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Reorganization of the brain, specifically the motor cortex surrounding the stroke, accounts for much of the observed neurological recovery following stroke. Not surprisingly, size of the stroke lesion has the greatest impact on neurological recovery in both animal and clinical research studies. Spontaneous recovery of lost function is possible after a cortical lesion, particularly if the lesion is small. Age correlates negatively with recovery; older individuals generally demonstrate slower and less complete recovery. However, age by itself is a poor predictor of functional recovery.  相似文献   

In both animal and clinical studies, training or rehabilitation increases cortical representation with subsequent functional recovery, whereas a lack of rehabilitation or training decreases cortical representation and delays recovery. Animals exposed to enriched environments post stroke have improved functional outcomes compared with animals exposed to nonenriched environments. In humans, stroke units may be the closest approximation there is to an enriched environment. However, studies indicate that patients spend the majority of time being inactive and alone while on a stroke unit. Given the animal evidence (which emphasizes increased stimulation and increased activity), there is clearly an opportunity for improving the stroke rehabilitation experience to maximize post stroke recovery.  相似文献   

Brain capacity is dependent not so much on the number of neurons but on the number of synaptic connections with functional connections that develop over a lifetime of genetic programming and life experiences. In the uninjured human brain, cortical reorganization that occurs in response to learning and experience is referred to as brain plasticity. Motor learning and complex environments result in a greater number of synapses and an increase in dendritic branching, whereas repetitive movements alone, in the absence of motor learning, do not. Learning and experience lead to an expansion of cortical representation, while failure to maintain training results in a contraction of cortical representation. In animals, loss of sensory peripheral afferent input results in an expansion of the forelimb representation of the intact adjacent cortex. Prolonged periods of peripheral nerve stimulation in both animals and humans can lead to reorganization of related sensorimotor cortical maps.  相似文献   

Although some studies have reported subtle language deficits following early focal brain lesions (EFBL), most studies find no evidence for differential language outcomes as a function of lesion side or lesion type in children with congenital injuries to one side of the brain. However, recent prospective studies of the first stages of language development in English-speaking children with EFBL have reported greater delays in expressive vocabulary in children with left-hemisphere damage, particularly if the lesion involves left temporal cortex. In the present study, first stages in the development of word production were studied in 43 Italian children with congenital EFBL, between 13 and 46 months of age. As a group, the EFBL children were markedly delayed in expressive vocabulary. Among children who were in the first stage of language learning, delays were significantly greater with left-hemisphere injury. However, this left-right difference was not evident in children who had moved on to the next stage of language development, producing at least some sentences. Discussion centers on the role of developmental plasticity in determining the outcomes of early focal brain injury, suggesting that recovery from initial delays may take place in the early stages of language development, at least for some children.  相似文献   

Plasticity of language-related brain function during recovery from stroke   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: This study was undertaken to correlate functional recovery from aphasia after acute stroke with the temporal evolution of the anatomic, physiological, and functional changes as measured by MRI. METHODS: Blood oxygenation level-dependent contrast and echo-planar MRI were used to map language comprehension in 6 normal adults and in 2 adult patients during recovery from acute stroke presenting with aphasia. Perfusion, diffusion, sodium, and conventional anatomic MRI were used to follow physiological and structural changes. RESULTS: The normal activation pattern for language comprehension showed activation predominately in left-sided Wernicke's and Broca's areas, with laterality ratios of 0.8 and 0.3, respectively. Recovery of the patient confirmed as having a completed stroke affecting Broca's area occurred rapidly with a shift of activation to the homologous region in the right hemisphere within 3 days, with continued rightward lateralization over 6 months. In the second patient, in whom mapping was performed fortuitously before stroke, recovery of a Wernicke's aphasia showed a similar increasing rightward shift in activation recruitment over 9 months after the event. CONCLUSIONS: Recovery of aphasia in adults can occur rapidly and is concomitant with an activation pattern that changes from left to a homologous right hemispheric pattern. Such recovery occurs even when the stroke evolves to completion. Such plasticity must be considered when evaluating stroke interventions based on behavioral and neurological measurements.  相似文献   

