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李莉  苏子洋  林贵梅  李冬  韩杰 《药学研究》2023,42(10):841-843,848
随着专业学位研究生招生人数在药学硕士中占比不断提高,专业学位药学硕士和学术学位药学硕士分类培养的问题受到教育部门和学术界重点关注。本文介绍了新形势下对于药学硕士专业学位研究生的培养体系的探索与创新,并针对现有药学硕士专业学位研究生培养体系中普遍存在的课程设置、导师队伍建设、专业实践、成果评价等难题提出了若干行之有效的措施。  相似文献   

为更好更快的培养适应社会需求的药学专业学位硕士研究生,对药学专业学位硕士研究生的招生、培养方向、课程教学、实践培养、质量控制等主要环节作一探讨,以对今后培养方案的改革和实施提出建议。  相似文献   

分析中药学专业学位硕士研究生培养模式的设置意义与存在问题,在借鉴国际先进药学教育培养方式的基础上,提出初步构建我国中药学专业学位研究生培养模式的主要思路与举措。  相似文献   

目的:规范药学硕士专业学位研究生的培养,提高教育培养质量。方法:结合已有的研究生培养经验,经过分析调研、会议讨论、通讯征求同行专家意见的形式,构建药学硕士专业学位研究生学位论文评价指标体系,规范化培养药学硕士专业学位研究生。结果:药学硕士专业学位研究生的课题必须紧密结合药学及相关领域的科技转化、注册与申报、生产工艺、技术改进与推广、药品监管及药学服务等实际问题。药学硕士专业学位研究生学位论文可围绕专题研究、典型案例分析、技改方案三方面内容展开。论文撰写要体现研究生综合运用科学理论、方法和技术解决实际问题的能力。根据建立的评价体系,药学硕士专业学位研究生学位论文评价结果分为优秀(≥90分)、良好(89~75分)、合格(74~60分)、不合格(≤59分)4个等级。结论:规范药学硕士专业学位研究生的培养,有利于提高教育培养质量。  相似文献   

周磊  李阿鑫  黎奕斌  李琳 《药学教育》2023,(2):17-20+59
以药学硕士专业学位研究生培养模式为研究对象,文章分别从课程体系、实践教学、导师队伍、考核体系四个方面的研究内容进行梳理,在总结与分析现有成果的同时,指出需要进一步探究解决的问题,从而为药学硕士专业学位研究生培养模式提供参考。  相似文献   

依托具有优质产业资源的江中集团,坚持“产为目的”的产学研结合培养理念,构建基于校企实践平台、适应中药产业发展需求的中药学专业研究生模式。提升中药学硕士专业学位研究生的专业水平、实践能力和行业适应能力,以适应我国中医药现代化进程对应用型高级专门中药人才的需求。  相似文献   

目的 旨在探讨和完善我国现有临床药学专业学位研究生培养模式,为快速推进我国高等临床药学教育发展提供借鉴和参考.方法 回顾我国临床药学发展历程,结合我国临床药学专业学位研究生的培养现状和不足,重点对如何明确临床药学专业学位研究生的培养定位,突出临床药学学科特色,提高专业学位研究生培养质量等问题探讨可行的解决方法.结果 为...  相似文献   

李剑  周岚  王喆  黄瑾  李卫华 《药学教育》2013,29(1):1-5,29
药学专业学位与职业资格认证接轨在我国具有很好的可行性和必要性。在四方面体现出相应优势:提高药学硕士专业学位研究生的报考和学习热情;督促和指导专业硕士学位培养方式和内容真正向应用型转移;满足国家对药学领域具有执业资格的高层次人才的日益增长的需求;实现学历文凭和职业资格两种证书制度的高效对接,减少重复性的培训和考试环节,降低人力和资源成本。  相似文献   

专业学位水平评估是提升专业学位研究生培养质量的重要手段,对学位授权点围绕专业学位教育应用性、实践性等特点完善人才培养体系有指导性意义。从培养目标契合度、师资队伍支撑度、培养过程匹配度、职业需求吻合度、社会满意度、质量保障体系有效度六个维度对专业学位评估指标进行解读。在此基础上,建议药学硕士的培养应在工业药学、临床药学、管理药学三个领域分别聚焦,构建人才培养方案,打造专业化的导师队伍,开展案例教学与实践基地建设,重视学位论文实践意义,完善人才培养质量保障体系建设,最终实现药学硕士专业学位教育与制药工程师、临床药师等职业人才有机衔接,促进医药行业发展。  相似文献   

立足中药学硕士专业学位研究生培养模式,在培养模式多样化、课程设置实用化、教学方式灵活化、指导教师双轨化、科研实践社会化以及学术交流国际化等方面提出了不同于科学学位的创新,探索和实践专业学位硕士研究生的新培养模式,丰富高等教育管理的相关理论与方法。  相似文献   

Summary Physicians looking for a position as pharmaceutical physician are usually uncertain whether they are suitable for this activity by training and personal abilities. The main requirements are a major interest in therapeutics and research as well as the ability to treat a disease as an entity instead of the individual patient. The pharmaceutical physician is a specialist in the area of drug development. Even by treating populations and diseases his ultimate goal is to contribute to better care for the individual patient. Requirements for training and the personal abilities necessary for the position of a pharmaceutical physician are described and recommendations given for applicants.  相似文献   

目的探讨导师团队采用重点专科轮转,实践操作与理论教育相结合的新型带教模式在培养专业型护理研究生护理核心能力中的运用效果。方法将随机抽取的2011、2012级护理临床型研究生15名为对照组,2013、2014级护理临床型研究生16名为实验组。对照组采用传统带教模式,实验组由护理研究生导师带领的临床导师团队带教。结果实验组实习研究生出科成绩优于对照组,且实验组实习护理研究生对临床导师满意度、临床导师对实习研究生的满意度高于对照组(P0.05)。结论由研究生导师带领的临床导师团队带教,重点专科轮转有利于专业型护理研究生护理核心能力的培养。  相似文献   

