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ZusammenfassungHintergrund Die Zusammenfassung randomisierter kontrollierter und kontrollierter klinischer Studien (englisch: RCT und CCT) in systematischen Übersichtsarbeiten setzt die vollständige Erfassung aller Studien zu einer Fragestellung voraus. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die quantitative und qualitative Darstellung aller RCTs und CCTs in der Zeitschrift Der Chirurg.Methoden Es erfolgte eine Handdurchsuchung mit quantitativer und qualitativer Merkmalserfassung der Studien in Der Chirurg von 1948 bis 2005 und ein Vergleich der Publikationshäufigkeiten (RCTs) mit führenden chirurgischen Zeitschriften.Ergebnisse Es wurden 112 (90 RCTs, 22 CCTs) Studien identifiziert. Eine Fallzahlberechnung wurde in 12 (13%), eine Beschreibung der Randomisierungstechnik in 44 (49%) und eine Analyse nach intention to treat in 5 (6%) RCTs angegeben. Ab dem Jahr 2000 nehmen die RCTs in Der Chirurg im Gegensatz zum internationalen Trend ab.Schlussfolgerung Verbesserte Rahmenbedingungen für Studien in der Chirurgie, die Umsetzung internationaler Standards (CONSORT Statement) und eine Änderung der Publikationsstrategie könnten die Quantität und Qualität deutschsprachiger RCTs und CCTs in Der Chirurg steigern.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Versuche zeigen, da\ sowohl bei Abnahme wie bei Zunahme des intrabronchialen Druckes eine Verlangsamung, ja sogar ein Stillstand in den oberfl?chlich gelegenen Capillaren des Beobachtungsfeldes der Lunge eintritt. Auf Unterschied zwischen Innendruck und Weite der kleinen peripheren Gef?\e wird ausdrücklich hingewiesen. Bei physiologischem Spannungszustand der Lunge tritt eine Beschleunigung der Str?mung bei der Einatmung und eine Verlangsamung bei der Ausatmung ein. Die Frage der Lungendurehblutung unter pathologisehen Zustanden ist trotz vieler Untersuehungen (Cloftta, Solomon, Sauerbruch, Bruns) noeh in vielen Einzel heiten unklar. Ich habe darum den Herren Solvioli und Chiurco gem Gelegenheit gegeben, in der wissensehaftliehen Abteilung der Klinik eapillaroskopisehe Beob aehtungen mit verbesserter Methodik durehzuführen. Freilieh werden sieh die Ergebnisse erst dann in den Rahmen der bisher vorliegenden Untersuehungen einreihen lassen, wenn man uber grol3ere Versuehsreihen verfugt. Die Vorteile der verwendeten Apparatur sind jedoeh so offensichtlich, daB mir die Veroffentliehung dieser kurzen Mitteilung erlaubt erseheint. Sancrbrnch.  相似文献   



Internal fixation of displaced fractures of the greater tuberosity allowing functional aftercare.


Displaced fractures of the greater tuberosity >5 mm. Displaced fractures of the greater tuberosity >3 mm in athletes or overhead workers. Multiply fragmented fractures of the greater tuberosity.


Displaced 3? or 4?part fractures of the proximal humerus. Nondisplaced fractures of the greater tuberosity.

Surgical technique

Exposure of the fracture of the greater tuberosity by an anterolateral approach. Open reduction and temporary retention with a Kirschner wire or a “Kugelspieß” or reinforcement of the supraspinatus tendon and distal retention. Bending and positioning of the Bamberg plate and fixation by conventional or locking screws. Optional fixation of the rotator cuff to the plate. Exact monitoring of the implant position using the image intensifier to avoid inadequate distalization of the greater tuberosity.

Postoperative management

Arm sling (e.?g. Gilchrist) for 2 weeks. Start passive assisted exercise on postoperative day 1. Movement allowed up to the pain threshold. Physiotherapeutic treatment to prevent adhesions and capsular shrinking.


In all, 10 patients with displaced fractures of the greater tuberosity underwent osteosynthesis using the Bamberg plate. After a follow-up of at least 6 months, a Constant–Murley score of 94.2  points (range 91–98 points) was achieved. The patients’ average age was 45.6 years (range 29–68 years).



The aim of this non-interventional study was to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of propiverine ER under real life conditions.

Patients and methods

The treatment of 5,565 patients with urge urinary incontinence, urgency or mixed urinary incontinence was documented over a 12-week period. Incontinence episodes, voiding frequency and voided volume were recorded at 3 visits (admission, after 4 and 12 weeks). Additionally the tolerability was evaluated at visits 2 and 3.


