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Brain tumor is a distinct pathological entity that differs from other diseases, including cerebrovascular, demyelinating, inflammatory, infectious, and various miscellaneous diseases. Insidious onset and gradual progression of signs and symptoms are common in patients with brain tumors, whereas the onset of cerebrovascular diseases is usually acute or sudden. Patients with demyelinating, inflammatory, or infectious diseases show subacute onset. Differentiation of brain tumors from other disorders is usually possible from the clinically and radiologically characteristic features. However, in some diseases other than brain tumors, an atypical clinical course and/or radiological findings may suggest or simulate those of brain tumors. The diagnosis of brain tumor is confirmed histopathologically, and appropriate therapies are given to the patient based on the histopathological type and grade of the tumor. In order to obtain a specimen for histopathological examination, surgical intervention is required. Other diseases are usually diagnosed clinically and radiologically. Invasive procedures should be avoided in making a diagnosis. Therefore, differentiation of brain tumors from other diseases is a critical issue for neuroimaging. Detailed inspection of images is necessary, and characteristic findings, and additional imaging methods, such as diffusion-weighted imaging, are often helpful for the differential diagnosis. We assess the imaging findings of diseases simulating brain tumors and review the literature.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: In this second article, we review the various strategies and applications that make use of reporter genes for molecular imaging of the brain in living subjects. These approaches are emerging as valuable tools for monitoring gene expression in diverse applications in laboratory animals, including the study of gene-targeted and trafficking cells, gene therapies, transgenic animals, and more complex molecular interactions within the central nervous system. Further development of more sensitive and selective reporters, combined with improvements in detection technology, will consolidate the position of in vivo reporter gene imaging as a versatile technique for greater understanding of intracellular biologic processes and underlying molecular neuropathology and will potentially establish a future role in the clinical management of patients with neurologic diseases.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: In this first article, we review the basic principles of using reporter genes for molecular imaging of the brain in living subjects. This approach is emerging as a valuable tool for monitoring gene expression in diverse applications in laboratory animals, including the study of gene-targeted and trafficking cells, gene therapies, transgenic animals, and more complex molecular interactions within the central nervous system. Further development of more sensitive and selective reporters, combined with improvements in detection technology, will consolidate the position of in vivo reporter gene imaging as a versatile method for greater understanding of intracellular biologic processes and underlying molecular neuropathology and will potentially establish a future role in the clinical management of patients with neurologic diseases.  相似文献   

As an essential part of the National Cancer Institute (NCI)-funded Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium (PBTC), the Neuroimaging Center (NIC) is dedicated to infusing the study of pediatric brain tumors with imaging "best practice" by producing a correlative research plan that 1) resonates with novel therapeutic interventions being developed by the wider PBTC, 2) ensures that every PBTC protocol incorporates an imaging "end point" among its objectives, 3) promotes the widespread implementation of standardized technical protocols for neuroimaging, and 4) facilitates a quality assurance program that complies with the highest standards for image data transfer, diagnostic image quality, and data integrity. To accomplish these specific objectives, the NIC works with the various PBTC sites (10 in all, plus NCI/ National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke representation) to ensure that the overarching mission of the consortium--to better understand tumor biology and develop new therapies for central nervous system tumors in children--is furthered by creating a uniform body of imaging techniques, technical protocols, and standards. Since the inception of the NIC in 2003, this broader mandate has been largely accomplished through a series of site visits and meetings aimed at assessing prevailing neuroimaging practices against NIC-recommended protocols, techniques, and strategies for achieving superior image quality and executing the secure transfer of data to the central PBTC. These ongoing evaluations periodically examine investigations into targeted drug therapies. In the future, the NIC will concentrate its efforts on improving image analysis for MR imaging and positron-emission tomography (PET) and on developing new ligands for PET; imaging markers for radiation therapy; and novel systemic, intrathecal, and intralesional therapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

In this article we present several conditions that present as nontraumatic but urgent issues needing prompt and accurate imaging evaluation in the acute setting. We also present several conditions that frequently present a diagnostic challenge to the practicing radiologist: cauda equina syndrome, benign versus malignant vertebral collapse, atlantoaxial rotatory fixation, and idiopathic vertebral osteonecrosis (Kümmell's disease). Familiarity with the disease processes, relevant histologic findings, the resultant imaging anatomy, and the strengths and weaknesses of various imaging tests available will allow the practicing radiologist the opportunity to image patients with these suspected conditions efficiently and effectively.  相似文献   

