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目的探讨老年痴呆与负性生活事件之间的关系,提高社会对老年痴呆问题的认知,为患者早期的干预措施提供依据。方法对48例痴呆患者(痴呆组)[27例阿尔采末氏病性痴呆患者(AD组)、21例血管性痴呆患者(VD组)]和51例其他精神疾病患者(对照组)使用"生活事件量表"进行问卷调查,对各组患者的负性生活事件进行比较分析。结果痴呆组和对照组性别、年龄、文化程度和婚姻状况等方面比较差异无统计学意义(均P〉0.05)。痴呆组中城镇居民显著高于农村居民(P〈0.05)。AD组和VD组的年龄、文化程度和婚姻状况等方面比较差异无统计学意义(均P〉0.05)。AD组女性患者多于VD组,男性患者少于VD组(均P〈0.05)。AD组与VD组负性生活总得分和家庭有关问题比较差异无统计学意义(均P〉0.05),在工作学习中的问题和社交与其他问题比较差异有统计学意义(均P〈0.05)。痴呆组和对照组负性生活总得分、家庭有关问题以及社交与其他问题比较差异无统计学意义(均P〉0.05),在工作学习问题上比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。AD组在配偶死亡、家庭经济困难、家庭成员死亡上与VD组比较差异有统计学意义(均P〈0.05)。痴呆组在与爱人父母不和、家庭经济困难上与对照组比较差异有统计学意义(均P〈0.05)。结论丧偶对AD患者的风险高于VD患者,对"无伴侣"老年人提供早期干预是降低AD发生风险的有效手段。  相似文献   

目的 探讨咽喉反流患者症状与负性情绪的关系.方法 选取2019年3月~2020年3月在我院就诊的咽喉反流患者60例为观察组,抽取我院正常健康志愿者60例为对照组,两组均行医院焦虑抑郁量表(HADS)、反流症状指数量表(RSI)和反流体征评分量表(RFS),观察组在施以质子泵抑制剂之后再行HADS、RSI和RFS,评估咽...  相似文献   

目的 探讨西安市养老机构老年人抑郁发生率与负性生活事件的相关性.方法 采用整群抽样的方法抽取西安市20所养老机构的473名老年人进行老年抑郁症状评定、一般情况和负性生活事件的调查,采用描述性分析、χ2检验、Spearman相关和Logistic多元回归分析数据.结果 养老机构老年人抑郁症状发生率为31.3%.经历负性生活事件的老年人抑郁发生率高于未经历者,且随着经历负性生活事件数目的 增多,抑郁发生率也随之增高(P<0.01);Logistic多元回归分析显示,负性生活事件中的健康恶化、经济困难和不愉快经历是导致老年人抑郁发生的重要因素.结论 西安市养老机构老年人抑郁发生率高,且与经历负性生活事件密切相关;应开展有针对性的心理疏导,提高老年人的心理健康水平.  相似文献   

