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Memantine is a medium-affinity uncompetitive N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor antagonist and has been clinically used as a neuroprotective agent to treat Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. We have examined the effect of memantine (ip 5-50 mg/kg; 4 h) on the expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and trkB receptor mRNAs in rat brain by in situ hybridization. Memantine at a clinically relevant dose markedly increased BDNF mRNA levels in the limbic cortex, and this effect was more widespread and pronounced at higher doses. Effects of memantine on BDNF mRNA were also reflected in changes in BDNF protein levels. Moreover, memantine induced isoforms of the BDNF receptor trkB. Taken together, these data suggest that the neuroprotective properties of memantine could be mediated by the increased endogenous production of BDNF in the brain. These findings may open up new possibilities of pharmacologically regulating the expression of neurotrophic factors in the brain.  相似文献   

Synaptic pathology and disturbed glutamatergic neurotransmission contribute to the neurobiology of depression. Reduced expression of glutamate transporters, most importantly excitatory amino acid transporter (EAAT2), was reported in human studies and animal models. We therefore assessed the effects of antidepressant treatment upon EAAT2 expression. Male Sprague–Dawley rats received daily intraperitoneal injections of the antidepressants desipramine (DES, N = 7), fluoxetine (FLU, N = 7), tranylcypromine (TRAN, N = 5) or a saline control (CON, N = 5) for a period of 14 days. The expression of the major glial glutamate transporter EAAT2 was evaluated by semi-quantitative in situ hybridizations using a 35S-labeled cRNA probe. Treatment with FLU significantly induced EAAT2 expression in hippocampal and cortical regions in comparison with saline injections, while DES and TRAN-applications did not exert significant effects. It can be postulated that increased expression of EAAT2 may counterbalance the tonus of glutamatergic neurotransmission. Our findings are in concert with human post-mortem findings, valid animal models of depression, antidepressive effects of NMDA-antagonists, and the glutamatergic theory of depression. Further studies should examine the effects of antidepressant treatments upon EAAT2 expression in rodent models of depression to further elucidate the underlying molecular mechanisms.  相似文献   

Wallerian degeneration induces Ia-antigen expression in the rat brain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Strong expression of class II major histocompatibility (MHC II, Ia) antigens was observed in areas of Wallerian degeneration following either a cryoinjury to the cerebral and cerebellar cortex or unilateral eye enucleation in adult Wistar and Lewis rats. The Wallerian degeneration was disclosed by the Fink-Heimer method but not by routine histological examination. The Ia antigens were localized exclusively to the cells labeled with OX-42 antibody and mistletoe-1 lectin (ML-1) and possessing the morphological identity of microglia. Development of Ia-expressing microglia at the sites of Wallerian degeneration was accompanied by neither tissue permeation of serum components as assessed by immunohistochemistry for autologous albumin nor tissue migration of hematogenous inflammatory cells.  相似文献   

Expression patterns of the second SDF-1 receptor RDC1/CXCR7 were examined after focal ischemia in rats using in situ hybridization. CXCR7 mRNA was identified in the ventricle walls as well as neuronal, astroglial, and vascular cells. After ischemia, intact cortical regions showed a rapid, 4 days-lasting increase in neuronal CXCR7 expression. In the ischemic tissue CXCR7 expression was scarce and associated with blood vessels. Between days 2 and 10 after ischemia-onset, SDF-1 expression increased strongly in the peri-infarct and infarct region, which was accompanied by the appearance of numerous CXCR4-expressing but not CXCR7-expressing cells. These patterns suggest that SDF-1 may influence vascular, astroglial, and neuronal functions via CXCR7 and mediate cell recruitment to ischemic brain areas via CXCR4.  相似文献   

