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Interleukin‐10 (IL‐10) is a key anti‐inflammatory cytokine. We aimed to assess IL‐10 and IL‐10 receptor (IL‐10R) expression in the gut, and determine whether these patterns are altered in patients with ulcerative colitis (UC). Formalin‐fixed paraffin‐embedded rectal and transverse colon sections were collected from three groups of patients: (a) control subjects with normal colonoscopy and without history of inflammatory bowel disease; (b) UC patients with extensive colitis or pancolitis (E3/E4 phenotype); and (c) UC patients with limited distal disease (E1/E2 phenotype; n = 8‐10 subjects per group). Immunohistochemistry (IHC) was performed to assess expression patterns of IL‐10, IL‐10R1 and IL‐10R2, and was correlated with clinical, endoscopic and histologic severity indices among patients. A trend towards increased IL‐10 expression was noted in rectal biopsies of patients with active UC, compared with controls. Moreover, IL‐10 levels were significantly increased in transverse colon biopsies of patients with extensive/pancolitis, compared with control subjects and patients with limited distal disease. Rectal IL‐10R1 and IL‐10R2 levels were comparable between control subject and patients with active UC. However, transverse colon IL‐10R1 levels were significantly higher in patients with E3/E4 colitis, compared with controls. Finally, we found no correlation between clinical, endoscopic and histologic severity of inflammation among UC patients and IL‐10, IL‐10R1 or IL‐10R2 expression in rectal sections. Mucosal expression patterns of IL‐10 and IL‐10R, evaluated by IHC, were overall similar between control subjects and patients with active UC. Given IL‐10’s anti‐inflammatory properties, additional studies are required to determine whether signalling through the IL‐10R is altered among these patients.  相似文献   

Human IL‐10 (hIL‐10) signaling is mediated by receptors consisting of two subunits, IL‐10 receptor 1 (IL‐10R1) and IL‐10 receptor 2. Two common variants of the IL‐10R1 (Ser 138 Gly (single‐nucleotide polymorphism 3, SNP3) and Gly 330 Arg (SNP4)) are associated with diverse disease phenotypes. Viral homologs to hIL‐10, such as cmvIL‐10, utilize the same IL‐10 receptor complex as part of viral immune evasion strategies. For the present study we hypothesized that IL‐10R1 variants alter the ability of viral IL‐10 to utilize the IL‐10R1 signaling pathway. HeLa cell clones expressing different IL‐10R1 haplotypes (WT or any variant) were incubated with hIL‐10 or cmvIL‐10. In cells expressing IL‐10R1‐WT, cmvIL‐10 (both non‐glycosylated‐ and HeLa‐expressed) resulted in equal or slightly stronger STAT3 phosphorylation compared with hIL‐10. In clones expressing IL‐10R1‐SNP3, IL‐10R1‐SNP4 or IL‐10R1‐SNP3+4, the cmvIL‐10 showed significantly less STAT3 phosphorylation, especially when HeLa‐expressed cytokines were used. Time course experiments demonstrated a slower kinetic of cmvIL‐10 STAT3 activation through the variant IL‐10R1. Similarly, IL‐10R1 variants decreased the cmvIL‐10‐induced SOCS3 and signaling lymphocytic activation molecule mRNA expression. These data suggest that the IL‐10R1 variants differentially reduce the signaling activity of cmvIL‐10 and thereby may affect CMV's ability to escape from the host's immune surveillance.  相似文献   

CXCL4 regulates multiple facets of the immune response and is highly upregulated in various Th17‐associated rheumatic diseases. However, whether CXCL4 plays a direct role in the induction of IL‐17 production by human CD4+ T cells is currently unclear. Here, we demonstrated that CXCL4 induced human CD4+ T cells to secrete IL‐17 that co‐expressed IFN‐γ and IL‐22, and differentiated naïve CD4+ T cells to become Th17‐cytokine producing cells. In a co‐culture system of human CD4+ T cells with monocytes or myeloid dendritic cells, CXCL4 induced IL‐17 production upon triggering by superantigen. Moreover, when monocyte‐derived dendritic cells were differentiated in the presence of CXCL4, they orchestrated increased levels of IL‐17, IFN‐γ, and proliferation by CD4+ T cells. Furthermore, the CXCL4 levels in synovial fluid from psoriatic arthritis patients strongly correlated with IL‐17 and IL‐22 levels. A similar response to CXCL4 of enhanced IL‐17 production by CD4+ T cells was also observed in patients with psoriatic arthritis. Altogether, we demonstrate that CXCL4 boosts pro‐inflammatory cytokine production especially IL‐17 by human CD4+ T cells, either by acting directly or indirectly via myeloid antigen presenting cells, implicating a role for CXCL4 in PsA pathology.  相似文献   