医科大学生的生活事件与焦虑   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:分析医科大学生的具体生活事件和焦虑状况的关系。方法:采用青少年生活事件量表和青少年焦虑量表于2004—03对北京大学医科部医科本专科学生957人进行问卷调查。采用青少年生活事件量表评估生活事件对焦虑状态的影响,该量表共有27个项目,每项事件的刺激强度根据经历生活事件时的心理感受,分别量化为1无影响、2轻度、3中度、4重度、5极重度。青少年焦虑评定采用王极盛编制的青少年焦虑量表,该量表由20个项目构成,均采用5级评分标准,分别是1无、2轻度、3中度、4偏重、5重度,焦虑的指标采用20个项目的总平均分,焦虑的平均分在2.00(不包括2.00)以下的即不存在明显焦虑情绪:平均分在2.00~2.99即存在轻度焦虑情绪;平均分3.00-3.99即存在中度焦虑情绪;平均分在4.00-4.99即存在比较严重的焦虑情绪。以焦虑状态为因变量,以与之显著相关的27个生活事件项目为自变量进行多元回归分析。结果:在纳入数据的957人中,生活事件量表有效数据除第13、21、27(2)项目为951人,第15项为950人之外,其余各项目均为952人;焦虑量表有效数据为893人。①生活事件各个项目的平均分在1.070&;#177;0.405至2.120&;#177;1.025之间。其中得分项目最高的10个项目分别依次是考试失败或不理想、学习负担重、被人误会或错怪、与同学或好友发生纠纷、长期远离家人不能团聚、生活习惯(饮食、休息等)明显变化、受人歧视冷遇、亲友死亡、不喜欢上学、家人朋友患急重病。②在恋爱不顺利或失恋、与人打架两个项目上男生的评分结果高于女生。存在着明显的性别差异(t12.993,P〈0.01);(t=4.544,P〈0.001),而年级间评分比较结果表明不存在显著的年级差异。(国医科大学生焦虑的平均分为1.901&;#177;0.652,其中焦虑的平均分在2.00(不包括2.00)以下,即不存在明显焦虑情绪536人,占60.2%;平均分在2.00-2.99,即存在轻度焦虑情绪的293人,占32.9%;平均分3.00-3.99,即存在中度焦虑情绪的56人,占6.2%;平均分在4.00-4.99。即存在比较严重的焦虑情绪的6人。占0.5%;平均分为5.00的,既存在严重焦虑情绪的2人,占0.2%。医科大学生焦虑得分不存在明显的性别差异和年级差异(t=0.838。P〉0.05);(F=1.601,P〉0.05)。④生活事件中27个项目均与焦虑呈显著正相关(P〈0.001)。⑤经多元回归分析表明。不喜欢上学、学习负担重、家庭经济困难、考试失败或不理想、升学压力、本人患急重病这6类生活事件进入回归方程。结论:医科大学生生活事件与焦虑有广泛的正相关性。不喜欢上学、学习负担重、家庭经济困难、考试失败或不理想、升学压力、本人患急重病6项生活事件对医科大学生焦虑有较大的预测作用。  相似文献   

目的:调查分析生活中的主要事件对大学生焦虑状况的影响。 方法:于2005—10抽样调查河南大学360名在校大学生。采用状态一特质焦虑量表、生活事件调查问卷和自拟学生家庭基本情况问卷进行测评。状态一特质焦虑量表包括分别测定状态焦虑和特质焦虑的自评问卷量表,各由20个问题构成,采用5级量表评分制。生活事件调查问卷共27道题目,由人际关系、学习压力、丧失、健康适应、受惩罚和其他6个因子构成,采用4级量表评分制,其内部一致性为0.85,重测信度为0.69,分半信度为0.88。 结果:发放问卷387份,回收合格问卷360份,有效率为93%。①不同专业的大学生问状态焦虑比较,文科大学生高于理科,差异极其显著(54.42&;#177;9.44,51.22&;#177;10.33,t=2.892,P=0.004),在性别、家庭、年级维度上,大学生的状态-特质焦虑差异不显著。②在生活事件问卷中,学习压力因子的平均得分最高,其次是人际关系因子、丧失因子、健康适应因子、其他困素因子和受惩罚因子。人际关系、学习压力、受惩罚因子、健康适应和其他因素因子与状态焦虑和特质焦虑存在着极其显著的正相关(r=0.219,0.279,0.138,0.304,0.304,0.246,0.317,0.191,0.328,0.328,P〈0.01)。③生活事件和状态-特质焦虑的回归分析结果表明,对状态焦虑的预测以健康适应因子最佳,达9.2%解释量,其次为学习压力解释2.2%、受惩罚因子解释2.4%、其他因素解释1.4%;对特质焦虑的预测以其他影响因素的最佳,达11.4%解释量,其次为学习压力3.3%、受惩罚因子1.8%、健康适应因子1.6%。 结论:生活事件和焦虑正相关,学习压力和人际关系因素是影响大学生焦虑的主要生活事件。  相似文献   

目的探讨个性特征、生活事件、负性情绪等因素对急性心肌梗塞的影响。方法对91例急性心肌梗患者和90例健康体检者采用艾森克个性问卷、生活事件量表、社会支持评定量表、汉密顿焦虑量表、汉密顿抑郁量表进行测评分析。结果79.12%急性心肌梗患者发作前有明显心理刺激因素。艾森克个性问卷评分研究组E、N维度分均显著高于对照组(P均〈0.01);生活事件量表评分研究组精神紧张总分、负性生活事件、家庭事件、工作事件、社交事件因子分均显著高于对照组(P均〈0.01);社会支持评定量表评分研究组总分及客观支持、主观支持、对支持利用度因子分均显著低于对照组(P均〈0.01);研究组汉密顿焦虑量表、汉密顿抑郁量表总分及各因子分均显著高于对照组(P均〈0.01),焦虑情绪发生率为60%,抑郁情绪发生率为57.14%,对照组分别为20.0%、21.11%;研究组焦虑、抑郁情绪发生率均显著高于对照组(P均〈0.05)。结论有缺陷的个性特征、负性事件,缺乏亲人和社会支持,负性情绪等因素均是诱发急性心肌梗的危险因素。  相似文献   