Recovery and brain reorganization after stroke in adult and aged rats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Stroke is a prevalent and devastating disorder, and no treatment is currently available to restore lost neuronal function after stroke. One unique therapy that improves recovery after stroke is neutralization of the neurite inhibitory protein Nogo-A. Here, we show, in a clinically relevant model, improved functional recovery and brain reorganization in the aged and adult rat when delayed anti-Nogo-A therapy is given after ischemic injury. These results support the efficacy of Nogo-A neutralization as treatment for ischemic stroke, even in the aged animal and after a 1-week delay, and implicate neuronal plasticity from unlesioned areas of the central nervous system as a mechanism for recovery.  相似文献   

After a stroke, recovery that continues beyond 3 or 4 weeks has been attributed to plasticity, a reorganization of the brain in which functions previously performed by the ischemic area are assumed by other ipsilateral or contralateral brain areas. Neuronal plasticity has been variously attributed to redundancy (parallel distributed pathways), changes in synaptic strength, axonal sprouting with formation of new synapses, assumption of function by contralateral homologous cortex, and substitution of uncrossed pathways. Transcranial magnetic stimulation, positron emission tomography (PET), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and 128-electrode high-resolution electroencephalography have been successfully applied to demonstrate cortical reorganization after hemiplegia. Recording the motor potential is a promising noninvasive method for the localization of motor control after hemispheric lesions. Most patients with hemiparetic stroke show some improvement, usually during the first 3 to 6 months after the ictus. Improvement and prognosis depend on a number of variables including volume and location of the infarction, age of the patient, and the elimination of risk factors to avoid future episodes (i.e., dietary control of lipids, the elimination of tobacco, and the control of diabetes and hypertension). Currently, emphasis has been placed on fibrinolytic treatment in the first 3 hours to prevent or minimize neurological deficit. Aside from the above listed factors, improvement after stroke may be due to reorganization of the brain, particularly the cerebral cortex, and repair of damaged tissue and recanalization. It is also important to relate such changes to functional improvement and successful rehabilitation.  相似文献   

Stroke patients with hemiplegia exhibit flexor spasms in the upper limb and extensor spasms in the lower limb, and their movement patterns vary greatly. Constraint-induced movement therapy is an upper limb rehabilitation technique used in stroke patients with hemiplegia; however, studies of lower extremity rehabilitation are scarce. In this study, stroke patients with lower limb hemiplegia underwent conventional Bobath therapy for 4 weeks as baseline treatment, followed by constraint-induced movement therapy for an additional 4 weeks. The 10-m maximum walking speed and Berg balance scale scores significantly improved following treatment, and lower extremity motor function also improved. The results of functional MRI showed that constraint-induced movement therapy alleviates the reduction in cerebral functional activation in patients, which indicates activation of functional brain regions and a significant increase in cerebral blood perfusion. These results demonstrate that constraint-induced movement therapy promotes brain functional reorganization in stroke patients with lower limb hemiplegia.  相似文献   

The child's brain is more malleable or plastic than that of adults and this accounts for the ability of children to learn new skills quickly or recovery from brain injuries. Several mechanisms contribute to this ability including overproduction and deletion of neurons and synapses, and activity-dependent stabilization of synapses. The molecular mechanisms for activity-dependent synaptic plasticity are being discovered and this is leading to a better understanding of the pathogenesis of several disorders including neurofibromatosis, tuberous sclerosis, Fragile X syndrome and Rett syndrome. Many of the same pathways involved in synaptic plasticity, such as glutamate-mediated excitation, can also mediate brain injury when the brain is exposed to stress or energy failure such as hypoxia-ischemia. Recent evidence indicates that cell death pathways activated by injury differ between males and females. This new information about the molecular pathways involved in brain plasticity and injury are leading to insights that will provide better therapies for pediatric neurological disorders.  相似文献   

