄组、完全性唇腭裂组、双侧唇腭裂组患者的植骨成功率与对应组相比有显著性差异,明显低于对应组。结论:①牙槽裂植骨成功与手术年龄、手术类型、裂隙类型、裂侧类型等有关;②良好植骨床的形成和植骨区无张力的严密缝合是保证牙槽裂植骨成功的关键;植骨时机是植骨成功与否的重要因素.  相似文献   

牙槽裂植骨改善唇腭裂患者鼻底塌陷畸形   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
分析唇腭裂患者牙槽裂植骨与改善鼻底塌陷畸形的关系。方法:对同一术者所行牙槽裂植骨术的单侧唇腭裂患者48例进行临床研究,结合X线片及面部正侧位照片探讨植骨成功与否与鼻底塌陷畸形改善的关系。结果:植骨成功组的患侧鼻底塌陷畸形的改善较未成功组有明显差异,明显高于未成功组。结论:牙槽裂植骨成功后患侧鼻底塌陷畸形可以得到明显改善。  相似文献   

目的:探讨可能的导致牙槽嵴裂植骨失败的有关因素.方法:对217例病例进行临床研究,分析植骨年龄、裂隙类型以及操作方式与植骨手术成功的关系.结果:大龄患者植骨失败率显著高于9~11岁患者,双侧牙槽嵴裂失败率高于单侧,单侧完全性裂失败率高于不完全性裂和隐裂.结论:植骨年龄、裂隙类型以及操作方式是影响植骨手术成功与否的几个关键因素.双侧裂隙软组织严重缺乏者,可考虑先行一侧牙槽嵴裂骨移植术,待植入骨生长稳定后,再行另一侧植骨,手术操作动作须熟练、力度要准确,无张力严密缝合,减少手术创伤、植骨量要适度.  相似文献   

目的 观察自体髂骨块和松质骨联合移植修复成人牙槽突裂的效果.方法 对2008年以来在我院就诊的成人牙槽突裂患者19例采用自体髂骨块和松质骨联合移植修复.将髂松质骨填充牙槽突裂间隙内,用骨块恢复梨状孔边缘形态和鼻翼基底部高度后,采用微型钛板和单皮质钛钉固定.术后1年复查进行Bergland 分级评价.结果 植入骨成活率(Ⅰ~Ⅲ级)为84.2%,临床成功率(Ⅰ、Ⅱ级)为73.7%,临床失败率(Ⅲ、Ⅳ级)为26.3%.2例患者再次出现口鼻瘘孔.结论 自体髂骨块和松质骨联合移植修复成人牙槽突裂可以有效恢复牙槽突高度,增加患侧梨状孔周围骨量.  相似文献   

1牙槽突裂的临床特点及治疗目的牙槽突裂是一种伴发于唇腭裂的常见先天性畸形,与遗传和环境的危险因素(如孕早期感染及药物、烟、酒等)有关,常表现为:牙槽突骨缺损、牙弓完整性丧失、缺损处牙异位萌出、裂隙处牙阻萌、口鼻瘘和由于鼻翼基底部缺乏骨组织支持而出现的鼻翼塌陷等畸形。  相似文献   

目的:应用螺旋CT测量不规则山羊下颌骨块,探讨CT测量牙槽突裂植骨量的可行性.方法:取山羊下颌骨,修整为大小不同不规则的22块骨标本,分别用量筒水实测法以及CT层面描记计算法进行测量,进而对两种不同方法的测量结果进行统计学分析.结果:以量筒实测的22块山羊下颌骨标本体积范围从0.9cm3到4.1cm3,平均2.58cm3;以CT测量的体积范围从1.1cm3到4.0cm3,平均2.56cm3.两组数据间无显著差异.结论:以描记CT扫描图像计算面积,进而计算骨体积的CT测量方法,经实验证明是准确的、可行的.  相似文献   