焦虑和抑郁是日常生活中常见的负性情绪,这些不良情绪的出现,一方面可使人的整个心理活动失去平衡,影响个体的认知方式、正常的学习和交往活动;另一方面造成生理机制的紊乱,从而导致各种疾病。本研究试图探讨护生一般自我效能感、生活事件与焦虑和抑郁情绪的关系,从而为护生改善生活事件带来的不良情绪提供对策,  相似文献   

目的:调查分析生活中的主要事件对大学生焦虑状况的影响。方法:于2005-10抽样调查河南大学360名在校大学生。采用状态-特质焦虑量表、生活事件调查问卷和自拟学生家庭基本情况问卷进行测评。状态-特质焦虑量表包括分别测定状态焦虑和特质焦虑的自评问卷量表,各由20个问题构成,采用5级量表评分制。生活事件调查问卷共27道题目,由人际关系、学习压力、丧失、健康适应、受惩罚和其他6个因子构成,采用4级量表评分制,其内部一致性为0.85,重测信度为0.69,分半信度为0.88。结果:发放问卷387份,回收合格问卷360份,有效率为93%。①不同专业的大学生间状态焦虑比较,文科大学生高于理科,差异极其显著(54.42±9.44,51.22±10.33,t=2.892,P=0.004),在性别、家庭、年级维度上,大学生的状态-特质焦虑差异不显著。②在生活事件问卷中,学习压力因子的平均得分最高,其次是人际关系因子、丧失因子、健康适应因子、其他因素因子和受惩罚因子。人际关系、学习压力、受惩罚因子、健康适应和其他因素因子与状态焦虑和特质焦虑存在着极其显著的正相关(r=0.219,0.279,0.138,0.304,0.304,0.246,0.317,0.191,0.328,0.328,P<0.01)。③生活事件和状态-特质焦虑的回归分析结果表明,对状态焦虑的预测以健康适应因子最佳,达9.2%解释量,其次为学习压力解释2.2%、受惩罚因子解释2.4%、其他因素解释1.4%;对特质焦虑的预测以其他影响因素的最佳,达11.4%解释量,其次为学习压力3.3%、受惩罚因子1.8%、健康适应因子1.6%。结论:生活事件和焦虑正相关,学习压力和人际关系因素是影响大学生焦虑的主要生活事件。  相似文献   

目的探索美沙酮维持治疗者的生活事件发生情况及焦虑、抑郁情绪问题,以及生活事件与焦虑抑郁情绪的相关性。方法对150名美沙酮维持治疗者采用生活事件量表、焦虑自评量表和抑郁自评量表进行测评分析。结果74.6%美沙酮维持治疗者经历的负性生活事件为:生活规律重大变动(饮食睡眠规律改变)。美沙酮维持治疗者经历的负性生活事件远远多于正性生活事件,这些负性生活事件与焦虑、抑郁情绪呈显著相关。结论对美沙酮维持治疗者治疗的同时应更多地了解他们的生活背景、负性生活事件及情绪问题等,这样有助于更好地进行心理干预。  相似文献   

任晓莹  储萍 《大医生》2021,(6):106-108
目的 探讨孕妇焦虑与抑郁情绪及生活事件对妊娠结局的影响.方法 选取济宁市第一人民医院2018年4月至2019年8月收治的健康无合并症孕妇100例为研究对象.对孕妇的焦虑、抑郁、生活事件?(OE)现状进行调查,分析三者与不良妊娠结局的关系,对不良妊娠结局进行Logistic多因素回归分析.结果 孕妇的状态焦虑、特质焦虑与...  相似文献   