IL‐10‐producing B cells have a regulatory effect in various mouse models for immune‐mediated disorders via secretion of IL‐10, a potent immunoregulatory cytokine. However, currently, the signaling pathways that regulate IL‐10 production in B cells are not well understood. Here, we show that TLR signaling, but not BCR activation or CD40 ligation, induces potent production of IL‐10 in human B cells. We demonstrate that the activation of STAT3 and ERK is required for TLR‐induced IL‐10 production by B cells, since inhibition of STAT3 or ERK activation abrogates TLR‐induced IL‐10 production. We also uncover a novel function of the TLR‐MyD88‐STAT3 pathway in B cells, namely controlling IL‐10 production, in addition to the known role for this pathway in antibody production. Furthermore, IFN‐α, a member of the type I IFN family, differentially modulates TLR7/8‐ and TLR9‐activated STAT3 and ERK in B cells, which provides an explanation for our findings that IFN‐α enhances TLR7/8‐induced, but not TLR9‐induced IL‐10 production. These results yield insights into the mechanisms by which TLR signaling regulates IL‐10 production in B cells and how type I IFN modulates TLR‐mediated IL‐10 production by B cells, therefore providing potential targets to modulate the function of IL‐10‐producing B cells.  相似文献   

Background Interleukin (IL)‐25 (IL‐17E) is a potent inducer of the type‐2 immune effector response. Previously we have demonstrated that a neutralizing anti‐IL‐25 antibody, given during the establishment of ovalbumin‐specific lung allergy, abrogates airways hyperreactivity. Objective Blocking IL‐25 results in the suppression of IL‐13, a cytokine known to exacerbate pulmonary inflammation, and an unexpected reciprocal increase in IL‐17A. The role of IL‐17A in asthma is complex with reports of both pro‐inflammatory and anti‐inflammatory functions. Our aim was to determine the influence of IL‐17A in regulating IL‐25‐dependent lung allergy. Method Neutralizing antibodies to IL‐25 and/or IL‐17A were administered during an experimental model of allergic asthma. Bronchoalveolar cell infiltrates and lung cytokine production were determined to assess lung inflammation. Invasive plethysmography was undertaken to measure lung function. Results Neutralization of IL‐25 correlated with a decrease in IL‐13 levels and an increase in IL‐17A production, and an accompanying prevention of airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR). Notably, the blocking of IL‐17A reversed the protective effects of treating with anti‐IL‐25 antibodies, resulting in the re‐expression of several facets of the lung inflammatory response, including IL‐13 and eotaxin production, eosinophilia and AHR. Using mice over‐expressing IL‐13 we demonstrate that treatment of these mice with anti‐IL‐25 fails to suppress IL‐13 levels and in turn IL‐17A levels remain suppressed. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance IL‐13 is known to be an important inducer of lung inflammation, causing goblet cell hyperplasia and promoting airways hyperreactivity. Our data now demonstrate that IL‐13 also plays an important role in the genesis of lung inflammation downstream of IL‐25 by suppressing a protective IL‐17A response. These findings also highlight the important reciprocal interplay of the IL‐17 family members, IL‐25 and IL‐17A, in regulating allergic lung responses and suggest that the balance of IL‐17A, together with IL‐25, will be an important consideration in the treatment of allergic asthma. Cite this as: J. L. Barlow, R. J. Flynn, S. J. Ballantyne and A. N. J. McKenzie, Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 2011 (41) 1447–1455.  相似文献   