Within the brain, quinolinic acid (QUIN) is an important neurotoxin, especially in AIDS dementia complex (ADC). Its production by monocytic lineage cells is increased in the context of inflammation. However, it is not known whether QUIN promotes inflammation. Astrocytes are important in immunoregulation within the brain and so we chose to examine the effects of QUIN on the astrocyte. Using purified primary human fetal astrocyte cultures, we determined chemokine production using ELISA assays and RT-PCR and chemokine receptor expression using immunocytochemistry and RT-PCR with QUIN in comparison to TNFalpha, IL-1beta, and IFNgamma. We found that QUIN induces astrocytes to produce large quantities of MCP-1 (CCL2) and lesser amounts of RANTES (CCL5) and IL-8 (CXCL8). QUIN also increases SDF-1alpha (CXCL12), HuMIG (CXCL9), and fractalkine (CX(3)CL1) mRNA expression. Moreover, QUIN leads to upregulation of the chemokine receptor expression of CXCR4, CCR5, and CCR3 in human fetal astrocytes. Most of these effects were comparable to those induced by TNFalpha, IL-1beta, and IFNgamma. The present work represents the first evidence that QUIN induces chemokine and chemokine receptor expression in astrocytes and is at least as potent as classical mediators such as inflammatory cytokines. These results suggest that QUIN may be critical in the amplification of brain inflammation, particularly in ADC.  相似文献   

Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) is produced and released in response to injury in the central nervous system (CNS). While CNTF initially was characterized as a trophic factor for neurons, more recent evidence supports roles for this factor in survival, proliferation, and maturation of oligodendrocyte lineage cells. Evidence is emerging to support the hypothesis that CNTF's actions may include enhancing other growth and trophic factors. Here we tested the hypothesis that CNTF can induce expression of receptors on oligodendrocytes for factors that are known to promote their generation, maturation, and survival. Specifically, we used an in vivo paradigm to test whether CNTF, when injected stereotactically into forebrain white matter of adult rats, could induce mRNA expression for the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) type I receptor (IGF-IR), fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptor (FGFR)-1, FGFR3, and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) receptor-alpha (PDGFRalpha). We determined that CNTF injection increased expression of IGF-IR and FGFR1 mRNAs in adult white matter to 200-250% of control levels. Cellular analysis indicated that these receptor mRNAs were induced in interfascicular oligodendrocytes. In contrast, CNTF had no effect on levels of FGFR3 and PDGFRalpha mRNAs. These results suggest that CNTF enhances the sensitivity of oligodendrocytes to other mitogens and trophic factors via induction of their receptors.  相似文献   

Fan XD  Li XM  Juorio AV 《Brain research》2000,867(1-2):40-51
The substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNpr) has been proposed to play an important role in the control of the propagation and/or the generation of epileptic seizures. Earlier studies have shown differential effects of the lesion of the SNpr on seizure genesis that demonstrated a regional difference in the anterior and posterior parts of the SNpr in preconvulsive behavior induced by unilateral reticulata injection of dopamine (DA). This study was aimed to investigate some of the underlying mechanisms of the preconvulsive behavior elicited by unilateral SNpr DA injection by the study of changes in the gene expression of glutamate receptor subunits (GluR1, GluR2 and NMDAR1) and of changes in animal behavior following coinfusion of DA and a DA D1 antagonist SCH 23390 into the SNpr. Unilateral injection of exogenous DA into the anterior region of the SNpr induced rapid and short lasting preconvulsive behavior up to wet dog shakes stage and a significant reduction of gene expression for GluR1, GluR2 and NMDAR1 subunits in rat hippocampal subfields including CA1 through CA4 and dentate gyrus (DG) at 1 day after nigral DA injection. The effect was long lasting and persisted for at least 3 weeks. Both preconvulsive behavior and downregulation of glutamate receptor subunit genes were completely blocked by simultaneous coinfusion of DA and SCH 23390. The results suggest, for the first time, that DA D1 receptor in the SNpr may mediate the nigral-involved seizure development. Glutamate desensitization, and/or selective early neuronal damage might be responsible for the downregulation of glutamate receptor subunits by transient preconvulsive activity.  相似文献   