A major component of stroke rehabilitation focuses on gait restoration. The purpose of this review is to examine the efficacy of a variety of gait retraining techniques currently in clinical use, including strength training, functional electrical stimulation, treadmill training, partial body-weight support, EMG biofeedback, and splinting of the lower extremity. Forty-eight studies evaluating six gait enhancement techniques were reviewed. There is either strong or moderate evidence to support the use of strength training, EMG/biofeedback, and functional electrical stimulation as an adjunctive therapy in gait training, and there is either limited or conflicting evidence to support the use of ankle-foot orthosis, treadmill training, and partial body-weight support.  相似文献   

当前,脑卒中已经成为我国第1位病残性以及第2位病死性疾病。根据卫生部的资料统计显示,我国每年脑卒中新发病例有250万例,而每年死于脑卒中的患者多达150余万例。在幸存下来的脑卒中患者中,大约有四分之三的患者不同程度地丧失了劳动能力,其中重度病残者占到40%。此外,由于脑卒中治疗费用很高,给很多患者造成了沉重的经济负担。近年来,随着中国人口老龄化和经济快  相似文献   

By a variety of mechanisms, the human brain is constantly undergoing plastic changes. Plasticity can be studied with phenomena such as peripheral deafferentation and motor learning. Spontaneous recovery from stroke in the chronic stage likely comes about because of plasticity, and the best recovery seems to result from reorganization in the damaged hemisphere. Knowledge about the physiology of brain plasticity has led to the development of new techniques for rehabilitation.  相似文献   

Functional reorganization of the cerebral motor system after stroke   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Recovery of function after stroke is now widely considered to be a consequence of central nervous system reorganization. Non-invasive techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging, transcranial magnetic stimulation, electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography now allow the study of the working human brain. Studies in stroke patients can now address how cerebral networks in the human brain respond to focal injury and whether these changes are related to functional recovery. This understanding may in turn lead to the development of techniques that will drive cerebral reorganization in a way that promotes functional improvement. RECENT FINDINGS: The relationship between cerebral reorganization and functional recovery has been examined in both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. It appears that the motor system reacts to damage in a way that attempts to generate motor output through surviving brain regions and networks. There are changes in cortical excitability after stroke that may provide the substrate whereby the effects of motor practice or experience can be more effective in driving long lasting changes in motor networks. This will be particularly important in intact portions of neural networks subserving motor skills learning. SUMMARY: Functionally relevant adaptive changes occur in the human brain following focal damage. A greater understanding of how these changes are related to the recovery process will allow the development of novel therapeutic techniques that are based on neurobiological principles and which are designed to minimize impairment in appropriately targeted patients suffering from stroke.  相似文献   

《Brain & development》1996,18(5):347-356
Developmental brain plasticity in association with focal brain injury is dependent on a number of factors, including age of the individual at the time of injury, size and topography of the brain lesion, maturational state of the brain system injured, integrity of brain areas surrounding and contralateral to the lesion, presence and duration of epilepsy, and medication effects. Recently developed functional neuroimaging tools now make it possible to study non-invasively several aspects of human brain functional reorganization in response to injury. Clinical models which are suitable for the study of developmental brain plasticity include patients who have undergone cortical resections for the alleviation of intractable epilepsy, patients who have sustained unilateral cerebrovascular insults at various periods of development, patients with chronic progressive unilateral brain injury such as in the Sturge-Weber syndrome, and patients with early sensory deprivation such as blind or deaf subjects. Although evidence of functional brain reorganization can be demonstrated in these models, it is emphasized that the neurobiological rules that govern intrahemispheric versus interhemispheric reorganization of function in the brain are, at present, poorly understood.  相似文献   

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