PurposeTo explore whether resilience acted as a protective factor between negative life events and depression among Chinese adolescents.MethodUsing convenient sampling, students (N = 278) in two junior and senior high schools in Wuhan, China were investigated, and structural equation model was used to examine the mediating effect of resilience in the relationship between negative life events and depression.ResultsResilience was negatively correlated with negative life events and depression, and negative life events were positively correlated with depression. Resilience partially mediated the effects of negative life events on depression in Chinese adolescents.ConclusionsIt is important for educators to improve adolescents' resilience to mitigate the effects of negative life events on depression.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Health-related Quality of Life (QoL) is gaining increasing influence as a relevant evaluation criterium in clinical research. Several studies have investigated QoL in patients suffering from multiple sclerosis (MS) and the impact of therapeutic interventions on QoL. However, the influence of psychiatric complications, which occur frequently in MS (e.g. depression and anxiety disorders), on the autoassessment of QoL are hardly ever considered. METHODS: Symptoms of depression and anxiety were rated in 74 outpatients with definite MS. The health-related QoL was assessed and set into relation to physical disability (measured with the Expanded Disability Status Scale) and duration of the disease. The results were compared with 74 normal controls of the same age. RESULTS: A highly significant relationship between emotional state (Zerssen-scale), depression (Zung-depression-scale), anxiety (Zung anxiety scale) and Quality of Life was evident. CONCLUSIONS: Clinical trials assessing Quality of Life in MS patients should consider the frequency of psychiatric comorbidity and the influence of depression and anxiety disorders on self-rated Quality of Life.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to investigate whether or not the relationship between attributional style, daily life events or hassles, and hopelessness depression is mediated by gender and mood at the time when attributional style is assessed. Measures of attributional style, hassles, depression, and hopelessness were administered, in a prospective design, to 100 undergraduate students on two occasions separated by 1 month. Results showed that the interaction of attributional style, hassles, and gender predicted change in hopelessness levels (p <.05) and that this interaction demonstrated a nonsignificant trend toward predicting change in depression symptom levels (p =.07). The interaction of attributional style, hassles, and time 1 depression scores also demonstrated a nonsignificant trend toward predicting change in depression symptom levels (p =.08), but did not predict change in hopelessness levels. The interaction of attributional style and hassles did not, by itself, predict change in either depression or hopelessness levels. These findings suggest that research investigating relationships between causal attributions for negative life events and depression should consider the potential influences of gender and of mood at the time when causal attributions are assessed. This research was funded in part by a Gettysburg College Institutional Renewal Grant. The author wishes to express his appreciation to Dr. Constance Hammen and two anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments regarding earlier versions of this article.  相似文献   

目的 观察心理康复对焦虑、抑郁症状的疗效。方法 对212例具有失眼、慢性头痛、头晕或多系统症状而不能用某一种疾病解释的患者,进行焦虑抑郁量表检测,并随机分为康复组(88例)和对照组(124例)。前者给予心理康复治疗,后者给予药物治疗,比较两者的疗效。结果 康复组总有效率90.91%,高于对照组(74.19%)(P<0.05)。结论 对综合医院中具有失眠、头痛、头晕或多系统症状而不能用某一种疾病解释的患者,应进行焦虑抑郁量表检测并给予心理康复治疗。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨乳腺癌病人术后焦虑、抑郁情绪及应对方式对其生命质量的影响程度,为医护人员开展心理护理提供依据。[方法]采用乳腺癌病人生命质量测定量表、焦虑自评量表、抑郁自评量表和特质应对方式问卷对116例乳腺癌病人进行测试,并分析其相关性以及各因素对乳腺癌病人生命质量的影响程度。[结果]乳腺癌病人术后生命质量水平偏低;乳腺癌病人生命质量总分及各维度均与消极应对、焦虑、抑郁呈负相关,与积极应对呈正相关;消极应对、积极应对、焦虑、抑郁情绪均为乳腺癌病人生命质量的影响因素,共同解释乳腺癌病人生命质量的77%,而影响病人生命质量的关键因素则是消极应对。[结论]乳腺癌病人术后焦虑、抑郁情绪越严重,越是习惯采用消极应对方式的病人,其生命质量越差。建议医护人员加强对病人的心理疏导,鼓励病人积极应对各种应激,提高生活质量。  相似文献   

Negative patterns of thinking, termed cognitive vulnerabilities, have been identified as risk factors for the development of depressive symptoms when adolescents experience negative life events. This study evaluated the associations among three cognitive vulnerabilities (i.e., dysfunctional attitudes, negative inferential style, and ruminative response style) and negative life events with depressive symptoms in a sample of young adolescents. All three cognitive vulnerabilities were found to be significantly associated with depressive symptoms. Furthermore, ruminative response style was found to have a significant unique contribution to the number of depressive symptoms. Findings suggest that cognitive vulnerabilities, particularly rumination, may be instrumental in explaining the development of depressive symptoms in young adolescents.  相似文献   