Ionotropic GABA(C) receptors are composed of rho1, rho2 and rho3 subunits. Although the distribution of rho subunit mRNAs in the adult brain has been studied, information on the developmental regulation of different rho subunits in the brain is scattered and incomplete. Here, GABA(C) receptor rho subunit expression was studied in the developing rat brain. In situ hybridization on postnatal brain slices showed rho2 mRNA expression from newborn in superficial gray layer (SGL) of superior colliculus (SuC), and from the first postnatal week in the hippocampal CA1 region and pretectal nucleus of the optic tract. rho2 mRNA was also expressed in the adult dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus. Quantitative RT-PCR revealed expression of all three rho subunits in the hippocampus and superior colliculus from the first postnatal day. In the hippocampus, rho2 mRNA expression clearly dominated over rho1 and rho3, whereas in the superior colliculus, rho1 mRNA expression levels were similar to rho2. In both areas, a clear up-modulation of rho2 and rho3 mRNA during the first postnatal week was detected. GABA(C) receptor protein expression was confirmed in adult hippocampus, superior colliculus and dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus by immunohistochemistry. Our results demonstrate for the first time the expression of all three rho subunit mRNAs in several regions of the developing and adult rat brain. Our quantitative data allows assessment of putative subunit combinations in the superior colliculus and hippocampus. From the selective distribution of rho subunits, it may be hypothesized that GABA(C) receptors are specifically involved in aspects of visual image motion processing in the rat brain.  相似文献   

We studied expression of an osmoprotective gene, sodium/myo-inositol cotransporter (SMIT) in Marmarou's animal model for human diffuse brain injury by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. In rats with diffuse brain injury, transient upregulation of SMIT mRNA was exclusively observed in the lateral area of pyramidal tract in lower brainstem. The expression was induced at 1 h after injury, peaked at 24 h, and returned to almost control levels at 48 h. Upregulated expression was found mainly in small glia-like cells. By immunohistochemistry using antibodies to phosphorylated mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases, inductions of phosphorylated p44/42 MAP kinase were also observed after diffuse brain injury. Interestingly, the distribution patterns of induced phosphorylated p44/42 MAP kinase were completely coincident with those of upregulated SMIT mRNA after diffuse brain injury. These results suggest that diffuse brain injury induces local expression of SMIT by activation of p44/42 MAP kinase cascade. The confined SMIT induction may reflect regional differences of damage and/or cellular differences in sensitivity to neuropathological stresses caused by this injury.  相似文献   

Injury in non-neuronal tissues stimulates chemokine expression leading to recruitment of inflammatory cells responsible for orchestration of repair processes. The signals involved in directing repair of damage to the brain are less well understood. We hypothesized that following brain injury, chemokines are expressed and regulate the rate and pattern of inflammatory cell accumulation. The two chemokine subfamilies are alpha(α)-chemokines, which primarily function as neutrophil chemoattractants, and the beta(β)-chemokines, which function primarily as monocyte chemoattractants. We assessed α and β chemokine mRNA expression patterns and leukocyte accumulation following a cerebral cortical lesion. Cortical lesions were produced with and without addition of endotoxin, Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which stimulates cytokine expression. We studied the expression of the β-chemokines: monocyte chemoattractant protein (gene product JE; MCP-1/JE), macrophage inflammatory protein-1 alpha and beta (MIP-1α and MIP-1β), and the regulated upon activation normal T expressed and secreted chemokine (RANTES) as well as the α-chemokines: interferon-γ-inducible protein (IP-10) and N51/KC (KC; a murine homologue of MIP-2). Changes in gene expression were analyzed by northern analysis at different time points following injury. Leukocyte and macrophage densities were analyzed by immunohistochemistry at the same time intervals. All chemokines were elevated following cortical injury/endotoxin. MCP-1 and MIP-1α were elevated at 2 h and peaked 6 h, MIP-1β peaked at 6 h, but declined more rapidly than MCP-1 or MIP-1α, and IP-10 peaked at 6 h and showed the most rapid decline. KC was elevated at 1 h, and peaked at 6 h following LPS. RANTES was elevated at 1 h and achieved a plateau level between 6 and 18 h, then declined. In contrast, sterile injuries produced in the absence of endotoxin only induced the mRNA of the β-chemokine MCP-1, and its expression was delayed compared to the cortical injury/endotoxin group. The presence of chemokine message as early as 1 h indicates that expression of this class of molecules is an early response in the repair process following traumatic brain injury. Macrophage/microglia accumulation occurred more rapidly, activated microglia further from the lesion border, and more cells accumulated in cortical injury/endotoxin than in cortical lesions produced under sterile conditions. Thus, there was a positive correlation between β-chemokine expression and the number of β-chemokine responsive cells (i.e. microglia) accumulating in injury sites. This is the first comprehensive study using a panel of chemokine probes and specific marcophage/microglial markers to study in vivo activation of the brain following injury. Our data show that the brain is capable of expression of multiple chemokine genes upon appropriate stimulation (e.g. LPS-treatment). The gradient of microglial activation is consistent with physical damage stimulating release of chemokines that diffuse from the injury site. These data strongly suggest that chemokines are instrumental in the initiation of repair processes following brain injury.  相似文献   