肝性脑病是终末期肝硬化的重要并发症,导致病人出现一系列神经及认知功能改变。肝移植术后病人在肝功能恢复的同时其认知功能也可明显改善。MRI可以从脑代谢、结构及功能方面更进一步揭示肝硬化病人移植术后认知及脑改变情况。综述肝移植术后认知改变的研究现状以及最新的多模态MRI技术在术后脑改变中的应用,及其在揭示术后认知恢复及残存损害的神经机制中的价值。  相似文献   

Intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) is a novel conformal radiotherapy technique which is gaining increasingly widespread use. This second clinical article aims to summarize the published data pertaining to prostate cancer, pelvic irradiation, gynaecological and breast cancer. Prostate cancer patients represent the largest group treated to date. The main indication has been radiation dose escalation within acceptable normal tissue late toxicity. Phase II data are promising, but no randomized clinical trial data are available to support its use. Pelvic IMRT aims to deliver radical radiation doses to pelvic lymph nodes while sparing the bowel and bladder. Indications for breast IMRT data are reviewed, and current data presented. Further data from randomized trials are required to confirm the anticipated benefits of IMRT in patients.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular nuclear medicine is an extremely useful clinical tool. The full potential of nuclear techniques in pediatrics has only recently been realized. Depending on the child's problem, one may choose to perform qualitative radionuclide angiography, first-pass studies, gated blood pool studies, myocardial perfusion imaging, particle imaging, or a combination of these studies. The examinations are sensitive, noninvasive, accurate, and available on the clinical level.  相似文献   

To evaluate the changes of regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) in artificial hypertensive state, we investigated vascular responses to changes of arterial carbon dioxide tension (PCO2) and blood pressure by means of positron emission tomography (PET). The subjects were eight brain tumors which were histologically proven. We calculated CBF changes in hypercapnic and hypocapnic state, and then using those results, CBF changes in hypertensive state were corrected. Every patient represented a selective increase of tumor blood flow in hypertensive state induced by angiotensin II, demonstrating a loss of autoregulation in tumor. Our results suggested the possibility of enhancement of chemotherapy for brain tumors.  相似文献   

FDG-PET on irradiated brain tumor: ten years' summary   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Purpose: To evaluate FDG-PET in post-radiotherapy differentiation of tumor recurrence/malignant degeneration and radiation reaction, and to assess the role of PET in terms of survival.

Material and Methods: 117 consecutive patients with a total of 156 FDG-PET examinations with positive but non-diagnostic MRI and/or CT were included. Final diagnosis was based on histopathology or correlated with radiologic and clinical follow-up. Brain metastases from lung carcinomas were further studied separately. Survival time was analysed using the Kaplan-Meier method.

Results: There were 61 true-positive, 2 false-positive, 15 false-negative, and 51 true-negative PET examinations; 5 positive and 22 negative PET examinations were indeterminate. The positive predictive value of a PET examination was 96% in all and 100% in brain metastases from lung carcinoma. The negative predictive value based on the histopathologic results was 55.6%. Survival time was significantly longer in patients with negative PET.

Conclusion: FDG-PET is a valuable tool in the detection of tumor recurrence, especially lung carcinoma metastasis. FDG uptake is a prognostic marker.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic evaluation of fetal limb growth: part II   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A number of imaging techniques have been used to investigate changes produced in the brain by boxing. Most morphological studies have failed to show significant correlations between putative abnormalities on imaging and clinical evidence of brain damage. Fenestration of the septum pellucidum, with formation of a cavum, one of the most frequent observations, does not appear to correlate with neurological or physiological evidence of brain damage. Serial studies on large groups may be more informative. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy and cerebral blood flow studies have been reported in only small numbers of boxers; serial studies are not available to date. Received: 5 August 1991/Accepted: 5 August 1999  相似文献   

As a continuation of “Postmortem Chemistry Update Part I,” Part II deals with molecules linked to liver and cardiac functions, alcohol intake and alcohol misuse, myocardial ischemia, inflammation, sepsis, anaphylaxis, and hormonal disturbances. A very important array of new material concerning these situations had appeared in the forensic literature over the last two decades. Some molecules, such as procalcitonin and C-reactive protein, are currently researched in cases of suspected sepsis and inflammation, whereas many other analytes are not integrated into routine casework. As in part I, a literature review concerning a large panel of molecules of forensic interest is presented, as well as the results of our own observations, where possible.  相似文献   