丁宇翔  刘彦普  敖建华 《中国美容医学》2005,14(2):161-163,i002
目的:应用牵张成骨技术进行牙槽突裂关闭术,观测牙槽突裂硬软组织修复效果和牵张间隙新骨生成的过程、机制,探索一种牙槽突裂整复治疗的新途径。方法:以10只成年杂种犬为实验对象,建立人工上颌牙槽突裂的动物模型,其中2只为对照组。另8只为实验组,以牙骨复合体作为转运盘,以每次0.4mm,2次/天的速度沿牙弓方向行牵张成骨术,直到关闭硬组织裂隙。于原位固定0,14,28,63天分别处死动物各2只,对标本进行X线摄片、大体和组织学观察。结果:利用牵张成骨术成功地进行牙槽突裂整复术,硬组织裂隙关闭, 同时软组织得到扩张;骨牵张间隙完全被新生骨组织取代并沿牵张方向生长,随固定时间的延长改建、成熟。结论:牵张成骨术提供了牙槽突裂治疗的新途径,新骨的生成是膜内成骨方式。  相似文献   

牙槽裂植骨同期鼻中隔骨支架植入鼻整形术   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 研究在牙槽裂植骨修复的同时 ,利用自体髂骨皮质板块 ,修复单侧唇腭裂鼻畸形。方法  10岁以后的单侧完全性唇腭裂患者 ,采用自体髂骨松质骨移植修复牙槽裂 ,同时采取髂骨内侧骨皮质修整后植入两侧鼻翼软骨内侧脚之间 ,形成鼻中隔前下部的骨性基础支架 ,将分离复位的鼻翼软骨内侧脚提升 ,使软骨穹窿顶超过骨性支架的上缘约 3mm ,将软骨缝合固定于骨性支架。结果 本组 2 4例患者均一期痊愈出院 ,患侧鼻翼基部凹陷、鼻小柱偏斜、鼻尖低平等畸形得到良好的矫正。结论 牙槽裂植骨与鼻畸形整复同期进行互不干扰。鼻中隔前骨性支架对鼻的外形结构有良好的支持作用 ,可以有效地矫正唇腭裂鼻畸形 ;与牙槽裂植骨同期进行 ,取材方便 ,减少了手术及麻醉的次数。  相似文献   

扩弓后单侧完全性牙槽突裂的骨移植修复   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究单侧完全性牙槽突裂畸形患者扩弓后骨移植修复的效果,为唇腭裂序列治疗后期正畸和正颌外科治疗提供临床基础。方法:对23例恒牙期单侧完全性唇腭裂术后伴发牙弓狭窄的牙槽突裂畸形患者进行快速扩弓并保持半年后,采用自体髂骨松质骨颗粒移植修复进行研究,对术后随访的X线片进行效果评价。结果:临床应用该方法治疗23例牙槽突裂患者,术后随诊3个月以上,临床观察牙槽突裂已修复,X线片显示骨密度接近正常骨质,移植骨块清晰可见,有较好的术后愈合效果。结论:正畸扩弓技术牙槽突裂骨移植修复术是唇腭裂序列治疗的重要组成部分,对于矫治伴有牙槽突裂的上牙弓缩窄畸形的唇腭裂患者,应在植骨手术前行扩弓治疗。  相似文献   

Unilateral cleft lip and palate is a defect involving the lip, nose and maxilla. These structures are inter-related, and simultaneous early correction of all the aspects of the defect is necessary to obtain a satisfactory result that will be maintained with growth. The surgical technique combining various procedures is presented and compared with previously published reports.  相似文献   


We describe a new technique for the reconstruction of the nasal floor at the same time as cheiloplasty in patients with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate. We operated on patients aged between 3 and 36 months in public secondary and tertiary level institutions. None of these patients had had a previous operation for the correction of the cleft lip or palate. The operation required the design of two mucous flaps, one lateral and one medial to the defect, to reposition the tissues anatomically and repair the congenital deficiency. Three hundred and fifty-eight patients have been treated using this technique, most of whom (n = 233, 65%) were boys, and 288 (80%) presented with a right complete unilateral cleft. Postoperative evaluation showed that 22 patients (6%) had asymmetry of the nasal base equal to or less than 1 mm, 18 (5%) had nasovestibular fistulas, and 5 (1%) required revision. We conclude that this technique greatly reduces the number of asymmetrical nasal floors and the incidence of nasovestibular fistulas.  相似文献   



Submucous cleft palate is characterized by muscular diastasis of the velum in the presence of intact mucosa with variable combinations of bifid uvula and hard palatal defect. Submucous cleft palate is indicated as a separate entity in most previous classifications but it has never been properly classified on an anatomical basis.


