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高强度聚焦超声联合内分泌治疗前列腺癌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的评价高强度聚焦超声(HIFU)联合内分泌治疗前列腺癌(PCa)的疗效和副作用。方法PCa患者65例,B期12例,C期32例,D期21例,平均PSA为(85.5±79.4)ng/ml;以HIFU联合内分泌治疗,随访PSA和1、3、5年生存率,观察治疗的副作用。结果55例获得12~46个月的随访;术后3个月平均PSA为(53.4±51.3)ng/ml,与术前相比具有显著性差异(P<0.01),患者1、3、5年生存率分别为87.2%、38.2%和23.6%,副作用轻微。结论HIFU联合内分泌治疗前列腺癌能有效地降低PSA,提高患者生存率,具有高度安全性。  相似文献   

目的评价应用高强度聚焦超声和内分泌治疗的综合治疗方案在前列腺癌治疗中的临床效果。方法对34例前列腺癌患者联合应用高强度聚焦超声和内分泌治疗,观察和统计治疗前后血前列腺特异性抗原、前列腺体积、前列腺彩超以及前列腺穿刺活检结果的变化,调查治疗后并发症的发生情况。结果34例患者治疗后血前列腺特异性抗原PSA(14.6±13.1)ng/mL,与治疗前(35.7±14.6)ng/mL相比,具有统计学显著性差异(P〈0.05)。前列腺体积治疗前(49.7±21.3)cm。,治疗后(42.1土11.6)cm^3,两者无统计学差异(P〉0.05)。前列腺再穿刺阴性率68.4%(13/19)患者前列腺再穿刺阴性。26例(76.5%)患者在拔除尿管后出现尿频、尿痛等排尿不适症状。11例(32.3%)出现轻度的血尿。结论联合应用高强度聚焦超声和内分泌治疗的综合治疗方案能有效地降低前列腺癌患者的PSA,临床治疗效果肯定,并发症少,安全性好,是一种比较合理的前列腺癌治疗方案。  相似文献   

目的:探讨经直肠高强度聚焦超声系统(HIFU)治疗PCa的疗效。方法:使用Sonablate500型经直肠HIFU治疗系统,对57例PCa患者进行HIFU治疗,其中局限性PCa27例,晚期PCa30例。在确定生化复发之前,对局限性PCa仅行经直肠HIFU治疗;对于晚期PCa,在行经直肠HIFU治疗的同时,联合应用内分泌治疗。结果:HIFU治疗平均手术操作时间为111(86~153)min,平均术后住院时间为3.2(2~18)d。平均随访时间18(6~30)个月。局限性PCaHIFU治疗后,生化检查阴性率(PSA(4.0μg/L)在治疗后的1、2、3年分别为86%、81%和79%。30例晚期PCa治疗平均8个月(3~24个月)后,26例血清PSA〈4.0μg/L(其中20例血清PSA〈0.5μg/L)、21例患者前列腺体积缩小〉50%。治疗后6个月时与治疗前相比,前列腺体积缩小、PSA水平降低、Qmax增加及IPSS改善差异均有显著性(P〈0.05)。HIFU治疗后无严重尿道直肠瘘、尿失禁等并发症发生。结论:经直肠HIFU治疗PCa,安全、有效,并发症少,近期疗效较好,是一种可选择的PCa微创治疗方法。  相似文献   

经直肠高强度聚焦超声系统治疗前列腺癌57例疗效分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:探讨经直肠高强度聚焦超声系统(HIFU)治疗PCa的疗效。方法:使用Sonablate500型经直肠HIFU治疗系统,对57例PCa患者进行HIFU治疗,其中局限性PCa27例,晚期PCa30例。在确定生化复发之前,对局限性PCa仅行经直肠HIFU治疗;对于晚期PCa,在行经直肠HIFU治疗的同时,联合应用内分泌治疗。结果:HIFU治疗平均手术操作时间为111(86~153)min,平均术后住院时间为3.2(2~18)d。平均随访时间18(6~30)个月。局限性PCaHIFU治疗后,生化检查阴性率(PSA(4.0μg/L)在治疗后的1、2、3年分别为86%、81%和79%。30例晚期PCa治疗平均8个月(3~24个月)后,26例血清PSA<4.0μg/L(其中20例血清PSA<0.5μg/L)、21例患者前列腺体积缩小>50%。治疗后6个月时与治疗前相比,前列腺体积缩小、PSA水平降低、Qmax增加及IPSS改善差异均有显著性(P<0.05)。HIFU治疗后无严重尿道直肠瘘、尿失禁等并发症发生。结论:经直肠HIFU治疗PCa,安全、有效,并发症少,近期疗效较好,是一种可选择的PCa微创治疗方法。  相似文献   