Objective To establish the relationship between depressive symptoms and anxiety with both the quality of life and functional capacity of heart transplant patients. Methods Thirty-four patients were included. Outcome measures were the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the State- Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), the Short Form 36 (SF36) and peak oxygen consumption (pVO2). Results After the transplant there was a significant negative correlation between the BDI and most of subgroups on the SF36 (p<0.05). There were significant negative correlations found between the pVO2 and both the BDI and STAI-trait anxiety score (p<0.05). Statistically significant improvements were noted in all subgroups on the SF36 and all BDI scores after the transplant, in comparison to the pre-transplant period (p<0.05). Conclusions The functional capacity of a person affects the state of their depression and anxiety. We recommend participation in a cardiac rehabilitation program in the early stages of transplantation and believe that the quality of life, which has been shown to be related to the functional capacity and psychological symptoms, would benefit from this program.  相似文献   

Background: Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) is a common and complex disease whose cause is often clinically inexplicable, with consequent difficulty in diagnosis and treatment. Patients with CPP have high levels of anxiety and depression, with a consequent impairment of their quality of life. Aims: The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of anxiety and depression and their impact on the quality of life of women with CPP. Materials and methods: A cross‐sectional controlled study was conducted on 52 patients with CPP and 54 women without pain. Depression and anxiety were evaluated by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and quality of life was evaluated by the World Health Organization Quality of life Whoqol‐bref questionnaire. Data were analysed statistically by the Mann‐Whitney U‐test, the Fisher exact test, chi‐square test and Spearman correlation test. Results: The prevalence of anxiety was 73% and 37% in the CPP and control groups, respectively, and the prevalence of depression was 40% and 30% respectively. Significant differences between groups were observed in the physical, psychological and social domains. Patients with higher anxiety and depression scores present lower quality of life scores. Discussion: The fact that DPC is a syndromic complex, many patients enter a chronic cycle of search for improvement of medical symptoms. The constant presence of pain may be responsible for affective changes in dynamics, family, social and sexual. Initially the person is facing the loss of a healthy body and active, to a state of dependence and limitations. In this study, patients with higher scores of anxiety and depression scores had lower quality of life and patients with lower scores of anxiety and depression had scores of quality of life. These results show that perhaps the depression and anxiety may be related to the negative impact on quality of life of these patients. Conclusion: In view of this association, we emphasise the importance of a specific approach to the treatment of anxiety and depression together with clinical treatment to improve the quality of life of these patients.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to evaluate dysfunctional attitudes as a moderator variable in the relationship between negative life events and depression. On the basis of the cognitive model of depression it was predicted that, within a normal college student population, individuals who endorse highly dysfunctional attitudes would be more adversely affected by negative life stress than would their more functional counterparts. Normal and clinical college student groups were administered measures of life events, dysfunctional attitudes, and depression. As expected, in the normal sample, there was a significant interaction between dysfunctional attitudes and negative life stress, which was consistent with the cognitive model of depression. In the clinical sample, the interaction was nonsignificant, and both dysfunctional attitudes and negative life events were found to exert a more direct influence on mood. The implications of these findings for future research were reviewed, along with a suggestion that longitudinal designs might permit a more complete test of the cognitive model.Portions of this paper were presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., August 1982. We would like to express our appreciation to Thomas M. Hess, Kenneth Hardy, and the anonymous reviewer for their helpful comments.  相似文献   

目的 探讨实习前护理专科学生(护生)的焦虑障碍状况及其与生活事件评价及个性特征的关系.方法 采用焦虑障碍量表、生活事件评价问卷和艾森克个性问卷(EPQ),对220名实习前护生进行问卷调查,并对结果进行分析.结果 实习前护生焦虑障碍平均分为(40.25±2.11)分,焦虑障碍发生率为15.76%;护生的焦虑障碍与生活事件评价和个性特征呈不同程度的相关(P<0.05).结论 实习前护生焦虑障碍状况较为严重,与生活事件认知评价程度和个性特征密切相关.应注重对护生沟通能力的培养,使其保持良好的心态.  相似文献   

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