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Both the capacity of CRF to release ACTH and the number of binding sites for CRF in the anterior pituitary decline during the final weeks of gestation in fetal sheep. The present study examined regulation of pituitary CRF receptor expression by the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) during late gestation in fetal sheep. Bilateral radiofrequency lesions of the PVN (PVN-Lx; n = 4) or sham lesions (SHAM; n = 5) were performed in fetal sheep at 118-122 days of gestational age (dGA). Pituitary glands from PVN-Lx and SHAM fetuses were collected at 139-142 dGA (term, approximately 148 dGA). Dual-label in situ hybridization was performed using a digoxigenin-labeled ovine POMC complementary RNA, together with a 35S-labeled ovine CRF type I (CRF1) receptor complementary RNA, to localize and quantify CRF1 receptor mRNA in POMC-hybridizing cells. Binding of [125I]-ovine CRF was also examined in the fetal pituitary of both PVN-Lx and SHAM fetuses using in situ autoradiography. The hybridization signal for the CRF1 receptor mRNA was primarily restricted to POMC-expressing cells in the anterior pituitary of both PVN-Lx and SHAM fetuses; no hybridization signal for the CRF1 receptor was observed in the neurointermediate lobe (NIL) in either group. The hybridization signal for CRF1 receptor mRNA in anterior pituitary corticotropes of PVN-Lx fetuses was significantly lower in both the inferior and superior regions of the anterior pituitary, compared with SHAM fetuses (P < 0.05). In the inferior region of the anterior pituitary, the percentage of POMC-hybridizing cells containing CRF1 receptor hybridization signal was significantly greater in PVN-Lx (90+/-7%; mean +/- SEM), compared with SHAM (67+/-6%; P < 0.05) fetuses. No differences in the percentage of POMC cells containing CRF1 receptor hybridization signal were observed in the superior region of the anterior pituitary between PVN-Lx (89+/-8%) and SHAM (87+/-9%). Binding of [125I]-ovine CRF (oCRF) was significantly greater in anterior pituitaries of PVN-Lx (140+/-19 mean arbitrary densitometry U +/- SEM), compared with SHAM (73+/-23; P < 0.05) fetuses. For both PVN-Lx and SHAM fetuses, there were no differences within group in [125I]-oCRF binding between the inferior and superior regions of the anterior pituitary. A weak, but significant (P < 0.05), autoradiographic signal for [125I]-oCRF binding was observed in the NIL of both SHAM and PVN-Lx fetal sheep. The level of [125I]-oCRF binding was significantly lower in the NIL, compared with anterior pituitary, for both SHAM (P < 0.01) and PVN-Lx fetuses. There were no differences in [125I]-oCRF binding in the NIL between SHAM and PVN-Lx fetal sheep. Our findings support a role for the PVN in regulating anterior pituitary CRF1 receptor expression in the late-gestation sheep fetus.  相似文献   