目的: 探讨高能聚焦超声(HIFU)联合内分泌疗法治疗前列腺癌的疗效。 方法: 对 20例前列腺癌患者行HIFU+内分泌治疗,HIFU治疗采用FEP BY01型高能聚焦超声肿瘤治疗机;内分泌治疗采用手术去势 15例,药物去势(LHRH a)5例,其中 14例加用抗雄激素药物。随访时间 6~30个月,平均16. 5个月。 结果: 治疗前后前列腺体积分别为(36. 4± 16. 2)、(20. 6±11. 8)ml(P<0. 05);血清前列腺特异性抗原值为 (32. 2±10. 4)、(2. 4±0. 8)μg/L(P<0. 01);国际前列腺症状评分为 (20. 5±6. 5)、(13. 6±7. 5 )分 (P<0. 05 );最大尿流率为 ( 10. 6±6. 3)、(14. 2±4. 6)ml/s(P<0. 05 )。HIFU治疗并发症:轻度血尿 5例,局部疼痛 8例,尿道狭窄 1例。 结论:HIFU联合内分泌疗法治疗前列腺癌并发症少,近期疗效较好。  相似文献   

前列腺癌的高强度聚焦超声治疗   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
前列腺癌(prostate cancer,PCa)的流行病学显示,前列腺癌发病率正逐年增高。美国的前列腺癌发病率已超过肺癌,据美国抗癌协会估计,2004年美国大约有230110例新发前列腺癌,有29900例将死于此病。在欧洲,每年新发前列腺癌病例大约有260万人,前列腺癌病人占全部男性癌症病人数的11%,占全部男性癌症死亡人数的9%。  相似文献   

高强度聚焦超声结合放疗治疗直肠癌121例疗效观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:评价高强度聚焦超志结合放疗对直肠癌的近期疗效。方法:自1998年7月至2000年12月对121例直肠癌应用FEP-BY01型强度聚焦超声体外聚焦热疗机进行热疗和小剂量放疗,对病程1年以上的43例进行随访。结果:121例直肠癌患者中CR27例(22%),PR80例(66%),NC14例(12%),总缓解率88%,无1例出现皮肤烧伤,脏器穿孔及出血等并发症。1年生存率81%(35/43),2年生存率77%(23/30)。结论:HIFU技术是是一种适宜直肠癌的新疗法,结合放疗,具有疗效显著,安全可靠,无副作用的优点。  相似文献   

目的 探讨超声造影对高强度聚焦超声(HIFU)治疗局限性前列腺癌早期疗效评价的应用价值.方法 采用HIFU-2001型高强度聚焦超声肿瘤治疗系统,对17例局限性前列腺癌进行治疗.治疗前及治疗后1个月分别行超声造影检查,观察瘤体内部及周边组织血流灌注信号特点,据此判定疗效.同时根据直肠指检、经直肠前列腺B超检查前列腺肿块大小、血清PSA等结果进行客观疗效判定.将两疗效判定结果进行对比分析.结果 HIFU治疗前,所有前列腺低回声结节均呈快速高增强.HIFU治疗后,超声造影显示治疗有效15例,其中无增强12例、少量低增强3例;无效2例,仍表现为快速高增强.客观疗效判定有效15例,血清PSA下降幅度均≥50%,其中2例前列腺结节体积缩小≥50%;无效2例,血清PSA、前列腺低回声结节大小体积均与治疗前水平相当.客观疗效判定结果与超声造影结果相符.结论 超声造影能准确显示HIFU治疗局限性前列腺癌的消融范围及程度,是评价早期治疗效果的可靠方法.  相似文献   

