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目的:分析额叶癫癎的临床特点、脑电图(EEG)特点及临床意义。方法:对40例额叶癫癎患者的临床和EEG资料进行回顾性分析。结果:40例中临床发作为姿势性强直20例,过度运动伴自动症3例,失神发作3例,局部阵挛运动14例;于睡眠中发作19例。EEG表现为清醒期5例慢波异常,睡眠中异常27例,其中20例见癎样放电。结论:颞叶癫癎临床发作形式多种多样,以运动性发作为主;EEG睡眠期描记异常率大为提高。临床与EEG结合对癫癎诊断非常重要。  相似文献   

目的:探讨癫发作后常见症状的临床特征及在癫发作鉴别诊断中的作用。方法:选择癫患者50例,非癫性发作患者30例,分析发作后症状及脑电图表现。结果:38例癫患者和4例非癫患者发作后头痛、疲劳、嗜睡;脑电图(EEG)第一次检查异常38例,第二次异常44例,非癫发作后EEG异常8例。结论:癫患者有发作后症状,对癫的诊断有非常重要的价值。  相似文献   

目的:探讨额叶癫癎(FLE)各种发作期症状的可能产生部位。方法:回顾性分析2005—2007年在我中心接受颅内电极植入手术和癫癎灶切除术的FLE患者资料,Engel评分在Ⅱ级以上的18例患者,按发作的时间过程分解各次发作的症状学特征,分析同期皮层电图的放电部位,确定症状-解剖部位之间的相关性。根据颅内电极发作期放电的起始部位切除癫癎起源灶。结果:18例患者颅内V-EEG共监测到77次发作(每例1~18次)。额叶背外侧及运动区起始的发作期多数表现为棘波节律发放,但4例以躯体自动症开始的发作者显示为一侧额极的慢波活动;1例以发声开始的发作者皮层电图表现为弥漫性电压下降,而后出现一侧额极、中央前回棘波节律及双侧辅助运动区慢波,伴局部阵挛和躯体自动症。结论:颅外EEG对发作起源仅能给出初步的提示,精确定位需要应用颅内电极。早期和中期的发作症状,涉及的区域多数为解剖学的功能分区,晚期的发作症状,常涉及的是功能分区的临近部位。症状起源区和解剖学功能分区有比较高的符合率,症状学分析能够对癫癎灶定位有提示意义。  相似文献   

原发性癫癎是一种原因不明的多基因遗传性疾病,患者的脑电图(EEG)除了可以检出痫样波外,其影像学检查无明显异常。EEG检查在原发性癫癎的诊断和治疗效果的评价中具有不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨额叶癫癎发作的临床特征、脑电图(EEG)特点及临床意义.方法:回顾性分析30例经手术证实发作起源于额叶的药物难治性额叶癫癎患者87次临床发作症状、发作期及发作间期的头皮EEG特点.结果:额叶癫癎发作形式复杂多样,常见的发作形式有姿势性强直发作、过度运动性自动症、扭转性强直、阵挛性发作、发声、失神等,有时出现发作性情绪改变或自主神经症状等少见症状.额叶癫癎常见以下发作特点:发作频繁,常成簇出现,发作起止突然,持续时间短暂,发作后意识恢复快,以睡眠中发作为主.额叶癫癎发作间期EEG阳性率较低,额区棘波、尖波出现率相对较低,且波形不典型,发作期额叶限局性或弥漫性的改变与背景活动的差别不明显.结论:额叶癫癎临床和EEG不典型是导致额叶癫癎发作临床诊断困难的主要原因,认识额叶癫癎发作的临床特点,延长EEG记录时间,认真分析发作症候学、发作期同步EEG有助于明确诊断.  相似文献   

兹将1999年1月至2006年10月在我院诊治的脑肿瘤术前或术后继发癫(癎)发作的62例患者的临床与脑电图、影像学资料分析报告如下. 1 临床资料 本组62例中,男性40例,女性22例;年龄15~63岁,其中15~20岁5例,21~30岁13例,31~40岁29例,41~50岁12例,51~63岁3例,以31~40岁组居多.  相似文献   