Hypoxic-ischemic (HI) brain injury in the perinatal period causes significant morbidity. Minocycline (MN) is a tetracycline derivative that has reduced brain injury in various animal models of neurodegeneration, including perinatal ischemia. To determine whether MN can modulate the expression of chemokine receptors and interleukin-10 (IL10) in a model of neonatal brain injury, we produced an HI insult to the right cerebral hemisphere (ipsilateral) of the 7-day-old rat (PD7) by right common carotid artery ligation and 2.25 hr of hypoxia in 8% oxygen. MN (45 mg/kg, i.p.) or vehicle (PBS) was injected twice: 2 days and immediately before the HI insult. At 0, 1, 3, and 24 hr and 14 days after HI, total RNA from the ipsilateral and contralateral (exposed to hypoxia only) hemispheres was extracted, reverse transcribed, and amplified with gene-specific primers using a semiquantitative RT-PCR for macrophage inflammatory protein-1alpha), interferon-inducible protein (IP-10), C-C chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5; MIP-1alpha receptor), C-X-C chemokine receptor 3 (CXCR3; IP-10 receptor), and IL10. We found that, in the ipsilateral hemisphere, a significant (P < 0.05) increase in MIP-1alpha, IP-10, CCR5, and CXCR3 mRNA levels was observed. MN treatment decreased mRNA levels for CCR5 and CXCR3. In contrast, the levels of antiinflammatory cytokine IL10 were markedly decreased as a result of HI insult. Treatment with MN, however, had no effect on IL10. We conclude that MN decreased proinflammatory chemokine receptor expression but had little or no influence on the expression of antiinflammatory cytokine IL10. These effects confirm the antiinflammatory effect of MN in neonatal HI brain injury.  相似文献   

Though cerebral white matter injury is a frequently described phenomenon in aging and dementia, the cause of white matter lesions has not been conclusively determined. Since the lesions are often associated with cerebrovascular risk factors, ischemia emerges as a potential condition for the development of white matter injury. In the present study, we induced experimental cerebral hypoperfusion by permanent, bilateral occlusion of the common carotid arteries of rats (n=6). A sham-operated group served as control (n=6). Thirteen weeks after the onset of occlusion, markers for astrocytes, microglia, and myelin were found to be labeled by means of immunocytochemistry in the corpus callosum, the internal capsule, and the optic tract. The ultrastructural integrity and oligodendrocyte density in the optic tract were investigated by electron microscopy. Quantitative analysis revealed that chronic cerebral hypoperfusion caused mild astrogliosis in the corpus callosum and the internal capsule, while astrocytic disintegration in the optic tract increased by 50%. Further, a ten-fold increase in microglial activation and a nearly doubled oligodendrocyte density were measured in the optic tract of the hypoperfused rats as compared with the controls. Finally, vacuolization and irregular myelin sheaths were observed at the ultrastructural level in the optic tract. In summary, the rat optic tract appears to be particularly vulnerable to ischemia, probably because of the rat brains angioarchitecture. Since the detected glial changes correspond with those reported in vascular and Alzheimer dementia, this model of cerebral hypoperfusion may serve to characterize the causal relationship between ischemia and white matter damage.  相似文献   