IL‐10 is a potent immunoregulatory and anti‐inflammatory cytokine. However, therapeutic trials in chronic inflammation have been largely disappointing. It is well established that IL‐10 can inhibit Th1 and Th2 cytokine production via indirect effects on APC. Less data are available about the influence of IL‐10 on IL‐17 production, a cytokine which has been recently linked to chronic inflammation. Furthermore, there are only few reports about a direct effect of IL‐10 on T cells. We demonstrate here that IL‐10 can directly interfere with TCR‐induced IFN‐γ production in freshly isolated memory T cells in the absence of APC. This effect was independent of the previously described effects of IL‐10 on T cells, namely inhibition of IL‐2 production and inhibition of CD28 signaling. In contrast, IL‐10 did not affect anti‐CD3/anti‐CD28‐induced IL‐17 production from memory T cells even in the presence of APC. This might have implications for the interpretation of therapeutic trials in patients with chronic inflammation where Th17 cells contribute to pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Allergen specific tolerance induction efficiently ameliorates subsequent allergen induced inflammatory responses. The underlying regulatory mechanisms have been attributed mainly to interleukin (IL)‐10 produced by diverse hematopoietic cells, while targets of IL‐10 in allergen specific tolerance induction have not yet been well defined. Here, we investigate potential cellular targets of IL‐10 in allergen specific tolerance induction using mice with a cell type specific inactivation of the IL‐10 receptor gene. Allergic airway inflammation was effectively prevented by tolerance induction in mice with IL‐10 receptor (IL‐10R) deficiency in T or B cells. Similarly, IL‐10R on monocytes/macrophages and/or neutrophils was not required for tolerance induction. In contrast, tolerance induction was impaired in mice that lack IL‐10R on dendritic cells: those mice developed an allergic response characterized by a pronounced neutrophilic lung infiltration, which was not ameliorated by tolerogenic treatment. In conclusion, our results show that allergen specific tolerance can be effectively induced without a direct impact of IL‐10 on cells of the adaptive immune system, and highlight dendritic cells, but not macrophages nor neutrophils, as the main target of IL‐10 during tolerance induction.  相似文献   

IL‐10‐producing regulatory B cells have been identified in mice and shown to downregulate inflammation, making them potentially important for maintenance of tolerance. In this study, we isolated B cells from human blood and spleen, and showed that after a short period of ex vivo stimulation a number of these cells produced IL‐10. The IL‐10‐producing B cells did not fall within a single clearly defined subpopulation, but were enriched in both the memory (CD27+) and the transitional (CD38high) B‐cell compartments. Combined CpG‐B+anti‐Ig stimulation was the most potent IL‐10 stimulus tested. B cells stimulated in this way inhibited CD4+CD25? T‐cell proliferation in vitro by a partially IL‐10‐dependent mechanism. These findings imply that manipulating IL‐10 production by human B cells could be a useful therapeutic strategy for modulating immune responses in humans.  相似文献   

Graft‐versus‐host disease (GvHD) is a frequent life‐threatening complication following allogeneic HSC transplantation (HSCT). IL‐10 is a regulatory cytokine with important roles during GvHD, yet its relevant sources, and mode of action, remain incompletely defined in this disease. Using IL‐10‐deficient donor or host mice (BALB/c or C57BL/6, respectively) in a MHC‐mismatched model for acute GvHD, we found a strongly aggravated course of the disease with increased mortality when either donor or host cells could not produce this cytokine. A lack of IL‐10 resulted in increased allogeneic T‐cell responses and enhanced activation of host DCs in spleen and MLNs. Remarkably, IL‐10 was prominently produced by host‐ and donor‐derived CD5intCD1dintTIM‐1int B cells in this disease, and consistent with this, allogeneic HSCT resulted in exacerbated GvHD when mice lacking IL‐10 expression in B cells were used as donor or host, compared with controls. Taken together, this study demonstrates that host and donor B cell‐derived IL‐10 provides a unique mechanism of suppression of acute GvHD, and suggests that DCs are the targets of this B cell‐mediated suppressive effect. These findings open novel therapeutic possibilities based on the use of B cells to increase the feasibility of allogeneic HSCT.  相似文献   

Programmed death‐1 (PD‐1) plays an important role in mediating immune tolerance through mechanisms that remain unclear. Herein, we investigated whether PD‐1 prevents excessive host tissue damage during infection with the protozoan parasite, Toxoplasma gondii. Surprisingly, our results demonstrate that PD‐1‐deficient mice have increased susceptibility to T. gondii, with increased parasite cyst counts along with reduced type‐1 cytokine responses (IL‐12 and IFN‐γ). PD‐1?/? DCs showed no cell intrinsic defect in IL‐12 production in vitro. Instead, PD‐1 neutralization via genetic or pharmacological approaches resulted in a striking increase in IL‐10 release, which impaired type‐1‐inflammation during infection. Our results indicate that the absence of PD‐1 increases IL‐10 production even in the absence of infection. Although the possibility that such increased IL‐10 protects against autoimmune damage is speculative, our results show that IL‐10 suppresses the development of protective Th1 immune response after T. gondii infection.  相似文献   