目的:分析比较125I粒子植入近距放疗联合间歇性内分泌治疗在前列腺癌治疗中的效果。方法:回顾2001年1月~2011年2月期间未接受根治性前列腺切除而接受治疗满5年的147例前列腺癌患者,按治疗方式分为三组;A组43例单纯采用间歇性内分泌治疗;B组31例单纯采用近距离125I粒子植入;C组73例施行近距离125I粒子植入+间歇性内分泌治疗。比较三组患者的临床症状、PSA变化情况、局部进展率、无事件生存率。结果:147例患者,A组5年生存率为88.37%,无效率13.95%,无事件生存率16.28%;B组生存率为90.32%,无效率22.58%,无事件生存率32.26%;C组生存率为90.41%,无效率6.85%,无事件生存率34.25%。结论:近距离125I粒子植入+间歇性内分泌联合治疗作为前列腺癌的综合治疗手段,可以提高无事件生存率、增加治疗有效率、缩短内分泌治疗时间。  相似文献   

目的探讨经直肠高强度聚焦超声联合内分泌疗法与单纯内分泌疗法治疗前列腺癌的疗效。方法将40例前列腺癌患者分为A、B两组,其中A组采用HIFU联合内分泌治疗,B组采用单纯内分泌治疗。HIFU治疗采用Sonablate 500型经直肠HIFU治疗系统,内分泌治疗采用去势加用抗雄激素药物治疗。随访时间8—24个月,平均16个月。结果A、B两组患者在治疗后,均出现了前列腺体积缩小,血清PSA均有不同程度下降,IPSS评分降低,Qmax明显提高,治疗前后差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。其中A组较B组改变更为明显,两者之间差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论高强度聚焦超声联合内分泌疗法及单纯内分泌疗法对前列腺癌的近期疗效均较好,前者疗效更为明显。  相似文献   



To investigate the use of minimally invasive high‐intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) as a salvage therapy in men with localized prostate cancer recurrence following external beam radiotherapy (EBRT).


A review of 31 cases treated using the Sonablate® 500 HIFU device, between 1 February 2005 and 15 May 2007, was carried out. All men had presumed organ‐confined, histologically confirmed recurrent prostate adenocarcinoma following EBRT.


The mean (range) age was 65 (57–80) years with a mean preoperative PSA level of 7.73 (0.20–20) ng/mL. The patients were followed for a mean (range) of 7.4 (3–24) months. Side‐effects included stricture or intervention for necrotic tissue in 11 of the 31 patients (36%), urinary tract infection or dysuria syndrome in eight (26%), and urinary incontinence in two (7%). Recto‐urethral fistula occurred in two men, although one was due to patient movement due to inadequate anaesthesia, so the ‘true’ rate is 3%. Half of the patients had PSA levels of <0.2 ng/mL at the last follow‐up. Three patients had metastatic disease whilst another two had only local, histologically confirmed, failure. A further four patients had evidence of biochemical failure only. Overall, 71% had no evidence of disease following salvage HIFU.


Salvage HIFU is a minimally invasive daycase procedure that can achieve low PSA nadirs and good cancer control in the short term, with comparable morbidity to other forms of salvage treatment. The issue of accurate staging at the time of recurrence is still problematic, as a proportion of these men will harbour microscopic metastases undetected by conventional staging investigations.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To clarify the optimal duration and methods for adjuvant endocrine therapy after external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) in patients with locally advanced prostate cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between 2001 and 2003, 215 patients with locally advanced prostate cancer were enrolled in the study. Patients were registered as primary candidates of the study and were treated with 6 months of LHRH agonist, with short-term of antiandrogen treatment for flare-up prevention. Patients with PSA levels below 10 ng/ml after the 6-month endocrine treatment were randomly divided into two arms. Then, a total dose of 72 Gy was given to the prostate. After 14 months of the protocol treatment, patients were treated with continuous androgen ablation (arm 1) or intermittent androgen ablation (arm 2). RESULTS: A total of 188 cases (87%) remained in the protocol. The median PSA level at entry was 25.3 ng/ml. The Gleason score was 2-6 in 32 cases (16%), 7 in 94 cases (48%), and 8-10 in 68 cases (35%). The median PSA level showed a remarkable decrease to 1.1, 0.2, and 0.1 ng/ml, after 6, 8, and 14 months of the protocol treatment, respectively. Of the 157 cases treated with EBRT, 153 cases (97.5%) had no biochemical failure in the mean follow-up of 17.3 months. CONCLUSIONS: The present study may reveal the possibilities of intermittent endocrine therapy after EBRT. However, the follow-up interval is short and little can be said about the results observed so far, exception of acute tolerance and patient acceptance of the protocol.  相似文献   



To report the 5-year failure-free survival (FFS) following high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU).