The average incontinence episodes/24 h decreased during therapy from 4.23 to 2.89. The frequency of micturitions/24 h decreased by 5.50. The voided volume improved by 69 ml. Approximately 92 % of investigators and patients assessed the efficacy similarly with ?very good“ and ?good”. Dry mouth was the most frequent adverse drug reaction and decreased from 16.5 % after 4 weeks to 13.6 % after 12 weeks of treatment.


The efficacy and tolerability of propiverine ER were confirmed under real life conditions.  相似文献   

Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) type II is a life-threatening complication of heparin therapy. The present case report describes the therapeutic management of HIT type II with thrombosis using the direct thrombin inhibitor argatroban in an intensive care patient after successful surgery of a ruptured infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm. Despite high dosing and long-term application of argatroban, anticoagulation remained uncritical and was well controllable by monitoring the activated partial thromboplastin time. In consideration of the pharmacological characteristics, therapy suspension due to invasive interventions and switching to an oral vitamin K antagonist by defined algorithm resulted in an effective management.  相似文献   

Study objective: The clinical effect of ketoprofen is based not only on the inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis. Ketoprofen also acts through kynurenic acid as a central antagonist on the NMDA receptor. Due to this central analgesic mechanism of ketoprofen, we expected an analgesic preemptive effect. This study was carried out following the Breivik/Stubhaug preemptive effect study design. Methods: In 81 patients scheduled for gynaecological surgery a randomized double-blind study was performed. Three groups were studied: Group I received preoperative ketoprofen 100 mg i.v., 12 mg/h during surgery and for 48 hours afterwards. Group II received 100 mg ketoprofen as a bolus injection before the end of surgery, thereafter 12 mg/h ketoprofen continuously for 48 hours. Group III received a placebo during surgery and for 48 hours after surgery. The effects were measured postoperatively using a visual analog scale (VAS; at rest and on exertion) and the total analgesic consumption (PCA piritramide) within the first 48 hours after surgery. Furthermore, the time to first analgesic request was recorded. The vital signs and side effects were documented. Results: The time to first analgesic request in group I was significantly longer than in groups II and III. In addition, the cumulative postoperative analgesic consumption during the first 24 hours after surgery was significantly lower in group I than in group III. Furthermore, the combination of an opioid with a non-opioid led to a lower pain score (VAS) at rest and on exertion. Conclusions: We showed a preemptive effect with ketoprofen, which was expressed significantly both in terms of the time to first analgesic request and by the lower analgesic consumption in the first 24 hours after surgery.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Operationsziel Knöcherne Korrektur des schmerzhaften Spreizfußes zur Wiederherstellung einer regelrechten Belastung des ersten Strahls und Beseitigung der Hallux-valgus-Fehlstellung. Indikationen Fortgeschrittene Spreizfußdeformität mit einem vergrößerten ersten intermetatarsalen Winkel (> 18°).Krankhaft gesteigerte Beweglichkeit des ersten Tarsometatarsalgelenks mit mangelnder Lastaufnahme des ersten Mittelfußstrahls und Entwicklung einer sog. Transfer-Metatarsalgie.Schmerzhafte primäre oder sekundäre Arthrose des ersten Tarsometatarsalgelenks.Rezidiv einer Spreizfußdeformität nach operativer Korrektur.Elevation des ersten Mittelfußstrahls, z. B. bei angeborener Klumpfußdeformität.Metatarsus-primus-varus-Deformität mit Hallux-valgus-Fehlstellung bei hypermobilem Plattfuß. Kontraindikationen Geringe bis mäßige Spreizfußdeformität mit einem ersten intermetatarsalen Winkel < 17° und klinisch stabilem erstem Tarsometatarsalgelenk.Unbehandelte Rückfußdeformität, z. B. Knick-Platt-Fuß mit Eversion des Rückfußes.Unfähigkeit zur einer postoperativen Teilbelastung des Fußes an Gehstützen.Gestörte Durchblutung des Vorfußes. Operationstechnik Dorsomediale Inzision über dem ersten Tarsometatarsalgelenk. Spalten der Extensorenaponeurose medial der Sehne des Musculus extensor hallucis longus. Subperiostale Darstellung des ersten Tarsometatarsalgelenks. Eröffnung der Gelenkkapsel. Sparsame Entknorpelung des Gelenks unter Entnahme eines lateralbasigen Knochenkeils aus dem Os cuneiforme mediale zur Korrektur des limitvergrößerten ersten intermetatarsalen Winkels. Manuelle Reposition des Spreizfußes bei gleichzeitiger plantarer Verschiebung der Metatarsale-Basis. Wahl der passenden winkelstabilen Platte und der Osteosynthese.Distaler Weichteileingriff am Großzehengrundgelenk und ggf. retrokapitale metatarsale Korrekturosteotomie zur Rezentrierung einer krankhaft veränderten Gelenkflächenorientierung am Mittelfußkopf. Ergebnisse Die klinischen und röntgenologischen Ergebnisse mit dem winkelstabilen Implantat (Orthner-Lapidus-Platte) beziehen sich auf 56 Patienten (64 Füße) mit einer mittleren Nachuntersuchungszeit von 8,2 Monaten. Patienten mit zusätzlichen Osteotomien am fünften Mittelfußstrahl wurden nicht in die Studie einbezogen. An Komplikationen traten neben einem komplexen regionalen Schmerzsyndrom vier Pseudarthrosen (6,2%) des Metatarsocuneiforme-mediale-Gelenks auf. Die röntgenologische Konsolidierung war nach durchschnittlich 9 Wochen erreicht. Der erste intermetatarsale Winkel konnte von durchschnittlich 20,4° auf 11,2° reduziert werden. Die Fußdruckmessung zeigte eine signifikant (p < 0,05) verbesserte Lastaufnahme durch den ersten Strahl. Der Score der American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society verbesserte sich signifikant (p < 0,01) von 51 auf 92 Punkte.  相似文献   