In the ovine fetus, adrenalectomy at 90-120 days gestational age (dGA) results in a gradual increase in basal concentrations of fetal plasma ACTH beginning at approximately 122 dGA. Bilateral adrenalectomy at 116-119 dGA also results in an increase in POMC mRNA in the fetal pituitary. It is not known whether both the paraventricular nuclei (PVN) of the hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary of the ovine fetus are responsive in late gestation to the removal of cortisol negative feedback. The purpose of this study was to determine the subsequent effect of fetal adrenalectomy at 118-121 dGA on the CRH mRNA content in fetal PVN and on POMC mRNA in the fetal anterior pituitary at 134 dGA. Mature Rambouellet-Columbia cross-bred ewes (n = 10), bred on a single occasion only and carrying fetuses of known gestational ages, were used. Both fetal adrenal glands were exposed via a retroperitoneal approach and removed [adrenalectomized (ADX); n = 5]. In control fetuses (CONT; n = 5) adrenal glands were exposed and isolated, but not removed. At 134 dGA, fetal plasma cortisol concentrations were significantly greater in CONT fetuses (7.2 +/- 2.5 ng/ml) than in ADX fetuses (mean +/- SD, 1.97 +/- 0.9 ng/ml; P less than 0.025). At 134 dGA the fetal PVN was removed by micropunching, and the anterior pituitary was separated from neurointermediate and posterior lobes after necropsy. Total RNA was prepared by the guanidium isothiocyanate-cesium chloride method and subjected to Northern analysis using specific cDNA probes to CRH and POMC. After autoradiography, quantification of mRNA was performed by scanning densitometry. Quantities of specific hybridization signal for POMC and CRH were normalized to the content of actin mRNA in each individual sample. RNA prepared from PVN exhibited a single specifically hybridizing band for CRH of approximately 1300 nucleotides. RNA prepared from anterior pituitary exhibited a single specifically hybridizing band for POMC at approximately 1300 nucleotides. Anterior pituitary POMC mRNA was significantly increased (P less than 0.025) in ADX fetuses (236 +/- 32% of CONT). CRH mRNA in PVN was greater in ADX fetuses than in CONT fetuses (P less than 0.05; mean +/- SEM, 179 +/- 21% of CONT). Adrenalectomy in fetal sheep significantly increased expression of CRH and POMC. We conclude that the increased levels of mRNA for CRH and POMC indicate that both the fetal PVN (CRH) and the anterior pituitary (POMC) are responsive to removal of the primary source of circulating glucocorticoid at this gestational age.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of bilateral adrenalectomy at 116-119 days' gestation on the levels of the messenger (m) RNA for proopiomelanocortin (POMC) in the anterior pituitary of the fetal sheep and in the ovine placentome during late gestation (134-136 days' gestation). After fetal adrenalectomy there was a significant (p less than 0.001) and sustained increase in circulating ACTH concentrations in the adrenalectomised group (1,838 +/- 155 ng/l at 130-136 days) when compared with the intact control group (131 +/- 25 ng/l at 130-136 days). The mean levels of POMCmRNA relative to 18S RNA were also significantly higher (p less than 0.001) in the adrenalectomised fetal sheep pituitaries (2.8 +/- 0.12; n = 4) than in the intact/control fetal sheep pituitaries (1.31 +/- 0.13; n = 4). In contrast to the findings in the anterior pituitary, POMCmRNA was not detected in RNA extracted from the placentomes of either the adrenalectomised or intact fetal sheep. There was also a significant arteriovenous difference in ACTH concentrations in the umbilical circulation in both adrenalectomised and intact fetal sheep at 134-136 days' gestation. This study demonstrates therefore that the fetal adrenals act to suppress POMCmRNA levels in late gestation and also that the increase in circulating ACTH after adrenalectomy originates from the pituitary and not the placentome.  相似文献   

It is known that estrogens modulate the hypothalamopituitary—adrenal (HPA) axis both under resting conditions and during exposure to stress. Nevertheless, the site of action of estrogens is not still fully elucidated. We sought to determine if estrogens could act on the major hypothalamic ACTH secretagogue: corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF). Mature rats were ovariectomized (OVX) and 2 weeks later implanted with silastic capsules containing 17β-estradiol (E2). Animals were sacrificed 7 days later. CRF mRNA in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and proopiomelanocortin (POMC) mRNA in the anterior pituitary were measured byin situ hybridization. CRF content in the median eminence was measured by semiquantitative immunocytochemistry. E2 treatment induced a significant decrease of CRF mRNA levels in the PVN (3.70±0.14vs 4.79±0.15 copies of probe×10−3/μm3 of tissue in OVX rats,P<0.05), an accumulation of immunoreactive CRF in the zona externa of the median eminence (207±36vs 100±15% in OVX rats,P<0.05), and a decrease of POMC mRNA levels in the anterior pituitary (4.6±0.6vs 6.9±0.6 copies of probe ×10−2/μm3 of tissue in OVX rats,P<0.05). These results demonstrate that estrogens have a negative effect on CRF gene expression and secretion and on POMC gene expression. Whether estrogens modulate directly the CRF-synthesizing cells or act through an increase of the glucocorticoid negative feedback remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown an increase in hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis activity following naloxone administration to morphine-dependent rats. In the present study, we investigated the adaptive changes in the noradrenaline (NA) and dopamine (DA) systems in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) during morphine dependence and withdrawal. Additionally, we examined the possible change in 3',5'-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels in that nucleus under the same conditions. Rats were made dependent on morphine by morphine or placebo (na?ve) pellet implantation for 7 days. On day 8, rat groups received an acute injection of saline or naloxone (1 mg/kg subcutaneously) and were decapitated 30 min later. NA and DA content as well as their metabolite production in the PVN were estimated by HPLC/ED. Both plasma corticosterone levels and cAMP concentration in the PVN were measured by RIA. Naloxone administration to morphine-dependent rats (withdrawal) induced a pronounced increase in the production of both the NA metabolite MHPG and the DA metabolite DOPAC and an enhanced NA and DA turnover. Furthermore, an increase in corticosterone secretion was observed in parallel to the changes in catecholamine turnover. However, no alterations in cAMP levels were seen during morphine withdrawal. These results raise the possibility that catecholaminergic afferents to the PVN could play a significant role in the alterations of PVN functions and consequently in the pituitary-adrenal response during morphine abstinence syndrome. These data provide further support for the idea of adaptive changes in catecholaminergic neurons projecting to the PVN during chronic morphine exposure.  相似文献   