癫(癎)是儿科常见的疾病,临床表现复杂多样,易与一些非癫(癎)性的发作性症状相混淆.EEG描记到(癎)性波对癫(癎)的诊断最有价值,但有部分癫(癎)病人发作不频繁,EEG描记不易捕捉到发作期,而发作间期又无异常放电,给临床诊断带来困难.我们于2002年3月至2007年1月共诊断143例发作间期EEG正常的癫(癎)病例并进行了视频脑电图(V-EEG)监测,现报告如下.  相似文献   

目的:探讨急性病毒性脑炎患者癫(癎)发作症状的临床特点、影像学、脑电图(EEG)改变及抗(癎)药物疗效.方法:回顾性分析42例急性病毒性脑炎患者癫(癎)发作症状患者的临床特点、影像学、视频脑电图(V-EEG)改变及抗(癎)药物的治疗.结果:42例急性病毒性脑炎患者癫(癎)发作症状,以部分性发作为主要发作形式,以颞叶癫(癎)症状多见,脑部磁共振(MRI)主要表现为局灶性炎性水肿、或合并出血等破坏性病灶,V-EEG以慢波改变及局灶性 (癎)样放电为主.结论:患者的临床表现、影像学、V-EEG改变对病毒性脑炎患者癫(癎)发作症状的诊断、治疗及预后评价均具有重要作用,临床需个体化选择抗(癎)药进行有效治疗.  相似文献   

目的:分析总结枕叶癫患者的临床和脑电图特征,以提高临床诊断水平。方法:对33例枕叶癫患者的临床资料和脑电图特点进行回顾性分析。结果:枕叶癫的发作形式有视觉症状、运动症状、复杂部分性发作伴自动症等。脑电图特点:一侧或双侧枕叶或枕叶及周围脑叶出现性放电。结论:枕叶癫的临床特点包括:视觉异常发作,癫发作形式多样,枕区异常脑电等。依据临床表现和脑电图特点,可做出正确诊断。  相似文献   

癫(癎)外科中,所有术前评估的目的皆在于确定致(癎)区(epiletogenic zone,EZ)的位置与范围,以及其与重要皮层功能区之间的相互关系.所谓EZ是指大脑皮层上引起癫(癎)发作的区域,如果手术彻底切除此区域后发作将完全消失[1].目前尚无任何一种手段可以实现在手术前EZ的精确定位.  相似文献   

目的:分析各种发作类型癫痫及其与脑电图(EEG)表现的关系。方法:对352例确诊癫痫患者行规范的病史询问及长程EEG监测(描记时间10~15h),并按照1981年ILAE分类和名词委员会推荐的癫痫发作的分类方案进行发作症状的分类,按照1989年II,AE推荐的癫痫和癫痫综合征的分类作出诊断,分析其发作类型和EEG之间的相关性。结果:在352例中,EEG异常246例,异常率为69.9%,24例(6.8%)记录到临床发作。EEG异常率与发作频率相关,每月发作大于4次者较每月发作少于4次者EEG异常率显著升高(P=0.014)。部分性发作和全面性发作的患者异常率比较差异无显著意义(P=0.929),但前者更多表现为EEG局限性异常(P=0.014)。结论:规范的长程EEG检查异常率较高,EEG异常率与发作频率相关,不同癫痫发作类型患者的EEG表现有差异。  相似文献   

People diagnosed with schizophrenia have abnormalities of smooth pursuit eye movement initiation that could be attributable to dysfunction of posterior cortical areas and/or the smooth pursuit regions of frontal cortex. To evaluate whether schizophrenia patients' pursuit initiation performance is most consistent with pre- or postrolandic neuropathology, 25 schizophrenia patients and 25 nonpsychiatric individuals were presented step-ramp stimuli moving either away from or toward the fovea. Schizophrenia and nonpsychiatric individuals did not differ on position error of saccades to moving targets, suggesting that the schizophrenia patients did not have general difficulty with motion perception. During the initial 100 ms of smooth pursuit, however, schizophrenia patients had significantly slower eye velocities than did nonpsychiatric individuals. These results suggest that schizophrenia patients'smooth pursuit abnormalities are not associated with neuropathology of posterior cortical areas.  相似文献   