Early production of pro‐inflammatory cytokines, including IFN‐γ, is essential for control of blood‐stage malaria infections. We have shown that IFN‐γ production can be induced among human natural killer (NK) cells by coculture with Plasmodium falciparum infected erythrocytes, but the importance of this response is unclear. To further explore the role of NK cells during malaria infection, we have characterized the NK‐cell response of C57BL/6 mice during lethal (PyYM) or nonlethal (Py17XNL) P. yoelii infection. Ex vivo flow cytometry revealed that NK cells are activated within 24 h of Py17XNL blood‐stage infection, expressing CD25 and producing IFN‐γ; this response was blunted and delayed during PyYM infection. CD25 expression and IFN‐γ production were highly correlated, suggesting a causal relationship between the two responses. Subsequent in vitro experiments revealed that IL‐18 signaling is essential for induction of CD25 and synergizes with IL‐12 to enhance CD25 expression on splenic NK cells. In accordance with this, Py17XNL‐infected erythrocytes induced NK‐cell CD25 expression and IFN‐γ production in a manner that is completely IL‐18‐ and partially IL‐12‐dependent, and IFN‐γ production is enhanced by IL‐2. These data suggest that IL‐2 signaling via CD25 amplifies IL‐18‐ and IL‐12‐mediated NK‐cell activation during malaria infection.  相似文献   

Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) is used to treat immune‐mediated diseases but its mechanism of action is poorly understood. We have reported that co‐treatment with IVIg and lipopolysaccharide activates macrophages to produce large amounts of anti‐inflammatory IL‐10 in vitro. Thus, we asked whether IVIg‐treated macrophages or IVIg could reduce intestinal inflammation in mice during dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)‐induced colitis by inducing macrophage IL‐10 production in vivo. Adoptive transfer of IVIg‐treated macrophages reduces intestinal inflammation in mice and collagen accumulation post‐DSS. IVIg treatment also reduces DSS‐induced intestinal inflammation and its activity is dependent on the Fc portion of the antibody. Ex vivo, IVIg induces IL‐10 production and reduces IL‐12/23p40 and IL‐1β production in colon explant cultures. Co‐staining tissues for mRNA, we demonstrate that macrophages are the source of IL‐10 in IVIg‐treated mice; and using IL‐10‐GFP reporter mice, we demonstrate that IVIg induces IL‐10 production by intestinal macrophages. Finally, IVIg‐mediated protection is lost in mice deficient in macrophage IL‐10 production (LysMcre+/?IL‐10fl/fl mice). Together, our data demonstrate a novel, in vivo mechanism of action for IVIg. IVIg‐treated macrophages or IVIg could be used to treat people with intestinal inflammation and may be particularly useful for people with inflammatory bowel disease, who are refractory to therapy.  相似文献   

CD38 is a transmembrane protein expressed in B lymphocytes, and is able to induce responses as proliferation, differentiation or apoptosis. Several reports propose that CD38 deficiency accelerates autoimmune processes in murine models of autoimmune diabetes, lymphoproliferation and rheumatoid arthritis. Other reports have shown elevated CD38 expression in B and T cells from patients with autoimmunity; however, the role of CD38 is still unclear in the development of autoimmunity. Recently, it has been characterized as CD1dhi CD5+ regulatory B cell subpopulation able to produce IL‐10, and the loss of these cells exacerbates the autoimmunity in murine models. Here, we report that CD38 / mice exhibited elevated titres of ANAS, anti‐dsDNA autoantibodies from 12 months of age and were higher by 16 months of age and mice presented kidney damage. Interestingly, there is a reduction in the survival of CD38 / mice compared to the WT. Furthermore, CD38 is highly expressed by CD1dhigh CD5+ regulatory B cells, and the agonistic anti‐CD38 stimulus plus LPS was able to increase the percentage of this cell subset and its ability to induce IL‐10 production. Together, these results suggest that CD38 could play a role in the control of autoimmune diseases through their expression on regulatory B cells.  相似文献   

To evaluate the immunotoxicity of trichloroethylene (TCE), we conducted a cross‐sectional molecular epidemiology study in China of workers exposed to TCE. We measured serum levels of IL‐6, IL‐10, and TNF‐α, which play a critical role in regulating various components of the immune system, in 71 exposed workers and 78 unexposed control workers. Repeated personal exposure measurements were taken in workers before blood collection using 3 M organic vapor monitoring badges. Compared to unexposed workers, the serum concentration of IL‐10 in workers exposed to TCE was decreased by 70% (P = 0.001) after adjusting for potential confounders. Further, the magnitude of decline in IL‐10 was >60% and statistically significant in workers exposed to <12 ppm as well as in workers with exposures ≥ 12 ppm of TCE, compared to unexposed workers. No significant differences in levels of IL‐6 or TNF‐α were observed among workers exposed to TCE compared to unexposed controls. Given that IL‐10 plays an important role in immunologic processes, including mediating the Th1/Th2 balance, our findings provide additional evidence that TCE is immunotoxic in humans. Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 54:450–454, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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