Differential normal-pulse voltammetry was combined with treated carbon fibre electrodes for monitoring in vivo extracellular catechols synthesized by noradrenergic terminals innervating the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus. From urethane-anaesthetized rats, pretreated with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor, pargyline, we were able to monitor a catechol signal which unequivocally corresponded to extracellular noradrenaline, and we observed that ether inhalation for 2 min induced an immediate increase in this signal. Electrical stimulation of the ventral noradrenergic pathway (10 Hz for 40 s) induced a similar effect. On the other hand, from freely moving rats which were not treated with pargyline, we recorded a catechol peak which mainly corresponded to 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid which was synthesized by noradrenergic terminals. However, electrochemical and biochemical evidence strongly suggested that the increase in this signal induced by a 2-min ether stress does not correspond to 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, but to an increase in the extracellular noradrenaline concentration. In both experimental situations the time course of the effects was identical: ether stress induced an immediate and pronounced increase in norepinephrine release, and this effect lasted as long as the stimulus duration. This effect appeared specific for noradrenergic terminals, since no effect on dopamine release was observed when recorded from the striatum or behind the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus from the A13 dopaminergic group. In conclusion, our data are consistent with those which suggest a facilitatory action of norepinephrine on neurosecretory neurons whose cell bodies are located in the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus and which play a major role in the hormonal response to stress.  相似文献   

目的 探讨大鼠脑缺血-再灌注后,不同时期中枢下丘脑室旁核促肾上腺皮质激素样阳性免疫物的表达。方法 取雄性Wislar大鼠70只,随机分成对照组(10只)、假手术对照组(30只)及脑缺血-再灌注组(30只)以颈动脉引流法行全脑缺血-再灌注造模,术后分6、24、72h3个时间段取脑,釆用免疫细胞化学技术,用图像分析系统行下丘脑室旁核促肾上腺皮质激素样阳性免疫反应面积、平均吸光度值检测。结果 显微镜下观察示,促肾上腺皮质激素样阳性免疫物呈深棕色,胞核深染,并广泛分布于中枢各脑区,核仁清晰可辨、在丘脑及下丘脑区域有散在分布“串珠”状阳性纤维。图像分析结果显示,假手术对照组、脑缺血-再灌注组大鼠的阳性免疫面积和平均吸光度值呈同步变化:从术后6h开始,假手术对照组、脑缺血-再灌注组大鼠均较正常对照组显着升高,术后24h达高峰(P〈0.05),然后逐渐回落。在3个不同时间段,3组间差异均有显着意义(P〈0.05),术后6及24h为:脑缺血-再灌注组,假手术对照组,正常对照组;术后72h为:假手术对照组〉正常对照组〉脑缺血-再灌注组。结论 在脑缺血-再灌注不同时间段,下丘脑室旁核神经元促肾上腺皮质激素样阳性免疫物表达呈现明显的时间规律;促肾上腺皮质激素可能在神经元功能调控,中枢内环境控制及脑缺血-再灌注损伤过程中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