Summary The posterior parietal cortex (areas 5 and 7) in monkeys has been described as a higher association cortex and as such, area 5 has been attributed a complex somaesthetic function. More recently, a role in the formation of motor commands has been postulated for these two cortical areas. We have been particularly interested in the role area 5 neurons may have in movement initiation. Single neuron activity was recorded in area 5 during the performance of a trained forelimb movement in monkeys and neuronal responses which occurred prior to movement were observed. In the present report, we have examined the neuronal discharge data trial by trial using a technique of data analysis which enabled us to separate the changes in neuronal activity into stimulus- or movement-related responses. Both stimulus- and movement-related responses were identified. The stimulus-related responses were not simple sensory responses since they were also influenced by the timing of the onset of movement. These results suggest that certain area 5 neurons may be involved in the linking of sensory inputs with motor outputs. Cerebrocerebellar loops may be a pathway in this linkage. The latencies of the movement-related responses were such that corollary discharge from the motor cortex may have played a role in this activity. Such corollary discharge may be a form of information used by the animal to execute movement in the absence of peripheral feedback.  相似文献   

The effects of serial (two-stage) bilateral removals of different sectors of posterior association cortex were compared to effects of single-stage bilateral removal of the same sectors. Serial lesions of either the foveal prestriate region of posterior inferotemporal cortex, or of inferotemporal cortex in the anterior portion of the temporal lobe, resulted in impairments on visual discrimination performance as severe as those resulting from single-stage lesions of the same regions.  相似文献   

The posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) has recently been implicated in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia, through both animal and human studies. We have recently shown abnormal glutamate, GABA, and muscarinic receptor binding in the PCC in schizophrenia. In addition, there is evidence for an abnormal endogenous cannabinoid system in schizophrenia. The endogenous cannabinoid system, including CB1 receptors, is proposed to play a role in modulating neurotransmission via affecting the release of a variety of neurotransmitters, (e.g. GABA). In the present study, we used quantitative autoradiography to investigate the binding of [3H]CP-55940 to CB1 receptors in the PCC in schizophrenia subjects compared to controls. A significant 25% increase in CB1 binding was found in the superficial layers (layer I, II) of the PCC of schizophrenia subjects compared to controls, none of whom had recently used cannabis. There was no statistical difference in CB1 binding in the deeper layers (layers III–VI) between the two groups. There were no significant correlations between CB1 binding density and age, PMI, pH, brain weight, freezer storage time, or final recorded antipsychotic drug dose. These results show an increase in CB1 receptor density in the PCC in schizophrenia, and therefore provide support for a role of the endogenous cannabinoid system in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Autism Spectrum Disorder is characterized by sensory anomalies including impaired olfactory identification. Between 5 and 46 percent of individuals with autism have a clinical diagnosis of epilepsy. Primary olfactory cortex (piriform cortex) is central to olfactory identification and is an epileptogenic structure. Cytoarchitectural changes in olfactory cortex may underlie olfactory differences seen in autism. Primary olfactory cortex was sampled from 17 post‐mortem autism cases with and without epilepsy, 11 epilepsy cases without autism and 11 typically developed cases. Stereological and neuropathological methods were used to quantify glial, pyramidal and non‐pyramidal cell densities in layers of the piriform as well as identify pathological differences in this area and its neighbouring region, the olfactory tubercle. We found increased layer II glial cell densities in autism with and without epilepsy, which were negatively correlated with age and positively correlated with levels of corpora amylacea in layer I. These changes were also associated with greater symptom severity and did not extend to the olfactory tubercle. Glial cell organization may follow an altered trajectory of development with age in autism. The findings are consistent with other studies implicating increased glial cells in the autism brain. Altered cytoarchitecture may contribute to sensory deficits observed in affected individuals. This study provides evidence that autism is linked to alterations in the cytoarchitectural structure that underlies primary sensory processes and is not restricted to heteromodal (“higher”) cognitive centers.  相似文献   

目的:研究难治性癫痫性痉挛发作患者的头皮及颅内脑电图(EEG)特点,探讨与痉挛发作相关的EEG变化及其与发作间期放电、神经影像学之间的关系。方法:回顾性分析经外科手术治疗的11例患者的临床资料,分析头皮同步视频脑电图(V-EEG)。此11例患者均行术中皮层EEG监测30~60min,其中4例术前行颅内电极长程EEG监测。结果:8例患者表现为双侧基本对称的痉挛发作,发作期头皮EEG为全导高波幅慢波、尖波伴低波幅快波活动或广泛低波幅快波活动发放;另3例患者表现为一侧肢体的痉挛发作,EEG为局灶性棘慢波发放。术中皮层监测5例患者为反复的、暴发出现的多棘波活动,2例患者见持续性的棘波、尖波活动,4例未见明显的癫痫样电活动。4例行颅内电极监测者发作期EEG表现,2例为“前导性”的高波幅棘波伴随20Hz左右的低波幅快波发放;另2例为局灶性低波幅快波活动并迅速扩散,无“前导性棘波”。手术切除“前导性棘波”或反复性、节律性痫样放电的皮层可消除发作。结论:在一部分癫痫性痉挛发作患者,其痉挛发作可能因新皮层局灶的电发放点燃,颅内EEG如果存在前导性的棘波,这个棘波部位可能是促发痉挛发作的点燃灶。完整切除术中监测呈现反复性、节律性痫样放电的皮层可取得较好的手术效果。  相似文献   