从专利工作机制和专利工作体系入手,梳理医药企业构建专利管理体系的重点举措及工作内容.本研究认为,医药企业专利管理体系的构建应充分结合医药行业的特点,并以建立健全专利创造、保护与价值实现机制为重点,以建设完善专利工作制度、岗位、人才、信息化以及文化体系作为基础.  相似文献   

Graduates' assessments of the University of Texas at Austin's nontraditional M.S. degree program in pharmacy administration were studied. A survey was constructed to assess the impact of the master's program on career advancement, to examine why pharmacists enrolled in the program, and to determine if the curriculum provided knowledge or developed skills that were practical or beneficial. The survey was mailed in April 1999 to all persons who had completed the program between 1990 and 1998. A total of 56 graduates responded, for a response rate of 90.3%. The three reasons for entering the program most frequently cited as most important were career advancement, personal development, and the desire to change job responsibilities. Thirty-four respondents (60.7%) reported receiving a promotion or changing jobs for a higher position while they were enrolled in the program or after completing it. Of these 34 respondents, 29 (85.3%) attributed their promotion or new job to the master's degree. On average, graduates reported that the knowledge and skills obtained through the program had been useful in their practice. The benefits of the program that were cited most frequently were management skills, competencies in areas of pharmacy business, opportunity to advance career, job satisfaction, and competitive advantage when applying for a job. A nontraditional master's degree program in pharmacy administration had a positive impact on the career paths of graduates.  相似文献   

Patel KT  Chotal NP 《Die Pharmazie》2010,65(11):783-790
Excipients are, in the large majority of cases, not made specifically for pharmaceutical use. Most pharmaceutical excipient manufacturers supply less than 10% of the total production of that particular material for pharmaceutical use. Excipient product portfolio consists of hundreds of products differing in chemistry, origin and functionality and they are used in many different applications. The days of treating excipients like commodities and buying them without fully qualifying the source and the entire distribution chain have gone by as GMP regulations demands to ensure quality of other materials used in the manufacturing process. The paradigm that exists in some pharmaceutical companies today where excipients are sourced from distributors without knowing the actual manufacturer, manufacturing site and full distribution lifecycle chain to be changed. The present contribution gives an overview about the current moves on GMP requirements for pharmaceutical excipient and approach for qualification of pharmaceutical excipient manufacturers.  相似文献   

There is a shortfall between output from universities and demand by the pharmaceutical and health care industries for science and engineering graduates able to rapidly contribute to success in the business environment. Against a changing infrastructure of pharmaceutical research, the development of new chemical entities by major companies accounts for a high proportion of R&D expenditure. Allocation of staff is divided fairly evenly between discovery, non-clinical and clinical research activities and in all categories the new sciences are likely to be used extensively.In dealing with the shortfall the challenge comes from balancing education in basic science with training in the emerging areas of science and technology. There is a need for a 'partnership' that includes not only industry and academia but also government, since these three bodies have both synergistic and diverging interests in scientific education.On the education-training continuum, industry should recognise what it most values from academia and provide as much input and support as possible. At the same time universities must question their ability to fulfil their traditional educational role in the face of current rates of adoption of new sciences and technology. While disciplinary excellence remains vital for PhD students, multi-disciplinary programmes are becoming increasingly important to enable graduates to function effectively in the modern, globalised pharmaceutical industry.  相似文献   

王丹 《中国当代医药》2012,(33):126-127
为了培养实践动手能力强的应用型技术人才,本校对药学系药物分析实训考核体系进行了改革,建立了药物分析独立考核体系,通过考核体系的改革,调动学生学习的积极性,增强学生的动手能力和独立解决问题的能力,提高实训教学质量。笔者就改革过程中的实践经验进行了探讨。  相似文献   

目的整合苏州地区各级医院药学服务资源,提升本地区药学服务能力和影响力,为大众提供更加优质的药学服务。方法依托新媒体平台,组织本地区药学人员,搭建区域药学信息化服务平台。并对"姑苏药学信息"微信公众平台用户满意度调查。结果通过"姑苏药学信息"微信公众号的设立与推广,苏州市运营医院药学微信公众号的单位数量增加了54.5%,覆盖了苏州市范围所有区县;微信公众号矩阵总关注人数增加了104.2%;互动咨询服务508人次。其中用户对药事药闻版块的满意度为96.67%、对查询版块的满意度为94.87%、对用药咨询版块的满意度为94.87%、对药学科普内容和形式的满意度为97.43%。结论在新医改背景下,充分利用"新媒体"便捷、快速的优势,有助于提高药学服务的触达率和公众的获得感。整合区域内药学服务资源,有利于保证药学服务的标准化与规范化,实现合作共赢。  相似文献   

Fricker MP  Davis NM 《Hospital pharmacy》1983,18(12):645-7, 650-2, 655-9 passim
The size of the average pharmacy is normally developed by gathering information from a large number of hospital pharmacies. The services provided by these pharmacies vary significantly. This tabulation is from selected hospitals that provided comprehensive pharmacy services. Fifty-four responses were tabulated. The results presented in this article indicate that these pharmacies require additional staff members and greater space allocation than the average hospital pharmacy department reported in other studies. Hospitals between 100-199 beds averaged 9.8 sq ft per bed, 200-299 bed hospitals averaged 10.1, 300-399 bed hospitals averaged 9, 400-499 bed hospitals averaged 8, and those over 500 beds averaged 9.4 sq ft per bed.  相似文献   

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