The ontogeny of expression of the CRF gene in the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus and POMC gene in the pituitary was studied in rats using in situ hybridization histochemistry and Northern blotting techniques, respectively. CRF mRNA was first detected on day 17 of gestation (E17) in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus. The levels of hypothalamic CRF mRNA increased progressively from E17 to E19-E20, decreased during the perinatal period, and increased thereafter. The levels of POMC mRNA in the pituitary paralleled the variations in hypothalamic CRF mRNA, showing a peak on E20-E21. POMC mRNA levels in the anterior pituitary were decreased on days 4-7 after birth (P4-P7) and increased steadily thereafter. In contrast to levels in the anterior pituitary, POMC mRNA levels increased steadily from P1 to P21 in the neurointermediate lobe of the pituitary. These data indicate that the expression of both the CRF and POMC genes in the paraventricular nucleus and anterior pituitary, respectively, are reduced during the first week of life, i.e. within the so-called stress nonresponsive period. Our observations suggest that an impaired regulation of ACTH and CRF synthesis due to an immature neuronal pathway within the brain or increased glucocorticoid feedback may account for the stress nonresponsive period.  相似文献   

Exogenous opioids stimulate adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) release in fetal sheep after day 125 of pregnancy (term 145 days), but not at day 110. To determine if the different response is due to an alteration in opioid-binding sites and to examine sites of opioid action on ACTH release, we established an in vitro binding assay to study changes and characteristics of opioid receptor binding sites in ovine fetal hypothalamus and pituitary during development. [3H]-naloxone was used as the radiolabelled ligand. The binding of [3H]-naloxone to hypothalamic membrane preparations was specific, saturable with respect to [3H]-naloxone concentration, and linear with the hypothalamic membrane protein content. Binding assays were conducted on tissues collected from fetuses at three gestational ages: days 110-115 and 125-130 and term. In all cases, Scatchard analysis revealed a single class of binding sites with high binding affinity (0.9-1.2 nM) which did not differ significantly with gestational ages. The binding capacity increased significantly from 45.4 +/- 2.5 fmol/mg protein at days 110-115 to 76.8 +/- 2.3 fmol/mg at days 125-130, but did not change further in term fetuses. When anterior pituitaries from the three groups of fetuses were processed and analyzed in a similar manner, no detectable binding was found. These results indicate (1) that endogenous opioid peptides may act at the hypothalamus rather than pituitary to regulate hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activity in the ovine fetus, and (2) the developmental changes in the binding capacity may contribute, in part, to the altered ACTH response reported in previous in vivo studies.  相似文献   

To explore the effect of refeeding on recovery of TRH gene expression in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and its correlation with the feeding-related neuropeptides in the arcuate nucleus (ARC), c-fos immunoreactivity (IR) in the PVN and ARC 2 h after refeeding and hypothalamic TRH, neuropeptide Y (NPY) and agouti-related protein (AGRP) mRNA levels 4, 12, and 24 h after refeeding were studied in Sprague-Dawley rats subjected to prolonged fasting. Despite rapid reactivation of proopiomelanocortin neurons by refeeding as demonstrated by c-fos IR in ARC alpha-MSH-IR neurons and ventral parvocellular subdivision PVN neurons, c-fos IR was present in only 9.7 +/- 1.1% hypophysiotropic TRH neurons. Serum TSH levels remained suppressed 4 and 12 h after the start of refeeding, returning to fed levels after 24 h. Fasting reduced TRH mRNA compared with fed animals, and similar to TSH, remained suppressed at 4 and 12 h after refeeding, returning toward normal at 24 h. AGRP and NPY gene expression in the ARC were markedly elevated in fasting rats, AGRP mRNA returning to baseline levels 12 h after refeeding and NPY mRNA remaining persistently elevated even at 24 h. These data raise the possibility that refeeding-induced activation of melanocortin signaling exerts differential actions on its target neurons in the PVN, an early action directed at neurons that may be involved in satiety, and a later action on hypophysiotropic TRH neurons involved in energy expenditure, potentially mediated by sustained elevations in AGRP and NPY. This response may be an important homeostatic mechanism to allow replenishment of depleted energy stores associated with fasting.  相似文献   