Patients and Methods

This observational cohort study used linked National Cancer Registry data, radiotherapy data, administrative hospital data and mortality records of 1381 men treated with HIFU for clinically localised prostate cancer in England. The primary outcome, FFS, was defined as freedom from local salvage treatment and cancer-specific mortality. Secondary outcomes were freedom from repeat HIFU, prostate cancer-specific survival (CSS) and overall survival (OS). Cox regression was used to determine whether baseline characteristics, including age, treatment year, T stage and International Society of Urological Pathology (ISUP) Grade Group were associated with FFS.


The median (interquartile range [IQR]) follow-up was 37 (20–62) months. The median (IQR) age was 65 (59–70) years and 81% had an ISUP Grade Group of 1–2. The FFS was 96.5% (95% confidence interval [CI] 95.4%–97.4%) at 1 year, 86.0% (95% CI 83.7%–87.9%) at 3 years and 77.5% (95% CI 74.4%–80.3%) at 5 years. The 5-year FFS for ISUP Grade Groups 1–5 was 82.9%, 76.6%, 72.2%, 52.3% and 30.8%, respectively (P < 0.001). Freedom from repeat HIFU was 79.1% (95% CI 75.7%–82.1%), CSS was 98.8% (95% CI 97.7%–99.4%) and OS was 95.9% (95% CI 94.2%–97.1%) at 5 years.


Four in five men were free from local salvage treatment at 5 years but treatment failure varied significantly according to ISUP Grade Group. Patients should be appropriately informed with respect to salvage radical treatment following HIFU.  相似文献   

《Urological Science》2016,27(4):226-229
ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to evaluate the therapeutic response and complications of high-intensity focused ultrasound for patients with localized prostate cancer.Materials and MethodsWe evaluated the clinical outcomes of 29 patients who received high-intensity focused ultrasound as first-line treatment for localized prostate cancer at our hospital from October 2010 to March 2016. Biochemical recurrence was defined, according to the Stuttgart definition of biochemical failure, as the prostate-specific antigen nadir plus 1.2 ng/mL. Prostate-specific antigen levels and complications were recorded during regular follow-up.ResultsThe mean follow-up period was 24.6 months. Six patients experienced biochemical recurrence (20.68%). Disease progression was noted in six patients (20.68%), and salvage therapy was performed in these patients. The 24.6-month cancer-specific survival rate was 100%. No severe complications were reported.ConclusionHigh-intensity focused ultrasound is an alternative therapy for patients with localized prostate cancer. In combination with preceding transurethral resection of the prostate, this treatment shows promise in disease control with a low complication rate in short-term follow-up.  相似文献   

Four patients with biochemical prostate-specific antigen (PSA) failure with suspected local recurrence at the vesico-urethral anastomotic site after radical prostatectomy were treated using a high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) device (Sonablate 500) under caudal or spinal anesthesia. The pretreatment PSA levels ranged from 0.318 to 0.898 ng/mL and their Gleason scores ranged between 5 and 7. HIFU treatment was carried out six times in four patients. The median time of operation and follow-up period were 30 min (range, 15-37) and 13 months (range, 7-18), respectively. In all patients, the median PSA levels decreased from 0.555 ng/mL (range, 0.318-0.898) to 0.137 ng/mL (range, 0.102-0.290). The median PSA nadir after each HIFU was 0.054 ng/mL (range, 0.008-0.097). No major complications were noted. HIFU may be useful for the therapy of vesicourethral anastomostic lesion in patients with PSA failure after prostatectomy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the biochemical disease-free survival (DFS), predictors of clinical outcome and morbidity of patients with localized prostate cancer treated with high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU), a noninvasive treatment that induces complete coagulative necrosis of a tumour at depth through the intact skin. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In all, 63 patients with stage T1c-2bN0M0 localized prostate cancer underwent HIFU using the Sonablate system (Focus Surgery, Inc., Indianapolis, IN, USA). None of the patients received neoadjuvant and/or adjuvant therapy. Biochemical recurrence was defined according to the criteria recommended by the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology consensus definition, i.e. three consecutive increases in prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level after the nadir. The median (range) age, PSA level and follow-up were 71 (45-87) years, 8.5 (3.39-57.0) ng/mL and 22.0 (3-63) months, respectively. RESULTS: The overall biochemical disease-free rate was 75% (47 patients). The 3-year biochemical DFS rates for patients with a PSA level before HIFU of <10, 10.01-20 and >20 ng/mL were 82%, 62% and 20% (P < 0.001), respectively. The 3-year biochemical DFS rates for patients with a PSA nadir of <0.2, 0.21-1 and >1 ng/mL were 100%, 74% and 21% (P < 0.001), respectively. Final follow-up sextant biopsies showed that 55 (87%) of the patients were cancer-free. Multivariate analysis showed that the PSA nadir (P < 0.001) was a significant independent predictor of relapse. CONCLUSION: HIFU therapy appears to be a safe, effective and minimally invasive therapy for patients with localized prostate cancer, and the PSA nadir is a useful predictor of clinical outcome.  相似文献   