Herbst A  Kiess W 《Der Anaesthesist》2007,56(5):454-460
Patients with type 1 diabetes require continuous substitution of exogenous insulin due to their disability to produce insulin themselves. The insulin dosage required is individual-specific and may change dramatically during the perioperative period. The patient may be endangered by metabolic decompensation including hypoglycaemia and diabetic ketoacidosis. Thus, perioperative management should include frequent blood glucose measurements and frequent adjustment of the insulin and glucose administration. When planning the operation, an individual treatment regime should be drawn up and be made available to the medical team. In order to facilitate the challenging perioperative management of these patients, this article presents the current recommendations for the perioperative management of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus (i.e. of the International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes, ISPAD).  相似文献   

We present a rare case of a combined dislocated odontoid dens fracture type II (Anderson/D’Alonzo) and rotational atlantoaxial luxation in a 15-year-old girl who was involved in a riding accident. She fell off her horse after it had stopped suddenly, losing consciousness for a few minutes. At presentation in the hospital, she had no complaints other than limited, painful neck movement. Radiologically, a posterior dislocation of an odontoid type II fracture (Anderson/D’Alonzo) was found. Computed tomography reconstruction demonstrated a rotational, hooklike fixed luxation of the left atlantoaxial facet joint. Manual repositioning after application of a cervical collar failed. Therefore, operative treatment was indicated for this highly unstable fracture. Posterior transarticular atlantoaxial screw fixation according to Magerl was performed; an iliac corticocancellous bone graft was harvested and shaped to conform to the posterior processes of C1 and C2. Additionally a hook-claw atlas fixation of C1 was done. To our knowledge, this is the first case of adolescent atlantoaxial cervical spine trauma in combination with an odontoid fracture and fixed rotational luxation reported in literature.  相似文献   



Prostate cancer is the most frequent malignant tumor in men; 10% of the patients are younger than 56 years at the time of diagnosis and are usually still working. The aim of this study was to evaluate the costs of the disease within the first 3 years from diagnosis.

Material and methods

A total of 200 patients (aged <56 years) after radical prostatectomy with curative intent were asked for their social status, professional training and job before and after radical prostatectomy, disablement, length of hospital stay, rehabilitation, early retirement, part-time retirement, retraining program, job-creating measures, and working conditions after radical prostatectomy.


Of the 200 patients queried, 177 (88.5%) answered the questionnaire. Prior to the radical prostatectomy 163 patients were employed. They were off work for a mean time of 104.4 days, 83.4% of them received inpatient rehabilitation treatment after surgery, 121 (74.2%) regained full fitness for work, 9 (5.5%) retired on grounds of age, 21 (12.9%) had an early retirement because of the disease, and 12 (7.4%) became unemployed. Within the first 3 years after diagnosis, the following mean costs had to be paid: 465.79 € by the patient, 6569.76 € by the employer, 16,356.96 € by the health insurance, 13,304.88 € by the pension scheme, and 3912.57 € by the employment office.


The main costs in patients with prostate cancer and radical prostatectomy have to been paid by the health insurance scheme and the pension scheme; 74.3% of the patients regained full fitness for work. The time until reintegration into work was correlated to the extent of physical labor.  相似文献   

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