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Zusammenfassung In den Puppen einiger Lepidopterenarten wird die hämocytäre Einkapselung implantierter Nylonfadenstücke durch die Sekrete der drei Genitalanhangsdrüsen desPimpla-Weibchens gehemmt. Der Grad der von den einzeln oder kombiniert angebrachten Sekreten induzierten Wirkung ist teils dosisabhängig, teils wird er durch wirtsartspezifische Eigentümlichkeiten modifiziert. In den relativ großen Puppen vonL. dispar war kein Hemmeffekt festzustellen.Die Hemmung beruht auf der Blockierung der Bildung pseudopodialer Cytoplasmafortsätze bei jenen Hämocytentypen, die aufgrund dieser Fähigkeit an der Einkapselung hauptsächlich beteiligt sind. Diese Sensitivität der Hämocyten gegenüber den Drüsensekreten fehlt bei der HymenoptereGilpinia; bei den untersuchtenLymantria-Arten hängt sie teilweise von der thermischen Vorbehandlung der Puppen ab. Chemische Wirkungsmechanismen, die diesem Blockierungseffekt zugrunde liegen könnten, werden diskutiert.
The effect of the accessory genital glands secretions of femalePimpla turionellae L. (Hym., Ichneumonidae) on the hemocytes and their encapsulating reaction in host pupae
Summary In pupae ofGalleria mellonella L.,Pieris brassicae L. andLymantria monacha L. the encapsulation of injected pieces of nylon thread is checked, if the threads are provided with a cover of secretions. As the combination of the three secretions effects a stronger checking than each of them, a cooperative mechanism of the checking system is assumed. ConcerningLymantria dispar L. the gland secretions did not reduce the encapsulation. Beside an obvious dependence of the effect of the secretions on dose, sensitiveness of the hemocytes which are involved in encapsulation, towards the particular secretions, plays an important role as well. This sensitiveness seems to be proper to host species and concerning some of them it can even be modified by the influence of temperature.This checking effect of the secretions is based on the inhibition of the typical hemocyte reaction, i.e., the development of cytoplasmatic pseudopodia with which hemocytes stick to the surface of a foreign body within the body cavity of the insect in order to form a capsule. On the hemocytes ofGilpinia hercyniae Htg. (Hym., Diprionidae) none of these secretions exerts a checking effect.This gives reason for the assumption that the secretory checking system of femalePimpla turionellae is specific for lepidopterous hosts. Chemical mechanisms, which might be involved in the blocking effect, are also discussed.

Gefördert durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die von Kaschef und Roshdy (1966) als Pyxinia gibbii beschriebene Gregarine wurde unter Berücksichtigung neuer Befunde auf ihre systematische Stellung hin untersucht. Die dauernde und charakteristische Art der Assoziierung adulter Gamonten und die Entleerung der Sporen aus den Cysten durch mehrere Sporodukte machen es erforderlich, die beschriebene Art der Gattung Gregarina zuzuordnen und unter den Namen Gregarina gibbii (Kaschef und Roshdy) nov. comb. zu führen.
The systematic position of gregarina gibbii (Kaschef and Roshdy, 1966) nov. comb. from Gibbium psylloides Czempinski (Coleop., Ptinidae)
Summary The systematic position of the gregarine, described by Kaschef and Roshdy (1966) as Pyxinia gibbii, was inquired with regards to new results. The lasting and the characteristic kind of association of adult gamonts and the extruding of spores through sporoducts make it necessary, to attach the described species to the genus Gregarina and to create the name Gregarina gibbii (Kaschef and Roshdy) nov. comb.

Stellungnahme zur Publikation von Kaschef und Roshdy in Z. Parasitenk. 27, 80–89 (1966).  相似文献   

The ticks, Hyalomma (Euhyalomma) dromedarii Koch, 1844 and Hyalomma (Euhyalomma) schulzei Olenev, 1931, are considered to be the species most closely associated with camels. H. dromedarii can behave as a three-, two-, or one-host species, with the two-host life cycle seemingly most common. Camels are the main hosts of the adults, which also parasitize other domestic animals. Nymphs and larvae can use the same hosts, especially camels, as the adults, but can also parasitize rodents, leporids, hedgehogs, and birds. H. dromedarii is widely distributed in North Africa, the northern regions of West, Central, and East Africa, Arabia, Asia Minor, the Middle East, and Central and South Asia. H. schulzei is a two-host species. Camels are the principal hosts of the adults, with some records from cattle and goats, whereas the immature stages infest hares, burrowing rodents, and hedgehogs. H. schulzei has a more limited geographic distribution in Asia and Egypt than H. dromedarii, and with the exception of southeastern Iran, it is a fairly uncommon tick. Among other features that are fairly similar, males of H. dromedarii can be distinguished from those of H. schulzei by a narrow, subtriangular parma, usually very large subanal shields, and a long dorsal prolongation of the spiracular plates. Males of H. schulzei have a broad and rectangular parma, paramedian festoons that protrude posteriorly, smaller subanal shields, and a very short dorsal prolongation of the spiracular plates. The females of H. dromedarii can be distinguished from those of H. schulzei by a narrow V-shaped genital aperture compared with a very wide, deep, U-shaped genital aperture. Here all the parasitic stages of both species are illustrated and redescribed, and characteristics that distinguish the adults from those of other closely related species are supplied. Data on their hosts, geographic distribution and disease relationships are also provided.  相似文献   

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