R Toni  I M Jackson  R M Lechan 《Endocrinology》1990,126(5):2444-2453
The association of neuropeptide-Y (NPY)-immunoreactive (IR) axon terminals with TRH-synthesizing neurons in the rat hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) has been studied. Immunocytochemical single and double labeling studies were performed at both light and electron microscopic levels using antiserum to NPY and, as a marker of TRH-containing neurons, antisera recognizing the N-terminal flanking peptides of the TRH prohormone, prepro-TRH-(25-50) and prepro-TRH-(53-74). At the light microscopic level, a diffuse group of TRH-IR cell bodies were observed in the anterior parvocellular subdivision of the PVN and became more numerous and densely clustered in the medial and periventricular parvocellular subdivisions. NPY-IR fibers were observed to innervate all subdivisions of the PVN, but were particularly dense in the anterior, medial, and periventricular parvocellular subdivisions of the nucleus, where they appeared to contact TRH-synthesizing perikarya and neuronal processes. At the ultrastructural level, numerous NPY-IR axon terminals containing labeled vesicles were either tightly juxtaposed to TRH-producing neurons or seen to establish both symmetric and asymmetric synaptic contacts with TRH-containing cell bodies and dendrites. Some NPY-IR axon terminals also established synaptic contacts with unlabeled PVN perikarya and processes or were found in close apposition to blood vessels. These data provide a morphological basis to suggest NPY-mediated neuroendocrine regulation over the biosynthesis and/or secretion of TRH in the PVN. Reports of the colocalization of NPY and catecholamines in the same axon terminals raises the possibility of a potential interaction between NPY and catecholamines to influence TRH neurons in the PVN. Morphological evidence for synaptic interactions between NPY-IR axon terminals and non-TRH-containing neurons in the PVN further suggests that this peptide may influence other neuroendocrine systems.  相似文献   

Thyrotrophin in individual pituitaries obtained from fetal and prepubertal pigs was quantified by homologous radioimmunoassay (RIA) and heterologous radioreceptor assay (RRA). Relative evolution of pituitary TSH contents and concentrations with age were in good agreement as measured by both assay systems although the quantity of TSH detected by RRA appeared consistently lower than that measured by RIA. Thyrotrophin was first detected in pituitaries of fetal pigs at day 75 of gestation. Thereafter the pituitary content of TSH increased to approximately 45 micrograms/pituitary in the oldest group tested (6 weeks of age). The pituitary TSH concentration rose sharply until birth (114 +/- 1 day post coitum) and thereafter remained increased at a concentration of approximately 400 ng/mg wet weight.  相似文献   

M Murakami  K Tanaka  M A Greer  M Mori 《Endocrinology》1988,123(3):1676-1681
Bilateral destruction of the hypothalamic paraventricular nuclei (PVN) produced a profound depression of plasma TSH and the median eminence TRH concentration in hypothyroid rats. Anterior pituitary type II iodothyronine 5'-deiodinase (5'-D) activity was consistently lower but not significantly different in sham- and PVN-lesioned rats. Treatment with suboptimal replacement doses of 0.15 and 0.75 micrograms T4/100 g BW.day produced a graded depression of plasma TSH in the PVN (P less than 0.02), but not in the sham (P greater than 0.8) groups. Adenohypophyseal 5'-D was depressed in both sham and PVN groups by the highest T4 dose. Plasma T4 was much lower in PVN than in sham rats given comparable doses of T4 (P less than 0.001), but plasma T3 was not significantly different. This suggests that an increase in peripheral T4 metabolism was produced by PVN lesions. Our data indicate that changes in adenohypophyseal 5'-D activity are not responsible for the decrease in plasma TSH in PVN-lesioned rats and that neither the PVN nor endogenous TRH plays a significant role in the regulation of anterior pituitary 5'-D activity.  相似文献   