To report on the high rectal fistula rate associated with salvage high‐intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) after the failure of combined brachytherapy and external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) for prostate cancer; salvage ablative therapy for prostate cancer is indicated when there is local recurrence after RT, brachytherapy or their combination.


We retrospectively reviewed all men with prostate cancer treated with HIFU between 1 March 2005 and 31 May 2007, and identified five men treated after the failure of both brachytherapy and EBRT for localized prostate cancer.


Three of the five men had iodine‐seed implantation brachytherapy combined with EBRT as primary treatment, one had high‐dose rate brachytherapy combined with EBRT and one had salvage iodine‐seed brachytherapy for failed EBRT. Three of the five patients developed a recto‐urethral fistula after HIFU.


The high rate of recto‐urethral fistula formation in this group might reflect an impaired blood supply or HIFU‐associated near‐field heating of the rectal wall. Tissue viability and healing might affect this group regardless of the salvage method. Careful patient selection and avoidance of rectal diagnostic biopsies might minimize the risk. Emerging ablative therapies regarded as less invasive than traditional therapies must be used with caution.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a minimally invasive technique used in achieve coagulation necrosis. We evaluated biochemical disease-free survival rates, predictors of clinical outcome and morbidity in patients with localized prostate cancer treated with HIFU. METHODS: A total of 181 consecutive patients underwent HIFU with the use of Sonablate (Focus Surgery, Indianapolis, IN, USA). Biochemical recurrence was defined according to the criteria recommended by the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology Consensus Panel. The median age and pretreatment prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level were 70 years (range 44-88) and 9.76 ng/mL (range 3.39-89.60). A total of 95 patients (52%) were treated with neoadjuvant hormones. The median follow-up period for all patients was 18.0 months (range 4-68). RESULTS: The biochemical disease-free survival rates at 1, 3 and 5 years in all patients were 84%, 80% and 78%, respectively. The biochemical disease-free survival rates at 3 years for patients with pretreatment PSA less than 10 ng/mL, 10.01-20.0 ng/mL and more than 20.0 ng/mL were 94%, 75% and 35%, respectively (P<0.0001). Multivariate analysis identified pretreatment PSA (P<0.0001) as a independent predictor of relapse. CONCLUSION: High-intensity focused ultrasound therapy appears to be a safe and efficacious minimally invasive therapy for patients with localized prostate cancer, especially those with a pretreatment PSA level less than 20 ng/mL.  相似文献   

Forty-nine patients with localized carcinoma of the prostate were treated by external radiotherapy together with hormonal manipulation and were followed up to six years. Hormonal manipulation included bilateral orchiectomy and diethylstilbestrol, 3 mg/day. The cumulative five-year survival for the 49 patients was 87.6%, with 11 % progression rate to stage D during that period. In 40 patients (81.6%), a decrease in the size of the prostate was noted. In none of the patients was there local recurrence of the tumor during the period of follow-up. Transient gastrointestinal and/or urinary symptoms occurred following radiotherapy in 11 patients (22.4%), and in four patients severe cystitis or proctitis appeared. Complications related to hormonal therapy occurred in 11 patients (22.4%). The high survival rates reported herein, together with the low progression rate to stage D during six years of follow-up, may justify the early institution of radiotherapy in combination with hormonal manipulation for patients with localized carcinoma of the prostate. A randomized study with an extended number of patients is underway to further evaluate this mode of therapy.  相似文献   

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