To revise the Smith-modified Kernahan ‘Y’ classification of cleft lip and palate deformities, and to describe the different anatomical subtypes of submucous cleft palate.


The present study was conducted in Hayatabad Medical Complex, Abasin Hospital and Aman Hospital Peshawar, Pakistan, from November 2010 to December 2011. All patients who presented to the outpatient departments with cleft lip and palate, with the exception of previously operated cases, were included. All cases were described according to the Smith-modified Kernahan ‘Y’ classification and the authors’ revised Smith-modified Kernahan ‘Y’ classification. All of the data were organized and analyzed using SPSS version 17 (IBM Corporation, USA).


A total of 163 cases of cleft lip and palate deformities were studied, of which 59.5% were male and 40.5% were female. Smith modification of the Kernahan ‘Y’ classification completely described the cleft deformities in 93.9% of patients. However, while the Kernahan ‘Y’ classification represented the submucous cleft palate, it did not describe its different anatomical subtypes in 6.13% of patients. The revised Smith-modified Kernahan ‘Y’ classification completely described the cleft deformities of the entire study population, including the different submucous cleft palate patients.


The Smith alphanumeric modification of the Kernahan ‘Y’ classification of cleft lip and palate came into existence after a long search and a series of modifications over the past century. This classification system describes the cleft region, site of the cleft, degree of the cleft, rare and asymmetrical clefts, and are computer database friendly. However, this classification did not describe the different anatomical subtypes of submucous cleft palate that have variable relationships with velopharyngeal insufficiency.


The revised Smith-modified Kernahan ‘Y’ classification described in the present study can describe all types of cleft lip and palate deformities in addition to the different types of submucous cleft palate deformities.  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty-one cleft children (67 with isolated cleft lip (CL), 32 with isolated submucous cleft palate (SMCP), and 22 with combined cleft lip and submucous cleft palate (CL + SMCP)) were compared retrospectively from lateral cephalograms taken at a mean age of 6.2 years (range 5.5–7.9). None of the children had had their palates repaired or been operated on to treat velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI). The children with CL + SMCP and CL had similar morphology. They had greater maxillary length, greater maxillary and mandibular prominence, less vertical growth pattern, less deep nasopharyngeal airways, and thinner upper lips than those with isolated SMCP. After 6 years of age one patient with CL + SMCP, none with CL, and 16 with SMCP needed operations for VPI. This small series suggests that children with CL + SMCP and SMCP have different morphology. Although CL + SMCP is a combination of two types of clefts, it seems to be associated with similar morphology to CL.  相似文献   

目的探讨伴有齿槽嵴裂的单侧唇裂术后继发鼻畸形的修复方法。方法对34例伴有齿槽嵴裂的单侧唇裂术后继发畸形的患者,在行齿槽嵴植骨的同时,行彻底的鼻整形手术。结果术后随访1~3年,植骨区成活良好,鼻畸形较整形前明显改善,接近正常外形,效果满意。结论在行齿槽嵴植骨的同时,行彻底的鼻整形手术,能够取得满意的效果,并且节省了医疗费用,缩短了治疗时间。  相似文献   



This national survey on the management of cleft lip and palate (CLP) in India is the first of its kind.


To collect basic data on the management of patients with CLP in India for further evaluation.

Materials and Methods:

A proforma was designed and sent to all the surgeons treating CLP in India. It was publicized through internet, emails, post and through personal communication.


293 cleft surgeons representing 112 centers responded to the questionnaire. Most of the forms were filled up by personal interview.


The cleft workload of the participating centers is between 10 and 2000 surgeries annually. These centers collectively perform 32,500–34,700 primary and secondary cleft surgeries every year. The responses were analyzed using Microsoft excel and 112 as the sample size. Most surgeons are repairing cleft lip between 3-6 months and cleft palate between 6 months to 1 year. Millard and Tennison repairs form the mainstay of lip repair. Multiple techniques are used for palate repair. Presurgical orthopedics, lip adhesion, nasendoscopy, speech therapy, video-fluoroscopy and orthognathic surgery were not always available and in some cases not availed of even when available.


Management of CLP differs in India. Primary surgical practices are almost similar to other studies. There is a lack of interdisciplinary approach in majority of the centers, and hence, there is a need for better interaction amongst the specialists. A more comprehensive study with an improved questionnaire would be desirable.  相似文献   

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