Li DP  Pan HL 《Hypertension》2007,49(4):916-925
The paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus is critical to the regulation of sympathetic output. The PVN hyperactivity is known to cause increased sympathetic nerve activity in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs). The purpose of this study was to determine whether glutamatergic input to the PVN contributes to heightened sympathetic outflow in hypertension. Lumbar sympathetic nerve activity, mean arterial blood pressure, and heart rate were recorded from anesthetized SHRs and Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. Bilateral microinjection of an N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist, 2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid, or a non-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist, 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione, into the PVN dose-dependently decreased lumbar sympathetic nerve activity, mean arterial blood pressure, and heart rate in SHRs but not in WKY rats. Bilateral microinjection of kynurenic acid into the PVN also significantly decreased lumbar sympathetic nerve activity, mean arterial blood pressure, and heart rate in SHRs but not in WKY rats. Furthermore, microinjection of gabazine, a specific GABA(A) receptor antagonist, into the PVN increased lumbar sympathetic nerve activity, mean arterial blood pressure, and heart rate in both SHRs and WKY rats. Notably, this response was significantly attenuated in SHRs compared with that in WKY rats. In addition, kynurenic acid abolished the sympathoexcitatory and pressor responses to microinjection of gabazine into the PVN in both SHRs and WKY rats. Thus, this study provides new functional evidence that resting sympathetic vasomotor tone is maintained by tonic glutamatergic input in the PVN in SHRs. Removal of GABAergic inhibition results in augmented glutamatergic input in the PVN, which probably constitutes an important source of excitatory drive to the brain stem vasomotor neurons in hypertension.  相似文献   

The role of ascending noradrenergic projections of medullary origin in regulating the activity of tuberoinfundibular neurons of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) was examined in pentobarbital-anesthetized male Sprague-Dawley rats. Discrete electrical stimulation of either the A1 or the A2 noradrenaline cell group areas of the caudal medulla enhanced the probability of firing in a substantial proportion of antidromically identified tuberoinfundibular PVN cells tested. Notably, no inhibitory effects were observed. Destruction of the PVN noradrenergic terminal plexus by local application of the neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine 1 day prior to electrophysiological experiments abolished the effects of both A1 and A2 stimulation. These findings indicate that noradrenergic afferents can exert a facilitatory influence on the activity of a population of tuberoinfundibular PVN neurons, thus supporting earlier suggestions that central noradrenergic structures can enhance the release of certain anterior pituitary hormones.  相似文献   

The present studies were undertaken to determine the involvement of neurons in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) in stress-induced renin secretion. The stressor was a 10-min conditioned emotional response (CER) paradigm. Bilateral electrolytic lesions in the PVN prevented the stress-induced increase in plasma renin activity (PRA), and plasma renin concentration (PRC). Stress-induced corticosterone secretion was also blocked, supporting the histological verification and suggesting that the lesion included corticosterone-releasing factor neurons in the PVN. Stress-induced renin secretion appears to be restricted to the PVN, as electrolytic lesions in the nucleus reuniens, dorsal and caudal to the PVN, did not prevent the stress-induced increase in either PRA or PRC. The next step was to determine whether cell bodies in the PVN or fibers of passage through the PVN mediate the stress-induced increase of these hormones. For this purpose, bilateral stereotaxic injections of the cell-selective neurotoxin ibotenic acid (10 micrograms/microliter; 0.3 microliters per side) were performed 14 days prior to the stress procedure. Histological evaluation of the tissue revealed cell death and lysis in the PVN. Ibotenic acid injection into the PVN prevented the effect of stress on PRA, PRC and corticosterone levels. None of the lesions prevented the stress-induced rise in plasma prolactin concentration. These results suggest that neurons in the PVN play an important role in mediating stress-induced increases in renin and corticosterone but not prolactin secretion.  相似文献   

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