We recorded somatosensory evoked magnetic field (SEF) to investigate the differentiation in the receptive area for the face, lower part of the posterior scalp (mastoid) and shoulder, which occupy an unique area in the homunculus. We analyzed the location of the equivalent current dipole (ECD) of SEF following electrical stimulation of the skin at the face, mastoid and shoulder in 20 normal subjects. Three deflections (1M, 2M and 3M) were obtained within 50 ms of the stimulation in 16 of 20 subjects. The peak latency of the 1M and 2M was not significantly different at any stimulus sites. The amplitude of the 1M was significantly larger following the face than mastoid stimulation (p<0.05). The 16 subjects were classified according to the locations of the ECD on stimulation of the mastoid: close to that for shoulder stimulation, but significantly (p<0.05) more superior and medial to that following the face stimulation (Type 1, eleven subjects); close to that for face stimulation, but significantly (P<0.05) more inferior and lateral to that following the shoulder stimulation (Type 2, five subjects). The site of the receptive area for the posterior scalp shows interindividual variation, possibly due to anatomical differences.  相似文献   

目的探讨难治性癫痫病灶手术切除患者,经病理诊断为脑皮质发育不良病例的临床病理特点。方法对57例手术切除脑癫痫病灶新鲜标本先进行测量,后切开用10%中性缓冲福尔马林溶液固定,石蜡切片,常规染色、特染及免疫组化染色,详细形态学观察。按脑皮质发育不良的病理诊断标准进行分类,探讨各种类型临床病理学特点。结果在57例中,皮质轻度发育不良(mildMCD)9例;局灶性皮层发育不良(FCD)33例(ⅠA14例,ⅠB14例,ⅡA8例,ⅡB7例);皮层瘢痕性小脑回畸形5例。应用免疫组化和特染指标协助诊断。结论本组脑皮质发育不良以FCDⅠA和ⅠB型为常见类型;类型与手术疗效有关。一些免疫组化和特染指标有助于诊断与分型。  相似文献   

 Positron emission tomography (PET) was used to identify the brain areas involved in visually guided reaching by measuring regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in six normal volunteers while they were fixating centrally and reaching with the left or right arm to targets presented in either the right or the left visual field. The PET images were registered with magnetic resonance images from each subject so that increases in rCBF could be localized with anatomical precision in individual subjects. Increased neural activity was examined in relation to the hand used to reach, irrespective of field of reach (hand effect), and the effects of target field of reach, irrespective of hand used (field effect). A separate analysis on intersubject, averaged PET data was also performed. A comparison of the results of the two analyses showed close correspondence in the areas of activation that were identified. We did not find a strict segregation of regions associated exclusively with either hand or field. Overall, significant rCBF increases in the hand and field conditions occurred bilaterally in the supplementary motor area, premotor cortex, cuneus, lingual gyrus, superior temporal cortex, insular cortex, thalamus, and putamen. Primary motor cortex, postcentral gyrus, and the superior parietal lobule (intraparietal sulcus) showed predominantly a contralateral hand effect, whereas the inferior parietal lobule showed this effect for the left hand only. Greater contralateral responses for the right hand were observed in the secondary motor areas. Only the anterior and posterior cingulate cortices exhibited strong ipsilateral hand effects. Field of reach was more commonly associated with bilateral patterns of activation in the areas with contralateral or ipsilateral hand effects. These results suggest that the visual and motor components of reaching may have a different functional organization and that many brain regions represent both limb of reach and field of reach. However, since posterior parietal cortex is connected with all of these regions, we suggest that it plays a crucial role in the integration of limb and field coordinates. Received: 23 August 1995 / Accepted: 8 August 1996  相似文献   

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