Summary We have previously shown that a single dose of PCP produces a dose-related increase in NMDA-sensitive3H-glutamate binding in CA1 of hippocampus 24 hours later, and some regional changes in kainate binding. Here we report that dizocilpine (MK 801) (O.1 mg/kg and 1 mg/kg), a selective agonist at the PCP receptor and a noncompetitive antagonist of NMDA, produces a similar increase in NMDA-sensitive glutamate and kainate receptor binding in hippocampus 24 hours after a dose. These observations support the conclusion that blockade of glutamate-mediated transmission at the NMDA receptor selectively increases NMDA-sensitive glutamate receptor binding in CA1 of hippocampus and kainate binding in CA3 and dentate gyrus at putatively delayed time points. Several additional areas outside of hippocampus also showed receptor changes at 24 hours after MK801.  相似文献   

Chemokines are a family of structurally related cytokines that activate and recruit leukocytes into areas of inflammation. The "CC" chemokine, monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1 may regulate the microglia/monocyte response to acute brain injury. Recent studies have documented increased expression of MCP-1 in diverse acute and chronic experimental brain injury models; in contrast, there is little information regarding expression of the MCP-1 receptor, CCR2, in the brain. In the neonatal rat brain, acute excitotoxic injury elicits a rapid and intense microglial response. To determine if MCP-1 could be a regulator of this response, we evaluated the impact of excitotoxic injury on MCP-1 and CCR2 expression in the neonatal rat brain. We used a reproducible model of focal excitotoxic brain injury elicited by intrahippocampal injection of NMDA (10 nmol) in 7-day-old rats, to examine injury-induced alterations in MCP-1 and CCR2 expression. RT-PCR assays demonstrated rapid stimulation of both MCP-1 and CCR2 mRNA expression. MCP-1 protein content, measured by ELISA in tissue extracts, increased >30-fold in lesioned tissue 8-12 h after lesioning. CCR2 protein was also detectable in tissue extracts. Double-immunofluorescent labeling enabled localization of CCR2 both to activated microglia/monocytes in the corpus callosum adjacent to the lesioned hippocampus and subsequently in microglia/monocytes infiltrating the pyramidal cell layer of the lesioned hippocampus. These results demonstrate that in the neonatal brain, acute excitotoxic injury stimulates expression of both MCP-1 and its receptor, CCR2, and suggests that MCP-1 regulates the microglial/monocyte response to acute brain injury.  相似文献   

The effects of irradiation on major histocompatibility complex (MHC) expression and lymphocytic infiltration in the normal rat brain and the 9L gliosarcoma brain tumor model were examined. Doses of irradiation administered were biologically equivalent to that used in the treatment of patients with malignant gliomas. No significant change in immune parameters was observed following irradiation in the normal rat brain. In the 9L gliosarcoma model irradiation did not suppress MHC expression or lymphocytic infiltration. These findings suggest that prior exposure to therapeutic irradiation need not adversely affect subsequent immunotherapies, and provide a foundation for future studies of immunomodulation in the irradiated brain.  相似文献   

Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are ligand-gated cation channels that respond to acidic stimuli. They are expressed throughout the mammalian nervous system. In the peripheral nervous system, ASICs act as nociceptors, responding to the tissue acidosis that accompanies ischemic and inflammatory conditions. The function of ASICs in the central nervous system is not known. In this article, the authors present evidence that transient global ischemia induces ASIC 2a protein expression in neurons that survive ischemia. Western blot analysis with an anti-ASIC 2a antibody revealed up-regulation of an 80 kD protein in ischemic rat brain. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that ASIC 2a protein expression increased in neurons of the hippocampus and cortex. Klenow fragment-mediated labeling of DNA strand breaks determined that ASIC 2a induction did not occur in cells with detectable DNA damage. The current results suggest a possible role for ASICs in mediating a cellular response to ischemia.  相似文献   

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