Structural MRI and functional imaging by SPECT as well as 18F-FDG PET are widely used in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Metabolic and perfusion reductions in the parietotemporal association cortex are recognized as a diagnostic pattern for AD. Outstanding progress in the diagnostic accuracy of these modalities has been achieved with statistical analysis on a voxel-by-voxel basis after anatomic standardization of individual scans to a standardized brain volume template instead of visual inspection or a volume-of-interest technique. In a very early stage of AD, this statistical approach revealed losses of gray matter in the entorhinal and hippocampal areas and hypometabolism or hypoperfusion in the posterior cingulate cortex and precuneus. This statistical approach also offers a prediction of the conversion from mild cognitive impairment (MCI) to AD. The presence of hypometabolism or hypoperfusion in parietal association areas and entorhinal atrophy at the MCI stage have been reported to predict a rapid conversion to AD. A recent advance in voxel-based statistical analysis has markedly enhanced the value of brain perfusion SPECT in diagnosing early AD at the stage of MCI.  相似文献   

近年来,人工智能技术被广泛地应用于阿尔兹海默症(AD)的计算机辅助诊断和疾病机理研究,基于图论的复杂网络分析技术是其中一种常见的数据挖掘方法,通过结构磁共振、功能磁共振和PET等神经成像手段获取多模态脑影像信息,结合复杂网络分析方法发现,AD患者大脑结构/功能网络存在拓扑异常改变。这一发现为AD的早期诊断和机理研究提供了新思路。笔者综述了复杂网络分析技术在AD脑结构和功能影像中的临床应用现状,并对其发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

Repeated-sprint ability - part II: recommendations for training   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Short-duration sprints, interspersed with brief recoveries, are common during most team sports. The ability to produce the best possible average sprint performance over a series of sprints (≤10 seconds), separated by short (≤60 seconds) recovery periods has been termed repeated-sprint ability (RSA). RSA is therefore an important fitness requirement of team-sport athletes, and it is important to better understand training strategies that can improve this fitness component. Surprisingly, however, there has been little research about the best training methods to improve RSA. In the absence of strong scientific evidence, two principal training theories have emerged. One is based on the concept of training specificity and maintains that the best way to train RSA is to perform repeated sprints. The second proposes that training interventions that target the main factors limiting RSA may be a more effective approach. The aim of this review (Part II) is to critically analyse training strategies to improve both RSA and the underlying factors responsible for fatigue during repeated sprints (see Part I of the preceding companion article). This review has highlighted that there is not one type of training that can be recommended to best improve RSA and all of the factors believed to be responsible for performance decrements during repeated-sprint tasks. This is not surprising, as RSA is a complex fitness component that depends on both metabolic (e.g. oxidative capacity, phosphocreatine recovery and H+ buffering) and neural factors (e.g. muscle activation and recruitment strategies) among others. While different training strategies can be used in order to improve each of these potential limiting factors, and in turn RSA, two key recommendations emerge from this review; it is important to include (i) some training to improve single-sprint performance (e.g. 'traditional' sprint training and strength/power training); and (ii) some high-intensity (80-90% maximal oxygen consumption) interval training to best improve the ability to recover between sprints. Further research is required to establish whether it is best to develop these qualities separately, or whether they can be developed concurrently (without interference effects). While research has identified a correlation between RSA and total sprint distance during soccer, future studies need to address whether training-induced changes in RSA also produce changes in match physical performance.  相似文献   

Update on brain tumor imaging: from anatomy to physiology   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

创伤后应激障碍是个体经历严重的创伤性事件(如战争、受虐)后产生的严重的精神障碍。近年来,脑神经影像研究尤其是功能神经影像学研究在创伤后应激障碍中的应用日益增多,功能神经影像技术有利于观察创伤后应激障碍功能脑区以及神经环路的异常。本文综述功能神经影像技术(功能磁共振成像,正电子发射断层扫描,和单光子发射计算机体层扫描)在创伤后应激障碍研究中的重要发现,并提出今后可能的研究方向。  相似文献   

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